Seeing a fatal accident in a dream. Accident on the road according to the dream book

The article on the topic: “dream book of an accident of a loved one” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

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If you dreamed about a car accident, it means that you are doing something wrong or deceiving people.

The accident of a loved one is a personal tragedy.

A fatal accident means that a difficult stage of life awaits you.

I dreamed of a train accident - a warning of great danger.

If there is an accident and death in your dream, it means that you should cancel your trip in the near future.

If you dreamed of an accident and corpses in which no one was injured, it means that you will quarrel with a loved one.

In a dream, an accident without casualties means the loss of a dream.

If in a dream there is an accident with victims, then in reality you will be very unlucky in something.

An accident and blood symbolize conflict.

If your loved one dies as a result of an accident in a dream, it means that in reality he will live a long time.

If in a dream, because of your fault, there was a plane crash that claimed people’s lives, it means that in reality you cannot forgive yourself for something.

Seeing a railroad accident in a dream means great difficulties.

Saving people injured in an accident leads to well-being.

If in a dream you were in a terrible accident, but remained unharmed, it means that you will be lucky in some way.

If you dreamed about a motorcycle accident, it means possible long-term loneliness.

Accident and fire - in reality you will not succeed.

Rolling over in a car in a dream means someone’s attitude towards you will change.

A dream in which you dream of a car accident is a sign that you will be drawn into legal proceedings or that your rash actions will lead to the collapse of your plans. Your partners will make claims against you, and you will have to make excuses for a long time. The dream warns that trouble awaits you and you may lose your place.

A train accident in your dream foreshadows the loss of money, and a shipwreck portends the loss of friends and disappointment in love.

An accident from the outside in a dream is a sign of joy or sorrow, depending on whether people were injured in it or not.

If in a dream you witnessed an accident, but had nothing to do with it, then the dream promises you profit, which itself comes into your hands thanks to a mistake made by other people.

Helping a victim in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a friend in trouble.

To dream of a bus accident is an omen of a collision, a conflict with a group of people hostile to you.

When you see in a dream that you have lost one of your relatives or friends in an accident, do not rush to get upset - this is a good dream; it means that as soon as you turn to relatives or friends for help, they will immediately provide you with this help.

If you dreamed of an accident on the road, it means that soon you will experience a violent, all-crushing passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always cherish this period of time in your memory.

Train accidents indicate disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs or fear for their functioning, which can be caused by physical or emotional overload.

You or someone else has been in a car accident - they talk about the fear of death.

Getting into an accident or being hit by a vehicle means a desire for sexual intercourse.

Being present during an accident or breakdown with relatives or loved ones indicates an emerging conflict with them, which you are currently holding back.

My husband died in a car accident - on the contrary, he will live a long time.

Seeing a road accident in a dream means that in reality you will learn about deception, fraud and other actions that threaten your well-being.

Preventing an accident is a brilliant solution to life’s problems.

Seeing a friend die in an accident is evidence of hidden aggression towards him.

Injuring yourself means suffering in your personal life.

To experience a sea accident in a dream means to experience new love in reality.

If a woman dreamed that she was in an accident, soon all her plans would be destroyed. If she watched the incident from the side, trouble will happen to a person she knows.

The accident was caused by inattention - evidence of your absent-mindedness. If you can't control yourself, you're in too much of a hurry.

If you saw an accident of several cars in a dream, there is a risk of ruining your business.

If you dreamed that your deceased relatives were in an accident with you, this means trouble on the way.

A terrible accident in a dream warns you against rash actions. Remember, did you think through your affairs well, did you make any mistakes the other day? This dream reminds you of the golden rule: “Measure seven times...”. If in a dream you managed to successfully avoid an accident, this is a good sign that, despite the mistakes you made, you have enough strength to cope with the situation. After such a dream, it doesn’t hurt you to be more careful, trusting your intuition more.

Getting into a car accident with your loved one is an unfavorable sign.

If your loved one has an accident, pay more attention to him, I mean, due to inattention, he can make a mess.

If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, in life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor.

If you dream of dying in a car accident, then in reality you should drive more carefully.

If you get into an accident in a dream, avoid making quick decisions for a while.

Seeing a friend's accident in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

If you dreamed of a train accident, in reality you should be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

If you miraculously managed to avoid an accident, in real life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor.

If in a dream you see an accident and broken cars, in reality you should not rely on others if you want your plans to be fulfilled well and on time. You are required to have maximum control over the situation.

If you get into an accident in a dream, be prepared for some unplanned event to disrupt your plans.

If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to your friends, but what happened will also indirectly affect you.

If you saw yourself in an accident in the same car (plane) with deceased people (relatives), take this dream seriously and postpone upcoming trips.

I dream of an accident with corpses - with blood - bad, without blood - everything will be fine.

Road accident (traffic accident) - dream warning: it is advisable not to use vehicles for seven days and try to stay at home after sunset; news that will upset you.

Road accident - the need to slow down and/or be careful. The need to “not have a fever.”

Car accident - can symbolize the physical body; accident - may refer to the emotional body; with an airplane - may indicate a spiritual body.

Seeing an accident in a dream and you saved a person means the revival of all hopes and aspirations.

Dreaming of a bus accident means a narrowing of your circle of acquaintances.

If you dreamed of an accident in the subway, it means the failure of your secret plan.

A missed accident and death indicates the need to be careful.

A friend had an accident - to changes in relations with him.

An accident on a bridge means it is unlikely that you will be able to make peace with someone.

If you dreamed about death in an accident, don’t rush to decide something important.

A dream about an accident promises a meeting and a long explanation in reality with a narrow-minded but ambitious person, if you observe the events taking place in a dream as if from the outside.

It’s another thing to be a participant in an accident - in this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from opposing forces.

If you were run over by any ground vehicle, you will certainly avoid any complications and troubles.

If you yourself have caused a collision as a result of an accident, in reality do not expect satisfaction from the vacation that you decided to allow yourself.

If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

An accident that happened on board an airliner promises you many new plans that can bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.

An accident on a sea vessel is good news, leading to success in a difficult matter.

If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you considerable risk.

An accident when you hit people - you will need the protection and help of a friend.

An accident in a dream foreshadows a violent, all-crushing passion for a very extraordinary person. Unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss await you, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

Your boyfriend had an accident - be more attentive to his feelings.

If you dream that a person dies in an accident, do not rush to mourn anyone, this dream is not so bad.

If in a dream someone had an accident and survived, it is a very good dream.

I dreamed that my sister had an accident - she needs you, maybe she needs help or advice, but you are not around?

My father died in an accident - pay attention to his health; at first glance, something not terrible can turn out to be a serious illness.

Your son had an accident and died - he really needs you, but perhaps it’s too late. But don’t be alarmed, death does not mean physical death, but your mutual distance from each other.

An accident in a dream is an alarming sign. Getting into a car accident means that in reality you should beware; in the future, unforeseen circumstances await you that will take you by surprise. If in a dream you avoided an accident, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. In the case when in a dream you see not one, but several broken cars, you should better control the situation and not rely on others. In this case, you will be able to complete the task that you have in mind on time.

A terrible accident in a dream is a warning that your plans may be ruined and you should think about your next actions.

Coming out of an accident unharmed portends a successful resolution of conflicts with superiors and enemies.

The accident of other people means that they are trying to involve you in dangerous matters and that you should be more careful when concluding deals and contracts.

Losing relatives in an accident is a sign that your relatives are worried about you and will support you if you turn to them for help.

If you dreamed of an accident at a wedding, the life together of a couple close to you will not work out.

A child gets into an accident with you - pay more attention to him.

A car accident may represent your physical body, a water accident may refer to your emotional body, and an airplane crash may refer to your spiritual body.

A dream in which you have an accident or simply see one - may be a warning that you may find yourself in a difficult situation, become a victim of deception or fraud, you should be careful when resolving commercial and financial issues.

Getting into an accident in a dream can also mean upcoming clashes and conflicts with your enemies or ill-wishers.

Having a car accident with a loved one means experiencing betrayal, humiliation, and a blow to your pride.

Driving a car and having an accident means that you can expect a business meeting with a clueless, stupid person.

If you dream that there was an accident with small children, it means that you will have to experience some kind of personal grief, but over time you will be able to cope with it.

If an accident overtakes you at sea, it means that you are soon destined to fall in love.

If in a dream there was a car accident and the death of a person, in reality you will have to experience personal grief and only time can heal you from the feeling of loss.

If you dream of a major car accident without casualties and blood, in reality you will meet a person of the opposite sex who can awaken a strong feeling in you.

A helicopter accident in a dream means a repetition of a recent unpleasant situation.

An accident is an image of a latent suicidal formation that can be activated at the first opportunity; it also means that the person is under destructive, deadly semantics on the part of some person. The representative of this negative semantics can be in the form of the driver or someone next to (behind) the driver or people involved in this situation, or in other vehicles (reactive induction).

Accident - this image suggests that in the past there were some events and situations associated with the destructive impact of another person on you. try to remember if any specific person you knew appeared in your dream about the accident? Maybe in a dream he appeared in the form of the driver of a car involved in an accident, or some witness to the accident, or the one who pushed you on that ill-fated trip or flight in which the plane crashed? In this case, the dream clearly demonstrates to you that you once received mental trauma from this person and the trauma turned out to be so strong that it still has a destructive effect on you and ruins your life. A dream about an accident is a very serious warning. He says that it is necessary to rewrite the situation associated with past trauma as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to the most catastrophic consequences in life.

If you dream of an accident with a girl in a car, then soon you will meet a person for whom you will experience an all-consuming passion. You will be attracted by his originality and originality, this connection will fill your life with unusual, vivid impressions and happiness.

A bus accident on a bridge is bad luck; conflict (psychological, internal or in the environment of the sleeper).

Accident - are you tired or inattentive? What crashed in your dream? Who is involved in this? Was anyone hurt?

There was an accident and your car hits a person - perhaps this is a warning that you should take more care of yourself.

Other people were injured in an accident in a dream - how did you behave? Did you try to help them or did you stand back and watch? Did you feel like you were doing the right thing, or did you feel like you weren't helping enough? Did you feel helpless?

What caused the accident? If this is a lack of attention, the dream suggests that you should be more focused. Or the reason was insufficient control, which indicates the need to slow down.

An accident can also be an awakening symbol, a sign that something has come to an end and needs to be let go.

Railroad accident - your plans will be disrupted. Unexpected traps will appear that will force you to “go off track.”

Dreaming of your own car crashing indicates a feeling of guilt. You have committed an unworthy act. Think about your actions recently and think about how to solve the problem.

I dreamed of an accident when people are run over - a quarrel, a scandal, a serious conflict, the collapse of some hopes.

Accident on the road - to arrange things.

A friend had an accident - someone will help settle your affairs.

If you get into an accident yourself, your steps will benefit the cause.

Dreaming about a car accident: what it means and how to interpret it

Why do you dream of a car accident? If you dreamed of a traffic accident, it is recommended to beware of rash actions. The interpretation of such a vision should be taken seriously; the dream books collected in this article will help you with this.

All dream books give different interpretations of dreams, and in order to find the key to the solution, you need to take into account all the smallest details.

Since a car accident is an event that threatens human life, such an image in a dream can indicate problems that have arisen in the body that need urgent attention. The dream book recommends “listening” to your body and undergoing medical diagnostics.

Car color

To find out what a car accident means in a dream, you need to remember the color of the car that appears in the dream. All colors carry a certain meaning:

  • Yellow – bragging, intrigue.
  • Red is passion.
  • Gray is inevitability.
  • Pink is a disappointment.
  • Black - envy.
  • White is a coincidence.
  • Blue – meeting with high-ranking personalities.

Dream Interpretation: Car accident - who had the dream?

If a young girl in a dream watched from the sidelines a car accident, then she is in danger of meeting an unpleasant person, a scandal will begin and the girl’s reputation will suffer.

If a married man watched an accident in a dream, then his best friend will have trouble. A friend's marriage may collapse or his career may collapse.

A respectable woman who had such a dream needs to think not only about her health, but also about the health of her loved ones. It is recommended to “watch your language” and behavior in the presence of family and friends, since any “unfortunate phrase” can destroy all family ties.

A car accident in a young guy’s dream can foreshadow a bad joke that will develop into a conflict. The dream book advises you to listen to the recommendations of loved ones, get rid of bad habits and change your behavior.

Dream options

Any details can help clarify interpretations:

  1. A small accident occurred - perhaps a situation occurred in your past due to the negative influence of an outsider.
  2. You were able to avoid an accident - this means that in real life a confusing situation will be resolved favorably.
  3. You dreamed of the consequences of an accident - it is recommended not to use the help of others. Only your own perseverance can help you realize your plans.
  4. If you dreamed that there was an accident and you received a lot of injuries, then expect betrayal or some other event that will hit your pride.
  5. If you dreamed that no one was injured in the accident, then expect a new acquaintance. Perhaps this person will become your life partner.

Road accident victims

What does it mean to see a car accident with victims in a dream? To begin with, remember your own role in the dream:

  1. If the dreamer is the victim of an accident, it is recommended to avoid stress and at first try not to catch the eye of your boss.
  2. If the dreamer ran over or knocked down someone, then in reality you need to diligently defend your good name, because someone is trying to denigrate it. Perhaps this will be the last “harm” from your ill-wisher.

What do famous dream books say about a car accident?

You will probably find the answers to all your questions in one of them. Remember all the details of the dream and start reading!

Freud's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a car accident foreshadows a violent passion with an amazing person. The time spent with her/him will forever remain in your memory and will excite your feelings for a long time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream book interprets the dream as a quick disappointment in love, which will bring emptiness into your life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream is a harbinger of something bad. If in a dream you were involved in an accident, then in real life you should prepare for changes with negative consequences.

If in a dream you were able to avoid an accident, then you will be able to find the right path in a difficult situation.

If you dreamed of an accident involving several cars, but you were not involved in an accident, then in life all your plans will definitely come true.

Vanga's Dream Book

Bath interprets this dream as a harbinger of passion or an event that will definitely leave a mark on your memory. Expect changes for the better!

If you were involved in a car accident, then in real life expect to purchase a new car or take a long trip.

Women's dream book

If you are planning something, be prepared for the fact that some unpleasant event will interfere with all your plans.

If you observe the accident from the outside, then troubles may affect loved ones.

If in a dream you got into an accident with previously deceased relatives, put off all important matters and trips to another time. Such a dream is considered an unkind sign.

Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you see a road and witness an accident on this road, then this is a good sign. All your affairs should be successfully resolved.

If you dreamed of an accident, but you did not take part in it, then people will appear in your life who will help solve existing problems.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to this dream book, a car accident reveals a person’s tendency to commit suicide. The dream is of a warning nature. Try to avoid bad news and unpleasant moments in life.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

If the dream was accompanied by fire or flying sparks, then you should prepare for serious quarrels. There may be conflict at work or your dreams may not come true.

Gypsy dream book

According to the gypsy dream book, any accident indicates a feeling of guilt. Perhaps you once did a bad thing. Try to correct your mistake.

Ancient dream book of Zedkiel

If you dreamed that you were involved in a traffic accident, perhaps in real life you will experience personal grief, but after some time you will be able to cope with it.

If you dreamed of a car accident, you shouldn’t expect something bad to happen. Be positive. The dream book will help you solve any dream and give useful recommendations.

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A dream about an accident promises a meeting and a long explanation in reality with a narrow-minded but ambitious person - this is if you observe the events taking place in a dream as if from the outside.

It’s another thing to be involved in an accident. In this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from opposing forces.

If you were run over by any ground vehicle, you will certainly avoid any complications and troubles.

If you yourself have been involved in a collision as a result of an accident, in reality do not expect satisfaction from the vacation that you decided to allow yourself.

If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

An accident on board an airliner promises you many new plans that may bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.

An accident on a sea vessel is good news, leading to success in a difficult matter.

If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you considerable risk.

If trouble did not befall you at sea, it means that you yourself will need the protection and help of a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Accident

An unpleasant surprise on the road. Seeing an accident from the outside means some unplanned event will disrupt the plans of your close friends. This will indirectly affect your expectations for changes for the better.

Imagine that the accident ends happily. Everyone survived, and the damage was compensated many times over.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about an accident in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about an accident?

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see an Accident - A dream in which the key symbol is an accident can become prophetic in the literal sense. It is not so important whether you drive a vehicle yourself or not. Another thing is important: how real the dream itself was and what experiences it caused you upon awakening.

Too clear details of the disaster or strong painful experiences may be evidence that you should be more careful over the next few days, of course, if the dream itself did not contain specific indications of dates or deadlines. Such indications may be contained in dreams in the form of clock readings, or dates on the calendar, or the number of identical objects that do not fit into the overall picture of the dream. In an allegorical sense, seeing an accident in a dream can mean disappointment, failure in business, or some other defeat. Car accident - If in a dream you are driving in a car that suffers an accident, then most likely you will be upset about a failed entertainment event.

If you dreamed that you miraculously managed to avoid an accident, then probably in real life you will also be able to avoid disappointments or clashes with your opponents. Accidents in a dream can warn of a possible threat to people dear to you. This symbol may indicate inability. Take control of the situation and protect others, and sometimes this is a literal warning that should be heeded immediately. Déjà vu can be a powerful factor if an accident occurs on a road you usually drive on.

In addition, do not forget about the need to be careful while driving; the indicated deja vu effect may indicate that, having lost vigilance when performing well-known and habitual actions, you can make an unforgivable mistake that will break all your future plans and make your goals unattainable, this means a dream that you had, more details about why you dream about an Accident , see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do women dream about an accident?

If you saw an accident in a dream, you are experiencing anxiety, you are oppressed by heavy forebodings, or you are repenting of an action you have committed. If your friends die in an accident, this shows your underlying aggressive feelings towards them. Sometimes an accident is a prediction of danger, a call for attentiveness and caution; you are facing a difficult period of life

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream:

A dream in which you have an accident means that you will soon meet a person for whom you will experience an all-consuming passion. You will be attracted by his originality and originality, this connection will fill your life with unusual, vivid impressions and happiness, this is how the dream in which the Accident is dreamed is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to see an accident in a dream:

To dream of an accident means that in reality you are destined to plunge into the whirlpool of passion for a very extraordinary, even unusual person. Passion will take you over, you will forget about everything in the world and experience unforgettable moments of real happiness and unearthly bliss. You will forever remember the days spent with this person as the happiest of your life.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Accident - Did you have an accident? Be prepared for your plans to be disrupted by some unplanned event. If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to your friends, but what happened will also indirectly affect you. If you saw yourself in an accident in the same car (plane) with the deceased (relatives), take this dream seriously and postpone upcoming trips

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about an accident according to the dream book?

An accident is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you were in a car accident, prepare for any unforeseen circumstances. Pay special attention to your health. You dreamed that you managed to avoid an accident - in life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor. If you dreamed that in a dream you only witnessed a disaster, then some unforeseen circumstances will occur, but will not cause you much harm. Having seen only the consequences of the disaster, in reality try not to rely on others. Then everything you have planned will be fulfilled on time. An accident can be dreamed of as a harbinger of a stormy, all-consuming passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. Perhaps you will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss that will forever remain in your memory.

Collision - A collision in a dream foreshadows a serious accident or accident in real life. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of disappointments and failures in business. A young woman who sees a collision in a dream will find it difficult to make a choice.

Spring Dream Interpreter

If you saw an accident in a dream, it means changes in your relationship with your spouse.

Plane crash - Definitely an unfavorable sign. A dream in which you get into a plane crash means that you should be prepared for any unforeseen situations. If you see the ruins of an airplane - do not rely on others, you are required to have maximum control over the situation

Roll over a car (accident, car). - to well-being on the road.

Collision (accident) - seeing a train collision means a broken family life.

To break yourself to your zeal in some matter.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Roll over a car (accident). - You will experience unusual feelings.

Train collision (derailment, accident). - To the enmity of two strong people.

To break - To chagrin

If you saw an accident in a dream, it means the collapse of all hopes and aspirations; this is an interpretation of what an accident means in a dream.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

To be broken - To be seriously disappointed in those whom you have always cared for and loved.

Train collision - To a criminal case.

An accident is always associated in our imagination with something terrible, resulting in injury, trauma, injury and even death to people. What if we saw such a frightening incident in a dream? For the interpretation of such a dream, we decided to turn to the most famous and complete dream books.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Freud's Dream Book

This dream book interprets the accident seen in a dream as a symbol of the impending all-consuming passion that you will experience in relation to a very unusual and extraordinary person. You will spend an unforgettable time together that will be remembered throughout your life.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you became an involuntary witness to an accident, then in reality you will have a meeting and a very long conversation with a narrow-minded, but very ambitious person. If you dreamed that you yourself became a participant in an accident, then in reality you will face some kind of danger from competitors or ill-wishers. If in a dream you were run over by any ground transport, then in reality you will be able to avoid most of the troubles and complications. If you yourself were driving the vehicle and became the culprit of the incident, then you can forget about the calm and peaceful vacation that you had planned. If in a dream you were literally on the verge of a terrible accident, then you will be able to happily avoid all the intrigues that your enemies and competitors have planned for you. If the accident happened on board an airplane, then you will have many new ideas and plans that will introduce some confusion into your usual rhythm of life. Seeing an accident on a ship in a dream is good news. If you dream that you died as a result of an accident, then in real life a close friend will turn to you for help.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Ancient English dream book

If you dreamed that you were injured or disfigured as a result of an accident, then you will face great grief. It will be very difficult, but with time you will be able to cope with it. If the accident occurred in the sea or ocean, then great love awaits you.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Dream InterpretationXXIcentury

This source interprets an accident seen in a dream as a warning that you risk getting into some difficult situation: you will become a victim of fraud or deception. Therefore, in real life, you should be very careful in all matters and matters related to finance. If you dreamed that you were the victim of an accident, then in reality you will have a showdown and an open conflict with your competitors or enemies. The resulting injuries foreshadow humiliation, betrayal, or another severe blow to your pride. If you become an accidental witness to an accident, then you will have a long interaction with a very stupid person.

Why do you dream of an accident on the road?? Hints received in a dream

Such a dream is a warning about some rash actions. Therefore, before making any decision or taking an action, weigh the pros and cons several times. If you dreamed that you were lucky enough to avoid an accident, then in reality you will have great luck, despite the unfortunate mistakes you made.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of an accident, it means that soon you will experience a violent, all-crushing passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always cherish this period of time in your memory.

Why do you dream about a car?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to lead and rejoice yourself - to misfortune, to poverty, to worries; troubles, interference in personal matters; travel back and forth - litigation; official letters, papers; parking - it's time to break; collision, accident - return of what was lost; (for a woman) a car - maybe a boyfriend; the wheel (burst) - to separation or divorce; driving in a car - relationships, marriages; ride in a car - personal life, see ride.

I dreamed about a car

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are driving in a car means that you are active and lucky in business. If you are in a car accident, then after such a dream do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate. Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans. Buying a car in a dream is also a good sign that you will be able to restore your previous good position, but selling a car means unpleasant changes in fate. Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illness. Being thrown out of a car while driving is a sign of unpleasant news. A broken car is also a dream foretelling failure. Just seeing cars in a dream means trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels. If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen, this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends. Getting out of the car is a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Why do you dream of a disaster?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a total change for the better, if unharmed.

I dreamed of a crash

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a wreck in a dream foretells that you will be tormented by the fear of need or sudden failure in business, however, vigorous activity will have a beneficial effect on your mood.

I dreamed of an accident

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an accident in a dream is a warning to avoid any travel or travel for some time if you fear for your life. If in a dream you are driven into despair by a sharp drop in stocks, the dream foretells you a fierce struggle to achieve the main goal of your life, in which you unexpectedly discover that your friend, at great loss to himself, has been helping you all the time.

I dreamed of a collision

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a collision in a dream means a serious accident or accident, disappointments, failures in business. For a young woman to see a clash means that she will be in difficulty in making some choice.

Expert answers


I dreamed that I took a friend’s new car for a ride, without asking and without having a license. He drove into the yard and got out of the car. First, some City Council security guards approached me with questions about my rights, I left, but then returned and tried to leave. But the yard was blocked by traffic police officers whom I ran into (not too much, although I scratched the car) and then drove away. At home I found out that he was wanted. Why is this dream? (Vladislav)

The dream means that in reality you really lack something that you think others have: bright emotions, money, relationships... For some reason, you don’t try to work on yourself and get it, but you envy from afar. The fact that you were wanted in a dream reveals your lack of self-confidence in reality. .


I dreamed that I was driving my car in reverse at high speed at night, I pressed the brakes - they didn’t work, and I crashed my trunk into a truck on the side of the road, which also hit another passenger car because of my impact. He got out of the car, alive and well, no injuries. What's the point of all this? (Vitaly)

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