Varvara Vizbor, husband. Varvara Vizbor: biography, creativity, career, personal life Varvara Vizbor granddaughter


My childhood years were spent in a large communal apartment on Neglinnaya Street. Friends of the parents often gathered there, among whom were musicians, mountaineers, skiers, and journalists. When the girl was very little and had just begun to explore the world, for a long time she could not figure out which of all the many inhabitants of the apartment were the closest to her. After all, all her parents’ friends were affectionate with her, spent a lot of time and constantly treated her to something sweet. When the child's consciousness was formed and Tanya no longer doubted who her mother and father were, another amazing discovery awaited her in kindergarten. For the child, the presence of music in the life of the family was so obvious, because she fell asleep every day to the guitar, that the fact that not all children have parents who are musicians struck her as a child.

Her parents wanted Tanya to grow up as an independent and responsible girl, allowing her to make important decisions herself. For example, when the family moved to another district of the capital, Tatyana herself decided to transfer to another school, since she had to get to the previous one by trolleybus. She herself wrote an application for transfer and began attending a new school, and her parents, who returned from the trip, then only signed all the necessary documents.


Tatyana Vizbor looks very similar to her father. Like her father, she loves outdoor activities with a fire, tents and a guitar. In her youth, she often went hiking with her parents. The daughter of Yu. Vizbor especially remembered the kayak trips that she went on with her dad for ten years. It was on such travels that she met her father's friends - the then famous bards Sergei Nikitin and Viktor Berkovsky. Tatyana often speaks in interviews about the parenting methods that her father used. He never had long conversations about good and bad deeds, preferring to show everything by his own example.

For a long time, Tatyana did not know that her parents had separated, because her father did not disappear from her life and devoted a lot of time to communicating with his daughter. Even when he had another family, Yuri Iosifovich tried to ensure that his eldest daughter formed friendly relations with his other children. And so it happened.

Is it easy to be the daughter of famous parents?

Both Yuri Vizbor and Ada Yakusheva were teachers by training. The daughter also decided to follow in their footsteps and after graduating from school she tried to enter a pedagogical institute. However, she didn’t get the points and didn’t get accepted.

The next year, she already changed her mind and successfully passed the exams at Moscow State University, the Faculty of Journalism, where she made many new friends, just like she who dreamed of broadcasting news and events to the people... It was while a student that the girl realized the scale of her father’s popularity. And before that, it was clear to her that dad writes songs, sings and gives concerts. But when her fellow students began asking to get them tickets to their father’s concert, at first it was a big surprise for Tatyana.

After receiving her diploma, the girl faced serious difficulties. Nobody wanted to hire the daughter of famous parents. God forbid they think it’s due to connections. Even in the youth editorial office, where she received an official assignment, Tatyana was politely shown the door. According to the then chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Sergei Lapin, labor dynasties belong at the plant, and not at all on radio and television. And this despite the fact that Tanya has been a freelance worker for the youth editorial office for quite some time. And my parents worked in other organizations: my father worked at the creative association “Ekran”, and my mother worked at the radio station “Yunost”.

First job

There was no way out, I had to look for a job not related to journalism. Friends from the faculty helped Tatyana with this. The girl went to work at the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. She was busy drawing out forms for improvement proposals. The salary was not bad at that time, but the work itself was far from Tatyana’s dreams. Moreover, for good money, one had to comply with very strict strict rules, some of which reached the point of absurdity. For example, the lunch break lasted strictly 48 minutes and not a minute more.

First creative experience

Tatyana Vizbor, whose biography proves that the fame of her parents does not always help in life, worked in the field of mechanical engineering for 4 months.

Then one of her father’s friends helped her get one of the ordinary positions at Soyuzinformkino. The salary there was less than at the previous place of work, but it was closer to creativity. At first, Tatiana’s responsibilities included studying printed publications in order to select information related to cinema. She cut out everything that was in any way related to the movie, and put the clippings in special archival folders.

A few months later, they began to trust her with more serious work. She was engaged in creating posters and writing notes about films that appeared on cinema screens. Her notes were published in the newspaper Gudok.

Gradually, Tatyana Yuryevna Vizbor realized that she would like to work on the radio. She was interested in reporting on various festivals and talking about events in the film industry. And she did it with pleasure. However, she had to cut out her own voice from the materials, because she continued to be considered just the daughter of celebrities. And Tatyana was forced to write out the fees not in her own name, but in the names of friends and acquaintances, so that those at the top would not find out about her involvement in these materials.

The life and work of Tatyana Vizbor today

Tatyana Vizbor and Ada Yakusheva wrote many songs together. Tatyana herself admits that she began to study poetry and music closely in 1987.

Now Tatyana works at Radio Russia, where she is the author and host of the “Sunday in Moscow” program. She also devotes a lot of energy to activities aimed at popularizing her father’s work. Tatyana Vizbor, whose photo you can see in the article, runs the Yuri Vizbor Memory Fund. Thanks to her efforts, in the year of the 80th anniversary of the folk bard, a memorial plaque was installed on the house on Sretenka, where this talented person lived.

Tatyana Vizbor: family

Tatyana herself is the mother of two beautiful children: Yuri and Varvara. They are both creative people.

Daughter Varvara enjoys performing songs written by her grandfather. She rightly believes that Yuri Vizbor’s songs will never become outdated. With her friend Sergei Khutas (jazz musician and composer) she created a musical project called “Vizbor V.S. Khutas", in which they perform songs by Yuri Vizbor in a modern arrangement.

As Tatyana Vizbor herself says, the children themselves chose their paths in life. She, like a mother, always supports them in their endeavors. For example, realizing that their son had undoubted musical abilities, the parents took the boy to a music school. However, the rigor of the pedagogical approach and academicism in teaching alienated little Yura. Then Tatyana Vizbor, whose husband supported her in this decision, did not force her son to attend music school, allowing him to go his own way. Now Yuri (Vizbor Jr.) is successfully demonstrating his abilities: performing, composing, and interpreting-arranger. People like him are the future of the original song.

Varvara Vizbor on the project “The Voice”

Varvara Vizbor took part in the popular project “The Voice”, but during the blind audition none of the jury members turned to her. But Yuri Vizbor’s song “Winter” performed by the girl made an indelible impression on the entire audience. And Polina Gagarina admitted that she liked Varvara’s performance, but she did not expect that the song would be so short and simply did not have time to turn around.

Tatyana Vizbor doesn’t really like to talk about herself in interviews. Her personal life has turned out well: she is happily married to her husband and the father of her children. She willingly answers questions about the creative path of her parents and the successes of her daughter and son, preferring to remain silent about herself. But she is one of the most famous radio journalists of our time, and even writes wonderful songs and poems.

Varvara Vizbor is a Russian singer, granddaughter of the sixties bard Yuri Vizbor. Her favorite genres are jazz and lounge, but she also enjoys reworking her grandfather's songs, adding personality and a new sound. Together with rapper L’One, she recorded the song “Echo of Love” from the soundtrack to the second season of the TV series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

Childhood and adolescence

A native Muscovite, Varvara Sergeevna Vizbor was born on February 18, 1986 into a creative, intelligent family. Varvara’s grandfather is the famous poet-bard Yuri Vizbor, her grandmother is the talented poet and writer Ariadna Yakusheva.

Unfortunately, the girl was born a year after her grandfather’s death, but she became acquainted with his work in early childhood. His parents bought a collection disc containing his song “Night Road,” which sank into Varya’s soul from the first chords. How surprised she was when her mother told her that this was her grandfather’s song!

I was very surprised, because in our family there was no cult of grandfather - for us he was an ordinary person, father and grandfather, a member of the family.

Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by a creative atmosphere, which could not but influence her worldview and future destiny. Representatives of the capital's bohemians often gathered in the house, sang, played music, read poetry and staged impromptu performances. Her parents instilled in her a kind attitude towards people and the ability to communicate freely with a variety of people, and from her grandmother Varya inherited a sense of humor and an optimistic attitude towards life.

The girl’s parents, Tatyana Vizbor and Sergei Lobikov, also people of creative professions, immediately recognized their daughter’s artistic and musical abilities and took her to a theater studio. Having become a first-grader, Varvara enrolled in the school choir “Red Carnation”, in which she sang until graduation.

She was an average student and preferred to spend her free time not with textbooks, but at choir rehearsals or in the children's theater. With his brother Yuri, they often organized home concerts: Yura played, and Varya performed songs from the repertoire of her beloved Alla Pugacheva. The girl also practiced drawing and macrame.

Varvara and Yuri Vizbor - You are my breath

After graduating from school, Varya tried to enter VGIK, but did not pass the competition. Failure did not dampen the ardor of the ambitious girl, and on the advice of Alexei Batalov, a year later she submitted documents to the Shchukin School. This time her efforts were rewarded: Varvara became a student at a prestigious theater university, which she successfully graduated in 2007.


At first she wanted to take up teaching and entered the master's program, but soon she became bored with the stage and the audience and got a job at the School of Modern Play theater.

The atmosphere at the School of Contemporary Play was depressing to me. I had to somehow declare myself, become punchy, resourceful... But they say that I am like my grandfather in character, but he was neither punchy nor resourceful.

After serving there for two years, Vizbor moved to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (Theatrium on Serpukhovka), where she was finally able to fully realize herself as an actress. But there was still an inner feeling of dissatisfaction, which disappeared when she took the microphone and began to sing. Varvara intuitively felt that being a singer was her true calling, and since 2013 she decided to devote herself entirely to her singing career.

While still a student, she began performing in clubs, where she met talented jazz musicians Sergei Khutas and Evgeniy Borets. Soon the guys organized their own group “Vizbor V.S. Khutas”, which lasted five years. The group's repertoire consisted of original arrangements, intricately combining elements of jazz, blues, traditional Russian motifs and sacred music.

Evening Urgant. Varvara Vizbor - And there will be a great winter

In 2015, their debut album “Strawberry” was released. Varvara recorded the subsequent collections “Magic Fruit”, “Mitten” and “Polyphony” under her own name. They included both original works created by modern authors, and songs of her legendary grandparents in new arrangements.

Varvara Vizbor - Lucy

In the summer of 2016, Vizbor performed at the large jazz festival “Usadba Jazz”.

Varvarva Vizbor and The Voice Show

She chose one of Yuri Vizbor’s songs, “Winter,” to perform at the “blind auditions” in the fourth season of the show “The Voice” (2015). Oddly enough, despite the soulful performance and impeccable vocals, none of the four mentors turned to her.

Polina Gagarina admitted that she wanted to turn around, but the song “somehow ended quickly.” “Very nice, but there’s only one song, what happens next? What else you can show us is unclear,” said Alexander Gradsky. Basta and Grigory Leps also remained indifferent to Varvara’s performance.

The girl was upset, to put it mildly. But unexpectedly she received support from Voice viewers from different parts of the country. The situation that developed at the blind auditions caused bewilderment and dissatisfaction, because the audience was completely delighted with Varvara’s performance. The singer took the failure seriously, however, the love and support of fans of her talent, the number of which increased sharply after participating in “The Voice,” gave the artist the strength to believe in herself again.

Personal life of Varvara Vizbor

Varvara carefully protects her personal space and hides information about her private life. It is known that she is happily married to her beloved man, whom she sees as the father of her future children.

L'One feat. Varvara Vizbor – Yakutyanochka

The singer also took part in the “All Colors of Jazz” ceremony, which took place on October 31, 2017 in Moscow. On September 18, Channel One aired an episode of the popular musical project “The Voice,” in which the granddaughter of a Soviet bard took part as a contestant Yuri Vizbor AndAda Yakusheva. To the disappointment of many TV viewers, during the “blind auditions” the jury did not turn to the young performer, and she “flew out” of the show.

Unexpectedly, Varvara’s failure on Channel One turned into fame on the Internet: a video with her participation in “The Voice” has already been watched by hundreds of thousands of users, and on social networks they have been arguing for the third week about why the mentors made such a mistake and did not let the talented singer into the second round. Varvara herself, in a conversation with, said that she was not ready for such popularity and is not upset that she did not pass the “blind auditions.”

Elena Dudnik, Varvara, when you went to the TV project “The Voice”, did you expect to win?

Varvara Vizbor: No, what are you talking about? I'm glad I got to at least this stage, it's a great honor. Many people are eliminated during the casting; very strong vocalists do not make it to the “blind auditions”. I believe that my result is already something.

— Which mentor did you want to join the team?

— It wasn’t like I wanted to get into the team of one of the mentors. If they had turned around, I would have gone to each of them with a calm soul.

— Why did you decide to take part now? Why didn't you come to the show in the previous three seasons?

- You know, sometimes circumstances somehow develop, and we don’t even know why. Everything worked out for me this year.

— Did your family support this decision?

“They not only supported me, but even pushed me into this idea.”

— Why did you perform the composition “Winter” in a television competition? Many people believe that this song failed to reach your full potential in the Blind Auditions and that is why you didn't make it further.

“I prepared this song among the other ten compositions that had to be prepared in order to take part in the competition. At some point, a choice was made: together with the “Voice” team, we settled on this one.

— “Winter” is a song written by your grandfather, what other works of Yuri Vizbor do you perform, and which is your favorite?

— It’s difficult to single out just one song. I like a lot of his compositions, some of them are recorded in the album “Strawberry”. These are songs that I grew up with, like “Night Road” or “Rainbow.” But mostly I like his sad songs.

— Tell us more about your album. What kind of music do you perform? Where can we hear you?

— I have a debut album “Strawberry”, which we recorded together with a wonderful musician, composer and arranger Sergei Khutas. We called our creative alliance Vizbor VS Khutas. Now I perform under my own name mainly in jazz clubs in Moscow, and on November 3 my first big concert will take place at Yotaspace.

— In the wake of your popularity, are you planning to release your next album?

— We are very pleased that there are hearts that respond to our creativity. We have already started working on a new record and, hopefully, it will be ready by spring. And we will probably release several new singles before the presentation of the album.

— At Moscow State Pedagogical University (formerly Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin), where Yuri Vizbor studied, his memory is still honored: creative evenings are held, his songs are sung. What traditions do you have in your family?

“We don’t have any traditions as such.” It’s just that Yuri Vizbor - my grandfather, my mother’s father - is always with us. To do this, you don’t need to create any special meetings, get together and sing songs with a guitar. There is nothing like that, it’s just that his work is inseparable from our family.

— Do you write music and poetry yourself?

— Somehow it happened that I write how to perform songs. I choose compositions, come up with arrangements.

— Yuri Vizbor did not manage to take part in your upbringing: he died two years before your birth. Do you think you are like your grandfather?

“Unfortunately, I did not have physical contact with my grandfather. They say that he and I have common character traits: determination, love of humanity, firmness and at the same time gentleness. But I repeat, this is not my personal opinion, but the opinion of those who were personally acquainted with him. I, of course, would like to be like him in such traits as kindness, the ability to communicate with people, make decisions and get out of difficult situations with a strong posture.

— You bear your grandfather’s surname. Is this your personal decision? Why didn't you take your father's last name?

— I bear my grandfather’s surname, because by decision of our family it is passed down through the female line. The owner of the Vizbor surname is my mother, and now I bear this name.

Three years ago, Varvara Vizbor (32) took part in the show “The Voice”, but did not make it past the blind auditions. The judges later said that they simply did not have time to press the treasured red button. As it turned out later, this only helped Varvara: the audience immediately paid attention to the granddaughter of Yuri Vizbor.

And away we go: Varvara appeared with Ivan Urgant (40), began traveling around the country with concerts and has already released two solo albums. Varya told PEOPLETALK how she handed out leaflets dressed as SpongeBob and why she doesn’t need a producer.

My parents don't want publicity. Mom is the daughter of Yuri Vizbor, a radio journalist. Dad is an economist. And even as a child, I realized that I wanted to become a musician: I went to clubs, was in the choir. But she didn’t take part in competitions before “The Voice”.

Cloak, Malene Birger

About grandfather

My last name... It would be cool if it helped me get through. But nothing like that happened. At most, the nurse could smile, like “cool, respect to grandpa.” But nothing more. And besides, in our country only the older generation knows the name Vizbor. My grandfather passed away a year before I was born. I can’t say that mom and dad talked a lot about him. For them, he was an ordinary person, and they did not think that they should take special care of any stories about him.

About creativity

In general, I started playing music seriously around 2010. I then met musicians with whom we felt that we could do something interesting together. We started rehearsing and then performing in jazz clubs. Later, a little recognition appeared in narrow circles. The result was the album “Strawberry”. By the way, I remember that 54 people came to his presentation. ( Laughs.) It was my dream come true. At least a little bit, my audience was growing. We gave concerts in clubs, and at the same time I was finishing my master’s degree at a theater school (Shchukin Theater School) and working part-time in a kindergarten in Barvikha. ( Laughs.) And in another family I worked with children - I came to them there for the whole day. It was a long way to go, I got into a minibus while I was going there - I gathered my courage, because you need to be in a good mood. I also hosted weddings, corporate events, and was the host of holidays. By the way, I have a favorite story about SpongeBob. One day, my friend and I were shopping, we went into a shoe store, and I saw stunning azure-colored sandals. I bought them and the next day I went to work in them, to hand out leaflets in Moscow City. By the time I got there, my legs almost fell off, and then I had to walk around in the SpongeBob costume for the whole day.

Instagram: @varvara_vizbor

all slides

I wasn’t offended that I didn’t get into the project. This is a competition. Everything there is scary and exciting. I guess I wasn’t able to fully show the magic, that’s all. After “The Voice” I received increased attention. After the project, I released two albums - “Mitten” in 2016 and “Polyphony” in 2017, and even before the project there was “Strawberry”, it was released in 2015. I work with my musical group, without a producer. There were several offers to take over my patronage, but this is a very delicate point - a lot of things must coincide for me to work with someone.

About the duet with L’One

This is from the series “we are so different, but still we are together.” ( Laughs.) One day (32) he simply found my number through mutual friends, called me and offered to record the song “Yakutyanochka” with him. And I agreed. And we went to shoot the video in Yakutsk. I really loved this place, even though we were only there for two or three days. And by the way, inspired by him, we drew the cartoon “Snow Was Falling.” Its main character, according to our plan, is a resident of the northern regions, he travels with his deer and dog. They find themselves in Moscow, and this large, crowded city separates them - they are lost in the metro. But in the end - a happy ending.

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