All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 17. Olympiads in social studies for schoolchildren

I round

Dear participant of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies! You are invited to complete the tasks of the first round of the Olympics. Read the wording of each task carefully to answer the questions posed strictly. In cases where tasks require analysis of given data, remember that the correct answer should be based on this data and not inferred from your general knowledge. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Good luck to you!

1. Determine whether the statements are true or false (“YES” or “NO”) and enter the answers in the table:

1.1. Accelerated socialization is impossible.

1.2. The state is the core of the political system, its main institution, but at the same time it is not the only bearer of political power.

1.3. A form of marriage in which one woman can have several husbands is called matriarchy.

1.4. The internal functions of the state include holding elections of the highest bodies of state power.

1.5. The most liquid form of savings is money.

1.6. J. Maynard Keynes advocated a self-regulating economy free from government intervention.

1.7. In the Russian Federation, a by-law can be adopted by the President, the Government, or a minister.

1.9. The main forms of social interaction are cooperation, competition and cooperation.

2. By what principle are the rows formed? Give a BRIEF answer.

2.1. Brasilia, Moscow, New Delhi, Beijing

2.2. N. Machiavelli, V. Pareto, G. Mosca, R. Michels


2.3. The poem "Poltava", the Boyle-Marriott law, the Hajj to Mecca.


3. What is extra in the row? Give a BRIEF explanation.

3.1. Anabaptists, Mormons, Evangelicals, Whips, Pentecostals

3.2. normative legal act, legal custom, legal interpretation, judicial precedent


3.3. alcoholic beverages, household appliances, gasoline, tobacco products


4. Fill in the blanks in the row.

4.1. Proponents of the theological theory of the origin of the state were F. Aquinas and J. Maritain, the patriarchal theory - Aristotle and M. Mikhailovsky, and L. Gumplowicz and K. Kautsky - the “____________________” theory.

4.2. Georg Hegel formulated three laws of dialectics: the law of unity and struggle of opposites, the law of _____________________________________________________, the law of the negation of negation

4.3. According to Francis Bacon, the idols of the mind include the idols of the clan, the market, the cave, _______________.

5. How are they different?


5.2. Labor exchange and labor market


5.3. Labor productivity and labor intensity


6 . There is a table in front of you. Its first column contains a literal translation of the Latin and Greek words from which the terms known to you from the social studies course are derived. The second column indicates the social phenomena with which these terms are associated. Finish filling out the table and enter the terms themselves and their meanings in the last column. If the term is ambiguous, indicate its meaning in relation to the social phenomenon indicated in the table.

Translation of the Latin and Greek term

Social phenomena

Terms and their meanings


Money turnover


"Self-governing community"

Local authority


"In the circle of enlightenment"


"Strengthen by union"

State form


Factor of production

7. Relate the sections of philosophy and subjects of study

1. Ontology

A. Man

2. Axiology

B. Cognition

3. Epistemology

4. Anthropology

D. Thinking

D. Values

8. Relate the principles of legal responsibility and their content

1. The principle of justice

A. individualization of state coercive measures

2. Principle of legality

B. no offense should go “undetected” by the state

3. The principle of expediency

B. only one legal punishment is possible for one offense

4. The principle of inevitability

D. strict compliance with the procedural requirements of the law

9. Read the text and complete the tasks for it:

“In ………………….. society the main problem is the organization Sciences , and the most important institution is the university or research laboratory where this work is carried out. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the influence of states was determined by their production capacity, the main indicator of which was steel production. […..] After the Second World War, a country's scientific capabilities became the decisive indicator of its potential, and research and development replaced steel production as the relative measure of state strength. For this reason, the nature and forms of state support for science, its politicization, and sociological problems of organizing scientific research have taken a central place among political problems…………………. society.

Concept………………………. society is not a complete picture of the social structure, but only an attempt to characterize and explain a fundamental change in the social structure (defined as the totality of the economy, technology and system stratification ). However, such a change does not imply a definite relationship between the “superstructure” and the “base”; on the contrary, the initiative to reorganize society today comes largely from political system . [….] The fundamental dividing line of modern society does not lie between the owners means of production and homogeneous proletariat , but is denoted by bureaucratic and power relations between those who have the power to make decisions and those who do not, and this applies to any organizational units - political, economic and social. The task of the political system becomes to manage these relations in accordance with various kinds of pressures exerted in order to redistribute national wealth and ensure social justice ».

D. Bell“The coming……………………… society”

9.1. Define the highlighted words in the text


9.2. Insert the missing word in the text. Name two processes that ensure the transition to this type of society.


10. Here are portraits of historical figures who made a significant contribution to the development of social thought.

1. Label the illustrations, indicating who is depicted in them.

2. Explain what criterion is used to base the selection." width="153" height="200">

1. _________________ 2. __________________ 3. _________________

Criterion: ______________________________________________________________

Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies of the 2nd academic year

10 – 11 grade

2nd round

Write an essay on one of the topics below of your choice. The jury will be guided by the assessment of the work according to the following criteria:

1. Justification for choosing the topic.

2. Presentation own the author's point of view when revealing the topic.

3. Internal semantic unity, consistency of key theses and statements, consistency of personal judgments.

4. Disclosure of the problem at the theoretical level, reliance on scientific theories.

5. Argumentation of your point of view based on the facts of public life and personal social experience.

6. Possession of social science knowledge and course concepts.

7. Free composition and ease of storytelling.

8. Correspondence between the expressed theoretical positions and the presented factual material.


1. In social systems with an authoritarian regime, the coexistence of people causes constant friction, and individual attempts to improve the system are violent and give rise to new violence. Democracies and exchanges, on the other hand, achieve stability through the unification and competition of people in a more humane and fluid system.

V. Shwebel

2. Politics is not the art of the possible. It's a choice between bad and very bad.

D. Galbraith

3. One hundred percent guarantee of freedom is the balance of social forces in society, and not the victory of one force over another.

M. Eastman

4. Culture is everything that allows our mind to feel its strength.

R. Emerson

5. To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know - this is true knowledge.


6. A person cannot be above or below the law; after all, we do not ask permission when we demand that he fulfill the law. Loyalty to the law is our right, not our obligation.

T. Roosevelt

7. Anyone who thinks that he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but he who thinks that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken.

F. La Rochefoucauld

8. Knowledge begins with surprise


9. Justice is the unchanging and constant will to give everyone his right


10. The greatness and baseness of a person depend on his internal motivations, and not always on conditions and the environment, although they can also play a role in the emergence of motivations.

Every year thousands of children and teenagers take part in the All-Russian School Olympiad. However, getting at least a prize place is not so easy. The Olympiad presupposes a level of knowledge that is much higher than school level. And in order not to lose face, it is not enough to memorize the textbook. How to prepare for the All-Russian Social Studies Olympiad for Schoolchildren? Is it possible to do this without contacting a tutor? Answer: yes, you can. Although you will have to put in a lot of work.

Incentives to participate in the Social Studies Olympiad

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren is the most prestigious intellectual competition designed to identify talented children and help them achieve success in life. However, the respect that the finalist receives is far from the only reward. Schoolchildren who become winners or simply prize-winners of the final stage are admitted to higher education institutions without entrance exams.

In addition, there is also material interest. In 2018, the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren received a prize of 200 thousand rubles. The winners also did not go without a reward: each was given a grant of 100 thousand rubles.

When to start preparing

The most correct answer is “as soon as possible.” However, in reality, schoolchildren begin to think about preparing for the Olympiad shortly before the school stage or, even worse, after its completion, when they unexpectedly find out that they have become winners and are nominated as participants from the school to the city or regional stage. As a rule, in the latter case there is not enough time for preparation. The minimum period required to be at least among the winners is 2-3 months. And this is provided that you have sufficiently extensive knowledge in social science disciplines.

It is best to start preparing for the Olympics a year in advance or even earlier. For example, you plan to enter Moscow State University in the budget department; This means that already from the 9th or 10th grade it is necessary to read additional literature, train in solving legal and economic problems, and develop logical thinking.

What you need to know to win the Social Studies Olympiad

The Olympiad is not a specialized exam; to successfully pass it, it is enough to memorize a school textbook and solve a hundred or two practice tasks. This all-Russian competition is designed primarily to identify talented, interested youth who are capable of thinking outside the box. Therefore, only a comprehensively developed person can win the Olympiad for schoolchildren. This means you need:

  • have a good understanding of the topics of the school social studies course;
  • know basic terms;
  • quickly systematize existing information;
  • have at least minimal knowledge of Russian and world history;
  • be able to solve simple problems in economics;
  • know, at least in general terms, the biography of the most famous philosophers, sociologists, and economists;
  • have an understanding of basic scientific concepts in areas such as political science, sociology, economics;
  • have your own opinion on the most pressing social issues;
  • be able to convincingly prove your point of view;
  • analyze text information, as well as statistical and graphic material;
  • have the skill of solving logical problems.

Finally, a candidate for an Olympic prize needs to read a lot. And we are not just talking about educational literature. Many tasks assume that you are familiar with at least the most famous works of world literature.

What tasks can be encountered at the Social Studies Olympiad?

The questions for this competition are designed to test the level of social science knowledge from as many angles as possible. Therefore, tasks are divided into several types. At different stages, with slight variations in difficulty level, the following types of questions are encountered:

In addition, some other tasks may appear. For example, in some years, schoolchildren were asked to solve a crossword puzzle. Sometimes the organizers also insert a kind of vocabulary dictation into the Olympiad - several definitions, for each of which you need to remember and write down the appropriate term.

How to prepare?

To train, you need not only to gain theoretical knowledge, but also to solve real Olympiad tasks. They can be found on many websites, for example, This resource not only contains question forms for a decade and a half, but also provides answers that will allow you to test yourself.

The optimal training algorithm looks like this:

  1. Download last year's assignments.
  2. Answer all the questions yourself, without looking at the textbook or the Internet. This is necessary to correctly assess your level of knowledge.
  3. Open the link with the answers and check how correctly you completed each task.
  4. Write down those types of tasks with which special problems arose. They will need to be given special attention. For example, on legal problems you scored 0 points. This means that they need to be dealt with first.
  5. Write out the social science sections in 6 columns (philosophy, sociology, political science, economics, law) and write down how many correct answers you gave for each. You need to start preparing with those topics in which the most mistakes were made.
  6. Now that you have decided on the scope of work, open school textbooks, download textbooks for universities, go to the Internet - in a word, replenish your memory with the necessary information. It’s better to take notes on the most important things: it will be easier to repeat later, and the memorization process is easier while writing down.
  7. Have you come across an unfamiliar name? Don’t be lazy, enter it into the search bar and read the biography of this figure. Write down the approximate years (or era) of his life, the field of knowledge in which he worked, the most famous scientific works and theories.

And don’t forget to solve the Olympiad tasks! Do this as often as possible and, if you make a mistake, be sure to find information on the problematic issue. For example, you got the following question:

Most likely, you will not be able to solve this problem correctly the first time, because at school they rarely devote much time to economic problems. So, you need to open an economics textbook and figure out what opportunity cost is. Or simply enter the appropriate query in Google. Read the explanation of the topic, look at examples of problem solving. Then go back and solve the problem with which the problem arose again. Did the answer match? Congratulations, you can move on to the next topic!

How to have time to learn everything?

If there is still a lot of time before the Olympiad, you can study topics one by one. Make a schedule where you write down how many days you can spend on each section. If you need to go to the competition in a week or month, repeat several topics in parallel. For example, today you are studying the role of the state in the economy. Your task:

  1. Read the topic “state in economics” in a social studies textbook.
  2. Repeat the topic “State” in the political science section;
  3. Read chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which reveal the state structure of our country and the powers of the authorities.
  4. Find on the Internet which philosophers dealt with the role of the state in the life of society. Write down their names, period of life, main ideas and scientific works. Among politicians, this could be, for example, Nicolo Macchiavelli and Aristotle. Among the economists are Adam Smith and John Keynes. Please note that in both cases, scientists present opposing points of view: you will also have to note this for yourself.
  5. Solve several economic problems regarding monetary policy or taxes. Complete 2-3 tasks per series, both in economics and political science. Answer several questions about the characteristics or functions of the state, complete a compliance task.

Ideally, you should additionally write an essay on any quote related to the topic covered. But in case of late preparation, there may not be enough time for this. Therefore, it is better to focus on those tasks that you are most likely to complete. If there are two weeks before the Olympiad and you have absolutely no idea how to solve problems in economics, forget about them. Deal with those issues that you more or less understand. This way, you will get more points in total than if you spend all your time analyzing a complex topic and do not have time to repeat the sections that you understand.

MDG "Mega-Talent" invites students of grades 5-11 and secondary school students to take part in our All-Russian and international Olympiads in social studies. We will be happy to present I-III degree diplomas to the winners of the Olympiad, certificates to the rest of the participants, as well as award certificates and thanks to the teachers who organized the Olympiad.

Just the facts:

  • More than 400 Olympiads in 47 disciplines;
  • More than 11,000 schoolchildren and students from 12 countries among the participants;
  • More than 2.5 million rubles of paid compensation for organizational expenses;
  • 98% of teachers participate in the new seasons of the Olympiads.

5 principles of successful interaction

MDG "Mega-Talent" is constantly working to make interaction with teachers as effective as possible. At this stage of our development, we adhere to 5 simple principles that ensure proper return on the part of all participants in the event.

  1. Access to task sets for all classes after confirmation of the application for participation.
  2. Free reward materials whose design changes every season
  3. Compensation for all organizational expenses
  4. Valuable gifts for the most active organizers
  5. Responsive and prompt support service

Format of distance olympiads

The format of distance Olympiads gives everyone the opportunity to express themselves without exception. The teacher chooses the time and place of the event based on his considerations of convenience for his students. This makes it possible to get rid of the threatening seriousness inherent in the Olympiads in the classical sense and improve the results of the participants.

Olympiad tasks are based on the school curriculum and comply with Federal State Educational Standards standards. Sets of tasks change every season.

The set of tasks for each category of participants consists of 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Test questions for analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Test tasks for correlating two data series.
  • Test tasks for working with illustrative sources.
  • Test tasks for analysis of text, biography, document.

Cost of participation in the Social Studies Olympiad

The cost of participation for one student is indicated on the page with information about the Olympiad. We will compensate up to 30% of this amount to cover organizational expenses. You will not have to print award materials and activity packs at your own expense. We took care of it.The compensation percentage is calculated according to the number of participants in the application. You will have access to all the information about what compensation you can expect after on the website of the MDG "Mega-Talent".

The most active teachers who participate in our Olympiads are awarded valuable prizes at the end of the month and at the end of the six months.

Frequency of Social Studies Olympiads

Whenever you decide to organize an Olympiad, you will find that it is at that moment that one of our educational activities is available. The thing is that during the academic year we hold as many as 7 Olympiads in social studies a year. At the same time, sets of tasks are constantly changing. All-Russian Olympiads are held once a season (autumn season, winter season, spring season), and international ones in between.

Processing the results

Completed work is checked automatically after the teacher enters the participants' results into a special table. In this way, complete impartiality in assessment is achieved and participants receive exactly the points that they earned with their minds. On the day the results are published, the teacher receives access to personalized award materials.

How to organize an Olympiad in social studies?

  1. By registering on the Mega-Talent MDG website, you submit an application by choosing an Olympiad in social studies.
  2. Confirm your application by paying the registration fee.
  3. During the assignment period, you download and print sets of assignments for your class and conduct the Olympiad.
  4. Participants' responses are entered into our database and processed by the system.
  5. Personalized award materials are published on the website
  6. The teacher downloads the award materials in his personal account and gives them to the students.

How to pay the registration fee?

There are many options. Choose the most convenient for you:

  • bank cards (online)
  • Russian Post receipts
  • electronic payment systems (online)

Participation in the Social Studies Olympiad for non-residents of the Russian Federation

The language of all tasks is Russian. If you speak Russian, welcome! We will be glad to cooperate. The Mega-Talent MDG does not create any artificial restrictions. Are there any other questions? Welcome to the section question answer , where you can find the most frequently asked questions from teachers and their answers.

Select a document from the archive to view:

10th grade.docx



Maximum score – 100 Working time – 65 minutes

Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________Class_______________

1.1.What type of social control does not exist?

a) Formal and informal

b) Ego and superego control

c) Internal and external

d) Affective

1.2. Marginality is

a) The state of an individual in which he belongs to two or more groups, but at the same time does not fully share the norms and values ​​of any of them

b) The desire to conform to the norms and values ​​of the group

c) Complete or partial violation of the norms and values ​​of the group

d) Tension that arises in an individual in case of non-compliance with the expectations of the group.

1.3. A visual-sensory image of objects and phenomena, received through the senses, but retained in consciousness without their direct influence, is called:

a) feeling

b) perception

c) presentation

d) imagination

1.4.The following statements are typical only for a presidential republic

a) in a presidential republic there is the clearest separation of powers

b) the president has a suspensive veto

c) the president is the head of the executive branch

d) the president is elected by popular vote

1.5. What ideology denied the principle of separation of powers?

a) liberal

b) communist

c) neoliberal

d) Christian-democratic

1.6. The tenth candy does not give as much pleasure as the first. That's an example:

a) general utility

b) the law of diminishing returns

c) shortage

d) opportunity cost

1.7. Interchangeable goods:

a) have the same price

b) complement each other during sales

c) compete with each other in the market

d) stimulate each other's sales

1.8. Which body oversees the implementation of laws in the Russian Federation?

a) court

b) prosecutor's office

c) Federation Council

d) investigation department


2. Replace the fragment in italics with a social science term:

2.1. Popular voting on draft laws is a form of direct participation of citizens in the management of state affairs.


2.2. Active human interaction with the environment.

Answer: _____________________________________________________

2.3 . A system of views, views on nature and society. .

Answer: _____________________________________________________

3. Read the text about the development of ideas about the laws of change in society. Instead of gaps, insert the serial numbers of the corresponding words and combinations of words from the list below the text. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. Please note: there are more words and combinations of words in the list than there are gaps in the text. Each insert can only be used once.

The idea of ​​A_______________ is the main thing that was inherited from the philosophical thought of the 17th-19th centuries. modern social sciences. The essence of the idea and the concepts and ideas existing within its framework is stunningly simple. With few temporary deviations, all human B_______________ move naturally and naturally “upwards” along the path from poverty, barbarism, despotism and ignorance to prosperity, civilization, democracy and reason, the highest manifestation of which is B_______________. It is also a movement away from the endless variety of idiosyncrasies that irrationally absorbed human energy and economic resources, towards a unified world based on a single, simple and most D________________ organization. Thus, it was the movement from bad to good, from ignorance to E_______________, which gave this good news of the new time _G_______________ charge, fundamental optimism and reformative zeal. Knowledge of the various manifestations of this process - economic, ___________________, cultural, etc. - revealed the interconnection and interdependence of all these factors and gave rise to many disputes and deep disagreements, for example, on the question of what is the main I_______________ of progress: the development of the mind or growth funds __K______________. Regulatory Protective Educational Evaluative What remained beyond dispute was the position that humanity, on its predetermined historical path forward and upward, goes through the same_L_______________ stages, from which all other theoretical constructions and interpretations proceeded.

Words for reference:


4.1. Turner Ermakov was reprimanded for defects in his work. In addition, he was partially deprived of his bonus. Considering that there cannot be two punishments for one act, Ermakov appealed to the Labor Dispute Commission with a request to cancel the order to deprive him of the bonus.


4.2. Minor Andrey turned 15 years old. He and his friends decided to celebrate his birthday. The guys purchased and drank strong alcoholic drinks in the park. As a result of severe alcohol intoxication, Andrei and his friends began to pester citizens in the park, accompanying their actions with obscene language. They broke several lampshades installed in the park. These actions were noticed by police and public safety officers and stopped the actions of juvenile offenders. One of the employees promised the entire group long terms of arrest to the fullest extent of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How should the actions of minors be classified? What punishment will they suffer if Andrei was 15 years old at the time of the crime, and his friends are one year older? Is the police officer right?


5. List the heads of state with the same form of government:

1) 2) 3) 4)

Answer: _______

Answers 10th grade

A total of 100 points for the work:

    Answer: (each correct answer is worth 3 points, maximum 24 points)

    Answer: (each correct answer is worth 6 points, maximum 18 points)

    1. Referendum



    Answer: (Each correct answer is worth 2 points, maximum 22 points)

4.1 Maximum – 18 points.

According to Labor Code of the Russian Federation(4 points) for committing a disciplinary offense, that is, failure or improper performance by an employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions: 1) reprimand;

2) reprimand;

3) dismissal for appropriate reasons

(6 points).

Moreover, for each disciplinary offense only one disciplinary sanction can be applied (4 points ). A disciplinary sanction can be appealed by an employee to the state labor inspectorate and (or) bodies for the consideration of individual labor disputes (4 points ).

4.2 Maximum – 10 points.

The actions of minors should be qualified as an administrative offense. Andrey cannot bear criminal liability, since it begins in the Russian Federation from the age of 16 in general cases (4 points). In especially severe cases it occurs earlier(2 point ). Since the behavior of the young men is in the nature of administrative violations, sanctions will be applied to them according to the Administrative Code. The police officer is wrong(4 points ).

7.Answer: (Correct answer - 1 point)

Document selected for viewing 6th grade.docx




Maximum score – 100 Working time – 45 minutes.

Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________Class_______________

    "Yes or no"? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”. Enter your answers into the table

1) The flag of the Russian Federation can be raised during ceremonial events held by enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as during family celebrations.

2) From the age of 14, without the consent of the child, you cannot change his name, fatherland and surname.

3) The peoples of Russia, despite differences in languages, religion, customs and way of life, are closely connected by a common historical destiny.

4) A distinctive feature of a person is the ability to obtain food.

5) Childhood is considered the most carefree period in a person’s life, because adults give the child complete independence in his actions.


    Establish a correspondence between the rights and responsibilities of Russian citizens. Enter your answer in the table.

A) rights 1) education

B) responsibilities 2) free choice of place of residence

3) compliance with laws

4) choosing a vacation spot

5) caring for children and elderly parents

6) inviolability of home

7) freedom of thought and speech

8) service in the Armed Forces


3. Read the statements of famous people. What social science concept are they talking about? Write down your answer.

1) “These are certain precepts according to which it is our duty to govern our lives and our actions in all circumstances” (Marcus Tullius Cicero)


2) “A person is, first of all, a son of his country, a citizen of his fatherland, who ardently takes its interests to heart” (V. G. Belinsky)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________

3) “By its name we mean not only external decency, but the entire internal basis of motives.”

(Ya. Komensky)

4. Insert the missing words in the text.

Mental and physical (A)____________ are two interconnected sides of human _(B)________________. Unlike animals, which act instinctively, man builds his practical activity _(B)____________, in accordance with a previously developed goal, program. With the emergence of __(G)____________, classes and the state, __(D)___________ labor becomes the privilege of the ruling class, and the entire burden of __(E)____________ labor falls on the lot of the oppressed masses. Under the conditions of the __(F)____________ revolution, increasingly significant sections of the intelligentsia are beginning to participate in the direct production process. In the future, both types of labor will become elements of the holistic activity of a comprehensively developed person, for whom participation in the affairs of _(H)___________ is the first life _(I)____________.

Words for reference:

1) Need

2) Labor

3) Activities

4) Private propertyAnswer:

5) Agrarian

6) Scientific and technical

7) Conscious

8) Society

9) Mental

10) Physical

11) Communication

12) Institute

13) Creative

14) Creativity

5. Below is a number of concepts, one of which is redundant. Underline the extra element in the row and explain why you decided so.

Mom's decorations, wedding album, grandma's pie, grandpa's awards, Christmas tree decorations.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answers 6th grade.

A total of 100 points for the work:

    (3 points for each correct answer, total – 15 points):

    (3 points for each correct position, total - 24 points):

    Answer: (for each correct position 6 points, total – 18 points)

1) duties; 2) patriotism; 3) morality, ethics.

    Answer: (3 points for each correct position, 27 points in total)

2, 3, 7, 4, 9, 10, 6, 8, 1.

5. Answer: grandma's pie, since it cannot be a durable item.

6 points - for a correctly indicated extra element, up to 10 points for a correct justification.

Total 16 points.

Document selected for viewing 7th grade.docx




Maximum score – 100 Working time – 45 minutes

Last name, first name, patronymic ___________________________________________________Class_______________

1. Choose the correct answer. Enter your answer in the table.

1.1 . Birth certificate provides

a) the ability to make deals

b) all the rights of a citizen

c) exercise the right to receive education

G) be a member of a children's public organization

1.2. What distinguishes a family from other social groups is:

a) everyday interaction

b) consanguinity

c) stable connections

d) general traditions

1.3. In the Russian Federation, the highest legal force in the system of normative acts has

a) Decrees of the President of Russia

b) Criminal Code of Russia

c) Constitution of Russia

d) Government regulationsRussia


2.1. Which of the following applies to groups formed on the basis of demographics?

a) miners;

b) philatelists;

c) youth;

d) air traffic controllers;

e) middle-aged people;

f) pensioners;

g) men.

2.2. Which of the following refers to legal norms?

a) The State Duma adopted a Federal Law banning smoking in public places

b) The school principal held a meeting dedicated to the beginning of the school year

c) The Government Decree established the procedure for dispensing medications to preferential categories of citizens

d) The teacher purchased theater tickets for her class.

e) In accordance with the Constitution, a young man of 18 years old was drafted into the Armed Forces


3. Correlate the areas of social life with the situations that are associated with them.

A) economic

B) political

B) social

D) spiritual

1) A party representative took part in a televised debate.

2) An exhibition of works by V. M. Vasnetsov opened at the Tretyakov Gallery.

3) Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, education has become accessible to more people with disabilities.

4) A new workshop has been opened at a chemical enterprise.

5) A literary evening took place at school.

6) The State Duma adopted a new Law on Education.

7) The farmer reaped a large harvest of wheat.


4. What unites the concepts that form each of the presented series? Give a short answer.

4.1. Territory, region, autonomous district, republic

Answer: __________________________________________________________________

4.2. Morality, custom, law

Answer: __________________________________________________________________

4.3. Coat of arms, anthem, flag

Answer: __________________________________________________________________

5. Fill in the missing words.

1) In the statement of the Roman philosopher Seneca: “Shame sometimes prohibits what the laws do not prohibit,” we are talking about the difference between ___________________ and ____________________ norms.

2) Voltaire, arguing: “Freedom consists in depending only on laws,” was a supporter of the ______________________ state.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________

6. Solve a legal problem .

Fourteen-year-old Anton turned to legal advice with a request to explain to him what to do in the following situation. His parents left their premarital surnames when they married. At birth he was given his father's surname, for which he received a passport. Currently, his father is convicted of committing a serious crime and is serving a sentence.

1) Can he change his last name to his mother’s last name?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________

2) Where should he apply with such a request?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Answers 7th grade

A total of 100 points for the work:

    Answer: (5 points for each correct position, total – 15 points):

    Answer: (5 points for each correct position, total – 30 points):

    Answer: (3 points for each correct position – 21 points in total):

4.Answer: (3 points for each correct position – 9 points in total):

3.1. Subjects of the Russian Federation

3.2. Social norms

3.3. Symbols of the state

5. Answer: (5 points for each correct position – 10 points in total):

1) moral and legal

2) legal

6. Answer: (up to 15 points)

Antonhas the right (5 points) change yoursurname upon reachingfourteen years(5 points). To do this, he needs to contactcivil registry office (registry office) ) (5 points).

Document selected for viewing 8th grade.docx




Maximum score – 100 Working time 50 minutes

Last name, first name, patronymic _______________________________________________Class_______________

1. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”. Enter your answers into the table.

1) The limited economic resources on the planet give rise to the need for humans to solve the problem of their rational use and distribution.

2) People of any nation have a feeling of superiority over other nations.

3) In activity, the formation and self-realization of personality occurs.

4) Freedom of conscience is the right of a person to independently decide what beliefs to adhere to, what religion to follow.

5) The collection of direct taxes is not related to the accounting of income or property.

6) The legislative body of any state is the government.


2. Choose several correct answers in each task and enter your answer in the table

2.1. With an increase in an individual's social status, the number of:

1) rights; 2) knowledge; 3) students; 4) duties; 5) free time.

2.2. Human social needs include:

a) the need for self-realization; b) need for food; c) the need for labor;

d) need for movement; d) the need for procreation.

2.3. To know means to be able to:

a) retain a certain phenomenon or object in memory; b) reproduce some phenomenon or object; c) recognize some phenomenon or object; d) distinguish a phenomenon or object from others; e) indicate the generating causes of an object or phenomenon

2.4 . The following are words derived from the Latin root. Indicate a word that for the Romans and those who wrote in Latin had a meaning close in meaning to the modern concept of “culture”.

a) civilization; b) humanism; c) publicity; d) police.


3. Which of the following statements are equivalent (they convey the same information in different words):

A) If Bear is a Sepulka, then Bear is an inhabitant of Interopia.

B) If Bear is not a Sepulka, then Bear does not live in Interopia.

C) If Bear is an inhabitant of Interopia, then Bear is a Sepulka.

D) If Bear is a Sepulka, then Bear does not live in Interopia.

Answer: ___________

4. Organize the following terms into two columns of the table. In the first, place phenomena belonging to nature, and in the second, phenomena of human culture.

1) River; 2) Moan; 3) Aroma; 4) Channel; 5) Smell; 6) Arrowhead; 7) Word; 8) A piece of quartz.


5. Fill in the numbered blanks in the text. Write down the letter designations of the concepts being inserted next to the corresponding serial numbers in the table. Please note: there are more words and combinations of words in the list than there are gaps in the text. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

An ordered set of socio-economic and organizational relations between ________(1) __ and ___________(2) __ goods and services is called a __________(3) _ system. ____________(4) ___economy is based on the dominance of traditions and customs in economic activity. Technical, scientific and social development in such countries is very limited, because it comes into conflict with the economic structure, religious and cultural ____________(5) __. This model of the economy was characteristic of ancient and medieval society, but continues in modern ____________ (6) __ states. ______________(7) ___economy is due to the fact that most enterprises are _____________(8) _ owned. All decisions about the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services in society are made by __________________ (9) __. ______________(10) _ economy is defined by ______________(11) _ ownership of resources, the use of a system of markets and prices to coordinate and manage economic activity.

Words for reference: A) market; B) property; B) budget; D) private; D) profit; E) currency; G) state; H) team; I) manufacturer; K) production; L) state; M) obligatory; H) allowance; O) consumer; P) property; P) economic; C) values; T)traditional; U) underdeveloped; F) rent.


6. Solve a legal problem.

Igor Karasev, 13 years old, under the care of his grandfather Mikhailov, stole personal belongings worth 250 rubles from his neighbor in a communal apartment, Kosulina. I sold my things and spent the money. The victim Kosulina turned to legal advice for advice on who should compensate her for the damage caused and in what amount. What answer should Kosulina give?







7. Here are drawings illustrating the cultural values ​​of the Russian Federation. Name the concept that summarizes them. Explain why you decided this. Indicate the era in which it flourished.

1) 2) 3)



Answers 8th grade:

All work 100 points:

    Answer: (3 points for each correct answer, total 18 points)

    Answer: (4 points for each correct answer, total – 16 points)

    Answer: (10 points for the correct pair)


    Answer: (each correct answer - 2 points, total - 16 points)

    Answer: (each correct answer – 2 points, total – 22 points)

6. Answer: only 8 points.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 1073)(2 points ) for harm caused to minors under fourteen years of age (minors) (2 points ), his parents (adoptive parents) or guardians are responsible unless they prove that the harm arose not through their fault (4 points ). Thus, Karasev’s guardian, Mikhailov, must compensate Kosulina for the damage in full.

    Answer: only 10 points.

Arts and crafts (3 points ). From the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, artistic crafts and crafts are the cultural value of the Russian Federation, since they contain the memory of the historical past of our country (4 points ). The heyday of trades and crafts occurred in the 19th century, the era of the industrial revolution (3 points ).

1. Select all correct answers. Write them down in the table.

1.1.Which pair of concepts reflects the fundamental problem of economic theory?

a) Efficiency and fairness

b) Production and consumption

c) Limitedness and choice

d) Entrepreneurship and profit

1.2. Family income is:

a) Purchased foreign currency

b) Goods purchased during the year and services paid for

c) Receipts of cash and in-kind funds for a certain period of time

d) Inheritance received

1.3. The division of society into various social groups according to their position in the social hierarchy is:

a) social stratification

b) social mobility

c) social integration

d) social communication

e) social differentiation

1.4. The reference group is:

a) a group characterized by intimacy and emotional relationships between its members

b) a group whose norms and values ​​the individual is guided by

c) a group of people whose rights and obligations are enshrined in law and are inherited.

d) a group of which an individual strives to become a member

1.5. A large group of people united by the unity of language, self-awareness, historical experience, culture and territory can be called:

a) by birth

b) tribe

c) nation

d) ethnic group

d) nationality

1.6.The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation includes:

a) State Duma

b) Federation Council

c) Security Council

d) Presidential Administration

1.7. Any state is characterized by:

a) ideological pluralism

b) the dominance of market methods of economic management

c) activities to maintain public order and stability in society

d) submission to the law of the state itself, its bodies and officials

1.8. What does not characterize scientific knowledge?

a) putting forward hypotheses

b) emotionality

c) generalization in concepts

d) experiment


2. What unites the concepts that form each of the presented series? Give a short answer.

1. Motive, setting a goal, choosing means, process, result.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________.

2. The need to feel safe in various areas of society: in the subway, at the dentist, on the street, on an airplane, confidence in the safety of children and parents.Answer:_________________________________________________________________.

3. Territory, sovereignty, public power, the right to pass laws, levy taxes, symbols.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________.

3. Insert into the text, instead of gaps, the corresponding words and combinations of words from the list given. Write in the text the serial numbers of the words and combinations you have chosen. Please note: there are more words and combinations of words in the list than there are gaps in the text!

Middle-level sociological theory that studies the causes, types and consequences of behavior deviations from social norms is called sociology(A)_______. Within its framework, there are various approaches to the study of deviant behavior. Thus, some scientists consider the condition as a cause of deviation(B)______ a society in which there is a weakening of norms and values. Within the framework of another approach, the cause of deviation is the imbalance between the goals of the individual and the means of achieving them. Thus, an individual who sets himself socially approved(IN) _____, but rejects worthy ways to achieve them, called(G)_______. The next approach, which considers deviation not as a result of an act, but as a result of an assessment of an individual’s behavior, is called the theory (D)________. There is another approach that considers deviation as a result(E)________ in delinquent cultures. In addition to deviation, sociologists distinguish(AND)_______ – behavior that is a violation(W) _______. In essence, it is a particular form of manifestation of deviation.

Words for reference:

    Goals 5. Norm 9. Deviation

    Innovator 6. Delinquency 10. Ritualist

    Communication 7. Anomie 11. Stigma

    Law 8. Means 12. Socialization


4. Solve legal problems.

4.1. Citizen Sokolova bought a swimsuit. The next day, Sokolova’s husband gave her the same swimsuit for March 8th. Two days after the purchase, Sokolova came to the store and, presenting a cash receipt, asked to exchange the swimsuit for another, saying that she did not even have time to put it on. The seller said that such goods cannot be exchanged. Is the seller's refusal legal?


5.2. A 15-year-old teenager, Astafiev, approached the director of a municipal enterprise with a request for a job as a courier. The director of the enterprise refused to hire him, justifying this by the fact that according to the law, persons under 16 years of age can be hired in exceptional cases and with the consent of the trade union body. Is it possible to conclude an employment contract with Astafiev, and what needs to be done for this?


9th grade Answers:

All work 100 points:

1. (4 points for each correct answer, maximum score – 32)

2. (4 points for each correct answer, maximum point – 12)

Answer: 1. activity, 2. existential needs, 3. signs of the state

3. (4 points for each correct answer, maximum score – 36)

Answer: 9, 7, 1, 8, 11, 6, 12, 7, 4

4. Total - 20 points:

Answer: 4.1. The seller's refusal is legal (4 points ), since according to the “Consumer Rights Law” there is a list of goods that cannot be returned or exchanged(4 points ). As a rule, these are hygienic products: perfumes, underwear, etc.

4.2. An employment contract can be concluded with Astafiev to perform light work that does not cause harm to his health(4 points ). Trade union consent is not required for this.(4 points). If the employer does not agree, Astafiev has the right to appeal to the commission for minors’ affairs and the protection of their rights, which, together with the local government body, takes measures within a month to ensure his employment and the continuation of his development of the educational program of basic general education in another form of education (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 63)(4 points ).

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History and Social Studies Teacher

Karatygina Elena Valerianovna

Voronezh 2016

Introduction page 3

Assignments for grade 9 page 4

Assignments for grade 10 p. 10

Assignments for grade 11 p. 17

for the Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

schoolchildren in social studies

2016 - 2017 academic year

The municipal stage of the Social Studies Olympiad is held in one round.

Each participant completes the proposed tasks. The tasks were developed taking into account the recommendations of the Central Methodological Commission of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Social Studies and reflect the main content lines of the integrative social studies course: society, man and activity, cognition, economic sphere, political sphere, social sphere, legal sphere, spiritual sphere.

The Olympiad is designed for students 9, 10, 11 grades. Participants are asked to complete 12 tasks, for the implementation of which 3 academic (study) hours are allocated.

The work presents the following tasks:

The tasks vary in complexity and are scored in points (shown in brackets). If the task is completed correctly, it is assessed according to the proposed points, in other cases - at the discretion of the jury, but not higher than the maximum number of points.

Maximum points:

In 9th grade – 109 points

In 10th grade – 126 points

In 11th grade – 121 points

It is advisable to provide the texts to each participant for individual use and complete tasks on these sheets. Works are encrypted. During verification, the names of the jury members are indicated.

Based on the results of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, the winner and prize-winners who received the most points are determined.

In accordance with the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the participant in the municipal stage of the Olympiad who scores the most points is recognized as the winner of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, provided that the number of points he scored exceeds half the maximum possible points.

In the event that the winner is not determined, only the winners are determined at the municipal stage of the Olympics.

We wish success to the participants of the Olympiad!




1.1. A negative attitude towards earthly life, viewing it as a continuous series of sufferings is characteristic of

A) Marxism

B) enlightenment

B) Buddhism

D) Confucianism

1.2.The social structure of society includes

B) legal relations

B) family institution

1.3.Inauguration means:

A) recognition of the legitimacy of political power in society

B) inclusion of a person in the political life of society

B) the solemn act of inaugurating the newly elected president

D) legislative procedure for bringing senior officials to political responsibility

1.4. Society is:

A) the sphere of human existence

B) a product of human activity

B) “second nature”

D) part of the material world separated from nature

1.5.The rule of a small number of noble citizens is called

A) democracy

B) tyranny

B) oligarchy

D) an aristocratic republic

1.6. The signs of a rule of law state are

A) separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial

B) equality of all before the law

B) the institution of presidential power

D) mutual responsibility of the state and citizens.

1.7.Civil human rights

A) granted to him by a democratic state

B) inalienable and given to him from birth

C) in some cases they are inherited

D) are provided to humans by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1.8.On what principles is school management based?

A) unity of command

B) self-government


D) corporatism

1.9.Which of the following terms means adoption of citizenship?

A) adaptation

B) naturalization

B) filiation

D) extradition

1.10.What rights of minor children are secured by the norms of the Family Code of the Russian Federation?

A) the right to live and be raised in a family

B) the right to association

B) the right to education

D) the right to communicate with parents and other relatives

D) the right to defense

E) the right to express one's opinion

G) right to medical care

H) the right to the property of the parents.

serial numbers


Morality as a form of spiritual life has already arisen (...). Morality has no clearly defined boundaries; it is represented in all spheres of public life. Where there is (...), there is always a place for moral assessment. It arises (...), its norms, as a rule, (...), they live in the minds of people. Morality is based on strength (...). Like law, it matters (...); unlike law – not (...). In morality, (...) comes to the fore, while in law, the main thing is the fact of the committed act.

1 primitiveness


3. created by the state.

4.public opinion

5. relationships between people

6. spontaneously

7. imperative

8. Middle Ages

9. enshrined in laws

10. legislative act

11. not recorded

12. internal motive

13. Ancient Egypt

14. state coercion

15. state.

    Since mass communications are focused on the needs and level of the audience, they do not participate in the formation of mass needs and stereotypes.

    A characteristic feature of democratic regimes is the constitutional consolidation of any ideology as a state one.

    A person’s image of his “I” is formed in the process of social interaction.

    Shareholders, without being liable for the obligations of the joint-stock company, do not bear any losses associated with its activities.

    Political parties are a constant companion of the state throughout its existence.

    Issues of acquiring citizenship are regulated by the norms of civil law of the Russian Federation.

    Democracy is possible only under a republican form of government; this reveals the integrity of the political system.

    Social norms include only those regulations that are enshrined in laws, which ensures their universal obligatory nature.

    Articulate speech preceded the emergence of consciousness in humans and became its prerequisite.

4. By what principles are the ranks formed? Add another element to each row. Make entries in the table. (8 points)

    Epics, epics, fairy tales.

    Culture, science, morality.

formation of rows

New row element

5. Read the text. This is an excerpt from an essay that reveals the essence of different types of property. The author, unfortunately, failed to draw a line between the two types of property. (12 points)

1) label the columns of the table below, identifying the names of the corresponding types of property;

2) enter in them the serial numbers of sentences reflecting this or that type of property .

1. Organizations usually unite small producers.

2. Capital is formed through the issuance and sale of special documents confirming that their owner is one of the owners of the company.

3. The management of the organization decides every year which part of the profits received should be distributed in the form of dividends and which part should be used to expand production.

4. The property of the organization is divided into shares, and its members usually make their personal labor contribution to the activities of the organization.

5. income is distributed based on who delivered how much product to the organization.

6. Organizations issue and sell securities such as bonds.

7. The board of directors is responsible for the management of the organization and reports on the state of affairs every year.

8. Decisions in the organization are made on the basis of equal voting, regardless of the contribution of each participant to the common cause.

6. Replace the italicized fragment with a social science term. (6 points)

6.1. “With the end of World War II, the United States assumed the role of hegemon of the Western “free world” abandoned the state's economic policy aimed at protecting against foreign competition, and pledged to promote free international trade." ___________________________________

6.2. “Mutual misunderstanding, “a conversation between two deaf people” is one of the most important reasons constant active clashes of opposing interests, views, aspirations and general dissatisfaction with family life.” ________________________________

6.3. "People with a low perception of themselves, their capabilities, qualities and place among other people“get stuck” on any, even minor, criticism and ignore positive opinions about themselves.”__________________________________________

7.Read the poetic passages (8 points)

7.1. Fill in the gaps in the poetic passages by writing in the missing words that are concepts known to you from the social studies course. It is clear that the poetic rhythm and rhyme should be observed.

not from the stars

tender bed,

God of iron,

fiery god

God not Marsov,

Neptunes and Veg,

god made of meat

God _____________________!

(V.V. Mayakovsky)

2. Goodbye, wingspan spread

Flight of free perseverance,

And the image of the world, revealed in words,

And _____________________, and miracles.

(B.L. Pasternak)

7.2. What philosophical worldview is presented in the first passage?

8. Read the text and complete the tasks for it. (20 points)

Personalities (1) in any community they must have at least an approximate idea of ​​who gives orders, how these figures were selected, how power (2). It is assumed that individuals(3), components of any political regime (4), familiar with its mechanisms. We would not be able to live in the kind of democracy that exists in France if citizens were not aware of the rules by which this regime operates. At the same time, any knowledge politicians (5) may encounter a contradiction between the political practices of the existing system and other possible regimes. Once one goes beyond the defense and glorification of the existing system, one must abandon any qualitative assessment of it or seek criteria by which one can determine the best regime. (R. Aron, French sociologistXX V)

8.1.Define all italicized and numbered terms.

8.2. The interconnection of which spheres of society is revealed in this passage? Justify your opinion by referring to the text. ___________________________________________

1. Medieval industry 2. Revolution 1905 – 1907

3. Conservative 4. Modern Russian monarchy

5. State 6. Classicism

7. Fascism in Italy 8. Current President of Russia

9.Primitive state.

11.Which type of behavior (legally permitted, prescribed or prohibited) includes the following situations: (3 points)


(5 points)

    “Man is knowledge that knows itself” (E. Yevtushenko)


2. “...if it develops spontaneously and is not consciously leaves behind a desert...” (K. Marx)


3. “... there is a known necessity” (Hegel)


4. “Earth is the mother of wealth, and ... its father” (W. Betty)


5. “The unpaid labor of workers is the source ... of the capitalist” (K. Marx)


We wish you success!




1.Choose one or more answers (10 points)

    1. The right to be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government is called:

A) active suffrage

B) classical suffrage

B) passive suffrage

D) conservative suffrage.

1.2. A traditional society is characterized by the following features:

A) predominance of state and community property

B) rational perception of the world

C) the desire to live in harmony with nature

D) subordination of the individual to society.

1.3. From the point of view of empiricists, the criterion of truth is:

A) theoretical proof

B) agreement with previously acquired knowledge

D) agreements of scientists

1.4. The branches of public law include:

A) constitutional law

B) criminal law

B) family law

D) financial law

D) civil law

1.5. Choose a term that reflects a peculiar combination of biological and social characteristics of a person:

A) individual

B) subject

B) individuality

D) personality

1.6. Fiscal policy is called:

A) cost allocation policy

B) the policy of establishing taxes on the population

C) the policy of regulating the economy through the issue of banknotes, changes in the discount rate and the required reserve ratio

D) the policy of regulating the economy through changes in government spending and taxation.

1.7. The social development of modern Russia is NOT characterized by:

A) increasing complexity of the social structure

B) deep social differentiation

C) the stability of people’s social statuses

D) marginalization of society.

1.8. Industrial civilization includes:

A) Japan after the Meiji reforms

B) England in the 19th century

B) Russia under Peter I

D) Napoleonic France

D) USA in the second half of the 19th century

1.9. Conformism as a type of social adaptation presupposes

A) active influence on the social environment

B) passive perception of a new environment

C) uncritical attitude towards group values

D) the desire to change outdated values

D) tendency towards deviant behavior

1.10. Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation can be carried out in the form of:

A) general partnership

B) joint stock company

B) partnerships of faith

D) state fund

D) institutions

2. Insert in place of the gaps the corresponding words, combinations of words from the proposed list. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. They are numbered. These words and combinations are used once. Write it down serial numbers the words and combinations you have chosen in the sequence in which they appear in the text.


Just as _____________ requires virtue, and a monarchy requires __________, so a _____________ government requires _________. It does not need virtue, and ____________ would be dangerous for it. The unlimited power of ___________ here passes entirely to those to whom he entrusts it. People with greater self-respect could start ______________ in such a state, so it is necessary to crush all courage in people and extinguish the slightest spark of ambition in them. The government of _________ can, at will and without danger to itself, weaken the reins of government: it holds on by its own strength and the strength of _______. But if in a ___________ state the ruler lowers his threatening hand even for a moment, if he cannot immediately destroy the persons occupying the first places in the state, then everything is lost, since ____________ - the only driving principle of this image ___________ - has disappeared, and the people have no more than a defender (C. Montesquieu, French philosopher)










  1. Governing body




  2. Judicial

    Use of all types of sound and motor signals

    Labor process

    Forelimb development

    Communal nature of life

    Development of the frontal lobes of the brain

    The emergence of upright walking

    Language communication

    Development of conditioned reflexes

    Herd form of life.

4. By what principles are the ranks formed? Add another element to each row. Make entries in the table. (10 points)

1.Custom, precedent, religious dogma.

2.Epics, epics, fairy tales.

3.Condemnation, boycott, certificate of commendation, honorary title.

4. Accused, judge, juror

5. Sensation, perception

formation of rows

New row element

1. The famous scientist K. Marx put forward the idea of ​​“social elevators”

2. Since mass communications are focused on the needs and level of the audience, they do not participate in the formation of mass needs and stereotypes.

3. At different times, many commoners became generals, thereby climbing the social ladder with the help of the army.

4. Shareholders, without being liable for the obligations of the joint-stock company, do not bear any losses associated with its activities.

    The set of goods and services necessary for the normal reproduction of a worker and his family is a subsistence minimum.

    The cognitive function of science is most fully reflected in the fundamental sciences.

    Personal freedom is a legally enshrined opportunity to receive material, spiritual and other benefits.

    Social norms include only those regulations that are enshrined in laws, which ensures their universal obligatory nature.

    Social partnership is a mechanism for coordinating the interests of participants in the production process: workers and employers.

    A measure of the sensitivity of demand to changes in any of the demand factors is called elasticity of demand.

    Social strata that contribute to the stability of modern society.

    The central institute of the political system of society.

    The desire for separation, isolation

    Element of rational knowledge

    Element of the spiritual sphere of social life

    Name of the branch of philosophy that studies values

    Type of social adaptation of the individual

    Relationships of dominance and submission

    Executive power in Russia.

    Judgment similar to the previous case

11. Relations between people regarding the appropriation (alienation) of the means of production and the material wealth created with their help.

A) Axiology

B) Government

B) Middle class

D) Separatism

D) Traditions

E) Power

G) State

H) Concept

K) Bourgeoisie

K) Precedent

7. “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” talks about a kind of labor contract:

Pop: I need a worker:

Cook, groom and carpenter

Where can I find one like this?

Not a very expensive servant?

Balda: I will serve you well,

Diligently and very efficiently,

In a year, for three clicks on your forehead,

Give me some boiled spelt.

The priest became thoughtful,

He began to scratch his forehead.

Click to click, it's different.

Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe

What is not covered by the oral employment agreement between Pop and Balda, but should be taken into account when concluding an employment contract in real life? (10 points)

(6 points)

1. The founders of the church had two swords: they kept one for themselves, sheathing it; the second was given to sovereigns so that they could govern states and resolve disputes with other countries. In general, the process of the emergence of a state is similar to the process of God’s creation of the world.__________________________________________________________

2. States emerged as a result of fundamental changes in the economy and in primitive society itself. There was a division of labor. Rich and poor appeared, classes were formed. To govern under these new conditions, a force was required that would repress the exploited and protect the interests of the rich. The state has become such a force.__________________________________________________________________________

3. Human races are physically and psychologically unequal. There is a higher race and lower races. The superior race is called upon to dominate the rest with the help of the state and laws.__________________________________________________________

9. Read the text. This is an excerpt from an essay on different types of economic systems. The author, unfortunately, was unable to distinguish between the distinctive features of two different economic systems. (12 points)

Do it yourself. For this:

    This is an economic system based on traditions fixed in the minds of people based on the experience of generations.

    It is characterized by centralized directive planning.

    Economic power is concentrated in the central government, in the bureaucracy.

    Customs determine the use of rare, limited natural resources

    Enterprises act in accordance with the planned targets communicated to them from the upper echelons of management.

    Such a system is often based on totalitarian regimes; it contradicts democratic principles of governance.

    This is, as a rule, a subsistence economy that serves itself using its own resources and strength.

    The dominant role belongs to distributive, command methods.

    This system fundamentally impedes the development of a free market, competition, and entrepreneurship.

    It functions on the basis of traditional patriarchal, semi-feudal, hierarchical ties between people.

10.Read the text and complete the tasks for it. (24 points)

"The concept of class is probably suitable for the analysis social structure(1) past societies, including industrial(2) capitalist society, but in modern post-industrial(3) in society it does not work, because in this society, on the basis of a broad corporatization(4), as well as the exclusion of the main shareholders from the sphere of production management and their replacement with hired ones managers(5) relationships property(6) turned out to be blurred and lost their definition. Therefore, the concept of “class” should be replaced by the concept of “stratum” or the concept of “social group”, and the theory of social class structure of society should be replaced by theories of social stratification.”

(A.A. Radugin, K.A. Radugin, Russian sociologists)

10.1. Define all italicized and numbered terms.







10.2.Explain the essence of the theory of class division of society.




10.3.Name the most famous representative of this social theory.


11.Read the poetic passages (12 points)

Fill in the gaps in the poetic passages by writing in the missing words that are concepts known to you from the social studies course. It is clear that the poetic rhythm and rhyme should be observed. Determine what philosophical position is represented in the lines of A.S. Pushkin and G.R. Derzhavin.

11.1. There is no movement, said the bearded sage.

The other remained silent and stood in front of him ______

He could not have objected more strongly;

Everyone praised the intricate answer.

(A.S. Pushkin)

Philosophical position:__________________________

11.2. The river of times in its rush

Takes away all people's affairs

And drowns in the abyss of oblivion

Nations, kingdoms and kings

And if anything remains

Through the sounds of the lyre and trumpet,

Then_________________ will be devoured by the muzzle

And the common fate will not go away.

(G.R. Derzhavin)

Philosophical position ______________________________

12.Replace the fragment in italics with a social science term. (6 points)

12.1.According to the fixed and selectively preserved elements of sociocultural experience, it was necessary to prepare for the wedding in a special way.


12.2. Each of the celestial beings who inhabited Olympus, according to the creations of the collective national fantasy, which generally reflected reality in the form of sensory-specific personifications and animate beings, also had their own earthly homeland - a very specific locality.


12.3. Plato considered the most important features of an ideal state to be independence, self-sufficiency, the position of breaking various social ties with other states, as well as harmony based on reason and justice.


We wish you success!




1.Choose one or more answers (10 points)

1.1.What concept defines the deep level of collective and individual consciousness, including the unconscious?

A) Ideology

B) Mentality

B) Worldview

1.2. Mass culture is:

A) a type of cultural product that is produced in large quantities every day

B) the culture of everyday life, presented to the widest audience through various channels, including media and communications

C) both definitions are correct.

1.3.Which statements are true?

A) faith in God is mandatory for every person

B) as long as people are alive, religious ideas will exist.

C) every person has the right to freedom of belief, freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

1.4.Which statements are true?

A) true political democracy cannot exist without economic freedom

B) democracy is a way of organizing not only the political system, but also the entire life of society

C) democracy is only the direct participation of the people in resolving a particular issue.

1.5. The concept of the rule of law was introduced:

A) the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle

B) philosophers - educators of the 18th century.

C) German philosopher I. Kant at the beginning of the 19th century

1.6. Social justice means:

A) the cessation of any discrimination against individuals, as well as equality in rights and opportunities

B) equal distribution of everything that society has (egalitarianism)

C) providing society with the vital needs of people regardless of their labor contribution and solving the problem of social security

1.7. Social stratification is:

A) the theory of the movement of people from one social class to another

B) a system of characteristics that determine the social structure

C) the idea of ​​citizens’ desire for the highest labor achievements.

1.8.Name an English economist who argued that consumption is the driving force of economic life

B) J.M. Keynes

B) W. Rostow

1.9. The state influences the economy through:

A) tax collection

A) government orders

B) regulation of money circulation

D) economic programming

D) all of the above.

1.10. The traditional type of thinking is distinguished by the following features:

A) ensuring the security of one’s country by any means necessary

B) mistrust as a form of communication between countries and peoples

C) recognition of the modern world as unified and interconnected

D) the desire to forcefully solve political problems

D) recognition of the priority of universal human values

E) rejection of war as a solution to controversial issues

G) predominance of class, group, national interests

H) recognition of the right of peoples to freely and independently choose their destiny.

    Insert in place of the gaps the corresponding words, combinations of words from the proposed list. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. The same words may be omitted from the text more than once. Note: There are more words in the list than there are gaps in the text! (12 points)

Term (…) came to sociology from (…) (…). The basis for it is the so-called staircase ( …) , in which the poor occupy the lowest rung and the rich the highest.

The first historical system (…) became (…)

(…) , (…), (…) and prestige.

(…), (…), (…).

1..moral purity 2.Social stratification

3.Social mobility. 4.Education

5.geology. 6. Stagnation

7.Vertical mobility. 8.Scientific.

9. Stratification. 10.Serfdom.

11.Slavery. 12.Horizontal mobility.

13.Social. 14.Power.

15.primitive society. 16.Income.

17.Feudal fragmentation. 18.Physics.

3.Fill in the blanks in the text below: (5 points)

« There are two main types of government macroeconomic regulation – budgetary (fiscal) and ___________________(1) policy. The measures of the first (budgetary) policy include, for example, such as ______________________ (2). Measures of the second type of macroeconomic policy involve influencing the country's economy by changing the money supply and interest rates. Thus, to combat the recession, supporters of such a policy call for __________________ (3) the refinancing rate, and to combat inflation

________________ (4) her.”

4. By what principles are the ranks formed? Add another element to each row. Make entries in the table. (10 points)

1. Profit tax, personal income tax, unified social tax.

2. Mythological, scientific, (rational), sensual.

3.Political organization of society, socio-political and legal norms, political relations.

4.Commodity, financial services, intangible goods.

5. Status role, status range, status symbols.

formation of rows

New row element

5. If you agree with the statement, write “yes”; if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your entries into the table (10 points)

1. Behavior that does not correspond to accepted norms in society is called conformism.

2. In the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation is simultaneously the head of state and government.

3. Ontology is a philosophical discipline that studies society.

4.Money allows you to accumulate treasures in the most liquid form.

5. Subculture is an autonomous, integral formation within the dominant culture, determining the lifestyle and thinking of its carriers.

6.In accordance with the law, advocacy is not entrepreneurial.

7. The result of cognition depends on the age and individual characteristics of the subject of cognition.

8.Oligopoly is a term from political science.

9. The presence of frictional unemployment indicates the deepening of crisis processes in the economy.

10. The fight against deviations often degenerates into a fight against the diversity of feelings, thoughts, and actions.

6. In the statements that exist in the science of society and man, there are many that are firmly associated with the name of the thinker or scientist who substantiated or proposed them. Match the statements and names of thinkers and scientists. Please note: there are more names of thinkers than statements.

(5 points)

1. The state is one big family, where the sovereign is both the “son of Heaven” and the “father and mother” of the people.

2. Society consists of three parts: sages - philosophers rule society, warriors - protect, demiurges - artisans and farmers create material wealth.

3. “War of all against all.”

4. The essence of capitalist exploitation consists in the gratuitous appropriation of the unpaid part of the worker’s labor.

5. “Fear of the living” is supported by the state, and “fear of the dead” by the church.

a) Marx b) Hegel c) Kant d) Hobbes e) Confucius f) Aristotle g) Plato h) Spencer

7. In the social sciences there are terms and concepts derived from the names of figures who, for various reasons, entered world history, or literary characters who personified this or that social phenomenon.

Please indicate:

2. The surname of a historical figure or literary character, who he was and for what reasons the term was derived from this surname. (24 points)

7.1. Tolstoyism.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




8.Analyze the given facts. They contain information about the operation of political norms. Their types are named in the table. What types does each of the described norms belong to? Enter the serial numbers in the corresponding columns of the table. (9 points)

1. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President is the head of state, the guarantor of constitutional order, human rights and freedoms.

2. The national holiday of France - Bastille Day is celebrated annually on July 14: a military parade takes place on the Champs-Elysees, which is hosted by the president.

3.Members of some parties are required to pay monthly membership fees.

4. In the United States, laws prohibit the president in power from interfering in the election of a new president.

5.Meetings of both houses of the British Parliament strictly follow the procedures established hundreds of years ago.

6. In a number of countries around the world, a presidential candidate who declares that he holds atheistic views or is indifferent to religion is doomed to defeat.

7. An environmental organization uniting fighters for banning research in the field of nuclear energy has established a probationary period for those wishing to join it.

8. The son of the leader of one of the leading opposition parties was exposed by the press as using drugs. The next party congress elected a new party chairman.

9.During the award ceremony, the athlete tore the national flag of his country. Most viewers condemned his action.

9.M. Weber identified three types of political domination. Their comparative features can be summarized in a table. Fill out this table. A list of the traits of all types of political dominance is given below. Place their serial numbers in the table in accordance with each type of domination, according to the comparative characteristics indicated in the first column. (12 points)

1. Belief in the special qualities of a leader. 2. Rationally developed law 3. Delegation based on the majority principle 4. Monarch, head of the confession. 5. Prophet, “superman”, hero. 6. Personnel associated with the main system of class connections.. 7. The will of the leader elevated to law. 8. Elected official.9 9. Professional bureaucracy. 10. Well-established, age-old norms. 11. Transfer of power by inheritance. 12. Officials personally loyal to the leader.

10. In logic, all concepts in terms of volume and content are divided into several types. In terms of volume, they can be singular - the scope of the concept includes only one object, for example, the first president of Russia. General - the scope of concepts includes many objects, for example, the president. And zero (empty) - the scope of the concept does not include a single object, for example, a Martian inhabitant.

A number of concepts are presented to you. Divide them by volume, entering the serial numbers of the concepts in the corresponding columns of the table. (9 points)


Are common


1.The current Constitution of the USSR. 2. Malthusianism. 3. Melancholic.

7. Scientific and technological revolution 8. Monopoly 9. Unequal parity.

11.Analyze the presented poetic passages. In each of them, concepts known to you from the social studies course are revealed in a figurative form. Install them and write them in the lines located under each passage.

(12 points).

1. “Not yet requires a poet

To the sacred sacrifice Apollo,

In the cares of the vain world

He is cowardly immersed;

His holy lyre is silent;

The soul tastes a cold sleep,

And among the insignificant children of the world,

Perhaps he is the most insignificant of all.

But only a divine verb

It will touch sensitive ears,

The poet's soul will stir,

Like an awakened eagle."

A.S. Pushkin “Poet”.


2. “My illness came to me because I thirsted for it. This is hope that has become my disease. But I enjoy cherishing my hope so much that I am ready to suffer endlessly. And there is so much joy in my pain that I languish with pleasure.”

Chretien de Troyes.


3. How the world is changing! And how I myself am changing!

I am called by only one name,

In fact, what they call me

I'm not alone. There are a lot of us. I'm alive.

N.A. Zabolotsky. "Metamorphoses"


12.All the statements below say one thing. Name the word that expresses the subject of the statement and give it a definition. (3 points)

“The product of a gaming person!” (J. Huizinga)

“...This is the rope that you can throw to a drowning person and with which you can strangle your neighbor” (P.A. Florensky)

“The totality of genetically non-inherited information in the field of human behavior” (Yu.M. Lotman).

“...This is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos” (F. Nietzsche).


We wish you success!





2. Insert in place of the gaps the corresponding words, combinations of words from the proposed list. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. They are numbered. These words and combinations are used once. Write it down serial numbers the words and combinations you have chosen in the sequence in which they appear in the text.

Note: There are more words in the list than there are gaps in the text! (8 points)

Morality as a form of spiritual life has already arisen ( 1 ). Morality has no clearly defined boundaries; it is represented in all spheres of public life. Where there is ( 5 ), there is always a place for moral assessment. It arises ( 6 ), its norms are usually ( 11 ), they live in people's minds. Morality is based on strength (4). Like law, it matters (7); unlike law - not (3). In morality comes to the fore (12), whereas in law the main thing is the fact of the committed act.

3. If you agree with the statement, write “yes”; if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your entries into the table (10 points)

4. By what principles are the ranks formed? Add another element to each row. Make entries in the table. (8 points). 1 point for the correct answer. 1 point for correctly included additional element.

    Custom, precedent, religious dogma.

    Epics, epics, fairy tales.

    Condemnation, boycott, certificate of commendation, honorary title.

    Culture, science, morality.

formation of rows

New row element

Sources of law

Forms of folk culture

For example, legends

Social sanctions

Subsystems of the spiritual sphere of society

Religion, art, ideology

5. Read the text. This is an excerpt from an essay that reveals the essence of different types of property. The author, unfortunately, failed to draw a line between the two types of property. (12 points). 2 points for determining the names of types of property, 1 point for each correctly correlated sentence.

6. Replace the italicized fragment with a social science term. (6 points).

2 points for each correct position.

6.1. Protectionism

6.2. Conflict

6.3. Self-esteem

7. 2 points for each correct insertion in a poetic passage and 4 points for determining a philosophical position in 1 passage. Total 8 points.

7.1. 1 person

2. Creativity

7.2. Anthropocentrism. The accepted answer is humanism.

8. Read the text and complete the tasks for it. (20 points). 3 points for each definition, 2 points for indicating the relationship between the political and spiritual spheres, and 3 points for explaining the essence of this relationship as shown in the text.

8.1. 1. Personality – a person as a subject of social relations and conscious activity.

2.Power is the ability to subjugate other people to your will, to control or command their actions.

3.An individual is a single representative of the human race.

4. Political regime – a system of techniques, methods, forms and means of exercising political power in society.

5.Politics – activities aimed at achieving, maintaining, strengthening and implementing public power.

8.2. This shows the relationship between the political and spiritual spheres of society. The work of the power mechanism in society is impossible without knowledge and awareness by citizens of the most important principles of politics. The question is also raised about the possibility of a qualitative assessment of the political regime, the development of ideas about the ideal (best) regime, that is, the elements of political ideology.

9.Most of the concepts and terms of modern social science have Greek and Latin roots. Here are words obtained by literal translation into Russian. Your task is to name the scientific term corresponding to the Russian translation. (10 points)

The power of few


10. 9 points

11.Which type of behavior (legally permitted, prescribed or prohibited) includes the following situations: (3 points). 1 point for the correct position.

A) The owner of a candle factory, Father F., paid taxes in full and sleeps peacefully -

prescribed behavior

B) Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl -

prohibited behavior

B) Uncle Fedor and K produce dairy products for children and adults

lawfully permitted behavior

12. Read the statements below from famous scientists, thinkers, and politicians. Write down the concepts (terms) mentioned in these statements.

(5 points)

1. Self-knowledge

2. Culture

3. Freedom

5. Profit

Total – 109 points





1.Choose one or more answers (10 points). 1 point for a correct answer, 0 points for any error.

2. Insert in place of the gaps the corresponding words, combinations of words from the proposed list. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. They are numbered. These words and combinations are used once. Write it down serial numbers the words and combinations you have chosen in the sequence in which they appear in the text.

Note: There are more words in the list than there are gaps in the text! (12 points)

As for __1__________ virtue is needed, and for a monarchy ___ 12_ ______, so for ___15 The government needs __________ __7______. It does not need virtue, and _____12_______ would be dangerous for it. Unlimited power ____17_______ here passes entirely to those to whom he entrusts it. People with great self-respect could start _ 11_____________, Therefore, it is necessary to crush all courage in people and extinguish the slightest spark of ambition in them. Government __3______ can, at will and without danger to himself, weaken the reins of government: it holds on by its own strength and strength ___19___. But if in _15__________ in a state, the ruler will lower his threatening hand even for a moment; if he cannot immediately destroy the persons occupying the first places in the state, then everything is lost, since ____ 7________ - the only driving principle of this image ___14________- disappeared, and the people no longer have a defender “(C. Montesquieu, French philosopher)

3. Find in the list given the social conditions for the origin of consciousness and indicate their serial numbers. (3 points)

formation of rows

New row element

Sources of law

Forms of folk culture

For example, legends

Social sanctions

An example of any social sanction

Participants in criminal proceedings

Prosecutor, witness, expert

Forms of sensory knowledge


5. If you agree with the statement, write “yes”; if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your entries into the table (10 points)

6. Establish correspondence between elements. Please note that the second list contains unnecessary elements. (11 points)

7.? What is not covered by the oral employment agreement between Pop and Balda, but should be taken into account when concluding an employment contract in real life?

(10 points). 2 points for each position.

The oral agreement does not take into account:

Duration of the employment contract

Length of employee's working day

Qualification of the employee (what he can do according to documents or recommendations)

Employee's health status

Payment procedure (how often, under what conditions it is not paid, etc.)

8. Determine which theories of the origin of the state are summarized below:

(6 points) 2 points for each position.

1. theological

2. material

3. racial

9.Read the text. This is an excerpt from an essay on different types of economic systems. The author, unfortunately, was unable to distinguish between the distinctive features of two different economic systems.

1 point for identifying types of economic systems, and 1 point for each correctly assigned sentence to the corresponding type of system. (12 points)

Do it yourself. For this:

1) label the columns of the table below, identifying the types of economic systems in question.;

2) enter in them the serial numbers of sentences reflecting the characteristics of each of the types of economic systems you have identified.

10. 3 points for each definition, 4 points for explaining the essence of the theory of class division of society and 2 points for indicating the name of K. Marx. Total 24 points.

10.1. 1. Social structure - the internal structure of a society or social group, an ordered set of interconnected and interacting social groups, social institutions and relationships between them.

2. Industrial society is a type of economically developed society in which the predominant sector of the national economy is industry.

3. Post-industrial society - a society in which the main products of production are information and knowledge, the service sector has priority development and prevails over the volume of industrial production and agricultural production.

4. Incorporation is the process of placing shares of an enterprise among its holders.

5. Manager - a hired employee engaged in professional organizational activities in the management bodies of an enterprise, firm, or institution.

6. Property – property or financial assets belonging to an individual or legal entity.

10.2.The essence of class theory is the division of society into large groups - classes, depending on the relations of ownership of the means of production.

20.3. K. Marx

11. 2 points for a correctly defined word. 4 points for the correct philosophical position. (12 points)

11.1. Walk

Philosophical position - empiricism, metaphysics

11.2. Eternity

Philosophical position – fatalism

12 .Replace the italicized fragment with a social science term.

2 points for a correctly defined term. (6 points)

12.1. Tradition


Total - 126





1.Choose one or more answers (10 points). 1 point for a correct answer, 0 points for any error.

2.Insert in place of the gaps the corresponding words, combinations of words from the proposed list. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. The same words may be omitted from the text more than once. Note: There are more words in the list than there are gaps in the text! (12 points).

The order in which you specify 4,14 or 14,4 does not matter.

Term (9) came to sociology from (5) . There it serves to indicate the location of the Earth's layers along a vertical line. Sociology inherited this scheme by adding the word (13). The basis for it is the so-called staircase (16), in which the poor occupy the lowest rung and the rich the highest.

The first historical system (2) became (11) , which generally deprived a person of any rights and bordered on an extreme degree of inequality.

(2) society occurs using several factors: material , (4), (14) and prestige.

The concept under consideration is inseparable from the concept (3), which characterizes movement from one social layer to another. The transition of an individual from one social group to another located at the same level is called (12), movement from one social stratum (class, group) to another (7).

3.(5 points). For each correct answer - 1 point, for an additional example of budget policy - 1 point.

1. Monetary (credit - monetary)

2. Changes in taxes, organization of public works, etc.

3. Reduce.


4. By what principles are the ranks formed? Add another element to each row. Make entries in the table. 1 point for the correct answer. 1 point for correctly included additional element. (10 points)

formation of rows

New row element

(For example)

Direct taxes

Property tax

Types of cognition

Religious, philosophical

Components of a political system

Political consciousness, political practice

Types of markets

Labor market

Elements of social status

Status rights, status responsibilities

5. If you agree with the statement, write “yes”; if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your entries into the table (10 points)

6. Match the statements and names of thinkers and scientists. Please note: there are more names of thinkers than statements.

(5 points)

7. Specify:

1. Brief definition of the term.

2. The surname of the historical figure or literary character, who he was and for what reasons the term was derived from this surname. Up to 3 points for a correct definition and 3 points for a correctly named surname. (24 points)

7.1. Tolstoyism . 1. Religious - a social movement in Russia at the end of the 19th century, the principles of which are non-resistance to evil by violence, forgiveness, universal love and moral self-improvement of the individual.

2. L.N. Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) – great Russian writer and philosopher.

7.2. Oblomovism. 1. indifference to public interests, reluctance to make any decisions or perform any actions, believing that others will do it.

2. Ilya Oblomov is a character in the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharov.

7.3. Machiavellianism 1. Politics based on the cult of power, deceit, disregard for moral standards in the name of achieving and maintaining power.

2. N. Machiavelli - Italian political writer (1469 - 1527), Secretary of State of the Florentine Republic.

7.4. Quixotic 1. A model of behavior based on an idealistic desire to fight real or imaginary evil, using sometimes ridiculous and insignificant means of struggle.

2. This type of behavior is clearly represented in the image of Don Quixote, the central character of M. Cervantes’s novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha”

8. What types does each of the described norms belong to? Enter the serial numbers in the corresponding columns of the table. (9 points)

9. Place serial numbers in the table in accordance with each type of dominance, according to the comparative characteristics indicated in the first column. 1 point for the correct position. (12 points)

10. (9 points)

11.Identify the concepts and write them on the lines below each passage. 4 points for a correctly identified concept.

(12 points).

1. Creativity.

3. Socialization.

12.All the statements below say one thing. Name the word that expresses the subject of the statement and give it a definition. 1 point for the correct word. 2 points - for definition. (3 points)


    The entire artificial environment, “second nature,” created, renewed and developed by man. (There may be other definitions of culture)

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