Udmurt State Philharmonic. Tickets for “Dialogues. Daniil Spivakovsky of the Autonomous Cultural Institution of the Udmurt Republic

“...our products say more about us than our confessions...”

I. Brodsky

“Perhaps art is simply the body’s reaction to its own low capacity”

I. Brodsky

The book uses photographs from the family archive of Vladimir and Sati Spivakov, including photos of V. Akhlomov, M. Volkova, Christian Steiner, Yu. Rost, V. Pomigalov, A. Ratnikov, A. Chumichev, V. Glynin, E. Levin , E. Burmistrova, E. Kratta, V. Lokteva

The publisher thanks all the photographers whose works were used in the book

On the dust jacket – Vladimir Spivakov and Solomon Volkov (photographer Christian Steiner)

© Volkov S.

© AST Publishing House LLC

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru)

Spivakov's secret

Anna Akhmatova, I remember, divided famous people into two categories: those who “held their crown” and those who did not. So, Vladimir Spivakov’s “crown has survived.” He didn’t drink, he didn’t become a drug addict, a polygamist, a womanizer, a “freak” (“Shishkov, I’m sorry: I don’t know how to translate”). He remained an honest musician. And all because Spivakov is an artist with a mission, albeit a secret one.

I’ll make a reservation right away. I have known Spivakov for fifty-five years, because we studied with the same violin professor at the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory. Over the past years, we have spent hundreds of hours in frank conversations. But Spivakov is still a mystery man for me. He sometimes opens some doors of his soul, while others remain tightly closed.

He is purposeful and purposeful, but he is very different, this Spivakov. He is not only a musician. He is smart and erudite, a boxer, an artist and a philosopher. Loving husband, attentive father. A steadfast, loyal friend. A deeply religious person who does not flaunt his faith, as sometimes happens.

Spivakov does a lot of good. It's easy to talk to him. You can be silent with him. He often doubts himself. He seeks answers to difficult questions that he asks himself. He's wrong. He suffers later... And tries not to repeat his mistakes.

This book is an attempt to look deeper into Spivakov’s soul and understand him. Understand for yourself and others the roots of his phenomenal success and the reasons for his unique position in contemporary art.

But first, a quick excursion into the history of modern culture. We know that the twentieth century was marked by the revolutionary victory of so-called high modernism. The names of Picasso, Stravinsky, Joyce, Kafka are on everyone’s lips, their creations seem to be absorbed into the cultural mainstream. These are often tragic works, a response and challenge to the snickering bourgeois society. Basically, they are experimental in nature, so they are still perceived by a wide audience not without internal resistance.

The modernists were replaced by postmodernists - not revolutionaries at all, although talented people. Titans like the ones listed above are not yet visible among them, but many have acquired well-deserved fame. The modernist heritage was torn apart and gnawed by them, often with extremely witty nihilistic giggles. At the same time, art increasingly turned into a game “for our own people.” A closed club was formed: critics, curators, influential advisers to powerful art foundations, and individual high-ranking officials.

What should the public do? She doesn’t have time to participate in the game on the art field, and “outsiders” won’t be allowed into this exciting activity. But the craving for art remains, it has not disappeared anywhere, and cannot disappear - the drawings on the ceiling of the Altamira cave in Spain are twenty thousand years old, these were created by real savages, no match for the present ones.

It is to this enormous craving, to this demand of the mass of modern “outsiders” for high culture, that Spivakov responds. He conducts an honest, beautiful and sincere dialogue with this audience over the heads of domestic specialists and professional intermediaries, which irritates them terribly: if everything is clear without them, if their elegant comments and wise explanations are not needed, then why are they there?

Of course, the desire of the specialists to somehow “bite” Spivakov is quite understandable and is part of the game described above. But the trouble is that our criticism’s claims against Spivakov are often formulated incorrectly. For example, one can hear that Spivakov follows the lead of his audience, that his repertoire - both solo and as the leader of the Moscow Virtuosi and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia - is lightweight and entertaining. Not true! Spivakov plays the most complex authors - Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Alban Berg, Bartok, Shostakovich (to name only the names of the luminaries of “high modernism”). Among the newest composers in his repertoire are Schnittke, Shchedrin and Pärt - authors who have remained faithful to high ideals.

Not long ago I was at a concert by Vladimir Spivakov at Carnegie Hall: a crowded hall, a lot of young people... After the concert, making my way to the exit through the elegant, excited crowd, I listened to the conversations, looked closely at the faces: they are beautiful, they shine, inspired by what had just sounded music.

And they sounded Brahms, Stravinsky, Shostakovich - a program that could not be called lightweight. And you know what the audience applauded most enthusiastically? Stravinsky! And why? Yes, because Spivakov played his “Italian Suite” with such passion, intensity and brilliance that the listeners, many of whom, I suspect, heard Stravinsky’s music for the first time in their lives, were captivated and enchanted by it.

Here it is, Spivakov’s secret, here is his mission: he gives high modernism, whose leaders to the public, to be honest, sometimes harbored very unfriendly feelings (and the public in return paid them in the same coin), “a human face.” The same Stravinsky hid all his life behind various masks, loved to proclaim that music in general, and his own in particular, “expresses nothing” and even more so “depicts nothing.” “No,” Spivakov insists, picking up the violin or going out to the orchestra with the conductor’s baton, “he both expresses and portrays. Listen here!”

Violinist Nathan Milstein, who knew Stravinsky well, argued to me that in fact Igor Fedorovich liked to have success, it was just that life had scratched him so many times that he had developed a protective armor, and only then had a corresponding aesthetics developed. I do not know. But I know for sure that Spivakov’s creative strategy, no matter how the “snobs in short pants” who love to repeat Stravinsky’s statements quoted above snort at it, is absolutely legitimate.

Classical musicians rarely become objects of popular love in Russia. Let’s immediately take out of the brackets the legendary opera singers of past times: Sobinov, Kozlovsky, Lemeshev. (Note that all are tenors.) Above them, of course, rises the gigantic figure of Chaliapin, precisely the bass, who in some way, personally incomprehensible to me, managed to win position number one. His record has not yet been broken by anyone.

But let us remember the undoubted champions of the Soviet era: violinist Oistrakh, pianists Richter and Gilels, conductors Mravinsky, Svetlanov and Kondrashin. They served as models, were all-Union (and even worldwide) famous, but their faces (and personalities) were not imprinted in the popular consciousness. This was due to the era. The state needed certain symbols, not specific individuals. Here Oistrakh is the symbol of the Soviet violinist, but what kind of person he is, what he is like in his private life - this should not have been known.

On Spivakov, in the eighties, this trend began to change. A lot of things came together here: the management somehow became demagnetized, domestic television became more ambitious and enterprising. At that historical moment, it found an ideal hero in the person of Spivakov: a world-class classical musician, a broad-shouldered handsome man, quoting in a sonorous baritone - wake him up at night! – Tsvetaev, Akhmatov and Brodsky.

Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov Solomon Volkov

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Title: Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov

About the book “Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov” Solomon Volkov

“Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov” is a unique book, subtle, tactful, it reveals to us the inner world of this most talented person, allows us to understand where his success comes from, and to see the reasons for his attitude towards contemporary art. Solomon Volkov is not just a journalist, cultural scientist and musicologist conducting interviews. They have known the master for more than fifty years, they are connected by childhood memories, studying together at a music school and many years of friendship.

Starting to read “Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov”, you will be surprised to find that you are present at a confidential conversation between the author and the brilliant conductor and violinist. With you, they will touch on topics such as school, literature, tours, women, sports, music and art in general.

Many details from Spivakov’s family life and interesting incidents from his youth will be revealed to you. They will tell you about how they worked with various unique musicians, what kind of people they met along the path of life. You will find out what this great man, who has received a huge number of the most prestigious awards in his life, breathes. He was admired by many outstanding personalities: David Oistrakh, Leonard Bernstein, Yehudi Menuhin. He created the chamber orchestra “Moscow Virtuosi”, founded the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, and worked with it as its artistic director and conductor. We can talk about this charismatic personality endlessly.

As for the author of the book “Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov,” Solomon Volkov is already known for his dialogues with such famous people as Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry Shostakovich, George Balanchine. In addition, he published an interesting work in which he studied the history of Russian culture, covering the period of time from the reign of the royal Romanovs to the present day.

The wonderful “Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov” turned out to be very wise. Reading this work is easy and interesting. In addition, it is very motivating for self-development. After all, Vladimir Spivakov is an amazingly multifaceted personality: he is extremely erudite, practices boxing, paints art, and philosophizes quite well. He talks about what books he reads, what inspires him, and about his teachers. This gives support and prevents you from becoming discouraged.

Solomon Volkov accompanies the narrative with his remarks and detailed excursions. They are incredibly tactful and delicate. You will learn a lot of unexpected information about your favorite musician.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov” by Solomon Volkov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov” Solomon Volkov

Kraft, by the way, drew attention to the fact that Stravinsky - like many Russians - had a gloomy facial expression. Thinking about this observation by a foreigner, I thought: isn’t the phonetics of the Russian language to blame?
Music is unusually connected with language, the melody of the Russian language, its stresses, phrasing are clear when we listen to Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninov. Our ear senses when a foreigner conducts Tchaikovsky, because he hears the melody of the language differently.
And in this, in the opinion of a European, the severity and gloominess of the Russian person, which Kraft mentioned, hides a phonetic difference. In English we agree - yes, of course, in French - oui, and the lips themselves break into a smile. In Russian - “yes, of course” - and the face naturally lengthens. In the novel “The French Testament” by the Russian writer Andrei Makin living in France (he received the Goncourt Prize for it), a photographer is mentioned looking at old photographs from his chest. He is surprised that all the women in these black and white photos have surprisingly soft smiles. It turns out that his predecessor, the photographer, asked women to say the word petite pomme - in French, “little apple.” If he had asked to say “apple” in Russian, no mysterious smile would have come out.

... Russian artists leave their blood on stage<...>unlike many Westerners, for whom the stage is only part of the job. I don’t really like working with other people’s orchestras, especially in America. They certainly play crystal clear. I even couldn’t stand it one day and asked: “How do you play so cleanly, with intonation accuracy, precision, excellent balance?” They answer me in surprise: “So we are professionals.” But among American musicians it is not customary to leave too much emotion on stage, to give all your best in front of the audience. They believe that professionalism is enough. This is a colossal difference between American and Russian orchestras.

- ... At some point, you experienced a certain crisis in your communication with the violin. As you became more and more established as a conductor, you began to doubt your talent as a violinist soloist.
- Every honest artist has such thoughts. And more than once. Even such a genius as Shostakovich wrote: “I feel like a gray and worthless composer.” Because we see that perfection is unattainable, it slips beyond the horizon, and we only strive for it, often rolling back. The conquered peak is perhaps just the last step before the descent. It happens…

The violin is like a living being: it is jealous, it is touchy when people don’t pay attention - then it creaks, gets upset, worries, groans, gets sick, gets a runny nose, and its strings break. She might die.
My violin is my beautiful lady with all her strengths and weaknesses. I don’t understand why the French have a masculine gender for the violin. Well, yes, there are many different strange things in the world.


about the privacy policy of personal data

autonomous cultural institution of the Udmurt Republic

"Concert association "Udmurt State Philharmonic"

Izhevsk, 2017

I. General provisions

This Regulation on the privacy policy of personal data, hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy, is a local document of the autonomous cultural institution of the Udmurt Republic “Concert Association “Udmurt State Philharmonic Society”, hereinafter referred to as the Operator, located at the address: 426008, Izhevsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 245, and determines the procedure for processing personal data and protecting information about individuals (hereinafter referred to as Users) using services, information, services, programs (incl..

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is:

· Ensuring the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen during the processing of his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

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The privacy policy describes the processing of personal data - any actions (operations) or a set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing ), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Relations related to the processing of personal data and information about Site Users are governed by this Privacy Policy, other official documents of the Operator and the current legislation of the Russian Federation

The processing of personal data is carried out on a legal and fair basis, acting reasonably and in good faith.

When organizing the processing of personal data, the following principles are followed:

· legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;

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· compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Operator;

· compliance of the volume and nature of the personal data processed, methods of processing personal data for the purposes of processing personal data.

This Privacy Policy governs any type of processing of personal data and personal information (any personally identifiable information and any other information related thereto) about individuals who are consumers of the Operator's products or services.

This Policy applies to the processing of personal, personal data collected by any means, both active and passive, both through the Internet and without its use, from persons located anywhere in the world.

The following terms are used in this Privacy Policy:

· “Administration of the online store website”, hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration - authorized employees to manage the site, acting on behalf of the Operator, who organize and (or) process personal data, and also determine the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed , actions (operations) performed with personal data.

· “Personal data” - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

· “Processing of personal data” - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

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The Operator may use personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The Operator may also combine such information with other information for the purpose of providing and improving its products, services, content and communications.

The operator has the right to request the following personal data, but not limited to:

last name, first name, patronymic (if available);

Date of Birth;

mailing address;

phone number;

E-mail address.

Personal data may also include additional data provided by Users at the request of the Operator in order for the Operator to fulfill its obligations to Users arising from the contract for the provision of services. The Operator has the right, in particular, to request from the User a copy of an identity document or other document containing the User’s first name, surname, photograph, as well as other additional data that, at the Operator’s discretion, will be necessary and sufficient to identify such User and will allow exclude abuse and violation of the rights of third parties.

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Users’ personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems, except in cases where non-automated processing of personal data is necessary in connection with compliance with legal requirements.

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The Operator has the right to use the User’s personal data to send important notifications containing information about changes in terms and conditions, as well as confirming orders placed and purchases made. The user has the right to refuse to receive such messages.

The Operator has the right to use personal information for internal purposes, such as: conducting audits, data analysis and various studies in order to improve products and services, as well as interaction with Users.

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The operator also collects personal data that is not personal - data that does not allow it to be directly associated with any specific person. The Operator has the right to collect, use, transfer and disclose non-personal information for any purpose.

This information includes:

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Personal data of Users is not transferred to any third parties, except in cases expressly provided for in these Regulations.

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The User agrees that the Operator has the right to transfer personal data to third parties, in particular, courier services, postal organizations, telecommunication operators, etc., solely for the purposes specified in the “Collection of Personal Data” section of this Privacy Policy.

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The Operator blocks personal data relating to the relevant User from the moment of application or request from the User or his legal representative or the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects for the period of verification, in the event of detection of unreliable personal data or unlawful actions.


In some cases, the Operator may provide certain personal information and data to partners who work with the Operator to provide products and services, or those who assist the Operator in marketing products and services to Users. The operator provides third parties with the minimum amount of personal data necessary only to provide the required service or conduct the required transaction.

Personal information will be provided by the Operator only for the purpose of providing Users with products and services, as well as to improve these products and services and communications related to them. Such information will not be provided to third parties for their marketing purposes.


The Operator provides personal data/information to Operators who provide services such as: processing information, providing loans, executing User orders, delivery, other types of service to Users, determining interest in products and services, conducting surveys aimed at studying our Users or satisfaction with the quality of service . Such operators undertake to protect information regardless of their country of location.


The Operator has the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to disclose the User’s personal data if personal data/information about the Consumer is necessary or appropriate to disclose for the purposes of national security, maintaining law and order or other socially important cases.

The Operator also has the right to disclose personal data/information about the User if the Operator determines that disclosure is necessary to enforce the terms and conditions or for the purposes of protecting the business and Users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale, we may transfer any or all of the personal information we collect to the applicable third party.

V. Destruction of personal data

The User's personal data is destroyed when:

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The website, interactive services and applications, email messages and any other communications on behalf of the Operator may use identification cookies and other technologies, such as pixel tags, web beacons. Such technologies help us better understand User behavior, tell us which sections of the site have been visited by Users, and measure the effectiveness of advertising and online searches. The operator considers information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information.

If the User disables identification cookies in the settings of the web browser or mobile device used, the functions of the website may become unavailable after disabling cookies.

The operator collects some information automatically and stores it in statistics files. This information includes Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and language, Internet service provider, referring and exit pages, operating system information, date and time stamp, and clickstream information. The Operator uses such information to understand and analyze trends, administer the Site, study User behavior on the Site, and gather demographic information about our general user population as a whole. The operator may use such information for its marketing purposes.

In some email messages, the Operator uses interactive links to information posted on the site. When Users click on such links before they reach the destination page on the website, their requests are separately registered. The Operator tracks such “pass” data to help us determine interest in specific topics and measure the effectiveness of our communications with Consumers. If the Consumer prefers not to have communications tracked in this way, the Consumer should not click on text or image links in email messages.

Pixel tags allow email messages to be sent in a format readable by Consumers and inform the Operator whether such messages have been read. The Operator has the right to use such information to limit the number of messages sent to Consumers or stop sending them.

VI. Protection of personal information

The Operator takes precautionary measures - including legal, organizational, administrative, technical and physical - to ensure the User’s protection of personal data in accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” in order to ensure the protection of the User’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to it, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.


By interacting with the Operator, the User can easily keep their personal data and information up to date. The Operator will store personal data and information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer period of storage of data and information is required by law or permitted by Users.

The operator does not collect personal data about minors. If the Operator becomes aware that they have received personal data about a minor, the Operator will take measures to delete such information as soon as possible.


The Operator's websites, products, applications and services may contain links to third party websites, products and services. Operator Products and Services may also use or offer products or services of third parties. Personal data and information collected by third parties, which may include information such as location data or contact information, is subject to the privacy practices of such third parties.

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In order to ensure that personal data is secure, the Operator communicates confidentiality and security standards to the Operator's employees and strictly monitors the implementation of confidentiality measures within the Operator.

VII. User requests

The current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Operator.

Users have the right to send their requests to the Operator, including requests regarding the use of their personal data, sending the withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data in writing to the address specified in the “General Provisions” section of this Privacy Policy, or in the form of an electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and sent via the feedback form.

The request sent by the User must comply with the requirements established by the Rules for submitting requests to the Service and Support Service, namely contain:

· number of the main identification document of the User or his representative;

· information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;

· information confirming the User’s participation in relations with the Operator (in particular, the User’s id serial number or a short (subdomain) name replacing the id serial number);

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The Operator undertakes to consider and send a response to the User’s request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

In all other respects that are not directly reflected in the Privacy Policy, the Operator undertakes to be guided by the norms and provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

A user of the Operator's website who provides his personal data and information thereby agrees to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

The Operator reserves the right to make any changes to the Privacy Policy at any time at its discretion in order to further improve the system of protection against unauthorized access to personal data reported by Users without the User’s consent.

This Policy does not apply to the actions of third party Internet resources.


Before filing a claim in court regarding disputes arising from the relationship between the User of the online store website and the Site Administration, it is mandatory to submit a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).

The recipient of the claim, within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, notifies the claimant in writing of the results of consideration of the claim.

If an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to a judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Site Administration.


The site administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the consent of the User.

The new version of the Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the online store Website, unless otherwise provided in the new version of the Privacy Policy.

All suggestions or questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be reported to the section of the online store website.

The current Privacy Policy is posted on the page at www.udmfil.ru

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