Military history: the most terrible cases. The most terrible cases of sleepwalking (10 photos)

Incredible facts

Military history knows many cases of cruelty, deceit and betrayal.

Some cases are striking in their scale, others in their belief in absolute impunity, one thing is obvious: for some reason, some people who find themselves in harsh military conditions for some reason decide that the law is not written to them, and they have the right to control the destinies of others, making people suffer .

Below are some of the most horrifying realities that occurred during wartime.

1. Nazi Baby Factories

The photo below shows the baptism ceremony small child, which was "derived" by Aryan selection.

During the ceremony, one of the SS men holds a dagger over the baby, and the new mother gives it to the Nazis oath of allegiance.

It is important to note that this baby was one of tens of thousands of babies who participated in the project "Lebensborn". However, not all children were given life in this children's factory; some were kidnapped and only raised there.

Factory of true Aryans

The Nazis believed that there were few Aryans with blond hair and blue eyes in the world, which is why it was decided, by the way, by the same people who were responsible for the Holocaust, to launch the Lebensborn project, which dealt with breeding purebred Aryans, who in the future were supposed to join the Nazi ranks.

It was planned to house the children in beautiful houses, which were appropriated after the mass extermination of Jews.

And it all started with the fact that after the occupation of Europe, mixing with the indigenous inhabitants was actively encouraged among the SS men. The main thing that the number of the Nordic race grew.

Pregnant unmarried girls, as part of the Lebensborn program, were placed in houses with all amenities, where they gave birth and raised their children. Thanks to such care, during the war years it was possible to raise from 16,000 to 20,000 Nazis.

But, as it later turned out, this amount was not enough, so other measures were taken. The Nazis began to forcibly take away from their mothers children who had the desired hair and eye color.

It is worth adding that many of the embezzled children were orphans. Of course, light skin color and the absence of parents are not an excuse for the activities of the Nazis, but, nevertheless, at that difficult time, children had something to eat and a roof over their heads.

Some parents gave up their children so as not to end up in the gas chamber. Those who best suited the given parameters were selected literally immediately, without unnecessary persuasion.

At the same time, no genetic examinations were carried out; children were selected based only on visual information. Those selected were included in the program, or they were sent to some German family. Those who did not fit ended their lives in concentration camps.

Poles say that because of this program, the country has lost about 200,000 children. But it is unlikely that we will ever be able to find out the exact figure, because many children have successfully settled into German families.

Cruelty during war

2. Hungarian Angels of Death

Do not think that only the Nazis committed atrocities during the war. Ordinary Hungarian women shared the pedestal of perverted military nightmares with them.

It turns out that you don’t have to serve in the army to commit crimes. These lovely guardians of the home front, having combined their efforts, sent almost three hundred people to the next world.

It all started during the First World War. It was then that many women living in the village of Nagiryov, whose husbands had gone to the front, began to become increasingly interested in the prisoners of war of the allied armies located nearby.

Women liked this kind of affair, and prisoners of war, apparently, too. But when their husbands began to return from the war, something abnormal began to happen. One by one the soldiers died. Because of this, the village received the name "murder district".

The killings began in 1911, when a midwife named Fuzekas appeared in the village. She taught women who were temporarily left without husbands get rid of the consequences of contacts with lovers.

After the soldiers began returning from the war, the midwife suggested that the wives boil sticky paper intended to kill flies to obtain arsenic, and then add it to food.


Thus, they were able to commit a huge number of murders, and the women remained unpunished due to the fact that the village official was the midwife's brother, and wrote “not killed” on all death certificates of the victims.

The method gained so much popularity that almost any, even the most insignificant problem, began to be solved with the help of soup with arsenic. When the neighboring settlements finally realized what was happening, fifty criminals managed to kill three hundred people, including unwanted husbands, lovers, parents, children, relatives and neighbors.

Hunting for people

3. Parts human body like a trophy

It is important to say that during the war, many countries conducted propaganda among their soldiers, within the framework of which it was implanted in their brains that the enemy was not a person.

American soldiers also distinguished themselves in this regard, whose psyches were very actively influenced. Among them the so-called "hunting licenses."

One of them sounded like this: The Japanese hunting season is open! There are no restrictions! Hunters get rewarded! Free ammo and equipment! Join the ranks of the American Marine Corps!

Therefore, it is not surprising that American soldiers during the Battle of Guadalcanal, killing the Japanese, They cut off their ears and kept them as souvenirs.

Moreover, necklaces were made from the teeth of those killed, their skulls were sent home as souvenirs, and their ears were often worn around the neck or on a belt.

In 1942, the problem became so widespread that the command was forced to issue a decree which prohibited the appropriation of enemy body parts as trophies. But the measures were late, because the soldiers had already fully mastered the technology of cleaning and cutting up skulls.

The soldiers loved to take pictures with them.

This "fun" is firmly rooted. Even Roosevelt was forced to abandon the writing knife, which was made from a Japanese leg bone. It seemed as if the whole country is going crazy.

The light at the end of the tunnel appeared after a furious reaction from Life newspaper readers, who were angered and disgusted by the published photographs (and there were countless of them). The Japanese reaction was the same.

The most cruel woman

4. Irma Grese – human (?) – hyena

What can happen in a concentration camp that can terrify even a person who has seen a lot?

Irma Grese was a Nazi overseer who experienced sexual arousal while people were being tortured.

In terms of external indicators, Irma was the ideal of an Aryan teenager, because she perfectly met the established standards of beauty, was physically strong and ideologically prepared.

Inside, it was a man - a time bomb.

This is Irma without her paraphernalia. However, she almost always walked around with a whip strewn with precious stones, with a pistol and several hungry dogs who were ready to carry out her every order.

This woman could shoot at any person at her whim, whipped her captives and kicked them. This made her very excited.

Irma loved her job very much. She received incredible physical pleasure from cutting the chests of female prisoners until they bled. The wounds became inflamed and, as a rule, surgery was required, which was performed without anesthesia.

For some reason, right now, as I was about to go to sleep, I remembered an incident from my childhood. Yes, so much so that the hair on, sorry, my ass stood on end. Maybe someone is mine short story will help you avoid major troubles.

It was in 1995, I lived then in a working-class village with a population of 10-15k people. I went to school, first or second grade, I don’t even remember now. The father was not there, and the mother was at work from morning to evening, like most parents of that time, trying to earn an extra penny. Hmm... I got carried away, let's get down to business. And it was like this:

I came home from school, my briefcase flew in one direction, my shift went in the other. And when I came home, I didn’t notice that near the entrance a gypsy kid about my age was rubbing himself. There were no doors in the entrances then, just a piece of plywood on rusty hinges, more for appearance, so that snow would not be swept into the entrance. Well, that means, before I had time to wash my hands and sit down at the table in order to throw in a couple of sandwiches with sausage, which my mother had carefully left in the refrigerator, I heard a cautious knock on the door.

Lightly "knock-knock". Well, I think it seemed like something... A minute later, a more confident knock, distinctly three times, “knock knock knock.”
And at that time they liked to knock on the door or call with a “password”, saying “if I press the bell three times, it means your people have arrived, open it.” I don’t know why all the parents chose the same “password” for their children, apparently it’s just a coincidence) Since I was not a particularly timid/reasonable child, I thought something like: “Well, mom must have returned from work early or a friend came over, Call me into the yard and kick the ball."

I go up to the door, but something clicks and I ask who is there. And the answer is cheerful child's voice: “Hi, it’s me, let’s open it already.” Well, I think the voice of a neighbor and classmate means he is. I open it and understand that this is not a classmate. A healthy guy takes the door with his hand and opens it even wider. Another one stands nearby and smiles with a mouth full of golden teeth. And at that moment the gypsy child quickly runs away down the stairs.
Even with my meager childish mind, I realized that something very bad could happen now. "Boy, is mommy at home?" asks the smiling, golden-toothed stranger, and at this time his friend has already stuck his head through the door frame and is rummaging around the house with his eyes. Well, I think they have arrived...
I don’t know what sometimes motivates people in extreme situations, sometimes you’re just amazed) I say: “Yes, right now, he’s already getting dressed, you’ve arrived early,” and I go straight to the big guy. He took a step back in surprise and let go of the door.
At that moment I slammed it and rushed out into the street (our door had a “self-closing” lock). Apparently, they didn’t expect such a reaction from me, because before they even had time to say anything, I flew out of my entrance in socks and shorts and ran into the next one.
Fortunately, I had a friend who lived there, and with wild laughter he brought a phone into the hallway and I was able to call my mother at work.

An hour later I was already at home and munching on my favorite sausage sandwiches. And my mother called someone and cried until she was shaking in her hands.
This is such a sudden “flashback” to the coming dream...

Anonymous please! Since childhood, I have heart-rendingly believed in everything unknown and mysterious, and in my own practice, a lot of things have happened that I would like to explain, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to never encounter it again. Alas, either I’m the kind of person who attracts all sorts of things, or I’m just lucky for all sorts of devilry.

This happened in January before Epiphany holidays. All my relatives left for their own business, I was left alone in the apartment. I have always responded adequately to loneliness and was never afraid to be alone. Yes, I had never thought before that something could happen to me in the apartment I knew from childhood.

So this time, left alone, reading magazines at night, I fell asleep peacefully. I woke up at two in the morning from someone knocking on the window of the next room. The sound of your knuckles knocking on the glass of a plastic double-glazed window cannot be confused with anything. I listened, thinking that I had imagined it after all. Five minutes passed, I calmed down and began to fall asleep. But the knocking on the window glass repeated again, even louder than the first time.

I sat down on the bed. The door to the next room was closed. This was my brother’s room, and when he left, he usually locked it with a key, leaving it in the keyhole on my side. Naturally, it didn’t even occur to me to go see who was knocking on the window on the fourth floor at night. Then I glanced at my window. The thought came, if It was knocking on the window of the next room, that it should knock on my window. This thought made my heart sank and I felt suffocated with fear. Closing my eyes, I ran to my window and pulled the curtains tightly. It won't be so scary anyway. My imagination was already drawing something terrible, similar to all the monsters from the horror films I had watched in my entire life.

The knock came again. But this time through the door of the next room from the inside. In horror, I went to the door and took the key out of the keyhole, thanking my brother for his habit of locking his room with a key. I stood in front of the door and felt that there, behind the door, there was something or someone standing and hiding, waiting to see what I would do next.

From the horror that washed over me, I couldn’t even think. Five minutes passed and there was no knock. Then scratching sounds were heard, as if they were trying to open the door from the other side, trying to pry it open with their fingers. The shock made me dizzy and nausea rose in my throat.

In general, I did what they do in traditional horror films - I locked myself in the bathroom and shook there until the morning.

Along the way, remembering that I always felt uncomfortable in my brother’s room and once again I tried not to go there.

What was it? I ask myself this question to this day. I read a lot of literature, I had a lot of assumptions, but whatever it was, I don’t want to relive a night like this again.

Kenneth Parks is a Canadian who began suffering from insomnia in his early 20s. He developed it after he lost his job and accumulated a bunch of debts on gambling. On May 23, 1987, Parks got out of bed, drove 10 kilometers to his wife's parents' house, killed his mother-in-law and wounded his father-in-law. After that, he himself came to the police in the same state of sleepwalking. The court believed, and experts confirmed, that Kenneth could have done this in his sleep, and therefore he was found not guilty.

"Nameless" Australian woman

A woman from Australia suffered from sleepwalking. Although there is not much information about this case, here is what is known. The woman had a boyfriend, but she regularly got up, left her house, and had sex with men she didn't know. This happened over several months. At first, no one understood what was happening and why there were so many condoms around the house, but one night the boyfriend woke up and did not find his beloved next to him. After a short search, he found her on the street, half asleep, having sex with a stranger. Fortunately, she was cured...

Timothy Brueggeman

Timothy Brueggeman, from northern Wisconsin, is the only person on this list who does not have a history of sleepwalking, but rather has suffered from terrible insomnia for many years. One summer, he drove his pickup truck into a tree after falling asleep at the wheel. After this, doctors prescribed him the sleeping pill Ambien. Although this drug has been linked to hundreds of cases of sleepwalking, its manufacturers claim that the drug is completely safe as long as it is taken correctly. In January 2009, however, Brueggeman, after taking these pills for the first time, and as it turned out later last time, went to sleepwalk. He left the house in his underwear when it was terribly cold outside... The next morning he was found frozen in his underpants in a snowdrift not far from the house.

James Currens

James Currens was a sleepwalker for a long time, but his worst adventure happened when he was 77. In 1998, he got up and left the house, taking only his cane with him... It probably saved his life. Leaving the house, he headed towards the pond, but got stuck in the mud. When he woke up, he found himself surrounded by alligators and only a cane and loud screams, which attracted the police, helped him survive.

Jules Lowe

In 2003, Edward Lowe was found dead in his garden. Death came to an 83-year-old man after a terrible beating. A neighbor spotted Edward's body in the road and contacted police, who arrested the man's son, Jules. Father and son had been drinking before that night, but the cause of the tragedy was not alcohol, but sleepwalking. The Lowe family had a long history of sleepwalking, and everyone knew that all the attacks were caused by alcohol. At the trial, the lawyers built their defense only on this. And he was acquitted...

Jan Luedecke

Jan Luedecke from Toronto was at the party. After a heavy night of drinking, he fell asleep on the sofa. A few hours later, he was woken up by an unknown guy. It turned out that Ian raped the girl in a dream, that’s what the guy told him, but Ian didn’t believe it until he went to the bathroom and discovered the condom that was put on him. The court was initially skeptical of his defense, and even the doctor was not on his side. But he was saved from prison by one of the ex-girlfriends, who said that after drinking, Ian becomes a lunatic-sexual maniac.

Unidentified 15 year old girl

The guy was walking home at 2 am in the town of Dulwich, England. On the way, he noticed a girl who was sleeping in her pajamas on one of the crane's bays. He called the fire department and an ambulance. The doctors asked not to touch her, and the firefighters were already aware that some parents had reported their daughter missing, who suffered from sleepwalking. Fortunately, the girl was carefully removed from the crane, but no one will ever know how she ended up at a height of 40 meters.

Lesley Cusack

Lesley Cusack is a 55-year-old woman from Cheshire, England. This is one of those girls who is there after six in the evening, and after midnight... And at the same time she does all this in her sleep. She cooks in her sleep, uses a gas stove in her sleep, and eats huge amounts of food, yes, in her sleep. At first I didn’t know why she was getting fat, but then everything fell into place. She is currently undergoing treatment for sleepwalking. We hope everything will be fine with her

Stuart Miller

Sleepwalking is more common in children than in adults. About 17% of children aged 4-8 years have at least one experience of sleepwalking. With age, this figure drops to 5%. Stuart Miller was 8 years old when this incident happened to him. One night in September 1993, Stuart began his adventure. He lived in an apartment in a high-rise building on the fourth floor, and that night, he “walked out” of his bedroom window. The court forced the building owner to pay $2 million to the victim and replace windows that had no protection. Stewart survived, but was chained to life for the rest of his life. wheelchair.

Robert Ledru

Robert Ledru was one of the best detectives in France in the 19th century. He lived in Paris and one morning he was called to investigate the murder of Andre Monet. By all indications, the shooter was a professional, but Robert also discovered that the killer had lost his toe, and did it with the same weapon... Everything was strange, but the strangeness was that...... In the morning Robert Ledru woke up with his boots on, a bloody toe, and his revolver missing several bullets. To his horror, he realized that it was he who killed Monet while he was sleepwalking. Another interesting fact is that sleepwalking is believed to have been caused by Robert having syphilis. Understandably, the French police refused to accept this theory when Ledru turned himself in, so they decided to conduct an experiment. They placed him in a cell for night surveillance. And on the very first night, he actually began to sleepwalk. The next day they put a gun next to him. At night, Robert woke up, took a gun and began to “shoot” at the guards. The police decided that he could not be held responsible for his actions, but still posed a danger to society. So he was exiled to a farm in rural areas, where he lived the last 50 years of his life with guards and a nurse.

The scorching sun finally subsided. One word – Tashkent, and in the middle of July, it’s no joke! Once again we put the kettle on, tea at sunset is no longer an escape from the heat, like at noon, but rather something ritual. Here, at the rescue base of the Tashkent RPSS, everything goes on as usual: two kettles that boil in turn, the chintz curtains of the canopies lazily fluttering in the wind under which we sit, the dogs that appear only in the evening. In two days we have become so accustomed to this routine that we feel like white-bearded elders. Tomorrow a car will come for us, taking us to the mountains, tomorrow - the Pamir Highway. Then - a small airfield in a mountain valley, from there - a helicopter to the camp in the Moskvin clearing... Our journey is just beginning.

The owner, Alexey, the instructor on duty at the base, places bowls on the table. We watch how he leisurely brews tea, pours it, and places a dish with caramel in a circle.

“What,” he suddenly asks, “have you ever visited Suloev?”

- I had to.

I remember the abandoned alpine camp in the Suloev clearing - the starting point for expeditions of past years to the peak of Communism. I happened to be there in the nineties. At that time there were two or three groups of plank houses, a dining room with gas stoves, and cots in a warehouse. And all this is in the center of the Pamirs, the height is four thousand meters, where the nearest housing is three days’ journey through high passes, and all around are places that we had previously only read about in books: the Tramplinny Icefall, from behind which the top of Communism Peak is visible , the route of the Petrel on the wall, leading to the Firn plateau. And besides, not a single person in the entire camp, only scraps of polyethylene fluttering in the wind and an ice collapse rumbles in the distance somewhere on Tramplinny. And again there is silence, you even feel uneasy somehow...

“Two years ago,” Alexey continues, “we worked for Suloev. They dismantled the boards, put them in stacks, and prepared other materials to be sent to Moskvin, to the existing camp. The helicopter was supposed to come for us tomorrow to pick up people and cargo. In the meantime, we, four healthy men, having put all our things in one of the remaining houses, tied up the bales and dragged them to the helipad. Jokes and jokes, the mood was high, a friendly dinner was expected in the evening. Why don't we allow ourselves an extra glass of tea! Even our husky, who jumped into the helicopter at the last moment, was jumping nearby, apparently anticipating the lamb bones from the table.

Evening fell and a chill blew in. The four of us grabbed the hefty shield and dragged it to the already assembled stacks near the landing site. We drag, we curse, it’s hard! That's it, last flight for today, that's enough! As soon as we hid behind the hill, we saw our dog rushing after us - his ears were flattened, his tail was like a wolf’s, between his legs. He runs, grins, and keeps looking back. He caught up with us and is not far behind. Well, we cursed at him too, so that he wouldn’t get in the way. We dragged it, threw the shield, go back, dust ourselves off. And the dog runs behind, whining. What the heck! Wolves, or what? It seems like they haven't been seen before. We approached our house. The dog has completely wilted and can barely drag himself along. The guys joke: “Did you smell the heights? We need to train!” We look - the door to the house is locked. That is, it’s not that it’s locked, but the handles of the doors are twisted with wire. Moreover, with steel wire, five millimeters, wire rod. The wire is wound turn by turn, as if it were wound on a machine. We stood in a row in front of the door and stood there, not knowing what to think. There aren’t even any thoughts in my head – just a steel spiral before my eyes. We probably stood in the last rays of the sunset for a minute. Maxim was the first to come to his senses: “Guys, let’s get out of here!”

The guys that time were not weak, anyone would have kicked the joker between the horns for such jokes. The instructor, again. They don't take young boys there. Only, there were no jokers. There was no one at all. Therefore, there was no special debate: they kicked out the window into the house, took their things and went down the Fortambek glacier to the alpine camp in the Moskvina clearing. We walked all night, only reaching the base tents in the morning. In the camp, of course, we immediately went to bed. What to do, they’ll laugh at you - they’re scared Bigfoot! And the dog became bolder - he didn’t let anyone pass in the camp, so as not to grab his trouser leg. The people were indignant: “Get away this toothy bastard, otherwise I’ll bring icebal!” It didn’t come to an end, everything ended peacefully. The dog was fed, and we slept, and didn’t think about those things anymore. The next day I flew to Dushanbe to meet clients for the alpine camp. That was the end of it.

The radio in the booth beeped - evening communication.

“They’re calling,” Alexey sighed and left, disappearing into the twilight.

As it happens, no one broke the pause. Only fragments of words could be heard from the radio room through the hiss and whistle of the airwaves.

“Yes,” the elder finally said, “what did you guys hear?” We need to take wire cutters with us to the mountains, we will bite the wire.

“Then a chainsaw,” someone lazily responded from the darkness.

– Your conversations are idiotic. Time to sleep. Otherwise he’ll tell you something else, just listen,” the third yawned.

The guys stirred, settling down on the couch. Bright southern stars shone through the canopy, and somewhere a night bird screamed. In fact, it’s time to sleep, because tomorrow we will go back to where we later return only in our memories.

This story was recorded by the famous Ufa mountaineering tourist, master of sports of the Russian Federation, senior tourism instructor, Oleg Gennadievich Lukyanov

Photo of Suloev's glade courtesy of Dmitry Zhukov

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