Vulcan Russia. Historical types of stratification

The “new rich” have concentrated the largest fortune in their hands. There are 267 million NWB families in the world, and by 2020 their number will reach 403 million. Since 2010, this class has accumulated wealth faster than the super-rich and the middle class. This trend will continue for at least the next decade.

There are 1.32 million new wealthy families in Russia, and in six years their number will exceed 2.4 million. The volume of financial assets of the “new rich” Russians in 2014 amounted to about $267 billion, and by 2020 the figure will grow to 503 billion. Developing countries lag behind developed countries in terms of the number of NWB, but by 2020 everything will be different (see diagram 5). Many mature economies are already facing slowdowns, while developing countries, despite some challenges, continue to grow. Accordingly, the population of the latter is getting richer much faster.

In terms of aggregate welfare, mature economies will retain leadership in the forecast period. However, China will take first place in the country ranking. By 2020, the ratio of the fortunes of the “new rich” in the Middle Kingdom and the United States will be 2 to 1. The Chinese will have assets in the amount of $53 trillion, while the Americans will accumulate $27 trillion.

India will be the first in terms of growth among developing countries and in the Asia-Pacific region. The total assets of the local “new rich” will increase 10 times by 2020 and reach $880 billion. The conditions for this are very favorable: economic reforms, infrastructure modernization, a stable political outlook and positive investor sentiment.

In terms of average annual growth rates of wealth for “new rich” families in 2014–2020, Latin America will lead with 11.1%. Next with 10.1% is the Asia-Pacific region. Russia and Central and Eastern European countries will take third place with 9%.

Humble and hardworking

The New Rich are self-made. “The vast majority of them - nine out of ten - created their wealth in the last 10 years, only 3% attribute it to receiving some kind of inheritance,” says Erica Klein, EIU US editorial director.

They themselves are modest and do not consider themselves rich. This label, according to many of them, can be applied to those who have investment assets of $2 million or more.

NWB achieve their goals through hard work, so they place great importance on education and knowledge. These are doctors, lawyers, accountants, investment consultants and top company managers. They are well versed in modern technologies, use digital banking and most of all value convenience and the ability to save their time.

As global citizens, the “new rich” are not limited to just a few countries. More than half of them go abroad for business purposes more than three times a year; a third send their children to study abroad; a quarter hold bank accounts in more than two countries.
They know firsthand about philanthropy: 97% of NWBs regularly donate a certain percentage of their income.

Moral and independent

The “new rich” are confident and independent investors. The vast majority (84%) manage their investment portfolios personally, although a good half still seek professional support on specific technical and tax issues.

Focused on sustainable growth of prosperity, they are far from conservatives. Most often, NWBs choose domestic market shares, mutual or pooled investment funds, and in rare cases, sovereign bonds.
They invest in projects that truly excite them and see them as an opportunity to secure the future of their loved ones. They do not enter into transactions with their conscience: the factor of moral considerations influences the investment decisions of 95% of NWB.

The appetite for growth is driving them to consider exotic investment destinations. In the near future, the “new rich” plan to invest in countries such as Andorra, Bhutan, Ecuador, Ghana, Greenland, Iceland and Malawi. In the meantime, their portfolio is distributed mainly between stable regions with the most favorable economic prospects: the USA, Great Britain, India, Australia and Singapore.

Investing passion is not alien to 82% of NWB. At the same time, a third of the “new rich” consider this category of investments as a way to leave “non-monetary wealth” to their heirs.

They consider economic and political instability to be the greatest threat to the growth of personal well-being. And the “new rich” react to any market turns earlier and more sharply than others.

B rich before and now. Ten to fifteen years ago, a person was called rich for his possession of material assets: capital, gold, shares, real estate, etc. Most often, when it came to the rich, they were called “new Russians.” This name has a certain image and image attached to it.

IN from what is written about the meaning of this phrase in Wikipedia " New Russian(new Russians) is a cliché denoting representatives of the Russian social class who made a large fortune in the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a new type of entrepreneur. Not all new Russians are ethnically Russian. Having originally appeared as a neutral designation, the term soon after its appearance began to be used in a negative and ironic meaning: new Russians are people who quickly became rich (usually in a dubious or illegal way), big tycoons - mafiosi, but do not have a high level of intelligence, culture and , despite their wealth, using the vocabulary and manners of the lower social classes from which they originated.”

IN Times are changing and the concepts of “rich” and “wealth” are also undergoing changes. The term " new rich" appeared thanks to the book by Timothy Ferriss « How to work four hours a week » .

N The Internet started these changes. With his arrival in our lives, people got the opportunity to learn more in a unit of time, as well as transfer their knowledge very quickly. Those who realized this quickly freed themselves from hired work and learned to manage many processes even from a mobile phone.

N The New Rich know how to get rich with the help of the Internet, and this gives them the opportunity to travel a lot, and even change their place of residence. Even those people who, although still employed, have remote work, have been able to create wealth with the help of the Internet. Most likely, this is a job with a flexible schedule. They use the freed time for personal development, professional and spiritual knowledge.

B Most of the New Rich have created well-functioning businesses that do not require much intervention. In these circles, time, money and freedom are of particular value. Having freedom, you can get time; having time, you can get knowledge; having knowledge, you can get money.

H The more valuable knowledge is, the easier it is converted into currency, and this conversion does not depend on the exchange rate of the dollar and euro, “internal” money is always valuable, it is impossible to lose it.

C The abundance of free time has increased greatly - after all, money cannot buy time. If you don’t have time, then you won’t get new knowledge, which means there will be nothing to convert.

N The new Rich are confident in themselves and the future, and are in a great mood. The worst dream for the New Rich will be the dream of

Raise money, I will help! Pravdina Natalya Borisovna

Talisman in the form of a dragon for a rich new life

1. You can purchase a figurine from any natural material (clay, wood, metal, stone). This is not of fundamental importance. The appearance of the figurine is important. The dragon should have wings, shiny scales on its body, and spikes on its back. A pearl is placed in his paws. This is a symbol of his strength and wealth. In addition, the dragon should be golden, blue or green, and the figurine itself should be small in size. This is necessary so that the talisman does not dominate the residents in the house.

2. After purchase, clean the talisman with water and salt.

3. Then take the figurine in your hands and imagine what changes in business you want (move to a more lucrative job, get a promotion up the career ladder, make a deal with new partners, etc.) Try to mentally draw your desire as accurately as possible. Then take an incense stick and fumigate the dragon. This way you will awaken your talisman, and it will begin to act.

4. All that remains is to position it correctly in the room. It is recommended to place the figurine in the eastern part of the house or in the center of the living room. Ambitious and bright personalities must have a dragon in order to receive heavenly support and strength.

I create the most magnificent image of myself, my happiness and wealth!

I tune my mind to the psychology of wealth!

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115. Affirmation “Today I start a new life” Today I start a new life. I will acquire good habits and become their slave. Today I will become a hundred times more worthy. As a child, I was at the mercy of my impulses; now I am a slave to my habits, like all those who mature.

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An elephant talisman to save time and money An elephant figurine can be used to prevent waste of time and money. The talisman helps you weigh everything and make the right decision, attracting patrons. Thanks to him the money

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Anything can happen in life, and each of us has to face unusual circumstances and tests of strength and willpower. This is how you can recognize the real you.

website collected stories from the sites “Overheard” and Pikabu about people who cope with non-standard life situations with dignity.

  • She worked as a designer, studied, rented an apartment, provided for a bat. There was only enough money for an apartment, food and a mouse. One day my entire salary was stolen on the bus. I’m walking, crying and suddenly I see: a wallet. I open it, and there is money 3 times more than my salary. At first I thought I was lucky, but then I felt ashamed. Maybe the person has the same situation as me. There was a business card of a certain Sergei in the wallet. I called the phone on it. Sergei turned out to be the driver of a wealthy man. He thanked me, and then it turned out that his boss needed a designer for his new house. Then to his friends... I was paid an advance on the very first day - my double salary! And most importantly, the mouse is happy.
  • Mom told me how she passed the exam. She pulled out a ticket, but only knows one of two questions. She came out and said: “Can I start with the second question?” The professor was surprised, but allowed it. Mom answers, and then another teacher comes in and asks the professor to come into the department. He came out and said: “Then you will take it from her, she has already answered one question.” The teacher sits down, the mother, not at a loss, begins to retell the same question. They gave it "excellent".
  • I always tried to diversify my life with some kind of movement, so as not to seem boring to others. Climbing wall? Please, and climb higher, too. Jump with a rope? Give me two, I jumped off the 83-meter pipe. An open cabin on a Ferris wheel? Spit and grind. But in fact, I’m still pissed: I’m afraid of heights and I’m still a hypochondriac. Sitting down on the mind-blowing attraction once again, I show everyone “class” with two fingers, and silently pray and cry.
  • My wife and I are polyglots. I know 9 languages ​​perfectly, she knows 7. And it’s a complete thrill. We travel to different countries, communicate with locals in their language. Many are pleased, some do not even immediately understand that we are foreigners. But the coolest thing is that my wife and I can always talk in a language that others won’t understand. This is our favorite Russian-Japanese-Dutch mixture, incomprehensible to no one in the world.
  • In 3rd grade we went to the cinema with our friends. Before the session we went down to the river. I was wearing beautiful ballet shoes. At first we threw “pancakes” into the water, and then we played around and began throwing stones into the waves with our feet. In one such throw, one shoe slipped into the water and began to sink. They couldn’t reach him with a stick, they just pushed him further from the shore. I'm in tears. A guy was walking by, saw us, walked into the waist-deep water in expensive trousers, took out a shoe and put it on my foot. I felt like Cinderella.
  • By the age of 30 she became a successful woman. She raised her son, worked as a manager in a large company, traveled... Until she broke her leg. And time seemed to stand still: I don’t need to go anywhere, go - not to the store, not to the bank, not to work. Don't go anywhere at all. I started reading books that had long been collecting dust on the shelf, watching movies, and working remotely at a time convenient for me. At the end of my sick leave, I realized that I didn’t want to return to that ordinary world. I quit my job, started working as a taxi driver at night, and earned extra money by typing and translating. I only go to the store at night when no one is there. And it's such a thrill! I decided that I needed to take breaks in life, gain strength, watch sunrises and eat ice cream at night on the embankments.
  • Everyone asks why I have recently become so active, cheerful, and cheerful. And she already jumped with a parachute, flew on a paraglider, got a tattoo and flew to India with her last money. Everyone likes the new me. And no one knows that a month ago I overcame cancer and life for me now is the greatest happiness.
  • I met a guy in line to get a passport. We spent about 6 hours there, we were already like family to each other. Then we went for a walk with him. We walked until dawn, chatting about everything. We arrived at my house at 6 am. And so he asks me for my phone number, takes out his phone, and it’s dead. I don’t have a piece of paper or a pen with me, and there’s no one to ask for it. He looked around, dragged a log of considerable size and found a coal on the ground. And with this coal I drew my phone number on the log. He threw the log over his shoulder and went home. His mother was stunned: he left to get his international passport in the afternoon, the phone was turned off, he showed up at 6 in the morning, happy, brought some kind of log and said: “Don’t touch it until the morning.”
  • In the theater, as a rule, the actors do not learn texts that can be read, but read them from the sheet. I don’t remember the name of the play, but the gist is that during the course of the scene a messenger runs in and hands the king a letter with the words: “Your Majesty, there is a letter for you!” The king unrolls the scroll and... oh horror, there is no text there (colleagues made a joke)! He was an experienced artist, so he returned the scroll to the messenger with the words: “Read, messenger!” The actor playing the role of the messenger was also no stranger. He gives the letter back and replies: “Illiterate, Your Majesty!”
  • I’ve been working as a waitress for three years now, I’ve seen a lot of things: there were drunk people, crazy people, people didn’t pay the bill, and they left exorbitant tips. But the man who ordered coffee for himself and a rare steak for the little lion cub sitting in his arms definitely outdid everyone else.
  • I live on the 2nd floor. My birthday is in the summer. One day I was sleeping and heard loud noises. I open my eyes and through the balcony door I see flowers in the windows and hands pounding on the glass. I get up and realize that in the other room these sounds are coming from the windows and in the kitchen. Friends who adore rocks (they all have equipment) decided to congratulate me in this unusual way this morning. I opened the windows - bouquets flew in, followed by friends. I will not forget the happiness of that day!
  • Recently I was riding with a driver I knew on a minibus in the first seat, and we got stuck in a traffic jam. He saw that the second lock next to the truck body was not secured, just on the side of our minibus. This could threaten the load falling and an overall emergency situation. It was dark, and the driver would not have seen it in the rearview mirror. An acquaintance tried to get closer a couple of times to get this lock, but in the end he got it - extended his hand and secured it as needed. At that moment I thought that often good things happen to us, someone’s hand saves us from a dangerous situation, and we don’t even know it.
  • Robert glued onto his stomach exactly the same valve as Chace's. The boy considers his father the best in the world and wants to be like him in everything.

The New Rich have true FREEDOM!

New Rich. Old Rich. Who are they?

Work with pleasure! Have free time! Travel all year round! To be rich! Isn't this what most people in the world dream about? :)

As usual! :) Most people just dream. And only a FEW DO everything to make their dreams come true.

But NOT everyone who becomes rich gains true freedom! These include the Old Rich.

Old Rich.

The Old Rich measure their wealth only by the amount of money they own. Whoever has more millions is richer.

The Old Rich devote 24/7 to their business. Some even live at work in the literal sense of the word. They specially create a mini-apartment inside an office building so that they can always be close to their brainchild.

The Old Rich are tied to a specific place. They cannot be absent from the workplace for a long time. They cannot travel long distances for long periods of time. And if they return from business trips, they are faced with a rush of problems that have accumulated during their absence.

The Old Rich base their business entirely on their personality. And all processes within the company directly depend on the actions of the owner himself.

In the end, it would seem that there is money. And perhaps even IN EXCESS! But there is NO TIME to spend them! The Old Rich are bound hand and foot by TIME and MOBILITY. The Old Rich don't know what FREEDOM is!

New Rich.

But the New Rich have the opportunity to make any of their dreams COMPLETELY come true!

The New Rich work with pleasure! If, of course, it can be called work. :) For them, work is their FAVORITE activity.

The New Rich have FREE TIME! The New Rich are constantly coming up with every possible way to reduce their working hours to just a few hours a week. And what is more surprising, the New Rich know HOW to make the day “rubbery”. Ordinary people are knocking for 24 hours. And the New Rich have as many hours as they want! :) The whole secret is that the New Rich skillfully use the opportunities of outsourcing.

Want to know WHAT is outsourcing? HOW to use it? And HOW to explain all this clearly to your children? So click on the button “I want to be aware of all events!” in a special form on the right! And then you will definitely NOT miss anything!

The New Rich have MOBILITY. They can manage their affairs from anywhere in the world. They are not tied to a specific place. The New Rich were given this opportunity by mobile communications and the Internet.

The New Rich call KNOWLEDGE “the new money.” Because they easily extract any amount of money from their own heads. That is why the New Rich consider investing a large amount of money in their heads one of their main investments!

If you ask the New Rich: “I have $10,000. Where should I invest them? Most likely they will answer you: “IN YOUR HEAD! Invest in your education! And then, if used correctly, it will bring you millions of dollars in profit.”

The New Rich LIVE and ENJOY their lives. Because they have FREEDOM! And it is achieved with the help of three main elements: KNOWLEDGE, TIME, MOBILITY. We have already discussed each of them above.

Project "The New Rich Since Childhood" It was created precisely in order to give your RICH child the most important, most valuable element. This is KNOWLEDGE!

Don't miss this great opportunity! Put this knowledge into practice! And then your child will definitely grow up to be the New Rich! ;)

New Rich on the radio.

New Rich Artem Melnik will tell you who the New Rich are and how they live.

Artem, as usual, THANK YOU for the USEFUL and PRACTICAL knowledge! ;)

Read more! And don't forget to APPLY! ;)


To the entry "New Rich. Old Rich. Who are they?" 5 comments left.

    Thank you, Rimma for the project! Super! Especially the fact that it is for children, my children watched cartoons about income, goals (especially my little son was crazy about the mumps, and my 11-year-old daughter decided to print out and use a lot for herself). Thank you for the opportunity to raise our children financially literate now. Indeed, in order to become rich and successful, it is important to be such a person - to do, to act - and then to have, to have fame, and income, and all the ensuing benefits... I wish you and your project further prosperity! We are with you.

    • Rose! Thank you for your comment!))
      I really love words of gratitude. They inspire action. I am especially pleased that my materials turned out to be useful for your children.
      Glad to see you in our ranks! Study, apply, get results! Then share with us. ;)
      Wishes for success, as always, are mutual!
      P.S. Rose! Join our VKONTAKTE group and receive even more materials for raising successful children.

    Thank you Rimma for this post! Artyom is a clear example of the “New Rich” - a successful, young, positive, developing, free and open person who, not in words but in deeds, shows many people how he lives - with a new lifestyle!
    Good luck everyone!

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