Statements about the art of a photographer. Cool statuses and aphorisms about photographers

A photographer must shoot something he has never seen before. Or the way he had never looked at it before.

Lisette Model

The uniqueness of photography lies in the fact that it is a co-creation between the artist and nature; it is always a game for two.

Lapin A.I.

The hallmark of a photographer is to look more intensely than other people. He must retain within himself the sensitivity of a child who sees the world for the first time, or a traveler entering an unfamiliar country.

Bill Brandt

Photography is what painting, composition, plastic rhythm, geometry become, placed in a matter of seconds.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

What's the use of depth of field if you don't experience deep feelings?

Eugene Smith

A landscape artist can work calmly - nature never insists on similarity.

Ramon Gomez de la Serna

The artist's eye often stops at what ordinary people they don’t see anything remarkable; a random sunspot, or a shadow crossing the road, an old oak, or a moss-covered stone can awaken a whole chain of thoughts, feelings and imaginative ideas.

William Henry Fox Talbot, inventor of the negative-positive process

The least valuable thing you can tell a photographer is that you like or don't like his work.

David Bayles

There is no such genre as artistic photography, but photography can be art.

Seppo Saves

In photography, as in painting and sculpture, you can only convey well what you understand well. Art does not depend solely on technical skill.

Duchamp de Boulogne

One of the biggest mistakes a photographer can make is hoping that their photography will look like the real world. If we limit our imagination real world, we will forever try to copy its beauty, but we will never be able to do anything more.

Galen Rowell, photographer and mountaineer

The camera is a tool that teaches people how to see without a camera.

Dorothea Lange

There are no rules for good photography, there are just good photographs.

Ansel Adams, photographer

A great photographer is one who fully expresses how he feels about what he photographs.

Ansel Adams

Photographing is like holding our breath, with all our faculties working together in the face of an elusive reality. Then capturing the image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

The reality that we see is endless, but only its selected, significant, decisive moments that struck us with something remain in our memory. Of all the visual media, only photography can capture such a precise moment, we play with things that disappear, and once they have disappeared, it is impossible to make them come back again.

Henri Cartier-Bresson, photographer

If I knew how to do good photo, I would do this all the time.

Robert Doisneau

A good photograph is like a good hound - silent, but expressive.

Eugene Atget

The photographer's main tool is his eyes. It may seem strange, but many photographers prefer to use the eyes of other photographers, past or present, instead of their own. Such photographers are blind.

Manuel Alvarez Bravo

A technically perfect photograph can be the most boring picture in the world.

Andreas Feininger

All photographs are exact copy, but one of them is not true.

Richard Avedon

The skill of a photographer lies not in beautifully photographing what is already beautiful, but in showing that beauty that others did not notice when passing by.

D. Katkov

I know absolutely nothing about composition. I create it myself. Blindly following the rules of composition is like checking the rules of gravity before going for a walk. It is impossible to teach how to feel a composition. It's a matter of skill and creative maturity.

Edward Weston

Shooting means concentrating and looking, looking, looking all the time. Photography captures a moment and its eternal meaning.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

The creative state cannot be bought or brought closer. It will come to you if you work hard. Work both spiritually and physically. Well-known truth: than more people gives, the wiser he is, and the more he receives in return.

V. N. Semin

Photography is a physical, tangible connection to a moment in history, a point of revelation and artistic birth. Whatever the object, for great photography One fundamental thing is required: that the photographer - fully aware of the importance of what is happening, skilled and properly equipped to take this photo - is on the spot at the critical moment.

Tom Eng

Photography is a mystery about a mystery. The more she tells you, the less you know.

Diane Arbus

What you see depends on where you are. ... you can really improve the composition of a photo by changing your position, not just adjusting the zoom setting.

Tom Eng

The camera itself does not take a picture. To take a photo, you need a camera, a photographer and, most of all, a subject. The theme determines the photographer's interest.

Man Ray

The power of a photograph lies in the individuality of the actual document, not in general content, filling the composition.

John Fowles

Some faces look more positive in the negative.

Dominik Opolski

Remembering the rules of composition before shooting is the same as thinking about the law of gravity when going for a walk.

Edward Weston

The photographer's lot is constantly disappearing things. And when they leave, all the ingenuity in the world will not make them return.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Photography is the gift of foresight, it is the analytical interpretation of things as they happen.

Ansel Adams

I am very suspicious of images that cannot be deciphered without the crutches of words.

Willie Roney

If you are not very passionate about your activity, you can do very beautiful pictures, but they will not touch the viewer's heartstrings.

Ruth Bernhard

Photography is a search for what can fit into the frame. When you limit events to a frame, you change those events.

Garry Winogrand

Photography is not a sport. She has no rules. Everything must be tried.

Bill Brandt

Photoshop is a sign of the photographer's powerlessness... (Alexander Gordeev, writer and photographer)

Nowadays everything exists in order to end in photography. Photography mummifies time. (Henri Bazin)

With the help of a camera, I saved moments of life because I learned to seize the moment and stop time. (Alice Sebold)

You know, there are much more important things in life than looking good in a photograph.

I've never taken a photo with a mirror.
- I think so, it’s generally difficult to take pictures with a mirror

When you take a photo, it’s like you’re painting a picture, but in one second. (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

a photograph is a trace of life on a piece of paper, this is exactly the moment that existed, but will no longer exist, and it is difficult to capture it.

Photography captures eternity, in fact being proof that everything is just a short moment in the eyes of eternity. (Ali Smith)

In certain cases, photography is capable of fantasy and fiction. Often she shows what did not happen, but could have happened. Very often something that no one saw or noticed. And, of course, something that the characters themselves did not even suspect. (Alexander Lapin)

Photography stores the most precious moments of our lives that will never be repeated. These moments are gradually distorted in our memory, and are often erased without a trace. But photography can capture and capture them forever.

Good camera It just adds clarity to your photos, and does nothing to save the situation when there is no talent.

When you photograph people in color.. you are photographing their clothes.. but when you switch to black and white photography, you are capturing their soul..

I don’t even see such a filter in Photoshop))
-Your photoshop is pirated. The licensed version has a big “Make it beautiful” button. You press it and bam! - you get such pictures.

I am neither an economist nor a journalist, and I do not photograph attractions. I only strive to observe life carefully.

Looking through the viewfinder window, he discovered the easiest way to get closer to the unattainable ideal: it turns out that you can choose the most beautiful picture and leave everything else behind the scenes.

I tried to show a world in which I would feel good, where people are friendly, where I can find those good feelings which I have always strived for. My photographs were proof that such a world could exist. (Robert Doisneau)

Photography itself does not interest me. I just want to capture a piece of reality. I don't want to prove anything, emphasize anything. Things and people speak for themselves. I don't do the "kitchen". Working in a lab or studio makes me feel nauseous. I hate manipulation - neither during shooting, nor after, in a dark room. A good eye will always notice such manipulations... The only moment of creativity is that one twenty-fifth of a second when the shutter clicks, the light flashes in the camera and the movement stops. (Henri Cartier-Bresson, photographer)

The magic of photography lies not only in the play of light, but above all in the culmination of the moment. That's what she called it. And I was afraid to miss this culmination when, after each click of the camera shutter, I rewinded the film with a handle.

The photograph of this person should be in the illustrated encyclopedic dictionary next to the word "dick". (Stephen King. Insomnia)

Life is like black and white photography: there is little black and white on her - only gray, but she can be beautiful too

Photography is life itself. From the rubbish of meaningless little things, stains, brushstrokes, reality is formed amazing picture life, incomparable in its authenticity. (Alexander Lapin)

Every photograph is a promise that is never fulfilled... (Gia)

As we are all accustomed to digital cameras, we look at photos exclusively on the monitor screen.
How long have you ever picked up paper photographs? It’s so great, you can pour a cup of tea, sit in your favorite chair and, taking a pile of albums, be transported back in time. Here in this photo you are one year old, in this photo you are five years old, and now you are already going to first grade. Oh, what's on this one? Yes, there were times... And now, you are already smiling. Funny, amusing, but so touching, all these photographs awaken our memories and take us back to childhood. And how nice it is to look at photos of moms and dads from twenty years ago. Have you ever noticed that there are no bad old photos?
And now, out of 20-30 photographs taken somewhere at a birthday party, it’s good if 5 of them turn out to be successful. And what do we do with unsuccessful photos? We delete them mercilessly.
Previously, we used to be so impatient when we took the film to print and waited for photos from our summer holidays. Friends came to visit to see the long-awaited photographs and, with wild cries of “oh, give me my photo,” they took away half of the photographs. What now? We post the long-awaited photos to contact, tag people in them, those who especially need them, send them by mail (no, not by Russian Post). It will be sad, open an album with old photographs, you will definitely smile.

Photographer - amazing person! He photographs 50 naked women a day, but his new photo lens excites him)))

Photography is what painting, composition, plastic rhythm, geometry become, placed in a matter of seconds.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Creativity is when you make mistakes. Art is when you know which one needs to be preserved.
Steve Adams

The skill of a photographer lies not in beautifully photographing what is already beautiful, but in showing that beauty that others did not notice when passing by.
D. Katkov

Your first 10,000 photos are your worst.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

I know absolutely nothing about composition. I create it myself. Blindly following the rules of composition is like checking the rules of gravity before going for a walk. It is impossible to teach how to feel a composition. It's a matter of skill and creative maturity.
Edward Weston

You neglect anatomy, drawing, perspective, all the mathematics of painting and color, so let me remind you that these are signs of laziness rather than genius.
Salvador Dali

To photograph means to determine immediately and in a split second the event and the precise organization visual forms, which express and define this event. This means lining up the head, the eye... along one line. This is a way to live.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

The hallmark of a photographer is to look more intensely than other people. He must retain within himself the sensitivity of a child who sees the world for the first time, or a traveler entering an unfamiliar country.
Bill Brandt

In photography, as in painting and sculpture, you can only convey well what you understand well. Art does not depend solely on technical skill.
Duchamp de Boulogne

There is nothing harder in the world than taking photographs. Do you need a three hundred and sixty degree lens, or what? You see something, then you look into the frosted glass, and there’s some kind of nonsense. Once you put a border on something, it disappears.
Robert Pirsig

To "capture" the world, you have to feel drawn into what you're cutting through the viewfinder. This approach requires concentration, discipline of spirit, instinct and a sense of geometry.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

A photographer must shoot something he has never seen before. Or the way he had never looked at it before.
Lisette Model

One of the biggest mistakes a photographer can make is hoping that their photography will look like the real world. If we limit our imagination to the real world, we will forever try to copy its beauty, but we will never be able to do anything more.
Galen Rowell

A technically perfect photograph can be the most boring picture in the world.
Andreas Feininger

The creative state cannot be bought or brought closer. It will come to you if you work hard. Work both spiritually and physically. It is a well-known truth: the more a person gives, the wiser he is, and the more he receives in return.
V. Semin

What you see depends on where you are. ... you can really improve the composition of a photo by changing your position, not just adjusting the zoom setting.
Tom Eng

The camera is a tool that teaches people how to see without a camera.
Dorothea Lange

Photography captures eternity, in fact being proof that everything is just a short moment in the eyes of eternity.
Ali Smith

Remembering the rules of composition before shooting is the same as thinking about the law of gravity when going for a walk.
Edward Weston

The photographer must work softly, discreetly, but at the same time have a keen eye. There is no need to jostle, attract attention to yourself, and do not stir up the water where you are going to fish.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

There are no rules for good photography, there are just good photographs themselves.
Ansel Adams

If you are not very passionate about your activity, you can make very beautiful pictures, but they will not touch the viewer's heart.
Ruth Bernhard

It's damn hard to photograph something beautiful. The photograph should be more interesting, or more beautiful, than what was photographed.

I found a few quotes from famous photographers and will gladly share them with you. I can only say that I selected only those that caught me, so there are not many of them, but each of the quotes is very important to me, because it reflects my thoughts and I completely agree with every word.
Here they are:

"Being successful in photography is a lot of work, but it is possible. You have to capture unforgettable moments, tell people their story, help people relive those moments."
"An amateur is someone who does something while in the grip of passion. In this sense, I will always be an amateur."
(c) John Sexton

“Where subjectivity appears, the opportunity arises for art to take place.”

"Photographers have pure souls, but dirty knees"

"Like in Wonderland, photographers have to constantly run to stay in place. To move forward, you have to run twice as hard and do it with purpose."

“I take photographs because I don’t know how to do it yet. If I could, I would stop.”
Joseph Sudek.

“There are three stages of development: copy, make variations on the theme of what was copied, create something new” (c) J. Gionis

"Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be tried."
Bill Brandt
"A photographer's main tool is his eyes. It may seem strange, but many photographers prefer to use the eyes of other photographers, past or present, instead of their own. Such photographers are blind."
Manuel Alvarez Bravo

"Luck is the best teacher of an attentive photographer"
John Szarkowski

"If an image doesn't shock, it's nothing"
Marcel Duchamp

"With a camera in my hands, I know no fear"
Alfred Eisenstaedt

"First of all, I know that life for a photographer cannot be indifferent"
Robert Frank

“For practice, I take pictures of everything in my mind.”
Minor White

“Photography is not about the things photographed, but about how they look photographed.”
Garry Winogrand

==== Addition 09/24/2010 =================================

A photographer must shoot something he has never seen before. walked in a way he had never looked at it before.
Lisette Model.

Photography leaves open moments that are immediately covered by the pressure of time.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Artistic matter is divided into three parts: what the author wanted to express, what the author was able to express, and what he expressed without meaning to.
S. Davlatov.

Composition should be our constant concern, but during shooting we can only feel it intuitively...
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

If a person has taken a hundred photographs in his life, this is really great photographer. For a photographer to leave behind one hundred photographs is a remarkable achievement.
Ara Guler.

Taking photographs means holding our breath as all our faculties unite in pursuit of an elusive reality...
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

When a photographer aims the viewfinder, the line of sight passes through his eye, head and heart.
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Photography is a means of understanding, inseparable from other visual means of expression. This is a way to shout out, to free yourself, and not at all a proof and assertion of one’s own originality. This is a way to live.
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

==== Addition 09/30/2010 =================================

You should think before and after shooting, never during it.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

You neglect anatomy, drawing, perspective, all the mathematics of painting and color, so let me remind you that these are signs of laziness rather than genius.
Salvador Dali

Much of the complexity of photography arises from what most people want to see. the world the way he is portrayed, not the way he really is.
Yu.A. Nikitin

Not the one who is beautiful whose arm or leg is praised, but the one whose entire appearance does not allow one to admire individual features.

Lucius Anyaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Creativity is when you make mistakes. art is when you know which one needs to be preserved.
Steve Adams

Looking at a masterpiece makes me ecstatic about what I can learn. It never even occurs to me to be overwhelmed with emotion.
Salvador Dali

Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.
Pablo Picasso

The public wants to be surprised, but with something familiar.
Tristan Bernard

To be an outstanding artist, doesn't have to be original. It is enough to repeat each time differently.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Like a fisherman or hunter, the photographer bets on incredible incident and, oddly enough, wins more often than seems reasonable or justified.
Rudolf Arnheim

Real artists do not pay attention to their contemporaries. They show off before eternity.
Vincent Van Gogh

If the shot isn't good enough, you're not close enough.
Robert Cappa

Happy accidents always happen. You just need to always be ready, then it will happen by itself.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. A good artist is a person who sells what he writes.
Pablo Picasso

One missed opportunity to take a good shot makes you want to buy two additional camera accessories.
Dowling's Law of Photography

At the photographer's unusual profession: He finds something before people have time to lose it.
Frank Carson

PS: Some are not signed, but if you know who said it, I will be happy to put the name.
PPS: If you have any statements on the topic of photography that resonate with you, write them in the comments.

Cool statuses and aphorisms about photographers

R Previously, people blamed everything inexplicable on otherworldly forces, now they blame it on Photoshop.

D Ladies, when you take pictures, you should say “cheese” and not “iron”!

E if you have smart eyes and mysterious smile, it means you are taking pictures

G the main enemy of photography and video shooting on children's New Year's parties- the asses of the teachers.

R Previously, photography awakened thoughts, feelings, and memories. Now, when looking at any photo, most people have only one question:
"Photoshop or silicone?"

U photographers have a pure soul, but dirty knees

F The camera is a tool that teaches people how to see the world without a camera

IN I heal from photographs! Whitening my teeth! Photoshop in the 4th generation!

H To remove the red eye effect in no time you need to: once - fall asleep, twice - get enough sleep.

P The first photograph of the child consists of only two stripes.

D You should think before and after shooting, never during it.

X A good photographer is like a vampire: he doesn’t reflect in mirrors and doesn’t cast shadows!

F The photographer hinted to the client that his face was not photohygienic and suggested that he go wash his face.

TO Race is a terrible force, but Photoshop is even worse...

N Probably everyone has a friend who ruins photos. He usually calls himself a photographer.

P From a photo report from a nightclub, you can easily understand who the photographer wanted to fuck.

N Some faces look more positive in the negative.

T You don't need a flash if you're photographing a rabbit, because its eyes are already red.

P giving birth Expensive. Photos of show business stars. IN CLOTHES!!! (not photoshop!!)

F otography is not a reflection of reality. She is the reality of this reflection.

IN Our time everything exists in order to end with photography.
Photography mummifies time.

T Your first 10,000 shots are the worst.

F a photographer can calmly shoot naked girls all day long, but only gets really excited when he sees a new lens

U personal photographer made a living with the help of gop still frames.

E If a girl gave you a photograph of herself in which she is smiling, then she has already smiled at the photographer

N and a photograph of a used condom entitled “Babies in a Cage” won the black humor photo contest.

F otograph. Operating hours are 24 hours a day. As long as the batteries are replaced in a timely manner, feeding and petting are allowed.

U The photographer has an unusual profession: he finds something before people have time to lose it.

F Cake photography can be an art

ABOUT photographers’ slander: There’s no point in blaming the DSLR if your face is crooked!

TO which photo is my favorite? The one I'm going to do tomorrow.

E If the photographer is drunk, a bluebird may fly out of the lens.

E If it weren't for photographers, people would have one less reason to smile

F the photographer must capture something he has never seen before. Or the way he had never looked at it before.

The photographer's last shot

TO How to piss off a woman in 2 steps?
1. Take a photo of her.
2. Don't show her this photo.

TO the photographer drank the camera. No money - wedding photographer.

IN Our time everything exists in order to end with photography.

L It's best to work as a photographer. Imagine, you picked up a prostitute and she paid you for it!

L treatment from photography.
Discounts for those who send intimate photos.

N and Wedding photographers have long been saying “BOOBS” instead of “CHEESE” or “CHEEZ” - the effect is wonderful!

M Many people buy Forbes magazine with its list of millionaires just to poke their eyes out in the photographs.

IN big family photographers don't click on a soapbox.

N it doesn't happen ugly women- sometimes photoshop is not enough.

L The butt will look pretty after going through the Photoshop filters.

TO when you open a folder with photos beautiful girl with the title "My Pussy", hope never dies until the last...

X I went on a photo hunt and failed seven horizons.

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