Interrogative pronouns. Interrogative Pronouns. Interrogative and relative pronouns

→ Declension of interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns. Declension of interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns indicate that the sentence contains a question.

For example:

  • What what is a day or a century before that which is infinite? (A. Fet)
  • On how wrote before they learned how to make paper from wood?

The pronoun “who” in an interrogative sentence refers to animate nouns denoting humans, animals; "what to inanimate noun, meaning a question and subject, thing, phenomenon. The interrogative pronoun “whose” expresses the question of ownership; “what” - about a sign, quality; “how much” is a question about quantity, etc.

Interrogative pronouns vary in form. Among them there are noun pronouns ( who what) numeral pronouns ( How many), adjective pronouns ( which, which, whose). The pronouns of each of these groups have morphological characteristics the part of speech that is being replaced.

Who? What? How many?

Interrogative pronouns “who”, “what”, “how many” change according to cases (like nouns and cardinal numerals). The pronouns “who”, “what” and “how many” do not have grammatical gender forms.

The predicate verb agrees with the pronoun “who” in masculine singular: Who's come?(even if the answer talks about a woman or many people). The verb-predicate agrees with the pronoun “that” in the neuter singular: What was it? What happened?

Declension of interrogative pronouns “who”, “what”, “how many” (table)




How many




how many


to whom


how many




how many/how many


by whom


how many



(about what

(about) how many

Example sentences:

Who this is my brother. Whom are you waiting? With whom you have said? I don't know, about whom you are asking.

What This? - Book. What He said? About what you think? What case?

How many how old are you? How many did the person come? How many kilometers to the city? How many times cities have you visited? How many Volumes of this essay? How many did you refuse people?

Which? Which? Whose?

The interrogative pronouns “which”, “which”, “whose” change like adjectives, by gender and number (which, which, which, which; which, which, which, which; whose, whose, whose, whose) And cases, that is, they are inclined.

Etymologically, the Russian interrogative pronoun " Which“is associated with the Lithuanian kõks - “which”, the Latin word qualis - “which” (remember the word “qualification” and the English quality) and refers to the question of quality, property, attribute.

Word " which"originally meant "which of the two." This word is Indo-European, compare with Lithuanian katràs - “which” (of two), Greek (Ionian) koteros - “which of two”, etc. Now it means: which one, from cash? For example: Which puppy are you getting?(which puppy is available)

Pronoun " whose"- possessive-interrogative, means a question about belonging to someone or something.

Declension of interrogative pronouns “which”, “which” in the masculine singular. number in the table (for other forms, see topic)








which one

to whom


as Genus (animated) or as Im. (inanimate)





(about) what

(about which

Which What's the weather today? Forgot, Which today is the day.

Which hour? Which are you on the list?

Declension of the pronoun "whose"



number for all genders



Neuter gender




















as Im. (for inanimate) or Gen. (for animation)







(about) whose

(about) whose

IN English language There are several types of pronouns. Each of these types has its own functions and its own speech coloring in the language. Therefore, each type of pronoun is needed and important in the English language.

On our website we have already discussed some types of pronouns. Today we take a closer look interrogative pronouns in English.

From the very name of pronouns it follows that they serve to form questions. Today we will talk about how this is done and what other functions of interrogative pronouns.

Friends, you know these words well, without which it is impossible to formulate a question in English. It's just possible that you didn't realize that these words are called interrogative pronouns or Interrogative Pronouns. Attention, here they are:

  • Who? - Who?
  • What? - What?
  • Where? - Where? Where?
  • When? - When?
  • Why? - Why?
  • How? - How?

Interrogative pronouns help form a special question or Special Question in English. Now let's look at each pronoun separately.

Who? - Who?

This pronoun refers to people, and in the question it acts as the subject. In this case, when forming a question, we do not use an auxiliary verb Do. In addition, the verb that comes immediately after Who? Must be in the third person singular. Note:

  • Who knows the answer? - Whoknowsanswer?
  • Who are these women? - Whothesewomen?
  • Who wrotethisletter? - Who wrote this letter?

What? - What?

Pronoun What? Refers to inanimate objects. With it, we construct a question when we want to find out something about an object, actions or circumstances. With this pronoun we use an auxiliary verb Do in the question (if we are not talking about a verb tobe). For example:

  • What did you answer him? - WhatYouto himanswered?
  • What is your name? - Howyouname is? (What is your name?)
  • What do you wish for your help? - WhatYoudo you want for your help?

Where? - Where? Where?

We use this pronoun when we want to ask about the location, location, etc. With this pronoun we also use the verb Do tobe:

  • Where did you meet Sam? - WhereYoumetSam?
  • Where does Suzy go every morning? - WherewalksSusieeachmorning?
  • Where did they bring the TV-set? - WhereTheysufferedTV?

When? - When?

Pronoun When? We use it when we want to ask about the time. We also use the verb Do, if we are not talking about a verb tobe:

  • When do you go to bed? - WhenYougo to bedsleep?
  • When does Alex get up? - WhenAlexwakes up?
  • When did you see him for the last time? - WhenYousawhisVlastonce?

Why? - Why?

This pronoun helps to ask a question about a reason or purpose. To form a question with this word, use the verb Do, if we are not talking about a verb tobe:

  • Why did you get up so early? - WhyYouawokeSoearly?
  • Why is Andrew so tired? - WhyAndrewsuchtired?
  • Why do the children cry? - Whychildrencrying?

How? - How?

This pronoun helps to ask a question about the manner of action, and also participates in the question “How much?” - How many? We also follow the auxiliary verb rule Do, if the question does not involve a verb tobe:

  • How hereyourparents? - How are your parents?
  • How did you get all these things?
  • How many tickets did you get for tomorrow?

How to navigate interrogative pronouns?

In order to quickly learn and be well versed in English interrogative pronouns, you need to practice asking special questions in English as much as possible.

Choose long sentences that contain as much information as possible and to which you can ask as many specific questions as possible. Such sentences can be found in textbooks or in fiction in English. Eg:

Alex studies English, because he goes to London next year.

  • Who studies English?
  • Who goes to London next year?
  • What language does Alex study?
  • Why does Alex study English?
  • What does Alex do next year?
  • Where does Alex go next year?
  • When does Alex go to London?

As you can see, we asked seven questions for a fairly short sentence. Try it too! Ask mental questions to everything you see around you, to everything that happens. Use interrogative pronouns as often as possible and you will definitely become friends with them! We wish you good luck!

The main task of interrogative pronouns is to make the question correct and literate. Interrogative pronouns in English are determined by the words who, what, which, whose. The function of these indicator words is to indicate an object, person, sign, number, etc.

who Who
what what, what
which which, which (who, what)
whose whose


  • Who took my umbrella without permission? => Who took my umbrella without permission?
  • What did you see while talking to Henry? => What did you see while you were talking to Henry?
  • Whose cake was eaten on holiday? => Whose cake did you eat for the holiday?
  • Which phone was stolen last week? => Whose phone was stolen last week?
  • Which of you listens to music? => Which of you (which of you) listens to music?

From the examples it is clear that who refers to living beings, in particular people, and what refers to objects. The same is with other interrogative pronouns: whose should be used when we talk about something belonging to people, animals, and so on, for example, their things or objects, which - when we're talking about about choosing between subjects. But! Pay close attention to the context! It happens that which refers to living beings.

Interrogative pronoun who (whom)

To begin with, we would like to immediately emphasize that the interrogative pronoun who has two cases: nominative and objective. Each has its own usage characteristics.

You need to use who (nominative case) in the following cases =>

  • In the function of the nominal part of the predicate (in this case, you need to remember about the linking verb to be, which needs to be coordinated in number with the subject)
  • In the function of the subject (as in Russian, the pronoun should be combined with verbs in the singular).


  • Who has to cope with it? => Who should handle this?
  • Who is that person? => Not my wife’s best friend. =>Who is this person? - This best friend my wife's.
  • Who are these pretty girls? They are my schoolmates => Who are these cute girls? These are my classmates. (The pronoun who is used as a nominal part of the predicate).

Examples with who in the objective case (when we use whom):

  • Whom did she see in Spain? => Who did she see in Spain?
  • Whom did you give your pencil? =>Who did you give your pencil to?

On a note! If we are talking about events that are currently happening, it is recommended to use who instead of whom.

  • Who are you talking to? -> Who are you talking to?

Reference: There are cases when interrogative pronouns are used with prepositions that are placed at the end of an interrogative sentence =>

  • Who are you searching for? — Who are you searching for? =>Who are you looking for?

Interrogative pronouns what/whose

The interrogative pronoun what can be used as a noun and an adjective. If a pronoun plays the role of a noun, then it is translated as ‘’what’’, if an adjective – as ‘’which/which/which’’. (After you do the appropriate exercises, you will stop being confused about these pronouns)

  • What did you want? => What did you want?
  • What pens will you send as a gift? => Which pens will you send as a gift?

On a note! Remember the articles! If what/whose are adjectives, then the article is not placed before the noun.

  • What plate (plates) can we take to put some cakes on it? => What plate(s) can we take to put some cakes on?
  • Whose magazine (magazines) do you want to ask for? => Whose magazine(s) do you want to ask for?

Reference: When learning English, you should remember that if a pronoun has a defining function, then it should always be placed before the noun that it defines. At the same time, remember that in Russian interrogative pronouns can be determined from a noun in other words.


  • What pencil (as a definition) can I take? =>Which pencil can I take? — What pencil can I take?

If we are talking about the interrogative pronoun what, then it is important to remember that it must be used to determine abstract concepts, animals and inanimate objects. If we are talking about people, then what is used only when we are talking about a person’s profession.


  • What is it? It is a nightingale => Who is this? This is a nightingale.
  • What are these guys? They are doctors => Who (who are) these guys? They are doctors.
  • What is your mother? She is a stewardess => Who is your mother? She's a flight attendant.

Note! There are cases that what is used with a preposition, which, in most cases, is placed at the end.


  • What are you speaking about? => What are you talking about?
  • What are you thinking of? =>What are you thinking?

You see, everything is as simple as two or two. But in order not to forget tomorrow what you learned today, do simple exercises.

The interrogative pronoun which and features of its use

The interrogative pronoun which should be used in cases when we are talking about the choice of something or someone represented/represented in a limited number of phenomena, objects and persons. The pronoun answers the questions which, which, what and who.

  • Which do you enjoy more: sweet or bittersweet one? => Which do you like better: sweet or bittersweet?
  • Which color is more popular for wedding dress: white or with a tint of champagne? => Which color is more popular for wedding dress: white or champagne?
  • Which of you bake cookies? => Which one of you (who) bakes homemade cookies?

As you can see, the theory is very simple, but to consolidate knowledge, we recommend doing exercises. Start with easier ones and gradually move on to more difficult tasks, so you will learn to cope difficult tasks without much difficulty.

Let's sum it up

Interrogative pronouns in English are an important topic for anyone who wants to learn how to ask questions correctly and understand them. It is important to remember that in English some pronouns refer to animate beings, others to inanimate ones. But... there are those who can relate to both. By regularly doing exercises and learning new words, you will soon expand your vocabulary and be able to communicate freely on various topics.

who- Who, what- what, which, whose- whose, which– which, which, who, what. They indicate the person, object, attribute or number about which the question is being asked.

Examples:Who is present today? – Who is present today?
What is on my table? -What's on my table?
Whose cup of tea is this? – Whose cup of tea is this?
Which of you speak English? – Which of you (who) speaks English?

Interrogative pronoun who (whom)

1. English interrogative pronoun who has two cases: Nominative case And objective case.

Pronoun who in the nominative case used in the following functions:

  • As a subject(combined with singular verbs, as in Russian);
  • As a function of the nominal part of the predicate(consistent in number with the subject);

Examples:Who has it done? - Who did it? (as a subject)
Who is he? – He is Mr. Rogers. - Who is he? He is Mister Rogers. (as a function of the nominal part of the predicate)
Who are these boys? They are my brothers. -Who are these boys? They are my brothers. (as a function of the nominal part of the predicate)

Pronoun who in the objective case (whom) used:

  • In addition function;

Examples:Whom did you see there? -Who did you see there?
Whom did you give your book? – Who did you give your book to?

Note! Currently, there is a tendency to use who instead of whom.

2. Sometimes a pronoun who (whom) used with a pretext

Examples:Whom are you looking at? = Who are you looking at? - Who are you looking at?

Interrogative pronouns what and whose

what used as and has a translation What, and is also used as and has a translation which, which, which.

Examples:What has happened? - What's happened?
What books are you reading? - What books do you read?

2. If the pronoun what and pronoun whose are used as adjective pronouns, then before a noun, in this case it is not used.

Examples:What bag (bags) can I take to go to shopping? –What bag(s) can I take to go to the store?
Whose book (books) are you reading? – Whose book(s) are you reading?

3. In English Interrogative pronouns in the defining function are always placed before the noun being defined. In Russian Interrogative pronouns can be separated from the noun by other words.

Examples:What pen(only this way in the definition function) can I take? – Which pen I can take? = Which I can take handle?

4. Interrogative pronoun what used in relation to inanimate objects, animals and abstract concepts. Regarding people pronoun what used when talking about a profession.

Examples:What is it? It is a dog. – Who (who is) this? This is a dog.
What are your friends? They are students. – Who (who are) your friends? They are students.
What is your father? He is a doctor. – Who (who is) your father? He is a doctor.

5. Sometimes a pronoun what used with a pretext, which is usually placed at the end of an interrogative sentence.

Examples:What are you looking at? -What are you looking at?
What are you talking about? - What are you talking about?

Interrogative pronoun which

1. Interrogative pronoun which translated into words which, Which, Who, What when it comes to choosing from a limited number of persons, objects or phenomena.

Examples:Which color is more popular for iPhone 5: black or white? –Which color is more popular for iPhone 5: black or white?
Which do you like more: skating or skiing? – What do you like more: skating or skiing?
Which of you speaks French? – Which of you (who) speaks French?

Interrogative pronouns indicate objects, signs and quantities unknown to the speaker. Interrogative pronouns include the pronouns: who, what, which, which, which, whose, which and how many. These pronouns are used in an interrogative sentence.

  • - A whoa are you a year old? - “The sixth has passed...
  • Well, she’s dead!” - the little one shouted in a deep voice...
  • (N. A. Nekrasov)
  • What does the coming day prepare for us?

The pronouns who and what are usually distinguished in relation to the category, but in context there may be contradictions.

  • - Well, Mr. Bazarov himself, in fact, What is that?
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • What is it a shadow or a person?

The pronouns which and which are distinguished stylistically. The pronoun which is stylistically neutral in a sentence can be an agreed definition or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

  • Which do you like flowers?
  • Which He ?

The pronoun which has - which is used only as a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate and has a bookish character with increased evaluativeness.

  • What are what are your plans?

Sometimes the pronouns what and what can be used in an exclamatory sentence. In this case, they act as .

  • Which horror!
  • What son! (= What a son!)

The pronoun which is used only in an interrogative sentence, where we are talking about the order of objects in a number series, and in turn: “What time is it?” . Using the pronoun whose, a question is asked about the ownership of a person or object.

In relation to other parts of speech, interrogative pronouns are divided on , and .

Morphological characteristics

The noun pronouns who and what do not have morphological and. If the pronoun who is the subject of a sentence, the predicate is put in singular form. If the subject is the pronoun that, then the predicate is in singular form. The noun pronouns who and what change only. Adjective pronouns which, which, whose change according to gender, case and number.

  • m.r.
  • and. R.
  • Wed R.
  • pl. h.
  • Which
  • which
  • which
  • which
  • which
  • which
  • which
  • which
I. p. Which which
R. p. what whom
D. p. which one to whom
V. p. what whom
etc. what which
P. p. (about) what (about which

The pronoun what has short form, therefore does not change by cases, but changes by gender and number.

Syntactic features

Interrogative pronouns can be different members offers.

  • Who knocking on my door
  • With a thick shoulder bag...
  • (S. Ya. Marshak)
  • Sasha cried as the forest was cut down,
  • Even now she feels sorry for him to the point of tears.
  • How many there were curly ones here birch trees !
  • (N. A. Nekrasov)
  • A what people?
  • Whose a trill is heard in the spring forest?
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