Learn how to bet on sports. Set realistic goals. For example, here are the odds

27.03.18 64 991 0

You can't beat the bookmaker

Why is it so difficult to make money on sports betting?

When my friends find out that I make money on sports betting, they immediately ask me who will win the next match. I say I don’t know, but they are surprised.

Alexey Kashnikov


When it comes to making money on bets, everything looks very simple: you bet on the favorite, wait for the win, receive money, and at the same time root for your favorite team. Sports betting doesn't seem gambling- rather an argument with a bookmaker about who plays better. What does he understand about football?

Unfortunately, in betting everything is like in a casino: sometimes you guess the winner and win a lot of money, but in the long run the bookmaker will take it all back and leave you in the red. This is inherent in the very idea of ​​bookmaking: no one will accept a truly unfavorable bet from you.

From the editor: murky affairs

When we were preparing this article, we tore apart two lawyers, trying to figure out whether the actions of the author, Alexei Kashnikov, violated the law. On the one hand, Alexey plays on sites blocked in Russia and may violate the rules of bookmaker systems, if viewed from their side. On the other hand, he also plays for bookmakers whose interests are not represented in Russia, without violating Russian laws. When asked about taxes, Alexey replied that bookmakers pay the tax required by law on all of his taxable income in Russia. Respect and respect.

We, of course, wrote this article so that you never play with bookmakers, but just in case, we must warn you: you yourself are responsible for the consequences of your decisions, relations with the state and bookmakers. Take care of yourself in every possible way.

Also: mathematicians, sorry

There are no mathematical subtleties in this article - only the roughest calculations. We understand that when making calculations you need to take into account all the reservations; this is an incredibly interesting activity. But first, it's more important to understand where the numbers come from, what they mean, and how bookmakers use them against players. The mathematical throne, heated by the warmth of your bodies, remains impregnable.

What kind of bookmakers are they, bro?

Bro, it's very simple. Somewhere in the world, someone is always playing something: for example, two teams of football. Or two teenagers go to a rap battle. It is not clear in advance which of them will win, and some people are interested in arguing about it.

There are organizations that are ready to help them in this dispute - these are bookmakers. One man says: “Madrid will win”, the second says: “No, Barcelona will win.” Both give the bookmaker money. The bookmaker remembers who bet on what and waits for Madrid to play Barcelona.

Let's say Madrid wins. The first man won, the second lost. The first one gets his bet back and some other money on top - this is his winnings. The second one loses his bet.

The bookmaker's job is to set the rules of the game, receive and give out money, monitor the outcomes of matches, and inform players about everything that is happening. The work of the bookmaker is regulated by 244-FZ, new edition effective May 28, 2018. Bookmakers can open offices outside the official gambling zones, they are required to join self-regulatory organizations, the activities of bookmakers are licensed. By Russian laws, the bookmaker’s equipment must be located in Russia.

Fixed games

First about the in a simple way taking money from the population - insider information. You don't even need mathematicians to understand that this is a scam.

Imagine: you are chatting with other fans, arguing about the teams' chances, discussing players, scolding referees and coaches. And then a stranger appears who claims to know about the upcoming match-fixing. If you want to place a bet and win, pay and he will tell you everything. To make you believe, it offers the first result for free. Check: Liverpool will win today's match between Liverpool and Chelsea.

This is a scammer. He has no idea who will actually win. If it turns out to be Chelsea or it's a draw, well, tough luck. The scammer will leave the chat and return in a couple of days under a different name. But if Liverpool really wins, then the stranger can be trusted. And now the players are already buying the results of the next five matches from him. The job is done, the scammer disappears.

It seems that only very people fall for this scam. naive people. But try to resist when big money is at stake. In addition, people really believe that there are only agreements all around. If so, someone should know the results.

If someone knew the results of the agreement, he would have bet on it himself, and not dealt with it retail trade secrets without registration and SMS.

Low odds

Remember the two men, one of whom bet on Madrid and the other on Barcelona? The one who won took home extra money. But how much exactly? This determines the coefficient.

The bookmakers themselves determine how much money we will win if we guess the result. Ratio possible winnings and the bets are called the bookmaker's odds. The bookmaker's income and the reason why players remain in the red in the long run are embedded in the odds.

Behold, brothers, the match parameters of one bookmaker:

In this match, the odds for Kuban to win are 2.2, for Atyrau to win - 3.42, and for a draw - 3.04. If we bet 100 rubles on the victory of “Kuban” and it wins, we will receive 100 × 2.2 = 220 R. Of these, 100 rubles is our rate, so the real plus is 120 RUR. If we didn't guess the result, the bet goes to the bookmaker.

To calculate the odds, the bookmaker estimates the probability of an event and then divides one by this probability. For example, if he believes that the probability of winning is 50/50, then ideal world the coefficient will be equal to two:

If the bookmaker did not make a mistake with the probability, then in our ideal situation, on average, players will remain at zero: half of their bets will double, half will burn out. Now attention: we are talking about masses of players, about tens, hundreds and thousands of people, and not about one individual player.

If a team's chances of winning are less than 50%, then the players as a whole will win less than half the time - and on average will go into the red. If the odds are above 50%, then the players will win on average more than half the time, so the bookmaker will lose money.

According to this mathematics, in order to regularly beat the bookmakers, you need to understand the sport better than them. But bookmakers make money by understanding sports better than their clients.

But even if we fly into the future and find out the results of the match, it turns out that the bookmakers foresaw this option and lowered the odds.

If the bookmaker believes that the adequate odds are 2, then he offers us to place a bet with a lower odds, for example 1.85. If we bet 100 rubles, we will win only 185, and the chance is still 50%.

The best way to tell this is the diagram. Look: we have two matches, we bet 100 rubles on each. In one case we lose, in the second we win. With an ideal bookmaker, after these two bets we were left with our own, but with a regular bookmaker we lost 15 R:

Chances of winning - 50%

This is not a scam, but a bookmaker's margin - like everyone else, bookmakers need to make money. The usual bookmaker margin is 7.5%: if the bookmaker considers an adequate odds of 2, then for players it will be 1.85. Usually, players do not even suspect that they are betting on low odds - only bookmakers know how and what they calculated.

The mathematics of odds defeats any predictions. Even if the experts are very knowledgeable about the sport, only the bookmaker decides how much you win or lose. They take away their margin whether you win or not. Expected value always in their favor.


A bonus is additional money in the bookmaker’s gaming account, which the player receives after the first deposit. Usually they make up 50-100% of its amount. They deposited 10 thousand rubles into the account and received another 10 thousand.

At first glance, it seems that with the help of bonuses, bookmakers share part of their margin with players. You can spread the amounts across different bookmakers and make a ton of money. But this is not true at all.

The problem is that bonuses have terms and conditions that make them no longer beneficial. Like all self-respecting terms and conditions, they are not in plain sight, but hidden behind links and asterisks. And sometimes there are no links - you have to look for conditions in the bowels of the bookmaker’s website, in the promotions or bonuses sections.

The main catch is that bonus money cannot be withdrawn immediately. First you need to place bets for a certain amount - “win back the bonus”. The amount needed for this is called rollover.

If the rollover is twenty times the size of the bonus, then in order to withdraw 10 thousand of the bonus, you will first have to bet 200 thousand. While we are wagering the bonus, we bet on a reduced odds. If the bookmaker underestimates the odds by 7.5%, then while we win back 10 thousand, the bookmaker will earn 15 thousand on us. That is... wait... how can that be...

You cannot place bonus money on any bets: bookmakers themselves decide how and where you will wager the bonus. It may turn out that 7.5% is still lucky. Moreover, the rollover must be played out within a certain time. If you do not meet the deadline, both the bonus and the winnings from the bonus money will be lost.

Just a few years ago you could make money on bonuses. But professional players were so carried away by this that bookmakers tightened the rules - after all, as soon as the players remain in the black, the bookmakers are in the minus. Their position on bonuses is well illustrated by a footnote on one bookmaker's website: “The bonus is offered for the purpose of entertaining the client and cannot be used by the client as a way to make a profit.” So if you find a site with an attractive bonus, re-read all the conditions - it will probably turn out that you will have to pay for the entertainment.

Martingale method

Players who have calculated the mathematics of betting and realized that bookmakers cannot be defeated are trying to call on the theory of probability to help and coming up with different gaming systems. The most famous is the Martingale method, also known as the Monte Carlo method, “catch-up”.

The martingale method is a game model in which the player always bets on one result with odds of at least two, doubling the bet each time. Sooner or later this result comes up - and then the player returns all the lost money and wins something on top. It turns out that the player “catches up” with the winnings - hence the name. After this, the bet size returns to the initial one and everything starts again.

For clarity, let’s use catch-up in football. Let's take a series of real matches from a sports chronicle, add bookmaker odds, imagine that we always bet on a draw, and do the math.

Catching up with a draw in football

Basel - Manchester United


1000 R

1000 R

Juventus - Tottenham


2000 R

3000 R

"Porto" - "Liverpool"


4000 R

7200 R

In the first match we bet 1000 RUR, but Manchester United wins - we have -1000 RUR. In the second match we bet 2000 R and lose again: Juventus won. In the third match we bet 4000 R and win.

The winnings are equal to the bet multiplied by the bookmaker's odds: 4000 × 3.55 = 14,200 RUR. From this amount we subtract 4000 RUR, because this is our bet, and another 3000 RUR, which we lost in the first two matches. In total, thanks to the martingale method, we won 14,200 − 4,000 − 3,000 = 7,200 RUR for the series.

In the next match, we again bet 1000 R on a draw - the cycle repeats.

The method looks magical: math is on point primary school, no flaws are visible, double your bets and collect money. Because of this, it is very popular, people willingly use it and recommend it to their friends. Even casinos and bookmakers advertise it. This alone should raise doubts: the casino will never recommend a method that actually helps to beat it. But everything looks so convincing that people allow themselves to be deceived.

To make sure that the martingale method is unprofitable, let's look under the hood.

Let's continue betting on a draw in football. the main problem The point is that sooner or later there will be such a long series without draws that there will not be enough money for the next bet. This doesn't happen very often. For example, the Swiss football club Schaffhausen played 32 matches in a row without a draw, and Znamya Truda Russian second division - 26. At the time of writing this article in current season Ten teams have already played more than 20 matches without draws in a row.

But nine matches without a draw will be enough for us. To simplify the calculations, let's imagine that the chances of each result are the same: 33% for one team to win, 33% for the other team to win, and 33% for a draw. Here's what the mathematics of the Martingale method would look like.

How much money do you need to play using the martingale method?

MatchBidTotal lossesProbability of Losing
1 1000 R−1000 R67%
2 2000 R−3000 R44%
3 4000 R−7000 R30%
4 8000 R−15,000 R20%
5 16,000 R−31,000 R13%
6 32,000 R−63,000 R9%
7 64,000 R−127,000 R6%
8 128,000 R−255,000 R4%
9 RUR 256,000−511,000 R 3%
10 512,000 R−1,023,000 R2%
11 RUB 1,024,000−2,047,000 R1%

1000 R

Total losses

−1000 R

Chance of Losing

2000 R

Total losses

−3000 R

Chance of Losing

4000 R

Total losses

−7000 R

Chance of Losing

8000 R

Total losses

−15,000 R

Chance of Losing

16,000 R

Total losses

−31,000 R

Chance of Losing

32,000 R

Total losses

−63,000 R

Chance of Losing

64,000 R

Total losses

−127,000 R

Chance of Losing

128,000 R

Total losses

−255,000 R

Chance of Losing

RUR 256,000

Total losses

−511,000 R

It seems that 3% is very little. But this is not enough only if you make one bet and call it a day. If you play constantly, then from time to time any, even the most unlikely, events will occur. A 3% chance of losing does not mean it is almost impossible to lose. This means that in one out of thirty-three cases we will lose.

To continue the game after the ninth loss, we will already need a million. In one out of fifty cases, we will have to shell out two million, and in one out of a hundred, even that won’t be enough. If we start every day new series, then on average, once a quarter we won’t have enough RUB 2,000,000 to play.

Using the martingale method, you can stay in the black for quite a long time and even begin to believe that you are doing everything right. But sooner or later probability theory catches up.

Experienced players also fall into this trap. Once I invented a very clever, as it seemed to me, method of playing. I started with 500 euros, earned 3000 in the first two months, and then lost everything. I did not calm down, but improved my system and increased initial capital up to 1000 euros. Over the next month I earned another 2,000 euros on top, but then I lost it all again. Only then did I calculate everything and realize that I had reinvented the martingale method. I was lucky: I stayed with my own people. But three months without income cannot be returned.

How to play for profit

There are many traps on the player’s path that can leave him without money at any time: false agreements, bookmaker odds, bonuses, gaming systems. That's not all. On forums, players offer a lot of different strategies that supposedly help beat bookmakers. It is significant that the authors of the systems themselves ultimately come to the conclusion that all this does not work.

Unfortunately, the mathematics of betting is such that you can beat the bookmaker only if he makes a big mistake in the forecast and inflates the odds. This happens, but to find inflated odds - and understand that they are inflated - you need to sift through a mountain of information. And you need to find a lot of mistakes - you won’t make money on a couple of bets. They say that there are professional players who can do this, but I haven’t met anyone like that yet. If you hear the word “privateer”, then this is just such a genius.

There is an even more sophisticated way: look for inflated odds relative to other bookmakers. Seeing these odds, you can simultaneously place opposite bets with several bookmakers in such a way that you won’t lose in any case. Lost against one - won against another at an inflated odds, remained in the black. These situations are called arbs, and the players who profit from them are called arbers.

Arborist is a profession, not easy way earn money. You need to take into account many nuances, love the numbers and stay one step ahead of the bookmakers. They don’t like us and constantly poison our lives: they torment us with checks, cancel winnings, set additional betting limits and even block accounts. Even if you do everything correctly, you don’t earn that much - about 3% of the bet amount.

If I very roughly estimate the amounts, then in a month I place bets on a million rubles and earn “net” 30 thousand. Another 20 thousand goes to taxes, commissions and other expenses. Current winnings are also used, so I have enough capital of around one hundred thousand to work. There are arbers who spin more, but the income does not grow in proportion to the turnover: if you spin a million instead of a hundred thousand, the income will be around a hundred - in percentage terms this is three times less. Labor costs and risks will increase much more.

I learned arbitrage in 2013, they made money for apartments. In two hours individual lessons and lifelong consultations I paid 50,000 RUR: 20 - immediately, 30 - after I earned my first 50 thousand, that is, I paid for the training. In addition, at first the teacher corrected my mistakes with his money.

Nowadays arbers earn much less, so 50 thousand for studying is a bit expensive. But anyway full course training in surebets with the opportunity to ask for advice later cannot cost less than 10 thousand rubles. If training is cheap, most likely, you will only be shown the basics, and you will have to fill in all the bumps at your own expense. It can be very painful. For example, if you don’t change your IP address and clear your cookies in time, the bookmaker will block your account.

Sports betting is a huge industry and a growing market. Due to the variety of strategies, they can be adopted as a way to invest capital. But upon closer examination, it turns out that most strategies are unprofitable. Anyone can place a bet and win, but constantly making money on bets is much more difficult.

Sorry, friends, but for normal people Sports betting is not an income, but an expensive entertainment.


  1. If someone promises you the result of a fixed match, he is a scammer. Info sotka.
  2. Experts don't help you win in sports betting because how much you win or lose is decided by the bookmaker, not the expert.
  3. The first deposit bonus is the appearance of a gift. The conditions and rules make it profitable only for the bookmaker. They are usually written in small gray font and hidden deep in the site.
  4. To make money on sports betting, you need to take advantage of bookmakers' mistakes, which sometimes inflate the odds. Bookmakers are against you succeeding, so they will try to figure you out and take away all your money.
  5. Making money on sports betting is difficult - it is a whole profession with its own subtleties and rules. She needs to study, and then pay taxes.
  6. Sports betting can be a good time, but investing in it to get rich isn't going to work.

Professional bettors view bets on various events as profitable investments. Only a small part of players receive stable profits. To be successful in this activity, it is not enough to adhere to one or more financial and. It is important to be able to place a bet at the highest odds at the right time.

Fast passage

How to beat the office over the long haul

Let's look at typical betting methods of bettors that can be called successful. It is no secret that some companies do their best to prevent successful players from becoming successful players. It is clear that with the current competition it is stupid to do this. On the other hand, any competent bettor similar attitude immediately goes to another office.

In order to protect yourself from various risks and be able to place bets not at reduced maximums and reduced quotes, it is advisable.

Smart bettors always plan their bets a week in advance. They know in advance with high accuracy what odds will be set by the bookmakers for the events of interest. Moreover, some players are able to predict changes in odds. They imagine how the line will move and know when it is most profitable to bet offline.

Such a betting professional knows in which championships he can find advantageous positions. He perceives matches involving giants as a good opportunity to make money by betting on an underdog with a good handicap.

Such players may have a different number of bets per week. Some bet on 10 events, others on 20, and some get by with five. It is important to understand here that every sports bet at a bookmaker is perceived as a small investment. Each of them is a profitable investment in the long run.

Let's give a simple example. World Cup group stage match between Brazil and Morocco. The great excitement of fans from all over the world and bettors led to the fact that the odds for a clear victory for Brazil dropped to an indecent 1.25. It cannot be said that the Moroccans are so weak that they must necessarily give in to the Brazilians. The odds for the Moroccan handicap with +2 is 1.6.

The probability of the Africans losing to the current Brazilians with a score of 0-3 is not as great as in the line. IN in this case A handicap bet on Morocco is clearly considered a profitable investment. To understand this, it is enough to make at least 20-30 similar bets and calculate the growth of the bank.

Favorable rates online

Specialists in online betting even less than offline. And there is a simple explanation for this. It's very difficult to bet on games and stay cool. Many bettors lose their nerve and rush to win back lost funds, forgetting about calculations, schemes and strategies.

How to bet on sports online correctly in order to win against the bookmaker? First of all, you need to learn to refuse unprofitable offers. It is always necessary to play at value odds. Online odds change very quickly. It is often profitable to bet on a losing opponent, with a zero handicap or on his non-loss, and you can make money.

An example would be a tennis match in which two close opponents meet. After the end of the first set, the odds on winning one of them dropped to 1.33, and on the opponent rose to 3.5. Naturally, many people bet live on the winning tennis player, since his victory is more likely. But in this situation it is necessary to estimate at least the approximate probability of winning. Odds of 1.35 means that the chances of the first athlete winning are 74%, and the second – 26%. In this situation, it makes sense to turn to statistics and find out how many matches the first and second athlete won in similar situations.

Betting on sports in bookmakers is a whole science. At first glance, everything is simple - choose a match, place a bet and win or lose. This is the way most players think, who become average and are content with rare wins, ultimately being in the red. There are a lot of nuances in betting, knowledge of which increases the chances of success, and in no case should you ignore these details if you want to learn how to make money on sports betting.

In betting, as in football, it’s all about the details - preparation, tactics, experience, psychology and strategy. And the better you develop all the skills listed above, the greater the threat you pose to bookmakers. How to bet on sports correctly and count on a stable profit - we will talk about this in detail in today’s material.

Test bets as a way to gain experience in betting

In the previous paragraph, it was noted that a successful game requires several important components, one of which is experience. You were probably confused by this moment, and you wondered where a beginner can gain experience and how to learn how to bet on sports without financial risks?

This is possible thanks to trial bets without money. The best option is guest accounts of bookmakers, where the player can use all the functions of the bookmaker, only bet virtual money. In addition, there are many special services that allow you to place demo bets on sports. As a last resort, you can use a notepad with a pen or a text document on the computer where you will write down your bets.

It is clear that a demo game will not replace the experience of playing for real money, but nevertheless you will be able to get comfortable with betting, learn many of the nuances and test gaming strategies. After analyzing the results, you will be able to understand how to win on sports betting. If the indicators are negative, you need to continue to work on yourself. There is no point in betting your money in this case.

Psychology of Sports Betting: Key Points

Psychology is one of the most important aspects in betting, which many people underestimate. In order to successfully play sports betting, you must have emotional fortitude, be able to remain calm and always think soberly and objectively.

Most players position the bookmaker as their main enemy, whom they want to defeat every day. Such a position, unfortunately, is doomed to failure. A bookmaker is simply an organization that allows you to place bets on sport events and make money from it. Your biggest enemy is yourself and your emotions, first of all. If you manage to overcome yourself, you will have good prospects in betting.

In order to make money in sports betting, you need to defeat the main enemy - yourself

The hardest thing to do is to control yourself after a loss, especially if you lost large sum money or is it a long series of defeats. The desire to win back controls a person, emotions prevail over reason and it is difficult to control oneself. But you need to learn and accept losses with dignity. Understand once and for all that you won’t be able to win all the time, it’s unrealistic, losses are an integral part of the game in bookmakers.

Another problem for players in terms of game psychology is liking certain teams. The way our psyche works is that we overestimate our favorite teams, and, on the contrary, we underestimate our unloved ones, because we want victories for the former and fiasco for the latter. You need to try to be as objective as possible, because subjectivity prevents you from correctly assessing the teams’ chances and making accurate forecasts.

Next psychological problemgreed. After a series of wins, players want more and more, confidence in their abilities increases and the thought arises that today I am lucky and all bets are working. Alas, the inability to stop in time leads to sad consequences; there is no need to lose ground under your feet.

Game bank management in bookmaker bets

Money management or gaming bankroll management is your tactics in betting. Football teams choose certain tactical schemes, act differently in attack and defense, change their style of play, leading or losing during the match. In order to raise money on sports betting, you also need to have tactics, otherwise the game will become chaotic and the risks of losing the bank will increase significantly.

Any financial management system performs two tasks. The first is to minimize risks. The second guarantees, or allows you to count on, regular profits at bookmakers. There are many money management strategies, but two are considered basic:

  1. Flat. Perhaps the simplest approach to running a bank, but this does not make it less effective. The point is to bet the same amount every time. A popular type of flat is the strategy of a fixed percentage of the bankroll.
  2. Dogon. A risky approach that allows you to gain some advantage over the bookmaker. The main principle of catching up is to increase the bet size after each loss by as much as necessary to win back the previously lost funds and make a profit. Classic look catch-up – Martingale system, when after each losing bet the bet size is doubled.

It’s not easy to understand how best to bet on sports in order to be in the black. If someone is successful with one strategy, this does not mean that other players will be able to effectively use this tool. Need to look for your strategy, experiment. Only trial and error, there is no universal recipe.

Strategies for playing online sports betting

If you want to bet on sports online for profit and not just for fun, you must have a strategy. It will ensure discipline and protect you from many psychological mistakes. Note that strategy must be understood not only financial management, which is one of the components.

Strategy is something big; it is a player's plan of action in certain situations and preferences in betting.

Without strategy and clear discipline it is impossible to win in sports betting

It is not enough to know how to bet on sports on the Internet; you also need to understand how to succeed in this activity and receive regular income. What tournaments to bet on, what matches to avoid, what type of bets is preferable, pre-match or live, what to do after a series of losses, when to take a rest, etc. Of course, it’s impossible to plan absolutely everything, but the more details are thought out, the better. It is important to clearly understand which path to choose and how to achieve the goal.

Choosing the right bookmaker for the game

In football, it often happens that a great player moves to another team and begins to regress. And the other, on the contrary, opens up in the new club and shows a fantastic level of play. It's not enough to be good football player, you still need to find a team that suits the style. It’s the same story in betting - you not only need to know how to make money on bets at bookmakers, but also find a bookmaker where the player can show his strengths fully.

First of all, it must be a reliable operator who has good reputation and regularly pays out winnings. Secondly, have high odds, the sports, tournaments and types of bets that are necessary for you. The interface and design of the bookmaker’s website are also important, which should not irritate or distract. A rating of online bookmakers compiled by professionals will help you choose a bookmaker.

Most experienced bettors recommend not limiting yourself to one bookmaker and betting on sports in several places. Thanks to this, you can always find a more favorable odds for your chosen bet. And even if the difference is small, over a long distance the increase will be impressive.

Analysis as a fundamental factor for success

All the components described above certainly have great importance in the player's success, but still the key component in betting is analysis. This is the basics. If you don’t have knowledge in any sport and you don’t know how to analyze and make accurate predictions, it’s unlikely that you will be able to make a profit on sports betting. You won’t be able to do it on your own, but with the help of leading analysts you can count on a positive outcome.

How to place bets in bookmakers and win using analytics? As already mentioned, you cannot do without losses, but you should always strive to reduce the percentage of looses to a minimum. To do this, you need to analyze each match very carefully, pay attention to details, and try to collect the maximum amount of information.

Once the picture of the match being analyzed becomes visible, you should try to make an accurate forecast, based on which you can choose bets at bookmakers. Wherein priority should be given to outcomes that go in lines with inflated odds.

And finally, as a bonus, we offer several useful tips for betting:

  • You can find many scammers online who sell various win-win strategies, courses “How to make money on sports betting?”, information about match-fixing and so on. Avoid these offers, no matter how tempting they may be. Those who know good ways enrich themselves on bets, silently make money from it and do not share secret information with anyone, if such a thing can even exist in principle.
  • Never need to do sports betting in a bad mood. As practice shows, this does not lead to anything good. It is strictly forbidden to approach bookmakers while intoxicated.
  • You should only play with money that you can afford to lose. When there is no pressure on a player, he is relaxed and more likely to succeed. If the burden of responsibility hangs over a person, he, as a rule, loses everything.
  • Don't get stuck on favorites, which is typical for beginners. Bets exclusively on clear favorites - quick way drain the bank. In general, you need to be as flexible as possible in betting and adapt to the characteristics of different tournaments, and not get hung up on one playing method.
  • It is very important to learn not to depend on public opinion, because in most cases it is wrong. When everyone is buzzing about a certain team winning a certain match, you need to be wary - in nine out of ten cases, the opposite happens.

With the development of the Internet, the vast majority of bookmakers moved their work to the World Wide Web, which simplified the gaming process and made it more accessible to inexperienced users. Many players, especially beginners, ask this question: “How to place bets in a bookmaker’s office?” The advice of numerous “experts” who offer to use their “super strategies” for a lot of money is intended mainly for gullible beginners, and does not at all guarantee success.

"Secrets" of bookmakers

There is no doubt that even if one had its own secrets, it clearly would not want to reveal them to the players. Bookmakers must carefully hide all their secrets, otherwise they will simply go bankrupt. If every gambler knew how to be sure to beat the bookmakers, then no one would be in the betting business.

Under no circumstances should you believe various charlatans who, for a lot of money, offer to reveal the secrets of bookmakers and get rich from it. There are now a countless number of all kinds of “professional forecasters” and “cappers” online, who are only interested in the money of inexperienced players.

In order to trust all kinds of paid forecasts, you need to be completely sure that the person supposedly revealing the “secrets” himself long time has a regular income from bets. All other options for placing bets at bookmakers - clean water quackery and fraud.

Secrets of successful bets

Unlike the secrets of bookmakers, many successful players, on the contrary, strive to tell everyone about the secrets of their success, and thanks to the widespread use of the Internet, almost everyone can easily get acquainted with and adopt them.

Of course, the secrets of players cannot guarantee that every bet made will be winning, since these are simply proven strategies and systems that only help to significantly reduce risks and increase the likelihood of winning, but do not guarantee it at all.

There are many betters who regularly win large sums even in the long term using their own or other people’s strategies. Information from these players is in free access online on specialized sites. Using the successful experience of others, you can quickly learn how to place bets correctly in bookmakers and receive a stable, regular income.

Effective management of your own bank

Every successful bet on a sporting event is determined not only by luck, but also by a number of factors:

  • Knowledge of the sport and teams.
  • In-depth analysis of the upcoming event.
  • Correct distribution of your own financial capabilities.

There are a huge number of strategies for managing the funds available on your balance sheet, allowing you to wait for the white one even when a “black streak” occurs, remaining afloat for a long time.

The most important thing is to correctly calculate the amount that you can safely spend without worrying too much if you lose. Risking the entire family budget is not only stupid, but also fraught with consequences. Experienced players It is recommended that before placing bets in bookmakers, you should determine the maximum bet in an amount not exceeding 3-5% of the bank, which should not be increased even after a series of unsuccessful attempts.

Knowledge and analysis as the main trump cards

In order for the largest possible percentage of bets to be winning, you need to know how and what to bet on at a bookmaker. After all, not every sport is suitable for betting, as it is necessary:

  • Thoroughly know the rules of the game.
  • Understand the nuances and subtleties.
  • Be able to collect and correctly analyze information regarding a specific sporting event, which, of course, will take time.

The secrets to the constant profits of bookmaker companies lie in the fact that they either employ a whole staff of analysts themselves, or purchase analytical information from other companies. In addition, the odds for a particular sporting event are adjusted based on the number of bets placed on it.

Thus, having maximum information about the upcoming match, the presence of injured and disqualified players, financial condition clubs, before placing bets in bookmakers, it helps to determine the favorite of the match and win at the betting.

Betting for fun

There is no need to place a bet just to make watching the match more interesting and exciting for the following reasons:

  • If the bet does not work, then it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy the beautiful game and get pleasure from what is happening.
  • It will not be possible to evaluate and analyze the match impartially.

Based on these two reasons, we can highlight the main taboo for a successful player, how to place bets in bookmakers and win - not to bet on a match that is planned to be watched on TV.

An important factor leading to success is the player’s competence in the sport on which he bets. There is no point in betting on cricket or baseball, for example, if the player does not understand anything about these sports. Experienced players are advised to initially concentrate on one sport that is closest to the bettor, or even on any championship or club. This way you can collect the maximum detailed information, which will certainly increase the chances of success.

Teams and odds

One of the most important secrets of how to place bets correctly in bookmakers is to refuse to bet on your favorite team. Even if a player is well aware of the state of affairs in his favorite club and is able to draw the right conclusions from the information he has, most often he is not ready to restrain his emotions and place the right bet.

You should not chase high odds, as the desire to quickly win can lead to the opposite result. Playing at high odds is too risky.

One of the most common mistakes made by novice players trying to learn how to place bets in bookmakers is following advice that supposedly successful players. In practice, these people only collect money from beginners, without guaranteeing that they will receive truly working strategies or 100% winning bets.

In fact, successful betting requires a combination of three factors:

  • statistics;
  • knowledge;
  • analysis.

From keen eyes analysts of bookmaker companies do not miss a single detail that can influence the outcome of a particular sporting event, therefore, in order to beat the betting, you need to know as much about the match as they do.

Reasons for losses

The most common reason why a player loses a pot is bets made on emotions in favor of his favorite team. Every experienced bettor answers the question: “What is the best way to place bets in bookmakers?” will answer that this needs to be done with a cool head.

Also common reasons that prevent you from soberly assessing the situation are:

  • The influence of strangers when discussing rates. You should come to the office of the company only to place a bet, and not to discuss it.
  • Having a loved one It may well be that the odds are much higher in other bookmakers, but the player prefers to place bets in the company he is familiar with.
  • Availability of television broadcast. Many people like to bet precisely because the game can be watched on TV.

"Dark horses" and big bets

Under no circumstances should you bet on a team that the player knows nothing about. Before placing bets in bookmakers, you need to know that almost every one of them allows you to choose from a huge number of events, including exotic sports, mysterious championships, and teams that novice players have never heard of. Bets on the outcome of such events can only be made counting on luck, in order to tickle your nerves; counting on winning in this case is, to say the least, stupid.

There is also no point in doing too much big bet. After a series of several successful bets Many players lose their heads and begin to unjustifiably risk large sums. This could be the end of their career as bettors.

Every day more and more bettors prefer to bet on various events from the world of sports online. This is not surprising, because it is already the twenty-first century, and now it is not at all necessary to look for the nearest representative office of your favorite bookmaker and stand in line to place a bet on the victory of your favorite team or collect your winnings.

Most bookmakers have long acquired sites on the World Wide Web, which sometimes offer an even wider range of services than the offices of the same bookmakers in real world. It is much more convenient to place bets on sports online; you can save a lot of time and, without haste, familiarize yourself with the entire line in more detail, sitting at home, rather than jostling among bettors in a stuffy office. Moreover, the client himself has the right to choose the bookmaker that best suits his requirements. And it doesn’t matter at all where his nearest office is across the road or thousands of kilometers away.

And with the help mobile versions bookmaker sites and special applications for smartphones and tablets will not be enough for you a lot of work place a bet right before the match, no matter where you are now. To do this, you just need to go to the desired resource from your mobile device and spend just a couple of seconds!

But before you start betting on sports via the Internet, you need to at least complete several steps and decide on some nuances.

Which bookmaker to choose to start betting?

Among the many, it is quite problematic for a novice bettor to immediately find the most suitable office for himself. But there are several basic criteria from which to build:

1. Reputation and reliability of the company.
2. Availability of convenient methods for making deposits and withdrawing winnings.
3. The opportunity to place bets on all sporting events that interest you with the most favorable conditions.
4. A wide range of additional services and entertainment, for example, the presence of a virtual casino, poker rooms and other ways to have a good time between bets.
5. Speed ​​of operation of basic and additional services.
6. Interesting programs loyalty and promotions, thanks to which you can increase the amount in your account or receive good prizes and gifts.

For domestic users who do not know foreign languages, also an important criterion may be the presence of a promptly working support service, whose managers can answer in Russian.

Nowadays, on the World Wide Web there are many ratings and reviews about the most reliable and respected bookmakers all over the world. But, in order not to waste precious time searching for such information, you can use the list of the best bookmakers, which is presented on our website. Then you can move on to the next step.

Registration and making your first deposit

To gain access to all the services of the bookmaker you like, just register and provide some information about yourself. Keep in mind that you only need to provide reliable information to the company, otherwise you may have problems at the stage of withdrawing your winnings. Usually, registration takes place almost instantly, after which a new client of the office immediately gains access to his personal account.

Now all that remains is to make a deposit and you can immediately start betting. But before you top up your account (you can do this in dozens of ways using a credit card or payment systems, bank transfers, etc.), carefully read the promotions and loyalty programs of the bookmaker. Many companies are ready to increase the amount in your account several times, but this is done subject to depositing a certain amount of money. So it’s worth thinking carefully about the best amount to deposit to get the maximum welcome bonus.

Other important points - how to make bookmaker bets correctly

Do not forget that each bookmaker has the opportunity to place bets on the same event with a variety of conditions (simple bets on the result, deals with a handicap, express bets and other options). Therefore, it makes sense to first carefully study the list, and only then choose the betting option that suits you best.

Try to bet only on events that you are well aware of, since even a small nuance (disqualification or injury of a key player, change of coach) can radically affect the outcome of the match.

And don't forget to participate in various loyalty programs. So you can get more money for betting or just get souvenirs from the bookmaker.

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