B. The role and place of education in the modern world. Driving forces and trends of its development. The importance of education in our lives The place and role of education in the modern world

The process of familiarization with the culture of generations is observed at all stages of human development. In any society, archaic or modern, there is a need to transfer social experience, knowledge and skills from older generations to younger ones. To carry out the transmission of culture in the spiritual sphere of society, a social institution such as education has been formed.

In the 20th century The world community has changed radically, material and spiritual production, cultural standards have undergone significant changes, and they began to look differently at the role and content of education in the modern world. The development of the education system as a strategic social program is becoming a priority task of domestic policy in many countries of the world due to the high requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates of secondary educational institutions, for the qualifications of specialists with higher education, for their spiritual character, as well as the need for continuous education in modern times. society.

Russia, which is among the group of countries with the highest human potential largely due to its educational system, also takes a strategic focus on accumulating the most powerful social capital - knowledge that turns into personal spirituality, professionalism of workers, high technology, and production culture.

In the modern world, education is characterized by the following features:

1) democracy (equal access to education);

2) integrativeness (covering the entire life period);

3) universality (unification of various educational stages and structures);

4) flexibility (use of various forms, means and methods of teaching).

The pedagogical space is expanding: the strategic guidelines of education and the role of the teacher in the educational process are changing, new educational technologies are appearing, and the content of academic disciplines is changing. Currently, the following strategic guidelines for education can be identified:

Ø theoretical fundamentalism, orienting education towards the latest theoretical achievements in modern science, translating scientific texts into the language of educational and cognitive activity;

Ø cognitive integrity of educational knowledge, conditioned by modern ideas about world integrity, about the unified essence of creative processes of self-organization in nature and society as complexly organized systems;

Ø humanitarization, associated with the development of students’ creative abilities and aimed at developing their aesthetic worldview and ethical attitude to reality. Humanitarianization should orient individuals to the need to understand the sociocultural environment in which they have to live, and to understand people of a different culture;

Ø Methodology;

Ø Pluralism.

Now the main problem has become the search for new methodological guidelines for cognitive activity, the goals and objectives of education have changed. In terms of content, there has been a transition from theoreticism to methodologism, from the assimilation of various theoretical constructs to the assimilation of diverse methods of cognitive activity. This predetermined the need to include the latest concepts and theories, which represent alternative pictures of the world, into modern educational programs.

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In the modern world, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of economy and society increases along with the growing influence of human capital.

In the 21st century, humanity will be forced to solve new global problems. This is an awareness of the exhaustibility of the world's natural resources, the energy crisis, environmental problems, problems of providing humanity with the necessary resources (food, industrial raw materials, energy, etc.), human health problems, the problem of human poverty, reassessment of directions for industrial development, radical improvement of social living conditions people, expanding the physical boundaries of the human environment, ensuring peace for all nations, regulating rapid population growth in developing countries, etc. A plausible hypothesis is that 21st century education is the key to solving these global problems of the modern world.

Education is one of the optimal and intensive ways for a person to enter the world of science and culture. It is in the process of education that a person masters cultural values. The content of education is drawn and continuously replenished from the cultural heritage of various countries and peoples, from various branches of constantly developing science, as well as from human life and practice. The world today is uniting efforts in the field of education, striving to educate a citizen of the world and the entire planet. The global educational space is rapidly developing. Therefore, the world community is expressing demands for the formation of a global strategy for human education (regardless of the place and country of residence, type and level of education).

Rice. 1. Education ()

Education is the process of transmitting knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated over generations.

Among the social institutions of modern society, education plays one of the most important roles.

Education is one of the ways to develop personality through people’s acquisition of knowledge, acquisition of skills and abilities, development of mental, cognitive and creative abilities through a system of social institutions such as family, school, and the media.

The purpose of education is to introduce the individual to the achievements of human civilization, relay and preserve its cultural heritage.

The main way to obtain education is training and self-education, that is, if knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired by a person independently, without the help of other teaching persons.

Functions of education:

1. Economic - the formation of a social and professional structure of society, where people are able to master scientific and technical innovations and effectively use them in professional activities.

2. Social - socialization of the individual, reproduction of the social structure of society. Education is the most important channel of social mobility.

3. Cultural - the use of previously accumulated culture for the purpose of educating an individual and developing his creative abilities.

The global educational space unites national educational systems of different types and levels, which differ significantly in philosophical and cultural traditions, the level of goals and objectives, and their qualitative state. (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Global educational space ()

There are certain global trends in the world education system:

1. Democratization of the education system - in many countries illiteracy has been eliminated, secondary and higher education have become widespread. Education has become accessible to a wide segment of the population, although differences in the quality and type of educational institutions remain.

2. Increase in the duration of education - modern society needs highly qualified specialists, which lengthens the duration of training.

3. Continuity of education - in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, an employee must be capable of quickly switching to new or related types of work, to new technologies.

4. Humanization of education - attention of the school and teachers to the student’s personality, his interests, needs, individual characteristics.

5. Humanitarianization of education - increasing the role of social disciplines in the educational process, such as economic theory, sociology, political science, and the foundations of legal knowledge.

6. Internationalization of the education process - creation of a unified education system for different countries, integration of educational systems.

7. Computerization of the education process - the use of new modern teaching technologies, telecommunication networks on a global scale. (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Globalization of education ()

By the end of the 20th century, the number of students worldwide was about 1060 million people, and the proportion of the literate population aged over 15 years was only 75%. Compared to the data of the 1960s, by the beginning of the 1990s the number of foreign students, graduate students and interns in all countries of the world increased almost eight times and exceeded 1 million 200 thousand people. In fact, two out of every hundred people in the world who receive higher education are foreign students. A significant share of all international student exchanges take place in Europe.

Over the past two hundred years, a unique system of school and higher education has been formed in Russia. In 2008, the average annual number of people employed in education in Russia was 5.98 million people. According to data for 2008, in Russia there were 1,134 state and non-state universities and 1,663 branches, in which 7,513,119 people studied. The total number of teachers was 341 thousand people. As of January 2010, there were 1.36 million teachers and 13.36 million students in Russia, who were distributed among 53 thousand schools (of which 34 thousand were rural and 19 thousand were urban).

Continuously and tirelessly pass on the experience of older generations to younger ones, preserve and raise the bar of knowledge accumulated by humanity, develop as life progresses, get ahead of it and act as an engine of progress, helping to direct it into a civilized, humane, democratic, moral, legal direction - these are the eternal strategic tasks of Russian education . The modern understanding of education is contained in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia, the State Educational Standard, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” and other fundamental documents.

The Federal Law “On Education” states: “In this law, education is understood as a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) determined by the state.” General requirements for the content of education are set out in Art. 14 of this law.

To date, the following educational models have emerged in the world.

American model: junior high school - high school - senior high school - two-year college - four-year college in the structure of the university, and then master's, graduate school.

French model: a single college - technological, vocational and general education lyceum - university, master's degree, graduate school.

German model: general school - secondary school, gymnasium and basic school - institute and university, postgraduate school.

English model: combined school - grammar and modern school - college - university, master's degree, postgraduate school.

Russian model: comprehensive school - complete secondary school, gymnasium and lyceum-college - institute, university and academy - graduate school - doctoral studies.

Rice. 4. Education abroad ()

An educated person is not only a knowledgeable and skilled specialist in the main spheres of life, with a high level of developed abilities, but also one who has formed a worldview and moral principles, and whose concepts and feelings have received a noble and sublime direction. In other words, education also presupposes a person’s upbringing.


  1. Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, 11th grade. - M.: 2008. - 415 p.
  2. V. Ya. Khutorskoy. Social science. Terms and concepts. - M.: 2006.
  3. Kravchenko A.I. "Social studies", 11th grade. - M: “Russian Word”, 2011.
  4. Social studies: 10-11 grades: School dictionary-reference book/ V.V. Barabanov, I.P. Nasonova. - M.: ACT Publishing House LLC: Astrel Publishing House LLC: Transitkniga LLC, 2004. - 510 p.
  1. Internet portal Ed.gov.ru ().
  2. Internet portal Obrnadzor.gov.ru ().


  1. Read the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11 and give answers to questions 1-9 on p. 334-335.
  2. Using the textbook Social Studies: 10-11 grades: School dictionary-reference book / V.V. Barabanov, I.P. Nasonova, define such concepts as education, continuing education, modernization, competence.
  3. Complete the tasks in the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11 1-8 on p. 335.
  4. Read the source, textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11, and answer the questions on p. 336.

The post-industrial era - with new technologies and related information and communication industries, as well as biotechnologies - places qualitatively new demands on humans. It is no coincidence that quite a lot is written about the educational factor in politics by authors who focus on ideas developed within the framework of a post-industrial, or information, society. In particular, D. Bell drew attention to the fact that the emerging new information society is based on knowledge - “intelligent technology”. Another author, one of the most famous experts in the field of world economics of global problems, JI. Thurow called these new industries "artificial intelligent industries."

The focus on “intellectual production” required a change in the educational sphere. Significant changes in this area occurred in the second half of the 20th century as a result of the processes of globalization and the associated changed, increased demands on people. The main resource is knowledge, as well as the ability to apply it and create new ones.

Knowledge, unlike raw materials, is not an exhaustible resource. On the contrary, they are constantly growing: some entail others, new ones. According to World Bank estimates, currently traditional, “physical” capital accounts for only 16% of the total world wealth, 20% is natural, and the remaining 64% is human capital, which includes primarily the level of qualifications, which means and education.

The increased role of knowledge is especially clearly visible in developed countries. Differences in the level of education become the main criterion in obtaining future income. If in the United States, from 1978 to 1987, incomes increased on average by 17%, then for college graduates - by 48%. At the same time, incomes of people with incomplete higher education decreased by 4%. Thus, a person who received a good education not only acquired a high social status, but also significantly improved his well-being. It is no coincidence that in the United States back in 1990 there were 559.1 students per 10 thousand people, which was the highest figure in the world. The US leadership in higher education continues to be maintained.

A similar trend has been observed and continues in other developed and newly industrialized countries. For this reason, education becomes one of life's priorities there. Thus, at the end of the 20th century in Japan and South Korea, almost all young citizens attended school, while in Indonesia - 45-50%, in Thailand - less than 40%.

In general, during his life, a university graduate at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. can earn more than $600 thousand more than his peer with a high school education. This has largely determined the sharp increase in demand for higher education in the world. An increasing number of high school graduates are flocking to higher education institutions. In developed countries this figure is approximately 50%, while, for example, in Malaysia it is less than 15%.

Against this background, the situation that was observed in the early 1990s looked alarming. in the post-Soviet space, including

Russia, where there was a sharp decline in the incomes of people with higher education and their knowledge in the specialty turned out to be unclaimed. At the same time, the assessment of the importance of education in sociological surveys also decreased. According to A.A. Ovsyannikov, if in 1989 58% believed that in order for Russia to emerge from the crisis, it was necessary, first of all, to increase the level of education, then in 1999 this was only 27%. As a result, Russia faced conflicts in the 1990s. with the problem of “brain drain”, i.e. emigration of highly qualified personnel to the USA, Canada, and Western European countries. The situation began to improve only in the early 2000s, when the prestige of higher education in the country again increased and the number of students in higher educational institutions increased.

As the importance of education grows, so do the costs of acquiring it, both time and material. It is not just higher education that is increasingly valued, but the possession of a master’s and doctoral degree, i.e. Only people who can not only apply the knowledge they already have, but also generate new ones, are in demand. As a consequence of this trend, people study longer and pay more to receive a quality education. According to V.L. Inozemtsev, over 20 years (1970-1990), the cost of tuition at private universities in the United States increased by 474%, while the average consumer price increase increased by less than 248%. In general, according to American authors, the costs of education by the beginning of the 21st century. significantly exceeded other family expenses (purchase of housing, food, etc.). The share of funds allocated for education from the family budget is likely to increase in the coming century.

Acquiring new knowledge today is not only an incentive to increase income, but also has its own motivation. This aspect is paid special attention, in particular, by V.L. Inozemtsev. He writes that if at the initial stage material incentives turned out to be dominant, encouraging the acquisition of new knowledge, then in the late 1990s - early 2000s. education and knowledge acquire motivational power in themselves. A person studies not so much in order to earn a lot: he also needs education and knowledge for self-realization and further self-improvement.

In this regard, the modern era poses a number of new problems in the field of education. Thus, the rapid “aging” of knowledge, the need to use new technologies in all areas, regardless of profession, force a person throughout his life to acquire new knowledge that allows him to be competitive in the labor market and easily “adapt” to the requirements of the time; acquire knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as be able to improve them, regardless of specialization.

Since in modern conditions it is necessary to acquire knowledge constantly, the sphere of providing services for adult education is becoming increasingly relevant. There are many programs and special courses appearing on the market in a wide variety of areas of knowledge intended for this category of people. For example, in mastering computer knowledge, negotiating, learning foreign languages, personnel management, psychology, etc.

The introduction of new technologies is particularly changing the face of the modern educational process. The Internet turns out to be the most important source of information for various categories - applicants, students, teachers, people engaged in self-education, advanced training, etc. The use of links to Internet resources in educational literature is becoming the norm. All major universities have their own websites where they post information about admission rules, course programs and the diverse activities of their educational institution. Video conferencing and video seminars are practiced, where students and the teacher communicate using Internet technologies in real time.

New technologies open up many other opportunities. Thus, video equipment allows medical students to observe unique operations, and physicists - the most complex experiments that require unique equipment. Video training provides an opportunity to master communication, negotiation skills, etc. At the same time, education is becoming more and more interactive. In other words, the student not only memorizes the proposed material, but also makes independent decisions in a particular situation, which is often modeled by the teacher using new technologies. As a result, graduates have not only knowledge, but also skills.

Other characteristics of modern education, driven by the use of high technology, are its intensification, i.e. the opportunity to learn more in the same unit of time, and increased interdisciplinarity. The latter is achieved largely thanks to Internet resources, which greatly facilitate the search for information in neighboring fields of knowledge.

Technological innovations are increasingly being introduced into everyday practice. And those who don’t know them and don’t know how to use them find themselves uncompetitive. In this sense, the experience of newly industrialized countries, where there has been a rapid development of firms associated with the use of new technologies, is indicative. Accordingly, education here is largely focused on them. As a result, the overall level of mastery of new technologies turned out to be quite high, and the countries themselves began to develop at a rapid pace.

The use of new technologies, however, also imposes restrictions on the educational process, including access to these tools, the need to constantly improve knowledge of their use in the educational process, etc. In addition, medical and psychophysiological problems arise due to prolonged work with a computer. Intensification of education, information overload, and prolonged computer use often have a negative impact on health. This problem is especially serious for schoolchildren and students.

When using new technologies, there is also a lack of individual contact between teacher and student, which leads to the depersonalization of the educational process and the loss of its “human” component. In a number of cases, the so-called “cult of technology” appears, when, for example, the use of the Internet and computer technologies is elevated to a certain absolute.

In general, in the modern world there is a transition from the production of goods to the provision of services, the organization of the education system, research, etc. This leads to a sharp demand for highly qualified specialists and a decrease in the need for unskilled personnel.

Changes in knowledge and skill requirements have significant policy implications. For example, F. Fukuyama emphasizes that a sharp polarization of society is currently developing depending on the education received into those who know and can, and everyone else. At the same time, obtaining knowledge, despite the fact that it represents the most “democratic” resource, turns out to be far from easy. Indeed, in theory they can be purchased by everyone. Moreover, the right to education is enshrined in the legislation of many countries, as well as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 26 which states that “every person has the right to education. Education should be free at least as far as primary and general education is concerned.” However, there is a problem of access to education, which is largely determined by the presence of a good school, university, the ability to use libraries, the Internet, etc.

The significant increase in educational spending in the modern world means that a good education is increasingly becoming available only to those from the upper and middle social classes. Children from poor families cannot afford not only to pay for higher education, but also to spend many years acquiring it, while their peers from the same social group earn money to support their families. In addition, appropriate attitudes and values ​​for knowledge are usually formed from childhood, and they depend on the family and social environment in which a person is raised.

In order to obtain a quality education, as well as in search of more qualified and well-paid work after defending a thesis, flows from the regions of Eastern Europe, Asia, etc. are flowing to Europe and North America. As a result, education is directly related to other problems of world development: population migration and polarization along the line “rich North - poor South.” The emerging disproportion in the level of education between developed and developing countries is alarming and increases the economic and social inequality of the population of different countries.

In order to partially alleviate the emerging problems and make education more accessible, regardless of income level, appropriate policies are being pursued at the national and international levels.

The importance of education lies in the fact that
that education is needed to realize its necessity

Nowadays, quotes and pictures are very fashionable that diplomas are created only to cut sausage with them and yesterday’s C student can easily become a millionaire without special knowledge.

I, as a person with two higher educations, can easily prove that this is not so :).

To begin with, it is important to remember that education is not only the crust that you receive at an institute or school, but also the entire learning process. These are the books you read, term papers and dictations, films and facts. This is what gives us the opportunity to write words without errors, tell exactly where the Eiffel Tower is and answer questions in a simple crossword puzzle.

I have never seen a single employer who hired a person just for his beautiful eyes. Everyone wants the secretary who serves coffee to graduate from a university, and the cleaning lady who takes out the trash from the office to at least graduate from a technical school. Nobody wants to hire you just because you're talented. Give everyone documentary evidence of your talents, even if your certificate shows straight C’s.

Education is very important for every person. Without knowledge of languages ​​you cannot fly abroad, without knowledge of marketing you cannot “sell” your resume in the HR department, without mathematics you cannot cope in the supermarket.

We use our knowledge every day and don't even notice it. We read signs at airports, frantically remembering what Mary Ivanovna said, we catch familiar words in the texts of foreign performers and try to sing along to the rhythm.

Thanks to your studies, you make acquaintances and connections, get a job, move in society, and improve your personal life.

Why is education so important for everyone? Why should a girl have a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • This is a way to make money. It doesn’t matter that you graduated from the Faculty of History and work in an office as a translator. You were hired for your knowledge of the language, but no one would have hired you without a diploma from ANY university.
  • Independence. Work, in turn, gives you a feeling of confidence and, over time, independence. You can afford to buy things and go on vacation. For a woman, independence is no less important than for a man. Because there is a husband today, but not tomorrow. And your salary is always with you :).
  • You don't have to answer to anyone.
  • Opportunity to travel abroad for other work. It is unlikely that your candidacy would be considered if you only had a school certificate in your pocket.
  • The development of mental abilities is another important element that we must remember.

Rave:). Not all of us were born Steve Jobs or Einstein. Most people are unremarkable and do not have particularly outstanding abilities. That is why they need to always strive for self-development and constantly improve their skills.

The sad fact is that people who dream of a diploma do not even try to get it honestly. Many students pay money to take exams, receive diplomas, and then cannot get a job simply because they lack knowledge and skills.

There are many good professions without the need for higher education. I will tell you in my next article about which areas are currently developing intensively and where to go to study!

In pedagogy, education is usually understood as the process and result of mastering a certain system of knowledge, skills, views and beliefs, that is, an ordered set of them based on predetermined principles and objectives. A person’s education is manifested in the results of his activities, creative development of abilities, forms of communication and behavior. An educated person is a cultural person who possesses not only professional competence, but also many other forms of culture.

Higher education performs two types of interrelated functions in society:

A) reproductive function aimed at the reproduction of culture, social experience and ways of activity in new generations of people; b) development function aimed at developing both a person’s personality and

and society as a whole.

- Education- This is one of the ways a person enters the world of culture. - Education– is a means of socialization, formation and development of a person as an individual.

- Education is a factor influencing the social status of an individual, the process of his professionalization and self-affirmation.

- Education- it is a factor in the reproduction of the socio-professional structure of society and social progress.

The world today is uniting efforts in the field of education to solve not only local, but also global problems of humanity:

1. Intersocial problems- curbing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and preventing a new world war, harmonizing economic relations between developed and lagging countries, fighting terrorism, etc.

2. Problems generated by the interaction of society and nature dys - preventing degradation of the natural environment, providing food for the rapidly growing population of the planet, etc.

3. Problems of relationships between man and society– overcoming the health crisis caused by both economic and sociocultural factors (drug addiction, alcoholism, stress); reducing the growth in the number of physically and mentally disabled people who pose a threat to the gene pool of humanity.

The cause of the listed problems is, first of all, the person himself, with his insufficient level of education, with his undeveloped abilities to navigate modern problems. And also responsibly participate in their resolution.

The normal existence of any society is impossible without the full functioning and development of the higher education system. The place of education in the life of society is largely determined by the role that people’s knowledge, their experience, abilities, skills, and opportunities for developing their professional and personal qualities play in social development.

The ongoing informatization of the world community is a scientific and real fact. The most profoundly growing role of knowledge and information in social development is reflected in the concept of the information society and the formation of information civilization. Information and knowledge become the “fundamental social factor” that underlies economic development. The fact that knowledge occupies key positions in economic development, turning into the main source of value in a post-industrial, information society, radically changes the place of education in the structure of public life, the relationship between its spheres such as education and economics. The acquisition of new knowledge, information, abilities, skills, and the need for their permanent renewal and development become fundamental characteristics of workers in the post-industrial economy.

The new type of economic development that is taking hold in the information society makes it necessary for workers to change their profession throughout their lives and constantly improve their skills.

The sphere of education significantly intersects in the information society with the economic sphere of society. Educational activities are becoming an important component of economic development. An individual in an information society receives new opportunities for self-realization and development, but to use these opportunities, active efforts to educate citizens are necessary. In the social structure of post-industrial society, the sphere of education is closely intertwined with all elements of this structure, and the course of social development largely depends on the state of this sphere.

Many will also determine the social significance of education by the following factors:

· Understanding by an increasingly large part of society that today higher education is becoming, as it were, basic, the minimum necessary for creative activity that brings a person the greatest satisfaction;

· Increasing in the eyes of many people the value of education for self-development, gaining self-esteem and self-respect, expanding the circle of human communication through understanding people of a different cultural mentality.

In recent years, the role of higher education has been changing, it is becoming more accessible to a wide range of people, and the number of diploma holders is continuously growing; the increase in the supply of qualified labor and its surplus make it possible for the employer to choose from a huge mass of specialists, and, therefore, increase claims on the level of training employee.

Education is an important component of the reproduction of the labor force. There are increasing proportions of the active population employed in services, education, research, communication, social work and other activities where the percentage of university graduates is higher than, for example, in agriculture and traditional industries. Therefore, the role of higher education is increasing because the demand has become greater. Higher education is designed to impart knowledge, skills and develop qualities that will allow graduates to explore various professional situations and adapt to unexpected turns in the course of changes in technological processes, in the organization of work and in the structure of the profession. Higher education plays an important role in any university department, since it performs an important social task: it is one of the means of implementing social justice in society. Receiving higher education without interrupting work opens the way to knowledge, professional and cultural growth for a large number of people who do not have the opportunity to complete their education in full-time departments. These reasons are very different, often they do not depend on the person’s personal characteristics (marital status, financial conditions, distance of the pedagogical university from the place of residence, etc.).

The formation and effective functioning of the higher education system plays an important role, since it fulfills the most important condition for the socio-economic development of the country, the comprehensive development of the individual, and this is one of the main directions of higher education. Higher education plays a big role, and especially university education, acting both as an innovator, contributing to the process of increasing knowledge as a result of ongoing research activities, and as a conservative, with regard to educational activities.

Today, many people already understand that acquiring a certain set of knowledge does not mean getting an excellent career in the future. Awareness of this fact is associated, first of all, with the fact that it is necessary to learn to apply the acquired knowledge. An encyclopedia person may not achieve anything in life only because he does not know where and how to apply the knowledge he has. The ability to organize yourself, competent distribution of your time (time management), the ability to manage a team and set the right tasks, as well as know how to bring them to life - this is the guarantee that you will be called educated.

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