An expression about good and evil. Statuses about goodness

Do good throughout the entire earth for the joy of yourself and people. In all fairy tales and stories there is a struggle between good and evil. always attracts good energy and radiates positivity and positive emotions. IN Lately people often forget about kindness to their neighbors, pass by those asking for alms, do not ask for forgiveness for the offenses they have caused, and leave without saying a word. Previously people used various sayings about kindness and sincerity in letters, notes or writings on the wall. With the development of the Internet, more and more often, in order to speak out or hint to a person about something, statuses about kindness, written in various in social networks.

Changes in the concept of kindness

The main focus in life lately has been on narrow-minded issues: life, human behavior, culture, manners, education, child development, social studies, children, adolescents, schools, raising children, alcohol or drug abuse, safety, information that is increasingly includes news about acts of violence, vandalism and mayhem.

Why have people forgotten the saying: “Do good and you will receive good in return”? Where has kindness been lost? Why is this concept given so little attention?

Top 10 statuses about kindness

There are many statements about a good deed, but there are statuses about kindness to people and animals that are published on different languages peace.

  1. The hand of the giver will never fail.
  2. Kindness is a language that is heard by the deaf and understood by the blind.
  3. Goodness multiplies when it is shared.
  4. Every time you help someone up, you help all of humanity.
  5. Animals show and teach people kindness.
  6. Kindness is more important than wisdom; when a person understands this, it means he becomes wiser.
  7. Every action you take should increase the amount of good on the planet.
  8. Three things are important in human life: the first is to be kind, the second is to be kind and the third is to be kind.
  9. Love and kindness are two unique forces that can transform hatred and enmity into friendship.
  10. You can't make a good thing out of a bad thing very quickly. But no one knows how quickly it can become very late.

Inspirational Sayings

There are such statuses about kindness with meaning, after reading which you immediately want to act, help people and animals. They motivate to good deeds and actions. These statements are taken from fiction stories, statements famous personalities. Often these statuses about kindness can be seen on the pages of those people on social networks who help people in difficult situations, collect money and things for those in need, and look for owners for homeless animals. These statuses include:

  • To believe in kindness and sincerity, you need to start bringing goodness yourself.
  • You can find a refusal against everything in the world, but not against kindness.
  • Wounded soul, tormented body good deed- the best medicine.
  • Kindness cannot be given away forever - it will definitely return and bring twice as much.
  • Why so much misunderstanding and rage in people? And where do people hide kindness and understanding?
  • Don't be afraid to be good.
  • I don’t really believe in my own kindness. But I believe that the people around me are kind. So somehow my soul is calm.
  • Do good. Future generations will need it.
  • Hurry to do good deeds.

Poetic statuses

Poetic statuses about kindness are easily remembered by teenagers. Because of this, it is now very popular to write such expressions on your pages and then quote them. Some of these poems can be easily found among many teenagers, especially girls.

Good and evil are two sides of the coin,

And whose is more important depends on morality.

To be kind means to be happy.

To be kind means to be in peace

With a dog that is bored at the shooting range,

And with someone who can think every moment.

The world forgot about good, the world found evil for itself,

Everything around is crumbling and falling.

And the dove of peace fell and its wing broke off.

But this is not at all pleasing.

Kindness will move mountains

A kind person has the opportunity to become a leader. But the one who writes statuses about kindness on social networks, but does not commit a single good deed, is not considered kind. for a long time. Kindness should become a habit, a way of life. Then your sleep improves, as does your overall health, and your experience of life is greatly enhanced. This trait literally changes your life and can affect the lives of others. As you continue to use kindness as a habit in your life, you will see big shifts in how you interact with others. This will increase your ability to influence people and achieve your goals.

There are two main paths to leadership: fear and kindness. Fear breeds obedience through power and control, people will follow to avoid negative consequences, but only as long as they have to.

Leadership through kindness creates greater loyalty. Followers of a good and just leader fuel their energy and remain focused and active in support of a cause or ideal. These followers are much more satisfied and their actions are voluntary.

Two cherries. Parable of St. Nicholas of Serbia

One man had two cherry trees in front of his house. One was evil and the other was good. Whenever he left the house, they called him and asked him for something. The evil cherry asked for different things every time: either “dig me in,” then “whiten me,” then “give me something to drink,” then “take away excess moisture from me,” then “shade me from the hot sun,” then “give me more light.” . And the good cherry tree always repeated the same request: “My lord, help me bring a good harvest!”
The owner was equally merciful to both, looked after them, listened carefully to their requests and fulfilled all their desires. He did what both one and the other asked, in other words, he gave the evil cherry everything that it demanded, and the good one only what he considered necessary, with the ultimate goal being a wonderful, abundant harvest.
And then what happened? The evil cherry tree had grown greatly, the trunk and branches glistened as if smeared with oil, and the abundant foliage was dark green, spreading, like a thick tent. In contrast to her, kind cherry with his appearance didn't attract anyone's attention.
When the harvest time came, the evil cherry produced small, rare fruits, which, due to the dense foliage, could not ripen, but the good one brought a lot of very delicious berries. The evil cherry tree felt ashamed that it could not produce such a harvest as its neighbor, and it began to grumble at the owner, reproaching him for this. The owner got angry and replied: “Is it my fault?” Isn't it me whole year fulfilled all your wishes? If you thought only about the harvest, I would help you bring the same abundant fruits as hers. But you pretended to be smarter than me, who imprisoned you, and that’s why you remained barren.
The evil cherry tree bitterly repented and promised the owner that next year she would think only about the harvest, and would ask him only for this, and would leave everything else to him to take care of. As she promised, she did so - she began to behave like a kind cherry. And the next year, both cherries brought an equally good harvest, and their joy, like that of the owner, was great.
The moral of this simple parable is clear to all who pray to God.
The owner of the garden is the God of this light, and people are His seedlings. Like any owner, God requires a harvest from His plants. “Every tree that does not bear fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire!” - says the Gospel. Therefore, first of all and most of all, you need to take care of the harvest. And we must pray to the Owner - God, the “Lord of the Harvest”, for a good harvest. There is no need to ask the Lord for small things. Look, no one goes to the king of the earth to ask him for some little thing that can easily be obtained elsewhere.
“Our Lord is the Lord the Giver,” says Saint John Chrysostom. He loves when His children ask Him for something great, worthy of a prince. And the greatest gift that God can give to people is the Kingdom of Heaven, where He Himself reigns. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ commands: “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and the rest will be added to you.” And He also commands: “Do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will drink, or what you will wear. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this.” And He also says: “Even before you pray, your Father knows what you need!”
So what should you ask God for? First of all, what is the best, the greatest and the most infinite. And these will be those spiritual riches that are called by one name - the Kingdom of Heaven. When first of all we ask God for this, He gives, along with this wealth, everything else that we need in this world. Of course, it is not forbidden to ask God for the rest of what we need, but this can only be asked at the same time as the main thing.
The Lord Himself teaches us to pray for bread every day: “Give us this day our daily bread!” But this prayer in “Our Father” is not in first place, but only after the prayer for the holy name of God, for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the dominion of the will of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
So, first spiritual benefits, and only then material ones. All material goods- from dust, and the Lord easily creates them and easily gives them. He gives them according to His mercy even to those who do not ask for it. He gives them to animals as well as people. However, He never gives spiritual benefits either without human will or without seeking. The most precious riches, that is, spiritual ones, such as peace, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, faith, hope, love, wisdom and others, God can give as easily as he gives material wealth, but only to those who love these spiritual treasures and who will ask God for them.

A good person is one who remembers his sins and forgets his goodness, and an evil one is the opposite.

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out.

Wherever there is a person, there is an opportunity to show kindness.

Kindness cannot be given away forever; it always comes back.

Kindness is a quality inherent in the soul, and denotes a tendency to be sensitive towards others, the ability to be unassuming and have a soft heart.

Kindness will always prevail over beauty.
- Heinrich Heine

Goodness multiplies when it is shared. A. Rakhmatov

I believe that the real religion is the Good Heart.

Kindness is born of kindness.

A woman is kind: she can forgive a man everything, even if he is not guilty of anything.

As you know, beavers are kind. Beavers are full of kindness. If you want good things for yourself, you just need to call the beaver. If you are kind without a beaver, then you yourself are a beaver at heart!

- Why good people Are people often fat and evil people are skinny? - Because anger suffocates, but bursts with joy.

In the relationship of developing a sense of goodness, it is most difficult to create any rules.
V. Bekhterev

Be kind to unkind people– they need it most.

Good is freedom. It is only for freedom or in freedom that the difference between good and evil lies.
S. Kierkegaard

One good deed is worth more than a hundred sermons about goodness.

Hurry to do good, my friend,
For both friends and girlfriends.

Goodness, giving pleasure, prolongs life.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Those who give goodness from the heart - happier good hosts.

All people need kindness, let there be more kind ones.


Kindness does not come from owning many things; on the contrary, only kindness transforms a person's possessions into dignity. (Socrates)

No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.

Do good. It will be needed in the future.

Oh, how can we good words needed. ----- statuses

We know what pain is, and we try to be kinder to others, this is what makes us human.

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor.
Tolstoy L. N.

Kindness does not lead to goodness.

Forget insults, never forget kindness.

“Verily, Allah is kind and loves kindness. It allows you to achieve through kindness what cannot be achieved through severity or anything else.”

Laughter and smile are the door through which all human kindness enters us.

Who is so kind here, now I’ll shorten the kindness!

The kindness of a dove is not a virtue. A dove is no more virtuous than a wolf. Virtue begins only when effort begins.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Kindness of words creates trust. Kindness of thoughts creates depth. The kindness of giving creates love.
Lao Tzu.

The good that you do from your heart, you always do to yourself.

Love is kindness, which is very rarely truly kind...


The highest wisdom is to distinguish between good and evil (Socrates)

Only goodness alone is immortal,
Evil does not live long! (Shota Rustaveli)

I have seen a lot of evil in life, but it did not change my attitude towards good. (Ali Apsheroni)

Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise and awe, the more often and longer we reflect on them - this is the starry sky above me and moral law in me (Immanuel Kant)

Ignorance of good and evil is the most disturbing fact of human life. ( Marcus Tullius Cicero)

The source of evil is vanity, and the source of good is mercy... (Francois René de Chateaubriand)

What is a sense of life? Serve others and do good. (Aristotle)

With gentle words and kindness you can lead an elephant by a thread. (M. Saadi)

We love people for the good we have done to them, and we do not love them for the evil we have done to them. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Look at the universe without evil,
And with the gaze of reason, kindness, love.
Life is a sea; From good deeds
Build a ship and sail on the waves.
(Rudaki - Abu Abdallah Rudaki)

A thinking atheist who lives according to his conscience does not himself understand how close he is to God. Because he does good without expecting reward, unlike believing hypocrites. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Evil is not born from good and vice versa. Human eyes are given to us to distinguish them! (Omar Khayyam)

Living means doing things, not acquiring them. (Aristotle)

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. (Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield)

He who does not notice evil is stupid, and he who does not notice good is unhappy.
(Jerzy Pludowski)

In the victory of evil is your downfall. In your goodness lies your salvation. (Jami)

I know of no other signs of superiority other than kindness. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Don't offend people - retribution will come.
Someone's insult does not promise us happiness.
(Firdousi -Hakim Abulqasim Mansur Hasan Ferdowsi Tusi)

Every good deed carries its own reward. (A. Dumas)

Do what and how you can: just love what is good, and what is good - ask your conscience. (N. Karamzin)

The benefit of a good deed is that you took advantage of the opportunity to do it. (Seneca Lucius Annaeus)

Try to be at least a little kinder - and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act. (Confucius - Kong Tzu)

He who does good to another does good to himself; not in the sense of consequences, but by the very act of doing good, since the consciousness of good done in itself already gives great joy. (Seneca Lucius Annaeus)

Of all the sciences that a person should know, the main science is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Always do good and evil
In the power of all people.
But evil is done without difficulty,
It is more difficult to do good.
(Farruhi -Abul Hassan ibn Juluh Farruhi Sistani)

A person's virtue is measured not by extraordinary feats, but by his daily effort. (Blaise Pascal)

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Only the one who is reasonable is truly kind... (V.G. Belinsky)

Don't blame others for minor offenses. Do not expose others to malicious intent. Don't remind others of old grievances. If you follow these three rules, you can cultivate virtue and avoid trouble. (Hong Zichen).

I consider blessings done to an unworthy person to be atrocities (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

The first sign of corruption of social morals is the disappearance of truth, for truthfulness lies at the basis of all virtue and is the first requirement for the ruler of a state. (Michel Montaigne)

Good deeds bring happiness
He is happy who has not done harm to people.
(Nasir Khosrow - Abu Muin Nasir ibn Khosrow ibn Faris al-Kabadiyani al-Marwazi)

Our conscience is our best judge. (N.I. Gnedich)

The most powerful suggestion of good is an example good life. (L.N. Tolstoy)

A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil. (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

There is no beauty where there is no good and useful. (Socrates)

Do good while you exist... (Denis Diderot)

Everything except kindness is just whim and vanity.
Everything is transitory here - but kindness is eternal.
(Masud Sad Salman)

Many people have to be respected not because they do good, but because they do not do evil. (Claude Adrian Helvetius)

In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man's power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil. (L.N. Tolstoy)

To do bad things is low, to do good when it is not associated with danger is a common thing. Good man- one who does great and noble deeds, even if he risks everything (Plutarch)

Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil. Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul. (D.I. Fonvizin)

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him. (Marlene Dietrich)

Good, no matter how small it is,
Much better than the big bad.
(Nizami - Nizami Ganjavi Abu Muhammad Ilyas ibn Yusuf)

Blessed are the peacemakers on earth. Love everyone, trust the chosen ones, do no harm to anyone. (William Shakespeare)

To those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm. (Michel Montaigne)

Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing more than a desire for good. (L.N. Tolstoy)

May you be weak and unable to fight evil,
But do not do harm to those standing before you.
(Attar -Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Ibrahim)

Good morals are more important than good laws. (Tacitus Publius Cornelius)

Secrecy is terrible in evil. In goodness, the desire to be visible is terrible. Therefore, the harm caused by visible evil is superficial, and the harm caused by hidden evil is deep. When good is obvious, the benefit from it is small, and when it is hidden, it is great. (Hong Zichen)

There are only two virtues in the world that one can and should bow to... - genius and kindness of heart. (Victor Hugo)

The good that you do from your heart, you always do to yourself. (L.N. Tolstoy)

People may forgive you for the good you have done for them, but they rarely forget the evil they have done to you. (Somerset Maugham)

Evil people live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live. (Socrates)

There are two moralities: one is passive, prohibiting doing evil, the other is active, which commands doing good. (Pierre Buast)

Only a joyful heart can find pleasure in goodness. (Immanuel Kant)

In the world of people, good and evil do not exist in their pure form. Even the kindest and most honest person can, through a misunderstanding or in a fit of anger, commit some kind of baseness, which he later regrets for the rest of his life. Bad people Sometimes they also do good things. Unfortunately, most often, only caring for their own good. (Ali Apsheroni)

Everything that is morally evil is also evil in politics. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. (L.N. Tolstoy)

It is good to repent, but it is even better not to do evil (Gustave Flaubert)

Only he can passionately love goodness who is capable of wholeheartedly and irreconcilably hating evil. (Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller)

The fairy tale that good is different for everyone was invented by very evil people in order to confuse everyone. (Boris Krieger)

One man and God make a majority (Frank Buchman)

Writing is editing life so that you can live in it (Fazil Iskander)

The ultimate task of art, like religion, is the humanization of man (Fazil Iskander)

The goal of humanity is a good person, and there is and cannot be any other goal (Fazil Iskander)

There is no one who, while loving money, pleasure and fame, also loves people: only he who loves virtue loves them. (Epictetus)

The border between light and shadow is you. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Not doing evil is a good deed. (Publius)

An evil person harms himself before he harms another. (Aurelius Augustine)

Those who intend to do good should not expect people to remove all the stones from their path; he is obliged to calmly accept his lot even if new ones are thrown at him. (Albert Schweitzer)

Good is to preserve life, to promote life, evil is to destroy life, to harm life. (Albert Schweitzer)

Good by decree is not good. (I.S. Turgenev)

Kindness is above all blessings. (M. Gorky)

If a person does not change for the better, he inevitably changes for the worse. (Veselin Georgiev)

Self-sacrifice is allowed; alone can sacrifice others evil hearts. (K.M. Batyushkov)

Virtue is the possession of a mean between two vices, one of which consists of excess, and the other of deficiency. (Aristotle)

The life of evil people is full of worries. (Denis Diderot)

A truly good person does not see his own mercy. (Ali Apsheroni)

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. (Confucius)

Where the end of good is, there is the beginning of evil, and where the end of evil is, there is the beginning of good. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

When, while doing good, you do not think about yourself or others, a handful of grains will give mercy for a thousand pounds of bread. When, while helping others, you boast of your generosity and demand gratitude from people, then a hundred gold coins will not bring you even half a copper’s worth. (Hong Zichen)

He who is kind only in words is doubly unworthy. (Publius Syrus)

Take away the love of goodness from our hearts - you will take away all the charm of life. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

He who sows good, his fruit is good,
Whoever sows evil will reap evil.
(M. Saadi - Abu Muhammad Muslih ad-Din ibn Abd Allah Saadi Shirazi)

He who is good is free, even if he is a slave; the one who is angry is a slave, even if he is a king. (Augustine Aurelius)

He who does not truly hate evil does not truly love good. (Romain Rolland)

If you start judging people, you won't have enough time to love them. (Mother Teresa)

Someone asked: Is it right to say that evil must be repaid with good? The teacher said: How then to pay for good? Evil must be repaid with justice, and good with good. (Confucius - Kong Tzu)

Good is beautiful in action. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

No one evil person never happy. (Juvenal)

To recognize evil means to immediately begin to fight it. (M.E. Koltsov)

Peoples! Try to have good morals first, rather than laws: morals are the very first laws. (Pythagoras)

The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness. (Romain Rolland)

He who does good to another does good to himself. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

He who accepts evil without resistance becomes its accomplice. (Martin Luther King)

To die of hunger is a small event, but to lose morality is a big one. (Confucius - Kong Tzu)

The path of evil does not lead to good. (William Shakespeare)

To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Just step off the path of good, and before you know it, you’ll get stuck in evil. (L.N. Tolstoy)

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it. The good one finds his paradise here on earth, the evil one already has his hell here. (Heinrich Heine)

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out. (Henry David Thoreau)

In order to have a lot of money, you don’t need to have a lot of intelligence, but you need to have no conscience. (Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord)

Since it is impossible to avoid the results of our actions, let us do good deeds. (Buddha Shakyamuni)

The duel between Good and Evil takes place every second in the heart of every person, for the heart is the battlefield where angels and demons fight. For many millennia they fight for every five, and this will continue until one of the opponents destroys the other. (Paulo Coelho)

Here the devil fights with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Only small knowledge takes us away from God, great knowledge returns us to Him again (Isaac Newton)


People are cruel, but man is kind.
R. Tagore

Good deeds should never be delayed: any delay is unwise and often dangerous.

There is only one way to end evil - to do good to evil people.
L. Tolstoy

Doing good to bad people is the same as doing bad to good people.
Zahiredzin – Muhammad Babur

In the victory of evil is your downfall. In your goodness is your salvation.

To those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm.
M. de Montaigne

Only he can passionately love goodness who is capable of wholeheartedly and irreconcilably hating evil.
F. Schiller

Any evil is easy to nip in the bud.

Good things are twice as good when they are short. By rewarding the good, we thereby punish the bad.
B. Gracian y Morales

It is a necessary consequence of the order of things that the evil man derives a double benefit: from his own injustice and from the honesty of others.
J.-J. Rousseau

Everyone wants the best. Don't give it away.
S.E. Lec

He who does good to another does good to himself.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

When good is powerless, it is evil.
O. Wilde

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when they are kissed by the light.
R. Tagore

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. This is my religion.
A. Lincoln

When, having done evil, a person is afraid that people will find out about it, he can still find the path to good. When, having done good, a person tries to let people know about it, he creates evil.
Hong Zichen

A villain cannot achieve greatness.
I.V. Goethe

Do good right and left, do not skimp on good words and even better deeds - love in order to be loved.
B. Gracian y Morales

Someone asked: “Is it true that they say that evil must be repaid with good?” The teacher said: “Then how to pay for good? Evil must be repaid with justice, and good with good.”

Not doing evil is a good deed.

An evil person harms himself before he harms another.
Aurelius Augustine

The highest right is often the highest evil.

Deception and force are the tools of the evil ones.
A. Dante

The good one finds heaven for himself on earth, while the evil one here anticipates his hell.
G. Heine

If you sow evil, expect a bloody harvest.
J. Racine

Nip evil in the bud! If time is lost and the disease has become stronger, what can the doctor do?

Take away the love of goodness from our hearts - you will take away all the charm of life.
J.-J. Rousseau

Custom is often evil.
P. Beaumarchais

You cannot treat good and evil the same way.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

The invisible evil is most alarming.

12 Feb 2019 admin

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