Which direction is better to sleep with your head? Where to go to sleep with your head

There is one common opinion according to which the position of the body in a dream relative to the cardinal directions affects internal harmony, family happiness and a person’s well-being. To some, this information seems unfounded, while others are trying to find out where to sleep with their heads - north or south, or maybe even to the west? Thus, we decided to consider several points of view, methods and teachings, some of which contradict each other.

Where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui?

Adhering to the principles of this teaching, some arrange furniture in the house, plan meetings and significant events. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you also need to sleep with your head in a certain direction, and for this you first need to find out the Gua number. This is the name of the magic number, which is calculated differently for men and women.

Men need to take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them. If the number is two digits, add the two resulting digits again. In the end it will be one thing numeric value. If you were born before 2000, subtract this result from 10, and if after 2000, subtract it from 9. As a result, you will find out your Gua number and be able to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui.

To determine the Gua number, women need to carry out the same calculations, and having received one digit, we do not subtract it, but add to it 5 (if born before 2000) or 6 (if born after). If you end up with a two-digit value, sum up its numbers.

Gua cannot be equal to five, therefore, when obtaining this value for men, Gua is equal to 2, and for women 8. And recall that according to Chinese calendar the year begins in early February, not in January, so if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, calculate the Gua number for the previous year.

Based on the number obtained and personal preferences, choose the direction where to lay your head. We offer a detailed table that will help you understand everything. The cardinal directions are indicated by the first letters of their names: N - north, S - south, etc.

Gua Number

For success and prosperity

For good health

For love and relationship building

For personal growth and development

Please note that Feng Shui has other directions for specific person unfavorable and can lead to trouble. Decide for yourself whether you trust this teaching or not.

What do Indian yogis say?

Indian sages believe that the direction of the head during sleep must be chosen taking into account magnetic fields. According to this theory, it is better to go to bed with your head facing north or northeast.

True yogis from India are sure that every person has a special electrical charge, so the north is in our heads and the south is in our feet. Residents of this country strictly adhere to these rules for both night sleep and daytime rest. They are sure that if you put the bed in the right position, you will wake up in the morning with good spirits. If in the bedroom it is not possible to place the bed so that you can sleep with your head facing north, sit with your head facing east - this is also acceptable, according to yogis.

Eastern Vastu technique

According to the ancient Indian teachings of Vastu, every person must take into account where to sleep with their head - physical health and mental condition. By placing the bed incorrectly, you will not fall into deep sleep and not get enough sleep, and the circulation of internal energy will be disrupted and this will lead to health problems.

So where should you sleep with your head according to Vastu? The teaching categorically does not recommend lying in the direction of the north, since magnetic field planets have a direction - from south to north. The human magnetic field is directed in the same way: energy enters through the head and exits from the feet. Therefore, when you go to bed with your head facing north, it is as if you are trying to bring two magnets together with equal poles, but they repel each other. Based on this logic, human body endures destructive influences.

According to the eastern teachings of Vastu, it is undesirable to lay your head towards the northeast and northwest, but the following directions are considered favorable:

  • Head east. When we go to bed with our heads in the direction of the Earth’s rotation, torsion fields act on the body and we recharge. Spirituality is strengthened, a connection with the deity is established, and positive qualities are developed.
  • Sleeping with your head facing south is also useful according to Vastu - this way you will receive a boost of energy and harmonize with the world around you. People sleeping in this direction have good health and longevity.

Where is it recommended to sleep with your head according to the Veda called Ayurveda? People who practice this ancient Indian teaching prolong their lives by uniting the mind, physical body, soul and senses. In general, the body turns into a single whole with space and the environment.

According to Ayurveda, any disease is a consequence of loss of harmony between body and soul. The teaching says that in our sleep we recharge ourselves with the energy of the cosmos, replenish our vitality and become wiser, but without the correct positioning of the bed this cannot be achieved.

Proponents of this system of Indian medicine recommend sleeping with the body position facing north, as this ensures union with the deity. It is also useful to sleep with your head to the east, because it develops spiritual inclinations and intuitions. You can also place the head of the bed to the south, but in no case to the west, otherwise you will be deprived of strength and energy.

Where to sleep with your head in a Christian way

There are many religions in the world, radically different from each other, so each has its own positions regarding certain actions. Orthodoxy is more widespread in our country, so let’s find out where you should sleep with your head in a Christian way? The religion does not focus on this, but there is an opinion that according to the Orthodox it is better to sleep with your head in the following directions:

  • in the south for longevity;
  • in the east to strengthen the connection with God.

But the northern and western directions are not recommended. In many ways this is due not to Orthodoxy, but to folk signs that came from the distant past. Over the years, they began to be associated specifically with Christianity, although they have no direct relationship to it.

According to signs, you can sleep with your head towards the door, but you cannot lie down with your feet towards it (this is how they carry the dead out of houses). You should not lie down with your head in front of the mirror, as this attracts illness and failure. It is also believed that you should not sleep with your head towards the window, but this is more likely due to the fact that it can blow through you. This has nothing to do with the cardinal directions, but decide for yourself whether all this can affect proper and healthy sleep.

What common sense says

Sometimes parents do not know where the child should sleep with his head, and begin to study different teachings and superstitions, many of which often diverge, and this only makes the choice more difficult. If you trust common sense or intuition, everything will not be so difficult.

Go to bed in random directions: today to the southeast, tomorrow to the northwest, if the room allows you to make the necessary rearrangements. After a few nights, you will understand which direction you sleep most comfortably. Only magnetic storms can distort the correct result, so for the purity of the experiment they will have to be monitored and taken into account.

And further interesting information to think about the location of the bed and the cardinal directions. Russian scientists recently conducted a study in which participants had to sleep on the floor in a random direction. In the morning, the influence of well-being and mood on body position was checked. As a result, it turned out that overtired and tired volunteers intuitively lay down towards the east, and those in an excited state before going to bed lay down with their heads towards the north.

It becomes clear that there is no single and correct body direction for sleep for everyone. It is important that you have freedom to move at night and that your body is in a comfortable position so that you can get enough sleep and recovery.

Expert opinion on where to sleep with your head

Specialists called somnologists study sleep disorders, and there is even a branch of medicine called somnology. So, they note that to restore strength and wake up in the morning in good mood requires a comfortable bed, Fresh air indoors and the right pillow. It doesn’t matter which way to sleep and how the bed will be positioned. For example, if you have insomnia or are not getting enough sleep, try lying on the other side or moving the bed, but often the reason is not the direction of your head, but physical or mental health, or many other factors.

We hope we have helped you figure out where to sleep with your head - north, east, south or west? And we also note that the opinion of somnologists applies to both an adult and a child, so sleep in a way that is comfortable for you, and put your child to bed according to the same principle!

The sages first learned about Feng Shui ancient China. The teaching allows you to correctly master space, focusing on the power flows that permeate all objects. It is believed that if the layout of the house is incorrect, positive energy is blocked. The owner of the home expects troubles with health, work and personal life. Now Eastern science is in demand in many countries. Especially if we're talking about about choosing holiday destinations.

Based on Feng Shui, it depends on the location of windows, doors, furniture and other points. The Gua number and expert advice will help you decide on the optimal side.

Feng Shui translates as “wind and water”. The ancient Chinese learned about science thanks to the great Emperor Wu. While working near the Yellow River, the emperor noticed a giant turtle crawling out of the water. For some reason, on the animal’s shell was depicted a square consisting of 9 divisions, each of which contained numbers from 1 to 9. The emperor was very surprised by the find and ordered scientists to study it more carefully. Over time, the drawing received the name “ magic square Lo Shu." An amazing set of symbols and numbers gave rise to Feng Shui and many other sciences.

It is important to know! The basis of Eastern teaching is the influence of energy flows that permeate everything around. According to the sages, the force surrounding us should circulate freely. Due to improperly placed objects, harmony is disturbed, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of people staying in an apartment or house.

General points of Feng Shui are presented in the table:

Types of energyQiChi flows flow through the entire space, so you should not clutter your home with unnecessary furniture and objects. Otherwise, harmony is disturbed, which promises trouble.
Shen-QiShen Chi is the breath of life, calculated by Gua numbers. Strength helps reduce nervous tension and make it easier to pass the trials that come along a person’s path.
Force Movement OptionsTimeCalculated according to the calendar.
SpaceWhen making calculations, look at the compass.
Classification of elementsWaterMan:
o greedy for beautiful women;
o cunning;
o fickle;
o a good diplomat;
o hides the inner essence.
o capricious;
o cunning;
o dreamer;
o master of communication.
o calm;
o thoughtful;
o endures stress steadily;
o faithful.
o sensual;
o charming;
o jealous;
o rarely takes risks.
o actively shows emotions;
o altruist;
o leader in relationships;
o Values ​​shared perspectives.
o honest;
o attractive;
o cunning;
o independent;
o values ​​freedom;
o active on love front.
o adventurer;
o leader;
o ladies' man;
o a man of action.
o active;
o impulsive;
o faithful;
o reasonable;
o winner.
o has the talent of persuasion;
o ambitious;
o ruthless.
o sensual;
o loves competition;
o winner.

Each element has its own characteristics. Having decided on the sign, you can get the opportunity to earn big money, improve your health, or find love. The calculation is based on the last number in the year of birth:

Direction of the head during sleep according to Feng Shui

According to the sages of the East, sleep according to Feng Shui is considered the most beneficial for a sleeping person. First you need to study tips on the correct layout of the bedroom, choose a suitable area for the bed and calculate the Gua number. The last nuance will allow you to find the good side of the world for yourself. If we are talking about spouses who received different numbers, it is necessary to compromise:

Bedroom layout

Ancient Chinese science teaches how to properly arrange furniture in the bedroom and choose the optimal place for the bed. If you follow the room layout criteria, the flow of energy will circulate unhindered. The positive impact of Qi will affect dreams, health, love affairs, work and other areas of the sleeper’s life. The table below will help you figure out how to use Feng Shui:

Bedroom arrangementAccording to Feng Shui, you should only sleep on a bed. You can only doze off on a sofa, folding bed, armchair and other places.
It is not recommended to place a bedroom next to a restroom or entrance to the home. Any direction of the world is suitable, except the northeast and southwest.
You can hang pictures in your sleeping room to improve Qi circulation. A sailboat against the backdrop of the sun is a good choice for a bedroom. Sunrise promises the birth of something beautiful, and sunset promises the pursuit of a dream.
The room should be rectangular or square.
It is advisable not to place televisions, mirrors, bookcases, or statues in the bedroom.
Bright lighting should be replaced with dim lighting.
Choosing a place for the bedYou can't sleep with your feet facing the door.
There should be nothing above the sleeping place.
It is forbidden to lie down between the door and the window.
Unnecessary items should be removed under the bed.
There should be no side on the side of the lower extremities.
Sharp corners(dressers, cabinets) must not be directed towards the sleeping person.
The head of the bed should be close to the wall.

The crib on which the child sleeps must be positioned general rules Feng Shui. It is advisable that the windows face east. The direction promotes active growth.

Advice! If we are talking about a newborn, then it is better to hang a canopy on top of the cradle. The baby will retain the feeling of being in the womb, which will help you fall asleep faster.

Gua number calculation

The Gua number allows you to choose the right side to sleep on. Calculation is carried out by date of birth. The following instructions will help you navigate:

  • Fold 2 last numbers year of birth until a single digit (1-9) is obtained.
  • Carry out calculations depending on gender and age. Children should be considered boys and girls born after 2000:
    • Men:
      • for adults – subtract the previously obtained figure from 10;
      • children - 9.
    • Women:
      • adults - add five to the calculated figure;
      • children - 6.

Female representatives may again get a double-digit number. The problem is solved by addition. The result will be a number from 1 to 9:

Advice! If it is not possible to position the bed in the optimal direction, it is easier to lie diagonally. Approaching the right side, the sleeper will partially feel positive influence of your Gua number.

Features of holidays in different directions of the world

To improve the quality of sleep, Feng Shui adherents advise following the rules of space exploration, finding the Gua number and becoming familiar with the characteristics of each of the cardinal directions. The last nuance is especially important. Focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen direction, you can improve financial condition, get your family back or improve your health:

  • The north contributes to the emergence of feelings of melancholy and the development of depression. The direction is not suitable for lonely people.
  • North-west, south-east helps to realize your plans. Relevant for those who want to climb career ladder.
  • Northeast is suitable for healthy and purposeful people who do not suffer from sleep disorders.
  • The West is relevant for romantic people.
  • The south develops sociability in the sleeper.
  • The East is considered a universal direction. The best side is for the elderly and children.
  • Feng Shui supporters do not recommend the southwest for sleep. The direction contributes to bad dreams and a decreased sense of self-confidence.
  • The southeast is suitable for people who have long wanted to implement important plans.

Spouses who received different numbers Gua, you'll have to work hard to find the right direction to sleep. A compromise can only be found by studying the pros and cons of the cardinal directions.

Factors on which adequate sleep depends

Sleep consists of fast and slow stages. For complete restoration of the body and absorption new information will need to go 5 full cycles, each of which is equal to 1.5 hours. Expert advice will help you fall asleep quickly and improve your quality of rest:

Factors of quality restRecommendations
Proper nutritionDon't overeat at night.
Take your last meal a few hours before rest.
No irritantsTry to eliminate ambient noise or use earplugs.
Create a dark environment in the room. Thick curtains and/or a sleep mask will help.
Fresh airVentilate the room in the evening.
Before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air.
Mild fatigueExercise approximately 2 hours before rest. It is not recommended to overload.
Before going to bed, meditate and do breathing exercises.
No visual strainGive up sitting at the computer, watching TV and playing on the phone in favor of reading a book and other relaxing and monotonous hobbies.
Following a work-rest scheduleGet up and go to bed at the same time.
Avoid processing beyond the prescribed norm.
Moderate rest at lunchtimeAvoid daytime sleep lasting more than 2 hours.
Take a nap for no more than 20-30 minutes during lunch. As a last resort, you need to wake up after 1.5 hours.
Lack of stimulants in the bloodDo not drink coffee, energy drinks or other stimulants 5-7 hours before going to bed at night.
In the evening, you can drink tea or a decoction of sedative herbs.

Healthy sleep according to Feng Shui means the correct layout of the room and the optimal choice of place for the bed. The Gua number will help with the latter. Based on the obtained figure, you can choose the best direction of the head, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the cardinal directions. It is equally important to follow the recommendations of somnologists to improve the quality of your rest.

Greetings, dear friends!
A person spends 1/3 of his life, about 15-30 years, on sleep, so it is very important to equip the bedroom for excellent rest. If you have trouble sleeping, you might want to consider rearranging your furniture, and especially important question, bed placement according to Feng Shui. The room where you rest should have a peaceful flow of energy.

From the article you will learn:

There are two the right way how to place a bed in a bedroom according to the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui.

Method 1. Placement of the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui cardinal directions

The most universal way to place the bed is in the north and, of course, the east.

For spiritual development, place the head of the bed to the north, your intuition will grow, you can add purple to this bed sheets for strengthening. And also the north will contribute financial success and excellent health.

A wonderful, healthy sleep will await you on the eastern side. It is suitable for everyone, especially older people are highly recommended to relax there. The East will add energy, positivity and success.

Which direction should you sleep with your head according to feng shui?

It will be good for students (schoolchildren, students) to sleep well in the northeast. But for those whose work involves brain activity, it is better to refuse such sleep.

Where should you sleep with your head according to Feng Shui for those who have problems fulfilling their dreams or achieving their goals? Southeast to the rescue. Add a canopy to the bed, create a kind of royal bed for yourself, this will also contribute to your financial wealth.

The south is responsible for communication with people. With somebody bad relationship? Few acquaintances? You need to sleep with your feet facing north.

The West will help improve health and inspire creative people.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui for love and marriage?

The southwest will help in your personal life, strengthen relationships and help in your career. Pink bedding will help you find your soulmate. The mattress must be intact. Hang a picture above the bed happy couple to activate harmonious relationships.

Red bedding will help move things forward, but you shouldn’t sleep on it all the time, otherwise you will stop resting normally while sleeping.

How should the bed be placed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui if you suffer from depression and loneliness? The North-West will bring notes of positivity, cheerfulness and inspiration for new achievements.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the window according to Feng Shui?

No. Do not place the head of the bed towards the window, and do not sleep with your feet facing it, this is very harmful to your energy.

Method 2. Where to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui - check the Gua number

If the information above is not important to you, move the bed based on your Gua number.

Let's consider where the bed should be according to Feng Shui, taking into account your Gua number:

Headboard according to Feng Shui (cardinal direction)

  • north - one, three, four, nine
  • northeast - two, six, seven, eight
  • northwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • south - one, three, four, nine
  • southeast - one, three, four, nine
  • southwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • east - one, three, four, nine
  • west - six, seven, eight

How to correctly position a bed in a bedroom according to Feng Shui: tips

  1. Forget about mirrored surfaces overhead and cabinets with mirrored doors opposite the bed. If the closet mirror still reflects you, hang it up at night
  2. Do not keep the bed opposite the door, do not sleep with your feet facing it. A bad omen: “they will carry you out of the house feet first.”
  3. The bed should not be perpendicular to the door. If there is no way out, be sure to close the door while sleeping. Or fence off the entrance with something, curtains, a canopy, a screen. Some people recommend installing a large tree, but it is better not to have plants in the bedroom at all. At night, they release carbon dioxide, which is harmful to health.
  4. Do not squeeze the bed between two wardrobes; it is better to separate yourself with bedside tables.
  5. Sharp corners should not “look” at sleeping people
  6. Don't hang chandeliers above your bed. If you need light by the bed, place nightlights on the nightstand or secure them near the bed. Attach a dream catcher above your bed, although it has nothing to do with Feng Shui, it will only bring you the right dreams.
  7. How to properly install a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: single and double.
  • If the bed is single, its place is in the corner.
  • A double bed needs to be approached from both sides. And place a nightstand on each side.
  • Bunk beds are not recommended in feng shui, because children will be pressed by the small space above them - the upper tier and the ceiling.
  1. Where to put the bed according to Feng Shui if you have a private house or a two-story apartment? The bedroom, and most importantly the bed, should not be located UNDER the bathroom or ABOVE the kitchen.
  2. A high headboard is a must - this is a symbol of protection.
  • If you are a working "bee" you should have a square back
  • If your status is higher than this, buy a bed with a round head.
  • For spouses, the “Dragon and Phoenix” back is suitable - a wavy back, where one wave is higher than the other.
  • For creative people, a wave back is suitable.
  • The shell-shaped back supports the birth of children.
  • Also, for people who sleep together, a backrest with a depression in the middle is suitable. This way the energy flows into the middle and is distributed between the couple.

Get rid of suitcases, junk and debris under the bed, just free space.

Make room, there should be little furniture in the bedroom, get rid of unnecessary things.

Avoid black and dark blue bedding.

Avoid water, inflatable and round beds, they carry negative energy in itself.

Remove electricity from the room as much as possible. Minimum sockets and appliances. And also a ticking clock.

No water element in the bedroom. Water washes away the rest and calmness during sleep.

It is better to make the bedroom in light colors, but refuse purely white and striped wallpaper. Green will bring calm into your life, while orange will add positivity.

The bed is the most big item in the bedroom, if you have something wrong, fix it immediately.

A fan will help you in your sex life, the main thing is not to hang it above the bed.

If it is possible to make a pedestal for the bed, that would be great. Elevation will add protection, as will recess.

During the summer months, the headboard is placed to the north. Born in spring— the west awaits you. It is better for autumn people to sleep with their heads to the east, and for winter people to sleep with their heads to the south.

People who prefer to harmonize their lives according to the teachings of Feng Shui know that they need to sleep with their heads facing north. Many people don’t even know why this is so. Feng Shui is an ancient Taoist practice based on observations of various natural phenomena. Followers of this teaching believe that the position of a sleeping person with his head to the north and feet to the south corresponds to the natural energetic currents of the Earth.

Feng Shui orientation

These energy currents - or electromagnetic waves- and indeed have a direction from north to south. With his head facing north, a person seems to resonate with the natural magnetic field of the planet. According to Feng Shui, energy enters the head and flows out of the feet. Thus, a person is, as it were, fueled by planetary cosmic energy.

Sleep direction according to Vastu Shastra

The ancient Hindu tradition of Vastu Shastra recommends sleeping with your head not to the north, but to the south or east. This architectural-spatial teaching was used in India when planning temple structures. Why according to Vastu you cannot sleep with your head facing north is explained very simply.

A person in this position really resonates with the magnetic waves of the planet, but the latter are much stronger than the natural magnetic field of any of the creatures living on Earth. If you fall asleep with your head north and feet south, then the powerful field of the planet will “suck” energy from the weak human field. As a result, this can weaken and even lead to gaps in the protective shell of the body.

Energy emanating from the feet

In the East it is believed that the most strong energy comes from the feet of a person. There is a tradition of touching the instep of the leg of a particularly respected person with your hand, and then bringing this hand to your head. This is how they greet saints, sages, parents, and elder members of society. Such a gesture is not self-deprecating. It shows that a person younger in age and knowledge strives, as it were, to feed on the energy of a more experienced and wise one.

Related to this ancient tradition washing the feet, accepted in Christianity, Islam and some other religions. In India, students of Gurukul temple schools wash their teacher's feet, symbolically absorbing his wisdom. When a graduate completes his course of study, he former teacher in response to the long-term diligence of the ward, he washes his feet. With this symbolic gesture, the mentor acknowledges that the student was sent to him by God and is also capable of teaching something. A similar picture is depicted in the New Testament: Christ washing the feet of his disciples.

What Science Says

From school course Every physicist knows that equally charged magnetic poles repel, and opposite ones attract. If you believe the ancient Indian teaching, the more powerful magnetic pole of the Earth will “twist” and even destroy the much less powerful human pole. This is why it is not recommended to compare the poles. It is better to sleep towards the east or south.

In fact, there is no better direction in which to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui. You need to choose how to lie down correctly based on how your bed is set up in the bedroom. After all, if you placed it incorrectly, your rest will be of poor quality, regardless of how and where you lie down. In addition, it is worth considering the energy of each direction.


Those people who are tired of constant problems and want peace, stability and silence should lay their heads towards the North. This direction is also good for spouses who often quarrel with each other. Because it has been observed that people who sleep with their heads facing the North are more optimistic, balanced, cheerful, harmonious in relationships, healthy and focused on success. They always sleep better than everyone else.


If you are thinking where you need to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to get rid of indecision, learn to make informed decisions quickly and without errors and complete assigned tasks, then the answer is: to the Northeast. But note that this route is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia. It will only make the existing problem worse.


A person who sleeps with his head facing the East is more spiritual than everyone else. He quickly gains life-giving energy and restores strength, becoming able to quickly resolve even the most complex tasks. But this same direction greatly increases the level of personal ambition, so people suffering from increased selfishness are better off avoiding this position.


For people who are too modest and have all sorts of complexes, it is better to lay their heads in the Southeast. In this case, they will be able to get rid of their internal constriction, become more self-confident, improve own life and, of course, fill it with positive energy.


If you want to succeed in your career and financial independence, according to Feng Shui, it is better for you to lay your head to the South. Of course, you won’t be able to get fabulous money thanks to this, but you will be able to improve your situation. Especially if you combine sleep in the right direction and conscientious work in reality. However, remember that you can only sleep with your head to the South if you are single and ambitious. For spouses and those who are too suspicious and vulnerable, this direction is not suitable.


If you are looking for an answer to the question of where it is better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to acquire business acumen and life wisdom, then it is: to the South-West. Sleeping in this direction will allow you to become more practical and down-to-earth people. It will help you avoid making mistakes that you will later regret. And, in addition, it will help strengthen relationships at home and at work.


Married and loving couples, as well as those who want to bring a creative spark, romance and sensuality into their lives, can sleep with their heads facing the West. For those who are not alone, but want to bring about change for the better. If the spouses begin to sleep towards the West, they themselves will not notice how their relationship will become more harmonious and passionate, and a powerful attraction to each other will suddenly flare up between them. But, please note, it is better for lonely people not to go to the West. Because in this situation, sexual energy will begin to accumulate, which they will not be able to cope with.


Sleeping in the northwest direction will be useful for those people who want to quickly climb the career ladder, but do not have leadership qualities. They will be able to feel more confident and relaxed, achieve stability, and get out of their “comfort zone” faster. It will also be useful for an elderly person to sleep with their head facing the North-West; their sleep will become longer and deeper.

What not to do

According to Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to sleep with your head or feet towards front door into the bedroom or to the windows, and also place the bed under the ceiling beams. Otherwise, problems with relationships, leisure and health cannot be avoided. Well, then, see for yourself where to place your head according to Feng Shui.

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