Subtracting hours and minutes. Adding time in Microsoft Excel


If this is your first time encountering a time calculation task, try not to immediately resort to complex functions. Most calculations can be done simply mathematical formulas: addition and subtraction. And be sure to format the cells correctly.

To do this, select the range of cells into which data will be entered and right-click on the selection, or open the “Home” tab and click the “Format” button in the “Cells” tool block. In both the first and second cases, select the “Format Cells” item in the context menu.

A new dialog box will open, make sure you are on the Number tab. In the list located on the left side of the window, select the “Time” item with the left mouse button. In the right part of the window, indicate in what form it should be presented. time. Click on the OK button to confirm your choice.

Enter data into the cells in the format XX:XX (or XX:XX:XX). To calculate the time interval between the first and second value, place the cursor in the cell where the total value appears. In the formula bar, put an equal sign, left-click on the cell with the last value, enter a minus sign, then click on the cell with the first value. Press Enter.

For example: the period of time elapsed from 11:10:15 to 12:30:00 is 1 hour, 19 minutes and 45 seconds. The total value in cell C2 is calculated using the formula: =B2-A2. If you need to calculate a period of time in multiple rows (A3 and B3, A4 and B4, and so on), simply drag the AutoFill marker from cell C2 to the end of your table column (C3, C4).

If you need to calculate the total number of hours, minutes and seconds it took to do something, simply add up the data obtained as described above using the SUM function. Place the cursor in the cell with the total value, click on the fx button, in the window that appears, select the SUM function with the left mouse button and mark the range of cells that will participate in the calculation. Press Enter. The formula for calculating will look like this: =SUM(C2:C4).

Microsoft Excel- a powerful tool for working with tables, providing almost limitless possibilities for collecting and analyzing all kinds of data, constructing charts, and creating reports. However, you can also use it as a regular calculator.

  1. In any, enter =2+2. The result of the calculation will appear in the cell - the number 4. Please note that if you simply write 2+2, then this exact text will be visible. In order for Excel to understand that the user wants to perform operations, and not just write them down, it is necessary to precede the formula with an = sign.

  2. The rules for performing calculations in Excel are the same as in regular school arithmetic. For example, the results of calculating =(5+5)*2 and =5+5*2 will be completely different. Use parentheses to determine the order of calculations you need.

  3. Ability to count from using excel would not be so useful if the program did not allow the contents of . Enter 10 in any number, 2 in any other cell. Enter the = sign in another cell, then left-click on the first cell, enter the - sign and left-click on the second cell. A similar to =I9-G8 will appear, and after pressing Enter you will see the result of the subtraction - the number 8. Try entering other numbers in the first two - you will see that the value in the third changes automatically, immediately after adjusting the data in the first cells.

  4. Excel has formulas that allow you to process entire arrays of cells. Select several cells arranged in a vertical column and enter any numbers in them. Place the cursor on the cell below the bottom cell with the number. Type =sum(then highlight the numbers with the mouse. Type the closing parenthesis and press Enter. As a result, a number equal to their sum will appear under the column. Excel has many more complex ones that allow you to perform a variety of complex mathematical, statistical and other calculations.


  • how to calculate formulas in Excel in 2019

Microsoft Excel is very convenient to work with graphs, tables, and databases. Distinctive feature This Office suite application is that it provides calculations that the user can independently define using formulas. One of the simplest and most frequently used formulas is the summation of values.

A calendar is a way of counting and displaying large periods of time.
All our calculations are carried out within the framework of the Gregorian calendar, which is now generally accepted throughout the world (the average length of the year is 365.2425 days). When making historical calculations, please check the dating. The difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars is now 13 days, but early centuries the number of days between equal dates was smaller, the smaller the closer to the beginning of our era ().

Date 1

Sun 22 . 06 . 1941 04 : 00

original date




days between dates


centuries between dates

Date 2

Tue 09 . 05 . 1945 01 : 43

final date



working days between dates *


years between dates


months between dates


hours between dates


minutes between dates


seconds between dates






years months days hours minutes
between two dates

The number of minutes and seconds in a date cannot exceed 60, you entered... other date parameters will also be changed
The number of hours in the date cannot exceed 23, you entered: ... - other date parameters will also be changed
Russian holidays are taken into account in full only if both dates belong to 2018
The number of days in a month\ncannot be more than 31

The number you entered refers to times that are difficult to imagine...


Here is a simple online calculator, aware of its, alas, modest capabilities, and not an astronomical program!

Please enter a different number.

Based on this small scoreboard, it was created.

Now the calculation table is configured to count the days until the start of summer.

To calculate how many days have passed or will pass between the dates you are interested in, simply enter them in the appropriate fields of the table. The time interval can be changed in the same way as dates, in this case the countdown will be from “Date 1”, and “Date 2” will change.
The calculation results also display unchangeable information values ​​and indicators - these are the days of the week (dark gray - weekdays, orange-red - weekends) and, as a final summary, the interval between dates, expressed in years, months, days, hours and minutes .

If on the scoreboard you see the most fateful period in history for our country - the days between the dates of the Great Patriotic War, then it means that Jawa Script is disabled in your browser and you need to enable it to perform calculations.

* Within 2019 of the year calculation of working days is underway taking into account Russian holidays and the scheme for transferring weekends approved by the government of the Russian Federation. At large intervals time between dates, calculations of the number of working days are carried out on the assumption of a five-day working week, Holidays are not taken into account.

Sergey Ov(Seosnews9)

It is reliably known that at the end of the first millennium in Ancient Rus' Time was counted according to the Julian calendar, although New Year celebrated on March 1, counting time according to this calendar is called March style. The difference between the equal dates of the modern and ancient calendars on March 1, 1000 was 59+6=65 days (6 days difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars; dates with equal numbers and equal month numbers from the beginning of the year are considered equal dates).
In 1492, by resolution of the Moscow Council of the Russian Orthodox Church a calendar was adopted according to which the new year (New Year) began on September 1 ( September style ), the difference with the modern calendar was 9-122=-113 days.
Two centuries later, on the eve of the round calendar date Peter the Great introduces a calendar that calculates from the Nativity of Christ. New Year in Russia has been celebrated on January 1 since 1700 (though, in fact, according to modern calendar this new year came on January 11, 1700). The country went from 7208 to 1700! So, in the then new 18th century, which began in 1701, Russia entered almost in step with Europe. Almost in step, because chronology, as before, was carried out according to the Julian calendar (only the dating has changed, now it is called old style) , while Europe has already partially switched to Gregorian calendar.
The modern Gregorian calendar in Russia was adopted only in the 21st century. January 26, 1918: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin signed a decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the transition to a new calculation of time, while the dating shifted by 13 days. The last state document dated according to the old style was published on January 31, 1918 - the next day was February 14!
So the question is: "How many days are there between two dates?" in a historical sense always requires clarification...

The free online calculator Kontur.Accounting will help you and tell you how many days have passed between two given dates. In addition, if you have a need, you can count how many calendar, weekend or working days (hours) it contains specified period year or several years.

How many days are there between dates? Instructions

You simply set a specific start and end day and get a quote in a split second. The online calculator calculates all data independently. If you change the original days of the week, the result is automatically recalculated to take into account leap years.

Important: you cannot take monthly working days/hours from last year’s calculations and provide them as calculations - the data will vary. Therefore, it is better to use a calculator.

So, the procedure is:

  1. In the “Start date” and “End date” fields, select the start and end day of the countdown, respectively, starting from 2013 and ending in the future in 2018.
  2. Set the number of working hours in a day in the next field. By default, this field is already set to 8 hours (40-hour work week), but you can change this number.
  3. On the right side of the screen in the banner you will see the result: working days, calendar days and working hours between the specified dates. The results must be copied and saved in your document.

What can you use a calculator for?

  1. To calculate penalties and delays under contracts
  2. How to understand the efficiency of using a resource and the deadlines for use
  3. How to avoid accidentally scheduling tasks on a weekend
  4. How much time is left until the deadline


You are an accountant. The manager has asked you in the next couple of minutes to provide data on the number of working hours that all company employees must work in February. You can easily determine the number of employees - you have the numbers in front of your eyes. But the number of hours needs to be counted.... How many days are there in February? Is it a leap year? What days were weekends? How to determine the number of days of holidays?

Solution: just use our widget. You will receive all the information automatically; you do not need desktop calendars and calculators.

Did you like this calculator? Then try our other options

Do you want to do accounting, send reports and make calculations in a convenient and simple web service? Try Kontur.Accounting for free for a whole month! We will quickly teach you how to use the service and answer all your questions!

The tool calculates the time between two specified spaces. Determine the time interval and find out how many minutes, minutes or seconds have passed. If you provide start and end dates, you can determine how many years, months, and days have passed.

For convenience, two results, total time and each value is displayed individually.

Online time interval

  • Total days and hours
  • Everything is individual

Help. Below is a description of the tool with the required format for entering the time or date to calculate the required time interval.

Interval input format

In the first field you usually enter initial value time interval, and the final value is entered in the second field.

If the second field is empty, the current time and date are automatically taken into account. If negative values ​​appear when calculating an interval, this means that the start value of the time interval is less than the end value or there was an error when entering the date or time.

Time input format

Time input format hh:mm:ss.

The character separator for time notation uses a colon (" : "). You can include hours and minutes without seconds, for example: 12:35 .

Time. total amount

Full input format: 10:01:32 .

Date Format Format

Date Format Format YYYY-MM-DD. The date separator separator uses a dash (" «).

Input format for full date: 2018-01-15 .

Combined date and time input format

Combined date and time format LLLL-MM-DD hh: mm: ss. The boundary between date and time is space (“”). Login type in full date and time: 2018-01-15 10:01:32 .

Date and time examples

To see examples of entering date and time, click the link above the interval entry field Example 1 or Example 2..

Calculation results

The result of the calculation is a time interval, the duration of which is calculated depending on the time and number of days.

The two results are shown together. The first result shows the total duration of the time interval. The second result shows the separate duration of each unit of time, the separate number of minutes, the number of hours, etc.

Comments (2) - Time interval

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  • Gorgeous

    From 12354684321

    Divides and multiplies, the best IMHO.

  • + sign

    Addition should be a large key, thanks!

    Hours and minutes calculator

    Hello guys on the Yak-130

  • Great app

    From Melvin

    Thanks a lot. We count the raid as a whole squadron.

  • Class

    From Workbook

    Very helpful

  • Super

    Excellent program.

    It’s a pity that it doesn’t save visualization of completed actions.

  • Review

    From Pilot Instructor

    Wonderful program. If only it was oriented according to the position of the screen, and was not stabilized only on the vertical screen.

  • Good calculator. I like!

  • Hours and minutes

    Great app! Simple! I would like to see a second screen that you add or subtract.

    Please improve!

  • From Adrenalinniggg

  • Good application

    The application you need, it’s a pity there is no memory of recent operations, you can’t see everything you added if it was long

  • Wish

    I would like to have the opportunity to work with large developments in watches similar to online calculator Wishes of the Aviation Engineering Service ✈️

  • 2p Dash-8

    Hello everyone from the Aurora pilots.

    A wonderful program, it helps a lot to count flight hours)

  • Great

    Thanks for the app!

  • Five

    From SanyoG69

    Great program

  • Normal

    From Pilot737300400

    Please record the calculation in a line, for example: 07:34 - 04:25 = 03:09.

    And this is a normal program, thank you.

  • Simple Magic, nice design) thx to author)))

  • prozandr

    Excellent rating

  • From the heart

    From Romeo1

  • Normal program!

    Completely suits my requirements.

    Just what you need.

  • Hours and minutes

    From Crazy.Vitpilot

    Dear developers, the program is good, but there are some shortcomings. Why, when you either add or subtract time, are there zeros on the screen? Make sure that both the folded ones (and the result) are on the screen. Increase the size of the screen, you can sacrifice the size of the buttons.

    Thanks for understanding.

  • 4/5

    From AlexanderC902

  • Time calculator

    Time calculatorssoftware, designed for calculations using numbers in time format.

    Typically, a time calculator allows you to perform the following procedures:

      Adding and subtracting values ​​in time format (example: 2.15 + 2.50 = 5.05);

      multiply the time (in hours and minutes) and the rate (in boxes and clips) to calculate the total costs (example: 3.05 * 8050.30 = 24794.92) or vice versa, the rate is multiplied by the time;

      divide the amount (in boxes) by the tariff (in boxes) and find the time (in hours and minutes), (example: 300000 / 8050.30 = 37.16);

      divide the quantity (in boxes) by time (in hours and minutes) and get the tariff (in boxes) (example: 300000 / 20.50 = 37.16);

      Divide the fuel consumption (in liters) by the time (in hours and minutes) and get the hourly flow (L) (example: 3L / 0.30’ = 0.6 l/h)

    Most modern time calculators typically have two modes of operation:

      gradual rounding (we accept this on most sections account in combination with manual calculation methods).

      Example: 3.05 (3 hours 5 minutes) * 1000 p = 3080 rub. First 5/60 = 0.0833333. The value is rounded to 0.08. Therefore, the time at the tenth hour is 3.08 times 1000p = 3080r.

      only rounds final result. Example: 3.05 (3 hours 5 minutes) * 1000 p = 3083.33 rubles.

      First 5/60 = 0.0833333. Therefore, the time of the tenth hour is 3.0833333 times 1000p = 3083r 33 k.

    Below are two versions of the time calculator

    CalcTime calculator

    Working logic of CalcTime

    First number


    Another number


    Test Drive

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    0,30 ‘+ 0,30’ = 1,00 ‘

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    1,25 ‘- 0,45’ = 0,40 ‘

    Time, hours.min

    1,42 / 5 = 0,20 ‘

    Time, hours.min

    0,20 ‘* 5 = 1,40’

    Tariff, rub. / Hour

    Amount, rub.

    1.30’*10p = 15p

    Consumption, l/hour

    Fuel, l

    0.30 * 20 liters/hour = 10 liters

    Speed, km/h

    Distance, km

    0.30 * 20 km/h = 10 km

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    0.5 km/h +0.5 km/h = 1 km/h

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    1 km/h -0.5 km/h = 0.5 km/h

    Speed, km/h

    1 km/h/2 = 0.5 km/h

    Time, hours.min

    Distance, km

    1 km/h * 0.3’ = 0.5 km

    Speed, km/h

    1 km/h * 0.3 = 0.3 km/h

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    0.2 km + 1.8 km = 2 km

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    3.6 km - 0.8 km = 2.8 km

    Speed, km/h

    Time, hours.min

    60 km/180 km/h = 0.20’

    Time, hours.min

    Speed, km/h

    60 km / 0.20 ‘= 180 km/h

    Distance, km

    60 km / 0.20 = 300 km

    Distance, km

    60 km * 0.20 = 12 km

    1,7 — 0,8 = 0,9

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    2 * 0,50 ‘= 1,40’

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    0.5 * 2 km/h = 1 km/h

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    0.5 * 2 km = 1 km

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    2 * 0.5 l/h = 1 l/h

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    0.5 p + 0.1 p = 0.6 p

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    1 p - 0.1 p = 0.9 p

    Time, hour.

    Tariff, rub. / Hour

    10 p / 0.30 ‘= 20 p / h

    Tariff, rub. / Hour

    Time, hour. minimum

    10 p / 20 p / h = 0.30 ‘

    Amount, rub.

    20 p * 0.3 = 6 p

    Time, hour. minimum

    Amount, rub.

    20 r/h * 0.30 ‘= 10 p

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    0.5 l + 0.1 l = 0.6 l

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    0.7 L - 0.1 L = 0.6 L

    Consumption, l/hour

    Time, hours.min

    10 l / 20 l / h = 0.30 ‘

    Time, hour.

    Consumption, l/hour

    10 l / 0.30 ‘= 20 l / h

    Fuel, l

    10 L * 0.30 = 3 L

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    0.5 l/h + 0.5 l/h = 1 l/h

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    1 l/h – 0.5 l/h = 0.5 l/h

    Consumption, l/hour

    20 l/h / 0.5 = 40 l/h

    Time, hours.min

    Fuel, l

    20 l/h * 0.30 = 10 l

    Other time calculators

    Simple time calculators (time between events)

    Time. total amount

    Calculating time between dates

    You will receive the answer in the form exact quantity years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, or the full number of the above components.

    Thanks to this script, you can always find out exactly how much is left until the day you need!

    Before calculating the standard working time, you need to decide on the billing period. The most difficult thing is to make calculations for the year, since you need to take everything into account public holidays and postponing holidays. And if employees work on a shift schedule, then in addition to the norm, the number of overtime hours must be determined.

    general information

    Information on working hours is contained in Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This period refers to the period of time when a person performs labor functions. By law, the standard duration of this time is 40 hours per week. In practice, such working hours are rarely used.

    Firstly, in many enterprises manufacturing process it is impossible to stop, so the work schedule there is shifting. Secondly, some categories of employees cannot work for such an amount of time, since by law they are entitled to a reduction in labor standards. These are minors, people with disabilities, etc.

    However, the rules for calculating working hours stipulate that a 40-hour working week should be taken as a basis.

    Calculation for a month

    Determining labor standards allows employers to correctly set work schedules, keep records of hours worked, and pay wages and distribute vacations. Knowing how to correctly calculate the standard working time, you can easily determine how many hours an employee must work. One calendar month is often taken as the billing period.

    Working hours are calculated as follows:

    1. First you need to find out how many working days there are in the selected accounting period, and how many weekends, holidays, etc.
    2. Next, the number is calculated working hours in a day. At the same time, do not forget that the normal length of a working week is 40 hours. This means you calculate the number of hours per working day. Example: 40/5=8.
    3. The number of days in a month when a subordinate works must be multiplied by 8 hours.

    An example of such a calculation could be as follows:

    1. Let's say there are 21 working days in June.
    2. The authorized employee must determine the standards by which the personnel will work.
    3. For this, the time standard will be calculated using the following formula: 21*8=168 hours. This is exactly how much each subordinate must work on average.

    Read also Features and procedure for calculating personal income tax from wages

    Quarterly calculation

    It is also important to know how to calculate the standard working hours for a quarter, that is, for three months. The standard working day is 8 hours. All calculations are carried out very simply. First you need to determine what the labor norm is in each month.

    Calculation example:

    1. Let's assume that there are 168 work hours in July. It remains to calculate the amount of time only for the next 2 months.
    2. There are also 168 working hours in August, and 160 in September.
    3. This means that the norm for the quarter is as follows: 168+160+168=496 hours.

    If necessary, a similar calculation can be carried out for each quarter. Most often, company management uses the definition of the norm on a quarterly basis.

    Calculation for a year

    Labor rationing is an important procedure that allows you to determine the number of hours that employees are required to work. When making calculations, the calendar year is often used as the accounting period. Hours are calculated in two ways. You can use the method that is used to calculate the quarter. You just need to determine the amount of the working period for all 12 months.

    Another procedure for determining the norm was established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 588n. The calculation is carried out using the formula: 40/5*number of working days per year. After this, from the resulting number you should subtract the number of hours that the employees did not work. It's about about reduction before holidays.

    When determining the norm for 2019 according to the billing period, the following nuances should be taken into account:

    1. Sunday must be counted as a day off. And it doesn’t matter how many days of rest a subordinate actually has per week - 2 or 1. For some categories of subordinates, it is possible to transfer the day of rest to another date.
    2. Don't forget about official holidays, which are not used in calculations.
    3. When a holiday falls on a day of rest, the day off is postponed. These rules do not need to be used only when calculating labor standards for January.
    4. Duration working day before a holiday it is always reduced by 1 hour.

    When making calculations, you must follow these rules, otherwise the final number of hours will be incorrect.

    Read also Correct calculation of maternity leave

    Shift work

    When determining standards, the standard number of days of labor per week is used. But not all employers can afford such a working regime. Therefore, the standard working time shift schedule you have to calculate a little differently. This is the so-called summation, when the total number of hours worked is determined.

    But their number during the accounting period should not exceed the established norm. That is, all hours that were worked in excess of the norm are additional or overtime. As an example, you can use the following data: in a calendar month, the employee worked 175 hours against the norm of 160 hours. Therefore, 15 of them are counted as additional.

    Summarized accounting at an enterprise is established according to the following rules:

    1. The duration of the billing period is determined. The standard ones are used - month, quarter, year.
    2. A specific schedule is established according to which the employee works.

    The accounting period can be anything in length, but not more than one calendar year. There are special restrictions that prevent you from installing a large number of overtime hours. For example, there cannot be a 4-hour overtime for 2 days in a row. And per year - no more than 120 hours.

    Cumulative accounting implies that wages are paid based on hours worked. Most often, different tariffs are used. Example: hourly rate persons – 100 rubles. This means that for a 10-hour shift he receives 1 thousand rubles. If we take into account that he works 50 hours a week, then his earnings will be 5 thousand rubles.

    Types of charts

    The length of the working day most often depends on production needs. Therefore, it is rare that employers can provide their staff with a standard 5-day period. The most commonly used modes are:

    1. 24 hour shift with several days off.
    2. Work shift with 10 or 12 hours of work. Then the staff has more days off than planned.
    3. Shift is 12 hours, with alternating day and night shifts.

    Note: these are not all the regimes that able-bodied citizens have to face. But, based on the specifics of some professions, a regular 8-hour shift may be disadvantageous for both management and the subordinates themselves.

    Production calendar

    In order for managers to correctly calculate labor standards, there is a special document. This is the so-called production calendar, which takes into account all working days, as well as rest days, including holidays. This document is not normative act, therefore has no legal force.

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