Vasily Shukshin. The story “Cut. Essay: The meaning of the title of the story by V.M. Shukshin “Cut off Shukshin cut off exam questions on the work oge

Son Konstantin Ivanovich came to visit the old woman Agafya Zhuravleva. With my wife and daughter. Visit, relax. I drove up in a taxi, and the whole family spent a long time pulling their suitcases out of the trunk. By evening, the village learned the details: he himself was a candidate, his wife was also a candidate, and his daughter was a schoolgirl. In the evening, men gathered on Gleb Kapustin’s porch. Somehow it so happened that many noble people came from their village - a colonel, two pilots, a doctor, a correspondent. And so it happened that when noble people came to the village and people were crowded into the hut in the evening, Gleb Kapustin came and cut down the noble guest. And now candidate Zhuravlev has arrived...

It was awkward to look at the candidate; he was clearly confused. The men looked away. “Of course, you can surprise us, drive up to the house in a taxi, take five suitcases out of the trunk... But... if you come to this nation, you need to be more prepared. More collected. More modest." - “What is our immodesty?” - the candidate’s wife could not stand it. “But when you are left alone, think carefully. Goodbye. It’s nice to spend your holiday...among the people!” Gleb grinned and slowly left the hut.
He did not hear how later the men, leaving the candidate, said: “He pulled him away!.. He’s done, he’s a dog. How does he know about the Moon?.. He cut it off.” In the voices of the men there is even a kind of pity for the candidates, sympathy. Gleb Kapustin continued to amaze. Amazing. I even admired it. Even though there was no love here. Gleb is cruel, and no one has ever loved cruelty anywhere.

Son Konstantin Ivanovich came to visit the old woman Agafya Zhuravleva. With my wife and daughter. Talk, relax.

The village of Novaya is a small village, and Konstantin Ivanovich drove up in a taxi, and the whole family took a long time to pull their suitcases out of the trunk... The whole village immediately knew: Agafya’s son and his family had come to see him, middle-aged, Kostya, rich, scientist.

By evening we learned the details: he himself is a candidate, his wife is also a candidate, his daughter is a schoolgirl. Agafya was brought an electric samovar, a colorful robe and wooden spoons.

In the evening, men gathered on Gleb Kapustin’s porch. We were waiting for Gleb. It is necessary to say something about Gleb in order to understand why the men gathered on his porch and what they were waiting for.

Gleb Kapustin is a thick-lipped, blond man of forty years old, well-read and malicious. Somehow it happened that from the village of Novaya, even though it is small, many notable people came out: one colonel, two pilots, a doctor, a correspondent... And now Zhuravlev is a candidate. And somehow it happened that when noble people came to the village on leave, when people crowded into a noble countryman’s hut in the evening - they listened to some wonderful stories or told stories about themselves, if the countryman was interested - then Gleb Kapustin came and cut off the noble guest. Many were unhappy with this, but many, especially men, were simply waiting for Gleb Kapustin to cut off the noble. They didn’t even just wait, but went first to Gleb, and then - together - to the guest. It was just like going to a performance. Last year, Gleb cut off the colonel - brilliantly, beautifully. They started talking about the War of 1812... It turned out that the colonel did not know who ordered Moscow to be set on fire. That is, he knew that some count had mixed up his last name and said Rasputin. Gleb Kapustin soared over the colonel like a kite... And cut him off. Everyone was worried then, the colonel was cursing... They ran to the teacher’s house to find out the name of the arsonist count. Gleb Kapustin sat red-faced, waiting for the decisive moment and just repeated: “Calm, calm, Comrade Colonel, we’re not in Fili, right?” Gleb remained the winner; the colonel beat himself on the head with his fist and was perplexed. He was very upset. For a long time later they talked in the village about Gleb, remembering how he just repeated: “Calm, calm, comrade colonel, we are not in Fili.” They were surprised at Gleb. The old people were interested in why he said that.

Vasily Shukshin. Cut it off. Read by P. Shkalov

Gleb chuckled. And somehow he narrowed his annoying eyes vindictively. All the mothers of noble people in the village did not like Gleb. We were afraid. And now candidate Zhuravlev has arrived...

Gleb came home from work (he worked at a sawmill), washed, changed clothes... He didn’t have dinner. I went out to the men on the porch.

We lit a cigarette... We talked a little about this and that - deliberately not about Zhuravlev. Then Gleb looked twice towards the hut of grandmother Agafya Zhuravleva.

-Have any guests arrived at Grandma's?

- Candidates!

- Candidates? – Gleb was surprised. - Oh!.. You can’t take it with your bare hand.

The men laughed: they say, who won’t take it, and who can take it. And they looked impatiently at Gleb.

“Well, let’s go see the candidates,” Gleb said modestly.

Gleb walked slightly ahead of the others, walked calmly, hands in his pockets, squinting at Grandma Agafya’s hut, where two candidates were now located.

It actually turned out that the men were leading Gleb. This is how an experienced fist fighter is led when it becomes known that a certain new ruffian has appeared on a hostile street.

They didn't say much on the way.

– In what area are the candidates? – Gleb asked.

– What specialty? And the devil knows... The woman told me - candidates. Both he and his wife...

– There are candidates of technical sciences, there are general education students, these are mainly involved in trepathology.

“Kostya was actually good at mathematics,” recalled someone who studied with Kostya at school. - He was a five-star student.

Gleb Kapustin was from a neighboring village and knew few of the local noble people.

“We’ll see, we’ll see,” Gleb promised vaguely. – Candidates are now like uncut dogs,

- I came by taxi...

“Well, we need to support the brand!” Gleb laughed.

Candidate Konstantin Ivanovich greeted the guests joyfully and fussed about the table...

The guests waited modestly while Grandma Agafya set the table, talked with the candidate, and recalled how they had been together as children...

- Oh, childhood, childhood! - said the candidate. - Well, sit down at the table, friends. Everyone sat down at the table. And Gleb Kapustin sat down. He kept quiet for now. But it was clear that he was getting ready to jump. He smiled, also agreed about childhood, and he kept looking at the candidate - trying it on.

At the table the conversation became more friendly, they began to seem to forget about Gleb Kapustin... And then he attacked the candidate.

– In what area do you identify yourself? – he asked.

– Where do I work, or what? – the candidate did not understand.

- At the philology department.

– Philosophy?

– Not really... Well, you can say so.

- A necessary thing. – Gleb needed philosophy. He perked up. - Well, what about primacy?

– What priority? – the candidate did not understand again. And he looked attentively at Gleb, and everyone looked at Gleb.

– The primacy of spirit and matter. – Gleb threw down the gauntlet. Gleb seemed to take a casual pose and wait for the glove to be lifted.

The candidate raised his glove.

“As always,” he said with a smile. - Matter is primary...

– And the spirit comes later. And what?

– Is this included in the minimum? – Gleb smiled too. - Excuse me, we are here... far from public centers, I want to talk, but you can’t really run away - there’s no one to talk to. How does philosophy now define the concept of weightlessness?

– As always, I did. Why now?

– But the phenomenon was discovered recently. – Gleb smiled straight into the candidate’s eyes. “That’s why I’m asking.” Natural philosophy, for example, will define it this way, strategic philosophy – completely differently...

– Yes, there is no such philosophy – strategic! – the candidate became worried. – What are you talking about?

“Yes, but there is a dialectic of nature,” Gleb continued calmly, with everyone’s attention. – And nature is determined by philosophy. Weightlessness has recently been discovered as one of the elements of nature. That's why I ask: is there no confusion among philosophers?

The candidate laughed heartily. But he laughed alone... And he felt awkward. He called his wife:

- Valya, go, we’re having... some strange conversation here!

Valya approached the table, but candidate Konstantin Ivanovich still felt awkward, because the men were looking at him and waiting for him to answer the question.

“Let’s establish,” the candidate began seriously, “what we are talking about.”

- Fine. Second question: how do you personally feel about the problem of shamanism in certain areas of the North?

The candidates laughed. Gleb Kapustin also smiled. And he waited patiently for the candidates to laugh it off.

- No, you can, of course, pretend that there is no such problem. I’ll be happy to laugh with you too...” Gleb smiled generously again. He especially smiled at the candidate’s wife, also a candidate, a candidate, so to speak. – But this will not make the problem as such cease to exist. Right?

– Are you serious about all this? – Valya asked.

“With your permission,” Gleb Kapustin stood up and bowed restrainedly to the candidate. And he blushed. – The question, of course, is not global, but, from the point of view of our brother, it would be interesting to know.

- What is the question? - exclaimed the candidate.

– Your attitude to the problem of shamanism. – Valya involuntarily laughed again. But she caught herself and said to Gleb: “Excuse me, please.”

“Nothing,” said Gleb. – I understand that perhaps I asked a question outside of my specialty...

- Yes, there is no such problem! – the candidate again slashed from the shoulder. He shouldn't be like that. It shouldn't be like that.

Now Gleb laughed. And said:

- Well, no, no trial!

The men looked at the candidate.

“A woman with a cart is easier for a horse,” Gleb said. – There’s no problem, but these... Gleb showed something intricate with his hands - they’re dancing, ringing bells... Yes? But if you wish... - Gleb repeated: - If you wish, it’s as if they don’t exist. Right? Because if... Okay! One more question: how do you feel about the fact that the Moon is also the work of the mind?

The candidate looked at Gleb silently.

Gleb continued:

– Scientists have suggested that the Moon lies in an artificial orbit; it is assumed that intelligent beings live inside...

- Well? – asked the candidate. - And what?

– Where are your calculations of natural trajectories? Where can all space science be applied?

The men listened to Gleb attentively.

– Assuming the idea that humanity will increasingly visit our, so to speak, neighbor in space, we can also assume that at one fine moment intelligent beings will not be able to stand it and will come out to meet us. Are we ready to understand each other?

– Who are you asking?

- You, thinkers...

-Are you ready?

The men laughed. Let's move. And again they looked attentively at Gleb.

“But we still need to understand each other.” Right? How? – Gleb paused questioningly. Looked at everyone. – I propose: draw a diagram of our solar system in the sand and show him that I am from Earth, they say. That, despite the fact that I am in a spacesuit, I also have a head and I am also a rational being. To confirm this, you can show him on a diagram where he is from: point to the Moon, then to him. Logical? We thus found out that we are neighbors. But no more than that! Next, I need to explain by what laws I developed before I became what I am at this stage...

- Yes, yes. – The candidate stirred and looked significantly at his wife. – This is very interesting: according to what laws?

This was also in vain, because his significant gaze was intercepted; Gleb soared up... And from there, from a high height, he hit the candidate. And every time in conversations with noble people of the village, such a moment came - when Gleb soared upward. He was probably waiting for such a moment and rejoiced at it, because then everything happened by itself.

– Do you invite your wife to laugh? – Gleb asked. He asked calmly, but inside he was probably shaking. - Good job... But maybe we can at least learn to read newspapers first? A? What do you think? They say this doesn’t bother candidates either...

- Listen!..

- Yes, we already listened! We had, so to speak, pleasure. Therefore, let me point out to you, Mr. Candidate, that candidacy is not a suit that you bought - once and for all. But even a suit needs to be cleaned sometimes. And the candidacy, if we have already agreed that this is not a suit, all the more must be... supported. – Gleb spoke quietly, but assertively and without respite - he was carried away. It was awkward to look at the candidate: he was clearly confused, looking first at his wife, then at Gleb, then at the men... The men tried not to look at him. – Of course, you can surprise us here: drive up to the house in a taxi, pull five suitcases out of the trunk... But you forget that the flow of information is now spreading evenly everywhere. I want to say that here you can surprise the other way around. This also happens. One can hope that the candidates were not seen here, but they were seen here - candidates, and professors, and colonels. And we retained pleasant memories of them, because, as a rule, they are very simple people. So my advice to you, comrade candidate: come down to earth more often. By God, there is a reasonable beginning to this. And it’s not so risky: falling won’t hurt so much.

“It’s called “rolling the barrel,” said the candidate. “Have you lost your chain?” What exactly...

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” Gleb hastily interrupted him, “I don’t know what it’s called - I wasn’t in prison and I didn’t break free.” For what? Here, Gleb looked at the men, “no one was sitting there either - they won’t understand, But your wife made surprised eyes... And then your daughter will hear.” He will hear and “roll a barrel” at someone in Moscow. So this jargon can... end badly, comrade candidate. Not all remedies are good, I assure you, not all. When you passed the candidate minimum, you didn’t “roll a barrel” at the professor. Right? - Gleb stood up. - And “they didn’t pull the blanket over themselves.” And “they didn’t touch the hairdryer.” Because professors must be respected - fate depends on them, but fate does not depend on us, you can “talk away” with us. So? In vain. We’re also a little… “mikit” here. We also read newspapers, and sometimes we read books... And we even watch TV. And, you can imagine, we are not wildly delighted with either KVN or “Zucchini “13 Chairs”. Ask why? Because there is the same arrogance. Nothing, they say, they will eat everything. And they eat, of course, nothing can be done. Just don’t pretend that everyone there is a genius. Some people understand... You need to be more modest.

“A typical slandering demagogue,” said the candidate, turning to his wife. - The whole set is here...

- We didn’t hit. In my entire life I have never written a single anonymous letter or slander against anyone. – Gleb looked at the men: the men knew that this was true. - Not so, comrade candidate. Would you like me to explain what my specialty is?

- I want you to explain.

– I like to hit the nose – don’t go above the waterline! Be humble, dear comrades...

- Where did you see our immodesty? – Valya couldn’t bear it. – How did she express it?

– But when you are left alone, think carefully. Think and you will understand. – Gleb even looked at the candidates with some regret. “You can repeat the word “honey” a hundred times, but that won’t make your mouth feel sweet. To do this, you don’t need to pass the candidate minimum to understand this. Right? You can write the word “people” hundreds of times in all articles, but this will not increase your knowledge. So when you go out to this very people, be a little more collected. Prepared, perhaps. Otherwise you can easily find yourself in a fool. Goodbye. It’s nice to spend a vacation... among the people.” Gleb grinned and slowly left the hut. He always left alone from noble people.

He did not hear how later the men, leaving the candidates, said:

- He pulled him away!.. He's gone, dog. How does he know so much about the Moon? - Cut it off.

- Where does everything come from!

And the men shook their heads in amazement.

- He's a dog, he combed poor Konstantin Ivanovich's hair... Eh?

- How cute he combed his hair! And this one, Valya, didn’t even open her mouth,

– What can you say? There is nothing to be said here. He, Kostya, wanted to say, of course... And he gave him five for one word.

- What is there... You're dead, dog!

In the voices of the men one could even hear a kind of pity for the candidates, sympathy. Gleb Kapustin continued to invariably surprise. Amazed, even delighted. At least there was no love here. No, there was no love. Gleb is cruel, and no one has ever loved cruelty anywhere.

Tomorrow, when Gleb Kapustin comes to work, by the way (he will play), he will ask the men:

- Well, how is the candidate doing?

And he will smile.

“You cut it off,” they will tell Gleb.

“Nothing,” Gleb will note generously. - This is useful. Let him think at his leisure. Otherwise they take on too much...

1.1.3. Compare a fragment of V. M. Shukshin’s story “Cut” with the fragment below from D. I. Fonvizin’s play “The Minor.” What conclusions did this comparison lead you to?

1.2.3. Compare the poem by S. A. Yesenin “Birch” with the poem below by A. A. Fet “Sad Birch...” What conclusions did this comparison lead you to?

Read the fragments of the works below and complete task 1.1.3.

Oh, childhood, childhood! - said the candidate. - Well, sit down at the table, friends. Everyone sat down at the table. And Gleb Kapustin sat down. He kept quiet for now. But it was clear that he was getting ready to jump. He smiled, also assented about his childhood, and he kept looking at the candidate and trying it on.

At the table the conversation became more friendly, they began to seem to forget about Gleb Kapustin... And then he attacked the candidate.

In what area do you identify yourself? - he asked.

Where do I work, or what? - the candidate did not understand.

At the philology department.


Not really... Well, you can say so.

A necessary item. - Gleb needed philosophy. He perked up. - Well, what about primacy?

What primacy? - the candidate did not understand again. And he looked carefully at Gleb. And everyone looked at Gleb.

The primacy of spirit and matter. - Gleb threw down the gauntlet. Gleb seemed to take a casual pose and wait for the glove to be lifted. The candidate raised his glove.

“As always,” he said with a smile. - Matter is primary...

And the spirit comes later. And what?

Is this included in the minimum? - Gleb smiled too. - Excuse me, we are here... far from public centers, I want to talk, but you can’t really run away - there’s no one to talk to. How does philosophy now define the concept of weightlessness?

As always determined. Why now?

But the phenomenon was discovered recently. - Gleb smiled straight into the candidate’s eyes. - That's why I ask. Natural philosophy, for example, will define it this way, strategic philosophy - completely differently...

There is no such philosophy - strategic! - the candidate became worried. -What are you talking about?

Yes, but there is a dialectic of nature,” Gleb continued calmly, with everyone’s attention. - And nature is determined by philosophy. Weightlessness has recently been discovered as one of the elements of nature. That's why I ask: is there no confusion among philosophers?

The candidate laughed heartily. But only one laughed. And I felt awkward. He called his wife:

Valya, go, we're having... some strange conversation!

Valya approached the table, but candidate Konstantin Ivanovich still felt awkward, because the men were looking at him and waiting for him to answer the question.

V. M. Shukshin “Cut”


Starodum. Oh, madam! It has already reached my ears that he now only deigned to unlearn. I found out who his teachers were. I see in advance what kind of literate he needs to be, studying with Kuteikin, and what kind of mathematician, studying with Tsyfirkin. (To Pravdin.) I would be curious to hear what the German taught him.

Mrs. Prostakova. All sciences, father.

Prostakov. Everything, my father.

Mitrofan. Whatever you want.

Pravdin (To Mitrofan). Why, for example?

Mitrofan (hands him the book). Here, grammar.

Pravdin (taking the book). I see. This is grammar. What do you know about it?

Mitrofan. Many. Noun and adjective...

Pravdin. Door, for example, which name: a noun or an adjective?

Mitrofan. Door? Which door?

Pravdin. Which door! This one.

Mitrofan. This? Adjective.

Pravdin. Why?

Mitrofan. Because it is attached to its place. Over there at the closet of the pole for a week the door has not yet been hung: so for now that is a noun.

Starodum. So that's why you use the word fool as an adjective, because it is applied to a stupid person?

Mitrofan. And it is known.

Mrs. Prostakova. What, what is it, my father?

Prostakov. How is it, my father?

Pravdin. It couldn't be better. He is good at grammar.

Milo. I think no less in history.

Mrs. Prostakova. Then, my father, he was still a hunter of stories.

Skotinin. Mitrofan for me. I myself won’t take my eyes off it without the elected official telling me stories. Master, son of a dog, where does everything come from!

Mrs. Prostakova. However, he still won’t come against Adam Adamych.

Pravdin (To Mitrofan). How far are you in history?

Mitrofan. How far is it? What's the story. In another you will fly to distant lands, to a kingdom of thirty.

Pravdin. A! Is this the story that Vralman teaches you?

Starodum. Vralman! The name is somewhat familiar.

Mitrofan. No. Our Adam Adamych doesn’t tell stories; He, like me, is a keen listener himself.

Mrs. Prostakova. They both force themselves to tell stories to the cowgirl Khavronya.

Pravdin. Didn’t they both study geography from her?

Ms. Prostakova (to son). Do you hear, my dear friend? What kind of science is this?

Mitrofan (quietly to mother). How do I know?

D. I. Fonvizin “Minor”

Read the works below and complete task 1.2.3.


1.1.3. In both works, the heroes are ignorant: Mitrofanushka does not have basic knowledge, and Gleb Kapustin is not versed in the issues with which he is trying to “cut” the candidate, but both speak with confidence about what they do not understand. Gleb is a little more well-read than those around him, or rather, he picked up the tips and individual phrases. He throws out loud and incomprehensible words: “natural philosophy”, “strategic philosophy”, he confused the science of linguistics with philosophy - he mistook the “philological department” for the faculty of philosophy. But that doesn't matter to him. He considers himself entitled to humiliate people just because they live in the city and have reached a certain position. Mitrofanushka pursues selfish goals - to appear educated in order to marry Sophia.

1.2.3. Both poems are imbued with a feeling of love for the Motherland, glorifying its discreet beauty. The main image in both poems is the image of a birch tree, which is identified with the image of a woman. Yesenin wanted to show the sadness of female decline. Fet also compares the birch tree's outfit with a mourning outfit. What is common in the interpretation of the image is that the sadness that permeates the poems is light.

Essay-discussion on the topic: The meaning of the title of the story by V.M. Shukshina “Cut”

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin created a huge gallery of folk images. One of his favorite heroes is a village eccentric who exudes kindness, sincerity, love for people, for all living things. But in the story “Cut” we have a completely different main character. This is the peculiarity of the work.

Gleb Kapustin is a simple village worker: “A thick-lipped, blond man of forty years old, well-read and malicious.” He is very different from the good-natured Russian peasant for whom our village is famous and for whom Vasily Shukshin treats with great love and warmth. But the talented Russian writer loved this story very much and singled it out from the entire collection, because it was important for him to describe such a typical representative of the people. After all, you shouldn’t idealize the “eccentric” Shukshin; there are people like Gleb: cruel, vengeful, envious demagogues who carry anger and hatred for other people’s successes and are confident that they are right.

The title of the story “Cut” sounds quite unusual, since rarely does anyone denote a literary work of art with one verb. But it fully conveys the essence of the work . The main problem in the story “Cut” is evil, realizing itself as good, and cruelty, finding sympathy. At the center of the story is a conversation between Gleb and Konstantin Ivanovich, where Kapustin cuts off, in the opinion of the men and himself, the candidate. Moreover, the plot is structured in such a way that from the very beginning Gleb appears before the reader, and the author writes about his unique ability to cut off the noble visiting residents of the village of Novaya. Shukshin tells how he constantly cuts off famous guests, and we, too, are looking forward to what will happen next. Many did not like Kapustin for this, but there were others who liked to watch this performance every time, and they immediately went with him to such meetings. These men were drawn to him because he was different from them, he knew a lot that they had not even heard of, he could give such beatings to learned people that they would not have had the courage or knowledge to do. Although we see that Gleb draws his knowledge from newspapers, which do not always talk about real problems. His information is very superficial, he does not understand the essence of the things he is talking about, and therefore, in the eyes of Konstantin Ivanovich and his wife, at first he is ridiculous, then they think that he is just a “demagogue-slanderer,” then they do not understand what caused this hatred.

Gleb despises all noble visitors, because he believes that he is smarter than them, that they are all arrogant: “Of course, you can surprise us here: drive up to the house in a taxi, pull five suitcases out of the trunk...”. He “rolls a barrel” at everyone who has achieved something, considers it his duty to “flick on the nose” and point out their immodesty and ignorance. Kapustin does not want to look closely at people, he does not conduct a dialogue, but simply “rushes”, not seeing or hearing anything. He considers himself a truth-teller and a kind of defender of the common people from such pseudo-scientists who have not heard anything about the important problem of shamanism.

1. Read the theoretical material in Task 1 of the Reader. Choose different types of arguments in defense of the thesis and antithesis.

1.● there should be free attendance at lectures;

free attendance at lectures should not be allowed.

2.● a summer cottage is wonderful;

a dacha is a suitcase without a handle.

3.● there is an urgent need to privatize housing;

There is no point in privatizing housing.

4.● happiness in marriage is possible only when people love each other passionately;

Happiness in marriage is impossible if people love each other passionately.

2. Determine the type of error in the argument.

1.A person should be honest because a reasonable person should not lie.

2. What time is it now?

You're late anyway.

3. When giving a Russian citizen a transit visa, employees of the Finnish embassy in Sweden want to be sure that he has a return ticket to Russia (by ferry, by train or by plane). A man hands his passport to an embassy official. He asks him: “Do you have a ticket for the ferry?” Pretending that he does not understand the reason for the question, the person asks the embassy employee a counter-bewildered question: “Is it difficult to get tickets at this time of year?”

4.– Tigers, as you know, do not fly. Only birds fly; tigers are not birds; therefore, tigers do not fly.

May beetles, since they are not birds, do not fly?

5. Wire was found in the tomb of Egyptian pharaohs. On this basis, one “Egyptologist” suggested that the telegraph was known in Ancient Egypt. Hearing about this, another “researcher” concluded that since no wire was found in the tombs of the Assyrian kings, wireless telegraphy was already known in Ancient Assyria.

3. Read a fragment of the story. M. Shukshina “Cut off”. Answer the following questions.

1. What type of dispute - concentrated or formless - are V. Shukshin’s heroes conducting?

2. How does the presence of listeners affect the flow of the dispute? What is the main mistake made by the interlocutors at the stage of entering into a dispute?

3. How does the text support the idea that the ability to formulate and answer questions correctly determines the effectiveness of public debate?

4. What type of questions does Gleb Kapustin use in a dispute? Analyze and characterize each question.

5. What can you say about the nature of Gleb’s questions (neutral, benevolent, unfavorable, hostile, provocative)?

6. What mistakes do Gleb’s opponents make at the refutation stage?

7. What is the role of humor, irony, sarcasm in the dispute on the part of Gleb Kapustin? What effect is achieved with these means?

8. What goal did Gleb Kapustin pursue in the dispute? Did he want to win the argument? Did he achieve his goal?

The village loved it when eminent countrymen came. Then a lot of people crowded into the hut - to listen to the guest or talk about themselves - then Gleb Kapustin came and “cut off” the noble man. Many men were looking forward to this. And then the Zhuravlevs, candidates of sciences, came to the village.

Gleb perked up.

Well, what about primacy?

What primacy? – the candidate again did not understand and looked carefully at Gleb. And everyone looked at Gleb.

The primacy of spirit and matter. – Gleb threw down the gauntlet. Gleb seemed to take a casual pose and wait for the glove to be lifted.

The candidate raised his glove.

“As always,” he said with a smile. – Matter is primary...

What about the spirit?

And the spirit comes later. And what?

Is this included in the minimum? – Gleb smiled too. – Excuse me, we’re here... far from public centers, I want to talk, but you can’t really run away - no one. How does philosophy now define the concept of weightlessness?

As always determined. Why now?

But the phenomenon was discovered recently. – Gleb smiled straight into the candidate’s eyes. – That’s why I ask: natural philosophy, for example, will define it this way, strategic philosophy – completely differently...

There is no such philosophy - strategic! the candidate became agitated. – What are you talking about?

Yes, but there is a dialectic of nature,” Gleb continued calmly, with everyone’s attention. “And nature is determined by philosophy.” Weightlessness has recently been discovered as one of the elements of nature. That's why I ask: is there no confusion among philosophers?

The candidate laughed heartily. But he laughed alone... And he felt awkward. He called his wife:

Valya, go, we're having... some strange conversation!

Valya approached the table, but candidate Konstantin Ivanovich still felt awkward, because the men were looking at him and waiting for him to answer the question.

Let’s establish,” the candidate spoke seriously, “what we are talking about.”

Fine. Second question: how do you personally feel about the problem of shamanism in remote areas of the north?

The candidates laughed. Gleb Kapustin also smiled. And he waited patiently for the candidates to laugh it off.

No, you can, of course, pretend that there is no such problem. I’ll be happy to laugh with you too...” Gleb smiled generously again. He especially smiled at the candidate’s wife, also a candidate, a candidate, so to speak.. – But this will not make the problem as such cease to exist. Right?

Are you serious about all this? – Valya asked.

With your permission. – Gleb Kapustin stood up and bowed restrainedly to the candidate. And he blushed. – The question, of course, is not global, but, from the point of view of our brother, it would be interesting to know.

What's the question? - exclaimed the candidate.

Your attitude to the problem of shamanism. – Valya involuntarily laughed again.

But she caught herself and said to Gleb: “Excuse me, please.”

Nothing,” said Gleb. – I understand that perhaps I asked a question outside of my specialty...

No such problem! – the candidate again slashed from the shoulder. He shouldn't be like that. It shouldn't be like that.

Now Gleb laughed. And said:

Well, no, no trial! The men looked at the candidate.

“A woman with a cart is easier for a horse,” Gleb also said. - There is no problem, but these... - Gleb showed something intricate with his hands, - they are dancing, ringing bells... Yes? But if you want...

Gleb repeated: “If you wish, it’s as if they don’t exist.” Right? Because if... Okay!

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