Will Smith: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Star children: Willow Smith - Will Smith's daughter What is the name of Will Smith's daughter

Although Will Smith has been increasingly starring in commercially failed films lately, Hollywood studios still love the actor. And the tabloids are very fond of Will Smith - and, as usual, not at all because of his acting talent, but because of the numerous scandals surrounding the star Smith family. We decided to recall the strangest of them.

Open marriage

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been married for more than twenty years, and for a good half of them, the star couple was haunted by rumors that in fact Will and Jada are in a so-called “open” marriage (that is, a marriage in which intimate relationships are allowed with other people).

Fake marriage

The second no less popular rumor about the relationship between Will and Jada is that in fact they got married as a “cover” and are representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation (which did not stop them from having two children). This gossip in 2015, when Jada announced that she was going to boycott the Oscars, was supported by actress Alexis Arquette: “When Jada comes out and her fake hubby admits that his first marriage broke up because his wife caught him with another man... Then I’ll listen to them.” The “other guy” in question is Benny Medina, a music producer and an old friend of Will's.

Will Smith and Benny Medina


Will and Jada have openly admitted that their marriage has hit rough patches in the past, although they never specifically said what the problem was. If you believe the latest rumors, this very problem was Will’s infidelity. In an interview with The Sun in 2016, the actor himself limited himself to only describing their trip to a family psychologist: “And so you sit opposite your wife and tell the whole truth, and she also tells the whole truth. You look at each other and you can’t even imagine how, now that the whole truth has come out, you can still love each other.”


The scandalous Church of Scientology boasts a long list of celebrity followers, and among them are Will and Jada, who, however, try to hide this fact of their biography, although Jada once mentioned that she is familiar with the ideology of Scientology and shares it in some way .

Peculiar methods of raising children

Jada and Will have a very original position on many issues, and one of them is the issue of raising children. The star couple does not believe in such an “educational tool” as maintaining discipline and punishment. In an interview, Will explained it this way: “We don’t punish our children. They are completely responsible for their lives. Our approach is to give them as much control over their lives as possible from a very young age, and something like punishment... It's too negative."

Scandal with pedophilia and social services

One of the consequences of the peculiar approach to raising children was the scandal surrounding the photograph of Will and Jada’s then 13-year-old daughter, as a result of which the family became the object of attention of social services. In 2014, a photo appeared online in which 13-year-old Willow was lying in bed with a 20-year-old young man, and he was photographed shirtless. The Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services then launched an investigation, which, however, did not reveal anything criminal, and Jada Pinkett Smith angrily stated that members of the media were simply “projecting their own dirt” and behaving like “hidden pedophiles.”

15-year-old Jayden dated model accused of theft

As teenagers, Willow and Jaden, the daughter and son of Will and Jada, regularly began making waves in the media while their parents still did not believe in discipline and punishment. The Willow photo scandal was followed by the first (but not the last) scandal surrounding Jaden: in early 2015, then 15-year-old Smith began dating model and Instagram star Sarah Snyder, who was then 18. The couple lasted more than two years, and where- then in the middle of their romance, in July 2016, Sarah was arrested for stealing an Hermes bag worth 16 thousand dollars. Jaden simply closed his eyes to this fact in his girlfriend’s biography.

Jaden and Willow make their own music because they don't like anyone else's

The offspring of the star couple are extremely ambitious: both have managed to act in films and in advertising campaigns for various brands, both are involved in music - and they do this because they do not like the music composed by others. "We're just trying to write songs that we think are cool," Jaden told T Magazine in 2014. “It seems to us that there is not a lot of cool music. So we write our own. We don’t have a single favorite song from other artists.” Willow, in the same interview, described her music as “a fragment of a holographic reality created by a higher intelligence.”

Willow writes her own books

Willow, the daughter of Jada and Will, takes the “if you want something done well, do it yourself” approach not only to music, but also to literature. Even at the age of 13, Willow’s reading tastes were, to put it mildly, strange (in an interview, for example, she said that she was reading the works of the Indian religious leader Osho, who was called the “sex guru” and “scandal guru” for his very peculiar teachings). And for entertainment, Willow only reads stories that she writes herself - and, according to her brother, she has been doing this since she was only 6 years old.

Even the studios are a little shocked by this family

When emails from the bosses of the Sony Pictures film studio were “leaked” online, they contained a lot of interesting things – and, among other things, references to Jaden and Willow Smith, quotes from interviews with which the authors of these same “leaked” letters caused bewilderment and shock. Tom Rothman, chairman of the board of directors of Sony Pictures, in one of the leaked letters urged his fellow executives to “not let this family ruin our films.”

American actress, singer and model Willow Camille Rain Smith is the daughter of modern cinema legend Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. Many people don’t even know the name of Will Smith’s daughter, but they have seen her in films and obviously heard about the sensational video works with her participation. The little celebrity was born on October 31, 2000. She spent almost all of her childhood in Los Angeles. She has an older brother, Jaden Smith, who is a famous Hollywood actor, having starred in films with his father since childhood. Willow also did not go far from her brother and, when she was very young, starred with Will Smith in the film “I Am Legend.”

Daughter of star parents

Due to her chosen style of clothing and appearance, the young talent is often called little Rihanna. 15-year-old Willow has already managed not only to star in films, but also to take part in the filming of American television shows, and also received an award in the world of cinema. The daughter of actor Will Smith does not focus her attention only on her acting career. In 2010, Willow recorded her first debut single called “Whip My Hair” and soon shot a video for it. The song immediately became popular and soared to the top of the world music charts. Then they first started talking about a young talent named Willow Smith.

Note that the girl’s creativity combines several musical genres: R&B, hip-hop and neo-soul. Back in 2012, the singer’s debut album was supposed to be released, but for unknown reasons its release had to be postponed. All members of the Smith family support Willow in all her endeavors, and her brother Jaden even recorded a joint song with her called “5.”

In addition to her acting and singing career, the rising star is a very popular model. Thus, it is known that in September 2015, Will Smith’s daughter, who is 15 years old, signed a contract with the popular singer and has already begun a fruitful collaboration with him. We hope that soon her star will shine even brighter. A few months ago, the girl also starred in a rather bright and bold photo shoot for the glossy publication “i-D Magazine”.

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Apparently, young Willow Smith is still searching for herself, so she is trying to realize herself in all popular areas of activity. The girl is rapidly growing up, but has not yet decided to devote herself entirely to any single direction. Who knows, maybe she will be able to successfully combine singing, acting and photo shoots?

If you think it's cool to grow up with famous parents, then Willow Smith will easily challenge your assumption.

In a new interview with Girlgaze magazine, for which she graced the first cover, the 17-year-old daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith was asked what "does it mean to be famous?"

I'll be completely honest. It's horrible!

Pictured from left to right: Willow Smith, Jaden Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith

Answering the journalist’s next question: “Is it cool to be the daughter of famous parents and grow up in such a family?” the young model spoke about her experience, also using the word “terrible”:

Grow and try to understand yourself. While other people think they have some kind of right to know what's going on in your life. It's terribly painful. And the only way to overcome it is to come to terms with it. You can't change your face. You can't change your parents. So I think most people like me end up going down the slope of depression. And the world is watching them through their phones, laughing and joking, making memes. All this greatly affects the psyche.

To solve this problem, the girl sees two ways and, it seems, she has made a choice for herself:

When you're born into this family, there are two options you have: you either put up with it and try to help yourself, or... I'm really going to completely disappear from the life of the curious. There really is no mutual understanding between us.

The famous actor and singer Will Smith was not only able to make a career in Hollywood, but is also an excellent family man. For 17 years now, he has been faithful to his wife Jada, with whom they have 2 children - Willow and Jaden. From his first marriage, the actor has another son, Willard, with whom, despite the break with his mother, he also maintains a warm relationship. But his daughter Willow occupies a special place in his life. Like any other father, he is proud of her and strives to help in all her endeavors. Today, Will Smith's daughter acts in films, performs songs and collaborates as a model with leading fashion houses.

Films with her participation

For the first time in a movie, Willow Smith starred with her father. The movie was I Am Legend, released in 2007. True, the role was episodic, and she practically did not have to play. As in life, according to the script she was the daughter of the main character. However, it is for this role that many will remember Will Smith's daughter. I couldn't help but like the wonderful girl talking about butterflies. Perhaps the presence of her father on the court helped her play so well.

A year later, another film with Willow’s participation, “Kit Kittredge: The Mystery of an American Girl,” was released. This is a real family movie, in which all the action takes place during In this film, Will Smith's daughter, although not the main role, is no longer in a cameo role. She plays the main character's friend, and many viewers and critics noted the good performance of the young actress. For her, Willow received her first award.

In the same year, Willow Smith took part in another major project - the cartoon Madagascar 2. In the American version, the voice of Gloria the hippopotamus as a child belongs to her. Since 2009, Willow has also starred in the popular sitcom True Jackson, airing on the Nickelodeon channel.

Passion for music

But today, Will Smith's daughter left her career as an actress and took up music seriously. Her first single, Whip My Hair, released in 2010, topped many American charts. The song itself and the video are very simple, but you need to understand that the girl was not even 10 years old at that time. At the same time, Will Smith's daughter signed a contract with the record company Roc Nation and famous producer Jay Z.

Over the past 4 years, a total of 11 singles have been released, including 3 of them recorded with brother Jaden. However, not all of them were accepted and understood by viewers and fans. Thus, the songs I am Me and Summer Fling were criticized for having too mature lyrics for such a young girl. And the clips filmed in their support also seemed too frank to many. But Willow herself does not see anything reprehensible in them.

In 2012, it was planned to release the singer's first album. It was even reported that its working title was Knees and Elbows, but so far its release date has been postponed indefinitely. But a year later, Willow began working in a duet with DJ Fabrega, and it was called Melodic Chaotic. In total, the group has so far managed to record several songs and shoot one video. There is also no talk about the album yet. But many critics predict a brilliant singing career for Will Smith's daughter.

Shooting for magazines

But it’s not only music and movies that interest Will Smith’s daughter. The name of this girl often appears not only in the tabloids, but also in fashion magazines. With the opportunity to be dressed by the best designers, Willow strives to stand out from the crowd, like any teenager. Her outfits and images are distinguished by her unique style. Famous designers couldn’t help but notice this. In addition, a star name always attracts ordinary buyers.

At the moment, her most famous work as a model was a joint photo shoot with a designer. Despite the crazy age difference (at that time Willow was 13, and Karl was over 80), the shoot turned out to be very successful. Both noted that they were quite comfortable working together. Even critics admitted that Willow looks great in the photographs. She has noticeably matured and prettier.

Although many previously criticized the young actress and singer for her appearance. Will Smith's daughter has shocked the public more than once with her outfits. Most likely, this should be attributed to Willow’s rebellious age, as well as to the fact that her parents gave her complete freedom in choosing her image. Perhaps that’s why she shaved her head 2 years ago and dyed her hair blonde in 2014.


Will Smith's daughter, who is also photographed by the paparazzi, is often presented in the media as a "star daddy." This is partly true, of course. Having the opportunity and means, it is difficult to avoid this. However, the girl is very responsible in everything she does. Cinema, music or shooting for a fashion magazine is not just a hobby, but painstaking work. In addition, Willow, despite her young age, is involved in charity. She is a goodwill ambassador for the Ptoject Zambia campaign in partnership with Hasbro. The campaign is designed to draw attention to HIV-infected people

Instead of a conclusion

Many people wonder whether star children would have been so successful if not for their famous parents? Of course, on the one hand, it helps to make a career, but on the other hand, they need to prove that they are also worth something. There are many examples when children became even more popular than their mothers and fathers. Angelina Jolie and Enrique Eglesias are also star children. It is possible that in the near future people will be interested not in the name of Will Smith's daughter, but in the name of her father.

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