Vadim Abramov left the auditor position. Personal life and biography of Vadim Abramov. Personal qualities, views and hobbies

I was looking forward with anticipation and interest to the continuation of The Inspector, who inspects restaurants, hotels and shops. Although, before them, Gordon Ramsay checked restaurants and hotels and, by the way, very professionally. The auditor is created like Gordon Ramsay - they very fiercely defend their name, logos, content, etc. Leaving no chance for others to choose a name. This is impudence! If Gordon had sued them for stealing the program format from him, then the lawsuit would have been very huge against the Inspector General! They would all be out of work and still have to.
Gordon, of course, won't do that, because... the transfer is inherently useful, but the Inspector cannot understand.
The auditor will raise this bar over time. After I found out about Vadim, it’s an understatement to say how very upset I was. It was very interesting for me to watch.

Season 7 of The Inspector General was very interesting and exciting. There was a new presenter, Vadim Abramov, who really liked the way he led.
It could continue like this, but... alas!

Yesterday I saw that the new 8th season had been released and was very disappointed and shocked - Vadim Abramov was not there, but I hoped that he would still appear, but no. Vadim left the program and they say that he went to another country to live, etc. For some reason he left so quickly, but in the program, as far as I remember, he said that he liked living in Ukraine. Isn't it strange? Apparently he was threatened, because... a person who has made a career and found a good job could easily live, but then he left, unexpectedly.
I searched and found Vadim - he either went to France or Holland to live. Let's hope that wherever he goes, he will live better there. All that remains is to wish him happiness and good luck!

Season 8 The Inspector General: The stores are run by Natalya Kudryashova, an expert on supermarkets and, as she herself said, that she has her own stores. So how does season 8 look? No way. There is no zest, enthusiasm, mood, as there was under Vadim. Natasha is far from Freimut. It’s clear that she’s not a pro at hosting the show, and even in the footage it’s clear that editor-in-chief Anna is in no mood at all. They changed the type of sign, which doesn’t look very good, unlike the first one.

Natasha, without help in stores, tries to pull pallets away on her own to open locked doors! This is fraught with a back problem, as I recently had, as I suffered.

The show is currently casting for a new presenter! The problem is that with the new presenter, the program will no longer be the same as it was under Vadim. Time will tell whether the program itself with a new presenter will be interesting, but it seems to me that it will NOT reach the same level as under Vadim.

Famous people often become topics of discussion. When a person is mega popular, society begins to be interested in him, especially in his personal life and biography. This is what happened with Vadim Abramov; his personal life and biography are of interest to many fans today.

Vadim Abramov has been on television for several years now. And recently, on one of the most popular Ukrainian channels, he became the host of the reality show for social purposes “The Inspector General”. Vadim is still quite young, but has already visited half of the globe and played leading roles on leading television channels. He combines the rare talents of an actor, jockey, stylist and frontman.

The presenter appeared on November 12, 1980 in Kyiv. According to the horoscope sign - Scorpio, and according to the eastern calendar - Metal Monkey. Perhaps this combination determined his strong-willed character and integrity. From the age of 15 he had a hard time; he became the head of the family because his father left the family. It is worth knowing that Vadim Abramov coped with this very well.


Later, he studied in Kyiv at the Polytechnic University at the Department of Marketing and Management. In 2013, together with Svetlana Permyakova, he became the host of the humorous show “Closet”, which aired on the Russian television channel “Friday” and on the Ukrainian “New Channel”. In 2015, he changed his humorous path to social issues and became the face of the “Inspector General” program, replacing the presenter Olga Freimut in this post. The program is broadcast on Ukrainian television and is very popular among viewers.

It is interesting to know that Vadim is fluent in five languages, including Ukrainian, Russian and Spanish. He is an excellent cook, understanding all the intricacies of cooking. He is interested in sports - he goes to the pool and monitors his own health; the beginning of the day for him begins with a jog.

As for his physical data, his height exceeds the average, reaching 192 cm, and his weight is only 85 kilograms. Vadim Abramov never parted with the main attribute of his appearance, namely his beard. The presenter of “The Inspector General” is very demanding of cleanliness and order, one might even say he is obsessed with neatness. He has his own housekeeper who takes care of the housework and has been working for several years.

Personal life in the biography of Vadim Abramov is hidden under seven seals. He does not want to share information with the general public. Sometimes it is difficult to extract even the name of friends and relatives from him. But, as you know, according to some sources, the showman does not have a wife or children. But that's it for now. He is not an avid bachelor. His work life is currently going well and he believes that he has not yet met his soulmate. Therefore, fans have considerable chances of catching a promising and famous handsome man.

As Vadim himself states, for him the main thing in a female representative is not the external decoration, but the hidden inner world. Facts are very important to him. For example, what books the girl has read, what her dreams are, and whether she has pets.


Vadim considers it a wonderful time:

  • vacation with friends;
  • driving a car;
  • visiting museums;
  • dancing in a nightclub;
  • communication with new people.

Personal life

What is the personal life of Vadim Abramov? More recently, rumors appeared in media circles that Vadim Abramov was dating his work colleague Anna Zhizha.

As you know, according to reliable sources, Anya is participating in the filming of the “Inspector General” program. One can argue for a long time that this is an office romance between Anna Zhizha and Vadim Abramov or something else, but the presenter himself does not confirm this fact. In principle, he does not refute it, saying that they only have friendly relations.

Such news always happens to people who have close contact at work and very often when the boss is a woman. Vadim himself says so, and “ideas” fly away with instant speed.

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Vadim Aleksandrovich Abramov(born November 12, Kyiv, USSR) - Ukrainian TV presenter, actor, stylist, DJ and showman.


Personal qualities, views and hobbies

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Excerpt characterizing Abramov, Vadim Alexandrovich

Returning from a second anxious trip along the line, Napoleon said:
– The chess has been set, the game will start tomorrow.
Ordering some punch to be served and calling Bosset, he began a conversation with him about Paris, about some changes that he intended to make in the maison de l'imperatrice [in the court staff of the Empress], surprising the prefect with his memorability for all the small details of court relations.
He was interested in trifles, joked about Bosse's love of travel and chatted casually in the way a famous, confident and knowledgeable operator does, while he rolls up his sleeves and puts on an apron and the patient is tied to a bed: “The matter is all in my hands.” and in my head, clearly and definitely. When it’s time to get down to business, I’ll do it like no one else, and now I can joke, and the more I joke and am calm, the more you should be confident, calm and surprised at my genius.”
Having finished his second glass of punch, Napoleon went to rest before the serious business that, as it seemed to him, lay ahead of him the next day.
He was so interested in this task ahead of him that he could not sleep and, despite the runny nose that had worsened from the evening dampness, at three o'clock in the morning, blowing his nose loudly, he went out into the large compartment of the tent. He asked if the Russians had left? He was told that the enemy fires were still in the same places. He nodded his head approvingly.
The adjutant on duty entered the tent.
“Eh bien, Rapp, croyez vous, que nous ferons do bonnes affaires aujourd"hui? [Well, Rapp, what do you think: will our affairs be good today?] - he turned to him.
“Sans aucun doute, sire, [Without any doubt, sir,” answered Rapp.
Napoleon looked at him.
“Vous rappelez vous, Sire, ce que vous m"avez fait l"honneur de dire a Smolensk,” said Rapp, “le vin est tire, il faut le boire.” [Do you remember, sir, those words that you deigned to say to me in Smolensk, the wine is uncorked, I must drink it.]
Napoleon frowned and sat silently for a long time, his head resting on his hand.
“Cette pauvre armee,” he said suddenly, “elle a bien diminue depuis Smolensk.” La fortune est une franche courtisane, Rapp; je le disais toujours, et je commence a l "eprouver. Mais la garde, Rapp, la garde est intacte? [Poor army! It has greatly diminished since Smolensk. Fortune is a real harlot, Rapp. I have always said this and am beginning to experience it. But the guard, Rapp, are the guards intact?] – he said questioningly.
“Oui, Sire, [Yes, sir.],” answered Rapp.
Napoleon took the lozenge, put it in his mouth and looked at his watch. He didn’t want to sleep; morning was still far away; and in order to kill time, no orders could be made anymore, because everything had been done and was now being carried out.
– A t on distribue les biscuits et le riz aux regiments de la garde? [Did they distribute crackers and rice to the guards?] - Napoleon asked sternly.
– Oui, Sire. [Yes, sir.]
– Mais le riz? [But rice?]
Rapp replied that he had conveyed the sovereign’s orders about rice, but Napoleon shook his head with displeasure, as if he did not believe that his order would be carried out. The servant came in with punch. Napoleon ordered another glass to be brought to Rapp and silently took sips from his own.
“I have neither taste nor smell,” he said, sniffing the glass. “I’m tired of this runny nose.” They talk about medicine. What kind of medicine is there when they cannot cure a runny nose? Corvisar gave me these lozenges, but they don't help. What can they treat? It cannot be treated. Notre corps est une machine a vivre. Il est organise pour cela, c"est sa nature; laissez y la vie a son aise, qu"elle s"y defende elle meme: elle fera plus que si vous la paralysiez en l"encombrant de remedes. Notre corps est comme une montre parfaite qui doit aller un certain temps; l"horloger n"a pas la faculte de l"ouvrir, il ne peut la manier qu"a tatons et les yeux bandes. Notre corps est une machine a vivre, voila tout. [Our body is a machine for life. This is what it is designed for. Leave the life in him alone, let her defend herself, she will do more on her own than when you interfere with her with medications. Our body is like a clock that must run for a certain time; The watchmaker cannot open them and can only operate them by touch and blindfolded. Our body is a machine for life. That's all.] - And as if having embarked on the path of definitions, definitions that Napoleon loved, he suddenly made a new definition. – Do you know, Rapp, what the art of war is? - he asked. – The art of being stronger than the enemy at a certain moment. Voila tout. [That's all.]

07:32 11.12.2014

Intuition, good memory and curiosity yesterday helped me unravel one of the most important intrigues of the year - who will replace Olga Freimut in The Inspector General. I have to admit that my summer speculations about the candidacy of a potential presenter turned out to be very far from the truth - this is not Pritula, not Marchenko, or even Poplavsky... But first things first.

After long hours spent on various forums, websites of regional Ukrainian media, as well as on official and unofficial “Inspector” accounts on social networks, I learned three things. Firstly, Victoria Burdukova’s team has already managed to conduct audits in at least five cities of Ukraine - Nikolaev, Odessa, Zhitomir, Berdichev and Uman. Secondly, half of the viewers still cannot realize that Freimut left the project - phantom associations force the unfortunate to bombard the official page of “The Inspector General” with comments about the ex-host and sometimes receive very harsh responses. Thirdly, it is easier to find photographs of the Loch Ness monster than the new Inspector General - according to eyewitnesses, the film crew carefully protects it from outside cameras, strictly prohibits filming close up, and even carries a couple of bodyguards with them for particularly dull fans. The story about the bodyguards is, of course, hard to believe, but the first two points are similar to the truth. It is also worth paying tribute to the administrators groups“Inspector” “VKontakte” - comments with hints or descriptions of the new face of the program are deleted instantly, you won’t have time to blink!

The first information about the identity of the Auditor that I was able to find appeared in November - the Novokal residents came to Uman and the local media instantly trumpeted about it.

The news was accompanied by blurry photographs,

where it is not possible to see the presenter’s face

And the witnesses were confused in their testimony

Later, a photo appeared from an audit in a supermarket in the city of Uman

And for the first time I caught myself thinking that this bearded face was familiar to me...

A couple of weeks passed and the Novokanal residents came to Berdichev for a check. The creators of the project decided to intrigue viewers by publishing “a little bit of the Inspector General” in the official group - see this green piece of hand?

But one fan of the program decided not to stand on ceremony - and posted a whole photo report from the shooting on his page


And then I remembered where I last met a bearded man - on the set of the “Closet” project!

Well hello,

Probably everyone has seen this tall, handsome and charismatic young man on the screen. And although Vadim Abramov is very secretive and does not like to share his personal life, some facts about him are still known. In this article we will learn more about this talented guy.

Program "Inspector"

The "Inspector" program allows viewers to look into the kitchens of the establishments they visit. The project team travels throughout Ukraine, inspecting hotels and catering establishments. In each establishment, an auditor checks the kitchen, the cleanliness of the hall and toilet and makes sure to place an order. In hotels, the program team checks the cleanliness and comfort of the room, and the quality of service. If the establishment meets all the criteria, the auditor awards it with an honorary plaque.

In the fall, as always, the new season of the program “The Inspector General” began airing on the screens of the New Channel. Unexpectedly, this season a new presenter appeared before the audience. He turned out to be a famous restaurateur who is familiar to viewers thanks to the popular culinary program “Master Chef.” And everyone began to worry about the question: “Where did Vadim Abramov from “The Inspector General” go?

Even during the release of season 7, it became known that Vadim Abramov was leaving his position as the country's chief auditor. For the reason that he is moving to live in another country. As program director Victoria Burdukova commented on the news: the filming process of the program takes a lot of time, since the presenter must appear not only in the episodes of “The Inspector General,” but also in the post-show. He must be ready to urgently go on a business trip upon receiving a call, but this is difficult for a person from another country to do. In addition, the presenter of “The Inspector General” must regularly use the Ukrainian service in order to evaluate it. Vadim Abramov himself says that it is hard for him to part with the program to which he devoted more than two years of his life.

Host of "The Inspector General" Vadim Abramov

In 2015, the “Inspector General” program was released with a new host, Vadim Abramov. A charming and witty young man immediately won the hearts of Novy Channel viewers. But those whose establishments he inspected sometimes received a “strong word.” After all, Vadim has established himself as a principled and strict auditor. Some shocking violations simply drove Abramov crazy, and then he no longer controlled his speech. But we have to admit that this only added to the audience for the program. In addition, it was with Abramov that the tradition began, according to which the auditor spends the night alone in a hotel room.

Biography of Vadim Abramov

Vadim is a multifaceted personality, he is not only a TV presenter, but also an actor, DJ, stylist, and showman. In 1980 he was born in Kyiv. His horoscope sign is Scorpio, which perhaps contributes to his strong character and integrity. When Vadik was 15 years old, his father left the family and he had to become the head of the family. Even then the guy had to go to work. It is worth noting that he did it very well. Vadim was raised by his mother and grandmother, of whom he speaks very warmly and says that since childhood, his mother treated him like an adult, always listened to and took into account his opinion.

When Vadik turned 16, he began giving English lessons. After graduating from school with a gold medal, he entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He first appeared on screens in 1999 as the host of a morning show on the BIZ-TV channel, and later became the editor of this channel. In 2009, Abramov began his career as a professional DJ. Participated in productions of improvisational theaters. In 2013, in a duet with Svetlana Permyakova, he hosted the entertainment show "Closet". And in 2015, instead of Olga, Freimut became the host of the “Inspector General” program, which airs on the “New Channel”.

Personal life

Vadim Abramov reliably hides his personal life and does not want to share it with everyone. It is known that he has not yet acquired a wife and children. The young showman's heart is free, because he has not yet found his other half. According to Vadim himself, his future wife’s appearance is not important to him, but her inner world is important. This must be an intellectually developed, well-read girl, who must also have a pet.

At one time, Vadim was credited with an affair with a colleague from “The Inspector General,” who is the editor-in-chief of the program and takes part in every audit. But Vadim himself does not confirm this information, saying that he and Anya are good friends.


Abramov loves to travel and has already visited half of the globe. Most of all, Vadim loves the Mediterranean countries for their climate and cuisine. His favorite cities to travel to are Paris, London, and New York. Abramov's journey to Japan was described in an article in the magazine "Cosmopolitan" (Ukraine). He runs the “Food and People” column on the “Correspondent” website.

Vadim is fluent in French, English and Spanish. She collaborates with many designers, because she has long been interested in fashion and style. Abramov also plans to take up architecture as soon as he has free time. He jokingly says that perhaps this will happen only after 70 years.

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