The eternal Sonya is the idea of ​​increasing the good. "eternal sonechka". Perhaps it will interest you

FM Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" presents the reader with a gallery of characters who do not only push Rodion Raskolnikov to commit a crime, but also directly or indirectly contribute to the recognition of the protagonist of what he had done, Raskolnikov's awareness of the failure of his theory, which was the main reason for the crime.
One of the central places in Dostoevsky's novel is occupied by the image of Sonya Marmeladova, a heroine whose fate evokes sympathy and respect in us. The more we learn about it, the more we are convinced of its purity and nobility, the more we begin to think about true human values. Sonya's image and judgments force us to look deep into ourselves, help to assess what is happening around us.

This girl has a difficult fate. Sonya's mother passed away early, her father married another woman who has children of her own. Need forced Sonya to earn money in a low way: she was forced to go to the panel. It would seem that after such an act, Sonya should have been angry with her stepmother, because she almost forced Sonya to earn money in this way. But Sonya forgave her, moreover, every month she brings money to the house in which she no longer lives. Sonya changed outwardly, but her soul remained the same: crystal clear. Sonya is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, and not everyone can do that. She could live "in spirit and mind," but she must feed her family. She went to sin, dared to sell herself. But at the same time, she does not demand and does not expect any gratitude. She does not blame Katerina Ivanovna for anything, she simply resigns herself to her fate. “... And she only took our big green handkerchief from Dgradedam (we have such a common handkerchief, the old one), completely covered her head and face with it and lay down on the bed, facing the wall, only her shoulders and body shuddered ...” Sonya closes face, as she is ashamed, ashamed in front of herself and God. Therefore, she rarely comes home, just to give the money, she is embarrassed when meeting with Raskolnikov's sister and mother, she feels awkward even at the commemoration of her own father, where she was so shamelessly insulted. Sonya is lost under the pressure of Luzhin, her meekness and quiet disposition make it difficult to stand up for herself.
All the actions of the heroine surprise with their sincerity and openness. She does nothing for herself, everything for the sake of someone: her stepmother, stepbrothers and sisters, Ras Kolnikova. The image of Sonya is the image of a true Christian and a righteous woman. It is most fully revealed in the scene of Raskolnikov's confession. Here we see Sonechkin's theory - the "theory of God." The girl cannot understand and accept Ras-Kolnikov's ideas, she denies his rise above everyone, his disdain for people. The very concept of "an extraordinary person" is alien to her, just as the possibility of breaking the "law of God" is unacceptable. For her, everyone is equal, everyone will appear before the judgment of the Almighty. In her opinion, there is no person on Earth who would have the right to condemn his own kind, to decide their fate. "Kill? Do you have the right to kill? " - exclaims indignant Sonya. Despite her reverence for Ras-Kolnikov, she will never accept his theory.
The girl never makes an attempt to justify her position. She considers herself a sinner. In strength) "the circumstances, Sonya, like Raskolnikov, violated the moral law:" We are cursed together, together we will go, "Raskolnikov tells her. However, the difference between them is that he transgressed through the life of another person Sonia calls on Raskolnikov to repentance, she agrees to bear his cross with him, to help him come to the truth through suffering. We have no doubts about her words, the reader is sure that Sonia will follow Raskolnikov everywhere, everywhere and always will be with him. And why does she need it? Go to Siberia, live in poverty, suffer for the sake of a person who is dry with you, cold, rejects you. Only she, "eternal Sonechka", with with a kind heart and disinterested love for people. Dostoevsky managed to create a unique image: a prostitute that commands respect, the love of everyone around, - the idea of ​​humanism and Christianity permeates this image. She is loved and honored by everyone: Katerina Ivanovna, and her children, and neighbors, and convicts whom Sonya helped dies. Reading Raskolnikov's Gospel, the legend about the resurrection of Lazarus, Sonya awakens faith, love and repentance in his soul. "They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other." Rodion came to what Sonia urged him to, he overestimated life and its essence, as evidenced by his words: “Can her convictions now not be my convictions? Her feelings, her aspirations at least ... "

In my opinion, the fate of Sonechka finally convinced Raskolnikov of the fallacy of his theory. He saw before him not a "trembling creature", not a humble victim of circumstances, but a man whose self-sacrifice is far from humility and is aimed at saving the perishing, at effectively caring for his neighbors. Sonya, selfless in her devotion to both family and love, is ready to share the fate of Raskolnikov. She sincerely believes that Raskolnikov will be able to resurrect for a new life.

The basis of Sonya Marmeladova's personality is her belief in a person, in the indestructibility of good in his soul, in the fact that sympathy, self-sacrifice, forgiveness and universal love will save the world. Having created the image of Sonya Marmeladova, Dostoevsky outlined the antipode of Raskolnikov and his theories (good, mercy, opposed to evil). The girl's life position reflects the views of the writer himself, his faith in goodness, justice, forgiveness and humility, but, above all, love for a person, whatever he may be.

Love a person in his sin, for this
already a semblance of divine love is the top
love on earth ...
F. M. Dostoevsky

FM Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment shows the hero's path from crime to punishment through repentance, purification to resurrection. For as long as a person lives, good and evil, love and hatred, faith and godlessness will live in him. Each hero is not just a literary image, but the embodiment of some idea, the embodiment of certain principles.

So, Raskolnikov is obsessed with the idea that for the sake of the happiness of some people, others can be destroyed, that is, the idea of ​​establishing social justice by violent means. Luzhin embodies the idea of ​​economic predation, professes the philosophy of acquisitions. Sonya Marmeladova is the embodiment of Christian love and self-sacrifice.

"Sonechka Marmeladova, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands!" What melancholy, pain is heard in this bitter meditation of Raskolnikov! The winner in the novel is not the cunning and calculating Luzhin with his "love yourself" theory, not Raskolnikov with the theory of permissiveness, but the little modest Sonya. The author leads us to the idea that permissiveness, selfishness, violence destroy a person from the inside and only faith, love and suffering cleanse.

Among poverty, wretchedness and debauchery, Sonya's soul remained pure. And it seems that such people live to cleanse the world from dirt and lies. Wherever Sonya appears, a spark of hope for the best lights up in the souls of people.

Sonya herself is still a child: "very young, like a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with a clear ... but intimidated face." But she took upon herself the care of her father, of Katerina Ivanovna and her children, of Raskolnikov. Sonya helps not only financially - she first of all tries to save their souls. The heroine does not condemn anyone, believes in the best in a person, lives according to the laws of love, is convinced that, having committed a crime, one must repent to oneself, to people, to one's land. Everyone needs Sonya. Raskolnikov needs Sonya. “I need you,” he tells her. And Sonechka follows him even to hard labor. It is significant that all the convicts loved her. "Mother, Sofya Semyonovna, you are our mother, tender, sickly!" They told her. Material from the site

"Eternal Sonia" is hope. Her Gospel under Raskolnikov's pillow is hope. Hope for good, love, faith, that people will understand: faith should be in the soul of every person.

"Eternal Sleepy" ... Such as she, "are destined to start a new kind of people and a new life, to renew and cleanse the earth."

In our world, it is impossible without such people. They give us faith and hope. They help the fallen and the lost. They save our souls, helping to escape from the "mud" and "cold".

Sonya is "eternal", for love, faith, beauty are eternal on our sinful earth.

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A special place in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is occupied by female characters. Dostoevsky paints the girls of beggar St. Petersburg with a deep feeling of compassion. "Eternal Sonya" - he called the heroine Raskolnikov, meaning those who will sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. In the system of images of the novel, these are Sonya Marmeladova, and Li-covenant, the younger sister of the old usurer Alena Ivanovna, and Dunya, the sister of Raskolnikov. "Sonechka, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands" - these words can serve as an epigraph to the story about the fate of girls from poor families in Dostoevsky's novel.

Sonya Marmeladova, daughter from the first marriage of a drunken official who lost his job, Semyon Marmeladov. Tormented by reproaches from her stepmother, Katerina Ivanovna, distraught with poverty and consumption, Sonya is forced to go to the panel in order to support her father and his family. The author portrays her as a naive, light-hearted, weak, helpless child: “She seemed almost still a girl, much younger than her years, almost a child ...”. But "... in spite of her eighteen years," Sonya violated the commandment "do not commit adultery." “You also overstepped ... you were able to overstep. You laid hands on yourself, you zago-beat life ... your own "- says Raskolnikov. But Sonya sells her body, not her soul, she sacrificed herself for the sake of others, and not for herself. Compassion for those close to her, humble faith in the mercy of God never left her. Dostoevsky does not show Sonya a "hunter", but nevertheless we know how she gets money to feed Katerina Ivanovna's hungry children. And this blatant contrast between her pure spiritual appearance and her dirty profession, the terrible fate of this child-girl is the most compelling evidence of the criminality of society. Raskolnikov bows down to Sonya and kisses her feet: "I bowed not to you, but bowed to all human suffering." Sonya is always ready to help. Raskolnikov, having severed all relations with people, comes to Sonya to learn from her love for people, the ability to accept her fate and "carry her cross."

Dunya Raskolnikova is a variant of the same Sonya: she will not sell herself even for her own salvation from death, but for her brother, for her mother. Mother and sister loved Rodion Raskolnikov passionately. To support her brother, Dunya entered the Svidrigailov family as a governess, taking a hundred rubles in advance. She sent seventy of them to Rode.

Svidrigailov encroached on Dunya's innocence, and she was forced to leave her place in disgrace. Her purity and righteousness were soon recognized, but she still could not find a practical way out: as before, poverty stood at the doorstep in front of her and her mother, still she was not able to help her brother in any way. In her hopeless position, Dunya accepted the offer of Luzhin, who almost openly bought it, and even with humiliating, insulting conditions. But Dunya is ready to follow Luzhin for the sake of her brother, selling her peace of mind, freedom, conscience, body without hesitation, without a murmur, without a single sting. Raskolnikov clearly understands this: "... Sonechkin's priest is no worse than a lot with Mr. Luzhin."

In Dunya there is no Christian humility inherent in Sonya, she is decisive and desperate (she refused Luzhin, she was ready to shoot Svidrigailov). And at the same time, her soul is as full of love for her neighbor as Sonya's soul.

On the pages of the novel, Lizaveta appears in passing. A student tells about her in a tavern, we see her in a murder scene, after the murder Sonya talks about her, Raskolnikov thinks. Gradually, the appearance of a kind, downtrodden creature, meek, similar to a big child, appears. Lizaveta is a submissive slave to her sister Alena. The author notes: "Such a quiet, meek, unresponsive, consonant, consonant to everything."

In Raskolnikov's mind, the image of Lizaveta merges with the image of Sonya. In half-delirium he thinks: “Faithful Lizaveta! Why did she turn up here? Sonya! Poor, meek, with meek eyes ... "This feeling of the spiritual kinship of Sonya and Lizaveta is especially acute in the scene of the confession:" He looked at her and suddenly in her face he seemed to see Lizaveta's face. " Lizaveta became "Sonya", the same kind, sympathetic, perished innocently and senselessly.

Both Sonya Marmeladova, and Dunya Raskolnikova, and Lizaveta, complementing each other, embody in the novel the idea of ​​love, mercy, compassion, and self-sacrifice.

The classic of Russian literature Fyodor Dostoevsky created a deeply philosophical novel "Crime and Punishment". This short name contains the basic moral essence - punishment is imposed for every crime.

The author discusses what is right in this world and what deserves blame. However, not everything is as straightforward as it seems at first glance. And not every vicious person, in the opinion of society, is truly vicious. What leads a person to this or that choice - this is what Dostoevsky thought about in the novel.

The unique female image in the work is. She is the daughter of a drunken official, she has no one to hope for in this life. The stepmother directs her on a vicious path for the sake of the family. She convinces the girl that her body is not such a treasure to take care of. Since Sonya has no education and no special talents, but only good looks, the only way to make money for the whole family was to work on a yellow ticket. But the girl did not justify her act, but simply accepted that she was a great sinner. She hoped for forgiveness, which she always prayed for, since she was a believer.

The portrait characteristics of Sonya emphasize her inner world. She is depicted as a very fragile, thin girl of short stature. Her thin face was always pale, which speaks of the constant need for good food and constant moral suffering. There was nothing particularly outstanding in her appearance, except for large clear blue eyes, which seemed to look directly into the soul of people. Sonya was about 18 years old, but she looked younger. It is not for nothing that the author emphasizes this detail in the appearance of the heroine. After all, the vicious image of a corrupt girl did not suit little Sonya at all. The girl is forced to take this path by circumstances, her tendency to self-sacrifice.

Sonya is a very kind and understanding girl. She does not judge other people, but only helps to get on the right path. Having met, Sonya is trying to restore his lost soul. At first, the hero does not understand the girl, and believes that she suffers because of her naivety, that everyone uses her as a source of money. Rodion is amazed at Sonya's attitude towards him. Even having told about the crime, the young man sees not condemnation, but regret and pain in the eyes of a girl in love. She helped him understand guilt and begin his journey to repentance.

Dostoevsky created a unique female image of the "eternal Sonya". Why eternal? Because Sonya is the embodiment of eternal kindness and innocence. Yes, yes, Sonya remained an innocent soul, despite the fact that her body became corrupt. For a believer, the body is just a temporary matter, the soul has always been more important. And nobody succeeded in denigrating Sonin's soul. Despite the poverty, condemnation, anger of other people, the girl has not lost her sincerity and humanity.

One of the central characters in the novel Crime and Punishment is Sonya Marmeladova.

This girl has a difficult fate. Sonya's mother passed away early, her father married another woman who has children of her own. Need forced Sonya to earn money in a low way: she was forced to go to the panel. It would seem that after such an act, Sonya should have been angry with her stepmother, because she practically forced Sonya to earn money in this way. But Sonya forgave her, moreover, every month she brings money to the house in which she no longer lives. Sonya changed outwardly, but her soul remained the same: crystal clear. Sonya is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, and not everyone can do that. She could live "in spirit and mind," but she must feed her family. And this act proves her disinterestedness. Sonya did not condemn people for their actions, did not condemn either her father or Raskolnikov. The death of her father left a deep mark on Sonya's soul: "From under this ... hat peeped out a thin, pale and frightened face with an open mouth and eyes fixed with horror." Sonya loved her father, despite all his shortcomings. Therefore, his unexpected death was a great loss in Sonya's life.

She understands and experiences their pain together with people. So, she did not condemn Raskolnikov when he confessed to her that he had committed a crime: “She suddenly took him by both hands and bowed her head to her shoulder. This short gesture even struck Raskolnikov with bewilderment, it was even strange: how? not the slightest disgust, not the slightest disgust towards him, not the slightest shudder in her hand! " Sonya realized that by killing the old woman-pawnbroker, Raskolnikov had killed himself. His theory collapsed, and he is at a loss. Sonechka, sincerely believing in God, advises him to pray, repent, and worship the earth. Raskolnikov understands that Sonya is an exceptional person: "Foolish, foolish!" To which Sonya replies: "Why, I am ... dishonorable ... I am a great sinner." She has no one to hope for, no one to expect help from, so she believes in God. In prayer, Sonya finds comfort, so much needed by her soul. She does not judge people, since only God has the right to do so. But she does not force faith. She wants Raskolnikov to come to this himself. Although Sonya instructs and asks him: "Cross yourself, pray at least once." She loves this man and is ready to go with him even to hard labor, because she believes: Raskolnikov will understand his guilt, repent, and start a new life. Life with her, with Sonya. Love and faith give her strength in any trials and difficulties. And it was her infinite patience, quiet love, faith and desire to help a loved one - all this together made it possible for Raskolnikov to start a new life. For Sonya and for Dostoevsky himself, man's compassion for man is characteristic. Raskolnikov teaches Sonya courage and masculinity. Sonya teaches him about mercy and love, forgiveness and compassion. She helps him find a way to the resurrection of the soul, but Raskolnikov himself strives for this. Only in hard labor does he understand and accept Sonya's faith and love: “Can her convictions not be my convictions now? Her feelings, her aspirations, at least ... "Realizing this, Raskolnikov becomes happy and makes Sonya happy:" He knew with what endless love he would now redeem all her suffering. " Sonia is given happiness as a reward for her suffering.

Sonya is Dostoevsky's ideal. Because only a highly moral person, sincere and loving, can be an ideal. Sonya carries with her the light of hope and faith, love and sympathy, tenderness and understanding - this is how a person should be, according to Dostoevsky. And I completely agree with him.

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