What is the meaning of life for Mtsyri? Essay “What is the meaning of life for Mtsyri? Essay The meaning of life Mtsyri

For Mtsyri (Lermontov’s hero) his whole life, I think, is freedom. For him she is the main one.

From early childhood he was almost captured - in a monastery. It's even stricter there. There are no prisoners or captives around who are also trying to break back into freedom. There is no one to make escape plans with, no one to talk to about what is important to you. And, on the other hand, there are no enemies. Gentle monks are hard to hate! The freedom-loving Mtsyri could not talk about freedom with them, because they simply did not understand him. The monks themselves renounce their will and come to tonsure themselves. It’s hard for them to live in the world... Young Mtsyri is a completely different matter.

The poem shows how he always admired the wild nature. I looked with admiration at the high mountains, at the free clouds, and inhaled the smells of freedom. He dreamed about her and had dreams. He had the option to resign himself, to forget about his dream, but for him it was absolutely impossible.

For the sake of this freedom, he escaped from the monastery, he betrayed the people who saved his life and, in principle, always wished him only the best. He risked his life... Although he did not know how to use this freedom. Yes, in his pursuit of her, he got lost in the forest, went hungry, and was wounded by a predator. He was excited by the image of a beautiful girl, but the beauty did not become his goal. And in the end, unfortunately, he became so weak that the same monks again saved him. Unlucky this time. But before his death, he was happy because of those short free days.

This is why I believe that the main thing in life, more valuable than life itself, for Mtsyri was will. Not love (it just began to emerge in his heart), not wealth (not at all), not security, not fame, not the Motherland... Mtsyri is a very romantic hero, but not in the rose-colored light of falling in love, but in the light of love for freedom. A real hero! But he was not at all ready to endure this very will. However, he had been striving for her for so long, waiting for her for so long, that she had become his passion – he had blinded him. So he didn’t see the danger... So with any dream you need to be very careful.

Essay The meaning of life Mtsyri

From the beginning of the work, Mtsyri turns to an old man who has lived for many years and has seen a lot of things, and after all, a young man could also know this whole life, but it is not given, he is a prisoner, his fate is predetermined.

In his words there is resentment, bitterness towards the one who, unconsciously, takes his life, and this understanding is not easy for the hero. After all, his thoughts occur when he is near death and he will no longer have the opportunity to experience what life is.

But what does it mean for the youngest man?

And in order to answer this question, we must first consider how this work is composed. It is divided into two different parts. The first part takes up only a page, telling about the fate of this character and the monastery. The second part is full of events of how he escapes from this place of residence.

Thus, the author highlights the main idea: the life of a young man in a monastery does not count at all, it is simply a physiological existence. There is no need to say much about this, because it has no colors, it is not interesting. The young man himself realizes that he does not live, but exists.

In the monastery, people do not have any goals, dreams, there are no feelings here, there is not even sun and warmth here. That’s why Mtsyri runs away from there, runs away, wanting to find his own “I”.

The true life of the young man ended when he, being very tiny, went from his native place to the monastery, and then began again when he ran away from it. Just three days. Three days of freedom, and this is what the work talks about. To be free, that’s his dream, that’s his desire! He wants to return to his homeland, he wants to breathe freely and freely - this is his real life!

But this life cannot be without risks and there is an eternal struggle here - this manifests itself when a young man leaves the walls of the monastery. He runs from the place where he has been for so long, he runs to his freedom, and he does this when it is raining heavily. Rain with thunderstorm.

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The student used additional material to write the essay. The essay contains many quotes from the text; one’s own conclusions are drawn from the points of the plan. The image of Mtsyri is fully revealed.




What is the meaning of Mtsyri’s life?

(based on the poem “Mtsyri” by M.Yu. Lermontov)


I. What is the meaning of the poem “Mtsyri”?

II. What is the meaning of Mtsyri’s life?

1).Life of Mtsyri in the monastery.

A). What views does monk Mtsyri reject?

B). What did Mtsyri strive for?

IN). Why did he call the monastery a prison?

2).Mtsyri's life in freedom.

A).Communication with nature.

B).Mtsyri’s memories of his father’s house.

IN). What does it mean to live for Mtsyri?

G). Meeting with a beautiful Georgian woman.

D). Fight for life.

E). What is the tragedy of Mtsyri?

AND). Did Mtsyri repent before his death of his

Aspirations and actions?

III. Conclusion.

1).V.G. Belinsky about Mtsyri.

2).My attitude towards Mtsyri.

M.Yu Lermontov's poem “Mtsyri” is directed against religious morality and monastic bondage. The meaning of the poem is to glorify will, courage, struggle, dedication, in a word, all those qualities that are inherent in the hero.

The main character of the poem is a young man who lived his childhood years in captivity. His name is Mtsyri. During confession, he argues with the monk and tells him:

Let the beautiful light now

I hate you: you are weak, you are gray,

And you have lost the habit of desires.

What kind of need? You lived, old man!

From these lines we see how great Mtsyri’s love for life is. But what follows:

I lived little and lived in captivity.

Such two lives in one,

But only full of anxiety,

I would trade it if I could.

We can conclude: all of Mtsyri’s aspirations were directed towards one bright dream - towards freedom, towards that beautiful dream for which he gave his life. He asks the old man:

...you saved me from death -

For what? Gloomy and lonely

A leaf torn off by a thunderstorm,

I grew up in dark walls

A child at heart, a monk at heart.

Mtsyri assures the old monk that no force can subjugate the will and feelings of a freedom-loving mountaineer. There is no way to force him to renounce the world, which attracts him to itself with its wonderful mysteries of nature. The life of a slave for a little Caucasian is like a prison. He could not come to terms with cruel captivity, separation from his homeland, and therefore he was driven by a passion for his native land, but he never thought about revenge on the people who separated him from his native Georgia. Dreaming of his homeland, he was alone among people, and this is the worst thing for a person, especially for a child.

And so, when Mtsyri runs away from the monastery and is left alone with nature, it seems to him that he understands the voices of birds, guesses the thoughts of dark rocks, hears an argument between a pile of stones and a mountain stream, in a word, he understands nature and its feelings. Not finding like-minded people among people, he communicates with nature. And it seems to him that she understands him. Describing nature, the poet wants the reader to imagine picturesque pictures of the Caucasus.

God's garden was blooming all around me;

Rainbow plants outfit

Kept traces of heavenly tears,

And the curls of the vines

Weaving, showing off between the trees

Transparent green leaves.

While observing the beautiful landscapes, Mtsyri heard an unknown voice that told him that his home was located in these parts. And gradually the pictures of his childhood years passed before him more and more clearly. He imagined either his father in combat clothes, or his young sisters bending over his cradle, or living pictures of his native village. And the more he imagined all this, the stronger his desire to return home grew.

Living for Mtsyri means being free and independent. He admits that his life without these three days would be darker than the powerless old age of a monk.

Tell me what's between these walls

Could you give me in return

That friendship is short, but alive,

Between a stormy heart and a thunderstorm?

Mtsyri is happy because he could experience happy moments of connection with nature. Mtsyri is fascinated by the beauty of a beautiful Georgian woman. From all these unknown feelings he loses consciousness. Waking up, the young man sees the girl moving away from the stream and compares her to a slender poplar. And he wanted even more to go to that unknown country.

In the fight against the leopard, Mtsyri shows courage and dedication. After all, he fought not only for his life, but also for his freedom, that is, for his dream. He discovers in himself such qualities as resourcefulness, ingenuity, and the extraordinary strength of a mountaineer, which he inherited. He is confident that, if not for the hand of fate, he “might not have been one of the last daredevils in the land of his fathers.”

Having defeated the leopard, forgetting about the pain, he goes towards his dream. But... shock again. The young man realizes that he has lost his direction and returns to the monastery. Is it really for this that he fought with the leopard, for this he wandered through the thorny thickets? Really, after his dream was almost fulfilled, should he return to the monastery? When he heard the ringing of bells, it seemed to him that this ringing was coming out of his chest, as if someone was striking his heart with an iron. And then the hero realized the terrible truth: he would never return to his homeland. What could be more terrible than this thought for Mtsyri?

The young man compares himself to a prison flower, which was transplanted into the neighborhood of roses, where he died from daylight. But even before his death, Mtsyri asks to be buried in the garden in a place from which the Caucasus is visible. We see that the young highlander has not repented of his dreams and aspirations and is faithful to his dream. Having gone through such a difficult and overwhelming path, Mtsyri does not want to change his views. This is the tragedy of the freedom-loving young man: after living his real life for three days in freedom, he again ends up in a monastery and ... dies, because he cannot live in captivity after taking a breath of the air of freedom.

V.G. Belinsky, reviewing the poem “Mtsyri,” spoke of its hero: “What a fiery soul, what a mighty spirit, what a gigantic nature this Mtsyri has! In everything that Mtsyri says, he breathes his own spirit, amazes him with his own power ... "

Mtsyri attracted me with his courage, boldness, and perseverance. In the most difficult moments of his life, he does not submit to fate and goes towards his dream.

You want to know what I did

Free? Lived...

"Mtsyri" is one of the greatest works of Russian and world literature. It describes the aspirations for freedom, the dream of a homeland.

I. Andronnikov said that Mtsyri is Lermontov’s second self. This means that this poem describes the aspirations and feelings of Lermontov himself. And he conveyed this perfectly to his hero. After reading the poem, you can understand the soul, penetrate into the author’s intention. Lermontov, like Mtsyri, was far from his homeland and dreamed of freedom.

Mtsyri is a proud, brave, lonely, gloomy young man. BUT in him, under the monastic robe, the heart of a hero beats and such traits as determination, inspiration, and intransigence merge. Mtsyri longs for freedom and strives for a distant, inaccessible homeland.

During the three days that Mtsyri lived in free will, he learned the price of freedom. He called these three days life, because during the entire life that he lived behind the monastery walls in captivity, he did not feel the pleasure, the thrill that he felt in freedom, among the forests and fields.

And my life

Without these three blissful days

It would be sadder and gloomier

Your powerless old age.

Mtsyri’s desire for freedom is inextricably linked with the dream of returning to his homeland.

I lived little and lived in captivity.

Such two lives in one,

But only full of anxiety

I would trade it if I could.

A life full of anxieties, passions, hatred and love - this is what Mtsyri calls life. Living for him means feeling anxious, fighting and winning. During his three days of freedom, he experienced a sense of independence.

Mtsyri saw nothing except the old crumbling walls of his “prison”; he did not know what the world was like outside the gates of the monastery that were closed to him.

The boy who ended up in the monastery was very weak, timid, and sick, but he died proudly and with endurance. He was quiet beyond his age, taciturn and “wild.” And Mtsyri sadly asked the monk:

Old man: "I've heard many times

That you saved me from death -

For what?...."

Mtsyri realized early on that he would never quench his thirst for freedom and longing for his homeland in the monastery he hated. He escaped despite the uncertainty of the world awaiting him, because the thought of his homeland burned in his soul.

I knew only the power of thoughts,

One but fiery passion:

She lived like a worm inside me,

Gnawed out my soul and burned it

And there, in freedom, among the dark forests and flowering fields, Mtsyri relieved his chest, breathing in the long-awaited freedom. And only among this beautiful nature, free, independent from anyone, Mtsyri learns what a real free life is. But the longing that lived in Mtsyri’s soul, longing for the Fatherland, for relatives, did not find peace among this nature untouched by time and the enthusiastic feeling of freedom.

Mtsyri died without realizing his lifelong dream of visiting the Fatherland, his native land, at least once again. Continuing his former monastic life meant giving up the freedom that he had so recently learned the value of, and the ardent dream of his homeland. He was ready to give everything just to visit at least a little of the cherished places where he spent his childhood and where his memory returns.

Alas! - for a few minutes

Between steep and dark rocks.

Where did I play as a child?

I would trade heaven and eternity...

Mtsyri merges two highest feelings: Motherland and freedom. Mtsyri is one of my favorite book characters. He has the qualities of many heroes of books, but in this poem such feelings as love for the Motherland, for freedom, the desire to live freely, independently lead the thought to an involuntary admiration of the poet. For all these qualities: for the love of life, for freedom, I love the tireless hero of the poem and this poem as a whole.

Updated: 2018-02-17

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Alas! - for a few minutes
Between steep and dark rocks.
Where did I play as a child?
I would trade heaven and eternity...
M. Lermontov
Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in his youth pays tribute to romanticism, creating in his works images of persistent and courageous, decisive and unbending fighters. For the most part, they die, but do not betray themselves, their ideal.
I knew only the power of thoughts,
One, but fiery passion.
She called my dreams
From stuffy cells and prayers
In that wonderful world of worries and battles,
Where rocks hide in the clouds,
Where are people

Free as eagles.
I am the passion in the darkness of the night
Nourished with tears and melancholy.
This is the hero of the poem “Mtsyri”. He dreams of breaking out of the monastery, which he perceives as a prison. Life for Mtsyri is a struggle, and not a calm, well-fed existence away from hardships and worries. The measured and calm life of the monastery did not kill the hero’s dream of breaking free and getting into the environment of semi-bivouac life that had become familiar to him since childhood. Mtsyri is a child of nature, he perfectly understands its sounds, feels his blood connection with the surrounding world of freedom and beauty.
God's garden was blooming all around me;
And again I fell to the ground
And I began to listen again
To magical, strange voices;
They whispered in the bushes,
As if they were speaking
About the secrets of heaven and earth.
But stronger than the love for nature, for a woman, the thirst to find a lost homeland sounds in Mtsyri. He is ready to endure any hardships for the sake of his cherished goal:
There is a light in the familiar hut
It fluttered, then went out again:
I wanted to... but I'm going there
I didn’t dare to go up. I have one goal -
Go to your home country -
He had in his soul and overcame the suffering of hunger as best he could.
It is not the hero’s fault, but the hero’s misfortune that he is not destined to escape to his homeland, to fulfill his cherished dream, cherished by “tears and longing.” The hero understands that “the prison has left its mark on him...” So there is no point in living if you don’t break free. Mtsyri can no longer and does not want to stay in the monastery-prison, preferring death to vegetation. But dying, the hero wants to see his distant, inaccessible homeland. The body dies, but the spirit is not broken.
They told me to put it there.”
The Caucasus is visible from there!
Perhaps he is from his heights
He will send me farewell greetings,
I'll start thinking that I'm a friend
Brother, bending over me - what
sings to me in a low voice about a sweet country...

1. The purpose of every person’s life.

Every person has their own goal
life, the purpose in which he sees meaning
of his existence on earth. How
the closer a person is to society, the more
he is among the smart, noble -
new people, the brighter, the more sublime
becomes his goal. But everyone has them
really different. Some people dream of conquering
alien worlds, others wish that
people were always healthy and vital -
joyful, third - so that our Motherland -
not flourished... was more beautiful and stronger,
than before, fourth - so that there is peace

2. What does Mtsyri see as the meaning of life.
1. Mtsyri’s cherished dream.
And Mtsyri, the hero of the poem of the same name
M.Yu. Lermontov, was a cherished dream
Get to your homeland, to the mountains "where in the clouds
rocks hide where people are free, like
eagles" and see your loved ones, here
what is it?
2. Memories of the people.
This dream haunted him.
He remembered his home... home, mother...
family, and the father, as if alive, stood in his
memory, in chain mail, with weapons and
with a proud, unyielding gaze.

3. An attempt to implement the plan.
With age, the desire for the homeland,
love for one's people never leaves
Mtsyri. His dream is getting deeper and deeper -
the spirit crept into his soul, and
he is not all... able to restrain his desires
to freedom - runs away.
4. Strengths and 4 abilities of Mtsyri, killed
conditions of monastic life.

But...life in a monastery, which
consisted of meaningless cramming -
ke and reading prayers, do not prepare -
let the young man to the harsh laws of life -
neither. On his way he meets many -
they will hinder... Overcoming
hinder... undermines his health
5. Overcoming obstacles Mtsyri
because there were a lot of obstacles. Behind -
growing up got in the way

Three days of Mtsyri's escape
again finds himself at the monastery -
rya. Here they find him in demons -
conscious state.

6. Mtsyri’s last request.
No... I can't bear it
this heavy blow, M... young man
dies because there is no need
to live, because he realized with bitterness
that he won’t be able to get to his homeland.
...And that's all... Mtsyri dies with
thoughts about the Motherland. In the last
with his request he asks that
after his death they put him away."
"You took me to our
garden, to the place where they bloomed
two white acacia bushes...
The grass between them is so thick,
and the fresh air is so fragrant,
and so transparently zoo...lotist [golden],
leaf playing in the sun!
I'll drink in the radiance of a blue day
for the last time, from there you see -
den and the Caucasus! Perhaps he is from his own
hello farewell to me
will send, will send from the cool -
cool breeze!!.

III. My thoughts about Mtsyri.

I've never been away
from your parents, from your home.
I had no reason to be very anxious -
forge, for... just as I yearned
Mtsyri. But it’s still not difficult for me -
but to understand it, partly because
that M.Yu. Lermontov is very truthful
depicted Mtsyri's experiences. IN
in the poem there are such le... places where it is very
the event is reliably described that...chi -
the tatel presents him... like this
it's good that it's like you... he did it himself


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