A party from the Middle Ages. Graduation “Party in the medieval style Party in the style of medieval Europe

Last Saturday we celebrated Danino’s 7th birthday. Danka chose the theme of the holiday last year. A couple of days after the cosmic holiday, he ran up to me and joyfully announced that he wanted to hold the next birthday party on a knightly theme. So I seemed to have a lot of time. Therefore, over the summer I was able to collect enough cardboard to make shields and swords for the children. It was also somehow decided that this year the main part of the script would be a quest. Last year it was very, very simple (just notes with simple riddles like “look for the planet where the permafrost is”), but there were quite a lot of games on the theme of the holiday. And this year the children have all grown up and decided to focus on the quest. But more on that below.

And the presence of a Dragon was also a mandatory requirement. I somehow understand very well that a child, especially a boy, must have some kind of significant victory as one of the stages of growing up and “transition”. Defeating the Dragon is a serious step into adulthood. For some reason, it seems to me that I have always had this understanding, although maybe it was the episode from Marina Aromshtam’s book “When Angels Resting” that influenced me. I can no longer vouch for it.
Thank you very much to my husband, who in two evenings built me ​​such a wonderful Dragon - quite peace-loving, but a little formidable.

The fate of the Dragon was uncertain - I didn’t know whether the children would want to defeat and destroy him, or whether they would see something good in him and want to tame him (after all, they watched the movie How to Train Your Dragon)….

Well, now the script itself and how everything developed.

There were 7 children in total along with the birthday boy. The children were 6.5-10 years old.

First of all, all the boys were knighted and each was given a personal shield and sword. The children vowed to be honest and faithful to their Queen. Then you had to come up with your own coat of arms and depict it on the shield. Meanwhile, the girls (there were two of them, both 10 years old) were making princess crowns for themselves.

When this was finished, the Stargazer appeared and told the terrible news that the birthday cake had been stolen by the Dragon, who lived in an enchanted cave. The door to the cave can only be opened with a magic spell, but these are the words that the children need to say and will have to find out during our journey. And the Astrologer can tell them the first word if the children can answer all his questions. Then there were questions like a quiz on the topic of knights, their clothes, weapons, etc.

The children received their word - AGILITY. And also a hint that they should look for the next word where we like to look to count crows.

On one of the windows in the apartment there was an envelope with the following task. It was an encryption similar to a naval battle (letters are written randomly in the cells, and the encrypted word below is written A1 B5, etc.)

The children coped quite quickly and deciphered - COURAGE

There was also a hint in the envelope - The letters scattered, look for them in the corners. Pieces of paper with letters were written on them were glued to the wooden cubes. The cubes were scattered in the corners of the room. When all the cubes were collected, they had to form a word.

KINDNESS I must say that, to my surprise, the children spent quite a long time rearranging the letters. Even the older girls thought for a long time.

Also, the following hint was stuck to one of the cubes: Ask the mirror for the word.

The children immediately ran to look for a mirror to get the fourth word. Word FORCE It was written in a mirror way and glued to the wall opposite the mirror. First, the children saw a piece of paper with a word and unsuccessfully tried to read it, until, again, the older girls remembered the clue and looked in the mirror. And then everyone was able to read it. In fact, the rear turned out great, because even adults are surprised by this when they see it in person (it’s one thing to know and understand with your head, and quite another to try and see for yourself. I can say that I will 100% use this kind of task in the future. It will work great too for older children, but only so that they realize that they need to find a mirror for the note in order to read the message).

As a result, the children already have 4 spell words (they need to find 5 in total). Also, along with the word, they found a letter from the Mirror Queen, who asks the children to help them decipher what the Dragon wrote to her. The Dragon's Letter was written by "dancing men." The decoding of the little men was printed on a separate sheet of paper and cut out in the form of a key and hung on the door. As soon as the children heard “look for the key,” they immediately found it and began to decipher it.

It was encrypted HELP OTHERS.

After this, the Queen gave Dana a piece of paper on which a word was written in white wax crayon. She also gave me a brush and watercolor paints with the inscription “use as intended.” The children were surprised to receive an “empty” letter. But with a little guidance from me, we decided to color the paper. And then a MIRACLE happened - letters appeared. HOORAY! – fifth word found – WISDOM. (This task surprised Danya the most, as it turned out later).

And then we all went to the door where the Dragon was waiting for us. The spell is cast, the door is open and... Here I didn’t know in advance what we were going to do. Either kill the Dragon, or.....

What I REALLY liked and what surprised me was that the children took pity on the Dragon and, shouting “he’s cute,” rushed to pet him. That is, the decision not to “kill” was made immediately and unanimously (these are our boys who are always ready to play war games, chop bushes in the country into small pieces, etc.). Well, then, during the holiday, they also watched each other so that someone in the excitement would not injure him. True, I also reminded them several times of their decision (Danya came up to me and sooooo asked me to save the Dragon).

We made friends with the Dragon, the cake was saved. The children had sword fights and just a lot of fun. And then we played different games.

Balls rolled up from paper and foil were thrown into basins. The basins were placed one behind the other at some distance. Each one had a piece of paper attached to it with the number of victory points. Everyone took turns throwing and I wrote down how many points everyone got. And then everyone received royal gold (chocolate coins) as a reward. It was not very possible to play it calmly, because, heated up by the sword fight, the children tried to simply throw these balls anywhere! Well, okay - after all, the main thing is general fun and pleasure from the process. That's why I didn't even really try to get the game back on track.

We played the game Who Am I. I wrote the names of different characters from fairy tales and cartoons on pieces of paper and attached them to the children’s backs using pins. You had to ask everyone different questions and eventually guess who you are. True, the children actively suggested to each other and did not give the opportunity to guess on their own.
Then the children played forfeits themselves a little and went crazy again.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy the holiday. Danya is absolutely delighted! (he was especially struck by the magical writing and the letters that appeared. He and I once drew such pictures, but, obviously, he completely forgot about it).

I also really liked everything overall. What I didn’t really like, or rather my mistakes, which I should work on later:

1. fearing that the quest would tire the children and they would get tired (before that we only had street quests and the children were always running somewhere, so there was no fatigue from constantly changing places, but here it was an apartment and everything could quickly get boring), I put an assignment for a given word and a hint for the next one in one envelope. Because of this, children often rushed to complete the next task before they had completed it. It was probably necessary to put the hints and tasks in different places (perhaps to find the next hint it was necessary to prepare more tasks, and not just give them out, but again, I did this not out of laziness, but simply for fear of prolonging this part ). By the way, the children completed this entire quest in about 30 minutes, which surprised me and at first even confused me - what are we going to do next? But the children seemed to be dreaming of having a sword fight and therefore were completely happy!
And then they played the games that I have already described.

2. And the main thing is that it was not very successful - almost all the encryption was solved in the end by 10-year-old girls. The boys really wanted to, but they just couldn’t keep up. Girls, firstly, are much older (for this kind of task the difference in age is felt wow)(they read the task itself faster, quickly understand what needs to be done, etc. That is, by the time the boys seem to start understand what they want, the girls had already finished writing the right word. Of course, I tried to gently restrain them, urging that everyone decipher one letter in turn, but in such excitement it is difficult to control someone. And here’s how to solve this in the future I don’t know the difficulty yet. Giving separate tasks? Well, it’s not very interesting, everyone wants to do it together... In the summer I was always given two quests - for older and younger ones (well, it was more convenient due to the number of children) and there were never such problems. But this is on the street, they generally ran different routes, almost without intersecting and without interfering with each other. But how to do this in an apartment and how to make it so that two girls WANT to solve individual tasks, and not in a friendly crowd with the majority - I don’t know yet . In general, I have something to think about here. If anyone has encountered this, I would be grateful for any advice.

Something like that. If our experience is useful to someone, I will be glad! If anyone needs assignments and encryption, I will send everything - write, ask!

Is everything too calm and stable in your office “kingdom”? Spice up your workday with an extraordinary event. Your faithful “subjects” need vivid impressions, which an unusual corporate event in the style of the Middle Ages can provide them with. A luxurious feast, mesmerizing spectacles, true romance and exciting adventures - a beautiful costume party with the Royal Court Club agency will contain all the ingredients necessary for a quality holiday.

Organization and holding of a corporate event in the style of the Middle Ages.

New Year, March 8, company anniversary or Boss's Day - the format of travel to the Middle Ages is suitable for any festive event. The rich program of themed entertainment has room for solemn moments and sublime compliments, for noble deeds and intense competitions, for noisy feasts and incendiary fun.

At our holiday there will be no managers and accountants, bosses and subordinates: their place will be taken by brave knights, beautiful ladies and noble nobles, united by a fascinating plot of medieval history. The guests of honor will taste delicious dishes, raise cups to the king's health and have fun at the carnival. Participants in a themed corporate event will be able to attend a knight's tournament, dance at a ball and enjoy the beauty of a fire show.

Order a themed corporate party with knights. Event program

We recreate the atmosphere of the Middle Ages using authentic surroundings (stylized interiors, tents), decorations, authentic household items, historical costumes and knightly weapons. An important role in our holidays is played by the colorful characters of that era: brave knights who stage spectacular horse fights, and traveling artists who entertain guests with their performances.

A corporate event in the style of the Middle Ages is an interactive theatrical show that includes many unusual entertainments:

    Knight Tournament: equestrian exercises (raise a scarf with a spear, defeat a “Saracen”) and pair battles, horse and foot sword battles.

    Horse rides: Guests get the opportunity to ride a war horse and repeat some knightly exercises under the guidance of skilled riders.

    Themed attractions: spear throwing, archery, amusing competition with soft weapons, sword competitions, tug of war.

    Royal feast: dishes and drinks prepared according to ancient recipes.

    Medieval carnival with the participation of circus performers (fakirs, jugglers, stilt walkers).

    Recreated games and fun.

    Authentic music performed by traveling musicians.

    Masquerade ball, master class on ancient dances.

    Firecaster show and fireworks.

We will be happy to organize and hold a corporate event in the style of the Middle Ages in one of the open areas, in a cafe, restaurant or any other place. You can also book a knight themed event to be held in the office.


Refined, covered in aromas and a sense of historical mystery, medieval knights and ladies in the muted soft light of candles are exactly those heroes and characters who take an active part in a party in a medieval style. If you want to spend the evening not only in a pleasant company of friends, but also add a touch of historical charm to this company, then you should host a medieval party.

A party in a medieval style is an excellent event for those who want to hold an atmospheric event filled with music, dancing, food, and competitions characteristic of the Middle Ages.

Before starting this kind of party, think about whether you have enough time, finances and energy to prepare such an expensive holiday for your friends and acquaintances.

Room decoration

The medieval atmosphere requires the presence of appropriate surroundings. First of all, you should decide where exactly you are holding your medieval party: in the baron’s castle, in a well-known tavern throughout the area, or in a small cozy roadside inn. And depending on the place you choose, you need to choose the design of the room.

If you are planning to hold your medieval party according to all the canons of feasts of that time, then you should keep in mind that the medieval premises must have a large spacious hall in which you will hold competitions, dance medieval dances, watch performances of medieval buffoons or musicians. If your party is held in a “baronial castle,” then such a hall should be separated from the hall in which your guests will deign to “eat medieval food, washed down with noble wines.” If your guests are staying in a tavern or hotel, then such a hall will be combined with a dining room, in which also near the fireplace (if there is none in the room, you can draw one) there will be a stage on which visiting troubadours will entertain you with ballads of their own composition or perform people's favorite masterpieces of musical art.

A characteristic feature of decorating a room in a medieval style is the use of only natural materials: be it a wooden bench, linen fabrics draping the walls, or a wooden wheel suspended from the ceiling with candles placed on it, acting as a chandelier. Since there was no electricity at that time, it is still better for you to focus on soft and warm lighting of the room from candles in the dark. If you are afraid of open fire, then an excellent way out of this situation can be the use of lamps, floor lamps, and candelabra made in the form of candles.

You can also decorate the room at your disposal with flags of medieval kingdoms (recommended length and width: 1 m x 2 m), hung either two on opposite walls, opposite each other, or all together on one wall. You can find images of coats of arms for such flags on the Internet or you can come up with them yourself. Place decorative torches along the walls: you can make them from cardboard, and the fire from fabric. Remember what medieval nobles, knights and ladies loved and were proud of? Of course, art galleries that you can decorate in your home.

What would the Middle Ages be without alchemists, jesters and fortune tellers? You can devote even individual minutes or hours of your evening to these characters. Allocate your Alchemist a place for his shop, in which various containers with powders, alcohol lamps, and flasks will be placed (in fact, the role of the Alchemist is best entrusted to someone from your company who usually plays the role of a bartender). Your Alchemist will prepare you various magical elixirs and tinctures that will not only lift your spirits, but also add years to your life or even give you immortality.

Not far from the Alchemist, place a fortune teller who, contrary to scientific methods, with the help of her anti-scientific and supernatural methods, will be able to predict your future, remove damage, or bewitch the knight you like. So don't forget that your fortune teller must have candles, an astrological chart, a crystal ball and tarot cards. It is not at all necessary for the fortune teller to be professional; come up with a couple of comic predictions that will certainly amuse your guests and lift their already great mood.

Invitation to a medieval event

A party in a medieval style assumes that the guests will be convened for such an interesting and significant event in a medieval style. If earlier guests were invited by sending a servant to them with words of invitation, then the modern world allows us to take advantage of its advantages and technical “delights”.

In my opinion, an excellent invitation to such a party would be a video invitation in which the host and hostess of the event, dressed in medieval costumes, perhaps somewhere in the lap of nature, sitting on the bank of a stream or on the back of a horse, will invite by name all those whom they want to see at the evening they are throwing. Send the filmed video with medieval music superimposed on it and text at the end, where you can once again duplicate information about the time, place and dress code of the meeting, to all your friends and acquaintances both by email and on social networks. Believe me, such an unusual invitation will not allow your friends to doubt whether or not to go to this event. Definitely go!

If you don't want to bother with filming a video invitation, you can make or buy paper invitations. On the front side of such an invitation, let a medieval castle or scenes from knightly tournaments be depicted, and on the back, the text of the invitation should be written, preferably taking into account the style of medieval presentation. You can also use postcards with reproductions of famous masters of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. These cards can be purchased at most bookstores and are easy to mail, doing something that few people have done for a long time. Your friends will be pleased to receive such an invitation.

Costumes of medieval characters

The Middle Ages was a long period that lasted ten centuries, during which many events took place, kings and rulers changed, knightly orders were created and dissolved, Christianity spread and was implanted, and the Inquisition was rampant. This is the era that gave us many outstanding scientists, artists, rulers and conquerors. Therefore, the number of images in which you can appear before guests is quite varied.

Women's costumes in the medieval style will amaze the men present with their sophistication and grace. Long, floor-length velvet dresses made from fabrics of rich colors, often burgundy, with embroidery with precious threads - this is exactly the outfit that will immediately indicate your high position in society. If you do not want to attract undue attention to yourself, then you can dress as a city girl, the daughter of some artisan, for example, a shoemaker or potter. The usual outfit for such a girl was a gray or light blue dress or a floor-length skirt with a white blouse and corset. You can indicate your belonging to a particular craft family by hanging a pendant with the image of a boot or a clay vessel around your neck. In addition, remember that medieval ladies in no case walked with their heads uncovered, so be sure to consider a scarf or light veil to cover your hair, which is best collected in braids or a tight bun.

Men's medieval costumes also boast variety. You can become a valiant knight, a fighter for Christianity, a pilgrim monk, and a pompous mayor of a medieval city. Just like in women's medieval costumes, men's costumes in the medieval style are characterized by multi-layering. Therefore, even under knightly clothing, chain mail is necessarily hidden. However, if you feel that wearing real forged chain mail would be uncomfortable and not entirely pleasant, then rent a stylized medieval costume.

In addition to the knights so beloved by us, glorified in medieval ballads, special attention should be paid to jesters or buffoons. While buffoons often entertained ordinary people, jesters accompanied more noble people, most often of royal blood. But despite the apparent fun and buffoonery, jesters were always smart and insightful people who could joke without sliding to the very bottom of low humor. Therefore, if you have chosen the role of a jester, then think about not only a multi-colored suit with a hat with multi-colored bells, but also the manner of behavior and jokes that you will adhere to throughout the evening.

The Middle Ages is an era that is significant in many respects, because it was then that European and, one might say, world culture was born in the form in which we have it now. It was in the Middle Ages that many sciences, including astronomy, began to develop, and church dogmas began to be refuted. Therefore, feel free to choose the costume of the Italian Bruno or the Polish Copernicus (even though he lived a little later than the Middle Ages itself, but managed to capture a small piece of it). Or if you are more interested in pseudo-scientific teachings and predictions, become Nostradamus himself, giving everyone quatrains that predict their future, a maximum of two to three hours of life in advance.

Medieval menu

The medieval menu is characterized by hearty and flavorful food of natural origin. Therefore, do not come up with complex recipes and execution of dishes - the simpler the better. For example, stewed chicken and millet porridge with cheese will be an excellent hot dish with a side dish at your medieval holiday. The dish is prepared in clay pots, preferably in an oven, but if one is not available, then it can be done in the oven. To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients: chicken, ghee, onions, coriander, wheat flour, garlic salt. For the porridge itself - millet, butter meat, cheese. The cooking utensils are the same. Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces, dip them in flour and place in pots. Then add chopped onions, coriander, salt to taste and a small piece of butter. Place in a heated oven for 50-60 minutes at 220-240 ºС. You can do it easier with porridge: boil the millet, add cheese and butter to it at the end of cooking, wait until the cheese melts. Or you can cook the millet in the oven, it will take longer, but it will turn out more crumbly and satisfying.

As for drinks, berry fruit drinks, kvass, birch sap, and various juices from simple vegetables that were available to every peasant are perfect for your table. In addition, among the alcoholic beverages, the most preferred among Europeans was wine, and among the Slavic peoples - liqueurs, sbiten, and tinctures. You can also put beer on the table, but it was not popular in all areas of medieval Europe.

Music and entertainment

Medieval wandering poets and troubadours created their powerful ballads, in which they praised the beauty of the wives of rulers, the exploits of valiant knights, and the reign of glorious kings. You can also invite a medieval music ensemble to your event so that they create the most complete atmosphere of the Middle Ages. If you don’t want to bother with inviting a musical group, you can create a playlist from medieval music available on the Internet; in addition, another good thing when creating your playlist will be works by folk groups or groups singing folk songs in a more modern arrangement.

Also, a medieval evening is impossible without medieval dances, so be sure to learn a few moves yourself, for example, from the chimes or bergamasca. Or watch one of the many films about the Middle Ages, see how people danced there, and take from there not only the movements, but also the music - it will be much easier for you.

Medieval evening competitions must be related to at least one element of the Middle Ages. For example, the “art of poetry” competition involves participants breaking into teams and composing a poem of at least six lines dedicated to someone present in the room. The team that gets the most applause wins.

Another competition, “My Ancient Ancestor,” is dedicated to an ancestor of the participant. The participant needs to prove that his ancestor is ancient by drawing a portrait of his ancestor on a very large Whatman paper within the allotted time (do not delay too much so that your guests do not lose interest). If you want to complicate the task, then instead of paint, give the players ribbons, buttons, cereals, glue, glitter, etc.

Also, the “Trophies” competition will be a very fun and dynamic competition, because the Middle Ages were an era of wars and destruction, when every participant in a campaign or war sought to obtain some significant trophy. The essence of the competition is that the participants are wrapped in tape, and within a certain time they must stick on themselves as many balloons scattered on the floor as possible (inflate them first, maybe not too much).

Thus, a medieval themed party is a great event for those who love to relive the era of the past and enjoy what our ancestors enjoyed, but with a link to modern conveniences!

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Scenario for a boy’s birthday party “Knight’s Party”

Ceremonial beginning and dedication to knights!


Today on our holiday, by the way, which one is it today? holiday? (birthday) . Right, Artemy's birthday! Five years ago he was "lyalka" wow (shows, then he grew, grew, and now, he grew big boy, became an assistant and an older brother. So, in honor of this holiday I announce a PARTY of knights and princesses!

Before you become knights and princesses, let's see what you know about knights.

1. Who knows what the word means « knight» ? (from German "Ritter"- rider).

2. What are the competitions called? knights in dexterity and strength? (tournament)

3. What is the name of the area for equestrian and other competitions? (lists)

4. Which one knightly weapons always had their own name? (sword)

5. Is it true that castles were usually built among dense forests? (no. They were built on hills. If there was a forest around, it was cut down, so that bare fields stretched on all sides of the castle so that the enemy would not sneak in unnoticed.)

Somebody pass the scroll

“A terrible dragon entered the castle and stole the treasures!

“Only those who are strong in hand and pure in heart can defeat the fire-breathing dragon; only the one who defeats the dragon will save the royal treasures.”

Pass all the tests and collect the puzzle pieces and find out where I am!

But before we fight the dragon, WE must be trained and become real knights and princesses, and for this we need to pass tests. learn to fight with a sword, be able to hit the target and be able to solve the ancient riddles of the alchemist and unravel the secret of his tricks.

And soon the last test will remain - a battle with a fire-breathing dragon.

1. And here is the first task

Let's make our own shields and crowns! Swords and magic wands.

Oath knight

Who are they knights? (warriors) What are they like knights? (brave, noble, strong, etc.).

And also knights always kept their word.

Before starting the tests and treasure hunt, we will give "an oath knight» . When I raise my hand you will be loud speak: “I swear!”

We swear to be brave, brave (I swear)

And let's try to defeat the dragon! (I swear)

Don't hide behind shields, (I swear)

Don't be afraid of a sharp sword! (I swear)

Glory get a knight! (I swear)

We swear to be knights! (I swear! 3 times)

WHAT IS IT? knight without a horse!

We go to the royal stables and choose a horse (balloons with horse faces)


WE CAME WITH YOU to the Greenhouse, flowers used to grow here, but now everything is covered in cobwebs; we urgently need to arm ourselves and drive the spiders onto the web


You and I have proven that we are brave and brave knights and princesses

And now you have to train and prove that we can wield a sword and throw a cannonball, and get the next task

Armory Hall At this stage, several outdoor games are provided.

The coolest thing is the inflatable sword! The kids are still running around with it, and it’s already been 2 months!

Test 1. Destruction of the wall. You need to run up and knock down everything with one blow. Girls help build cubes. boys smash with swords

Test 2. Bats. You need to fight off balloons with a sword. It was also very interesting. Girls throw balls boys fight with swords

3. I run with them through the labyrinth, go through the obstacle course and throw cannonballs in the maze

So, the training is over and in order to continue on the path to the treasure, we need to get the amulet and go to the alchemist’s laboratory.

Stage 5. Laboratory of the alchemist and magician.

Here you and I have to solve the riddles and tricks of the alchemist and... And get the next clue where the dragon is hiding.


And the next test is for the most attentive and fastest knight and princess!


“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

If you don't agree, stomp your feet!

Which one of you is always ready?

Can you live your life without doctors?

Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Cheerful, slim and cheerful

- Which of you doesn’t walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

Well, who's going to start lunch?

With sour gum and sweets?

-Who loves tomatoes?

Fruits, vegetables, lemons?

Who has eaten and is brushing his teeth

Every day twice a day?

Which of you, of the kids,

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

Who according to the schedule

Doing physical exercises?

Who, I want to know from you,

Loves to sing and dance?

- Which of you, say out loud,

like a frog, catches flies?

- Which one of you, as he grows up,

Will he just become an astronaut?

-Which one of you is so good?

Did you wear galoshes to sunbathe?

- Which of you is on the pavement?

walks upside down?

An interesting and fun game “Dragon Eggs”: everyone needs to collect the scattered balloons into a bag as quickly as possible (a duvet cover can serve as a bag). As soon as the “eggs” are collected, you must announce that the next test is hidden in one of them!

Stage 7. Dragon Guards!

Did you know that dragons love to play football! So now we have to beat the dragon guards and get the last clue where the dragon with the royal treasures is hiding

Having played enough and given up, the dragon guards became cheerful and gave the puzzles to the children. After completing the puzzle, you can see a picture of the place where the birthday cake with treasures is hidden.

Congratulations + Taking out the cake.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “Birthday of the group” Scenario for celebrating “Birthday of the group name” in the 2nd junior group Educator: Pokasova Elena Anatolyevna Purpose: to give the concept to children.

H3] I decided to have fun with my kids’ birthdays. I sewed a costume - “Clown” and wrote a script, they offered it to the parents.

Topic: Russia's birthday. Musical-themed lesson Purpose: To expand the moral meaning of the history and functions of state symbols.

Scenario for the holiday “Birthday in December” Presenter: In December, in December All the trees are in silver. And our kids have a birthday in December! We congratulate all the guys and good health.

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