Dostoevsky's statements about man. Quotes, thoughts, sayings of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Moreover, if someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth, and it really were that the truth is outside Christ, then I would rather remain with Christ than with the truth.


Money is minted freedom.


An intelligent wife and a jealous wife are two different things.


A woman will deceive the all-seeing eye itself.


Without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a person cannot emerge from childhood into life; without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a generation cannot be set on its journey.

Life goes breathless without an aim.

Remember my testament: never invent any plot or intrigue. Take what life itself gives. Life is much richer than all our imaginations! No imagination can come up with what the most ordinary, ordinary life sometimes gives you, respect life!

It may be that the whole goal on earth, to which humanity strives, lies solely in the continuity of the process of achievement, in other words, life itself...

We must love life more than the meaning of life.


Justify, do not punish, but call evil evil.


Knowledge does not regenerate a person: it only changes him, but changes him not into one universal, official form, but in accordance with the nature of this person.


If they prove to me that the truth is outside of Christ, and Christ is outside the truth, then I would prefer to stay with Christ than with the truth.


Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates ourselves.

B true loving heart either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.


Beauty will save the world.


The measure of a people is not what it is, but what it considers beautiful and true.


The greatest skill of a writer is the ability to cross out. He who knows how and who has the strength to cross out his own will go far.

A writer whose works have not been successful easily becomes a bitter critic: just like a weak and tasteless wine can become excellent vinegar.


The real truth is always implausible. To make the truth more believable, you must certainly mix lies into it. People have always done this.


The Russian people seem to enjoy their suffering.

Is it really possible that even here they will not and will not allow the Russian organism to develop nationally, with its own organic strength, and certainly impersonally, servilely imitating Europe? But what should one do with the Russian organism then? Do these gentlemen understand what an organism is? Separation, “detachment” from their country leads to hatred, these people hate Russia, so to speak, naturally, physically: for the climate, for the fields, for the forests, for the order, for the liberation of the peasant, for Russian history, in a word, for everything, They hate me for everything.

The highest and most characteristic of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it.


With laughter, another person completely reveals himself, and you suddenly find out all his ins and outs.


Happiness is not in happiness, but only in its achievement.


It may be that the whole goal on earth, to which humanity strives, lies solely in the continuity of the process of achievement, in other words, life itself.


Arousing compassion for the ridiculed and self-worthless beauty is the secret of humor.

Humor is the wit of deep feeling.

on other topics

Only by mastering the original material as perfectly as possible, that is, native language, we will be able to master a foreign language as perfectly as possible, but not before.

The fantastic is the essence of reality.

F. M. Dostoevsky - Almsgiving is far from a noble activity. Moreover, both for the one asking for it and for the giver, since it contributes to an increase in the scale of beggary.

Every person must strive for his ideal and desire the best, otherwise nothing good awaits him.

The possibility of using corporal punishment, which appears in some people, is a powerful means of destroying humanity and inevitably leads to moral decay. This is a bloody ulcer on the body of society, destroying all attempts at citizenship in the bud. – Dostoevsky

Most characteristic feature Our people have an exaggerated sense of justice.

In order to morally destroy a person, you need to convince him of the uselessness and unnecessaryness of what he is doing.

Fyodor Dostoevsky: “Each of us is responsible for everything and for everyone and before everyone.”

Atheism often manifests itself as a result of receiving higher education And personal development, therefore, must be unpleasant to the common people.

The value of high ideals and ideas lies in the constant search for opportunities to achieve them.

Read the continuation of quotes by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky on the pages:

People would understand that there is no happiness in inaction, that a thought that does not work will extinguish, that you cannot love your neighbor without sacrificing to him from your labor, that it is vile to live on freebies and that happiness does not lie in happiness, but only in its achievement...

People, people are the most important thing. People are more valuable even than money.

Fantasy is a natural force in a person... Without giving it quenching, you will either kill it, or vice versa - you will allow it to develop excessively (which is harmful).

Russia is a game of nature, not of the mind.

After all, he was the smartest and most gifted man, a man, so to speak, even of science, although, however, in science... well, in a word, he did not do much in science, and, it seems, nothing at all. But this happens all the time with people of science in Rus'.

And invariably it still continues: we found a job and squealed with delight. Squealing and lying with delight is our very first priority; look, two years later and we go our separate ways, hanging our noses.

Only through labor and struggle is identity and feeling achieved. self-esteem.

Wine brutalizes and brutalizes a person, hardens him and distracts him from bright thoughts, dulls him.

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.

Falling in love does not mean loving: you can fall in love while hating.

Art never left man, always met his needs and his ideal, always helped him in finding this ideal - it was born with man, developed alongside his historical life.

Not being surprised by anything is, of course, a sign of stupidity, not intelligence.

Only those who have no wit speak the truth.

When I see around me how people, not knowing what to do with their free time, seek out the most miserable activities and entertainment, I look for a book and say internally: this alone is enough for a whole life.

Honest enemies always have more enemies than dishonest ones.

There is nothing more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery.

The real truth is always implausible... To make the truth more believable, you must certainly mix lies into it. People have always done this.

In a truly loving heart, either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.

There is nothing so beautiful that something even more beautiful cannot be found, and nothing so bad that something even worse cannot be found.

Mystical ideas love persecution, they are created by it.

In abstract love for humanity, you almost always love only yourself

No, whoever loves does not reason - you know how they love! (and his voice trembled, and he passionately whispered): if you love purely and love her purity in a woman and suddenly become convinced that she is a lost woman, that she is depraved - you will love her depravity in her, this disgusting disgusting thing, you will love in it... this is what love is like!..

You can comprehend and feel both correctly and at once, but you cannot become a person at once, but you have to stand out as a person.

Only that war is useful that is undertaken for an idea, for a higher and great principle, and not for material interest, not for greedy seizure...

No progress is worth a child's tears.

I read strangely, and reading has a strange effect on me. I read something I re-read a long time ago and it’s as if I’m exerting myself with new strength, I delve into everything, I clearly understand and I myself gain the ability to create.

Sarcasm is the last trick of shy and chaste-hearted people who are rudely and intrusively pierced into their souls.

He who desires the truth is already terribly strong.

Wealth and coarse pleasures give rise to laziness, and laziness gives rise to slaves.

Self-sacrifice of oneself for the benefit of everyone is... a sign highest development personalities...

He who lies to himself and listens to his own lies reaches such a point that he no longer discerns any truth either in himself or around him, and therefore begins to disrespect both himself and others.

There are things in the memories of every person that he reveals not to everyone, but perhaps only to his friends.

Compassion is the highest form human existence.

He who wants to be useful, even with hands tied can do a lot of good.

Women are our greatest hope; perhaps they will serve all of Russia at the most fatal moment.

Fathers and teachers, I think: “What is hell?”

There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery.

Wine brutalizes and brutalizes a person, hardens him and distracts him from bright thoughts, dulls him.

Anyone who wants to see the living God should look for him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love.

The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what controls him: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas.

In most cases, people, even villains, are much more naive and simple-minded than we generally assume about them.

The entire second half human life is usually compiled from the habits accumulated in the first half alone.

A person does not live his whole life, but creates himself, creates himself.

How more people is able to respond to the historical and universal, the broader his nature, the richer his life and the more capable such a person is of progress and development.

If you fail, everything seems stupid!

I do not want and cannot believe that evil is the normal state of people.

Religion is only a formula for morality.

I reason like this: “Suffering because one can no longer love.”

You have to be a truly great person to be able to resist even common sense.

If there is no God, then what kind of captain am I after this?

Conscience is the action of God in man

Art will only be true to man when it does not restrict his freedom of development.

Contact with nature is the most the last word all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners.

Is it possible to love everyone, all people... Of course not, and even unnatural. In abstract love for humanity, you almost always love only yourself.

The whole world is not worth one child's tears.)

You can't love what you don't know!

There is no higher idea how to donate own life, defending his brothers and his fatherland..

Humanity is only a habit, the fruit of civilization. It may completely disappear.

He who is easily inclined to lose respect for others, first of all, does not respect himself.

What is talent? Talent is the ability to say or express well where mediocrity will say and express poorly.

Money is minted freedom

Every woman has her own highlight, but in order to find it, you don’t need to crumble the whole pie.

Cheerfulness of a person is an outstanding trait of a person.

And invariably it still continues: we found a job and squealed with delight. Squealing and lying with delight is our very first priority; look, two years later and we go our separate ways, hanging our noses.

Alms corrupt both the giver and the taker, and moreover, it does not achieve its goal, because it only increases beggary.

Just to live, live and live! No matter how you live - just live! What a truth! Lord, how true! A scoundrel is a man!.. And a scoundrel is the one who calls him a scoundrel for this.

Anyone who wants to be useful can do a great deal of good even with literally tied hands.

That's what the mind is for, to achieve what you want.

The description of a flower with love for nature is much more comprehensive civic feeling, than denouncing bribery, because here there is contact with nature, with love for nature.

Honor disappears - the formula of honor remains, which is tantamount to the death of honor.

A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool.

It was not you who ate the idea, but you who were eaten by the idea.

Only having mastered the initial material, that is, our native language, to the possible perfection, will we be able to master a foreign language to the possible perfection, but not before.

The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it.

That is, even this: the more decent a person he is, the more he has them.

The most serious problems modern man occur because he has lost the sense of meaningful cooperation with God in His plans for humanity.

Truth without love is a lie.

Strength needs no abuse.

No matter how crude flattery may be, at least half of it certainly seems to be true.

There is no happiness in comfort; happiness is bought through suffering.

If you set off towards your goal and start stopping along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.

A person who has not been a child will be a bad citizen.

General principles are only in the heads, and in life there are only special cases.

Humanity cannot live without generous ideas.

But, finally, there are those that a person is afraid to reveal even to himself, and every decent person will accumulate quite a few such things.

I can’t imagine a situation where there would ever be nothing to do.

It’s not the mind that’s important, but what guides it...

Beauty is harmony; it is a guarantee of peace...

A person, in addition to happiness, also needs unhappiness in exactly the same way!

If you are heading towards a goal and begin to stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​barking at you, then you will never reach the goal [F.M. Dostoevsky]

Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates ourselves.

Remember my testament: never invent any plot or intrigue. Take what life itself gives. Life is much richer than all our imaginations! No imagination can come up with what the most ordinary, ordinary life sometimes gives you, respect life!

But what should I do if I probably know that the deepest egoism lies at the basis of all human virtues? And the more virtuous the deed, the more egoism there is. Love yourself - that's one rule I recognize. Life is a business transaction...

The measure of a people is not what it is, but what it considers beautiful and true.

Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

There is no idea, no fact that cannot be trivialized and presented in a funny way.

Egoists are capricious and cowardly in the face of duty: they have an eternal cowardly aversion to bind themselves to any duty.

There are also those that he will not reveal to his friends, except to himself, and even then in secret.

To act smartly, intelligence alone is not enough.

Human - the whole world, if only the basic impulse in him were noble.

Freedom is not about not restraining yourself, but about being in control of yourself.

He who does not love nature does not love man, is not a citizen.

The owner of the Russian land is only Russian. This is how it was and always will be.

Being only begins to be when it is threatened with non-existence.

Life goes breathless without an aim.

To love each other, you need to fight with yourself.

Talent needs sympathy, it needs to be understood.

Madmen pave the way for the sensible to follow.

Only then does the feeling become purified when it comes into contact with the highest beauty, with the beauty of the ideal.

The smartest person, in my opinion, is the one who calls himself a fool at least once a month - an ability now unheard of!

Limited to an ordinary person there is, for example, nothing easier than imagining yourself as an extraordinary and original person and enjoying this without any hesitation.

Here you need to speak eye to eye... so that the soul can be read on the face, so that the heart is reflected in the sounds of the word. One word spoken with conviction, with complete sincerity and without hesitation, face to face, means much more than dozens of sheets of paper written on it.

Good thoughts are preferred to brilliant writing. The syllable is, so to speak, the outer garment; thought is the body hiding under clothes.

Truth is more poetic than anything in the world...

Beauty is inherent in everything healthy.

Anyone who wants to see the living God should look for him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love.

Humor is the wit of deep feeling.

Man is a mystery. It needs to be solved, and if you spend your whole life solving it, don’t say you wasted your time; I deal with this mystery because I want to be a man.

An atheist cannot be Russian; an atheist immediately ceases to be Russian.

It’s a bad sign when they stop understanding irony, allegory, and jokes.

Without ideals, no good reality can ever emerge.

Beauty will save the world.

It's amazing what one ray of sunshine can do to a person's soul!

A person is a creature that gets used to everything, and I think this is the best definition of a person.

Man does not know his own nature.

Money is coined freedom.

This is the sign of real art, that it is always modern, urgently useful.

Happiness is not in happiness, but only in its achievement.

If somehow it turned out... that Christ is outside the truth and the truth is outside Christ, then I would prefer to remain with Christ outside the truth...

Damn these interests of civilization, and even civilization itself, if to preserve it it is necessary to skin people.

If you want to examine a person and know his soul, then delve not into how he is silent, or how he speaks, or how he cries, or how he is excited by the noblest ideas, but look at him better when he laughs. A person laughs well means he is a good person.

For suffering. People like to feel like holy martyrs, hostages of passions. Love is the most complex emotion, but it is finite, like everything in this world. And there is nothing sacred in it, as well as in those who believe and wait for it.

Every person is responsible to all people for all people and for everything.

The fantastic is the essence of reality.

Why is love praised?

Without such literary geniuses and nationalists as Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, our literature might have remained unrecognized. Despite the fact that he has not been with us for 135 years, his works are still increasingly being reread not only in Russia, but also abroad. Today we can say with confidence that Dostoevsky is the most popular domestic writer in the West. There are 5 years left until the 200th anniversary of his birth. Fate gave him a little less than 60 years, but even during such a short life he managed to write many novels, including “Crime and Punishment”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Poor People”, “Humiliated and Insulted”, etc., to this day are part of the Golden Fund of Russian literary classics.
Beauty will save the world. - Variations appear in different novels

Without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a person cannot emerge from childhood into life; without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a generation cannot be set on its journey.

The greatest skill of a writer is the ability to cross out. He who knows how and who has the strength to cross out his own will go far.

Remember my testament: never invent any plot or intrigue. Take what life itself gives. Life is much richer than all our imaginations! No imagination can come up with what the most ordinary, ordinary life sometimes gives you, respect life!

In a truly loving heart, either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.

Arousing compassion for the ridiculed and self-worthless beauty is the secret of humor.

Money is minted freedom.

The devil fights with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people.

Moreover, if someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth, and it really were that the truth is outside Christ, then I would rather remain with Christ than with the truth. - from a letter from N.D. Fonvizina

Knowledge does not regenerate a person: it only changes him, but changes him not into one universal, official form, but in accordance with the nature of this person.

Only having mastered the initial material, that is, our native language, to the possible perfection, will we be able to master a foreign language to the possible perfection, but not before.

Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates ourselves.
We must love life more than the meaning of life.

Justify, do not punish, but call evil evil.

A writer whose works have not been successful easily becomes a bitter critic: just like a weak and tasteless wine can become excellent vinegar.

With laughter, another person completely reveals himself, and you suddenly find out all his ins and outs.

The Russian people seem to enjoy their suffering.

Happiness is not in happiness, but only in its achievement.

An intelligent wife and a jealous wife are two different things.

The fantastic is the essence of reality

Humor is the wit of deep feeling.

It may be that the whole goal on earth, to which humanity strives, lies solely in the continuity of the process of achievement, in other words, life itself...

The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it.

For a limited ordinary person, for example, there is nothing easier than imagining himself as an extraordinary and original person and enjoying this without any hesitation.

People, people are the most important thing. People are more valuable even than money.

Women are our greatest hope; perhaps they will serve all of Russia at the most fatal moment.

Unfortunately, the truth is almost always not witty.

No one will make the first move, because everyone thinks that it is not mutual.

Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating.

We Russians have two Motherlands - our Russia and Europe.

I am firmly convinced that not only is there a lot of consciousness, but even all consciousness is a disease.

A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool.

About war
International war brings only one benefit, in all respects, and is therefore absolutely necessary.

Humanity cannot live without magnanimous ideas, and I even suspect that humanity loves war precisely because it is to participate in a magnanimous idea. There is a need here.

Generosity perishes in periods long peace. A long peace hardens people. A long peace produces apathy, baseness of thought, debauchery, and dulls feelings. Social preponderance during a long peace always in the end turns to brute wealth.

If there had not been a war in the world, art would have died out completely. All best ideas arts are given by war, struggle.

Wealth and coarse pleasures give rise to laziness, and laziness gives rise to slaves. To keep slaves in a servile state, it is necessary to take away from them free will and the possibility of enlightenment

After all, you can NOT NOT need a slave, no matter who you are, even if you are the most humane person?

During a period of peace, cowardice and dishonesty take root. Man by nature is terribly inclined towards cowardice and shamelessness and knows this very well about himself; That’s why, perhaps, he longs for war so much, and loves war so much: he feels the medicine in it. War develops brotherly love and unites peoples.

War refreshes people. Humanity is most developed only on the battlefield.

And I won’t even talk about the material disasters of the war: who doesn’t know the law according to which after the war everything seems to be resurrected with strength. The economic forces of the country are excited tenfold, as if a thundercloud had rained heavily over the parched soil. Those affected by the war are immediately helped by everyone, whereas in times of peace entire regions can die of starvation before we scratch ourselves or give three rubles.

War raises the spirit of the people and their consciousness of their own dignity. War equalizes everyone during battle and reconciles master and slave in the highest manifestation human dignity- in the sacrifice of life for a common cause, for everyone, for the fatherland.

War is a reason for the masses to respect themselves, and that is why the people love war: they compose songs about war, they listen to legends and stories about it for a long time... shed blood is an important thing!

Quotes from works

Crime and Punishment
The scoundrel-man gets used to everything! - part 1, chapter 2

Science says: love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. - part 2, chapter 5

With logic alone you cannot skip over nature! Logic predicts three cases, and there are a million of them! - part 3, chapter 5

Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right... - part 5, chapter 4

Become the sun, everyone will see you. - part 6, chapter 2

There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery. - part 6, chapter 4

Russian people are generally broad people... broad, like their land... - part 6, chapter 5

If you fail, everything seems stupid! - part 6, chapter 7

... Who in Rus' doesn’t consider himself Napoleon now? - Epilogue, chapter 2

To a Russian, Europe is as precious as Russia; every stone in it is sweet and dear... Oh, these old foreign stones are dear to the Russians, these wonders of God’s old world, these fragments of holy miracles; and even this is more valuable to us than to them! - Teenager, part 3, chapter 7

I know everything, but I don't know anything good.

The secret consciousness of power is unbearably more pleasant than obvious dominance.

Even if I achieve nothing, even if my calculations are wrong, even if I burst and fail, it’s all the same - I’m going. I'm going because I want to.

No matter how stupid and tongue-tied Stebelkov was, I saw a flamboyant scoundrel in all his splendor, and most importantly, this could not have happened without some kind of intrigue. Only I had no time to delve into any intrigues then, and that was the main reason my night blindness! I looked at my watch with concern, but it wasn’t even two yet; therefore, it was still possible to make one visit, otherwise I would have disappeared before three hours from excitement. - Teenager, part 2, chapter 3

Why do I say a lot of words and it doesn’t work out for me? Because I can't speak. Those who can speak well speak briefly. So, therefore, I have no talent, isn’t it? But since I already have this natural gift of mediocrity, why shouldn’t I use it artificially? That's what I use. - "Part 2, chapter 1"

All of them, due to their inability to conduct business, are terribly fond of accusing people of espionage. - Part 2, chapter 6

Our Russian liberal is first and foremost a lackey and is only looking to clean someone's boots. - Part 1, chapter 4

...the first thing that has a terrible effect is the uniform. There is nothing stronger than a uniform. I deliberately invent ranks and positions: I have secretaries, secret spies, treasurers, chairmen, registrars, their comrades - I really like it and it went well. Then the next force is, of course, sentimentality. You know, socialism in our country is spreading mainly out of sentimentality. But here’s the problem, these biting second lieutenants; no, no, yes, you will run into trouble. Then come the pure scammers; Well, these are probably good people, sometimes very profitable, but they take a lot of time and require vigilant supervision. And finally the most main strength- cement binds everything together - it’s a shame own opinion. This is such power! And who worked, who did this “darling”, that not a single idea of ​​his own was left in anyone’s head! They consider it a shame. - Part 2, chapter 6

Are you calculating on your fingers what forces make up the circles? All this officialdom and sentimentality is all good paste, but there is one thing even better: persuade four members of the circle to kill the fifth, under the guise that he will inform, and immediately you will tie them all together with shed blood as if in one knot. They will become your slaves; they will not dare to rebel or ask for reports. - Part 2, chapter 6 essence, our teaching is a denial of honor, and that with the outright right to dishonor it is easier to entice a Russian person to follow you.

Brothers Karamazov
In most cases, people, even villains, are much more naive and simple-minded than we generally assume about them. And so do we ourselves.

...if the devil does not exist and, therefore, man created him, then he created him in his own image and likeness.
- Ivan

After all, sometimes it’s very pleasant to be offended, isn’t it? And a person knows that no one offended him, but that he invented the insult for himself and lied for the sake of appearance, exaggerated it himself in order to create a picture, became attached to the word and made a mountain out of a pea, he knows this himself, and yet he is the very first to be offended , is offended to the point of pleasantness, to the feeling of great pleasure, and thereby reaches true enmity...
- Elder Zosima is not only a terrible, but also a mysterious thing. Here the devil fights with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people.
- Dmitriy

What is hell? - The suffering of not being able to love anymore.
- Elder Zosima

...sometimes people speak about the “brutal” cruelty of man, but this is terribly unfair and offensive to animals: an animal can never be as cruel as a person, so artistically, so artistically cruel.
- Ivan

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. He who lies to himself and listens to his own lies reaches such a point that he no longer discerns any truth either in himself or around him, and therefore begins to disrespect both himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and in order, not having love, to occupy himself and entertain himself, he indulges in passions and coarse sweets and reaches the point of complete bestiality in his vices, and all from continuous lies to both people and himself.
- Elder Zosima

White Nights
I create entire novels in my dreams. Oh, you don't know me!

I'm a dreamer; I have so little real life that I consider moments like this, as now, so rare that I cannot help but repeat these minutes in my dreams. I will dream about you all night, all week, all year.

But who told you that I have my story? I have no story...

Thus, when we are unhappy, we feel the unhappiness of others more strongly; the feeling does not break, but concentrates...

And we didn’t know what to say, we laughed, we cried, we spoke thousands of words without coherence or thought; we would walk along the sidewalk, then suddenly turn back and start crossing the street; then they stopped and again went to the embankment; we were like children.

Eternal husband
One day, and almost without remembering how, he wandered into the cemetery where Lisa was buried and found her grave. Not once since the funeral had he been to the cemetery; It seemed to him that there would be too much flour, and he did not dare to go. But strangely, when he leaned on her grave and kissed her, he suddenly felt better. Was clear evening, the sun was setting; all around, near the graves, a succulent tree grew, green grass; Not far away, a bee was buzzing in the rose hips; the flowers and wreaths left at Lisa’s grave after the burial by the children and Klavdia Petrovna lay right there, with half of the leaves flying off. Some hope even refreshed his heart for the first time after a long time. “How easy!” - he thought, feeling this silence of the cemetery and looking at the clear, calm sky. A surge of some pure, serene faith in something filled his soul. “Lisa sent this to me, she is talking to me,” he thought.
It was already getting dark when he walked back home from the cemetery. Not so far from the cemetery gates, along the road, in a low wooden house, there was something like a tavern or tavern; through the open windows visitors could be seen sitting at tables.

“What if it’s just a joke? - flashed through his head. - But n-no, n-no! It seems that he is not drunk - however, perhaps he is; red face. Yes, even if he’s drunk, everything will work out the same. What is he driving up with? What does this rascal want?”

So you were drunk yesterday?
“I was, sir,” Pavel Pavlovich admitted in a low voice, lowering his eyes in embarrassment, and you see, sir: not only drunk, but a little later, sir. I want to explain this because later I feel worse, sir: I’m a little tipsy, but some kind of cruelty and recklessness remain, and I feel grief more strongly. Maybe I drink for grief, sir. This is where I can play some really stupid pranks and offend you. I must have presented myself very strangely to you yesterday?

Humiliated and insulted
…V feminine character There is such a trait that if, for example, a woman is guilty of something, then she would rather agree later, later, to make amends for her guilt with a thousand caresses, than at the present moment, during the most obvious evidence of a wrongdoing, to admit it and ask for forgiveness.
- Prince Pyotr Alexandrovich Valkovsky (“Humiliated and Insulted”, part three, chapter I)

He also accurately described in one American newspaper the flight of a balloon that flew from Europe across the ocean to America: This description was made in such detail, so accurately, filled with such unexpected, random facts, had such an air of reality that everyone believed this journey, of course, only for a few hours; Then, according to information, it turned out that there was no trip and that Edgar Poe’s story was a newspaper duck. The same power of imagination, or, more precisely, consideration, is shown in stories about a lost letter, about a murder committed by an orangutan in Paris, in a story about a treasure found, etc.
- “Three stories by Edgar Poe”

From the diary:
Meanwhile, sometimes a fantasy entered my head: well, what if it weren’t three million Jews in Russia, but Russians; and if there were 80 million Jews, what would the Russians be like and how would they treat them? Would they give them equal rights? Would they be allowed to pray among them freely? Wouldn't they turn them straight into slaves? Worse yet: Wouldn't they completely rip off the skin! Wouldn't they have beaten them to the point of complete extermination, as they did with foreign peoples in the old days, in their ancient history? No, sir, I assure you that among the Russian people there is no preconceived hatred of the Jew, but there is, perhaps, dislike for him, especially in localities, and perhaps even very strong. Oh, you can’t do without this, it exists, but this does not happen at all because he is a Jew, not from a tribal background, not out of some kind of religious hatred, but it happens from other reasons, for which it is no longer the indigenous people who are to blame, but themselves Jew. - II. Pro and contra. Writer's diary for 1877

“There is money, therefore, I can do whatever I want; there is money, therefore, I will not die and will not go ask for help, and not asking anyone for help is the highest freedom.” And yet, in essence, this is not freedom, but again slavery, slavery from money. On the contrary, the highest freedom is not to save and not to provide oneself with money, but to “share everything you have and go to serve everyone.” If a person is capable of this, if he is able to overcome himself to such an extent, then isn’t he free after that?

In the current image of the world, freedom is believed to be in unbridledness, while real freedom is only in overcoming oneself and one’s will, so that in the end one can achieve such a moral state that one can always be one’s own master at every moment. And unbridled desires only lead to your slavery - IV. Russian solution question. Writer's diary for 1877

“The truth was revealed and proclaimed to you as an artist, it was given to you as a gift, so appreciate your gift and remain faithful and you will be a great writer!..”

<...>It was the most amazing moment of my entire life. In hard labor, remembering it, I strengthened my spirit. - Dostoevsky F. M. “Diary of a Writer” 1877. January. Ch. 2. § 4

In short, our liberals, instead of becoming freer, tied themselves to liberalism like ropes, and therefore I, taking advantage of this curious opportunity, will keep silent about the details of my liberalism. But in general I will say that I consider myself more liberal than everyone else, if only for the one reason that I do not want to calm down at all. - Dostoevsky F. M. “Diary of a Writer.” 1876 January. Ch. 1. Instead of a preface. About Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, about the prayer of the great Goethe and about bad habits in general

“In many ways I have purely Slavophile convictions, although perhaps I am not entirely a Slavophile.”<...>“And finally, for others, Slavophilism, in addition to this unification of the Slavs under the leadership of Russia, means and contains the spiritual union of all believers in the fact that our great Russia, at the head of the united Slavs, will tell the whole world, all European humanity and its civilization its new , a healthy and still unheard word in the world. This word will be spoken for the good and truly to unite all mankind in a new, fraternal, worldwide union, the beginnings of which lie in the genius of the Slavs, and mainly in the spirit of the great Russian people, who suffered for so long, doomed to silence for so many centuries, but always concluded in great strength for the future clarification and resolution of many bitter and fatal misunderstandings of Western European civilization. It is to this section of the convinced and believers that I belong” - Dostoevsky F. M. “The Diary of a Writer.” 1877 July August. Ch. 2. Confessions of a Slavophile

About Dostoevsky (For reasons of censorship, I am not publishing Chubais’ statement):
He is the least controversial as a writer, his place is on a par with Shakespeare. "The Brothers Karamazov" - greatest novel of all ever written, and "The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor" is one of highest achievements world literature, which cannot be overestimated.
- Sigmund Freud. Dostoevsky and parricide. - 1928.

And he loved, first of all, the living human soul in everything and everywhere, and he believed that we are all the race of God, he believed in infinite power human soul triumphing over all external violence and over all internal failure. - Three speeches in memory of Dostoevsky. 1881-1883.
- V. S. Solovyov

... Dostoevsky, scourging us with the fiery snakes of his evil talent, himself suffers unbearable torture from his spectacles, and ascends to the stake of his victims. Tormentor and martyr, Ivan the Terrible of Russian literature, he executes us with the fierce execution of his word and then, like Ivan the Terrible, a living human anchar, grumbles and prays, and calls Christ, and Christ comes to this madman and sage, to this holy fool, and then he cries bloody tears and enthusiastically torments himself with his chains, his convict chains, which people put on him and which he himself could not throw off from his tormented soul. Remember his pale, emaciated face, in whose features sick passions lurk, those burning eyes, full of torment and torment, and you will be even more convinced that in his own personality that fatal meeting of Christ with the Grand Inquisitor took place, which he described in famous legend. In himself, in his bottomless soul, God and the Devil fought for him. Good and evil were intertwined in him as closely as in any other person. He longed for reconciliation, wanted silence, he bowed the heads of the murderer and the harlot over the Gospel, wept over the suffering that he had caused from life and condensed into a poisonous fog. But, overwhelmed by pity, he nevertheless, once experiencing suffering, loved it with a savage love and could not do without it. If it disappeared from him inner world and the external world, he would have been even more unhappy than he was, and he would not have known what to do with himself, what to write about. This is, of course, far from meekness; This is pride and evil. Christ did not want the agony of the cross and prayed that the bitter cup would pass from Him. Dostoevsky did not ask for this; he knew some kind of voluptuousness of suffering and greedily fell to the cup of Gethsemane, writhing in pain. Torquemada, the great inquisitor of his own and other people’s souls, he confessed that “man loves suffering to madness”, that “in addition to happiness, man also needs unhappiness just as accurately and in exactly the same amount.” He embodies the inquisitorial beginning of the world, that inner horror that alone gives rise to all external pain and torment. - From the book: Silhouettes of Russian Writers. Vol. 2. M., 1908.
- Julius Aikhenvald

It is undeniable and undeniable: Dostoevsky is a genius, but it is our evil genius. He amazingly deeply felt, understood and depicted with pleasure two diseases brought up in the Russian man by his ugly story, a difficult and offensive life: the sadistic cruelty of a disappointed nihilist in everything and - its opposite - the masochism of a downtrodden, intimidated creature, capable of enjoying his suffering, not without gloating, however, showing off with it in front of everyone and in front of himself. - About “Karamazovism”. 1913.
- Maksim Gorky

In the evening, Jan and Z.H. They argued for a long time about Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. They argued well and let each other talk; Yan argued that Tolstoy had the same depths as Dostoevsky, and that he also touched on everything. Z.N. argued that Tolstoy is harmonious, but Dostoevsky is not, and therefore Dostoevsky was able to touch upon those dark sides people whom Tolstoy did not touch, and gave an example of Shigalevism. Jan said that Tolstoy always thought about death, but Dostoevsky never wrote about it. Z.N. She objected to this that Dostoevsky seemed to have stepped over death and was thinking about what was next, example: Zosima. Then Z.N. argued that Tolstoy, denying the state, did not give a form, while Dostoevsky did, saying that the state should turn into a church. Jan spoke very well at times, he also objected to Tolstoy’s harmony, citing as an example his attitude to the sexual issue (The Devil, the Kreutzer Sonata, etc.) - “Through the Mouths of the Bunins” Volume II, 1921
- Ivan Bunin

Dostoevsky's multifaceted personality can be viewed from four sides: as a writer, as a neurotic, as an ethical thinker, and as a sinner. How can we understand this complexity that involuntarily confuses us? - Dostoevsky and parricide. 1928. (An der reichen Persönlichkeit Dostojewskis möchte man vier Fassaden unterscheiden: Den Dichter, den Neurotiker, den Ethiker und den Sünder. Wie soll man sich in der verwirrenden Komplikation zurechtfinden?)
- Sigmund Freud

... Dostoevsky’s thought always moves along the lines of antinomianism, his positive constructions have sharp and decisive negations next to them, but such is the strength and height of his thought. - From the book: History of Russian philosophy. Paris, YMCA-PRESS, 1948.
- Vasily Zenkovsky

I feel a little awkward talking about Dostoevsky. In my lectures, I usually look at literature from the only angle that interests me, that is, as a phenomenon of world art and a manifestation of personal talent. From this point of view, Dostoevsky is not a great writer, but a rather mediocre one, with flashes of unsurpassed humor, which, alas, alternate with long wastes of literary banalities.<...>
The influence of Western literature in French and Russian translations, sentimental and Gothic novels of Richardson (1689 - 1761), Anne Radcliffe (1764-1823), Dickens (1812 - 1870), Rousseau (1712 - 1778) and Eugene Sue (1804 - 1857) is combined in the works of Dostoevsky with religious exaltation, turning into melodramatic sentimentality.<...>
Dostoevsky was never able to get rid of the influence of sentimental novels and Western detective stories. It is precisely to sentimentalism that the conflict that he loved so much goes back: to put the hero in a humiliating position and extract the maximum of compassion from him. When, after returning from Siberia, Dostoevsky’s ideas began to mature: salvation through sin and repentance, the ethical superiority of suffering and humility, non-resistance to evil, the defense of free will not philosophically, but morally, and, finally, the main dogma contrasting selfish anti-Christian Europe with fraternal Christian Russia, - when all these ideas (thoroughly analyzed in hundreds of textbooks) poured into his novels, a strong Western influence still remained, and I would like to say that Dostoevsky, who hated the West so much, was the most European of Russian writers. It is interesting to trace the literary genealogy of his heroes. His favorite, the hero of ancient Russian folklore Ivanushka the Fool, whom his brothers consider a clueless idiot, is in fact devilishly resourceful. A completely unscrupulous, unpoetic and unattractive type, personifying the secret triumph of deceit over strength and power, Ivanushka the Fool, the son of his people, who experienced so many misfortunes that it would be more than enough for a dozen other nations, oddly enough - the prototype of Prince Myshkin, the main character of the novel Dostoevsky's "Idiot"<...>
Dostoevsky's bad taste, his endless delving into the souls of people with pre-Freudian complexes, his intoxication with the tragedy of trampled human dignity - all this is not easy to admire. I am disgusted by how his heroes “come to Christ through sin,” or, as Bunin put it, this manner of Dostoevsky “poke Christ where it is necessary and not necessary.” Just as music leaves me indifferent, to my regret, I am indifferent to Dostoevsky the prophet. The best thing he wrote, I think, is “The Double.” This story, told very skillfully, according to the critic Mirsky, with many almost Joycean details, densely saturated with phonetic and rhythmic expressiveness, tells the story of an official who went crazy, imagining that his colleague had appropriated his identity. This story is a complete masterpiece, but fans of Dostoevsky the prophet are unlikely to agree with me, since it was written in 1840, long before the so-called great novels, and besides, the imitation of Gogol is sometimes so striking that at times the book seems almost a parody.<...>
It is doubtful whether one can seriously talk about the “realism” or “human experience” of a writer who created a whole gallery of neurasthenics and mentally ill people. - Lectures on Russian literature. M: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 1999. pp. 170-171, 176-178, 183.

F. M. Dostoevsky has been known to everyone since the time school curriculum. Its deep philosophical works They do not leave you indifferent, but penetrate deeply into your heart. Readers comment on how memorable his quotes are. You can re-read them hundreds of times and constantly find something new. Dostoevsky's statements are filled with extraordinary wisdom.

They teach a deeper understanding and comprehension of the surrounding reality. The more you read, the more clearly the long-known truths are revealed, and you begin to feel more deeply the changes taking place. Dostoevsky's statements about life are filled with incredible knowledge of how this world works. People who are interested in the work of this writer probably know them by heart.

“A lot of people are afraid to trust, tell the truth and be themselves.”

It’s amazing, but for some reason people do the most natural things with a stretch, putting a lot of effort into it. It would seem that trust is a natural feeling. However, not all people are truly capable of experiencing it. Most people move away from their own sense of responsibility, replacing it with something else, trying to shift their attention. Trust is born from awareness of one's own importance and self-confidence. Dostoevsky's famous sayings are full of amazing wisdom.

“Resentment is trash, but people don’t dare throw it away”

How often do we experience negative emotions and we are not even in a hurry to free ourselves from them. In fact, resentment is nothing more than a discrepancy between one person’s expectations regarding the actions and actions of another. When others do something that we would not like to accept in relation to ourselves, a negative feeling persistent rejection. In essence, resentment is a trash can that you must remember to take out in a timely manner.

However, people often cling to their own and then themselves begin to suffer from allegedly unfair treatment. Dostoevsky's statements about man often confirm the idea that many are selfish to such an extent that they do not notice anything around them except their own consumer desires and thoughts. To get rid of resentment, you need to be able to work on yourself and overcome your shortcomings. Only a spiritually developed person is able to transform the reality around him.

“The soul heals imperceptibly next to children”

A little man can bring a lot of joy to a home where he is loved and appreciated. Communicating with children, we internally cleanse ourselves, transform ourselves and become stronger. A child makes a woman even more beautiful and brings special meaning to her life. Like other statements of Dostoevsky, this phrase is focused specifically on spiritual healing with love.

A woman who is going to give life to a tiny creature is different from one who thinks in terms of success in her career and business. The maternal instinct of the beautiful half of humanity is very strong. That is why a woman is able to take care not only of her children, but also of nephews, grandchildren, and even completely strangers’ children. Having a child makes a person's life much more full, meaningful and generous. From somewhere inside comes generosity, the desire to care, to give warmth.

“To love means to see a person as God created him”

People so often make numerous demands on each other that they do not notice the interlocutor himself. They forget to treat others with love and notice them strengths, see unique character qualities. Dostoevsky's statements like this suggest that it is necessary to appreciate the person himself, and not look for his existing shortcomings. It is necessary to understand that each of us was conceived by the Almighty as individual personality with its own unique features and character. When we interfere with another person’s worldview, it is as if we are committing violence against him - we do not allow him to be himself, to realize his inner nature.

Love transforms everything around. If we become just a little more tolerant of those around us, we will be amazed to see how they change in our lives. better side. Every person needs to be loved and supported in every possible way.

"Compassion is the highest form of human life"

Probably no one will argue with the fact that a truly developed personality is distinguished by wisdom and the ability to independently make responsible decisions. The more understanding we show towards others, the more productive we actually live. By expressing his indifference and compassion, a person frees himself from his own negative attitudes, radically changes his worldview.

Thus, Dostoevsky's statements emphasize true value human existence. The more time we devote to self-development, the richer we become spiritually.

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