Let's learn more about migratory and wintering birds. Working on the project "Birds in Spring"

While working on the project, students will learn a lot about the life of migratory birds: where they winter, when they arrive, where and how they build nests, how they take care of their offspring. The children will also learn what help we can provide to birds in the spring.

"Business card"

Information and Analytical Center of the IRO, Yaroslavl Smirnova A.N., Potekhin N.V.

Project business card

Project topic:

Migratory birds

Creative name:

Spring was brought on wings

Project typology:


1st grade students

Project duration


medium term



The world

Educational goals:

To promote awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy and basic rules moral behavior in the world of nature and people, norms of health-saving behavior in natural and social environment.

Promote development available ways studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experiment, comparison, classification, etc.)

Developmental goals:

Contribute to the formation information culture.

Develop skills to establish and identify cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world.

Educational goals:

communicative culture.

To promote the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, native land, the nature of our country.

Fundamental question:

Where do the birds fly?

Problematic question:

Private questions
(within educational topic)

Research topics

    Why do many birds fly in in the spring?

      What birds come to us in spring? (crossword)

      Where did our birds winter? (booklet)

    How does the life of birds change with the arrival of spring?

      Timing of arrival of birds (presentation).

      How birds build nests (presentation).

      Birds caring for their offspring (message).

    How does a person help birds in spring?

      Rules of conduct in nature (booklet).

      Building houses for birds (booklet)

Project stages:

Stage name





20 minutes


45 minutes

Work coordination.


3 hours

Work coordination.

    Control and correction

1,5 hour


Work coordination.


1 hour

Project abstract:

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Migratory birds

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"Off" activity for Bird Day"

Extracurricular activity

“Spring was brought on wings...”

Goal: repetition of knowledge about birds, broadening the horizons of children.

Progress of the event:

Teacher: Millions of years ago, the first birds appeared on Earth. And the hitherto gloomy world, inhabited only by dinosaurs, was filled with birdsong. And millions of years later, a person walked across the planet who was able to appreciate this singing. The man raised his head up, looked into the blue sky, and there was a lark in the sky! Sings, sings, flutters its wings. The man looked to the side, there was an eagle soaring freely, easily!

Every year on April 1, the whole world celebrates International Bird Day. On this day in 1906, the Bird Conservation Convention was signed. Today we will get a little closer to the world of birds.

It's spring again in this world! In spring, nature awakens, and birds are the first to remind us of this.


    The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be clothed with leaves.

    In the sun dark forest burst into flames,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

In the azure the lark is ringing.

    Admire: spring is coming,

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The day is buried in bright greenery,

And the streams in the ravines are noisy.

    Soon you will have guests.

Look how many nests they will build!

What sounds, what songs will flow

Day after day from dawn to dawn.

Teacher: Not in a television theater,

And among our school walls,

Let's start now traditional

Our "BioKVN".

We will be glad if you are in battles

Show your resourcefulness.

Skill, knowledge and fun

They will let you play a draw.


Teams introduce themselves and greet their opponents.

    “Who trills the best?”

The competition consists of two parts:

1 part : How do these birds “talk”?

Dove... (coos)


Duck... (quacks)

Owl... (hoots)

Goose... (cackles)

Crane... (crows)

Sparrow... (chirps)

Crow... (caws)

Turkey... (cries)

Cuckoo... (cuckoos)

    Crossword puzzle "Bird's dining room"

Teacher: It’s spring outside, it’s warm, but not so long ago there were frosts and snowstorms raging. Cold weather comes unexpectedly and takes not only people, but also birds by surprise.

    « This is interesting…"

    How does a woodpecker stay on a tree?(Two tenacious fingers at the top and two at the bottom.)

    Which of the most beautiful forest birds is called both the forest flute and the forest cat? (Oriole, she makes such sounds).

    Why are hawthorn bushes planted in the garden to attract birds? (The branches of hawthorn are studded with sharp thorns; by protecting itself, the plant also protects those who hide in its branches.)

    Who calls the cuckoo: male or female? (Male.)

    Which bird moves upside down? (Nuthatch.)

    What birds do not build nests to hatch eggs? (The cuckoo lays eggs in other people's nests.)

    Which birds arrive first and which birds arrive last? (Rook; oriole.)

    Which birds flap their wings more often: large or small?(The larger the bird, the less frequently it flaps its wings. Pelican - 1 swing per second; stork - 2; crow - 3-4, sparrow - 13; hummingbird - 21-23.)

    Which birds are the most in the world? (Skvortsov, Vorobyov.)

    Why do birds swallow pebbles?(Birds don't have teeth. Rocks help crush solid food.)

    Which bird has surpassed many inhabitants of our planet in the art of transformation? (Bittern. She can “pretend” to be a snag, a twig, a stump.)

    Name the bird - a symbol of longing for home. (The crane is crowing.)

    Which bird symbolizes kindness, happiness, home? (Stork.)

    Why do birds fly south in the fall?(They, insectivores, have something to eat in winter.)

    Why does the heron, before eating the fish, throw it up? (U Many fish have spiny fins. Heron throws the fish, deftly catches it so that the fish slips through the throat head first, without getting stuck anywhere. The fish does not have time to expand its fins.)

    "People say..."

Teacher: I read the beginning of the sign, and you must name the end.

    (a lot of), low... (few).

    (cold, long).



    The sandpiper leaves the swamp and flies across the field - to... (in clear weather).

    A seagull landed on the water - wait...(fine weather).


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"Riddles about migratory birds"


Black, agile,

Shouts "crak"

The enemy of worms.


There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace.

A his name is...


Who's on the Christmas tree?

Is counting done “peek-a-boo... peek-a-boo”?


Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this?


This is an old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs in the swamp.(Stork)

He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His songs and flight

Entered into poems. (Lark)

Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body,

And the back of the head is bare, red,

Walks through dirty swamps,

Catches frogs in them,

Clueless jumpers. (Crane)

Guess what kind of bird it is -

Little dark one.

White from the belly,

The tail is spread into two tails. (Martin)

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"Rules of behavior in nature"

Rules of behavior in nature

    In nature, you should not break anything, just tear it up.

    Treat trees and shrubs that grow on slopes with care; they strengthen the soil.

    Only dead wood is collected for the fire.

    Treat the living creatures of the forest with care, they all bring benefits. There is nothing superfluous or unnecessary in nature!

    When picking berries and fruits, do not damage trees and bushes, do not pick unripe fruits and berries. Take from nature only what you can use.

    Collect mushrooms, carefully cut with a knife so as not to damage the mycelium. Leave the bottom of the leg in the ground.

    Don't knock down inedible mushrooms, the inhabitants of the forest need them: squirrels, hedgehogs, birds. Even fly agarics are needed by trees; they feed the roots of trees.

    Collect medicinal plants correctly, leaving the roots in the ground.

    Do not pollute lakes, rivers, do not throw stones, garbage and leftover food into them. Do not destroy springs and wells.

    Do not write on trees.

    Do not pick flowers into large bouquets.

    Do not destroy anthills, ants are the orderlies of the forest. Remember: you have come to visit nature. Don't do anything that you would consider inappropriate to do at a party.

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    Geese are flying high - there will be water... (a lot of), low... (few).

    If the wild ducks arrive fat, it will be spring... (cold, long).

    If the rooks fly straight to their nests, it will...(spring is coming, melt water will run away quickly, warmth will set in).

    Early arrival of cranes - spring... (early).

    Early arrival of rooks and larks - for spring... (warm).

    Crows bathe in puddles in early spring -... (warmth).

    Birds bathe in dust - to ... (rain).

    Lapwings call in the evening - they promise us good weather.

    Swallows dart about... (rain).

    The sandpiper leaves the swamp and flies across the field - to clear weather.

    A seagull sat on the water - wait for good weather.

"How Birds Build Nests"


I wanna know

  • where birds make nests
  • what do birds use to build their nests?

  • The nightingale's nest is cup-shaped, built on the ground or on low bushes. The outside consists of dry leaves from last year, tightly adjacent to each other. The inside of the nest is lined with thin, dry blades of grass and stems.

Birds that build nests directly on the ground


Field lark

They nest in hollows redstarts and flycatchers

Rooks make their nests from dry branches on the tops of trees.

They nest in large colonies

An interesting nest of an oriole

It looks like a round, not very deep basket, which is suspended from a fork in the branches of a tree.

They nest on the walls of buildings city ​​swallows . Their nest is closed, with a narrow opening at the top. It is molded from earth and mud, moistened with saliva. Inside are dry blades of grass and feathers.

Nests in holes

Such nests are made by shore swallows. They dig them themselves in sandy cliffs. The depth of the hole can reach 1.5 m.

floating nests

They are a pile of aquatic vegetation piled on the water. Sometimes the underwater part of the nest rests on the bottom.

Coot chicks appear there .

  • Birds build their nests in a wide variety of places: on trees and bushes, in grassy thickets, in hollows, earthen roots and piles of brushwood, and they use human structures.
  • As building materials, they use stems and leaves of herbs, roots, leaves, branches and twigs of trees and shrubs, algae, moss, lichen, soil, cotton wool, rags, etc.

  • Anashkina E. N. What does the cuckoo sing about? Watching the birds / Artist M. V. Dushin - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2004. - 256 p.: ill. - (Excursions into nature).
  • Mikheev L.V. How birds build nests - Publishing House "Forest Industry", Moscow, 1968.
  • http://club.foto.ru/gallery/photos/index.php?cat_id=34&day=28&month=4&year=2005&sort=date coot in the nest 05/07/2012
  • http://club.foto.ru/gallery/34/photos/?sort=views&day=1&month=6&year=2007 shore swallow's nest 05/07/2012
  • http://www.topguns.ru/birds/20500/fullsize oatmeal 05/09/2012
  • http://www.photosight.ru/photo/alone/2715329/ bluethroat 05/09/2012
  • http://forum.ixbt.com/post.cgi?id=print:20:25512&page=9 Warbler at the nest 05/09/2012

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"Project Presentation"


Goryunova Marina Alekseevna, teacher primary classes

© MBOU NOSH-kindergarten No. 9


Creative name

Spring was brought on wings

Fundamental Question

Where do the birds fly?



How does the change of seasons affect the lives of birds?

  • Typology - informational
  • Student category – 1st grade
  • Subject – the world around us
  • Duration – 1 month

Project goals


  • To promote awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastery of the basics of environmental literacy, basic rules of moral behavior in the natural world and people, norms of health-preserving behavior in the natural and social environment.
  • To promote the development of accessible ways of studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc.)

Project goals


  • Contribute to the formation of an information culture.
  • Develop skills to establish and identify cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world.

Project goals


  • Contribute to the formation of a communicative culture.
  • To promote the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, our native land, and the nature of our country.


This project is designed for 1st grade students. This topic is studied in the lessons of the surrounding world by N.F. Vinogradova (UMK " Primary School XXI century"). The duration of the project is 1 month. The project will be defended at the final extracurricular activity"Bird Day".

Private questions and research topics

Private questions (within the educational topic)

Research topics

1. Why do many birds fly in in the spring?

  • Spring changes in nature (excursion to the spring park).
  • Spring changes in nature (excursion to the spring park).
  • What birds come to us in the spring? (crossword puzzle)
  • Where did our birds winter? (booklet)

2. How does the life of birds change with the arrival of spring?

  • Bird arrival dates (presentation)
  • How birds build nests (presentation)

3. How does a person help birds in the spring?

  • 3. Birds caring for their offspring (message) 4. Bird voices (test).
  • Rules of behavior in nature (booklet).
  • Building houses for birds (booklet)

Project stages

Stage name




20 minutes



Formulation of fundamental and problematic issues.

45 minutes


3 hours

Creating a problematic situation.

Determination of research topics. Formulating specific questions. Formation of groups. Development of evaluation criteria.

4.Control and correction


1,5 hour

Work coordination.

Collection of material. Creation of presentations and publications. Working on a website.

Work coordination.


1 hour

Work coordination.

Presentation of the project.

Work coordination. Creating a project portfolio.

  • Project business card
  • Web site
  • Didactic materials
  • Teaching materials
  • Examples of student work

Anashkina E.N. Birds Yaroslavl region. Determinant for beginners. – Yaroslavl: Hiton LLC, 2008.

Blagoslonov K.N. Protection and attraction of birds useful in agriculture. Uchpedgiz. Moscow. 1955.

http://www.kalitva.ru/2007/05/26/kak_i_zachem_pticy_vjut_gnezda.html how and why birds build nests 04/24/2012

http://www.newizv.ru/2006-03-08/ ducks 05/09/2012

http://900igr.net/fotografii/okruzhajuschij-mir/Pereljotnye-ptitsy/020-Kochujuschie-ptitsy.html feathered

http://virzoo.narod2.ru/ptitsi/lebed/ flock of swans

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"Arrival times"

Bird arrival dates

Semenov A., 1st grade

The first to appear in their native lands starlings. This happens often at the end of February, but if spring is late, then a little later - in the beginning of March .

they fly for starlings woodcocks, lapwings, larks, gray woodpecker.

Second half of March-Arrival time mallards, white wagtails,


In late March the gray ones are coming back herons and cranes,

finches, robins.

In the beginning of April

white storks, geese, yellow wagtails, black-fronted birds arrive

shrikes. They are followed by Scops Owl and Mountain Wagtail.

In the middle - end of April there is a turn of cuckoos, reeds, redstarts, and at the end of April - goats, city and

country swallows

At the end of April - beginning of May they arrive

turtle doves, bee-eaters, quails, flycatchers, warblers.

The last to arrive (in the first ten days of May) are nightingales, orioles,

swifts, shore swallows and whirligigs.

Integrative block: formation of a holistic picture of the world, application.

  • teach children to write a descriptive story based on pictures;
  • learn how to correctly compose an image from parts.

Objectives: introduce children to migratory birds of central Russia; develop monologue and dialogic speech; learn to form prefixed verbs; develop fine motor skills; learn how to correctly compose an image from parts; find the place of this or that part in the application, carefully stick it on.

Equipment and materials: illustrations with images spring landscapes, photographs of migratory birds: rooks, starlings, nightingale, lark; paper, scissors, glue.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Guys, in today’s lesson we will talk about migratory birds - birds that fly away from us in the fall to warmer regions and return to us in the spring. Now I'll tell you interesting story, which occurred in early spring. It's called “Spring Song”. Please listen carefully.

Spring song

This happened a long time ago. Spring has arrived from the south to our region. She was planning to decorate the forests with green foliage and spread a colorful carpet of herbs and flowers on the meadows. But winter just doesn’t want to go away, she liked staying with us.

  • When will you go to your north? - Spring asks her.
  • Wait,” winter answers, “your time has not come yet.”

I waited and waited for spring and was tired of waiting. And then all the birds, animals and insects began to ask her:

Drive away the winter, it has frozen us completely, let us bask in the sun, play in the green grass.

Once again spring asks winter:

Are you leaving soon?

And winter is tricky; That's what I came up with.

“I’ve become old,” she answers the spring, “I’ve mixed up all the months, I don’t remember when it’s time for me to get ready for the long journey.” Let's agree: as soon as the first migratory bird sings in spring, I will go north.

Spring agreed and began to look forward to the birds that come to us in the spring.

The first flock arrived rooks. The rook is a large bird with large strong legs and a downward curved beak; with black plumage. The rooks flew home, despite the fact that it was still cold, damp and there was little food. They spread their wings, scream, make noise, and call for spring.

Do you hear how menacingly the rooks scream? - says spring to winter. But winter didn’t listen.

Is this really singing? - she answered. My bullfinches and crossbills scream in the forest from morning to night. I don't consider this to be singing.

Spring is sad, but soon the flock starlings arrived. Their feathers are black with a purple tint, the starling’s beak is powerful, and there is a black crest on its head.

The starlings, having learned about the tricky winter, flew up into a tree and began to sing. The cheerful spring song of starlings echoed far through the forest.

Do you hear how joyfully the starlings sing? It’s time for you to leave, says spring to winter.

And winter just waved its hand.

Listen,” she answers, “when old pines and spruce trees creak in a snowstorm, it turns out even more fun.” Your starlings sing poorly. What song is this? Spring sighed. She had to look for another singer.

And then, out of nowhere, a nightingale flew in. Nightingale- a small bird, gray feathers, weak beak, but what a good forest artist.

We've been waiting for you for a long time! - spring says to the nightingale. – We hope you will help us drive away winter.

The spring song of a nightingale was heard, which was heard not only in the forest, but also in the fields and throughout the entire area.

“Oh, how loudly and beautifully the nightingale sang,” people in the neighboring village say, “it means it will be warm soon.”

Spring has flown towards winter.

Do you hear how loudly the nightingale sings in the forest? People in the village say that it was because of the warmth that he sang like that; that means it’s time for you to fly home – to the north.

What do you care about people? - winter answers. You make all the birds sing joyfully, like spring, and then I will leave.

Spring didn’t answer her. She’s very sad, she’s thinking about what kind of singer to find so that winter won’t be able to talk her way out of it.

So spring couldn’t come up with anything all day. Night came again, followed by morning. The sun slowly rose from behind the distant forest. It illuminated the forests and fields still covered with snow. Suddenly a lark flew up from a branch of one of the trees. Lark- a gray bird, slightly larger than a sparrow. Thanks to its gray coloration, it can hide on the ground so that it becomes completely invisible. On its paws, its hind toes have long straight claws, which give the bird stability.

The lark fluttered its wings and began to slowly rise higher and higher. And from the blue heights his joyful, ringing song poured down to the ground.

In this song one could hear the quiet ringing of spring drops, and the murmuring of a busy stream, and the spring awakening of nature, and something else so bright and joyful that words cannot describe it.

Far, far away the lark's song echoed across the fields, meadows and even remote slums.

Hearing this spring song, everyone who was hiding from the winter cold hurriedly crawled out of their holes, from cracks, from cracks. Bugs, spiders, insects climbed out into the sun, warmed themselves, straightened their wings, antennae, and legs. A thin and hungry hedgehog crawled out of the hole; even the huge bear tossed and turned from side to side in his den.

All the animals, birds, insects listened to the long-awaited song of the lark and thought about one thing: that now the winter cold is no longer scary, that there is nothing to be afraid of, because bright spring days are coming.

And the lark kept singing, rising higher and higher. The bright sun illuminated him, and now from the ground he no longer seemed like a gray bird, but like a golden star, a second tiny sun.

Well, isn’t this a song? – Spring asked winter.

But winter did not answer her: she was getting ready for a long journey - to the north.

Questions from the teacher.

  1. Guys, did you like the story? What is it called?
  2. What seasons were mentioned in the story?
  3. Did winter want to go away? What condition did winter set for spring?
  4. Which birds arrived first?
  5. Which birds arrived second?
  6. Which bird came third?
  7. Which bird saved all living things from a harsh and long winter?

Physical education lesson “Birdhouses”

I'll cut the boards with a saw:
Whip-whack, whack-whack.
(Sawing planks).
I’ll make a birdhouse out of them:
Knock-knock, knock-knock.
(We work with a hammer).
Come, birds, to visit
To us, to us.
(We call the birds to us with both hands).
I'll hang birdhouses
Here and there (movement to the right),
Here and there (movement to the left).

Teacher: Guys, do you like to travel? Now we will go on a short trip to the spring forest. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest: the forest is the home of animals and birds, we are guests of the forest. You cannot make noise in the forest, leave garbage, break tree branches, or pick armfuls of flowers. And then the forest will greet us like a hospitable host: it will delight us with wildflowers, juicy berries, and the joyful chirping of birds. You should not make noise near bird nests: the bird may get scared, fly away and not return to the nest, and its chicks will die of hunger.

So, you and I decided to watch the bird and stopped a little further from the nest.

Bird from the nest You flew further By flew. Nest around about flew away from the nest from flew. Behind the tree behind flew from behind a tree You flew into the distance at flew. After at flew into the nest behind flew.

Speech game “What doesn’t happen”

  1. Chicks
  2. hatch eggs.
  3. Bird eggs hatched crocodiles.
  4. The kids did for storks birdhouses.
  5. The birds body is covered wool.
  6. Animals
  7. build nests.
  8. Starling lives in booth.

Speech game “Say the opposite”

(selection of antonyms)

  1. It's cold in winter, and warm in spring.
  2. Birds can fly high and... low.
  3. Migratory birds fly away in the fall and... arrive in the spring.
  4. Winter is gone, and spring... has come.
  5. In winter the days are short, in spring... long.
  6. Birds sing loudly in the morning, and quietly in the evening.
  7. In winter the sun is dim, but in spring... bright.
  8. In winter the weather is often cloudy, and in spring... sunny.

Guys, now we will go to our creative workshops, turn into little wizards and make the “Migratory Bird” applique.

Let's get our hands ready for work and carry out finger gymnastics. The thumb “greets” each one in turn, starting with the little finger:

The bird flaps its wings,
The bird pecks the grains,
The bird collects branches
The bird will make a nest.

Now we will remember together the parts of the bird’s body: head, beak, neck, torso, paws, wings.

In the envelopes each of you contains parts of a bird's body cut out of paper. First you will need to arrange the bird image on the paper (sample demonstration).

So, let's go to the creative workshop: first - girls, then - boys.

Open the envelopes and place the image on the paper. Open the glue stick and carefully glue on the body first, then the head and beak. Press the image with a napkin.

After class, we will place all the work on the board and see what a wonderful flock of birds we have created.

Teacher: What did we talk about in today's lesson?

What do you remember from our lesson?

Well done guys, you did a great job!


  1. Veraksa N.E. Education and training program in kindergarten. M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.
  2. Vakhrushev A.A. Hello world! M.: Balance, 2006.
  3. Lifts E.A. Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills. M.: Iris-Press, 2010.
  4. Agronovich Z.E. Seasons. M.: Detstvo-Press, 2004.
  5. Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in kindergarten. M.: Education, 2010.

Walk in the kindergarten area
“Bird watching”

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of migratory birds.

Progress of observation/

  1. Tell the children that the birds have become warm, but the ground is still cold, they have nothing to eat: there are no blades of grass, no worms, no midges.
  2. We still need to feed the birds.
  3. Pour grains, crumbs, and seeds into the feeders.
  4. Teach children to care for birds.

The starlings are returning -
Our old residents
Sparrows near a puddle
They circle in a noisy flock.

T. Ladonshchikov

What birds fly to our site?

Are starlings wintering or migratory birds?

Where do starlings live when they fly from warm countries?

Do we have such a house?

Why do starlings need a birdhouse?

Let's now watch our squirrels. What are they doing?

Talk about how birds care for their offspring.

Note the body structure of birds and their habits.

If you see starlings while walking in the park, you know that spring has come. These birds fly to us when the snow is still on the ground. Draw the children’s attention to the colorful feathers of starlings, to how they fuss, making nests in their birdhouses: they carry blades of grass and make soft bedding.

There's a happy home on the pole
With a small round window.
So that the children fall asleep
The house is shaking in the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is both a pilot and a singer. (Starling)

Learning to observe changes in nature

Tell the children that starlings, rooks, and finches not only delight us with their songs and decorate our parks and forests, but also protect green spaces from pests and preserve harvests in fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens. Show the children the birdhouses that are hung for birds, tell them that you should never touch bird eggs and chicks if the nest with them is built in the grass.

It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make test flights, eat more than usual, put on fat - there is nowhere for them to eat during the flight. In flight, they are guided by the stars, and if the sky is overcast and the stars are not visible, then they are guided by the magnetic oscillations of the Earth.

Have you noticed that some birds fly away in “flocks”, all together; some, for example, cranes, line up in a “wedge” in the form of a triangle; others line up in a “chain”, in one line. It probably depends on the habits of the birds: some birds need leaders who show the way.


Game exercise “Who has who?”

The rook has rooks - rooks.

The duck has a duckling - ducklings

The swan has a baby swan

The nightingale has a little nightingale - nightingales

The crane has a baby crane - baby cranes

The thrush has a thrush - thrushes

The siskin has a siskin - siskin.

The stork has a baby stork - baby storks

The starling has a little starling - starlings.

Game exercise “Who cares about whom?”

The stork takes care of the storks.

The rook takes care of the rooks.

The crane takes care of the baby cranes.

The swan takes care of the swans.

Chizh takes care of the little ones.

The nightingale takes care of the nightingales.

The blackbird takes care of the blackbirds.

The duck takes care of the ducklings.

The starling takes care of the starlings.

The goose takes care of the goslings.

Game exercise “Whose tail is who?”

Who has a crane's tail? (Crane's tail on a crane)

Who has a rook's tail? (Rook's tail on a rook)

Who has a swan tail? (Swan tail on a swan)

Duck tail anyone? (Duck tail on a duck)

Goose tail anyone? (The goose's tail is on the goose)

Who has a stork tail? (The stork has a stork's tail)

Who has a nightingale's tail? (The stork's nightingale tail)

Game exercise “Who will become who?”

The little rook will become a rook.

The nightingale will become a nightingale.

The little bird will become a starling.

The baby swan will become a swan.

The duckling will become a duck.

The baby stork will become a stork.

The baby crane will become a crane.

Exercise “Guess and sit down”

Guys, now I will name migratory and wintering birds, if you hear the name of a wintering bird, then sit down; and if the name is migratory, then wave your hands.

Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, dove, swallow, tit, rook, starling, bullfinch, stork, crane, sparrow, heron, etc.

Exercise “Say in one word”

Guys, please stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with an answer.

At the stork long legs, what is he like? ... /long-legged/.

The stork has a long beak, it is... /long-billed/.

The swallow has a long tail, it is... /long-tailed/.

The swallow loves warmth, she is ... /heat-loving/.

The swallow has sharp wings, it is... /sharp-winged/.

Exercise “Continue the sentence, find the reason”

Birds that feed on insects are the first to fly south in the fall, because... /insects are hiding and they have nothing to eat/.

The woodpecker can be called a forest doctor because .../he takes out bugs and insects from under the bark/.

The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because .../it does not build its own nests/.

All people love to listen to the nightingale, because .../he sings beautifully, bursts into song/. and etc.

In the spring, migratory birds fly back because... /they need to hatch their chicks/.

Appendix 1 (riddles for migratory birds)

Appendix 2 (poems about birds)

Appendix 3 ( folk signs about migratory birds)

Appendix 4 (description of birds)

Appendix 5 (musical leisure "Come in, larks")

Appendix 6 (implementation plan for the subproject "Migratory Birds")

Appendix 7 (ecological newspaper "Touch nature with your heart")

Our world is amazing and diverse, but we often pass by a lot without noticing. Only when we learn to notice everything will our lives be filled with miracles, and we will love everything that is created on earth and treat everything with care. The main thing that a child must learn to understand is: Being kind is happiness! Therefore, it is necessary to teach him to love animals, birds, forests, fields, sun, and blue skies as early as possible. The whole world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature, and it is in the world of nature that he begins his journey into knowledge.

Project type: short-term Project participants: educators, children and their parents Expected results: Expanding children's horizons about wintering birds. Bringing children and parents closer together in the process collaboration. Developing curiosity in children creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills. Active participation pupils and parents to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Project implementation: Riddles about wintering birds; Bird watching on site; Reading and memorizing poems about birds; Game “Collect a bird” from 2 – 3 parts; Lesson “Rowan Twig”, modeling; Game with the character “At the feeding trough”; Work with parents: Making feeders, purchasing bird food, drying rowan berries.

Scenario of the school-wide event “Meeting migratory birds - our neighbors.
Every living creature should have its own home!”

Prepared by: educator, teacher-organizer of SOGBOU “Krasnoborsk Sanatorium and Forest School” Olga Vladimirovna Khudobet
Goal: To help birds arrange their nests in the spring. Attract the attention of school students and teaching staff to the problem of survival and conservation of bird populations. Formation ecological culture and environmental awareness of school students in the Krasny Bor environmental protection zone.
To attract students’ attention to the Krasny Bor environmental protection zone;
Develop skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature;
Select and study drawings for building birdhouses;
Teach to see and understand the beauty of living nature;
Teach the basics of environmental knowledge;
To introduce children to the relationships between plants, birds, animals and humans that exist in nature.
Continue to develop the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature;
To instill in students a responsible attitude towards the environment;
Continue to formulate the need for humans to observe the rules of behavior in nature.
Unity children's group students;
Develop the skills and abilities of proper interaction with nature, awareness of its ennobling impact.
Revival of the traditions of making birdhouses as a way to preserve the bird population in the Krasny Bor protected area.
Develop the ability to assess the condition natural environment, accept right decisions to improve it;
Develop emotionally friendly attitude to nature, spiritual, moral and aesthetic feelings.
Inventory: ready-made birdhouses, wire for attaching birdhouses, ladders
Participants: students in grades 3-9, teachers, educators, school administration
Time: 30 minutes.
Start at

In Rus', they have always loved small birds that settled near human habitation; they were considered God's creatures and good messengers. In Rus', the fashion for bird houses came with Peter the Great. The great sovereign loved pleasant little things and funny things. Having seen a birdhouse during his trip to Europe, he introduced this tradition of building homes for birds. This tradition is more than three hundred years old.
And our school took part in the project “Meeting migratory birds - our neighbors. Every living creature should have its own home!”
The first stage in January was the preparation of feeders from scrap material. Students of grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 took an active part in this event. Together with the teacher of chemistry and biology Elena Vladimirovna Cheberyako and class teacher 4th grade Natalia Petrovna Zueva prepared and hung feeders for wintering birds and forest animals. The second stage was the development of a schematic plan for constructing birdhouses. Independent production of birdhouses with the direct help of technology teacher Alexey Vladimirovich Popov. Students in grades 6 and 8 took an active part in making birdhouses. Hanging birdhouses made by the hands of school students, taking care of feathered friends, meeting them. Attracting students to practical activities on protection native nature. Revival of the bird population in the Krasny Bor protected area.
What birds live in our region.
Listen to riddles and guess which birds are about we're talking about. Grades 3-4 tell riddles, and students in other classes try to guess which birds they are talking about.

He is very deft on the turnip
Tenacious heads shake,
Spills seeds on the floor
The bird is lively. (Goldfinch)

Will whistle loudly here and there
Climbs the trunks with a mouse,
A thin whistle will reach your ear,
So it’s somewhere here (Pischukha)

Above the waves in a stormy sea
Birds fly in the open air
Birds love fish very much
They hunt during the day and at night.
They fly one at a time and in a flock
We call the proud birds (Seagull)

Runs along the path
On short thin legs
Often shakes his tail,
And lives under the roof
Mosquitoes are her snack
This is a bird (Wagtail)

Blue wings are beautiful
You can't see it in the forest,
It flutters briskly through the branches
With a sharp hoarse cry (Jay)

The air is cut without effort,
Crooked wings like sickles,
You won't be able to see it flash by,
Only (Swift) flies like that

Steals everything that glitters
Her eye follows everything.
On the tail, bringing news,
Talkative disposition, known to everyone
Sits high on the branches,
And her name is (Magpie)

Bird of prey with ears
Hoots loudly at night (Owl)

Here's a feathered one. Urban,
Huddles with people everywhere.
We are hungry in winter
We will share with him,
The gray mischief asks:
Give me some bread!
I'm tired tweet-chirp
And froze a little (Sparrow)

Look at the balcony
He's been cooing here since the morning.
This bird is a postman,
Will fly any route (Dove)

Yesterday I walked in a snowstorm,
I saw a twig in the snow,
And on the branch there is a red ball,
Who is he, a living lantern? (Bullfinch)

The little yellow bird is freezing,
Feed her poor thing.
Give me some seeds and lard
To make her feel better in winter (Tit)

Here the feathered one sat on a branch
And it beats, knock-knock-knock.
Looks for food under the bark
He is hungry sometimes (Woodpecker)

I'm the queen in the yard
There's my house, on the branch to the left.
A bird with gray-black feathers,
I am smart, cunning, agile (Crow)

It's a cool May evening.
And in June and in the heat
I'm bringing out my roulades
In the park. Grove and forest.
These trills, overflows
Melodious and beautiful (Nightingale)

The brothers stood on stilts.
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or are you walking?
They can't get off their stilts (Oatmeal)

Ved: Well done, you solved all the riddles. How many birds live in Krasny Bor. And now let’s move on to the main part of our event: hanging wooden houses for migratory birds.
Students, together with technology teacher Alexey Vladimirovich Popov, attach birdhouses together with students in grades 6 and 8.
The photo report was sent to the school website.

Bulygina Valentina Nikolaevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 12 “Sun”

Project " Migratory birds»

Relevance of the project: In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude towards nature and the surrounding world.
Forming humane treatment to nature, I try to ensure that every child understands that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature, for example birds, is caring for man and his future.
My task is to, together with parents, bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for our little friends.

Objective of the project: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about migratory birds and their life in the spring.

Project objectives:

– To give children new knowledge about migratory birds, to develop the ability to compare and generalize simple cause-and-effect relationships.
– Analyze the impact of changing seasons on the life of birds, classify birds into wintering and migratory.
- Educate children careful attitude to nature, teach to take care of birds.

Predicted results:

During the project, children will develop a positive attitude towards wildlife and birds in particular. During conversations, children learn a lot about their habitat, food, and nesting. Children will learn to compose independently short stories about birds and their chicks. Together with their parents, they will show a creative approach to productive activities. The children will become more attentive, kind and caring towards birds.

Project participants: Children 5-6 years old, teachers, parents.

The first stage of the project “Preparatory”

Select visual material, select fiction on the topic to read, didactic games, riddles about birds, information for conversations.

The second stage of the project “Phase of Active Activity”

Types of children's activities:

Social and communicative development

Creation of game and educational situations “Choosing material and tools for work - building a feeder”, “Flying or not arriving”, “Find and describe”, “Spring has come, brought games”

Theatrical activity: dramatization of an excerpt of a work
V. Orlova “Crow”.

Didactic games “Whose beak”, “Complete the drawing”, “Whose chick”, “Who is screaming?”, “Whose nest?”, “What kind of bird?”, “The fourth wheel”.

Outdoor games " Geese - geese", "Sparrows and a car", "Owl", "Pigeons", "Burn-burn clearly", "Bees and a swallow", "Migration of birds".

Role-playing games “Pet Shop”, “Doctor Aibolit”.

Examination of posters and cards “Migratory and wintering birds”.


Conversations: “How to help birds in spring”, “Who winters where?”, “What not to do in the forest?”

Compiling a story based on plot pictures on the topic “ New house for starlings"

Reading fiction:

Russian folklore. “Nikolenka the gander”, “Knock on the oak tree - a blue swift flies”, “Rooks - kirichi”, “You’re a little bird, you’re a vagrant...”, “Swallow-swallow”.

Fairy tales and stories about birds: “The Frog Princess”, “Geese and Swans”
"Finist - clear falcon", "Cuckoo", G.H. Andersen " Ugly duck", D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck” and others, V. Bianchi “Stories” and others

Learning chants and poems about birds:

Dear songbird, dear swallow,
You returned home from your native land.
It hovers over the window with a live song:
“I brought spring and the sun with me.”

Bird over my window
A nest for birds is built,
Then he drags the straw in his legs,
She's carrying fluff.

Reading riddles, proverbs and signs:

All the migrating birds are blacker,
Enemy of larvae, friend of fields,
Jump back and forth across the fields,
And the bird’s name is... (rook).

Like a fox among animals,
This bird is the smartest of all,
Hiding in the green crowns,
And her name is... (crow)

“Every bird is proud of its feather”, “Every bird is full of its beak”, “The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends summer”, “I saw a starling - spring is at the porch”, “The nightingale sings for a month, and the crow croaks all year round”, “The bushes were cut down - goodbye, birds!

Crows bathe in sand and water - a sign of rapid warming; the birds began to sing in the rain - it will soon be clear; if a woodpecker knocks in March, spring will be late; if the sparrow is ruffled - it means frost, if it smoothes its feathers - it means warmth; the pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

Cognitive development

ECD on the topic “How man protects nature”

Viewing the children's environmental magazine "Svirel"

Tour of the territory kindergarten“Are you ready to meet the birds?”

Watch the video: “Bird Calls”

Titmouse sisters, tap-dancing aunts,
Little peasants, well done starlings,
Fly to us from across the sea, bring red spring!
With silk grass, with pearl dew,
With the warm sun, with a grain of wheat!

Birds are dear to us, as a part of the wonderful nature of Russia. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous songs and bright plumage enliven nature and instill joy and vigor in us.

Presentation “Birds of our Motherland”

Visual activity (Productive activity)

Drawing “Migratory Birds”, coloring pictures
"Our feathered friends"

Application “Fairytale Bird”

Designing birds from paper using origami method

Modeling “Birds at the feeder”

Conversation on the content of V. Bianchi’s story “The Foundling”

Conversation with children based on the story by D. Volgin “The Birds of the Curonian
braids" from the magazine "Svirel"

- V. Zhukovsky. "Lark"

– E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”

– V. Bianchi “Masters without an axe”

– V. Stepanov “Birds in verse”

– N. Sladkov “Lentil Bird.”

Working with parents

Newspaper for parents “Children about birds”

Folder – movement “Bird Protection”

Consultations for parents: “Child and birds: learn to love”,

“On the need to teach children proper behavior in the forest”,

“So that children are kind.”

Third stage “Presentation”

  1. Presentation of the project “Migratory Birds”
  2. Announcement of a competition for children and parents crafts: “Our feathered friends.”

  1. Conducting an environmental landing “Young ecologists”
  2. Creation of the album “All about birds”.
  3. Direct educational activities with children on the topic.

Don't destroy the bird's nest,

The bird is so happy in its home.

She is calm in the nest and then,

When the storm is angry over the grove. K. Kuliev

Love birds! Protect them!

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