Speeding up the Internet on Android. Increase Internet speed on Android devices

The problem of low Internet connection speed is relevant for most modern people. She didn't pass by mobile devices running on the Android platform. Often, users are faced with a situation where their gadget works slowly when connected to Wi-Fi and mobile Internet. For this reason, many are interested in the question of how to increase connection speed on Android. But before changing the settings of your gadget, we recommend checking the quality of your Internet connection. Perhaps your operator’s weak coverage does not allow you to provide high-quality Internet services, or your smartphone has incorrect mobile network settings. A working WLAN connection may have a low speed, which is set by the provider. Sometimes incorrect operation of the browser significantly reduces the speed of work. For this reason, try reinstalling it. If you are confident in the quality, then you need to reconfigure your smartphone to speed up the Internet.

Very often, Android device owners are dissatisfied with the Internet speed

Application to speed up work

The most popular application that allows you to increase Internet speed on Android is called Internet Speed ​​Master. It is free and can be installed through the store. Google Play. Manufacturers claim that it is compatible with devices, regardless of whether they have Root access.

Allow the subscriber to perform a variety of actions with the software content of his device. Modern mobile devices made in China sometimes come with open Root access. Among them are well-known gadgets Lenovo, UMI, Xiaomi. The algorithm for opening such opportunities is individual for each brand of phone or tablet. The Kingo Android Root program is often used. It should be understood that after the appearance of such rights, the warranty on the devices is removed and the risks of errors and failure to start the smartphone or tablet are exceeded.

Internet Speed ​​Master presents a set of special patches and system files that affect the speed of your Internet connection. Many users claim that on devices without open rights, the Root program may not work correctly or may not give the desired result. The application is compatible with the following connections:

  • Wi-Fi;

Internet Speed ​​Master is compatible with all versions of Android, regardless of firmware versions. However, if you install it on a successful version operating system, then it may not be useful because in some versions the file system is already configured accordingly. To install the application, your mobile device must be at least 2.1.

Installing and launching Internet Speed ​​Master

There are two options for the application - acceleration of a gadget with Root access and a device with normal user rights. When launched, a window will appear in which you can select five actions. One of them is called "Apply Patch". It is suitable for owners of rooted smartphones and tablets. Taking an action results in instant optimization software, which controls the operation of the Internet. After activation, you must restart your device for all changes to take effect. The “Apply Patch” button is active only for rooted gadgets.

The “Improve Internet Connection” button is used for devices with closed Root rights. Please note that not every model of mobile phone or tablet can be accelerated using such a program. After completing the action, you must also reboot the device.

The "Restore" function returns the software settings to their previous state. The program can restore all information. If such a copy does not exist, the application removes the previously installed patch. Thanks to this action, you can always roll back the operating system to its previous state, which is an additional guarantee of uninterrupted operation of Android gadgets. The “Delete The Current Backup” button deletes the current backup.

After the described steps, checking the speed may not always give clearly visible results. There are many reasons that can be found. But if such a program did not bring significant changes, you need to try to choose another one. It is advisable to assess how relevant your Android version, and update if necessary. If before installing an application to increase Internet speed you need to open Root rights, assess the possible risks and weigh the need for such an action. In our opinion, any advanced user is from time to time dissatisfied with the speed of the Internet in his gadget.

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Currently, each of the mobile operators Beeline, Tele2, Megafon, MTS, Yota, Phoenix, Beltelecom, Rostelecom and so on offers access to the mobile Internet.

Operators compete on prices, make restrictions and bonuses for customers. Unfortunately, despite the promotion of supply and high speed (like 3g, 4g), there are still places in where the use mobile internet difficult to access, because not everyone lives in Moscow.

Then, due to a weak signal, the Internet speed of mobile operators is low.

As a result, customers are not satisfied and this happens very often. Naturally, the question arises: how to make mobile Internet speed faster?

NOTE: you may come across a program on the Internet to increase the speed of your mobile Internet - don’t believe it, there are no such programs.

What's the solution then? There is a simple way to change things.

Of course, you won’t achieve crazy speed of mobile Internet, but it is quite possible to improve it a little.

Remove barriers - increase speed

At the very beginning, before making any changes, it is worth considering the situation, whether it is possible to improve the spectrum of the Internet - to remove barriers to its functioning.

If you use the Internet primarily at home, try to find a location with better coverage.

Walking with a laptop in your hands is not very comfortable, so I recommend using a smartphone, for example, on Android, and using it to check where the place with the best coverage is located.

To start taking steps to increase the speed of your mobile Internet, you definitely need to find out what your speed is now, so that you have something to compare with.

If you have an Android smartphone, then it is best to determine using the SpeedTest program. HER measurement is the most accurate.

The higher, the better the signal, and therefore the speed. Therefore, if you have a two-story house, it is better to do the search on the second floor and not on the floor, but, for example, on the windows.

The reason for a weak signal can also be a wall, in particular a concrete slab. Another important thing you should look at is the connection between the computer and the modem.

The best way turns out to be the most in a simple way, which is a direct connection of the modem to the computer.

Any kind of extension we use to place the modem on a shelf or windowsill means that the signal is weaker.

Often, getting rid of such extensions in itself can significantly improve the signal quality and speed of the mobile Internet.

Regarding the modem, you need to pay attention to the data transfer speed. Of course, the faster the better.

The best way to increase signal strength to increase mobile internet speed

The best and easiest way is to use an external antenna. There must be only one condition: the modem must have an output to it.

Antennas on the market can be divided into two main types: guides (eg HELICALL 12dBi) and non-guides (eg HUAWEI 11dBi).

The choice is quite simple. If you live in a place where you have access to only one transmitter (catch the signal from only one antenna), then you should use a directional one.

If the signal reaches us from two or more transmitters best choice will be undirected.

What to look for when choosing an antenna to increase Internet speed

  • Compatibility - The antenna must support the same technology as the modem. This parameter is inseparable. For example, if your modem supports HSDPA data transmission, then you need to select an appropriate antenna (at 2100MHz).
  • Gain - expressed in the dbi or dbm block, the higher, the better and more efficiently the mobile Internet signal is improved. In the case of directional antennas, it is not worth investing in an antenna gain less than 10 dBi. In case of non-directional ones, 8 dBi and higher are recommended.
  • Length is important for omnidirectional antennas. As a general rule, the longer the better. While for non-directional there is no rule that shapes the length to get the best signal.
  • Mounting - a convenient magnetic support, which in the case of an omnidirectional antenna is often part of it. Most directional ones are installed on the roof.
When purchasing an antenna, you should also pay attention to the contents of the kit - you won’t have to waste time searching for missing elements.

It is very good if there is a cable of sufficient length for connecting to the modem. Good luck.

All modern Android smartphones are capable of accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi and mobile networks. This is extremely convenient, because in this way, owners of mobile devices can save huge amounts every month by independently limiting their Internet traffic. So, for example, at home, when connected to Wi-Fi, you can download some files or download new applications, but when using the mobile Internet, it is better not to do this, since this can result in large financial losses, especially if tariff plan Mobile Internet packages are not connected.

However, there are cases when Wi-Fi in public transport, in a hotel or bar works so poorly that it is almost impossible to use it. At the same time, this has to be done because in some cases full transition on mobile Internet may result in additional costs or loss of precious megabytes saved for some other day. Fortunately, all Android smartphones have hidden setting, which significantly increases Internet speed and anyone can activate it.

To do this, you need to make the “For Developers” section open. This is done very easily - just open “Settings” on your Android smartphone, and then go to the “About phone” section, where you should find the “Build number” column and quickly click on it 7 times in a row. The message “Congratulations, you are now a developer” should appear. If it appears, then you need to return to main screen settings and open the “Advanced” section, where a new section should appear almost at the very bottom - “For Developers”.

In this menu, in the “Networks” section, there will be a switch opposite the “Do not disable data transfer” option, which you need to enable. It is responsible for ensuring that the mobile Internet will always be active, even when an Android smartphone is connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot. At the same time, the smartphone will choose itself through which network to download and send data, that is, there will be no unexpected costs for limited Internet traffic.

At the same time, if the smartphone is connected to a slow Wi-Fi networks, then he himself will begin to send and receive data via the mobile Internet, thereby significantly increasing the speed of working with the network. This hidden setting is found in all Android smartphones, but its name may differ slightly, but its essence is the same - it makes the Internet connection faster.

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The Internet has firmly established itself in our lives and it is difficult for most to imagine an ordinary day without access to it; both entertainment and the search for information or answers to questions are based on the Internet. Modern android Smartphones allow you to access the Internet anywhere, as long as there is a signal, but sometimes the Internet speed is not at all pleasing: pages take a long time to open, videos are slow, and games have a high ping. All these problems can be solved if you approach the solution correctly, we will tell you how to speed up the Internet and Wi-Fi on your Android smartphone or tablet:)

Internet speed depends on many factors, their totality is what forms the “overall speed”, the main ones can be identified (from the most important to the least important):

  1. Your provider's network speed

    This is the most significant factor, because no matter how sophisticated and fast your device is, if there is a speed limit on the provider’s side, then little can help. The simplest example: if only 3G or even 2G networks are available in your city, and your smartphone supports 4G, you will be limited by the speed of the provider’s network, until the provider switches its networks to 4G, you will have to be content with what you have. Also, some unscrupulous providers may limit the speed after reaching certain conditions: the amount of traffic or the use of certain applications (90% of mobile operators severely cut the download speed from Torrent networks).

  2. Maximum speed of your device's radio module

    This point is easier: even if your provider has a 4G network, and you don’t have the latest smartphone, you will be limited by the speed of your radio module.

  3. Signal strength

    With a weak signal, even 4G Internet will work slowly and unstable: you will experience packet loss, long delays and outright "stupid people". In this case, the only and most the right decision- change yours geographical position, if you are in a building, the signal can be jammed by the walls, but on the street this can be done by metal monuments or vast forest strips.

  4. Firmware and/or radio module settings

    Oddly enough, the default settings may not always work as efficiently as possible - that is, by following our instructions you can to a large extent increase the speed of your Internet and make it more stable. But it is important to understand that the strength of the Internet or Wi-Fi acceleration effect will differ from device to device.

If you notice that your Internet has become much slower, then you need to start fixing this problem immediately. Applications that run in the background of the phone, certain smartphone settings, and a weak mobile network signal can cause a decrease in Internet speed.

Speed ​​increase

If the reason for the decrease in mobile network load is a weak operator signal, then the only way out– is to choose another provider. Increase Internet speed by mobile phone It's still possible. To do this, use certain applications or change settings. All possible methods will be described later in the article, do them with your smartphone, and you will most likely be able to speed up your mobile Internet.

Method 1: Internet Speed ​​Master program

Thanks to its popularity in the Play Market, this program has become known to many users. You can use it with or without Root rights. You can configure such rights using special utilities.

    1. Find and install the Internet Speed ​​Master application. Make sure that the developer Nez Droid is listed under the name of the utility.

    1. When you launch the program, you will see a warning that the utility will speed up your smartphone or will not work at all. But, in any case, you can try to use it. To do this, press the key "OK", to continue.

    1. If you do not have root rights, then only one button will be available in the application "Improve internet connection". And if you have necessary rights, then from the two existing keys select "Apply patch". Next, restart your smartphone and make sure that the mobile Internet starts working faster. Even if you have master administrator rights, you can still use the first option to increase speed.

Now the mobile Internet on your phone will work as fast as possible using this utility. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the result, you can return the settings to their original state or simply remove the program.

Method 2: Internet Booster App

This is another utility that works on the same principle as the one described above, but leads to a different result. Download Internet Booster from the Play Market or Apple Store to your smartphone.

    1. When you start using the application, you may be notified that you do not have root rights. You will need them for work, as in the previous version.

    1. To start the process of speeding up the Internet, click on the large round key with the image of a lightning bolt.

    1. You will see a notification on your screen indicating the successful completion of optimization. Click the button "Cancel" and check your internet connection. If you are still not satisfied with the speed, simply uninstall Internet Booster.

Method 3: Additional Methods

Very often, Internet speed is spent on updates, background applications and much more. When exhibiting correct settings smartphone, this problem can be eliminated.

For example, to disable self-updates, follow these steps:

    1. Open your phone settings and tap "Data usage".

    1. Go to the column "Background mode".

  1. Opposite the line "Turn on" move the pointer.
  2. Next, you will be provided with a list of all the utilities on your smartphone. Disable programs you don't need. Now, when these applications go into the background, they will not consume Internet speed.

Clearing the cache on your phone may also help. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. In the settings, find the column "Smart Manager" and go to RAM.
  2. You will be provided with a list of all programs that consume traffic in the background. Click stop next to those utilities that you do not currently need.
  3. Open section "Memory", where information about the availability of free space in the memory of your smartphone will be displayed.
  4. A column will appear below "Unnecessary data". Click on the key "Delete" and check how much memory is free on your phone.

In order to avoid problems with Internet speed, do not forget to carry out these actions at least once every few days.
You can also turn off animation themes and live wallpapers. This is necessary to save not only the charge of your smartphone, but also to prevent traffic consumption.

You will need to go to the settings and in the “Wallpaper” section set the static option. You can also remove the screensaver from the lock screen.
After completing all the steps, the Internet on your phone should work much faster. This is due to the fact that you got rid of all the unnecessary data that was preventing you from fast work Internet.

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