Bride ransom in the style of a travel agency. Modern bride price: ideas and scenarios. Wedding traditions and their role

An integral part of the wedding celebration is the bride price. A thematic kidnapping is always original, unforgettable, and fun. Carry out a similar process according to a certain scenario, giving yourself many positive, unforgettable emotions. A travel-style bride's ransom is a romantic adventure and a great alternative to a standard, extraordinary wedding.


Travel is an inexhaustible topic. It will be easy to choose many original competitions for bride ransoming in the style of an exciting journey. Preparation stages:

  • Come up with a role-playing text.
  • Identify the actors.
  • Rehearse the text.
  • Select style details.
  • Decorate the location of the ransom with appropriate attributes.

The scenario should be interesting and also not tiring for the bride and groom. Carrying out a ransom – up to 50 minutes. During this time, conduct no more than three or four tests.

Details for redemption

To make the bride price in the travel style, use the appropriate thematic attributes:

  • Stylistic pirate costumes designed for bridesmaids.
  • Sailor costumes are for young friends of the same style.
  • Suitcase.

  • Globe.
  • World map for hint.
  • A dart circle for a test of feelings.
  • Cards with the inscriptions: “I love”, “I like”, “I adore”, “I can’t live without my beloved”, “I’m getting married”.
  • Box with a letter.
  • Key to the box.
  • Letter from the bride.


The main characters of the bride price:

  • Pirates are bridesmaids.
  • Assistant to the head pirate (brother or sister of the newlyweds).
  • Groom, witness - sailors, adventurers.
  • A photographer who will film the entire process.
  • If desired, it is possible to have a guide who will lead everyone along the “paths” of this amazing journey. This role will be played by a qualified toastmaster.

Room decoration

Use attributes that are as close to the theme as possible to decorate the room. Start by decorating the entrance floor. Tie the ladder with ropes or decorate it with nautical knots. Decorate the area in front of the door to the apartment with balloons or stylish compositions of them. Attach a hand-made poster to the door with the inscription: “Have a fun trip!” Also decorate your wedding car in a similar style.

Travel style ransom scenario

According to the scenario, start from the moment when the groom and the witness go up the stairs. Two friends of the hero of the occasion will already be standing near the front door:

-Your bride is not at the registry office - she flew away to where it’s warm! Such a travel lover! Well, will you find your beloved, our friend? Let's go show what you can do for our queen!

The young man walks in the indicated direction, one girlfriend brings out a large suitcase with all the thematic paraphernalia.

– Well done to our groom - he is not afraid of difficulties on the path to his happiness! Well, let's start checking. What is your significant other's favorite country? Do you know? Can you guess?

A pirate friend gives the “main character” a globe and asks him to identify one country. Then, if he doesn’t guess, he is given a world map with clues. Three states are already marked on the map where a “runaway” bride could go. The future husband guesses the country, then receives a dart circle. Having hung the target on the wall, the one who plays the role of the main pirate’s assistant attaches cards with inscriptions to it.

- Throw darts until you determine the most correct feeling that you have for our bride! But look, try to hit it the first time, just like your beloved hit cupid’s arrow right in your heart! Choose one single goal!

The groom gets it the first or second time, and then is rewarded with the key to the box.

Pirate Witness:

-You have proven yourself to be a real fighter who can find all kinds of paths to his beloved! Take this key as a symbol of your strong love!

The protagonist of the ransom opens the box with the key and finds a letter in an envelope, with his name on it. Next he reads the message. The place where the beloved is waiting is clearly indicated - this is another room in the apartment where all the actions take place. The groom rushes in and the newlyweds meet.

Process video

Watch the video, which clearly shows how the ransom takes place in the style of a pirate voyage:

Kidnapping a bride at a wedding is a responsible process, and the mood of all participants in the ransom and wedding celebration depends on how interesting it is. The “travel” scenario will be an original, unforgettable adventure for the young. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by all guests.

The bride's ransom at a travel-style wedding begins with a competition - “registration of a voucher.” The groom comes to the bride, and the bridesmaids say:

“Your bride has already flown away! But hurry up, you can still catch up with her!”

The groom must guess the country his bride would like to visit. Bridesmaids say:

“Run to the airport quickly – her plane is leaving soon!”

The groom rises higher and approaches the customs officer. He says:

“At the border between bachelor and family life, the export of goods must be declared. What do you have with you?”

The groom cannot declare without documents and gives the customs officer sweets, cognac, etc.

The groom rises even higher - onto the plane, where he is met by a flight attendant. But in his haste with the customs officer, he did not have time to take his boarding pass. To take his place with the bride, the groom must answer questions (the color of the bride's eyes, correctly name the shade of her hair, favorite clothes, etc.). Afterwards he sees his wife and goes with her on a long-awaited trip - to the registry office!

Stylization of the ransom: the groom goes to a travel agency, and he is given a ticket to the land of brides.
To carry out the redemption you will need:
* Sign "Travel agency "Second Half"", world map, badge for bridesmaids
* 10 boxes of matches, 1 meter of string, a chair and a small rug, a box
* raincoat (can be large)
* set of balloons (quantity as desired)
* dart for playing darts
Bride price decoration
To beautifully arrange the ransom, you will need wedding accessories. Take a look at the wedding online store "Wedding Things", where you can choose:
* decorations for home and entrance
* Balloons
* accessories for bride price
and much more...
Bride ransom scenario "Trip to the Bride"
Above the doors there is a sign “Travel Agency “Second Half”. Nearby is a world map indicating routes, the groom is met by a bridesmaid, and on the chest is a business card “Travel agency, manager.”
Hello gentlemen, I’m very glad to see you, how are you, how are you? Would you like some tea? I understand that you want to get straight to the point, so let’s do it. Now I’ll guess why you contacted our agency: you need a bride! Congratulations on your very successful choice: our agency is the best in the city and in Russia! We can offer you one hundred and forty options for different travel routes for brides. I highly recommend the recently fashionable route No. 84 to Thailand or the newly launched route No. 139 to Mozambique. So what do you choose, where and who you will go for?
(The groom replies that they need a bride who lives much closer, and her name is (name).
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
Yes, yes, we also have such a route, No. 12. It is often chosen, probably because it is a lucky number. If this is your final decision, then pay for the ticket and go. I’ll just warn you right away: the trip is cheap, but unexpected expenses may arise along the way. Be prepared for this. Let's go to customs!
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
Customs officer:
(it is advisable to wear the appropriate uniform)
Gentlemen, when crossing the border between bachelor and family life, I ask you to fill out a customs declaration. What do you import, what do you export, do you export alcohol? Take it out. Do you take out sweets? Take it out. Are you exporting currency? I warn you, entry into the territory of “family life” without a supply of material valuables is prohibited, so - valuables are available, the customs duty is...
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
(The groom pays customs duties.)
Further along the route number 12 is intelligence control. Brides in those parts have very high demands, that is, the groom must have an education. Do you have any education? So that's great. So you will pass easily. The test consists of two stages: the first - they tell you the country - you are its capital, the second is the opposite: they tell you the capital, you - the country. Every mistake will have to be urgently covered up... You know what.
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
Stage No. 1
England - London India - Delhi Hungary - Budapest Norway - Oslo Canada - Ottawa Spain - Madrid Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Kazakhstan - Astana Tunisia - Tunisia Algeria - Algeria
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
Stage No. 2
Stockholm - Sweden, Athens - Greece, Tokyo - Japan, Canberra - Australia, Lisbon - Portugal, Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia, Panama - Panama, Managua - Nicaragua, Vilnius - Lithuania, Damascus - Syria
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
(The questions should not be too difficult for the groom and witness, but they should not be too simple either.)
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
Now the route will test your ingenuity. Let's see how you can make jewelry for your bride, when you only have string and matches at hand, make beads out of them in one minute!
(For this test you will need 10 boxes of matches, a rope 1 meter long, a chair on which all this can be placed, and a small rug on which the chair can stand. You can tell the groom that the middle of the boxes must be removed, the boxes in which, in fact, , and there are matches, and put the remaining “shirts” on a string and tie it with a ring.)
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
You are doing well. But this is just preparation for the test. Now you need to untie the string in one minute and put the boxes back in.
(It is not necessary to put spilled matches back into the boxes.)
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
And you did it. But now is the main task. A child can make beads out of matches, but can you clean up after yourself in the same minute? Collect all the matches in this box, the minute has passed!
(That’s why the rug was needed: so that the groom and witness would not pick up matches directly from the floor, if this is, for example, an entrance).
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
And then we have a very difficult section of the route, and it is absolutely necessary to pass it; Moreover, you can walk by stepping on something with your feet, but not on the steps of the stairs. True, this concerns only the groom; his friends and witness can help the groom, going as and where they want. Forward!
The next stop on our route is related to flowers. But you already have flowers. But imagine that you bought a beautiful bouquet for your wife, and now your working day is ending, and you want to take it to her and give it to her, but first you need to put on a raincoat... and in one hand you have a bouquet. You can transfer it from hand to hand, but you cannot put it anywhere, and you cannot help yourself with the hand with which you are holding the bouquet. Take the bouquet in one hand and put on your cloak. All buttons must be fastened.
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
(The cloak can be large. This makes it easier to complete this task. But if the groom manages to put it on too easily, you can ask him to do the opposite later; and if the groom does not do well, you can offer him your help for a fee.)
Maybe you don’t know, but in the country where you want to find a bride, girls really value male strength, show it - and the road to your beloved will be much shorter and easier. Groom, have you ever done shot put? What they will give you will be much heavier than a cannonball, because few people have been able to throw this object as far as a cannonball; here you go: a balloon! There is not much left to the bride, the far you push him, the closer you will get to her, and if you don’t push him too far, you will have to pay for every step.
(The groom throws the ball; as long as it flies, it passes freely.)
Redemption scenario. Trip to the bride
Well, groom, our journey has come to an end. Your destiny awaits you behind this door. But one more test awaits you. You will get your bride only if the first time you hit that ball, inside of which there is a note with the name of your beloved, here is your weapon, think, take aim and... your fate is in your hands!
(The groom is given a dart from a game of darts; at some distance from it, several balloons hang. Inside each there is a note with the girl’s name. The secret is that all the notes only have the name of the bride written on them. There can be only one note with her name, if you you hope to get more fines from the groom.)

“Customs gives the go-ahead”

1. Head of post: witness Ksyusha
2. Head of the access department in the USF (United States Family): Lena

(on the street)
Before the groom arrives, an imitation of a customs post is created.
Tools:signs “Customs control”, “Gate No. 2”, “Customs” sign, Customs flag (???), name badge (2), paper arrows “Family”, “Love”, “Happiness”, “Children”, “Bachelor Life”, fence tape.

The head of the department, Lena, meets the groom.

LENA:Citizens with family arriving in the United States are asked to proceed to Gate 2 for customs inspection.(number at the entrance).

The groom approaches the entrance

(on the street)

KSUSHA:Documents, please.(checks carefully)NOOO! This is clearly not your photo! Well, don’t fool me, citizen!!! Well, yes, the nose is similar, but the eyes are not the same!!! So, comrades, who can identify citizen Andrei Sergeevich?

Guests describe the groom

LENA:We can describe it too - it also has eyes! You better give us the information as required by the new standards! (asks questions about the groom: what is the character? Degree of love? Talents?(can be demonstrated))

Friends begin to list Andrei's virtues.

K. and L. They egg on: faster, more clearly, in turn.

LENA:Eh, let's check if you're telling the truth. We'll have to talk again.

Friends repeat with 5 candies in their mouths.

KSUSHA:So everything is clear with this! But now you need to fill out a declaration. So, citizens, prepare your declarations! Why not??? What kind of people have gone like this, huh? Okay, let's fill it out together.

Tools:marker, fake customs declaration (A3 ) hanging on the wall.

When asked about the declaration: “Purpose of visit,” the Groom answers “Wedding” or “For the bride.”

LENA: We have no such goal. Choose from here!

Ksyusha serves balls, inside of which there are notes with the character of the entry. Lena gives the groom a tray on which a fork (100 rubles), a toothpick (50 rubles) and a pencil (10 rubles) are laid out.

The groom pops the balloons until the answer “For love” comes up.

Tools:inflatable balloons (7 pieces), notes: “for love”, “I want borscht and cutlets”, “I ran out of clean socks”, “friends advised”, “I want to wear a nice suit”, “my mother-in-law made me do it”, “just because”; fork, pencil, toothpick; price tags “100 rubles”, “50 rubles”, “10 rubles”.

If the groom comes across “wrong” answers. Ksyusha says that they have other information and the groom must pay a fine for trying to mislead customs.

(near the elevator)

KSUSHA:Let's see what you bring into the country. So... bouquet - 1 piece. How alone? And for the mother of the bride? We will confiscate the candy. In our country it’s sweet even without them - kisses, hugs, love...

LENA:What else? Champagne? You are not allowed to import alcohol - people there are drunk with love.

KSUSHA:What about internal potentials? Not money! And not these!!! Well, are you right, what are you thinking about? !!! Talk about spiritual fulfillment. Love exists? Any plans for the future? This is what we will check now.

On the wall in front of the elevator hangs a “STOP control” circle, divided into 8 sectors; the groom, tearing off each one, deciphers the number written on the back of the sector.

Tools:“Stop control” sign, divided into 8 sectors: 10/02 – bride’s birthday, 38 – foot size, 5 – years together, 4 – house number, 7 – floor, 08/6 – father-in-law’s birthday, 09/10 – mother-in-law’s birthday, ________________________.

They go up to the 7th floor.

(near the apartment)

KSUSHA:The declaration is completed in accordance with all rules. Unfortunately, there is one “BUT”...

LENA:Soon you, Andryusha, will become not a groom, but a husband. What trail will you use to enter the apartment? To live well with your wife, try to be friends with your mother-in-law; it wouldn’t hurt to drink tea with your father-in-law from time to time.

There are two tracks in front of the apartment: right: scold your mother-in-law, left: praise. If you don’t want to scold, pay.


They go into the apartment.

KSUSHA:Andrey Sergeevich, based on all the factors, we are giving you a visa for permanent residence in the United States for your family!

MOTHER (in front of the door to the room where Sveta’s bride is sitting):

You passed the test
And you found a bride
So that I recognize your voice
Sing her a serenade

An unusual and cheerful bride price will set a festive tone for the entire wedding celebration

Unusual and cheerful will set a festive tone for the entire wedding celebration and will lift the spirits of the newlyweds and guests.

To carry out such a ransom you will need the following details:

  • Comic trip
  • Darts with joke areas glued on
  • Balloon and markers
  • Paper airplane.

Registration of a trip

The groom arrives at the bride's house, where he is met by the bridesmaids.

Why did you come? The bride has gone on a trip!

The groom asks how to find her.

You and your friends will have to go after her, maybe you’ll have time to catch up with her. Among us there is an employee of a travel company who can arrange a trip for you. Do you know where to go to pick up a bride?

The groom replies that he doesn’t know.

Where has the bride been wanting to go lately? She probably told you!

The groom begins to guess the country. A ransom pays for a mistake. If he can’t guess for a long time where the bride went, you can give him a hint: for example, to a country where they love pasta, or to a country where bullfighting is held, etc.

The groom guesses the country.

Now let's choose a travel package with prices! There are the following options: henpecked (free), loving husband (100 rubles), polygamist ($100).

They bring out a dartboard with comic areas on it: henpecked, loving husband and polygamist. The groom must hit the desired area with the dart.

If the groom does not immediately fall into the correct area, he pays a ransom. If true, the bridesmaid says:
Okay, here's your ticket. Get on the road soon!

Customs check

The groom enters the entrance, where he is stopped by a customs officer.

Customs officer:
When crossing the border between single and married life, you should fill out a customs declaration. What do you import, what do you export? Some things will have to be handed in! And don't forget to pay customs duties!

The groom gives the customs officer sweets, alcohol, etc. He lets him through to go through the passport and visa service.

Passport and Visa Service

The groom goes up to the floor above, where a passport and visa service employee is already waiting for him, who says:
Show your documents.

The groom gives a passport.

Customs officer:
Something doesn't look the same at all! Anyone can print such a passport on a printer; present your biometric passport. Here we have a document in which the bride described her groom. Picture someone like that and then we'll let him through. And the signs are: big kind eyes, a long nose, a beautiful smile.

The department employee gives the friends a large balloon and markers with which they must draw a photo of the groom on the balloon.

Friends draw a portrait of the groom.

Customs officer:
Well, definitely the groom, I’ll let you go further - you can board the plane!

The groom goes up to the floor.


The groom is greeted by a flight attendant.

Show your boarding passes!

The groom says he doesn't have a boarding pass.

How come there is no coupon? Lost? Okay, let's look at the lists. Ah-ah-ah, here you are on the list. Just to find out your seat, you will have to remember a couple of important numbers, adding which you will get your seat number on the plane:
How many years ago did you meet your fiancee?
How many brothers/sisters does the bride have?
How many children does the bride want?
What is the bride's apartment number?

The groom says the number: if it is wrong, he pays the ransom, if it is correct, he moves on.

Airplane without a pilot

The groom boards the plane (one floor above) accompanied by a flight attendant.

I received an important message that our pilot was ill and the plane would not fly anywhere. Unless, of course, you help. Here's a paper airplane, fly it as far as possible to get to the bride. Do you see the landing strip? You need to get over the finish line! The far you launch the plane, the farther you will go. And you will have to pay for every extra step.

The groom throws the airplane.

Well, our journey has come to an end. Your beauty is waiting for you behind this door.

The ransom is over.


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