What is the reason for saving Grinev. Travel game “Lucky chance. Grinev - hero and narrator

o Let us pay attention to a line of his biography: “ descended from soldiers' children." In those days, it was incredibly difficult for a soldier’s son to rise to the position of commandant of a fortress. This means that Ivan Kuzmich was a military officer, a man of great courage and courage, who participated in many battles.

o What does Ivan Kuzmich experience when 2 young officers, his subordinates, stop to watch him conduct exercises with disabled people? What caused his phrase addressed to them: “ There's nothing for you to see here"? understands that he ridiculous in his Chinese robe during military exercises, that his disabilities are ridiculous from a military point of view. It is not easy for Ivan Kuzmich, probably bitter, to be a laughing stock in the eyes of young officers. However, the old commandant " busy with service»: « teaches little soldiers." And is it possible to call his words that he “ will give a warning to the Kyrgyz and Bashkirs"? On duty Ivan Kuzmich obliged to counter rumors and gossip, to avoid panic, which is why he cuts Grinev off.

o We have been convinced more than once that the place destined to take the blow of the rebels was abandoned, poorly equipped, and infinitely peaceful.

o Who was in charge of the fortress and why? On behalf of her husband, she looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her master’s, and ruled the fortress as exactly as her own home” - p. 123, ch. 4

o In the Mironovs’ wooden house, life goes on as usual, a small circle gathers, has lunch, dinner, and passes on gossip. “There were no inspections or guards in the God-saved fortress” - page 123, recalls Grinev. No one controls the actions of the commandant, no one thinks about the military equipment of the fortress. General R in Orenburg is more occupied with his garden with apple trees than with military affairs. Meanwhile, events of enormous significance are brewing in the area of ​​the Belogorsk fortress. Even during the snowstorm, Grinev heard the roadman talking to the owner of the skillet... They, of course, did not speak directly, but it is felt that big things are brewing. The counselor assures the owner of the inn that the time will come, strength will accumulate, and then there will be success. And now it's still early.

o Grinev arrives at the fortress in 1773 in late autumn.

o Are there any hints in the story that the general excitement of these parts reaches the log fence of the Belogorsk fortress?

§ Vasilisa Yegorovna asks the constable, the Cossack Maksimych: “ Well, Maksimych, is everything all right?” - “everything, thank God, is quiet"- answered the Cossack - page 119.

§ Why do you think V.E. turned to Maksimych with this question? He is a Cossack. Apparently he was connected with the Cossacks and knew more than others where danger could come from. But they trust him in the fortress.

§ How is the officer’s appearance portrayed? " young and stately Cossack"(119). In the garrison, we know, there were both soldiers and Cossacks. What comparison suggests itself? Ivan Kuzmich had some disabled people, but among the Cossacks there were strong and young people who could fight well.

§ V.E. says that she is used to the fact that large crowds appear in the steppe “ lynx hats" They have appeared now, " they're prowling around the fortress" - 122 pages..

§ What conclusion can we draw about life in the Belogorsk fortress, about the actual state of affairs? The Belogorsk fortress only seemed like a calm, quiet place where life flows peacefully. The surroundings were uneasy.

§ The commandant and his family, the officers, living in a fortress remote and isolated from the life of the country, could not imagine the impending danger, although they sensed it.

§ And now a new stage in events has come: among the Cossacks. A leader appeared for the peasants, Bashkirs, and Kyrgyzs. But his name, his identity were unknown in the Belogorsk fortress, as, probably, in other fortresses.

1. What impression did he make on Grinev? Shvabrin? G. already knew that Sh. was sent to the fortress for “ murder" - for a duel. " Sh. was very intelligent" His conversation was sharp and entertaining.” p. 120.

2. Why did I look at Masha with prejudice at dinner? ? Masha " didn't really like it"Grinev because Sh. had already managed to describe her" a complete fool».

3. Comments in epigraphs chapters.

4. How and why Grinev’s opinion about the captain’s family changed ? The kindness and simplicity of the Mironovs may have reminded Grinev of life with his parents. At the captain's house he was " accepted as native" and felt like in my own family: " Invisibly with. 123»

5. G. stopped trusting Shvabrin's slander and formed his own opinion about the Mironovs. Commandant He turned out to be an uneducated and simple, but honest and kind person. The general, Andrei Karlovich, spoke about Mironov in the same words, which makes this impression reliable. Masha turned out to be " prudent and sensitive girl" - 123. All this made Grinev's life in the fortress " not only tolerable, but also pleasant" - 123.

6. What did G. do in the fortress? Promoted to officer, but his service was not " burdened" He began to read, in it “ the desire for literature has awakened“- he translated and even wrote poetry.

7. Do you think Grinev’s poems are good? Is Shvabrin right to mock him? Grinev's poems, of course, were weak, but sincere, openly expressing his feelings. Shvabrin mocked not so much the “poems” as Grinev’s feelings.

8. Reading the episode« I already said...to the words “ Proud poet

9. What was the reason and what was the reason for the quarrel between G . and Sh.? Reason – Grinev did not like « always funny jokes"Shvabrin about the commandant's family, he began to understand that Shvabrin is a dishonest and unkind person. Grinev irritated Shvabrin with his openness and simplicity, because he loved Masha, to whom Shvabrin unsuccessfully wooed. The reason for the quarrel and the duel served not just " rude and evil mockery”, and Shvabrin’s “deliberate slander”, as if Masha can be bought for a pair of earrings. The quarrel had been brewing for a long time and was inevitable.

10. How Grinev was wounded ? Shvabrin took advantage of the fact that Grinev was distracted by Savelich’s call and dealt him a sneaky blow.

11. What did Grinev defend in the duel? ? What qualities of his were revealed in the story of the duel? Honor and dignity for yourself and your beloved. He showed nobility by not mentioning Masha’s name.

12. What did Grinev say to Vasilisa Egorovna? Grinev, without naming the true reasons, explained that they had quarreled " for a song».

13. Grinev acted bravely and courageously, because Shvabrin was older and more experienced than him, including in the ability to fight with swords.

14. Vchapter

1) Why did Grinev make peace with Shvabrin? « I’m too…” “Generous! about style of his “unfortunate rival.”

2) Grinev refused his son’s blessing to marry Masha Mironova ? Andrei Petrovich decided that his son was behaving unworthily, that instead of serving he was fighting duels “ with the same tomboys" that one should not marry him, but beat him out of him " nonsense».

3) How Grinev the father found out about his son’s adventures? Grinev " was indignant at Savelich“, but it turned out that Shvabrin informed his father. His repentance turned out to be insincere. He only hid and again, as in a duel, struck on the sly, writing to his opponent’s father.

4) What moment in the development of the love relationship between Masha and Peter can be considered the culminating moment?

Explanation after receiving a letter from Grinev’s father, in which he forbids his son to marry.

(Students prepared in advance read by role the dialogue between Masha and Grinev in the chapter “Love”. You can dramatize this episode.)

5) Why do you think Masha, honoring this letter, refuses to marry her beloved? Who is she caring about at this moment?

I believed that without the blessing of my parents, happiness is impossible. She sincerely loves Grinev and wishes him happiness, at least with “ another" Masha is a girl with a strong character.

Pushkin has a wonderful poem written back in 1829. Listen to it and tell me, does it echo this scene from the novel?

(The student reads Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...” by heart.)

I loved you: love still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.

What lines of dialogue are consistent with the poem?

- From the very first lines, Masha appeared before us timid and shy, but this does not mean that she is spineless.

The refusal to Shvabrin testifies to his strong character and persistent principles. She does not want to marry an unloved person, even at the risk of remaining an old maid for life.

Yes, you need to understand this: imagine a girl living in a remote village where no one comes. The girl also has no dowry. An officer like Shvabrin, according to the ideas of that time, was her only chance to arrange her destiny. But she rejects him because she doesn't love him. This speaks not only of strong character, but also of courage, because in the 18th century a woman had only one purpose: to get married and take care of her husband, children, and run the household. There were no other fields.

5) As an epigraph to Vchapter correlates with the character of Masha Mironova?

6) How do you understand the last phrase of the chapter: « to the good“The shock that influenced Grinev’s fate is in the sense that it cleansed and elevated his soul. Grinev had to go through many trials, experience and understand a lot, and grow up.


I. How events grew in the Belogorsk fortress. The enemy's actions intensified. A great force is approaching the fortress. This is evidenced by rumors, information, facts, and alarming sentiments that gripped the population of the fortress.

1) The commandant of the fortress received secret letter from the general with the requirement to accept " appropriate measures"to reflection" villain and impostor" Let us pay attention to the reservation made by the captain at a meeting of officers: “... And we only have one hundred and thirty people. Not counting the Cossacks" The rebel army far outnumbered the defenders and inhabitants of the fortress.

"Secret order" can be assessed as formal. What is important in this order is that it informs about the large forces of the rebels, that they have a leader. " Appropriate measures»it is impossible to accept the commandant; we should have thought about this earlier, we should have given the fortress weapons and strengthened it. General R., who was sitting in Orenburg, did not understand or did not want to understand this. was unruly: even when the Belogorsk fortress was taken by Pugachev, he became calm even then, and Pugachev was already threatening Orenburg. Orenburg almost surrendered, to say nothing of the Belogorsk fortress.

2) How Captain Mironov behaved at this difficult moment, what new features of Captain Mironov appeared in new circumstances. He showed firmness, did not allow Vasilisa Yegorovna to be at the meeting, because a secret order was discussed there, and sent her to the priest, and locked Palashka in the closet.

· Establish guards and night watches

· In the event of an attack, lock the gates and withdraw the soldiers

· Maksimych closely monitors his Cossacks

· Inspect and clean the gun

· Keep all this secret

3) Reconnaissance officer, penultimate paragraph.

4) Pugachev’s popularity among the Cossacks – “ In the fortress between the soldiers…»

5) The Cossacks have already openly spoken out against Yulaya, appointed to the place of a police officer, whom they considered a traitor, they scolded him to his face Ivan Ignatievich, called " garrison rat»

In the fortress formed 2 camps. The Cossacks will undoubtedly join the rebels, they are already associated with them, and the garrison, as we know, is not strong. The conflict between these camps within the fortress deepens. It’s as if we hear the distant rumbles of the uprising, they are approaching, they are reflected in the minds of people.

5) Captured Bashkir

6) Vasilisa Egorovna found out about the threat of attack by Pugachev and “ shared" news with a hit. " Soon everyone was talking about Pugachev"Realizing that it was impossible to hide anything from his wife, the captain read in front of her at a meeting of officers: " Pugachev's appeal " with the offer " don't resist».

7) Torture of a Bashkir . How can this episode explain the cruelty of the commandant, usually so good-natured and gentle??

· Pushkin emphasized that the reprisals against the rebels were incredibly cruel. Ivan Kuzmich immediately recognized the Bashkir as “ according to the terrible signs of one of the rebels punished in 1741." He had neither a nose nor ears. Notice how mercilessly Ivan Kuzmich gives orders to torture the Bashkir, how obediently perform its scary orders two disabled people and Yulay. After all, the torture was stopped only because the Bashkir’s tongue was cut out, he could not speak and was therefore not needed by Ivan Kuzmich.

· An essential detail in the appearance of a disfigured, mutilated Bashkir. The look in his eyes: « his narrow eyes still sparkled with fire». Why does Pushkin force the reader to look into the eyes of a man caught in the commandant’s trap? ? We see in them the fire of hatred, the fire of struggle, something undefeated, unreconciled. After all, the Bashkir " was caught with outrageous sheets", i.e. with the appeals that Pugachev distributed when he approached the fortresses. This person who " seemed over 70 years old,” bravely took on a dangerous task.

· Capturing him increased the commandant's anxiety, he even gathered the officers again - these appeals and appeals were so terrible “ peasant king", the belief in which, as we know, was widespread among the people.

· This scene is also a reason for the narrator to directly address the readers: « Young man! If my notes come across...»

· Pushkin once again confronts the reader with a Bashkir. After the attack we see him on the gallows crossbar with a rope in his hands; The unsurrendered commandant of the Belogorsk fortress was hanged on this gallows.

Conclusion: small episodes in which people from two hostile camps participated reflected a conflict that precluded reconciliation.

· Can we say that both of these people - the Bashkir and Captain Mironov - are bloodthirsty by nature ? Of course not. But for the Bashkir the captain Mironov is a symbol of the state he hates oppressors, and for Ivan Kuzmich the Bashkir is one of the “ villains», « old wolf", "rebel"", undermining the foundations of the state to which he swore allegiance and served all his life. Hence the cruelty on both sides. Ivan Kuzmich does not think about the reasons for the rebellion - the order that he protects seems indisputable to him.

8) We cannot help but be interested in what how the narrator, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, looks at everything that happens.

· For Grinev Pugachev - robber, and his army - " gang» .

· The commandant's order to subject a Bashkir to torture " neither of us was surprised or alarmed" However, Grinev remembered the Bashkir’s face for the rest of his life; he calls him “ unhappy" - describes his mental turmoil. " He looked around in all directions, like an animal hunted by children.“,” says Pyotr Andreevich, remembering this terrible scene, he again seems to hear how “ moaned in a weak, pleading voice"The Bashkir, seeing Yulay with a whip raised over him.

· The interrogation scene served as a kind of impetus for the moral maturity of the hero, since what he saw aroused in him disgust for cruelty and inhumanity. Subsequently, denying any violence at all, Grinev condemns “ Russian revolt, senseless and merciless» - (ΧІІІ).

· Many years later, Grinev, already an elderly man, recalls with horror the torture of Catherine’s time, contrasting it with other times “ the meek reign of Emperor Alexander" But he's wrong. " enlightenment and philanthropy" Not " made progress" The terrible and shameful custom of torture existed for a very long time. Catherine II more than once gave secret orders not to use torture, but nevertheless torture flourished during her reign. Grandson of Catherine Alexander by decree of January 1, 2001, he prohibited torture. However, terrible torture continued to be used both in courts and in the estates of serf owners. Officials and landowners did not bear any punishment for this.

And in the army, corporal punishment was a constant occurrence. Thus, the commander of the Semenovsky Guards Regiment Schwartz constantly punished dozens of soldiers, giving them thousands of blows with spitzrutens. This was one of the reasons for the regiment's uprising in 1820. Schwartz's abuse of the soldiers caused their furious indignation. The soldiers were supported by many officers, among whom were members of the first Decembrist organizations. An uprising began, in which the Semyonovites showed courage and inflexibility. The uprising was suppressed, but rumors about it spread throughout Russia and resonated in many hearts

Pushkin clearly disagrees with his hero in assessing the reign of Alexander. In 10 ch. “Eugene Onegin,” which was burned by the poet and of which only fragments remain, he writes:

The ruler is weak and crafty,

Bald dandy, enemy of labor,

Accidentally warmed by fame

Then he reigned over us .

1) Conclusions on the chapter “Pugachevism” »:

· Why did Pushkin choose for this chapter as epigraph words of a folk song:

You young guys, listen up

What will we old men say? .

o Knowledge of history, from Pushkin’s point of view, helps to understand modernity, the present.

o Pushkin creates the story in the 30s. ΧІΧ century, in a difficult and alarming time, a time of peasant and cholera riots, which were an echo of the grandiose Pugachev uprising of 1773 - 1774. Analyzing the past, Pushkin, as it were, invites his contemporaries, “ young guys", listen to this past not only in order to understand the present, but also, if possible, think about the future. After all, the chapter “Pugachevism” tells how people with a limited outlook, occupied only with their own personal interests, suddenly find themselves faced with great events and are drawn into their whirlpool.

· In ch. “Pugachevshchina” Pushkin depicts the 1st period of the uprising, the period of its growth and rapid accumulation of forces. We see it getting worse conflict between m/d camps inside the fortress. What happened in the Belogorsk fortress - typically. On the one side, - the undoubted sympathy of the Cossacks and the population of the fortress for Pugachev, with another, - the irreconcilable position of the officers with their loyalty to the throne. The cruelty of the rebels is generated by the cruelty of the authorities, the government. And the Belogorsk fortress is doomed to fall to the enemy.


1. This chapter is a logical continuation of the previous one. The conflict reached its highest point: Pugachev launched an attack on the fortress. This chapter has its own characteristics - its hero is the people, ready to rush into battle. Before us are 2 camps, openly facing each other. Let's see what happens in each of the camps...

2. The command of the fortress did everything to meet the enemy as worthy as possible. The garrison stood at gunpoint on the ramparts. The cannon had been dragged there the day before.

3. How is the other camp portrayed? ? It is told through the eyes of the narrator, who for the first time in his life observes what is happening in the camp of an extraordinary enemy. Pugachev's forces are growing rapidly.

· At first " 20 people on horseback rode across the steppe not far from the fortress" Grinev sees that these are Cossacks and Bashkirs, “ which could easily be recognized by their lynx caps and quivers».

· But here " new horse crowds appeared: the steppe: the steppe was dotted with many people armed with spears and sideks" A great force was approaching the fortress

4. Who attracts our special attention?

· On the one hand, this is the modest captain Mironov,

· with another, - " a man on a white horse in a red caftan with a drawn saber in his hand" - Pugachev. " At his command, 4 people separated and galloped at full speed right up to the fortress.” and threw Yulay’s bloody head and a letter inviting him to surrender behind the palisade. This man is brave and persistent. When, after the 3rd cannon shot, the Pugachevites retreated in both directions and retreated, Pugachev alone remained in front. " He waved his saber and seemed to be eagerly persuading them... The screaming and squealing, which had fallen silent for a minute, immediately resumed again…».

· Isn’t Captain Mironov courageous and brave? " The proximity of danger inspired the old warrior with extraordinary vigor"- writes Grinev. He goes around the army, encourages his soldiers, affectionately calling them “kids”, he appeals to their military honor: “... Let's prove to the whole world that we are brave people and jurors“An experienced warrior is never lost for a minute. When, for example, the rebels gathered around their leader and suddenly began to dismount from their horses, the commandant warned: “ Now stand strong: there will be an attack»

· But TV, what is the weakness of the courageous Mironov and the strength of Pugachev? Pushkin, through the mouth of Grinev, speaks about the power of the rebels and the weakness of the government forces’ resistance to them. The lack of management and mediocrity of the higher authorities, who abandoned the Belogorsk fortress to the mercy of fate.

· People's attitude towards Pugachev:

o « residents left their houses with bread and salt».

o « the bell rang»

o « People poured into the square»

o « Father Gerasim, pale and trembling, stood at the porch with a cross in his hands»,

o Began taking the oath: the residents came up one after another, kissing the crucifix and then bowing to the impostor,

o Garrison soldiers with their braids cut off and their hair cut into a circle " approached Pugachev's hand"(these same soldiers a few hours ago" expressed their zeal to Ivan Kuzmich»)

· The people standing in the square had to endure another shock. The officers of the Belogorsk fortress, led by Commandant Mironov, were brought to the square, bleeding.

o Pugachev with a menacing question: “ Which commandant

o Who pointed to the commandant ? Sergeant Maksimych

o How Mironov behaves ? This is Pugachev’s implacable enemy, although he is now defeated and exhausted from a wound, but he boldly throws the most intolerable words to the leader of the uprising: “ You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, hear you!" Last words " Hey you!"- Ivan Kuzmich’s favorite saying, they give his firm words a touch of simplicity and everyday life. Ivan Kuzmich, even in his dying moments, is the same as always. You involuntarily remember another phrase of his, uttered in front of the soldiers during the attack: “ Dying like this is a serviceable deed».

o Boldly repeats the dying words of his commander Ivan Ignatievich, calling Pugachev " uncle" The address sounds affectionate, but accompanied by the words “ thief and impostor“, speaks of non-recognition of Pugachev’s royal dignity, giving the whole phrase a mocking tone.

o Execution of Captain Mironov and Ivan Ig. cannot fail to shock readers.

o How Shvabrin is described in the execution scene ? What is the role of this description? Shvabrin is described in several precise strokes: he managed not only to go over to Pugachev’s side, but also to cut his hair “in a circle” and dress in a Cossack caftan. In addition, he managed to whisper something to Pugachev, after which Grinev was dragged to the gallows.

o What is the reason for Grinev’s miraculous rescue? ? If not for Savelich’s devotion, courage and self-sacrifice, Grinev would have faced the fate of the executed defenders of the fortress. Pugachev recognized his former travel companions and remembered the hare sheepskin coat he had been given.

o How Pugachev behaves in the scene of Grinev’s liberation ? Pugachev shows sharpness, cunning, resourcefulness. He justifies Grinev’s refusal to kiss his hand so as not to ruin himself in the eyes of others: “ His honor, the nobility, was stupefied with joy».

o Episode reprisals against the commandant. Cruel Pugachev. Pushkin's laconicism in the scene of the death of Vasilisa Egorovna, he is utmost: Grinev conveys only the facts. Vasilisa Egorovna, while the events were unfolding on the square (execution of officers, taking the oath), found herself in the hands of the Pugachevites. Robbed and unaware of what happened, she asks for only one thing: take her to Ivan Kuzmich. But here she is looked at the gallows and saw my husband. Of course, her words of sorrowful crying addressed to the dead Ivan Kuzmich reached Pugachev’s ears: “ died from an escaped convict" Pugachev's reaction. Pugachev’s reaction was expressed in 3 words: “ Quiet the old witch" Word " calm down" was understood by the young Cossack in one sense - to kill.

The story “The Captain's Daughter” can be considered one of the pinnacle works of A. S. Pushkin, written in prose. More than once, even the author of this work himself said that it is historical, since it is based on peasant uprisings led by Pugachev. The author managed to recreate the atmosphere that was characteristic of those times. He amazingly portrayed the characters of the main characters and ordinary people who lived in that difficult time.

The work is a kind of narrative, which is told on behalf of the main character - P. Grinev. He became a witness and participant in all the events described by the author. But the work would be incomplete if there were no place in it for a hero who is the complete opposite of Grinev. We are, of course, talking about Shvabrin. With its help, the author managed to make the plot of the story more vivid and exciting. This is probably why the image of Shvabrin and Grinev are considered only together. But in this review we should take a closer look at the main anti-hero of the story.

What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin?

The image of Shvabrin demonstrated how petty, selfish and cowardly people can be in their desires. Shvabrina has only one thing in common with Grinev in the story “The Captain's Daughter” - strong feelings for M. Mironova. Underneath the image of the anti-hero is an aristocrat who once served in the guard. He got into it due to his not very easy character. Namely, after the moment when the lieutenant was killed by him in the next duel.

The author of the story indicated that there was a moment when Shvabrin was already wooing Masha. But the answer, naturally, was negative. That is why one could often hear insults against her from him. These unpleasant expressions became the reason for the duel between him and Grinev. But the image of Shvabrin in the story “The Captain's Daughter” is not endowed with such a quality as honesty. At that moment, when Grinev turned away at the servant’s shout, Shvabrin managed to seriously wound him.

Among the shortcomings that the antihero of the story was endowed with, the absence of such concepts as honor and official duty stands out especially well. At that moment, when the fortress fell under the onslaught of Pugachev, Shvabrin, without thinking twice, went over to his side, receiving the position of one of the commanders. The reason for switching to the rebellious side was hatred of Grinev and the desire for Masha to become his wife.

The author’s attitude to the image that was revealed in the person of Shvabrin

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, devoid of any moral principles, is shown in the story as a guards officer corrupted by intrigues and conspiracies, court morals. He despised domestic reality quite strongly and even spoke exclusively French. But Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not deprive the image of Shvabrin in the story “The Captain's Daughter” of positive qualities. The author endowed him with a sharp mind, resourcefulness and good education.

The author shows a negative attitude towards this hero. If you look at his assessment, you can say with great accuracy that it is quite negative. This can be seen at least in the fact that in the story he is mentioned only by his last name. Also, in some places in the work only the initials of this antihero are indicated.

What did Shvabrin’s meanness ultimately lead to?

And what happens in the end? Pugachev, to whom Grinev told that Shvabrin was holding Masha by force, became angry. The image of Shvabrin in the story “The Captain's Daughter” became an excellent demonstration of what can happen to a person if he forgets about honor, courage and bravery. But it’s impossible to say that this teaches something. When Shvabrin joined the government forces, he singled out Peter among the traitors. He did this primarily in order to remove suspicion from himself. Naturally, Grinev was able to get out of a difficult situation without losing his honor and officer’s courage.

The fate of Shvabrin remained a mystery, since A.S. Pushkin did not write anything definite about this. But most likely, he was simply executed. And such punishment cannot be called unfair.

What was A. S. Pushkin trying to show readers with the help of the image of Shvabrin?

Probably, the author was trying to show that people should not be condemned for their actions, using for these purposes the image of Shvabrin in the story “The Captain's Daughter.” It is better to feel sorry for them and sympathize with them. Shvabrina can be classified as one of those people who cannot get rid of their fears. He sees nothing except what is directly related to him. It was not even his aristocratic origin that made him this way, but the absence of any spiritual qualities.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of people like Shvabrin around. They harm other people who in some way resemble characters like Grinev and Masha. But, as in the story by A.S. Pushkin, all their atrocities always act against their masters. This is precisely the problem with such people. Thus, fear can only give rise to hypocrisy and lies, which, in turn, lead to failure.

What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin?

But the image of Shvabrin was created for a reason. With its help, the author showed that meanness can only lead to failure and failure. Almost every action we take leads to a certain result. So it is necessary to draw the following conclusion: once you forget about your honor, you can doom yourself to further failures.

History of creation. Subjects

In the 1830s, Pushkin's interest in Russian history intensified. The writer was especially interested question of popular uprising. This was greatly facilitated by the events contemporary to Pushkin - peasant “cholera” riots, soldier uprisings. In the light of these events, the Pugachev rebellion received acute political meaning and historical lessons.

Throughout the 1830s, Pushkin was intensively engaged in historical research. Work in the archives, meetings with surviving witnesses of the Pugachev uprising allowed the writer to prepare a lot of material and draw important conclusions. The writer became convinced that the social interests of landowners and peasants, the nobility and the people were largely opposed. Hence Pushkin’s conclusions about the historical conditionality of the uprising of the oppressed against their oppressors.

IN 1833 year Pushkin writes the novel “ Dubrovsky" Its theme is peasant revolt. The novel remained unfinished. Pushkin was not satisfied with Dubrovsky's image. The leader of the popular uprising, according to Pushkin, should have been not a romantic hero - a noble robber, but a man from the people, depicted from a realistic position.

At the same time, in 1833, Pushkin was working on a historical essay - “ The history of the Pugachev rebellion" This work eventually became the documentary basis of The Captain's Daughter.

Pushkin's also dates back to 1833. outline of a novel about Shvanvich- an officer who went over to Pugachev’s side. Subsequently, however, the writer abandoned the plan to make Shvanvich the main character of the new novel. In The Captain's Daughter, instead of Shvanvich, Shvabrin appears - a negative character. According to Pushkin, a traitor could not be the central character of the work, as well as the narrator. Only an honest, worthy person could act as a narrator - a “confidant” of the author himself. This is how the image of Grinev appears.

As a result, Pushkin managed to write a work of art that was fundamentally new in both content and form - "The Captain's Daughter" (1836). The main theme of Pushkin’s creation was Pugachev uprising. At the same time, the writer draws here broad pictures of the life of the nobility and people in the 1770s.

Main problems

In “The Captain's Daughter” we can roughly distinguish two circles problems: socio-historical and moral.

We classify as socio-historical people's problem and related problem of Russian national character. Moral issues include the problem of cruelty and mercy, the problem of honor and duty and other problems.

Pushkin comprehends the problem of the people through the relationship between the images of Pugachev and Savelich, through the depiction of the characters of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress - captain Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna, father Gerasim and priest Akulina Pamfilovna, constable Maksimych, serf maid Palashka, and other characters - representatives of the people or people from them.

The writer’s understanding of the problem of the Russian national character is also connected with these same characters; What is also important here is the relationship between the images of Pugachev and the Orenburg general, the German Andrei Karlovich, Savelich and Monsieur Beaupré.

To study the problem of cruelty and mercy, the image of Pugachev, the images of his associates - Khlopushi and Beloborodov, as well as the image of Empress Catherine II are especially important.

The problem of honor and duty is revealed mainly through the contrast of such characters as Grinev and Shvabrin. The figure of Father Grinev is also important here. In addition, different facets of this problem are comprehended using the example of Captain Mironov, Vasilisa Egorovna, Masha Mironova, Ivan Zurin, and other characters.

Ideological orientation

In the ideological orientation of the novel, two sides can be distinguished. Let's consider, firstly, Pushkin's attitude to the popular uprisingand to his leader; Secondly, Pushkin’s attitude towards Grinev and other characters.

On the one hand, Pushkin could not have a positive attitude towards the destructive power of the rebellion, its cruelty. “God forbid we see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless!”- exclaims Grinev. The narrator's position here reflects the author's position.

At the same time, Pushkin, unlike Grinev, understood that a popular uprising expresses the ineradicable love of freedom of the people.

Pushkin’s attitude towards Pugachev is ambiguous- a cruel rebel and at the same time a man of a broad soul, full of daring, courage, and not devoid of a sense of mercy. Pugachev in his portrayal of Pushkin evokes not only rejection, but also sympathy.

Depicting Grinev and Masha and contrasting Grinev with Shvabrina, the writer asserts the following moral values, How honor and loyalty to duty. At the same time, the writer is aware the historical limitations of Grinev’s worldview, the hero's lack of understanding of the people's love of freedom.

Portraying Catherine II, Pushkin claims ideals of mercy. It is no coincidence that Ekaterina’s forgiveness of Grinev was seen as a hidden appeal from the writer to the Tsar with a request to have mercy on his Decembrist friends. Thus, in Pushkin’s portrayal, both the cruel robber and the imperious empress are capable of mercy.

In addition, in the images of Grinev and Masha, Pushkin sought to capture the ideal of selfless love and service to one's neighbor: first Grinev helps Masha out of trouble, then Masha saves her fiancé from the royal wrath.

Meaning of the title

The title of the work draws the reader's attention to the character of the main character. Undoubtedly, the spiritual appearance of Masha Mironova influenced the author’s choice of title for the novel. A simple girl from the people, a second-generation noblewoman, Masha combined in herself the best features of the Russian national character - a living faith in God, the ability for deep, sincere love, courage, and selflessness. Like Tatyana Larina from Eugene Onegin, Masha Mironova is a bright, memorable Pushkin image, "sweet ideal" of the author.

Thanks to Masha, the characters of other characters in the novel are revealed: driven by sincere love for Masha, Grinev defends noble honor and human dignity in the harsh trials of life; in relation to the main character, the meanness and baseness of Shvabrin’s soul are fully revealed; Risking their own lives, Father Gerasim and Akulina Pamfilovna save Masha from both Pugachev and Shvabrin; Helping an orphan, the cruel impostor and the imperious Empress Catherine II show mercy. Masha, thus it turns out at the center of the most important events and moral conflicts of the novel.

Creative method

"Captain's daughter" - realistic work with some features of romanticism.

Pushkin's novel is distinguished by its deep historicism, which manifests itself primarily in the fact that the writer showed objective meaning depicted by him historical events. In particular, Pushkin showed that the reasons for the uprising are of an objective historical nature. The writer claims that popular indignation was not caused by the personal qualities of the tyrant ruler, as was often depicted in the works of romantics. It is no coincidence that Catherine II in Pushkin’s depiction does not look like a tyrant-tyrant; she is shown as a powerful, but at the same time merciful ruler.

Pushkin sought to convey to the reader the idea that the cause of the riot was cruelty of the authorities in relation to peasants, Cossacks, non-Russian peoples inhabiting Russia, the whole system of oppression of the people. Pushkin writes about this, for example, in a historical excursus placed at the beginning of the chapter “Pugachevshchina”, where the writer mentions "strict measures" from the government in relation to the Yaik Cossacks. This is also evidenced by the terrifying the sight of a mutilated Bashkir, who was interrogated by Captain Mironov. One more example - view of convicts with “faces disfigured by the executioner’s tongs”, at the beginning of the chapter "Siege of the City".

The objectivity of the reasons for the uprising is confirmed by the fact that the common people invariably supported Pugachev.

Leader of the uprising in "The Captain's Daughter" not a romantic “noble robber”, A man of the people endowed with bright character traits, but by no means not idealized. Pushkin does not hide Pugachev's rudeness, his ignorance. At the same time, Pushkin notes such character traits of the leader of the uprising as lively mind, folk ingenuity, sense of justice, ability to show mercy.

The realism of “The Captain’s Daughter” was also evident in Pushkin’s depiction typical characters in typical circumstances. The writer created wonderful types of ancient nobles(Grinev’s parents), types of ordinary Russian people(Captain Mironov, his wife Vasilisa Egorovna, serf servant Savelich, many others).

Researchers note in "The Captain's Daughter" and some features of romanticism. This is, in particular, entertaining story, which includes extraordinary situations, incredible events (Grinev’s miraculous deliverance from death, his “intimate” conversations with Pugachev, the transfer of a letter from Masha to Grinev through the constable Maksimych, the rescue of Masha from the hands of Shvabrin with the help of Pugachev, the second meeting of Grinev with Zurin, the fateful meeting of Masha with the Empress in the garden; others episodes); romantic features in the appearance of Pugachev.

Genre originality

The genre of "The Captain's Daughter" can be defined as historical novel in memoir form.

An important feature of The Captain's Daughter as a historical novel is documentary. The accuracy of historical descriptions brings “The Captain’s Daughter” closer to works of scientific-historical prose, in particular to “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion” by Pushkin himself. Indeed, in The Captain's Daughter the writer sought to recreate real events Pugachev uprising- unrest of the Cossacks on the Yaik River, the seizure of fortresses by the rebels, the siege of Orenburg.

In "The Captain's Daughter" we meet a number of real historical figures. These are Catherine II, Pugachev, his associates Khlopusha and Beloborodov.

At the same time, “The Captain’s Daughter,” unlike “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion,” not a historical work, but a novel. Historical events in the work are refracted through the prism personal destinies of fictional characters, connected not only with historical events, but also love affair.

In addition, Pushkin's novel was created in memoir form. The story is told on behalf of the fifty-year-old father of the family, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. He writes his memoirs during the “meek reign of Emperor Alexander.” The memoirist talks about his youth, which coincided with the era of the reign of Catherine II, with the events of the Pugachev rebellion.

The writer’s choice of memoir form is not accidental. First of all, it was important for Pushkin show events Pugachev revolt from the perspective of an eyewitness. The writer needed a witness who could truthfully tell about the participants in the uprising, about Pugachev and his associates.

Besides, writing memoirs is a characteristic feature of the spiritual life of educated people of the 18th century. The memoir form gave Pushkin’s work a special color of the era.

Finally, it was also important Pushkin's desire to avoid censorship difficulties. The memoirs had to be written by a convinced opponent of the uprising, but at the same time an objective, impartial witness to its events.


Grinev - hero and narrator

So, the role of witness to the Pugachev rebellion was supposed to be a nobleman who did not share the position of the rebels, but at the same time maintained objectivity in covering their actions.

An honest and decent person could become such a storyteller. It is for this reason that Pushkin did not want to make the narrator a nobleman who betrayed his duty and went over to Pugachev’s side: Shvanvich (the prototype of Shvabrin), originally intended by Pushkin for the role of a memoirist, eventually took the place of the negative hero - the antagonist of Grinev, but not the narrator. As a result, he became a storyteller Petr Andreevich Grinev.

Grinev the hero, who is also the narrator, appears before us in young age And in adulthood And respectively - in two roles.

Peter Grinev, acting as hero and participant in the events described, - This young officer, representative of the ancient nobility. He grew up in a family that highly valued honor and dignity of a person.

Pushkin's hero is distinguished by such traits of worldview and character as sincere faith in God, in His good providence, fidelity to duty, self-esteem, courage and courage in life's trials, kindness, spiritual generosity, the ability to sincerely feel, fidelity in love and at the same time frivolity,inexperience, sometimes hot temper.

Concerning Grinev the narrator, then this is no longer an ardent young man, but wise with life experience fifty year old man,father numerous families.

Grinev the narrator is distinguished by undoubted literary abilities, appeared already in youth, sense of humor, gift of irony, penchant for philosophical generalizations.

The most important means of disclosure Grinev's character is character system and plot. In addition, it is extremely important epigraphs to individual chapters, conveying the author’s position in relation to the hero.

IN character system and in the plot of the work, Shvabrin is opposed to Grinev. Grinev is a representative of the ancient patriarchal nobility, connected with the people by moral ties. Shvabrin comes from St. Petersburg secular circles, an adventurer, an egoist, an atheist, who has nothing sacred in his soul. In this regard, Shvabrin’s betrayal, and then his denunciation of Grinev, is natural. Shvabrin's meanness and moral uncleanliness are contrasted with Grinev's high moral qualities, which are most fully revealed in the story of his love for Masha Mironova.

In ideological terms, Pugachev is also opposed to Grinev. On the one hand, Grinev and Pugachev are brought together by the ability to appreciate goodness, a feeling of gratitude for good deeds. On the other hand, Grinev is unable to understand Pugachev’s love of freedom. In Grinev’s view, popular revolt is associated only with robbery, disasters and destruction. This position of Grinev is evidenced by his perception of the Kalmyk fairy tale about the eagle and the raven, told by Pugachev. “To live by murder and robbery means, for me, to peck at carrion,” declares the narrator.

Grinev’s character is also revealed in plot works. The hero passes test of love.

At the same time, the story of love is closely intertwined in “The Captain's Daughter” with the story of a popular uprising. Grinev passes tested not only by love, but also by the tragic events of the Pugachev rebellion.

Other characters

Andrey Petrovich Grinev- father of the main character and narrator Pyotr Grinev.

Grinev-father – representative ancient nobility, Human honor and duty. The hero’s high moral principles are manifested in the following situations.

In the first chapter (“Sergeant of the Guard”), Andrei Grinev gives his son a blessing to serve faithfully, valuing noble honor and loyalty to the oath above all else. This is most clearly expressed by the proverb that the father said as parting words to his son: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” Grinev the father is against his son serving in the guards regiment in St. Petersburg, where he can only learn to “wind and hang around.” Andrei Petrovich sends his son to the army so that he can “sniff gunpowder” and become a real defender of the fatherland.

Compassion, kindness and hospitality Grinev the father shows in relation to the orphan Masha Mironova, his son’s fiancée.

At the same time, the novel reveals such qualities of the hero as hot temper and tyranny landowner-serf. This is evidenced first of all by Grinev’s father’s insulting letter to Savelich (chapter “Love”), where he calls the faithful servant an old dog and threatens to send him to herd pigs because he could not prevent Petrusha’s duel with Shvabrin and did not report this incident to the old master.

Avdotya Vasilievna- mother of Petrusha Grinev, a woman extremely good, endlessly loving her son. Avdotya Vasilievna, like her husband Andrei Petrovich Grinev, personifies patriarchal world of the ancient nobility with his high moral principles, cordiality, hospitality.

Savelich(Arkhip Savelyev) is a serf man of the Grinevs, eager, an expert in hunting dogs and at the same time a caring uncle (serf teacher) of Petrusha Grinev, the narrator’s constant companion in all his adventures. It is significant that it was Savelich who was Petrusha’s mentor and taught him Russian literacy.

Savelich, a man of the people, personifies such character traits as dedication, devotion to duty. At the same time it is distinguished thrift, even stinginess.

Savelich, unlike Pugachev the rebel, to whom he is contrasted in the novel, does not think about freedom. For him bebeing a slave to his masters is the natural state. He cannot even imagine his life without his owners. At the same time the hero not devoid of human dignity. This is especially clearly manifested at the moment when Savelich adequately responds to the angry, insulting letter from Grinev the father addressed to him (chapter “Love”).

Pushkin depicts Savelich with irony, noting some of the funny aspects of his character and behavior.

Let us note the most striking episodes with Savelich’s participation. In the first chapter (“Sergeant of the Guard”), the hero acts as a zealous mentor of Petrusha, speaking with indignation about the French tutor Monsieur Beaupré, a drunkard and libertine. The expulsion of Monsieur Beaupre from the house causes Savelich “indescribable joy.” In the Simbirsk episode, when Petrusha lost one hundred rubles to Zurin, the godfather's servant manifests himself as a selfless defender of the lord's money and property. We see Savelich in the same way in the chapter “Counselor”: the old servant refuses to give Pugachev money for vodka and reluctantly gives him a hare sheepskin coat on the owner’s orders. At the moment of the duel (chapter “Duel”) Savelich tries with all his might to stop the fight, and his cry becomes the involuntary cause of the master’s injury; then the faithful servant selflessly cares for the wounded (chapter “Love”). Having received an insulting letter from Grinev’s father, the faithful servant writes the master an answer full of human dignity.

Savelich shows bravery and courage, standing up for the master at the time of execution of the defenders of the fortress (chapter “Attack”). Meanwhile, the faithful servant’s selfless care for the lord’s goods looks comical in the episode of reading in the presence of Pugachev Savelich’s register of Grinev’s things looted by the rebels (chapter “Separation”). Savelich refuses to remain alone in Orenburg and accompanies Peter on a dangerous trip to the Belogorsk fortress (chapter “Rebel Settlement”).

Thus, in the character of a servant dedication And courage connect with slavish loyalty to the masters, and also with some stinginess.

Monsieur Beaupre- Petrusha's teacher - type of foreigner adventurer. The hero came to Russia in search of a prosperous life. “Teachers” of this kind literally flooded the country, satisfying the huge demand from Russian landowners who, as Griboyedov put it, sought to recruit “regiments of teachers, more in number, at a cheaper price” for their children.

An adventurer who was a hairdresser “in his own country” and then a soldier in Prussia, Beaupre even vaguely understood the meaning of the word “teacher.” Pushkin's hero personifies drunkenness And debauchery.Beaupré contrasted in the novel Savelich, a man of strict rules.

However, it later turns out that the fencing lessons Petrusha received from Beaupre were useful to him in the fight with Shvabrin. In addition, it turns out that Petrusha could still read French: he read French books in the fortress, borrowed from Shvabrin.

Ivan Ivanovich Zurin– typical army officer, connecting in itself a passion for wine, gambling with good nature and a sense of camaraderie. The character's character is revealed mainly in two episodes.

In the Simbirsk episode (chapter “Sergeant of the Guard”), Zurin gave Grinev some wine and won a hundred rubles from him at billiards, taking advantage of his inexperience. However, in the episodes described in the chapter “Arrest”, Zurin acts nobly, assisting his friend in a difficult situation for him.

General Andrei Karlovich R., a former colleague and old comrade of Grinev’s father, Peter’s boss, is type of pedantic, limited and stingy German, in Russian military service. The general is characterized by outdated ideas about the world around him: he is entirely in the previous era.

The portrait of Andrei Karlovich was drawn by the writer in contrast with the description of Pugachev’s appearance. The appearance of the general, dressed in an “old faded uniform” that “resembled a warrior from the time of Anna Ioannovna,” indicates an ironic attitude towards him on the part of the narrator.

Two episodes most fully characterize the general. The first (so-called Orenburg) episode, which concludes the second chapter, occurs during Peter’s acquaintance with the new boss, at the moment the general reads a letter from Grinev’s father. The general's speech is conveyed in a comic manner. Andrei Karlovich's German accent emphasizes the narrator's irony regarding the mediocre Orenburg boss. Particularly comical is the episode with the interpretation of the Russian expression “keep a tight rein”, which the German does not immediately understand.

No less comical are other episodes associated with the general, described in the tenth chapter entitled “The Siege of the City.”

In the character system, the German general is contrasted with Pugachev. The general's limitations sets off extraordinary personality traits of the leader of the uprising.

Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov- Commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. This is a bright folk character.

Ivan Kuzmich is not of noble birth: he came from the children of soldiers and was promoted to officer and received hereditary nobility for the courage and bravery shown in military campaigns.

Captain Mironov is a man honest and kind, modest, devoid of ambition. In everyday life, described in the chapter “Fortress,” Ivan Kuzmich manifests himself as an eccentric who is entirely “under the thumb” of his wife. Pushkin describes with humor the useless activities of Ivan Kuzmich with the “soldiers”.

However, at the moment of danger, Ivan Kuzmich shows courage, heroism, loyalty to the oath(chapter “Attack”). Ivan Kuzmich is distinguished by living faith in God. He blesses Masha, asks his wife for forgiveness, anticipating imminent death. He boldly leads the small garrison of the fortress, protecting it from a large crowd of rebels, and decides to undertake a daring foray. Being captured, he does not agree to swear allegiance to the impostor, boldly denounces him, faces death courageously.

The story about the tragic fate of Captain Mironov in the chapter “Attack” is preceded by an epigraph from the folk song “My head, little head...”, emphasizing the connection of the hero’s character with deep national roots.

Crooked Lieutenant Ivan Ignatyich, seemingly the same simple-minded and limited person as Ivan Kuzmich, in a moment of danger also shows courage and courage, refuses to serve Pugachev and accepts death.

Vasilisa Egorovna, wife of Ivan Kuzmich, is wonderful type of Russian woman. This is power-hungry, but at the same time hospitable mother commander, who took control of not only the household, but also the entire garrison of the fortress. “Vasilisa Egorovna looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her master’s and ruled the fortress as accurately as she ruled her house,” notes the narrator.

Vasilisa Egorovna is distinguished warmth, cordiality, hospitality, which is especially clearly manifested in her attitude towards Grinev.

The story about the traditional way of life of the Mironov family in the chapter “Fortress” is preceded by an epigraph from Fonvizin: “Old people, my father.” The words of the epigraph emphasize patriarchal foundations the life of Vasilisa Egorovna and her entire family.

In a moment of danger, Vasilisa Egorovna shows courage, bravery, deep faith in God, in His providence.“God is free in the stomach and in death,” declares Vasilisa Egorovna at the moment of farewell to her husband before the battle. After the execution of the defenders of the fortress, Vasilisa Egorovna, mourning her husband, boldly denounces Pugachev and fearlessly faces death.

Masha Mironovabright female character, comparable in its significance in Pushkin’s work to the character of Tatyana Larina from the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

Unlike Tatyana, Masha is a simple girl, a second-generation noblewoman.

Like Tatyana, she is distinguished by such qualities as sincere faith in God, selflessness, fidelity in love and at the same time modesty, deepest humility.

We find an exposition of Masha’s image in the third chapter entitled “Fortress”. The narrator draws a portrait of Masha, emphasizing her simplicity and naturalness. She was “a girl of about eighteen, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire.”

Let's consider the most significant episodes associated with Masha Mironova. Masha selflessly takes care of the wounded Grinev (chapter “Love”). Although the heroine likes Petrusha and has mutual feelings for him, she does not agree to marry him without the blessing of his parents. Here Masha shows the deepest humility before the will of God, as well as strength of character. The heroine behaves courageously and steadfastly, remaining in the Belogorsk fortress under the rule of Shvabrin. Masha categorically refuses to marry Shvabrin, despite the fact that he kept her in captivity in a half-starved state.

Masha's character is most clearly revealed in her noble deed at the end of the novel. Masha goes to Empress Catherine II to intercede for her fiancé. The heroine amazes the queen with her modesty, sincerity, and loyalty to the groom. Masha asks Catherine not for justice, but for mercy (although Grinev was not a traitor, he nevertheless left Orenburg without permission and used the help of Pugachev, for which he should have been punished). Masha’s sincere intercession contributed to the fact that her fiancé was released from custody and pardoned; In addition, the queen granted Masha a dowry.

Family happiness and many children Masha and Grineva, as we learn from the words of the publisher at the end of the work, become a reward for the heroic feat of selfless service to each other.

Play a big role in creating Masha’s image epigraphs to the chapters “Love” and “Orphan” (“Oh, you, girl, red girl!..”, “If you find me better, you’ll forget...”, “Like our apple tree...”). Borrowed by Pushkin from folk songs, they emphasize live the connection between Masha’s character and the folk poetic element.

Broadswordfaithful servant Mironov, agile and smart, who did not leave Masha in trouble in difficult times.

Father Gerasim- a priest who showed courage and was not afraid to shelter Masha at a time of mortal danger. As well as his wife Akulina Pamfilovna, “the first newswoman in the entire region,” Father Gerasim is distinguished by his cordiality, hospitality, and sincere compassion for his neighbor.

Cossack constable Maksimych- folk character, type of roguish Cossack. On the eve of the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by the rebels, Maksimych went over to Pugachev’s side and began to serve him. The hero showed his trickery at the moment when he gave Grinev a fur coat and a horse from Pugachev, appropriating “half of the money”, allegedly losing it along the way... Grinev forgave him this half, and Maksimych subsequently repaid good for good: exposing himself to danger, he gave Grinev a letter from Masha.

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin- comes from St. Petersburg social circles. He was dismissed from the guard and sent to the Belogorsk fortress for “murder” in a duel.

It was not by chance that Pushkin decided to contrast Grinev with Shvabrina. Grinev is a representative of the ancient patriarchal nobility, close to the people with their spiritual values. Shvabrin – a secular adventurer, an egoist, an atheist, who has nothing sacred in his soul. In this regard, Shvabrin’s betrayal, and then his denunciation of Grinev, is natural.

Shvabrin's meanness and moral uncleanliness are manifested in all episodes associated with him. When he first meets Grinev, Shvabrin allows himself to speak disrespectfully about the family of Captain Mironov, Vasilisa Egorovna and Masha, while taking advantage of their hospitality.

Shvabrin mocks Grinev’s poems, while allowing himself to make offensive statements towards Masha. Having provoked Grinev into a duel, he vilely strikes his opponent at the moment when Petrusha turns around at Savelich’s cry.

Apparently, it was Shvabrin who reported the duel to old Grinev, hoping that Petrusha, at the request of his father, would be transferred from the Belogorsk fortress to another place.

Shvabrin acts like a traitor, going over to Pugachev’s side at the moment of capturing the fortress. Having been appointed commandant of the fortress by Pugachev, Shvabrin forcibly restrains Masha, keeps her captive, trying to force her to marry him.

He tries to deceive Pugachev at the moment when he and Grinev arrive at the fortress to free Masha.

Finally, having been arrested for serving Pugachev, Shvabrin slanderes Grinev, and his slander becomes the main reason for Petrusha’s arrest.

Some cameo and mentioned persons

In Pushkin's novel there are a large number of episodic and simply mentioned persons. Let's name some of them.

Prince B., a major of the guard, a St. Petersburg relative and patron of the Grinevs, personifies Petrusha’s dreams of serving in the capital. It should be noted that Prince B. is not only ready to provide protection to Petrusha upon entering service in the Semenovsky regiment (as we know, Grinev the father refused this protection), but also shows concern for the Grinevs at a difficult moment for them: he informs his parents of information about Petrusha when he is under arrest.

Master of the skill(a small inn), a Yaik Cossack “about sixty years old, still fresh and vigorous,” who sheltered Grinev and Savelich during a snowstorm, Pugachev’s interlocutor in allegorical conversations, represents a bright folk character.

Mutilated Bashkir, whom Captain Mironov was going to torture (chapter “Pugachevshchina”), reminds the reader of the cruelty of the authorities towards the people. It is no coincidence that this particular character becomes the executioner at the moment of executing the defenders of the fortress in the chapter “Attack”.

On the contrary, baptized KalmykYulay, personifying loyalty to duty, turned out to be a victim of the rebels.

Anna Vlasevna, the wife of the stationmaster, an unusually kind woman who sincerely strives to help Masha at the time of her arrival in Tsarskoe Selo, turns out to be at the same time a carrier of all kinds of gossip and gossip, an expert in “all the mysteries of court life.”

Historical figures

Historical figures also act and are mentioned in the novel. Let's give a few examples.

Catherine II- Russian empress. Pushkin paints her as majestic, powerful, but at the same time simple, merciful and warm-hearted. The image of Catherine is correlated with the image of Pugachev. Despite all the differences in the appearances of these two historical figures, they are united in the author’s view by one common feature - the ability to show mercy.

Afanasy Sokolov (Khlopusha) and corporal Beloborodov- associates of Pugachev. Each of Pugachev’s comrades in his own way highlights the character of the leader of the uprising. Beloborodov personifies the cruelty, uncompromisingness, and mercilessness of the rebels towards their enemies; Khlopusha - generosity and folk wisdom.

Count Minich- a military man and statesman who served at the court of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna and, in particular, commanded the army in the Russian-Turkish war of 1735–1739. In 1742, he was exiled by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to Siberia. The mention of Count Minich in the first chapter allows us to judge that Grinev the father was already in adulthood at the time of sending his son to the army: he was at least fifty years old.

Sumarokov And Trediakovsky- authors of the 18th century, mentioned by Grinev and Shvabrin. The names of these writers, as well as the authors of the epigraphs introduced to individual chapters ( Knyazhnin,Kheraskov,Fonvizin), help Pushkin recreate the flavor of the era.

Prince Golitsyn And Ivan Ivanovich Mikhelson- military leaders who took part in the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion.


Leader of the popular uprising Emelyan Pugachev- the most striking image in “The Captain's Daughter”. Pugachev – one of the central persons in the work (along with Grinev and Masha).

Pugachev is a real historical figure who appears before the reader in an artistic interpretation of Pushkin. The writer interprets his personality in his own way, showing the hero in fictional situations, in clashes with fictional characters. This is the uniqueness of revealing the character of the hero within the genre framework of a historical novel.

It is also significant that it is not Pushkin himself who talks about Pugachev, but a fictional character and at the same time narrator Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. The memoir form, thus, helps Pushkin show Pugachev from the perspective of an eyewitness to the events of the popular uprising.

A distinctive personality trait of Pugachev is inconsistency, contrast of mental qualities.

The hero is distinguished by a number of opposing character traits. This capacity for mercy, feeling of gratitude and extreme cruelty, indomitable love of freedom and at the same time ruthlessness to everyone who stands in his way, cunning and at the same time spiritual simplicity,military talent And impotence in relation to his own associates, love of life and awareness of his own doom.

Pugachev's character is revealed in comparison with other characters, in numerous episodes works, in the narrator's judgment, as well as in chapter titles, V epigraphs to individual chapters and in works of folk art, used by Pushkin not only in epigraphs, but also in the main text of the work. This is, in particular, song“Don’t make noise, mother green oak tree...”, as well as Kalmyk fairy tale about the eagle and the raven. In addition, the narrator draws portrait Pugacheva, characterizes him speech. The novel also uses other means of revealing the character of the leader of the uprising. This is, for example, scenery– description of the snowstorm, dream Grineva.

Let's look at a few proverbs, used by the writer when creating the image of Pugachev. They emphasize the liveliness of the hero’s mind, his ingenuity, and the people’s view of the world. For example, releasing Grinev on all four sides (chapter “Uninvited Guest”), Pugachev says: “To execute is to execute, to have mercy is to have mercy.” The proverb emphasizes the breadth of Pugachev’s soul and at the same time the polarity of his character, the combination of cruelty and mercy in his nature. It is significant that in the chapter “Orphan” the hero again utters a similar proverb: “Execute like that, execute like that, favor like that.” It turns out that Pugachev is capable of not only pardoning Grinev and Masha, but also helping them from the bottom of his heart.

Pugachev's ability to be grateful for good is also noted by the proverb. “A debt is worth paying,” Pugachev says to Grinev in the chapter “Rebel Settlement,” apparently recalling the hare’s sheepskin coat.

Plot and compositional features. Brief analysis of the work by chapters

In "The Captain's Daughter" fourteen chapters.

The novel as a whole and each individual chapter are preceded by epigraphs. Total in the work seventeen epigraphs. Sixteen precede the fourteen chapters of the novel, one precedes the entire work.

Pushkin borrowed the texts of epigraphs from two sources:from the works of Russian writers of the 18th century and from works of folk art. The writer thereby sought, firstly, to recreate flavor of the era, secondly, to convey the element of people's life, worldview of the people.

Sometimes the writer resorted to hoaxes: Thus, the epigraph to the chapter “Rebel Settlement” was invented by Pushkin, and not taken from Sumarokov, as indicated in the text. The epigraph to the chapter “Orphan” was also written by the poet himself, based on a folk song.

Before analyzing the novel chapter by chapter, let us pay attention to epigraph to the entire work: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” This epigraph (part of a proverb) focuses the reader’s attention on the most important moral problem of the novel - the problem of human honor and dignity.

Based on the plot works – love story of Petrusha Grinev and Masha Mironova.

First chapter entitled "Sergeant of the Guard" can be considered as exposition of the image of Grinev.

Self chapter title contains irony: the reader soon learns that Petrusha received the rank of sergeant while still in the womb. The chapter is preceded by epigraph from Knyazhnin. This epigraph, just like the title, sets the narrative about Grinev’s adolescence ironic tone:

“If only he were a guard captain tomorrow.”

- That’s not necessary; let him serve in the army.

- Well said! Let him push...


Who's his father?

In the first chapter, Pushkin gives a laconic, but very bright a picture of provincial landowner life, picture education of a noble youth. Unlike Onegin, Grinev was almost not affected by his upbringing in the French style. The French tutor, Monsieur Beaupre, turned out to be a drunkard and a red tape, for which he was expelled from the house by Grinev’s father. Monsieur Beaupré is contrasted with Savelich, Grinev’s serf uncle, a man of firm moral rules.

Despite all the irony of the first chapter, the author emphasizes a very serious fact: Grinev comes from an old noble family. His family highly appreciates honor,noble dignity. From this point of view, the decision of Grinev’s father to send his son to serve not in the guard, but in the army, is important. Symbolically parting words from Grinev Sr.: “Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.” This proverb in a truncated form became the epigraph to the entire novel.

The first chapter ends Simbirsk episode. For the first time Grinev had to defend noble honor in a very comical situation. Grinev demands money from Savelich’s servant to pay his billiards loss to Zurin.

Chapter two called " Counselor" This word is used by Pushkin in an outdated meaning: “a guide showing the way.” However, the word “counselor” also has another meaning, symbolic meaning: in the counselor the reader guesses the future leader of the popular uprising.

To the chapter “Counselor” epigraph taken from an old recruiting song; Pushkin made minor changes to its text. Let's quote it in full:

Is it my side, my side,

Unfamiliar side!

Was it not I who came upon you?

Wasn’t it a good horse that brought me:

She brought me, good fellow,

Agility, good cheerfulness

And the tavern's hop drink.

It is difficult to say for sure which of the characters the words of the folk song refer to. Ironically, partly to Grinev. After a drinking session with Zurin, a loss at billiards, a quarrel with Savelich and an “inglorious” departure from Simbirsk, the hero ended up in a “side” that was truly unfamiliar to him. For Pugachev, this “side” was not unfamiliar. This becomes obvious from Grinev’s conversation with the “counselor” during a snowstorm. “The side is familiar to me,” answered the traveler, “thank God, it has been well-trodden and traveled far and wide.” The epigraph also contrasts with the title of this chapter – “Counselor”. After all, the “counselor” can only be on the “outside”, familiar to him.

And yet, in the second chapter, which is an exposition of the image of Pugachev, the content of the epigraph is connected primarily with the character of the future leader of the uprising. The epigraph predicts the most important traits of Pugachev: breadth of nature, brave prowess, blood connection with the people.

Next, consider the known description of the snowstorm, preceding Grinev’s meeting with the counselor, Pugachev: “Meanwhile, the wind became stronger hour by hour. The cloud turned into a white cloud, which rose heavily, grew and gradually covered the sky. It began to snow lightly and suddenly began to fall in flakes. The wind howled; there was a snowstorm. In an instant, the dark sky merged with the snowy sea. Everything has disappeared."

It is important to emphasize symbolic meaning images of a snowstorm. Buran personifies popular anger, popular indignation, the element of rebellion, the participants and witnesses of which will be the heroes of the novel. It's no coincidence from the snowstorm for the first time before the reader the figure of Pugachev looms, still shrouded in a mysterious veil.

The central compositional element of the second chapter is Grinev’s dream. As you know, the role of sleep in the composition of a work is twofold.

Firstly, it contains “something prophetic", as the narrator puts it. Indeed: in this dream the most important events in the life of Grinev, his bride, and also Pugachev are predicted; the inextricable connection between the destinies of these heroes is revealed. Let us note that the technique of “prophetic” sleep is used by Pushkin more than once (remember Tatyana’s dream in “Eugene Onegin”).

Secondly, in a dream the most significant, and polar facets of Pugachev’s character: cruelty and mercy.

The paradox of the situation recreated in Grinev’s dream is that the hero’s mother asks her son to receive a blessing from a man with a black beard, who strongly reminds us of a counselor; The man himself in Grinev’s dream acts as a “planted father,” that is, a person who plays the role of the parent of the bride or groom at a wedding. As we learn from the further narration, it is Pugachev who will play a decisive role in the rescue of Masha from captivity and will “bless” Grinev and his bride for marriage.

An important compositional element of the second chapter is the description of appearance, portrait of Pugachev. Details such as “hair cut into a circle”, “armyak”, “harem pants” emphasize that Pugachev looks here like a poor Cossack, even a “tramp”. The main thing in his appearance is not his clothes, but his facial expression, his eyes: “...his big, lively eyes just ran around. His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression.” Analysis of Pugachev's portrait helps us identify originality his personality.

Analysis of the next episode (the counselor’s conversation with the owner of the skill) allows us to get acquainted with this form of allegory used by Pushkin in his work, such as conversation using proverbs and sayings(“They began to ring for vespers, but the priest did not say: the priest is visiting, the devils are in the graveyard”; “There will be rain, there will be fungi; and there will be fungi, there will be a body”).

Next important episode second chapter - scene with a hare sheepskin coat. Grinev's generosity, as it turned out later, it served him well. The significance of this episode is not only that it characterizes Grinev as a person in whose soul a feeling of gratitude is alive. Subsequently, we will see that Pugachev also knows how to value goodness. " Strange" friendship between Pugachev and Grinev, thanks to which Grinev’s life was saved at the tragic moment of the capture of the fortress by the rebels and thanks to which he was able to free his bride, it began precisely with the “rabbit sheepskin coat.”

Ends the chapter Orenburg episode- Grinev’s meeting with the general. The appearance of Andrei Karlovich is depicted by the writer in contrast with the appearance of Pugachev. The general's description indicates ironic attitude towards him on the part of the narrator.

The insignificance of the general sets off Pugachev’s natural intelligence, ingenuity, and breadth of nature.

So, we see how compositional elements that are different in nature (the title of the chapter, the epigraph to it, the description of the snowstorm, Grinev’s dream, the portrait of the “counselor”, the “thief’s” conversation, the episode with the hare sheepskin coat, the Orenburg episode) are subordinated to the main goal - to identify significant features of the leader of the popular uprising Pugachev.

Chapter three novel called "Kr e post" can also be considered as expositional.

The chapter is prefaced two epigraphs. The first is taken from a soldier's song:

We live in a fort

We eat bread and drink water...

It sets the reader up to perceive the garrison life of a “fortress” lost in the steppes.

The second epigraph is taken from D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”: “Old people, my father.” The epigraph prepares us for a meeting with the family of Captain Mironov.

In the third chapter, Pushkin introduces a number of new characters into the narrative. This is Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, the commandant of the fortress, his wife Vasilisa Egorovna, their daughter Masha, the Mironovs’ serf maid Palashka. In addition, this is the crooked lieutenant Ivan Ignatyich, the Cossack constable Maksimych, the priest Father Gerasim, the priest Akulina Pamfilovna, who appears in subsequent chapters, and other characters.

Highly appreciating "The Captain's Daughter", N.V.Gogol claimed that in the novel “for the first time, truly Russian characters appeared: a simple commandant of the fortress, a captain’s wife, a lieutenant... the simple greatness of ordinary people."

In the third chapter we meet a negative character - Shvabrin.

The third chapter also contains exposition of a love affair, in which they will participate three characters: Grinev, Masha and Shvabrin. The honest and simple-minded Grinev is contrasted with the two-faced, hypocritical, selfish Shvabrin.

Chapters four and five contains development of love affair before the events of the Pugachev rebellion began. The fourth chapter, entitled “ Duel"contains an important episode in the development of a love affair - duel scene.Epigraph from Knyazhnin, preceding the fourth chapter, executed irony:

- If you please, get into position.

Look, I'll pierce your figure!

Although the chapter as a whole is written in an ironic vein, for the first time Pushkin’s hero has to truly follow his father’s commandments: in a duel with Shvabrin, he defends the girl’s good name. Being wounded, Grinev gains moral victory over your opponent.

Chapter Five entitled "Love" precede two epigraphs. Both taken from folk songs. Let's quote the first epigraph:

Oh you girl, you red girl!

Don’t go, girl, you’re young to get married;

You ask, girl, father, mother,

Father, mother, tribe;

Save up your mind, girl,

Mind-blowing, dowry.

The second epigraph reads as follows:

If you find me better, you will forget me,

If you find me worse, you will remember.

These epigraphs were not used by Pushkin by chance. They stress connection between the image of Masha Mironova and the folk poetic element.The motive of the love of Masha and Peter sounds in a folk-poetic vein. The author of the novel strives to emphasize that the character of the heroine, most fully revealed in her selfless feelings for Grinev, is closely connected with folk roots.

Play a large role in the novel letters. In particular, in the fifth chapter we get acquainted with the letter of the old man Grinev to his son, his letter to Savelich and Savelich’s answer to the master.

The fifth chapter reveals another facet of Masha Mironova’s personality - her sincere faith in God and the deepest humility before His will. Masha refuses to marry Grinev against the wishes of his parents.

As a result, in the fifth chapter the love story reaches a dead end. It is at this critical moment historical events invade the personal destinies of the heroes and change everything. This is what Grinev writes about this in his memoirs: “Unexpected incidents that had important influences on my whole life suddenly gave my soul a strong and beneficial shock.” It is here, at this moment, that it becomes obvious that the plot, limited to the relationships of a narrow circle of people, is interrupted. Begins to develop main, “main” storyline, into which historical events are woven.

Thus, personal and general, man and history end up at Pushkin's bound by inextricable bonds.

The story about the events of the popular uprising opens chapter six novel called " Pugachevshchina" The chapter is preceded by epigraph from a folk song:

You young guys, listen up

What will we old men say?

The epigraph sets the reader in a serious, solemn mood. It feels a tragic reflection of the events of the Pugachev rebellion.

Central episode chapters - scene of the interrogation of a mutilated Bashkir. Pushkin notes the unconscious cruelty of Captain Mironov, who without hesitation gives the order to torture the Bashkir (we note, however, that it did not come to torture).

Significant judgment of Grinev the narrator on this score, reflecting the author’s position: “Young man! If my notes fall into your hands, remember that the best and most lasting changes are those that come from improving morals, without any violent upheaval.”

Central episodes chapters “Attack” - heroic death of the fortress defenders And Grinev's miraculous escape from execution.

The chapter “Attack” is preceded by epigraph from a folk song “My head, my little head...” In the epigraph the tragic death of Captain Mironov is predicted- a man from the people who laid down his life in public service. Having shown courage and heroism in the defense of the fortress, Captain Mironov dies, preferring death to the oath to Pugachev. Lieutenant Ivan Ignatievich also repeats the feat of his commander.

In compositional terms, it is important that execution of the fortress defenders is happening after described in the previous chapter interrogation of a mutilated Bashkir and that it is the Bashkir who takes an active part in the execution. The author seeks to emphasize what is hidden from the gaze of Grinev the narrator: the cruelty of the people is a response to the cruelty of the authorities.

In the chapter “Attack” Pugachev appears as talented leader rebels, who stormed the fortress with almost no losses, and as a capable politician who managed to quickly win over not only the Cossacks, but also other inhabitants of the fortress - representatives of the common people.

In addition, in this chapter, Pugachev first appears before the reader in the role of “ king" There is a significant contrast between Pugachev the tramp in the chapter “Counselor” and Pugachev the “sovereign” in the chapter “Attack”. Let us note that this role, the role of the impostor king, is revealed in “The Captain’s Daughter” not only in a tragic, but also in a comic way, which becomes apparent in subsequent chapters.

In the chapter “Attack,” Pugachev’s mercy towards Grinev also appears for the first time. Pugachev goes against his own principles (in fact, Grinev refuses to kiss Pugachev’s hand and swear allegiance to him) and has mercy on Grinev.

However mercy coexists with cruelty in Pugachev’s nature. Immediately after the scene of Grinev's pardon comes the scene of the brutal murder of Vasilisa Egorovna.

In the eighth chapter entitled "Uninvited guest" reveals itself to the reader the tragic meaning of a popular uprising. Himself name In the chapter, the author emphasizes that Pugachev brought death and human suffering to the Belogorsk fortress.

Epigraph to the chapter “Uninvited Guest” becomes proverb “An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.” Pugachev, finding himself in the fortress as an “uninvited guest,” sows death and destruction here.

The central episode of the chapter is Pugachev’s “military council”. Grinev talks about how the rioters sing barge hauler song “Don’t make noise, mother green oak girl...”. Grinev did not understand the meaning of the “song about the gallows, sung by people doomed to the gallows.” However, both the author and the reader understand that the participants in the uprising are singing about their own doom. Pugachev and his comrades are aware that a brutal execution awaits them. Nevertheless, they are ready to continue the fight. This is the tragic meaning of the song. Thus, in the chapter "Uninvited Guest" it is revealed the tragic meaning of the figure of Pugachev and the entire popular uprising.

The same chapter talks about Pugachev’s mercy towards Grinev. Pugachev releases Grinev on all four sides. “To execute is to execute, to be merciful is to be merciful,” declares Pugachev. The proverb reveals the breadth of Pugachev’s soul and at the same time the “polarity” of his character: cruelty in his soul coexists with mercy.

In the ninth chapter entitled " Parting» love story Grinev and Masha, having moved from the dead point, receive further development. Love for Masha, concern for the orphan and the need to urgently go to Orenburg confront Grinev with a painful choice: Grinev decides to go to Orenburg, obeying his duty and at the same time hoping to achieve the speedy liberation of the Belogorsk fortress and save Masha.

The chapter “Separation” is preceded by epigraph from Kheraskov, reflecting Grinev’s internal state at the moment of separation from Masha:

It was sweet to recognize

Me, beautiful, with you;

It's sad, it's sad to leave,

Sad, as if with a soul.

Grinev's departure to Orenburg is accompanied by two comic episodes. First episode – reading by Savelich compiled by him " registry» Grinev’s belongings plundered by the Pugachevites. Here the figure of Pugachev appears before us in a comic way: he also appears illiteracy"sovereign"(“Our bright eyes cannot make out anything here”), and his craftiness, and a “fit of generosity”: the “tsar” does not punish the “old brat” for his daring act.

Second comic episode - meeting of Grinev with Maksimych, who gave Grinev a horse and a fur coat from Pugachev, but “lost half of the money along the way.” Grinev reacted complacently to Maksimych’s cunning, and he will subsequently do a favor for Grinev by giving him a letter from Masha.

In the tenth chapter entitled "Siege of the City" tells about the events associated with the siege of Orenburg. At the same time, the love affair receives an unexpected continuation. The chapter is prefaced epigraph, taken from Kheraskov, in ironic tones describing Pugachev’s plans:

Having occupied the meadows and mountains,

From the top, like an eagle, he cast his gaze upon the city.

Behind the camp he ordered to build a rampart

And, hiding the Peruns in it, bring them under the hail in the night.

At first tenthchapters Pushkin draws a terrifying picture, confirming the author’s idea that the cruelty of the rebels is a reaction to the cruelty of the authorities. “Approaching Orenburg, we saw a crowd of convicts, with faces disfigured by the executioner’s tongs,” the narrator writes.

Next Pushkin draws "military council" in Orenburg. Compositionally, it is obvious contrast between the general’s advice and Pugachev’s advice(note here the author's use principle of antithesis). The narrator conveys the narrow-mindedness of the general and officials, who are unable to oppose anything to Pugachev’s ingenuity and military skill.

The next episode is extremely important for the development of the plot of the work: Grinev receives letter from Masha. Grinev's unauthorized absence from Orenburg becomes a turning point in the action of the novel.

Letter fromMasha sheds light on the true essence of Pugachev’s nature. The letter mentions a real, and not fictional by Pushkin, episode from the life of the leader of the uprising: it contains an indication of Pugachev’s terrible reprisal against the family of officer Kharlov - the murder of Kharlov himself, the abuse and subsequent reprisal of his wife, the murder of her little brother. This fact is described in detail by Pushkin in “The History of the Pugachev Revolt.” Here the author simply reminds the reader of the cruelty of the rebellion and its leader.

Chapter Eleven is climactic in disclosure Pugachev's character and, perhaps, in the author’s understanding the fate of the entire popular revolt. The chapter is preceded by epigraph, which composed by Pushkin himself, although he attributed it to Sumarokov. The epigraph is not without irony:

At that time the lion was well-fed, even though he had always been ferocious.

“Why did you deign to welcome me to my den?” –

He asked kindly.

In the eleventh chapter introduces the reader to associates of Pugachev, Corporal Beloborodov and Afanasy Sokolov, nicknamed Khlopusha. Each of Pugachev’s comrades in his own way highlights the character of the leader of the uprising. Beloborodov personifies the cruelty, uncompromisingness, and mercilessness of the rebels towards their enemies; Khlopusha - generosity and folk wisdom.

Key role in the composition of not only the eleventh chapter, but also the entire work, the story told by Pugachev to Grinev plays Kalmyk fairy tale about an eagle and a raven. The fairy tale reveals the main thing in Pugachev’s character, namely, his ineradicable love of freedom. “Rather than eat carrion for three hundred years, it’s better to drink living blood once, and then what God will give!” - exclaims the hero. These words contain Pugachev’s life principle, denied by the narrator.“To live by murder and robbery means, for me, to peck at carrion,”- Grinev states in response.

If the eleventh chapter is the culmination in revealing the character of Pugachev, then chapter twelve entitled "Orphan" contains the climax in the development of the love plot line. Grinev, with the assistance of Pugachev, frees Masha from the power of Shvabrin. Pugachev releases Grinev and Masha. “Execute like that, execute like that, favor like that,”- says Pugachev. Peter and Masha are going to get married.

The chapter is preceded by epigraph,written ourselves Pushkin based on a folk wedding song“Like our apple tree...” The choice of such an epigraph (as well as the epigraph to the chapter “Love”) is not accidental: as already noted, Pushkin invariably correlates the image of Masha Mironova with folk poetic images and motifs.

Masha's liberation becomes turning point in development plot. Peter and his bride go to his parents' estate; the hero is going to continue his service.

Main Event thirteenth chapter indicated in its title. This Grinev's arrest. However, the content of this chapter is not limited to this episode. In the thirteenth chapter, Pushkin tells the reader about results of the Pugachev uprising.

The chapter "Arrest" is preceded by epigraph from Knyazhnin, preceding the story of Grinev’s arrest:

- Don’t be angry, sir: according to my duty

I must send you to prison right now.

- If you please, I'm ready; but I'm so hopeful

Allow me to explain the matter first.

IN historical excursion at the beginning of the thirteenth chapter the narrator, making a brief overview of the events of the Pugachev rebellion, tells about its gravest consequences- fires, destruction, robberies, general ruin, impoverishment of the people. Grinev completes the story of the events of the Pugachev rebellion with the famous maxim: “God forbid that we see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless.” The narrator's point of view is apparently shared by Pushkin himself.

Here, in the thirteenth chapter, Pushkin tries, from Grinev’s position, to reveal the ambiguity of Pugachev’s personality. Extremely important here are Grinev’s deeply personal confessions regarding Pugachev: “The thought of him was inseparable in me from the thought of the mercy he gave me in one of the terrible moments of his life, and of the deliverance of my bride from the hands of the vile Shvabrin.” Thus, in Grinev’s mind, Pugachev’s cruelty and mercy turn out to be inextricably linked. It seems that this view of the hero is shared by the author of the work.

Chapter fourteen entitled " Court» contains the final plot point of the work is the story of Masha’s meeting with Catherine II, about how the heroine asked the empress to have mercy on her fiancé. Here we also find a peculiar epiloguepublisher's words ending the novel.

The last chapter of the novel, entitled "The Trial", is preceded by epigraph, as which Pushkin used proverb:

Worldly rumor -

Sea wave.

In fact, the rumor about Grinev’s alleged betrayal turns out to be unusually strong, like a sea wave. However, a wave passes and it is gone. The same can be said about word of mouth.

The chapter “Court” is extremely important for understanding the character of Grinev. Having been arrested due to Shvabrin’s slander, Grinev, however, retains pep,doesn't lose hope. It especially helps him here living faith in God, in His good providence. “I resorted to the consolation of all those who mourned and, for the first time tasting the sweetness of prayer, poured out from a pure but torn heart, I fell asleep calmly, not caring about what would happen to me,” Grinev writes in his memoirs.

During the interrogation, Grinev decides to tell the whole truth, but, not wanting to “involve” Masha’s name “between the vile reports of the villains and bring her to a confrontation with them,” the hero cannot tell everything. Having shown dedication, Grinev is forced to become a victim of false accusations and await severe punishment.

In the center of the fourteenth chapter image of Catherine II. Pushkin draws the Empress majestic, domineering, but at the same time simple, gracious and heartfelt. Her image is correlated with the image of Pugachev. Despite all the differences in the appearances of these two historical figures, they are united in the author’s view by one common feature - the ability to show mercy.

Although Grinev was not a traitor, his actions required punishment. Catherine showed mercy towards Grinev. In Catherine’s merciful gesture, Pushkin’s contemporaries rightly saw the fact of Pushkin’s intercession with Nicholas I on behalf of his Decembrist friends.

The act of Masha Mironova, who fearlessly took care of her fiancé and did not abandon him in his hour of trial, evokes admiration. In the image of the main character of the novel, Pushkin continued his own tradition of depicting Russian women, which he began in Eugene Onegin. The image of Masha Mironova reveals the most important facet of Pushkin's the ideal of a selfless Russian woman.

publisher”, behind which it is no longer Grinev who is hiding, but Pushkin himself. The final words of the “publisher” can be seen as a kind of epilogue to the novel.

Here we talk about execution of Pugachev, which was attended by Grinev. Pugachev “recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him, which a minute later, dead and bloody, was shown to the people.” This is how Pugachev’s last meeting with Grinev took place. The execution of Pugachev is the tragic finale of the storyline telling about the popular uprising and its leader.

Next, the “publisher” talks about Grinev’s marriage and his offspring. Family happiness and many children of Masha and Grinev, which we learn from the words of the publisher at the end of the work, become a reward for the heroic feat of selfless service to each other.

So, we see that in the plot structure of the novel, both love affair, so historical events,closely intertwined with each other.

Epigraphs, preceding each chapter of the work, as a rule, focus the reader's attention on the most significant episodes,revealing wherein author's position.

The plot-compositional structure of the work allows Pushkin to most fully reveal the personality of Pugachev, to reveal the tragic meaning of the popular uprising, and also, using the example of Pyotr Grinev, Masha, and other characters, to comprehend such moral problems as mercy and cruelty, honor and dishonor, to illuminate the most essential aspects of the Russian national character .

On the one side, author"The Captain's Daughter" I largely agree with the memoirist in the assessment of the Pugachev uprising. So, Pushkin could not help but realize the cruelty of the rebels, the destructive power of the uprising. The narrator’s view of the “senseless and merciless” Russian revolt (chapter “Arrest”) apparently coincides with the author’s position, as does Grinev’s point of view that “the best and most lasting changes are those that come from improving morals, without any violent upheavals" (chapter "Pugachevism").

On the other side, Pushkin, unlike Grinev, understands the meaning of the uprising much more deeply. So, the writer shows objective historical reasons for the uprising, its inevitability. He realizes that The cruelty of the rebels is a response to the cruelty of the authorities. Pushkin sees in the uprising not only a destructive force, but also the people's desire for freedom. At the same time, it is clear to the writer the tragic doom of the rebels. Finally, Pushkin reveals to the reader the poetic element that accompanies the people in their freedom-loving aspirations.

The most important means of expressing the author’s position is plot works. Love story of Grinev and Masha, crowned with a happy marriage, confirms the author’s idea that severe trials hardened the souls of heroes and prefaced them prosperous life and many children as a reward for them courage and fidelity in love, manifested in the tragic year of the Pugachev rebellion.

In identifying the author's position, Pushkin's mastery of composition. Not by chance episodes of government violence precede episodes of rebel violence. So, for example, in the sixth chapter the reader sees for the first time a mutilated Bashkir. Then this same Bashkir becomes one of the main executors of the execution of the defenders of the fortress.

The author expresses his position through character system. So, for example, the writer contrasts the noble Grinev with the vile Shvabrin. The image of Pugachev is shaded by the images of his associates - Khlopushi and Beloborodov.

The author’s position was especially evident in works of folk art, which the writer used in the novel. Thus, the song “Don’t make noise, mother green oak tree...” evokes “pyitic horror” in Grinev. The author sees a deep meaning in this song: it reveals the tragic essence of the uprising.

Grinev rejected the main idea of ​​the Kalmyk fairy tale about the eagle and the raven, told by Pugachev. “To live by murder and robbery means, for me, to peck at carrion,” says Grinev. Meanwhile, it is clear to both the author and the reader that this tale reveals the ineradicable love of freedom of the people.

Proverbs, used by Pugachev (“Execute like this, execute like this, have mercy like this, have mercy”, “Execute like this, execute like this, favor like this”), also indicate the author’s position in relation to Pugachev. These proverbs emphasize the breadth of Pugachev’s soul and at the same time the polarity of his character, the combination of cruelty and mercy in his nature. It turns out that Pugachev is capable of not only pardoning Grinev and Masha, but also helping them with all his heart.

The author's position is also expressed through chapter titles. So, for example, in the title “Guard Sergeant” there is irony. The title of the second chapter - “Counselor” - along with the outdated meaning (“guide”), has another, symbolic meaning: the author hints to the reader that the story will be about the leader of the popular uprising.

As is known, epigraphs for each chapter of the novel selected not a storyteller, but “publisher”, behind whom the author himself is hidden. Thus, the epigraphs also express the author’s position.

At the end of the last chapter the word comes " publisher”, behind which it is no longer Grinev who is hiding, but Pushkin himself. The final words of the “publisher” can be considered as a kind of author’s epilogue to the novel.

Thus, we see that in “The Captain's Daughter,” a historical novel written in memoir form, the author was able to express his a position different from that of the narrator. To express his position, the author uses various compositional means, works of folk art, epigraphs, as well as an appeal to the reader at the end of the work on behalf of the “publisher”.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did Pushkin show special interest in the topic of popular revolt in the 1830s? What Pushkin works on this topic prepared the writing of “The Captain’s Daughter”? Briefly describe its topic.

2. What problems did Pushkin raise in “The Captain’s Daughter”? Formulate and comment on them.

3. Describe the ideological orientation of Pushkin’s novel. What is the manifestation of the writer’s ambiguous attitude towards the popular uprising, its leader, and other heroes of the work?

4. Comment on the title of the novel.

5. Why can “The Captain’s Daughter” be called a realistic work? How is the novel's historicism manifested? What specific historical types does Pushkin recreate here? What are the features of romanticism?

6. Describe the genre specifics of “The Captain’s Daughter”. Why can we say that it has the features of a historical novel? What goals did the author pursue by choosing the memoir form of narration?

7. What can you say about Grinev, the central character of “The Captain’s Daughter” and the narrator? How do the two hero roles compare? What artistic means does the author use to create the image of Grinev?

8. Briefly describe the images of Andrei Petrovich and Avdotya Vasilyevna Grinev. What traits did Petrusha inherit from his parents?

9. Compare the characters of Savelich and Monsieur Beaupre. What qualities of the serf Petrusha are highlighted through the image of the French teacher? Name the most important episodes of the work that characterize Savelich. How is the image of Savelich correlated with the image of Pugachev?

11. Tell us about the commandant of Orenburg, General Andrei Karlovich R. In what episodes is his character revealed? From what side does the image of the general set off the image of Pugachev?

12. Tell us about the Mironov family and its circle. What features of the Russian national character are revealed in the images of Ivan Kuzmich, Vasilisa Egorovna, Ivan Ignatich, father Gerasim and Akulina Pamfilovna? Why is the image of the constable Maksimych interesting?

13. Describe Masha Mironova as the main female character in the novel. What features of a Russian woman are combined in the spiritual appearance of Masha? What are the similarities between Captain Mironov’s daughter and Tatyana Larina? What distinguishes the two heroines? What is the role of Masha Mironova in the plot of the work? What artistic techniques does the author use to create her image? Also note the character traits of the maid Palasha, Masha’s faithful companion.

13. Consider the image of Shvabrin, the antagonist of Grinev. What qualities of this character make him the opposite of the main character? What, from the author’s point of view, are the reasons for Shvabrin’s spiritual baseness?

14. List the episodic persons you know in the novel and briefly describe them.

15. What real historical figures act or are mentioned in the work? Give them a brief description. Tell us more about Catherine II. What traits does the Empress show towards Masha and Pyotr Grinev? What goal did Pushkin pursue when creating the image of the gracious empress?

16. Consider in detail the image of Pugachev. What contradictions in the character of this hero does Pushkin reveal? What artistic means are used to create the image of the leader of the uprising?

17. Consider the general construction of The Captain's Daughter. How many chapters does it have? How many epigraphs? Where did the epigraphs come from and what is their role in the work? What is the basis of the plot of Pushkin's novel?

18. Name the expositional chapters of the novel and briefly describe them. What do we learn about Petrusha Grinev, his parents and educators from the first chapter? What life principles did Petrusha take away from his parents’ home?

20. How are the characters and morals of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress revealed in the third chapter?

21. Describe the compositional role of the fourth and fifth chapters. How does the duel situation reveal the characters of Grinev, Shvabrin, Savelich, and other characters? What is the role of letters in the chapter “Love” and in the novel as a whole? Why is this chapter a turning point in the development of the plot?

22. Consider the main scenes of the sixth and seventh chapters of the novel, reveal their ideological meaning and compositional role. How does the scene of the interrogation of the Bashkir prepare the reader for the perception of the episode of the execution of the defenders of the fortress? How are the personalities of Captain Mironov, Vasilisa Egorovna, Ivan Ignatievich, Shvabrin, Grinev revealed in the chapter “Attack”? What does Pugachev look like in the seventh chapter?

23. Why is the song “Don’t make noise, mother green oak tree...”, heard in the eighth chapter of the novel, called one of the ideological centers of “The Captain’s Daughter”? What is the attitude of Grinev and the author of the work to this song?

24. Briefly describe the compositional role of the ninth chapter. Which of her episodes can be called comic? Why can we say that “The Captain’s Daughter” is sometimes distinguished by its tragicomic pathos?

25. What plot and compositional role does the chapter “Siege of the City” play? Briefly consider its main episodes.

26. Why is the eleventh chapter usually considered as the climax in the depiction of the popular uprising and in revealing the character of Pugachev? Reveal the ideological meaning of the tale of the eagle and the raven and the attitude of Pugachev, Grinev and the author to it.

27. For what reason is the twelfth chapter considered to be the culmination in the development of a love affair? What turn takes place here in the destinies of the main characters?

28. Comment on the ideological meaning of the final chapters of the novel. How do Grinev, and after him Pushkin, comprehend the results of the Pugachev uprising? What qualities does Peter display while under arrest? What is the role of the episode of Masha’s meeting with Catherine in the novel? What is the meaning of the original epilogue of the work - the words “from the publisher”?

30. Make an outline and prepare an oral report


1 Questions and assignments based on A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter.” Chapter 1-2 “Guard Sergeant”, “Counselor”. 1. What is the significance of the main character's name? 2. In what conditions was Petrusha brought up? What kind of environment did he grow up in? 3. Can we consider that Petrusha fully adopted his father’s views on military service and strict ideas about filial duty? 4. From the moment of leaving his home, the second stage of the formation of Pyotr Grinev’s personality begins. How do you think the hero has changed? 5. What is Savelich’s attitude towards the counselor? Find words that express this attitude. 6. How does the tramp react to the “master’s gift”? 7. Why does the counselor say such kind words for a sheepskin coat that doesn’t suit him? 8. What is mercy? 9. Why was Grinev caught in a snowstorm in the steppe? 10. What is the symbolic meaning of the snowstorm? 11. What is the significance of Grinev’s dream? Chapter 3 “Fortress” 1. How did the general, an old comrade of Grinev’s father Andrei Karlovich, characterize Captain Mironov? 2. How does the commandant of the fortress, Captain Mironov, first appear before Grinev (and the reader)? 3. What are Grinev’s first impressions of his stay in the fortress? 4. What impression did Shvabrin make on Grinev when they met? 5. Why did Grinev look at Masha “with prejudice” at the Mironovs’ dinner?

2 6. Give a comment on the epigraphs of the chapter. Chapter 4 “Duel” 1. Who is in charge of the fortress and why? 2. How and why did Grinev’s opinion about the captain’s family change? 3. What does Grinev do in the fortress? 4. Do you think Grinev’s “poems” are good? Is Shvabrin right to mock him? Chapter 5 “Love” 1. Why did Grinev make peace with Shvabrin? 2. Why did Andrei Petrovich Grinev refuse his son’s blessing to marry Masha Mironova7 3. How did Grinev the father find out about his son’s adventures? 4. Why did Masha refuse to marry Grinev? 5. How does the epigraph to chapter 5 relate to the character of Masha Mironova? 6. How do you understand the last phrase of the chapter: “Unexpected events that had an important impact on my whole life suddenly gave my soul a strong and beneficial shock”? Chapter 6 “Pugachevism” 1. Why does the author, as an epigraph to Chapter. 6 chose words from a folk song? 2. How is the impression of authenticity of what is depicted created? 3. How did the fortress learn about the impending threat of Pugachev’s attack? 4. For what purpose does the author introduce the episode with the mutilated Bashkir? 5. What significant detail does the author note in the appearance of the mutilated Bashkir? 6. How does the interrogation scene of a Bashkir influence moral maturity?

3 heroes of Pyotr Grinev? Chapter 7 “Attack” 1. What feelings do the heroes experience and how do they behave before the battle with the Pugachevites: Grinev, Captain Mironov, Vasilisa Egorovna, Masha? 2. To which of the novel’s heroes does the epigraph of chapter 7 refer? 3. What character traits of Captain Mironov are revealed by the scene of his death? 4. The chapter ends with Vasilisa Yegorovna crying about her husband. 5. Which words from the cry of the commandant’s wife Vasilisa Yegorovna echo the epigraph of the 7th chapter, and which ones arouse Pugachev’s anger? 6. How is Shvabrin described in the execution scene? 7. What is the reason for Grinev’s miraculous salvation? 8. How does Pugachev behave in the scene of Grinev’s liberation? 9. How do the people behave in the chapter “Attack”? Whose side is he on? 10. What are the reasons for the fall of the Belogorsk fortress and the victory of the Pugachevites? Chapter 8 “Uninvited Guest” 1. Why does Grinev, without hesitation, run to the priest’s house, where Pugachev is feasting? 2. What scenes of the rebels’ robbery make them disgusted? 3. How to explain the “strange coincidence of circumstances” leading to the pardon of Grinev and the rise of Pugachev? 4. What feelings are fighting in Grinev’s soul? 5. Why does Grinev’s “gathering” at Pugachev’s surprise? 6. Why does Grinev submit to Pugachev’s “unfeigned gaiety”, but does not agree to serve him?

4 7. How does Pugachev’s conversation with Grinev continue the song and in what way does it contradict its meaning? Chapter 9 “Separation” 1. Why does Pugachev send Grinev to Orenburg? 2. Why couldn’t Shvabrin stand Grinev’s gaze? 3. Why does Pugachev patiently listen to Savelich’s register and what angered him? 4. Can Pugachev’s behavior be called a “fit of generosity,” as Grinev did? 5. How does Grinev want to help Masha? 6. Why does Pugachev send a horse and sheepskin coat after Grinev with a police officer? Chapter 10 “Siege of the City” 1. Which of the heroes does the epigraph refer to and what attitude does it evoke towards him? 2. What is the attitude of the general in the garden? 3. Why is the military council described ironically? 4. Why didn’t the council accept Grinev’s proposal? 5. What explains Pugachev’s successes and the severity of the siege? 6. Why did the constable and Grinev not meet as enemies? 7. Why does the general refuse Grinev’s request? Chapter 11 “Rebel Settlement” 1. What is the irony of the epigraph from Sumarokov’s fable? 2. Why does Grinev take Savelich with him on a risky hike? 3. Why did Grinev return for Savelich, risking his life and the purpose of his trip? 4. Why Pugachev does not obey suspicious arguments

5 Beloborodova? How is he superior to his comrades? 5. Why does Pugachev go to the Belogorsk fortress and what sincere confessions does he make in a road conversation with Grinev? 6. What insolence does Grinev allow in this conversation? 7. Why is Pugachev not frightened, but inspired by the fate of Grishka Otrepyev? Chapter 12 “Orphan” 1. Describe Shvabrin, Grinev and Pugachev when they go to Masha’s room. 2. Why does Pugachev free the orphan? 3. Why is he so saddened by the news that she is the daughter of Captain Mironov? 4. How did Grinev touch Pugachev’s “severe soul”? 5. Prepare a story on behalf of Masha about her misadventures in the fortress after Grinev’s departure. 6. What feelings do Grinev and Pugachev part with? 7. Why did Grinev take his eyes off Shvabrin when leaving? Chapter 13 “Arrest” 1. How do you understand the phrase: “We were silent. Were our hearts too tired? 2. How are Grinev and Masha received by “their own”? 3. Is it a coincidence that Zurin behaves so unceremoniously with Masha and Grinev? 4. Why does Grinev, alien to Zurin’s views on life, remain with him in the army of the empress? 5. Why does Savelich agree to accompany Masha to the Grinev estate? 6. Does Grinev explain events or record them when talking about victories?

6 government troops and the resurrection of the impostor's successes? 7. What does Grinev see as the misfortunes of the war and why does he call the Russian rebellion “senseless and merciless”? 8. Why in Grinev the joy of the end of the war is poisoned by the persistent thought of Pugachev? Chapter 14 “Judgment” 1. What is the meaning of the epigraph? 2. What helps Grinev endure new trials of fate? 3. Why couldn’t Grinev fully reveal the reasons for his “strange friendship” with Pugachev? 4. How does Grinev explain Shvabrin’s evil slander? 5. Why did the news of his son’s arrest “almost kill” Andrei Petrovich Grinev? 6. Why did Masha decide to go to St. Petersburg? 7. What feeling permeates the landscape of Tsarskoye Selo Park? 8. Is there a difference between the “lady in the garden” and the empress? 9. Who was more difficult to make Grinev and Masha happy: Pugacheva or the Empress? 10. Tell us about your meetings with the Empress on behalf of Masha. 11. Why was Grinev present at the execution of Pugachev and he nodded his head to him before his death?

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Municipal educational institution

Evening shift general education school No. 5 in Kungur

Methodological development

open extracurricular activity

travel game “Lucky Chance”

Prepared by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Shavyrin Sergey Nikolaevich

Kungur, 2010

Form of extracurricular activities:travel game

Event participants: class students.

Target: verification, generalization and systematization of knowledge on the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".


    Develop teamwork skills; the ability to quickly and concisely answer questions posed.

    Develop the intellectual abilities of students by involving each team member in the discussion of the proposed game task.

    To foster a sense of responsibility among students for the final result of the team in the game; compliance with the rules of the game and discipline throughout the event.

Equipment: playing field, game cube, chip, 2 sheets for marking the points scored and summing up the game, prizes for team members.

Preparatory work:

For the teacher– development of a summary of the event; preparing audiences, visibility and prizes.

For students– repetition of material from the workA.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".


    Introductory part.

    The teacher's introductory word.

We welcome you to the game “Happy Accident” based on the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

The task, of course, is not too simple,

Playing to teach and learning by playing.

But if you add entertainment to study,

Any learning will become a holiday!


    Confucius once said: “Learning and repeating what you have learned from time to time, isn’t it pleasant?!” We will agree with him and begin our game. Good luck!

    1. Main part.

    Explanation of the rules of the game.

The game involves two teams “Belogortsy” and “Orenburgtsy”. Each team takes turns rolling the game dice and using a chip to make the number of moves that appear on the dice. If a team stands on a circle with a number, it answers the question and earns the number of points indicated in the circle. If a team cannot give an answer, the second team gets the right to answer. The team that answered correctly earns points for its table. At the end of the game, the total number of points is calculated. The team with the most points is considered the winner. For a single violation of the rules of the game and discipline, the team loses 1 point.

    H o d i g r y.

    Teams take turns throwing the dice, making moves and answering questions on the playing field; the teacher notes the number of points scored in the table. For questions, see Appendix 1. The game is over when the piece reaches the finish line.

    1. Final part.

    The teacher calculates the total number of points for each team, announces and awards the winners.


1. What genre does the work “The Captain's Daughter” belong to?

a) novel

b) comedy

c) tragedy

d) story

2. How do epigraphs and content in the story relate?

a) The epigraph reveals the contents of the chapter.

B) The epigraph precedes the appearance of the hero.

C) The epigraph serves to reveal the character of the hero and his fate.

D) The epigraph ironically interprets subsequent events.

3. What is the epigraph to “The Captain’s Daughter”?

a) “There is no point in blaming the mirror, since the face is crooked.”

b) “When I taste it, I taste little honey, and now I die.”

c) “Take care of your honor from a young age.”

d) “We were shooting.”

4. At what time did the events take place in the story “The Captain's Daughter”?

a) 1773 – 1774

b) 1873 – 1874

c) 1678 – 1674

d) 1573 – 1574

5. Mark the main place of action in the story “The Captain's Daughter”.

A) Orenburg province.

B) St. Petersburg.

c) Belogorsk fortress.

Moscow city.

6. In what family was Pyotr Grinev (“The Captain’s Daughter”) born?

a) in a peasant family

b) in the family of a doctor

c) in a military family

d) in the family of the mayor

7. What was the most important parting word from the father to his son Peter before parting (A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)?

a) “Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance”

b) “Listen to your bosses”

c) “Serve in the army, pull the strap”

d) “Take care of your dress again, but save your honor”

8. Mark the correct judgment.

a) The image of Pugachev is the central image of the story.

    b) The image of Pugachev is not central, but is important for the author’s intention - the image of the Russian rebellion

9. Indicate the surname of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress, executed by Pugachev (A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)

a) Alexey Shvabrin

b) captain Mironov

    c) Petr Grinev

d) Savelich

  • 10. What was Savelich’s name?

a) Osip

b) Ivan

c) Semyon

d) Arkhip

11. Which king’s name did Pugachev, the hero of the story “The Captain’s Daughter”, appropriate for himself?

a) Peter I b) Peter III

c) Ivan IV d) Paul I

12. Indicate the surname of the hero of the story “The Captain’s Daughter”, who went over to Pugachev’s side

a) Alexey Shvabrin

b) captain Mironov

c) Petr Grinev

d) Savelich

    13. For what reason was Petrusha Grinev’s teacher, Monsieur Beaupré, kicked out by the boy’s father (A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)?

a) he spread his arms

b) he loved the female sex very much

c) he loved to drink and instead of teaching Peter, he was dead asleep

d) he did not have a teacher's diploma

14. What was the name of the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress (“Captain’s Daughter”)?

a) Masha Mironova

b) Tatyana Larina

c) Olga Ilyinskaya

d) Masha Pugacheva

    15. What is the reason for the quarrel and duel between Grinev and Shvabrin?

a) Shvabrin did not like Grinev’s poems

b) Shvabrin insulted Masha Mironova

c) Grinev reported on Shvabrin

d) Savelich quarreled between them

    16. What gift does Pugachev give to Peter Grinev?

a) fur coat c) power

b) does not give a gift d) life

17. Which chapter in the work corresponds to the epigraph “Worldly rumor is a sea wave”?

a) Sergeant of the Guard

b) Court

c) Uninvited guest

d) Attack

    18. Indicate the title of the chapter of the story “The Captain’s Daughter” in which Pyotr Grinev meets Pugachev:

a) “Counselor”

b) “Uninvited Guest”

c) “Pugachevism”

d) "Sergeant of the Guard"

19. Under what circumstances does Pyotr Grinev’s first meeting with Pugachev take place?

a) when capturing a fortress

b) during the execution of Pugachev

c) when Grinev goes to the fortress to save Masha from Shvabrin

d) When Grinev got lost in the steppe during a snowstorm

20. Whom did Pugachev appoint as the new commandant of the fortress?

a) Grineva

b) Mop

c) his associate Corporal Beloborodov

d) Ivan Mironov

    21. Why did Catherine II pardon Grinev?

a) received a letter from Grinev’s father

b) Shvabrin admitted everything

c) believed Masha Mironova’s story

d) Pugachev asked to pardon Grinev

    22. Who says these words in the story: “... there will be rain, there will be fungi; and if there are fungi, there will be a body"?

a) Pugachev

b) Shvabrin

c) Grinev

d) Savelich

    23. Complete the portrait of Pugachev by inserting the missing word: “... he was about forty years old, of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed streaks of gray; the lively big eyes kept darting around. His face had a rather pleasant expression, but...":

a) angry

b) sad

c) picaresque

d) exhausted

    24. For what reason did A.S. Pushkin choose Grinev as narrator?

a) Grinev belonged to an old noble family, where the concepts of “honor” and “service” are inseparable.

c) Grinev’s youth allows him to forget about class affiliation and be guided by common sense.

    25. Note Grinev’s military rank.

a) Cornet.

b) Ensign.

c) Lieutenant.

d) Private.

    26. Mark the correct judgment.

a) At the center of the story “The Captain's Daughter” is the fate of the heroes during the tragic time of the Pugachev rebellion.

b) At the center of the story “The Captain's Daughter” is the life story of Pyotr Grinev.

    27. How old are Petrusha Grinev and Masha Mironova

(Grinev is 16-17 years old. Masha is 18 years old)

    28. Who is a disabled person in the tsarist army

(soldier aged in service).

    29. About whom is it said in the story: “he was a hairdresser, then a soldier in Prussia... He was a kind fellow, but flighty and dissolute to the extreme”? (Beaupre)

30. How Petrusha Grinev used the geographical map ? (made a paper kite out of it)

    31. What was the name of the constable in the Belogorsk fortress? (Maksimych)

32. What advice did the father give to Peter Grinev when he was sent to serve?

(Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance. Listen to your superiors. Don’t chase their affection. Don’t ask for service. Don’t talk yourself out of service. Remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age).

    33. What is the name of the Yaik River now? Why was its name changed?

(This is the Ural River. After the Pugachev rebellion, in which the Yaik Cossacks took part, Yaik was renamed the Ural in 1775 by decree of Empress Catherine II. After the suppression of the Pugachev uprising, many geographical names were changed so that nothing would remind of the revolt).

    34. Who is in charge of the fortress and why? (Acting on behalf of her husband, Vasilisa Egorovna, captain. She “looked at the affairs of the service as if they were her master’s, and managed them as accurately as her own home.”

35. What did Grinev do in the fortress?(Grinev was promoted to officer, but the service “didn’t burden him.” He began to read, and “the desire for literature awakened in him”: he translated and even wrote poetry).

36. What was the reason and what was the reason for the quarrel between Grinev and Shvabrin?

(The reason was that Grinev did not like Shvabrin’s “always jokes” about the commandant’s family; he began to understand that Shvabrin was a dishonest and unkind person. Shvabrin was irritated by Grinev with his openness and simplicity, because he loved Masha, to whom Shvabrin unsuccessfully wooed. The reason for the quarrel and duel was not “just a rude and evil mockery,” but “deliberate slander.” The quarrel had been brewing for a long time and was inevitable).

37. How was Grinev wounded?

(Shvabrin took advantage of the fact that Grinev was distracted by Savelich’s call and dealt him a sneaky blow).

    38. What did Grinev defend in the duel?

(He defended his honor and dignity and that of his beloved. And to Vasilisa Yegorovna, without naming the true reasons, he explained that he and Shvabrin had quarreled “over a song”).

39. Why did Grinev make peace with Shvabrin?

(“I was too happy to keep a feeling of hostility in my heart.” Grinev decided that Shvabrin had sincerely repented, believed that he had slandered out of a feeling of “offended pride and rejected love,” and “generously” forgave his “unhappy rival”).

    40. Why did Andrei Petrovich Grinev refuse to give his son his blessing to marry Masha Mironova?

(The father decided that his son was behaving unworthily, that instead of serving he was fighting duels “with fellow brats”, that he should not marry him, but beat the “stupid” out of him).

    41. How did Grinev the father find out about his son’s relationship with Masha?

(Shvabrin reported to his father by writing him a letter).

    42. Why did Masha refuse to marry Grinev?

(Masha believed that without the blessing of her parents, happiness is impossible. She sincerely loves Grinev and wishes him happiness “at least with another”).

    43. How did the fortress learn about the impending threat of Pugachev’s attack?

(The commandant of the fortress received a secret letter from the general demanding that “appropriate measures” be taken to repel the “villain and impostor.” Let us pay attention to the reservation that the captain made at a meeting of officers: “... and we have only one hundred and thirty people, not counting the Cossacks.” The rebel army was far superior to the defenders and inhabitants of the fortress).

    44. What character traits of Captain Mironov are revealed by the scene of his death?

(selflessness, honesty, loyalty to the oath to the empress. He lived honestly, modestly, and met his death with dignity. The last words of the captain: “You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, do you hear!”)

    45. How is Shvabrin described in the execution scene?

(he not only managed to go over to Pugachev’s side, but also cut his hair “in a circle” and dressed in a Cossack caftan. In addition, he managed to whisper something to Pugachev, after which Grinev was dragged to the gallows).

    46. ​​What is the reason for Grinev’s miraculous salvation?

(Pugachev recognized his former travel companions and remembered the hare sheepskin coat he had received).

    47. How does Pugachev behave in the scene of Grinev’s liberation?

(Pugachev shows sharpness, cunning, resourcefulness. He justifies Grinev’s refusal to kiss his hand like this: “His honor, nobility, was stupefied with joy.”)

    48. How do the people behave in the chapter “Attack”? Whose side is he on?

(the people showed themselves as a dumb crowd, taking the side of force, submitting to force. When Pugachev left, “the people rushed after him”).

    49. What is the reason for the fall of the Belogorsk fortress and the victory of the Pugachevites?

(Pugachev met with great support among the people. Despite the spontaneous nature of the uprising, its social orientation was clear to each participant: it was aimed against the landowners, the government and the military authorities, against serfdom and any oppression of the people).

    50. Comment on the scene with Savelich. Why did Pugachev order the “chief secretary” to read Savelich’s paper?

(Pugachev was illiterate, but did not want to admit it, so he cheated: “Our bright eyes can’t make out anything here.” The scene with Savelich is humorous: the faithful servant decided to plunder the master’s property, barely avoiding death. The device of the inconsistency of the hero’s actions with the situation creates a humorous effect).

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