In what year the house was opened 2. How do the Permians live now, who won millions on TV shows. Those who left the greatest contribution to the development of the television project

The creators only hoped that the TV show would last for several months. To many, the project seemed very weak and unremarkable, having, among other things, an unconvincing name.

Not everyone remembers that House 2 is a continuation of the program "House", which started on TNT screens in the summer of 2003. The idea belongs to Valery Komissarov, the host of the program "My Family". The rules were slightly different from the current show. In the first part, married couples competed. Who had to really build a house, which was played out according to the results of the audience vote. The first host of the show was Nikolai Baskov, and then Svetlana Khorkina replaced him. According to rumors, the idea was not invented by the organizers of TNT, but bought from the British firm Zeal. The foreign version, praising family values, was a huge success in European countries.

Obviously, the result of "House" did not live up to the expectations of the channel's management, who had hoped for a tremendous success. Therefore, it was decided to make some changes. The format was changed according to the requests of our viewers. Later, in May 2004, the renewed House 2 was born, dominated by the building of relationships. Finding out House 2 news 6 days earlier is now absolutely simple thanks to the Internet, and then everyone was waiting only for new episodes on TV.

Scandalousness Dom-2

House 2 is one of the most controversial TV shows. On the one hand, an army of fans wanting to know as soon as possible House 2 news and rumors for today. On the other hand, there are moralists who are fighting with all their might to close the television set. The fierce struggle of both sides creates the fame of the most scandalous reality television.

The negative impact of the program has been repeatedly noted by many writers, artists, singers, politicians, religious and public figures. In their opinion, the transfer has a negative impact on the formation of moral values ​​of the younger generation. The creators and presenters were reproached for pimping and exploitation of uneducated underage youth participating in the show.

There have been many lawsuits in the history of the program. The largest of them: 2005 - several deputies complained to the prosecutor's office, demanding to ban the broadcasting of the program. Fans of the TV set, in turn, regarded such actions as an encroachment on their freedom of choice and an attempt to censor reality shows. Opponents of House 2 failed to close the transmission. Long proceedings ended with only a daytime restriction. The Presnensky District Court has forbidden to air broadcasts during the day and to postpone them to a later time. Until 2010, the program was broadcast in the evening, but after a while, daytime broadcasts resumed.

The essence of the project

The main task of the participants is to find their love and build strong relationships, proving from day to day to the rest of the residents and viewers that love is real and not fictitious. As the main prize, the organizers announced a mansion house in the Moscow region. Initially, 15 participants settled on the site, then every Friday the arrival of two newcomers, alternating girls and boys. How does the building of relationships in an isolated team take place? Several ways have been invented for this:

  • Goodbye. On the show, just like in real life, you can ask for a date. It doesn't matter that everyone lives in the same territory, a beautiful picture is created for viewers in the form of creative and romantic dates.
  • Pre-selection of likes. Every Wednesday, the day before the vote, participants gather in a certain place to publicly express their sympathy for the opposite sex. The meaning of this action is to take into account when voting who is a single person and who is a couple.
  • Check-in at the VIP-house. After the candy-bouquet period, the lovers declare themselves a couple and apply for a separate living space during the voting. In their personal apartments, they can try to live together, testing their love in everyday life.
  • Wedding. It goes without saying that only a few people reach the wedding. Either the insincerity of the participants who want to appear on television or make money is to blame, or only a few manage to withstand the "grinding" in relationships that takes place 24 hours a day.

At the beginning of the show, many wondered who would get the main prize, studying the latest news and rumors. Considering that the project has dragged on for more than one decade, many houses have already been built. It is quite possible to provide living space for more than one couple.

Insula (Latin Insula - literally translated as an island) - in ancient Roman architecture - a multi-storey residential building with rooms and apartments intended for rent. They appeared not earlier than the 3rd century BC. NS. They usually had from three to five floors, there are references to eight-story insuls. They made up the massive development of ancient Roman cities. The insul were inhabited by both the poor and the wealthy sections of the Roman population.

Insuls were built using rubble masonry, usual for Ancient Rome. During the time of the Republic, small irregularly shaped tuff blocks held together with cement were used as building materials. Later, insuls began to be built from bricks. The roofs were made of shingles.

The first floor of the insul was usually occupied by galleries with small shops. From there there was an entrance to the illuminated courtyard, around which the premises were arranged. Usually, a separate staircase led to each apartment or room: having disassembled it, the owner could block the tenant in his room until he paid the apartment debt. The first floors of insul were usually rented by wealthy citizens: such apartments had high ceilings (up to 3.5 m) and wide windows protected by dense shutters: mica and glass were rarely used due to their high cost. Apartments from the third floor were usually reserved for poorer tenants: the windows were small and the ceilings were so low that tenants had to bend over to walk. Wooden mezzanines were often added.

There was no central heating: individual water boilers provided heat in the rooms. In insula, sewage was usually not carried out: in Rome, sewage was carried out in dung heaps or simply thrown out of windows; water was taken from nearby springs or fountains. In other cities, there was a restroom on the ground floor, as, for example, the excavations in Ostia showed.

According to sources, the rent in insul was quite high. Already in the days of the Republic, the annual rent for an apartment on the fifth floor was about 2,000 sesterces. Apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floors cost 3000 or more sesterces. With that kind of money, you could buy a whole house in Italy. On the upper floors, 2 or 3 families often settled in one room.

The owner of insula could evict his tenants at any time. There was frequent speculation, from which the tenants suffered in the first place. The order in the house and the payment of the rent were usually supervised by a trusted slave, the insularius.

The first mention of high-rise buildings in Rome is from Titus Livy: on the eve of the second Punic War, the bull, having escaped from the market, climbed the stairs to the third floor, which was considered a bad omen. It should be noted that those insulas, which were built in compliance with all construction standards, were reliably protected both from collapses and from the rapid spread of fire in the event of a fire. In Rome itself, according to the "Marble Plan", there were 46 thousand insul in Rome (for comparison, there were 1,790 mansions), but not much survived the insul in Rome: the active rebuilding of the city destroyed the old ruins. Their structure can be judged from the archaeological excavations in Ostia. Insuls are an example of the urban planning art of ancient Rome. In Europe, after the destruction of the Roman Empire, apartment buildings began to be built only in the late Middle Ages.

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At one time, the television screen literally blew up a completely new, both in form and in content, the original television project "House".

The reality show began on July 1, 2003, and lasted four months, keeping a large number of viewers in suspense for the next release. For the entire time of the broadcast of the TV program, 90 episodes were released in prime time and 14 special events on weekends.

It must be said that the very concept of the television program "House 1" was legally borrowed from the English television company Zeal, but almost immediately the Russian reality show "Dom" surpassed its prototype in popularity. The slogan of the first episode of the TV show was "Build your own home, for happiness in it", which, in fact, the participants were doing all the time of the telestroke.

The rules of the first House were significantly different from the format and conditions to which today's TV viewers of the TV project are accustomed, although no, no, yes, the words "TV set" are heard from the hosts of the show.

Now mainly relationships are being built, and then the participants took an active part in the construction of the house itself. So what were the rules of the reality show House 1?

Terms and conditions on the verge of "School of Survival"

Twelve couples, completely different from each other, young people from all corners of our vast country were carefully selected and then invited to the TV site.

Married couples were selected according to the following principles: firstly, they must be newlyweds or already preparing for the wedding and awaiting registration at the registry office. The main condition is that couples must desperately need housing, that is, they do not have their own square meters at all.

According to the rules of the TV show, in addition to real professionals (architects, foremen, interior designers, landscape designers and builders themselves), all 12 married couples take part in the construction of a house, but only one of them will win it or the opportunity to receive a prize in money.

Every week, starting from the fifth, one of the couples left the TV set. The decision on expulsion is made by the participants themselves at a “general family council”. Even then, the "place of execution" became the traditional execution of this execution. Of the two "surviving" married couples, the viewers themselves choose the winner.

Young people were selected in such a way that their fields of activity and position in society were significantly different from each other. As a result, the selected participants perfectly represented a certain section of society, practically all of its facets.

The most grandiose prize of modern television

When the organizers of the TV show "House 1" announced the prize fund, even the seasoned producers of other projects and the viewers themselves were literally amazed.

The winners were to receive 8 million rubles (this is how much the luxurious house built). As practice has shown, the risk was justified and the project broke all view records.

The surge in audience interest was such that even after the end of this first "pilot" season of the TV show "Dom", a more advanced and significantly transformed and adapted to the tastes and requests of viewers appeared on the screens of the TNT channel.

It, in turn, due to its duration and popularity, entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The first presenters of the TV show "Dom"

For the entire existence of the television project "House 1", it was hosted by "star" personalities: Nikolai Baskov, Svetlana Khorkina and Dmitry Nagiyev.

Nikolai Baskov became the first and most memorable TV viewer to host the reality show "House 1". The famous singer, for whom this project was the first experience in the role of the host, during the telestroke became a real friend to all the participants and was a long-awaited guest in each of the 12 houses.

Nikolay in the TV show "House 1" very successfully revealed his talents as a TV presenter, sincerely penetrating and understanding all the vicissitudes of family relationships and relationships in the most scandalous team. The participants were always grateful for his advice.

Then he was replaced by Svetlana Khorkina, who, thanks to her calm, feminine character, was able to smooth out many "sharp corners" that now and then appear on the TV show. Dmitry Nagiyev, who replaced Svetlana, in turn, adorned the reality show with sparkling humor and proved himself to be a real showman during the period of the release.

Naturally, such star presenters added more "points" to the "piggy bank" of TNT, which literally blew up the television space in 2003, laying a solid foundation in the form of a huge number of viewers in love with the project for the next season of the show.

"Pioneers" of the reality show "Dom"

Let's get to know each married couple who took part in the first TV show in 2003. All participants were accommodated in houses.

House at number 1 occupied by the Grabins couple. Anna and Dmitry were 23 years old at the time of joining the TV project. Both are Muscovites with a wonderful baby Max. Hobbies: adventure, tourism, extreme in any of its manifestations. They love to spend all their free time on mountain biking on very difficult and dangerous routes. By the way, the owners of the largest collection of penguin figurines in Moscow - more than 300 pieces.

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To the house at number 2 settled was an experienced couple in family life - the Felman couple. Svetlana and Mikhail were together at that time for fifteen years. The family is distinguished by a calm, measured lifestyle in complete harmony and mutual understanding.

House at number 3 belonged to the Berkov family. Olga and Andrey are businessmen who devote all their time to the development of a joint personal business related to the textile industry. The family lives in Belarus, but they rushed to the TV show at the very first offer with great pleasure! They were married at that time for seven years. They adore noisy companies and everything connected with it: kebabs, songs by the fire, etc.

House at number 4 belonged to the most "adult" participants in the reality show "House 1". The Kosolapov family (Nina and Sergey) from Rostov-on-Don have been together for over thirty years and have an independent and independent son Anatoly. Unfortunately, the Kosolapov family did not acquire their own housing at that time, and would very much like to receive a prize in the form of a luxurious house in Moscow built with the help of professionals and other married couples!

House at number 5 received an interesting pair of circus artists, the Semenov family. Friends jokingly call Elena and Alexandra a "sawdust family", since all their years lived together, and they were 13 years old, they spent in circus sawdust, constantly training! This couple was very popular with both viewers and most of the other members.

House at number 6 was settled by a very young couple, the Ryabik family. Natalia and Vladimir have been together for only two years, but even then they were sure that they would live together until the grave! Their confidence was not always confirmed by the situations that took place on the TV set. Vladimir is a test pilot, and Natasha is a foreign language teacher. Both have explosive characters and a cold mind that helped them get out of emotional problems.

House at number 7 belonged to the Pozdnyakov family. Sveta and Yuri, despite the fact that they have known each other since childhood, were never married. Very narcissistic and self-confident, easy to talk to. Participation in the TV project was considered their "honeymoon".

House at number 8 got by the standards of the TV set, the large family of Smirnovs from Perm. Larisa and Maxim have two children: a daughter of five years old and a very small 2-month-old son, Maxim. The father of the family believes that they are the ones who need the main prize of the reality show. The house should go to them. The couple on the project were quite active.

House at number 9 settled by the family of Muscovites Lobyntsevs, who have been living together for only a year and a half. Natalya and Sergey are friendly, cheerful young people who drive racing cars in Moscow.

House at number 10 went to the lucky ones who won the show, the Pichkalev family from Perm. Both doctors: Renata is a therapist, and Alexey is a surgeon. The couple is very impulsive, with a quick reaction to everything that happens. Renata is a clear leader in relationships and, as the show showed, with a bitchy personality. Her antics, harsh statements were clearly remembered by viewers. By the way, we came to the project "to have a rest!" So they said: "We came to the project to have a rest and there is no need for any Maldives!"

House at number 11 received a married couple Shchavelev. Dima and Olesya are a very young couple! They signed for less than a year. They live in happiness and understanding. Still would! Dima is a professional chef and very often spoils his beloved wife with delicious dishes! In addition, he is also a director of fights and various stunts. Olesya is a theater artist. On the project, she has established herself as a very harmonious couple.

House at number 12 was occupied by the Kotelnikov family. Indigenous Muscovites Tatiana and Kirill have been together for about 14 years, have a four-year-old daughter, Alisa. Alice in Wonderland is considered their reference book. This is probably why the slogan of their family happiness is the phrase from it: “Do not stand still, in order to at least stay put. All dreams will come true, but perhaps later. " So they spent the whole telestroke: quietly and imperceptibly.

Winners: Prize Management

Bright, emotional, always having their own personal opinion, independent of other participants, the Pichkalev family, doctors from Perm, won the first season of the reality show "Dom". They significantly outstripped their rivals - the Ryabikov family. It was the pair of Pichkalevs who were chosen from the two finalists by the viewers who had been watching the TV set for all four months.

It was not easy for this impulsive couple to win. Due to the difficult nature of Renata, she twice found herself on the verge of being kicked out of the show. But the first time Nikolay Baskov saved her, the second time the couple was saved by one of the participants, who left “House 1” instead of the Pichkalevs.

And then came the long-awaited denouement. The victory went to the strongest participants in the project! The guys, in turn, made a decision and abandoned elite housing in the Moscow region, and chose the equivalent of the prize - eight million rubles.

The awards ceremony was no less enchanting than the show itself. Collectors brought a huge number of packs of banknotes straight to the construction site. They built the highest model of the house, repeating the original, Dmitry Nagiyev announced the winners.

When Renat and Alexey were asked how they were going to dispose of the winnings, they announced that the decision had been made a long time ago and if they won, they planned to start their own business and spend a certain part of the money on charity, namely to take care of the Nursing Home and "Baby House" in his hometown.

A few years later, alarming information appeared in the media that the Pichkalevs were seriously injured, and possibly even died at the hands of bandits, with whom they did not want to share the winnings. But, fortunately, it did not come true.

The winners of the first TV show "Dom" Renata and Alexey realized their ideas and, in addition to their business, they continue to do charity work.


House 1 was a resounding success for a number of reasons. Firstly, it was extraordinary, unusual, meeting all TV viewers' needs, subtle and taking into account the emotional and psychological needs of the population.

Secondly, the very opportunity to take a prize not in property, but in cash in the amount of such a large amount of money, was impressive.

Thirdly, unique devices were purchased to conduct and organize the filming: eight cameras were filming around the clock from the TV set.

During the reality show, an all-weather telescopic fifteen-meter crane, two helicopters, and unique equipment for light and sound effects were used. And fourthly, the House itself was built in record time: in just three months!

Lived at "House-2" for 1759 days

The record holder for the number of days spent on the show is Dasha Pynzar (Black). The girl came to "Dom-2" at the end of 2007. For the men of the project, it was a "New Year's gift": the beautiful and uncommon Daria won the hearts of the participants. In addition, Dasha declared her innocence and serious intentions. Among Dasha's suitors were Rustam Solntsev and womanizer Andrei Cherkasov. But the girl built love with the athlete Sergei Pynzar. In 2010, the couple decided to get married, and in the summer of 2011 their first-born Artem was born.

After the birth of the child, Pynzari moved from the site of "House-2" to a city apartment from the project and occasionally appeared on the show. After the telestroke, the family went into the family business: Pynzari own a clothing store. In 2016, the couple had a second boy, David.

The couple sometimes takes part in other television projects. For example, Dasha starred in the show "Pregnant" when she was expecting her second child. The couple appeared together on Anita Tsoi's show "Wedding Size".


Stepan Menshchikov, 40 years old

Lived on "House-2" for 1758 days

Only one day was not enough for Stepan to reach the record - along with Daria, he is the main "old man" of the project. In 2004 Menshchikov was one of the first settlers on the project.

On the show, Stepan was nicknamed Jim Carrey for his physical resemblance and sense of humor. With his charisma Menshchikov won the hearts of the "first beauties" of the perimeter: Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Boni, Alexandra Kharitonova. However, harmonious relations did not develop. Because of quarrels, scandals and even fights, young people dispersed.

In 2008 Menshchikov left the project and began to build a career in television. He appeared in the show "Stars change their profession", then together with Rustam Solntsev hosted the program "Hu from Hu", visited the show "Let's get married!".

In 2011, Stepan married Evgenia Shamaeva, and in 2013 he became a father. Later it turned out that the wife gave birth to a son from another man, but this did not affect Stepan's attitude to the baby. Now Menshchikov is divorced, brings up a son and daughter, works as a showman.

Olga Buzova, 32 years old

Lived at "House-2" for 1677 days, became the host of the project

The most successful "graduate" of the TV show was the singer, TV presenter and even the writer Olga Buzova. The girl came to the reality show at only 18 years old. In parallel with the show, Olya studied at the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology of St. Petersburg State University and even graduated with honors.

On the TV set Olga met Roman Tretyakov. Their couple was a favorite of the audience. So much so that the producers of "House-2" decided to launch a separate show called "Romance with Buzova". However, two years later, the lovers broke up. Roma considered that he needed to go ahead and left the project, but Olya did not join him. Buzova continued her career in television, met with Stanislav Karimov, then with Alessandro Materazzo.

In 2008, Buzova decided to leave the TV show, but the producers did not want to let go of the source of the rating and offered Olga the role of the leading "House-2" along with Ksenia Borodina.

Now Olga is one of the most rated singers in Russian show business, but Olga managed to build her musical career on the rubble of her personal life. Her seemingly perfect marriage with football player Dmitry Tarasov collapsed in 2016 - the athlete left for another. Experiences about betrayal and loneliness are the main theme of Olga Buzova's songs.

Evgenia Feofilaktova, 32 years old

Lived at "House-2" for 1558 days

Evgenia Feofilaktova appeared on the show in 2009. At "House-2" Zhenya had the nickname Tru-la-la, which she received for her excessive sociability. Zhenya started romances with Nikita Kuznetsov, Ilya Gazhienko and Alexander Zadoinov. The girl met with Alexander for a long time, but the relationship was filled with quarrels, scandals and endless fights. Only Anton Gusev was able to win Evgenia's heart. After three months of relationship, Anton made an offer, and in June 2012 the couple got married. In December, the couple had a son, Daniel.

After the project, the couple moved to a house in the Moscow region and founded a family fashion business, but the love story came to an end. At the end of 2016, the Gusevs announced that they had not lived together for a long time and did not love each other, and divorced peacefully. Now Zhenya continues to do business and is raising a son.

Nadezhda Ermakova, 34 years old

Lived at "House-2" for 1527 days

Ermakova came to the show in the spring of 2007. The goal of the girl was Rustam Solntsev (by the way, he spent a little over a year on TV). With Rustam nothing came of it, but Sasha Gabozov decided to court Nadya. Relations with Gabozov took on a serious character. The guy even made an offer, but the girl did not immediately give an answer. Doubts cooled Alexander, and as a result, the couple broke up, and Nadezhda was kicked out of the project.

Now the girl is going to get married again. Nadia did not succeed in becoming a TV presenter, but she runs two strip clubs in Moscow.

Olga Nikolaeva (Sun), 35 years old

Lived at "House-2" for 1460 days

Olya took part in the project from the first days of the show. Previously, the girl had already worked on TV, so she was not afraid of cameras, but Olga did not have relationships with men before "House-2".

Many are worried about the question: why did the show "House 2" become one of the longest-running shows on domestic television? We answer: it's all about his scandalousness. If initially the participants of the program tried to show the viewer beautiful love stories, then after a while the ratings of the reality show jumped to the skies due to violent passions, non-literary expressions and constant fights of the heroes.

So how many years has House 2 been running? We'll find out now.

Initially, the author of this show, Valery Komissarov, saw his brainchild as a romantic and exciting program. In the first "House", married couples created their own dwelling, in which all the vicissitudes took place. As a result, the most resilient family had to remain. Literally from the very first broadcasts, the program became one of the most popular in the post-Soviet space.

After the dizzying success of the first part, the creators decided to shoot a sequel. However, there were significant changes in the script of the new version. Now young people got to know each other, fell in love, struck up relationships directly during the construction of housing.

New faces regularly appear on the perimeter, making their own adjustments to the lives of local residents. Some of the newcomers do not stay long, but their places are immediately filled with others, and so on in a circle.

We cannot say that the script for each episode of House 2 is pre-written. During the existence of the project, the viewer could observe both sincere feelings and leaving the program for the sake of a family calm life.

When the premiere of "House 2"

The Russian viewer first saw "Dom 2" in the spring of 2004 on TNT, that is, it has not left the screens for 13 years.

The brightest participants

During the existence of the project, the viewer has seen dozens of participants. However, some were remembered for a long time, and the second were immediately forgotten. Let's now look at those who are most memorable to us.

In the first place, undoubtedly, Olga Buzova, who managed to be both a participant and a host of "House 2", and now is a popular TV presenter and singer.

Alena Vodonaeva deserves a separate mention. The girl was famous for her romances with Stepan Menshchikov, Anton Potapovich and May Abrikosov. And even after leaving the program, she did not disappear from television screens. Like Buzova, Alena tried to become a TV presenter and singer, but with much less success.

Victoria Bonya is no less noticeable person. Her creativity and artistry will be remembered by the viewer for a long time.

We cannot but mention the participant with the warm name of the Sun. Today she is a fairly well-known DJ. In addition, Olga Nikolaeva has her own event agency and helps people make their celebration unforgettable.

Leading the project

Talking about such a global project, we cannot but recall the hosts. After all, it is they who make the show even brighter and more noticeable.

In the early years, Dom 2 was led by the tandem of Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina. Also, the leading reality shows at different times were Olga Buzova, Vlad Kadoni, Olga Orlova, Andrey Cherkasov, Katya Zhuzha and Ekaterina Starikova.

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