Age-related psychology. textbook for universities. Abramova G.S. Abramova, developmental psychology, m 1999

Galina Sergeevna Abramova

Developmental and age psychology

(corrected and revised edition)

Textbook for universities and colleges

© G. S. Abramova, 2018

© Prometheus Publishing House, 2018

I dedicate with love and gratitude to the blessed memory of my parents - Nina Mikhailovna Abramova and Sergei Vladimirovich Abramov

It so happened that the book I wrote for myself became a textbook. A lot of time has passed since the day I wrote its first pages. Today this time is measured in years. Everything has changed - the country in which I live, my marital status, my age and even the way in which I write these lines. The only thing that has remained unchanged for me is my love for people and the desire to share what I have seen and experienced. Developmental and age psychology are very living areas of knowledge; they are daily updated with new data about the lives of people in different cultures. Theories and hypotheses are born and die, but people’s thirst for knowledge of their own purpose, mechanisms and patterns of their own development remains. This thirst creates different types of knowledge, one of them is scientific. The reader will form his own opinion about it and based on my work, and I can only hope for the possibility of feedback.

Denmark: spring – summer 2008, spring – summer 2017


A person’s interest in himself is natural and justified. Interest in other people often has completely different reasons, and their diversity is as great as the diversity of human destinies. Science tries to analyze people's lives, organizing people's direct, lively interest in each other with the help of theories, categories, concepts and other means and ways of thinking that people of science possess. The results of their work make it possible to see in a single stream of human lives those unique facts, laws and patterns that reproduce the life of a person as a person, to see and understand that each person reproduces the human in his destiny and creates with his life his own, expanding, clarifying, complementary idea, knowledge about what a person is.

Life is structured in such a way that sooner or later any of us is faced with a life situation that forces us to discuss, pose, and formulate questions: “What is happening to me? Why is this happening to me? This is how a person encounters the need for new knowledge about himself. This is where science comes to the rescue, offering generalized knowledge in which one can (I think it is necessary) to find the answer to questions about what is happening to me.

The answers may be very different, but they will all be related to the period of life that a person is experiencing, and there are different periods: critical, sensitive, stable. Each period has its own origin and, in a certain sense, can be predicted even by the person himself, if he knows how (learned, wanted to learn) to analyze his life.

This opportunity to analyze one’s own and other people’s lives is provided by developmental psychology and age psychology, one of the most complex and interesting branches of modern psychology. Without knowledge about the periods of a person’s life, it is impossible to work as a teacher in a school, a teacher in a kindergarten, a doctor in a hospital, a lawyer in court, or a psychotherapist in a clinic. Without this knowledge, it is difficult to be a mother, father, grandfather, grandmother and... even a child (especially an adult child).

The listeners and students to whom I taught courses on developmental and developmental psychology, special courses on specific problems, always treated the factual material with interest and had great difficulty accepting the theory of psychology. However, years passed, and, meeting with matured students - now teachers, psychologists, mothers and fathers, I heard them say that “some general knowledge about life” is important.

Probably, I was once looking for similar knowledge myself. For me it became a kind of reading assignment. That's what I tried to do in this book.

I am eternally grateful to all the readers of my books who found the strength and time to talk with me about them.

Once again I express my endless love to my family for their help and support in my work.

Belarus, January 1999 Denmark, May 2017

What is developmental psychology and age psychology?

The scientist has ready-made concepts and will try to explain the “facts” using these concepts, so he will approach with a bias, will look through certain glasses and, who knows, whether these glasses will explain or distort the picture?

The mother knows her child intimately, but for the most part this knowledge is for the moment. If psychology equips her with certain points of view that make the main features of development clear, she will be better able to monitor her child.

“There are a lot of psychologists, but they are of no use.”

(From a conversation).

Keywords: science, subject of science, pattern, “I” of the researcher, mental reality, age, picture of the world.

As a result of studying this chapter, students should:

know features of scientific knowledge;

be able to distinguish between everyday and scientific knowledge;

own the concept of psychic reality.

I could continue the epigraph with quotes from other authors, but let me cite only one - the one that is most often found in conversations with adults about children. This is a question - rhetorical, emotionally charged, more often alarming than optimistic - What will happen to him next?

Developmental psychology is a science. A serious, academic science, consisting of several sections - branches, each of which studies a certain age - from infancy to senility (child psychology, preschool psychology, gerontopsychology (this is about old people).

Like any science, it discusses the question of its subject, methods, techniques, criteria of truth, and argues about the presence of this truth in one theory or another. Like any science, it strives to describe its subject in special terms - scientific concepts, to separate it from the subjects of other sciences, even related ones, for example, from general psychology, psychophysiology, which also study age: those large biological clocks that begin their course from the moment of birth person. Everyone knows the direction of movement of this clock - from birth to death. Their course is inexorable, it is determined by nature itself, and, obviously, every person obeys this course. But this is more of a lyrical digression than a description of the subject of developmental psychology.

Developmental psychology tries to study the patterns of mental development of a person, a normal person. Thus, it raises the most important questions about the existence of the laws themselves, about the degree of their universality, that is, their obligatory nature for everyone. At the same time, the question arises (and a very specific one) about what mental development is and who can determine it. In addition, the eternal philosophical question arises about what kind of person is considered normally developing.

If you take these questions to yourself in this form, for example, you will feel how important they can be for your destiny:

– Am I a normal person?

– Am I a developed person?

– Does my development correspond to my age?

– What will change (and will it change at all) in my inner world with age?

– Will I be able to change myself?

These same questions can be asked of any person. The accuracy of the answer to them can significantly affect a person’s fate - on his own decisions and the decisions of other people, on whom his important personal events may depend.

Practical psychology. Abramova G.S.

6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Academic Project, 2003 - 496 p.

The textbook covers issues of professional ethics and practical psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological correction and psychotherapy. The author, using numerous examples, reveals the problems of psychological counseling, the interaction of a psychologist with representatives of related professions (teachers, doctors, lawyers, social workers)

The “Workshop on Psychological Counseling,” which complements the textbook, provides practical tasks for mastering the technique of psychological counseling.

The publication is intended for students studying psychology, as well as for all professionals working with people.

Format: pdf/zip (2003 , 6th ed., 496 pp.)

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Format: doc/zip (2001, 6th ed., 480 pp. Bad formatting here; pdf is not ideal, but better.)

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§ 1. Psychological problems of methodological justification in psychology as a science
§ 2. “Given” as a methodological concept in modern psychology
§ 3. The role of humanitarian knowledge in the picture of the world of modern man
§ 1. The concept of psychological information and methods of obtaining it
§ 2. Model of professional activity of a practical psychologist
§ 3. The concept of social order for the work of a practical psychologist
§ 4. The concept of a psychological task and psychological assistance
§ 5. Methodological foundations for solving psychological problems
§ 1. Methodological basis for obtaining psychodiagnostic data
§ 2. Obtaining psychological information in the work of a psychodiagnostician
§ 3. Features of the use of psychodiagnostic data in the provision of psychological assistance

§ 5. Criteria for the effectiveness of the practical work of a psychodiagnostician
§ 1. Methodological basis for organizing psychological correction
§ 2. Features of obtaining psychological information for organizing psychological correction
§ 3. Features of the use of psychological information for organizing psychological correction
§ 4. Problems of the effectiveness of psychological correction in the work of a practical psychologist
§ 1. Methodological foundations of psychological counseling
§ 2. Interview as the main method of psychological counseling
§ 3. Individual counseling
§ 4. Group counseling
§ 1. Psychotherapy as a profession of psychodog
§ 2. Basic methods of psychotherapeutic influence
§ 3. Features of interaction between a psychologist and a client during individual psychotherapy
§ 4. Group psychotherapy
§ 5. The problem of performance indicators of psychotherapeutic and consulting work of a practical psychologist
§ 1. Teacher (educator) and psychologist
§ 2. Psychologist and legal practice
§ 3. Doctor and psychologist
§ 4. Social worker and psychologist

The textbook reveals basic concepts and categories, analyzes current issues of developmental psychology and scientific research related to them. Contains facts, patterns and theories of mental development of modern man. Prepared in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard and covers all the main topics of the course “Developmental psychology” taught in universities. For students of higher educational institutions studying psychology as a special subject, specialists and readers dealing with issues of developmental psychology.

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    The problems of developmental psychology discussed in the book are subordinated to the main theme - the formation of a person, the formation of a life position that ensures his full existence in our difficult, changing, and sometimes dangerous world. The book is addressed to students of psychology, philosophers, sociologists and all those who are interested in the problems of modern psychology.

    I have not done scientific work in the field of developmental psychology for many years;

    The detachment of scientific knowledge from the ordinary facts of life was not so glaring for me;

    My desire to help people, due to my professional duty, did not bring satisfaction;

    The daily events of life did not question its value;

    There was no anxiety for the future... This book was written

    Because there are works in the world, it is impossible to list them all, in which they write about a person not only as a subject, but as an intrinsically valuable and significant person;

    Because this is, first of all, a way of constructing a verbal text addressed to the listener; because there is a world of fiction and science, which is this text, because, ultimately, the mystery of the realization of living life is impossible to express...

    I didn’t write and at the same time wrote a textbook on developmental psychology. This is a text that I wanted to make the same as what I once, in my student years, looked for in university libraries.

    What did you want to show the reader first of all? A person's understanding of a person depends on the position chosen. It is the position of a scientist, poet, researcher, observer, humanist, ideologist, subject and loved one that allows many things to fall into place. The concept of position is very important to me, I would even say biasedly important.

    I wanted to show the use of different ways of understanding a person to describe the patterns of life, so the text contains statistics, curves of patterns, diagrams, poems, excerpts from fiction, and much more...

    Galina Sergeevna Abramova

    Developmental and age psychology

    (corrected and revised edition)

    Textbook for universities and colleges

    © G. S. Abramova, 2018

    © Prometheus Publishing House, 2018

    * * *

    I dedicate with love and gratitude to the blessed memory of my parents - Nina Mikhailovna Abramova and Sergei Vladimirovich Abramov

    It so happened that the book I wrote for myself became a textbook. A lot of time has passed since the day I wrote its first pages. Today this time is measured in years. Everything has changed - the country in which I live, my marital status, my age and even the way in which I write these lines. The only thing that has remained unchanged for me is my love for people and the desire to share what I have seen and experienced. Developmental and age psychology are very living areas of knowledge; they are daily updated with new data about the lives of people in different cultures. Theories and hypotheses are born and die, but people’s thirst for knowledge of their own purpose, mechanisms and patterns of their own development remains. This thirst creates different types of knowledge, one of them is scientific. The reader will form his own opinion about it and based on my work, and I can only hope for the possibility of feedback.

    Denmark: spring – summer 2008, spring – summer 2017


    A person’s interest in himself is natural and justified. Interest in other people often has completely different reasons, and their diversity is as great as the diversity of human destinies. Science tries to analyze people's lives, organizing people's direct, lively interest in each other with the help of theories, categories, concepts and other means and ways of thinking that people of science possess. The results of their work make it possible to see in a single stream of human lives those unique facts, laws and patterns that reproduce the life of a person as a person, to see and understand that each person reproduces the human in his destiny and creates with his life his own, expanding, clarifying, complementary idea, knowledge about what a person is.

    Life is structured in such a way that sooner or later any of us is faced with a life situation that forces us to discuss, pose, and formulate questions: “What is happening to me? Why is this happening to me? This is how a person encounters the need for new knowledge about himself. This is where science comes to the rescue, offering generalized knowledge in which one can (I think it is necessary) to find the answer to questions about what is happening to me.

    The answers may be very different, but they will all be related to the period of life that a person is experiencing, and there are different periods: critical, sensitive, stable. Each period has its own origin and, in a certain sense, can be predicted even by the person himself, if he knows how (learned, wanted to learn) to analyze his life.

    This opportunity to analyze one’s own and other people’s lives is provided by developmental psychology and age psychology, one of the most complex and interesting branches of modern psychology. Without knowledge about the periods of a person’s life, it is impossible to work as a teacher in a school, a teacher in a kindergarten, a doctor in a hospital, a lawyer in court, or a psychotherapist in a clinic. Without this knowledge, it is difficult to be a mother, father, grandfather, grandmother and... even a child (especially an adult child).

    The listeners and students to whom I taught courses on developmental and developmental psychology, special courses on specific problems, always treated the factual material with interest and had great difficulty accepting the theory of psychology. However, years passed, and, meeting with matured students - now teachers, psychologists, mothers and fathers, I heard them say that “some general knowledge about life” is important.

    Probably, I was once looking for similar knowledge myself. For me it became a kind of reading assignment. That's what I tried to do in this book.

    I am eternally grateful to all the readers of my books who found the strength and time to talk with me about them.

    Once again I express my endless love to my family for their help and support in my work.

    Belarus, January 1999 Denmark, May 2017

    What is developmental psychology and age psychology?

    The scientist has ready-made concepts and will try to explain the “facts” using these concepts, so he will approach with a bias, will look through certain glasses and, who knows, whether these glasses will explain or distort the picture?

    The mother knows her child intimately, but for the most part this knowledge is for the moment. If psychology equips her with certain points of view that make the main features of development clear, she will be better able to monitor her child.

    K. Koffka

    “There are a lot of psychologists, but they are of no use.”

    (From a conversation).

    Keywords: science, subject of science, pattern, “I” of the researcher, mental reality, age, picture of the world.

    As a result of studying this chapter, students should:

    know features of scientific knowledge;

    be able to distinguish between everyday and scientific knowledge;

    own the concept of psychic reality.

    I could continue the epigraph with quotes from other authors, but let me cite only one - the one that is most often found in conversations with adults about children. This is a question - rhetorical, emotionally charged, more often alarming than optimistic - What will happen to him next?

    Developmental psychology is a science. A serious, academic science, consisting of several sections - branches, each of which studies a certain age - from infancy to senility (child psychology, preschool psychology, gerontopsychology (this is about old people).

    Like any science, it discusses the question of its subject, methods, techniques, criteria of truth, and argues about the presence of this truth in one theory or another. Like any science, it strives to describe its subject in special terms - scientific concepts, to separate it from the subjects of other sciences, even related ones, for example, from general psychology, psychophysiology, which also study age: those large biological clocks that begin their course from the moment of birth person. Everyone knows the direction of movement of this clock - from birth to death. Their course is inexorable, it is determined by nature itself, and, obviously, every person obeys this course. But this is more of a lyrical digression than a description of the subject of developmental psychology.

    Developmental psychology tries to study the patterns of mental development of a person, a normal person. Thus, it raises the most important questions about the existence of the laws themselves, about the degree of their universality, that is, their obligatory nature for everyone. At the same time, the question arises (and a very specific one) about what mental development is and who can determine it. In addition, the eternal philosophical question arises about what kind of person is considered normally developing.

    If you take these questions to yourself in this form, for example, you will feel how important they can be for your destiny:

    – Am I a normal person?

    – Am I a developed person?

    – Does my development correspond to my age?

    – What will change (and will it change at all) in my inner world with age?

    – Will I be able to change myself?

    These same questions can be asked of any person. The accuracy of the answer to them can significantly affect a person’s fate - on his own decisions and the decisions of other people, on whom his important personal events may depend.

    Developmental psychology studies not only what is happening to a person today, it has data about what can happen in a person’s life in general, since it tries to study his entire life. Naturally, some ages are given more attention, and some less. This happens, as E. Fromm wrote, partly because “a scientist engaged in the study of man is more susceptible than all other researchers to the influence of the social climate. This happens because not only he himself, his way of thinking, his interests and the questions he poses are determined by society (as happens in the natural sciences), but also the subject of research itself - man - is determined by society. Every time a psychologist talks about a person, people from his immediate environment serve as a model for him - and above all, himself. In modern industrial society, people are guided by reason, their feelings are poor, emotions seem to them to be unnecessary ballast, and this is the case both for the psychologist himself and for the objects of his research.”

    It's hard to disagree with this. In this regard, I recall the words of D. B. Elkonin, spoken at one of the lectures on child psychology: “I became a real psychologist only when my grandson was born.”

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