Vasily Nesterenko paintings in high resolution. Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko: interview. Biography. The mature years of Vasily Nesterenko

1967 - born in Pavlograd; 1980-1985 - studied at the Moscow Secondary Art School (MSHS), graduated with a gold medal; 1985-1994 - studied at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after. V. I. Surikova (MGAHI) at the faculty of easel painting. He studied under the guidance of People's Artist of Russia N. S. Prisekin, A. V. Dronov, professors N. P. Khristolubov, E. N. Troshev, L. V. Shepelev, S. N. Shilnikov, T. T. Salakhov; 1985, December - 1987, October - service in the ranks of the SA; 1988, autumn - “Youth of Russia”, ...

1967 - born in Pavlograd;

1980-1985 - studied at the Moscow Secondary Art School (MSHS), graduated with a gold medal;

1985-1994 - studied at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after. V. I. Surikova (MGAHI) at the faculty of easel painting. He studied under the guidance of People's Artist of Russia N. S. Prisekin, A. V. Dronov, professors N. P. Khristolubov, E. N. Troshev, L. V. Shepelev, S. N. Shilnikov, T. T. Salakhov;

1988, autumn - “Youth of Russia”, All-Union exhibition in the Central Exhibition Hall in Manege, Moscow;
1989, spring - All-Russian exhibition of young artists in the Central House of Artists, Moscow (CHA);
1989, autumn - All-Union autumn exhibition in Manege, Moscow;
1989, November - Group exhibition of young artists at the Bulgarian Cultural Center, Moscow;
1990, spring - Exhibition of academic drawings at the National Academy of Arts in Prague, Czechoslovakia;
1990, April - Personal exhibition of graphic works in the Exhibition Hall of the Moscow State Academy of Arts named after. V. I. Surikova, Moscow;
1990, May - Group exhibition of students of art universities in Moscow in the Central House of Artists;
1990, May - Purchase of the painting “Chernobyl” by the Kyiv Art Museum;
1991, April-May - Personal exhibition at the Happy World Incorporation Gallery in Tokyo, dedicated to M. S. Gorbachev’s visit to Japan;
1991, June - All-Russian portrait exhibition in the Moscow Union of Artists Gallery on Kuznetsky Most, Moscow;
1991, September - 1992, June - graduate internship through the USSR Ministry of Culture at the PRATT Art Institute in New York under the guidance of professors Ross Near, Phoebe Helman, Frank Lindt;
1991, November - Personal exhibition at the City Bank Gallery in New York;
1992, March - Personal exhibition at the Ambassador Gallery in SOHO, New York;

1992, May - awarded an Honorary Prize at the 64th National Exhibition of ALPH;
1992, autumn - Exhibition “New York Expo” at the Javits Center, New York;

1993, spring - Group exhibition at the Nassau County Museum, Long Island, New York;

1994, spring - member of the International Federation of Artists UNESCO and the International Art Fund;

1994, May - Defense of the thesis “Triumph of the Russian Fleet” at MGAHI named after. V. I. Surikova;
1994, July - Presentation of the painting “Triumph of the Russian Fleet” and personal exhibition at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, Moscow;

1994, autumn - Personal and group exhibitions at the Simic Gallery Complex, California;

1994, December - exhibition of diploma works of graduates of 1992-1994. State Academic Art Institutes named after. V.I. Surikov (Moscow) and them. I. E. Repin (St. Petersburg) in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow;

1995, spring - member of the Moscow Union of Artists;

1995, spring - All-Russian youth exhibition in the Gallery on Kuznetsky Most, Moscow;

1995, May - Exhibition “Images of the Cossacks in Contemporary Art” in the gallery of MGAHI named after. V. I. Surikova, Moscow;

1995, autumn - Awarded a Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts;

1996, May - Exhibition of paintings at the Russian Academy of Arts, submitted for a competition to recreate the paintings of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow;

1996, June-July - Personal exhibition in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow; 1996, August - personal exhibition in the Government House of the Russian Federation, Moscow;

1996, December - All-Russian exhibition “20 centuries of Christianity” in the Central House of Artists, Moscow;

1997, September - exhibition of preliminary designs for paintings of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow;

1997, October - the Moscow Government donated the painting “The Last Supper” to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and placed it in the Patriarchal refectory of the temple;

1999, April - May - personal exhibition at the State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”, Moscow;
1999, May - award of the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”;

1999, April 15 - November 25 - work on the paintings of the Cathedral Church in the name of Christ the Savior in Moscow. “Resurrection of Christ”, “Apostle Matthew” (northwestern pylon of the temple); “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem” (western tympanum of the temple); “Baptism of the Lord” (northern tympanum of the temple);

1999, December - 2000, January - led the creative team that worked on the creation of the picturesque decoration of the Throne Hall of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem;

2000, February - May - work on sketches for the refectory halls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow;

2000, July - personal exhibition as part of a music festival under the patronage of Irina Arkhipova, Ostashkov;

2000, July - August - headed the creative team that created the picturesque and ornamental decoration of the Antechamber of the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow;

2000, August - awarded the Order of Sergius of Radonezh, 2nd degree, for his work on the paintings of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior;

2000, November - presentation of a portrait of Irina Arkhipova in the Vrubel Hall of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;
2000 - 2001 - work on four canvases: “Marriage in Cana of Galilee”, “Miraculous Multiplication of the Loaves”, “Christ and the Samaritan Woman”, “Miraculous Catch” for the Patriarchal Refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow;

More Syria and culture and

Vasily Nesterenko - to the enemies of Russia
Moscow hosts an exhibition of the famous artist “Syrian Land”

A true artist, a master of his craft, no, no, and he will surprise even his longtime admirers who know his style and genres well. So is the painter Vasily Nesterenko at the end of the year he made his viewers gasp in surprise and smile. Also, incl.

Vasily Nesterenko. "Letter to Russia's Enemies"

The basis of his new exhibition “Syrian Land” was the five-meter canvas “Letter to the Enemies of Russia.” The concept and composition of the painting are from the legendary canvas I.E. Repin "The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan." The Cossacks' letter was written in 1676 in response to an ultimatum from the head of the Ottoman Empire. I.E. Repin, working on the painting two centuries later, wrote: “Our Zaporozhye delights me with this freedom, this rise of the knightly spirit. The daring forces of the Russian people renounced worldly blessings and founded an equal brotherhood to defend their best principles of the Orthodox faith and human personality... And this handful of daredevils, of course the most talented people of their time, thanks to this spirit of reason (this is the intelligentsia of their time, they mostly received education ) intensifies to the point that it not only protects Europe from eastern predators, but threatens even their then strong civilization and laughs heartily at their eastern arrogance.”

And today, after another century and a half, we see the same plot in a painting by a modern Russian artist, only instead of the Koshe chieftain and his Cossacks, the army of Rus' from the 21st century is depicted on canvas.

The appearance of the poet and his wife at the exhibition became a real sensation then. Having learned that Pushkin was in the Antique Gallery, the students of the Academy, including nineteen-year-old Aivazovsky, rushed there.

We see soldiers and officers fighting in Syria against global terror with weapons, in field uniforms, vests, helmets and bulletproof vests. A senior lieutenant with a bright young face is writing a collective message. One ballpoint pen is in his hand, the other is behind his ear, like a pen from Repin’s character. On the table, in addition to the piece of paper with the letter, there is a Kalashnikov assault rifle at an angle. By the way, the picture can be called an ode to the creation of the great Russian gunsmith, presented here in various modifications and types. The tabletop is sealed with the impressive fist of one of the powerfully built officers.


Vasily Nesterenko at the opening of the exhibition. On the left – M.I. Nozhkin / Photo by Pavel Gerasimov

Looking at the monumental painting by Vasily Nesterenko, you feel the scorching Syrian sun and hear thunderous laughter. An indestructible force emanates from her. Before us is the great Russian army, resurrected as if from oblivion after the “reforms” of recent decades...

“The theme of Russian military history occupies a significant part in my work,” says the artist in an interview with the Zavtra newspaper. – My paintings are dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, the victories of Peter, the time of deliverance from the Time of Troubles, the First World War and the Great Patriotic War... But there were no works dedicated to the modern Russian army. And I thought: where, if not in Syria, can I find those stories that will help me explore this topic.”

In May of this year, Vasily went on a business trip to the Syrian Arab Republic, made several trips around the country, and visited garrisons. When asked about his main impression, he replies: “Our army, our valiant warriors - both officers and privates of various branches of the military - all this is one big friendly family, that’s the feeling I got. And, of course, all of them are truly the elite of our Armed Forces. The army has very strict discipline, everyone is not just smart, but extremely focused. But even in conditions of such discipline there is room for the manifestation of the warmest, friendly feelings. In a short time I made so many friends there, it’s incredible!”

Well, the whole world today gazes in amazement at Russian pilots and marines, sappers and special forces, who in Syria, in confrontation with well-trained professional mercenaries, showed both the ability to deliver crushing sniper blows and the willingness, if necessary, to sacrifice their lives by calling fire on themselves ...

I remember the song from the movie “Officers”:

Look at my fighters
The whole world remembers them by sight.
Here the battalion froze in formation,
I recognize old friends again...

Those who have visited Syria note the high spirit of the soldiers; they understand: this is the defense of the Motherland on the distant approaches.

Presenting new works from the “Syrian Land” series, Vasily Nesterenko spoke with bitterness that the heavenly biblical country, in the old days so prestigious for travel among our fellow citizens, now lies in ruins, has become the “Syrian Stalingrad”...

At the opening of the exhibition, People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Ivanovich Nozhkin, Vasily’s longtime friend, noted: we are present at a historical event. Years will pass, but the painting “Letter to Russia’s Enemies” will remain. An artist who has all the highest honorary titles, an academician, could rest on his laurels, but he goes on a very risky business trip through the Ministry of Defense. The courage and high skill of their colleague and comrade were paid tribute in their speeches by two of the largest contemporary creators of Russian art - the painter Dmitry Belyukin and sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov.

Well, the past year has truly become a triumphant one for Vasily Nesterenko. In February, he celebrated his 50th anniversary with an exhibition in the main exhibition hall of Russia. The shining palace of the Manege was filled with his paintings and their admirers. The multi-meter scale of the canvases, the brilliance of colors and images stunned even sophisticated viewers. More than a thousand paintings! Russian history appears epoch by epoch. Portraits, landscapes brought from many countries. The huge face of Christ...


Vasily Nesterenko. "Crucifixion", 1999

The exhibition was visited by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', and many priests, military men, politicians, and artists visited the exhibition. There were many rave reviews.


Vasily Nesterenko while working on the painting of the northwestern pylon of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Resurrection of Christ, 1999

I remembered then in the Manege meeting Vasily in the early 1990s in the workshop of the leader of painters of his generation - the unforgettable Sergei Prisekin... Both Prisekin and others predicted a great future for Nesterenko. But still, few could have foreseen what kind of phenomenon the young artist’s talent would develop into. His creative power and efficiency are amazing. At the opening of the exhibition in the Manege, a monk from Athos told how Vasily Nesterenko worked, painting the temple of St. the great martyr and healer Panteleimon in Stary Rusika - several months in Spartan conditions, from early morning until late evening. And before that there was many years of colossal work in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, painting of several more churches, the Throne Hall of the Jerusalem Patriarchate...

The “dashing” 1990s were a time of huge losses and lost talent. Gifted, educated artists used to spend big money decorating the interiors of villas and mansions...


Vasily Nesterenko. "Unconquered"

In 2005, Nesterenko painted one of his best works - the portrait “Unconquered”. Before us is a front-line soldier, Marine Yuri Fomichev, a powerful, tall old man in the uniform of a chief sergeant major, with the Order of the Red Banner and other military awards on his chest. The icy wind of hard times pierces him through, his gaze is exhausted, but adamant. He also looked through the sights near Moscow and Stalingrad. He also looks into the eyes of the authors of numerous “icebreakers”, the slanderers of the Great Patriotic War...


Vasily Nesterenko. "Still life with attributes of art"

Since the early 1990s, I remember “Still Life with Art Attributes,” painted by Vasily in New York. In the center of the picture, on the artist’s table, is a sculptural figure, bent in thought... Outside the window is a recognizable line of skyscrapers with the twin towers blown up a few years later. Nesterenko, the best student at the Surikov Institute, was sent, the only one from the Union, to an internship at the Pratt Art Institute. And managed to conquer America! Let us remember that Vasily, before being accepted into the Russian Union of Artists, was already a member of the prestigious American League of Professional Artists; his first personal exhibition was held at the Citi Bank Gallery in the same “city of the yellow devil.” Here he not only learned about American realities, but also met a Russian exile, a 96-year-old student of I.E. Repin by the famous artist M.A. Verbov... Many then rushed to the States, ready for literally anything. But Nesterenko chose his own path. As the philosopher D. Santayana wrote: “A person must grow with his feet into the soil of his homeland, but let his eyes survey the whole world.”


Vasily Nesterenko. "Roofs of Zamoskvorechye"

I love the painting “Roofs of Zamoskvorechye”, which Vasily and I viewed when I was preparing my first publication about him after he brilliantly defended his diploma “Triumph of the Russian Fleet” at the Surikov Institute. I would like to note that the now famous painter remained, more than twenty years later, just as easy to communicate with, unimpressive, and unbronzed.



Vasily Nesterenko. "Triumph of the Russian Fleet"

“Portrait of a Russian Officer (V. Maksimov)” is magnificent. It depicts our mutual friend, an expert on the Petrine era, a rare ascetic Volodya Maksimov. This is someone who can rightfully be called a true warrior of the Spirit.

Vasily Nesterenko reminds: “Now it’s easy to be a patriot. All are patriots. Even those who are not patriots are still patriots. But the one who really deserves respect is the one who went through that wild time, who did not give up his positions, who preserved, so to speak, his Russian spirit.”


Vasily Nesterenko. “Let's defend Sevastopol”, 2005

“We will defend Sevastopol” - this canvas, painted for the 150th anniversary of the famous defense in 2005, soon became a picturesque epigraph to the “Russian Spring” of 2014. The picture was placed on billboards and hovered over Crimean roads. All of Russia in this canvas by Nesterenko is a bastion that holds a perimeter defense over the smoke and roar of battles. Vladimir Maksimov is posing again in the foreground - here he is a gunner calibrating the sight of a gun.


Vasily Nesterenko. "Attack of the Dead"

And here is “Attack of the Dead,” written by the artist not so long ago, dedicated to the defense of the Osowiec fortress in the First World War. After the gas attack, only 56 people survived. The German division in gas masks moved to “clean up”, to finish off the poisoned. But from this child, spitting out their own lungs, a handful of Russians launched a final counterattack. The shocked Germans fled in horror...


Vasily Nesterenko. "Deliverance from Troubles"

It is also worth saying that the artist’s thoughtfulness and churchgoing allow him to see more deeply the essence of what is happening in the world and in Russia. It was not for nothing that on his anniversary in the Manege he stood in front of the huge canvas “Deliverance from the Time of Troubles.” What does he talk about in his speeches today? About the need to overcome the split in society, about the tragic events in Ukraine (Vasily is a native of Pavlograd, southern Donbass), about threats to the only Russian art education that has survived in the world...

According to Vasily Nesterenko, “the fighting spirit is there, it is felt, and military operations in Syria are one of the symbols of the revival of the army, of Russia. But I think the peak of the spirit is ahead...”

The exhibition “Syrian Land” runs until December 17 at the branch of the Moscow State Art Gallery of Vasily Nesterenko in the exhibition hall “Chekhov’s House” (Malaya Dmitrovka, 29, p. 4).

Artist Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko, painter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts. Born in Pavlograd in Ukraine in 1967. After training in the workshop of People's Artist of Russia N.S. Prisekin in 1980 entered the Moscow Secondary Art School at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov to the painting department, from which he graduated in June 1985 with a gold medal. After serving from 1985 to 1987 in the SA, he studied from 1987 to 1994 at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov, workshop of People's Artist of the USSR Academician T.T. Salakhova.

Marriage in Cana of Galilee. Patriarchal refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2001

Vasily Nesterenko made a great contribution to the reconstruction of the artistic decoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. His brushes include the monumental paintings “The Resurrection of Christ”, “St. Apostle and Evangelist Matthew”, “The Baptism of the Lord”, “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem”, a cycle of Theotokos icons, five paintings on Gospel subjects for the Patriarchal Refectory and a shroud. The artist’s works can also be seen in the museum of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Under his leadership and with his personal participation, new paintings were created in the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov and the iconostasis in the Church of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus' in Tsaritsyno. The works of Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko are in large museum collections in Russia and abroad.

Vasily Nesterenko is the author of a number of personal exhibitions, including exhibitions at the Russian Academy of Arts, in the Kremlin, at the New Manege State Exhibition Hall, at the Museum of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, as well as numerous exhibitions in Europe and the USA.

View of the Kremlin from Old Square, 1998

Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2002

Last Supper. Patriarchal refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 1998

Miraculous multiplication of loaves. Patriarchal refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2001

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icon of the Theotokos cycle of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2002.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Icon of the Theotokos cycle of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2002.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.Icon of the Theotokos cycle of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2002

Christmas, 2004

Easter, 2003

Trinity, 2004

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, 1996

Portrait of Patriarch Alexy II, 2000

Image of the Holy Trinity. Painting of the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov, 2002

Autumn bouquet, 1998

Memories of Holland, 1998

Spring on Mount Athos, 1996

Autumn in Pechory, 1996


Winter in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1995

Hare tracks, 2003

Spring color, 2002

Sakura branch, 2005

Golden cover, 2005

First snow, 2006

Magic dream, 2005

Sea, 2004

Night luminary, 2006

Dreams of the Navy, 1995

Triumph of the Russian fleet, 1994

Moscow meets the heroes of Poltava, 1997

Triumph of Catherine, 2007

Let's defend Sevastopol, 2005

Russian Madonna, 2005

Girl's Dreams, 2003

Portrait of a mother, 2004

"Achievement list":

1988 — participation in the All-Union exhibition “Youth of Russia” in the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege”, Moscow

1989 : - All-Russian exhibition of young artists in the Central House of Artists, Moscow

1990 : - personal exhibition of graphic works in the Exhibition Hall of the Moscow State Academy of Arts named after. V. I. Surikova, Moscow
1991 — personal exhibition at the Happy World Incorporation Gallery in Tokyo, dedicated to M. S. Gorbachev’s visit to Japan
— All-Russian portrait exhibition in the Moscow Union of Artists Gallery on Kuznetsky Most, Moscow
1991 — 1992 - diploma internship through the Ministry of Culture of the USSR at the PRATT Art Institute in New York under the guidance of professors Ross Near, Phoebe Helman, Frank Lindt
— personal exhibition at the City Bank Gallery in New York
1992 : - personal exhibition at the Ambassador Gallery in SOHO, New York
— accepted as a member of the American League of Professional Artists (ALPA)
— personal exhibition at the Ambassador Gallery with the publication of a catalog of paintings, New York
1994 - Member of the International Federation of Artists UNESCO and the International Art Fund
— Presentation of the painting “Triumph of the Russian Fleet” and personal exhibition at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, Moscow
1995 : — beginning of work on sketches of paintings in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
- Member of the Moscow Union of Artists
— awarded a Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts
1996 : - personal exhibition in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts with the publication of the album “Vasily Nesterenko. Painting, graphics”, Moscow

— personal exhibition at the Government House of the Russian Federation, Moscow
— exhibition of the painting “Triumph of the Russian Fleet” at the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin as part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet
— personal exhibition at the Mercer Gallery, New York
1997 : - personal exhibition at the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Kremlin, Moscow
— personal exhibition at the Barvikha gallery
1998 : - acquisition by the Moscow Government of the painting “The Last Supper”, and donation of it to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior for placement in the Patriarchal Refectory
1999 : — awarding the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”
— work on the paintings of the Cathedral Church in the name of Christ the Savior in Moscow. “Resurrection of Christ”, “Apostle Matthew” (northwestern pylon of the temple); “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem” (western tympanum of the temple); “Baptism of the Lord” (northern tympanum of the temple)
- at the invitation of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate, he led a team of artists who worked on the creation of the interior decoration of the Throne Hall of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, built for ceremonial events dedicated to the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ
2000 : by decision of the Moscow Government, the State Cultural Institution “Moscow State Art Gallery of Vasily Nesterenko” was created
- with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexei II, work on a cycle of paintings on Gospel subjects for the Patriarchal Refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow
— personal exhibition at the Ostashkov City Museum as part of the Irina Arkhipova Music Festival on Seliger
— led a team of artists who worked on the creation of artistic decoration of the Anteroom of the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, was the author of ten murals
- award with the Order of Sergius of Radonezh, 2nd degree, for work on the paintings of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
— personal exhibition “Autumn Landscape” at the cultural center UPDC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2000 — 2001 — work on four canvases: “Marriage in Cana of Galilee”, “Miraculous Multiplication of the Loaves”, “Christ and the Samaritan Woman”, “Miraculous Catch” for the Patriarchal Refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow
2001 : exhibition “The Path to the Temple”, Museum of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
— elected corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts
— personal exhibition at the Russian Cultural Foundation
— election as Chairman of the Board of the “CREATIVITY” Charitable Foundation
2002 : — work on the cycle of the Mother of God icons and the Shroud for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
— personal exhibition at the Museum of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of his birth, and presentation of paintings from the Gospel cycle at the Patriarchal Refectory
- at the invitation of the Head of the Administration of the Dmitrovsky District of the Moscow Region, he led the creative team that worked on the creation of a new picturesque decoration of the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov - a cultural monument of federal significance. Work on the paintings “Image of the Holy Trinity”, “Last Supper”, “Prayer for the Cup”, “Calvary” in the Dmitrov Dormition Cathedral
- with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexei II, a team of artists and icon painters was invited to create the picturesque decoration of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, built in honor of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus' in Tsaritsyno, Moscow
- personal exhibition at the Famagusta Gates Exhibition Hall, Nicosia, Cyprus
— personal exhibition at the Museum of Books and Printing in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra
2003 :— at the invitation of the Vice-Mayor of Moscow V.P. Shantsev, he led a team of artists and restorers working to recreate the artistic decoration of the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in the village of Domnino, Susaninsky district, Kostroma region, the family estate of the Romanovs
— personal exhibition at the State Orenburg Art Museum
2004 : - personal exhibition at the State Exhibition Hall “Manege”, Moscow
- personal exhibition at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1955. on Poklonnaya Hill
— personal exhibition at the Oryol State Museum of Fine Arts
— awarding the honorary title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation”
— personal exhibition in the Museum complex of the city of Dmitrov
— elected as a member of the Expert Commission for awarding State Prizes in the field of literature and art in the Central Federal District
— personal exhibition in the art gallery of the Vologda Kremlin Museum-Reserve
— personal exhibition at the Central House of Artists, Moscow
2005 : - personal exhibition in the Lipetsk regional exhibition hall
- personal exhibition at the Sevastopol Art Museum named after M.P. Kroshitsky
2006 :— personal exhibition at the Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”
— personal exhibition at the Ryazan Art Museum
— personal exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia

— personal exhibition at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus
2007 :— personal exhibition at the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local Lore
— personal exhibition at the Government House of the Russian Federation
— personal exhibition at the Bryansk Regional Art Museum and Exhibition Center
— elected Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
2008 : -exhibition at the Regional Art Gallery “Obraz”, Kaluga
— personal exhibition at the Belgorod State Art Museum
— personal exhibition at the Tyumen Regional Museum of Fine Arts
— personal exhibition at the Ukrainian House, Kyiv
— personal exhibition at the Moscow State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”
2009 : — personal exhibition at the Federal State Institution “House of Cosmonauts”
— personal exhibition at the Yaroslavl Art Museum
— personal exhibition at the DPRK Embassy
— personal exhibition at the Russian Academy of Arts
— personal exhibition at the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation
— personal exhibition at the Central Museum of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation
— personal exhibition at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall
2010 : - personal exhibition at the Chuvash National Art Museum Cheboksary
— personal exhibition in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
— personal exhibition at MSTU. N. E. Bauman
— personal exhibition at the Cultural Center of the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation
2011 : - personal exhibition at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
— personal exhibition at the museum and exhibition center “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”

2004, March- personal exhibition at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1955. on Poklonnaya Hill

2004, May - June- personal exhibition at the Oryol State Museum of Fine Arts

2004, September - October - personal exhibition in the Museum complex of the city of Dmitrov

2004, October - participation in the exhibition “The Bible in the Paintings of Russian Artists of the 18th-20th Centuries”, organized by the Moscow Patriarchate together with the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum

2004, October- elected member of the Expert Commission for awarding State Prizes in the field of literature and art in the Central Federal District

2004, October - December - personal exhibition in the art gallery of the Vologda Kremlin Museum-Reserve

2004, November - personal exhibition at the Central House of Artists, Moscow

2005, June- presentation of the painting “Let’s Defend Sevastopol” at the State Historical Museum, Moscow

2005, August- personal exhibition at the Sevastopol Art Museum named after M.P. Kroshitsky

2005, October- presentation of a portrait of V. Matorin in the role of Boris Godunov at the Union of Theater Workers of Russia

2006, January - February- personal exhibition at the Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”.
Elected full member of the Russian Academy of Arts

2006, June - July- personal exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia

2006, December- personal exhibition at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus

2007, February - March- personal exhibition at the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

2007, February - March- personal exhibition at the Government House of the Russian Federation

2007, April - May- personal exhibition at the Bryansk Regional Art Museum and Exhibition Center

2007, April- participation in the exhibition “Historical and cultural heritage of Moscow. 10 years of development” at the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege”, Moscow

2007, June- participation in the Anniversary exhibition dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Arts at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg

2007, June - September- participation in the exhibition “We will remember the harsh autumn... Moscow. 1941” in the building of Provision Stores

2007, October- participation in the opening of the Historical Forum and the November historical and music festival “Pearls of Russia”

2007, November - December- participation in the exhibition “Dedicated to the Fatherland” at the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts

2008, January - February- personal exhibition at the Regional Art Gallery “Obraz”, Kaluga

2008, February - March- personal exhibition at the Belgorod State Art Museum

2008, April - May- participation in the exhibition “Moscow Family: Traditions and Modernity” at the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege”

2008, April - August- participation in the exhibition of the Federal State Institution "State Central Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin"

2008, June - July- personal exhibition at the Tyumen Regional Museum of Fine Arts

2008, September - November- Elected member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Personal exhibition at the Moscow State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”

2010, January – February- participation in the exhibition of the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum “A. V. Dronov and his students"

2010, February – March- personal exhibition at the Central Museum of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation

2010, August – September- personal exhibition at the Chuvash National Art Museum in Cheboksary

2011, January – March- personal exhibition at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture.

2011, March – May- personal exhibition at the museum and exhibition center “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”

2011, September - 2012, February- personal exhibition at the Moscow State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”

2012, February – March- anniversary personal exhibition “Distant Frontiers”
at the Russian Academy of Arts

2012, March – May- personal exhibition “Great Milestones of Russian History”
in the State Cultural Institution of Moscow "State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

2014, May – June- personal exhibition “Russia. History and modernity"
at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing

2014, June- participation in the exhibition “Symbols of the Fatherland 2014” in Moscow.
Member of the Central Council of the Russian Military Historical Society. Presentation of portraits of M.Yu. Lermontov and F. Cooper in the Library of Congress, Washington.

2014, August- participation in the meeting of Russian President V.V. Putin with cultural figures
in the House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov in Yalta

2014, October – November- personal exhibition at the Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum

2015 - artistic director of the RVIO exhibition project “Remember... The world was saved by a Soviet soldier!” (together with S.A. Shcherbakov), Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege". Personal exhibition “We are Russians, God is with us!”, Sevastopol. Personal exhibition “The Light of Christ Enlightens All”, Vatican Museums

2015 – 2016 - work on the paintings of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos

2016, December – 2017, January- exhibition “Russian Athos” in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts

2017, February – March- anniversary personal exhibition “Our glory is the Russian State!” at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow; April May- in the St. Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

“You can imagine how important and relevant this is now - to convey to our people, to our consciousness, the greatness and power of Russia.”

V. Nesterenko

Biography. The early years of Vasily Nesterenko

The youngest people's artist of Russia was born in Pavlograd, Ukraine in 1967. After the death of his father, at the age of 9, he began serious training in painting, and in 1980 he entered the Moscow Secondary Art School at the Academic Art Institute. Surikov. Vasily Igorevich was an excellent student and graduated from secondary art school with a gold medal.

In October 1985 he entered the painting department at the Surikov Institute, but in the winter of that year he was drafted into the army, where he served until 1987. After the army, he continued his studies at the institute and in the class of Academician T.T. Salatova. Among the teachers were prof. L.L. Shepelev, prof. S.N. Shilnikov, N.P. Khristolubov and E.N. Troshev, but T.T. remained my favorite teacher. Salatov, about whom the artist will write more than once in his articles.

In the fall of 1988, Nesterenko participated in the All-Union exhibition “Youth of Russia” in the Moscow Manege. This exhibition brought him success and until 1990 he participated in several more exhibitions of young artists.

The first personal exhibition of the promising artist took place in April 1990 in the Exhibition Hall of the Moscow State Academy of Arts. Surikov. Another sign of his success was the purchase of the painting “Chernobyl” by the Kyiv Art Museum in May 1990. This is followed by many exhibitions, both at home and abroad.

From September 1991 to June 1992, Nesterenko underwent a graduate internship on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Culture at the PRATT Art Institute in New York, where its leaders were such eminent personalities as Ross Near, Phoebe Hellman and Frank Lindt. Members of the American League of Professional Artists (ALPA) come to his exhibition and are so delighted with the young talent that in April 1992 they accepted him into their organization. For his resounding success during the period of New York creativity, Nesterenko was awarded an Honorary Prize at the 64th National Exhibition of ALPH.

Upon returning to his homeland, Nesterenko took up his thesis “Triumph of the Russian Fleet” (1994). In the spring of 1994, Nesterenko brilliantly defended his diploma and completed his studies at the Surikov Institute. At the same time, he became a member of the International Federation of Artists UNESCO.

Biography. The mature years of Vasily Nesterenko

Since Vasily Nesterenko achieved success very early, the period of maturity can be counted from the moment he completed his studies at the institute. He quickly found his way in art; he is capable of all genres of painting: from historical paintings to psychological portraits.

In 1995, he began working on sketches for paintings in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which, already in 1996, won the competition and Nesterenko became one of the restoration artists. He works hard on sketches and in 1999 the monumental painting was completed. For the design of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior he was awarded the Order of Sergius of Radonezh, 2nd degree.

At the age of 33, in May 1999, Vasily Nesterenko became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2000, the state cultural institution “Moscow Art Gallery of Vasily Nesterenko” was created. His hard work and zeal for work are stunning: not every artist is capable of creating a collection for an exhibition in the New Manege, especially at such a young age.

In 2002 he participated in the painting of the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov. In 2003, the publication of his albums was published. Later he painted the Assumption Church in Domnino and the Throne Hall of the Patriarch of Jerusalem in Jerusalem.

In 2004 he received the title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation”, and in 2007 he was elected Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

The most famous paintings of Vasily Nesterenko

The paintings in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior include the following works: “The Resurrection of Christ”, “The Apostle and Evangelist Matthew”, “The Baptism of the Lord”, “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem”, as well as four icons of the Mother of God, five paintings on biblical themes for the Patriarchal Refectory and a shroud that literally mesmerizes the viewer.

“Triumph of the Russian Fleet” (1994) is a huge work, 6 meters long, striking not only with its size, but also with its technique. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it is to depict such diverse portraits in one picture without losing the central figure - Peter I. Made in the classical style of Russian painting, it is filled with dynamics in the movements of the characters and the contrast between military costumes and women's jewelry.

The historical canvas “Let's Defend Sevastopol,” created in 2005, was a kind of declamation by the artist that the main task of contemporaries is to honor the victories of their ancestors.

The genre portraits “Unconquered” (2005) and “Alone with Myself” (1995) are images of “heroes of my time” - people who live an unusual life and are happy in their loneliness and inner harmony.

Belonging of Nesterenko’s paintings to artistic styles

Nesterenko works mainly in the style of Russian classical painting. For him, examples are Nesterov, Ivanov, Vasnetsov and Van Dyck. In historical paintings and in religious painting, especially in the painting “Alone with Myself,” there are similarities with Nesterov: he also tries to find beauty in the ascetic lifestyle of monks.

Museums and galleries are places for exhibitions of paintings by Vasily Nesterenko

Museum and Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces

Russian Academy of Arts .

View all paintings by artist Nesterenko V.G. Can

© Artist Nesterenko. Biography of the artist Nesterenko. Paintings, description of paintings by artist Nesterenko

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