Spring drops. II All-Russian competition of creative works "Spring drops". The organizing committee of the festival-competition reserves the right to stop accepting applications early if the number of participants exceeds the permissible limit

Regulations on the All-Russian Creative Competition

"Spring drops - 2017"

1. General Provisions.

1.1 . These Regulations on the All-Russian Competition of Creative Works " Spring drops"(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establishes goals and objectives, determines the procedure for organizing and conducting, organizational and methodological support and conditions for participation in the All-Russian Competition of Creative Works (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. Purpose of the competition: To provide participants with an excellent opportunity to develop and demonstrate their intellectual and creative abilities in a competitive form, and to intensify creative activity.

2. Procedure and participation in the competition

2.1. Children of preschool and school age (3-16 years old), as well as teachers and teachers of educational institutions can participate in the competition.

2.2 . Competition dates: the competition is held from March 21 to April 16, 2017. Applications for the competition are accepted: from March 21 to April 7, 2017. .
Summing up the results of the competition: April 16, 2017 at 17:00 Moscow time.
The results of the competition will be published on the official website of the organization http:///results in the RESULTS section.

3. Procedure for submitting competitive works

3.1 . Applications for participation in the Competition are accepted until: April 7, 2017 in electronic form and are drawn up in accordance with the requirements set out in Appendix No. 1.

3.2 . Package of documents: participant application form, copy of the receipt/check for payment of the org. contribution, the file of the competition work, designed in accordance with the requirements of the competition, must be sent by email. address:

4. Organizing committee and jury of the competition

4.1 The Organizing Committee is responsible for compliance with the rules of these Regulations and the procedures for preparing and conducting the Competition, ensuring the objectivity of the evaluation of works.

4.2 . The Competition Jury is created for the purpose of selecting the best works and determining the winners in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria for competition works determined by these Regulations.

5. Competition nominations

5.1. Creative works are accepted for the Competition the following nominations:

- "Spring drops"

- "Friendly family"(photo works, drawings, performed in any form) The work can show images and situations of family life that bring harmony, mutual understanding, a sense of care and reciprocity, empathy of friendly ties, warmth of parental care and home.

- “Our little brothers”

- "My crafts"(photos of any of your crafts made from any materials: plasticine, paper, wood, etc.)

- "Beauty of nature"(photo works, drawings, crafts, video stories, videos, performed in any form)

- "Spring flowers"(photos, stories, creative works about your favorite flowers)

- "Best friends"(photo works, drawings, crafts, presentations, video stories, videos, performed in any form)

- "I love my motherland"(photo works, drawings, crafts, performed in any form)

6. Requirements for competitive works

6.1. Works submitted to the Competition must be creative, positive, life-affirming in nature; works can be completed with the help of parents or teachers. Works are submitted for the Competition electronically in JPEG/TIFF format. (The file name is the name of the student who completed the work) Paper work will not be accepted.

6.2. Drawings can be made on any material (whatman paper, cardboard, canvas, etc.) and executed in any drawing technique (oil, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, crayons, applique, crafts made from natural materials, crafts from waste materials, household waste, etc.).

6.3. In the works submitted to the Competition, must not be: images of any kind of violence, discrimination, vandalism, negative perception of society or nature.

7. Summing up and awarding the winners of the Competition

The results of the competition will be announced on April 16, 2017. The results of the competition will be posted on the website http://.

7.1 The winners receive a Winner Diploma (Ι, ΙΙ, ΙΙΙ place) of the All-Russian Creative Competition “Spring Drops” in electronic form, as well as special cash prizes:

For 1st place in each age group - 12,000 rubles, for 2nd place in each age group - 8,000 rubles.

for 3rd place in each age group – 5,000 rubles.

7.2. Participants of the competition receive a diploma of participation in the All-Russian creative competition “Spring Drops” in electronic form.

7.3. By decision of the jury, additional competition participants may be awarded.

7.2. All competition participants who presented their works, regardless of the results, are awarded diplomas or certificates of participation. (Electronic)

8. Conditions of participation in the competition.

8.1 Each participant in the competition must pay an organizational fee of 80 rubles to the Yandex electronic wallet. Money. Account number: 410014020644990 (not to be confused with bank card number)*Find out all payment methods org. contribution, you can on our website in the COMPETITIONS section by clicking on the button “Find out payment methods for org. contribution" In org. The fee includes the work of the expert commission and organizational expenses. Each participant must send all materials (Competition entry, photo or scan of the receipt for payment of the registration fee, completed participant registration form) to the competition email *****@***net marked for the “Spring Drops” competition. During three working days After submitting your application, you will receive an email notification about the status of your application.

Ksenia Zhukova
Musical regional competition “Spring drops 2017”

"In Search of the Lost World".

Mother Earth: - Good afternoon, dear guys, guests, everyone present! I am Mother Earth and with great joy I welcome you to our hall for the celebration of childhood and creativity, talent and optimism.

The festival is ours musical- a holiday of childhood and goodness.

Will leave a trace in every heart,

And it will open the door to a fairy tale,

And it will give miracles!

Today you will witness an extraordinary event - the first qualifying round regional competition« Spring drops» . It has already become our good tradition.

Dear guys, our competent jury will watch your performances, let's greet them with thunderous applause.

So, music district festival, consider it open!

Children from kindergarten No. are invited to the stage

1. D/s No. dance "What attracts the bird".

Mother Earth: Guys, notice how beautiful the globe is! How many continents, countries on it, rivers, seas and oceans! This is our planet - the majestic and beautiful Earth!

(Sounds menacing music, a gust of strong wind sparkles light on the screen).

(The wind of change appears on the screen)

Mother Earth: (feigns horror) Guys, what happened to the Earth, it just became discolored! Continents, oceans and seas disappeared. All parts of the world have disappeared! What should we do now? I suggest you go on a long journey by ship, and the guys from d/s no. will help us with this.

Earth: To be a sailor is an honor and a calling,

Wear your honorary title proudly.

Legends are written about your bravery,

And with sadness your family sees you off on your way.

2. d/s number dance "Sailors on deck".

Sounds northern music. An image of the North appears on the screen.

Mother Earth: Guys, where are we? (looks at the screen). And the guys from D\s No. will help us find out where we ended up.

3. d\s no. "Mom's smile".

Earth: Well done boys! What a wonderful number!

(Under music a northern man appears in the hall.)

North Human: Hello, why did you come to see me?

Earth: Hello Northern man, we came to ask you for a particle of your light to save our Earth.

North Human: But it was not in vain that this happened to you. This means that you can help return the Earth to the way it was before, and my assistants, the guys from D\S No., will help you with this.

The sun is shining, the sky is golden

And birds trill from the trees!

The bird is like a friend, comrade, brother

Everyone is happy about her in their hearts!

4. d/s number dance "In the clouds".

Northern man: Well done boys! Well, now I have a piece of my light, and I will gladly give it to you.

Earth: Thank you very much Northern man! Goodbye!

North Person Goodbye!

The puppy has four paws

Ears and a funny tail.

He is fluffy and shaggy.

And licks passers-by on the nose.

5. D/s No. Ensemble "From nose to tail".

Earth: What talented guys we have! Well done! guys, do you know that people a long time ago thought that our earth is not round, and it rests on three pillars.

(An image of three whales holding our land appears on the screen.)

But the guys from D\S No. will show you what our land rests on.

Spin, blue ball,

Among other planets:

Hope, Faith and Love -

Here are my three pillars.

6. D/s No. song "Three whales".

Earth: Guys, do you want to go on your journey? (children's answer). And the guys from kindergarten No. will help us go further, on their magic locomotive.

Fields and forests float past the window.

We are going to where miracles await us.

And the sun is shining and the river is shining,

And our little train flies so fast!

7. d/s number dance "Locomotive Bukashka".

(an image of the South appears on the screen).

Earth: Guys, look, this is the southern side of our land!

(Sounds music Papuans and a Papuan enters the hall).

Papuan: Hello, why did you come to me?

Earth: Hello, dear resident of the south! We are looking for parts of the world that have been carried away by the winds of change! We need a particle of your light, please give it to us.

Papuan: Okay, I will give you a piece of my light if you dance with me.

Flashmob "Not children's time".

Papuan:, now my assistants, the guys from d\s no. will help me and bring her here.

Gnome, gnome, dear!

Brings peace

Kindness, warmth and affection...

He will turn the holiday into a fairy tale!

7. d/s no. song "Gnomes".

Papuan: Here, take a piece of my light! Goodbye!

Earth: Thank you dear resident of the south! Goodbye!

(sounds music and the image of the west appears on the screen).

Earth: Wow! Guys, this is the West!

(Cowboy appears).

Cowboy: Hey, hey! Hello! How glad I am that guests have come to see me! Why did you come to me?

Earth: Cowboy, our wind of change has carried away all parts of the world, and the earth has become empty, so we are looking for parts of the world with the guys.

Cowboy: I will help you, I will give you a piece of my light! I want them to arrange things for me, funny cowboy dance, can you help?

Children: Certainly!

Cowboy flash mob.

"We are little stars".

Cowboy: Here, hold a piece of my light! Goodbye!

Earth: thank you Cowboy! Goodbye!

(sounds music, images of the east appear on the screen).

Earth: Guys, look, apparently we have found ourselves in the magical and mysterious east.

(The Sultan appears.)

A richly dressed Sultan enters the hall, followed by slaves waving a fan at him, the Sultan dances, then sits on the rug and begins to finger his rosary,

Sultan: Oh, how tired I am!

Earth: Hello dear Sultan!

Sultan: Greetings, O children, the delight of my soul and adults. Oh, the wisest of the wise, the most worthy of the worthy... Why did you come to me?

Leading: Dear Sultan, the wind of change has carried away all parts of the world and the earth has become empty, please help us.

Sultan: ooo! my esteemed and dear friends, of course, I will help you and now my firebird will bring you a piece of my east.

Let life be a wonderful fairy tale!

Filled with love and affection!

Let the Firebird fly in dreams

And it will give us some light!

8. D/s No. dance "Firebird".

Sultan: oh my smartest of the smartest, did you like the performance?

Earth: Yes, guys, well done! Very talented!

Earth: Dear Sultan, thank you very much that you and your country showed us such talented guys. But we need to go further.

Sultan: Oh, the wisest of the wise, the most worthy of the worthy... thank you for coming to our country. And for the fact that you were my guest, take a gift from me as a gift.

My servants, bring a gift here!

(A large gift box is brought into the hall)

Earth: thank you dear Sultan, this is a very generous gift! Goodbye, we have to go.

Sultan: Goodbye o-o-o my dear ones!

(The Sultan leaves the hall).

(an image of the entire globe appears on the screen).

Earth: Well, guys, we helped the parts of the world to gather again into a large globe, where there are continents and countries, rivers, seas and oceans!

We were born to live among the people,

To touch the mind, soul amuse...

So that yawning does not attack him...

I always wanted to sing, dance and live...

So be happy, and peaceful skies to you,

So that laughter sounds on the holiday every time...

So that our stars light up

And every day, and every hour!

Guys, let's see what the Sultan gave us?

(A large box opens)

The floor for the presentation of diplomas and memorable prizes is given by our wonderful jury.

  • International competitions and festivals
    • "SPRING DROPS - 2020"
    • "ENERGY OF SPRING - 2020"
    • "WINTER LACE - 2020"
  • Reviews
  • Contacts
  • "SPRING DROPS - 2020"

    The XVI International competition - festival of artistic creativity "SPRING DROPS -2020" is held in Samara from April 20 to 25, 2020 by the Samara regional public organization "Planet of Creativity".
    The competition is held with the support of the Department of Culture and Youth Policy of the Samara City District Administration, the International Foundation for Support of Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Slavic Cup” (Russia, St. Petersburg) and creative cooperation with the Samara State Institute of Culture.

    1. Identification of talented children and creative youth, teachers, groups and performers, support and stimulation of their creativity;
    2. Methodological, informational and organizational assistance to art education teachers;
    3. Expert assessment of the activities of artistic groups;
    4. Assistance in the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the individual, nurturing love for the Motherland, domestic and world art, introducing children and adolescents through art to universal, national and spiritual values ​​through their own creativity;
    5. Creation of favorable conditions for the spiritual and cultural development and creative exchange of participants with colleagues from different regions of Russia and foreign countries, the formation of a culture of interethnic communication of children and youth through art;
    6. Professional development of performers and team leaders;
    7. Attracting public attention to culture and art;
    8. Increasing the level of prestige of creative specialties;
    9. Involving leading figures of art and culture in working with children and adolescents, covering activities in the media;
    10. Interaction with social policy bodies, rehabilitation institutions for people with disabilities and individuals with disabilities to support people with disabilities (disabled people) and ensure their participation free of charge.

    In order to preserve and develop the cultural potential of the nations and nationalities of the Russian Federation for all genres, the performance of competitive works of folk art, Soviet and Russian authors, works by authors of their region, the Samara region on the theme of history and modernity of Russia, traditions and customs of peoples, preservation of the nature of their native land is welcomed .

    The relevance of the Competition is due to its sociocultural, pedagogical and educational significance.

    Choreographers, vocalists, theater and circus artists, musicians, artists and fashion masters come to show off their talent, as well as watch other performers, make new friends and outline plans for the future. For several days, the Concert Hall hosts performances by creative groups and soloists of all directions and genres of creativity. The talent competition ends with a grand gala concert of the laureates. Residents and guests of Samara are invited to watch the Gala Concert and Award Ceremony.

    The project has gained regular fans and always welcomes new participants. The festival-competition program includes master classes for participants and round tables with jury members.

    The jury includes people's and honored artists of Russia and other countries, education and cultural workers, teachers from prestigious music and theater universities, choreographers, musicians, and composers.
    In their free time, all participants can take an unforgettable excursion around the city of Samara and enjoy its beauty.

    (Full information about the competition in the Regulations)

    See you in Samara!


    "Spring drops"

    1. General position

    These Regulations on the All-Russian Competition of Creative Works "Spring drops"(hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is organized by the educational Internet portal ART-studio “Imaginations” ( ) and determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition, the criteria for selecting works, the composition of participants, the procedure for awarding winners and prize-winners.

    2 . Basic goals and objectives

    All-Russian competition of creative works "Spring drops" sets as its goal: creating conditions for spiritual, moral and patriotic education, development of the creative potential of children and teachers.

    The objectives of the Competition are:

    • development of imagination and creative thinking, observation; emotional perception of the competition topic;
    • nurturing cognitive interest in the world around us, its features, and respect for nature;
    • increasing the motivation of preschoolers and school-age children for creative activities;
    • identifying and supporting talented students and creatively active teachers.

    3. Dates of the competition

    03/26/2017 - publication of the Regulations on the website.
    03/27/2017 -04/21/2017 - acceptance of work (inclusive).
    04/22/2017 - 05/6/2017 - examination.
    05/7/2017 - results of the competition.

    4. Criteria for evaluating creative works

    - Execution technique;
    - Fantasy and originality;
    - Quality of the uploaded photo;
    - Compliance with the theme of the competition;
    - Independence of execution.

    5. Conditions and procedure for the competition:

    5.1. Preschoolers aged 5-7 years and students in grades 1-11 can take part in the competition.
    5.2. Participation in the competition is free.
    5.3. Competition nominations:

    Nomination "Drawing"
    The long-awaited spring has arrived! The time when all nature wakes up and blossoms. In spring landscapes, children can depict different periods of the long-awaited season: from snowmelt to the beginning of the summer. In still lifes, show not only bouquets of snowdrops and dandelions, but also willow branches - a symbol of the spring holiday of Easter. Convey your mood in everyday scenes.
    The competition is accepted quality photos. The drawing can be made in any technique, appliqué elements are possible, but not more than 10-15% of the entire drawing. Works are uploaded by participants or managers into the competition album "Drawing" our group In contact with.

    The work must contain the following information:

    Master class for teachers “Learning to draw spring”

    Participants in this nomination can be teachers and kindergarten teachers. Presentations and videos corresponding to the theme of the Competition with a step-by-step explanation of the image or craft are accepted. Presentations must be uploaded to services from DocMe, Slideboom, videos - to YouTube. Then upload it to the portal “ART - studio “Izraziliya”” in the “” section. The resource must have the following information, which is included in the “Brief Description” when posting the material:

    FULL NAME. author of the downloaded material, position;
    Place of work (full name of the educational institution, locality, region);
    Name of material;
    Class (for which this resource is created);
    If the material has been previously published, indicate the publication address;
    Indicate to which section the material should be transferred after the end of the competition.

    5.4. To participate in the competition, managers or participants must register on the website of the ART - studio "Izraziliya" -, A also join the open group In contact with -

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