Apples with cottage cheese in the oven - delicious! Recipes for baked apples with cottage cheese, raisins, honey, nuts and cinnamon. How to bake apples with cottage cheese - a healthy dessert

A healthy dessert sounds boring, but oven-baked apples with cottage cheese are a delight!

Good day to you, my dear guests!

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

Do you know a dessert that is as simple, tasty and healthy as baked apples?

Personally, I don’t. Apples are always for us!

And we still need to work on other goodies so that they will side with us in the fight for harmony... :)

In addition, even the simplest fruit salad still needs to be cut, mixed, and seasoned with something. And then I put the apple in the oven - and that’s it! :)

Do you think this is the end of today's recipe? ;)

Of course not! I want both the taste and the benefits - everything to be to the maximum!

So let’s bake apples with cottage cheese in the oven and get a great dish to lift your mood and self-esteem!

And at the same time we’ll learn a few useful things and tricks! ;)

Before we start with the recipe with the photo, let’s check if we have everything we need at hand?


For baking, it is customary to choose firm, not too sweet varieties of apples. Because they hold their shape better and are less likely to crack.

Do the cracks bother you? Then take any apples you like! :)

Are all the ingredients ready? So, let's start turning them into a wonderful dessert of apples and cottage cheese!..


Again, we need to take this into account: some people like the fruit to become soft and soft, while others prefer the apple to crunch a little.

  • And if you cook in a slow cooker, then in the “Baking” mode it will take 30 minutes.

Well, since we have at least 10 minutes, we can easily arrange...

Musical stop

Let's turn on the song "Linger" by The Cranberries and find out the calorie content of our wonderful dessert...

Delicious mathematics

Judge for yourself: 100 grams contain only 70.46 kcal.

  • Protein – 2.87 g;
  • Fat – 2.49 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 10.23 g;

Are you on a diet and really want something tasty? Baked apples will save you! :)

If it's not sweet enough for you

You can add a spoonful of honey to this dessert. But when is it ready? Still, you should not expose honey to high temperatures.

Dessert should not only be tasty, but also healthy. An apple baked with cottage cheese is just such a delicacy :)

By the way, don’t forget that I have other very tasty low-calorie desserts:

  • from ,

And now about the benefits :)

Don't you think that the whole benefit of baked apples is their low calorie content? No, they have many health benefits!

  • For example, they are able to strengthen and rejuvenate the body, because with the help of pectin substances they remove toxins, waste and free radicals.
  • The antioxidants in such apples have a beneficial effect on the skin and make a person resistant to stress.
  • This delicacy is also very useful for the digestive system, liver and normalization of metabolism!

This is such a mega-healthy yummy! Everyone in my family adores her: both the youngest and the oldest.

For me, the sweet, appetizing aroma of baking apples immediately brings back memories - like in kindergarten, remember? :)

What does this dessert remind you of?

Write about it in the comments! And if you know a different way to make baked apples, please share the recipe with me! :)

Lightness, cheerfulness and health to you!

5 myths about losing weight. Get it for free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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P.S. Feel cheerful, look prettier in front of your eyes and easily get rid of extra pounds!..

I will not tire of repeating that for this you need not torment yourself with training and hunger strikes, but eat. There are delicious and healthy dishes. The “Glutton Diet” will easily convince you of this. Find out everything about her

Hello, friends and girlfriends! I don’t like such long holidays. “Doing nothing” makes you crave sweets more than usual. Now, under our fur coat, our carelessness is not visible, and then we will have to put everything in its place long and hard.

Therefore, let's stop relaxing and return to the usual rhythm. At this stage, at least in nutrition. I suggest starting with healthy sweets. For example, today we will prepare apples with cottage cheese, baked in the oven.

The perfect combination

And we have already talked about apples separately in our previous meetings. But together they make a simply amazing combination.

Cottage cheese proteins and apple fiber are an effective natural remedy with a bouquet of pleasant taste sensations to fight for an attractive body.

Important! To make apple-curd dishes healthy, it is better to take green apples with a hard peel and cottage cheese with a low fat content.

Classic recipe

Apples baked with cottage cheese - a traditional recipe for a delicious dessert. This is almost a simplified version of the casserole, with the dominance of the fruit component.

  1. First of all, let's prepare the base - remove the core of the fruit using a teaspoon or a special device.
  2. Fill the resulting cavities with cottage cheese filling with a small amount of sugar (about 2 teaspoons per 150 g).
  3. You can use an egg to bind the curd mass. But even without it it will be no less tasty.
  4. How long to bake? Half an hour in the oven at 200 degrees and the dessert is ready.

If completely, then you don’t need to grease the baking dish with oil, but you should add a little water to avoid burning.

Important! To prevent the fruits from cracking, prick them with a toothpick in several places, or wrap them in foil, each separately, so the heat will not act so harshly and the integrity of the shell will be preserved.

Additives for taste and benefits

Various variations of the basic dessert can be obtained using spices, dried fruits, and nuts.

Delicious dessert with honey

Instead of sugar, cottage cheese can be sweetened with honey. With this maneuver, you will not so much reduce the calorie content of the finished dish as you will add useful microelements. Apples baked with cottage cheese, combined with honey, are a real treasure trove of health.


This fragrant seasoning with a tart aroma goes well with apple. Added to any filling, it will give it a pleasant taste and enhance its beneficial properties.

Advice: Those who like to experiment in the kitchen can try other spices. Sage, ginger, turmeric, cloves will promote better digestion of food and give the dish an original taste.

Dried fruits and nuts

How not to repeat yourself and endlessly surprise your loved ones? I suggest stuffing apple “pots” with cottage cheese, adding raisins, prunes, dried apricots, and walnuts.

There are small nuances here:

  1. Before using, I advise you to soak dried fruits for a couple of hours, and chop large pieces before adding them to the cottage cheese.
  2. Nuts are added either raw or roasted. In the latter version, they are more aromatic, but the frying process itself is far from dietary.

Advice: You can bake not only in the oven. By using a microwave, you will reduce cooking time without losing the beauty of its appearance. 2-4 minutes depending on the hardness of the peel, and the delicacy is ready. About this video below.

We treat the kids

You can prepare a more nutritious dish for children. To do this, add a spoonful of semolina or oatmeal to the filling. For convenience, it is better to grind regular cereal in a coffee grinder, and oatmeal is usually sold instant, often with fruit additives.

It is important for children that the finished baked bun looks beautiful. Therefore, the tops can be cut off and not baked, but placed on top after cooking, decorated with powdered sugar, jam, sweet and sour sauce, a mint stalk, and insert a toothpick with an umbrella.

Or here’s another great children’s option: a couple of minutes before the end of baking, place a chocolate bar on top. It will melt and add new flavor notes, and in appearance it is a signature dessert.

For a nursing mother

Doctors advise nursing mothers to eat baked apples instead of raw ones. They can cause discomfort in the body, which will immediately affect the child. Let's prepare baked apples in slices. For this we need:

  • 3 apples
  • 100 ml cream
  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 10 g starch
  • 3 yolks

Place the prepared apples, cut into small slices, into a greased pan and bake for 10 minutes. Grind the cottage cheese with yolks and starch, add raisins and cream. Pour this mixture over the apples. Return to the oven until golden brown.

Important! If you are not sure about the quality of the fruit, it is better to use it without the peel.

In the first days of feeding, in order to avoid bloating in the baby’s tummy, you should not add cinnamon, vanillin, other spices, or sugar to the mother’s food. During baking, sour fruits will become sweet, but not cloying.

We dress in a fur coat made of dough

Apples with cottage cheese in puff pastry baked in the oven will be an excellent addition to tea drinking. This is also an ideal option for a school snack; your child's classmates will definitely ask for a treat. And then their mothers will ask you for the recipe. Get ready to explain step by step how to make this dessert.

So, saving time, we’ll buy the dough in the culinary department. Let it sit in the refrigerator for now. Further point by point:

  1. We take whole apples and prepare pots, as in the classic recipe.
  2. Place cottage cheese with any additive in the center.
  3. Roll out the dough into flat cakes according to the size of the fruit, cut the edges into rays.
  4. Place a fruit in the center of each cake and wrap it around it, securing it on top.

Bake for at least 30 minutes in the oven. At the family table, the finished dessert can be served with sweet sauce and jam.

Concluding our conversation, I would like to say in Shakespeare’s verses: “Wonderful was the apple that Eve plucked from the tree for Adam’s misfortune.” Friends, try it and see for yourself that apples baked with cottage cheese can work wonders. By showing your imagination, you will create masterpieces of culinary creativity. At the same time, the dishes will be dietary, tasty and easy to prepare, and will not require much of your time.

There are many new recipes ahead of us, visit the blog and subscribe to updates so as not to miss them. And today I say goodbye to you!

A delicious and healthy dessert - easy! Apples themselves are very tasty and healthy, but you can use them to make a much-loved dessert - baked apples with cottage cheese, and in a dietary version. When preparing this dish, we will not use sugar, but at the same time, the dessert will be richly sweet and melt in the mouth, and cottage cheese will give it another additional note of taste. So...


To prepare baked apples with cottage cheese you will need:

(for 2 servings)

2 apples of the "Simirenko" variety;

100 g grained cottage cheese;

2-3 large prunes;

1 tsp. honey (optional);

powdered sugar (for serving);

a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking steps

Wash the apples, cut off the “caps”. Carefully remove the apple pulp (it is convenient to use an ice cream spoon).

Add stewed apples and honey* (optional) to the curd filling, stir and mash the filling a little with a spoon.

* - in fact, you don’t need to add honey, since the filling will be quite sweet, having been soaked in prunes and apples during baking.

Fill the apples with the curd-apple filling and “tamp” the filling a little with your hands. Cover the apples with lids and wrap them tightly in foil. Place the apples in foil in a baking dish and pour a little water into the bottom of the dish. Send the apples to bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. After 5-7 minutes, open the foil a little and return the apples to the oven until done.

Serve the baked apples hot or warm, pouring over the sauce that was formed during the baking of the apples and sprinkling them with a little powdered sugar. Enjoy your meal!

A taste familiar from childhood – baked apples, with sugar and cinnamon, honey and lemon. This wonderful light dessert is especially good for those who have stomach problems or want to lose weight.

And if you combine it with cottage cheese, it will be not only a dessert, but a complete, satisfying snack, rich in calcium and fiber. Easily digestible and does not leave a feeling of heaviness, such food can be recommended for babies, nursing mothers, as well as women who are expecting a child.

If the apples are already boring, and no one is interested in the cottage cheese in the refrigerator, then it’s time to take it and solve the problem radically (by the way, the dish proposed below is great to eat with a TV series, your favorite show, and even football.)

Apples baked with cottage cheese in the oven

It is extremely easy to prepare, you need a minimum of ingredients, and no special skills are required either.

First, prepare the filling from cottage cheese - it must be kneaded with sugar, gradually adding sour cream. You need to be guided by the thickness of the filling; it should not be too liquid.

Raisins are added if desired.

After that, you need to deal with the apples themselves. It is better to choose fruits of medium size, preferably firm and sour, for example, Antonovka.

The core of the washed apples is carefully removed; from the upper part you can make lids that will cover the filling, or you can simply cut off the tops.

The apples are filled with the prepared filling; if there are apple caps, they should be placed on top.

The finished semi-finished product is placed in a mold or baking sheet and baked for 25-30 minutes.

Recipe for baked apples with honey and cottage cheese

Another simple and healthy recipe: almost identical to the previous one, but instead of sugar there is honey, which increases its quality and naturalness.

You can proceed from the amount of products that were listed for the previous recipe.

  • Cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 6 large apples;
  • Honey – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon - teaspoon.

Dessert preparation time is 17-20 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished dish is about 1388 kcal.

If you want to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, then you can take cottage cheese with a low fat content, and a little more than in the previous recipe. In this case, you will have to give up sour cream.

In addition, you can use cinnamon to taste. It will not only add incredible flavor to the dish, but will also be useful for those who want to eat dishes that help maintain a slim figure.

Mixing the ingredients will take no more than 15 minutes, and after another half hour you can already enjoy the finished dish.

Preparing the filling - cottage cheese and honey are mixed, ground until smooth, cinnamon is added to the mixture.

Apples, washed and with their centers cut out, are filled with the prepared, appetizing mass, topped off.

Place on a baking sheet or mold and place in the oven. When baking, although there is a general average time, one must take into account the size and hardness of the fruit - they should not fall apart during the process. If the skin is wrinkled and the fruit of labor itself is pierced with a toothpick, the dessert is ready.

The finished dish can be sprinkled with cinnamon, and it will be very tasty.

If there is no narrow goal to reduce the calorie content of the product, then after cooling it, you can decorate it with whipped cream, add a scoop of ice cream, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

How to bake apples in the microwave

Apples can also be cooked in the microwave; they also turn out very tasty and retain their beneficial properties.

To prepare delicious microwave-baked apples you will need:

  • 2 large apples;
  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • Dried apricots - 25 g;
  • Chokeberry jam;
  • 15 g walnuts.

Baking time is about 25 minutes.

The dish is relatively low in calories, containing about 1000 kcal.

If you concentrate, you can cook it very quickly, in about 20 minutes, and everything will be baked in the oven in 5 minutes. A maximum of half an hour, and the dish is ready!

The apples are thoroughly washed and the core is removed. Raisins and dried apricots are washed very thoroughly; after washing, they should be poured with boiling water for a few minutes. The nuts need to be chopped with a knife, the cottage cheese is also ground so that there are no lumps, you can even use a blender or a meat grinder.

Place raisins and dried apricots in a colander, let drain and cool. Then the dried apricots should be finely chopped.

All prepared ingredients are mixed in a bowl, into which you must gradually add the chokeberry berries from the jam.

Apples are filled with this filling, the top is coated with honey. The finished dessert apples are placed in a microwave-safe bowl and covered with a lid. The timer is set for 5 minutes (at a power of 800 W).

Apples prepared in this way are not only very tasty, but also beautiful.

Make it - this is a wonderful dish that can be prepared for any occasion.

All options for preparing cookies using different types of brine. Do you still pour out the brine from tomatoes or cucumbers? Then you should definitely.

What can you cook from kirieshiki? Read our selection of salads with croutons or kirieshki, which can be prepared quite simply and quickly. Their tastes are very diverse, so you will definitely find yours.

Is it possible to prepare this dessert in a slow cooker?

In a country house where there is no oven, but there is a slow cooker, you can perfectly bake apples with cottage cheese, and they will be no less tasty than those prepared in the traditional way.

To get a delicious apple dessert you need:

  • 4 large apples;
  • 5 tablespoons (heaped) of cottage cheese;
  • A tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 2 quail eggs (one chicken is possible);
  • Honey - a tablespoon;
  • 30 g mixture of nuts and raisins;
  • Butter;
  • A couple of mint leaves - to decorate the finished dish.

The whole process, including baking, will take no more than an hour.

Number of calories – 715 kcal.

First, the products are prepared, the apples are washed very carefully.

Mix cottage cheese and sour cream in a bowl and beat in eggs. Everything is mixed until smooth, you can even beat it.

Cut the top off the apples and cut out the center. Each apple is filled with filling and covered with a lid.

The multicooker bowl is coated with oil, then apples are placed in it. The bowl is installed in the multicooker, the temperature mode is turned on at 160 0, the timer is set for 25 minutes.

After the specified time, the apples are laid out on a dish, they must be poured with honey and decorated with mint leaves.

Apple-pumpkin cottage cheese

Not everyone likes pumpkin, but this recipe for a tender and sweet casserole with pumpkin and apples, straight from childhood, is sure to please the whole family.

For this dish you need:

  • 150 g pumpkin;
  • 100 g of fat homemade cottage cheese;
  • Large apple;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 4 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon starch;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of the knife.

Cooking time depends on your ability to do everything at once. But in any case, within an hour the casserole will go into the oven.

Very light casserole, only 670 kcal.

The washed apple is peeled, then cut into slices, not very thin, about 5 mm.

The slices are laid out on a dry, slightly preheated frying pan, and let them stand on the lowest heat.

Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add sugar (to taste) and vanilla. The yolk of the egg is separated and added to the bowl with cottage cheese. Mix everything with a fork until smooth.

Along the way, you need to keep an eye on the apples. After mixing the cottage cheese, they need to be turned over and left to simmer a little more; they should become soft, but it is important not to overcook them.

Now you can do the pumpkin. You need to remove the crust from it, then cut it into slices 3-4 mm thick.

At this point, the apples are already ready, so they are carefully removed from the frying pan, laid out on a plate, and pieces of pumpkin are laid out in their place. To simmer the pumpkin, you need to pour a little water into the frying pan, now it should be on the fire until it becomes soft.

Pumpkin cooks quickly. As soon as the pieces become soft, they should be placed on a plate and allowed to cool slightly, then beat with a blender.

Add the pumpkin mass to the bowl with the curd mixture and stir until smooth, adding a spoonful of starch at the same time. Mix thoroughly again.

At approximately this point, you should already light the oven and start preheating it to 180 0

Beat the egg white with a blender into a thick foam; add powdered sugar while whipping. Place half of the whipped egg white into the pumpkin-curd mixture and mix.

The first layer is laid out - cottage cheese and pumpkin mass (you need to take about half). Then a layer of apples is laid out, and the next layer is placed on top of it - the remaining cottage cheese with pumpkin. The top of the casserole is coated with whipped egg white.

After which the finished, or rather, semi-finished dish can be solemnly sent into the already preheated oven, and after half an hour it can be just as solemnly taken out.

By this moment, the amazing aroma will already gather everyone at the table. There is no doubt that everyone will love this dish!

It is better to take firm apples, maybe even sour ones; after processing they will become tasty and will not fall apart. You should not take soft and small apples, they will quickly lose their shape, and the cottage cheese needs time to bake.

When preparing a dish in the microwave, it is better to make several holes in the apples - this way they will not crack.

Apples can be stuffed with anything, for example, add cheese or spiced meat. These options are especially suitable for those who like to mix incompatible things, salty with sweet, the tastes of spices with sweetness.

I suggest you cook baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven. You can prepare them in any quantity, simply by proportionally increasing or decreasing the required products. Also choose the variety of apples to suit your taste. When choosing, keep in mind that sweet varieties bake much faster and lose their shape. So choose for yourself whether you want them to remain hard or to become completely soft. By the way, if you are making them for children, then the second option will be much better.

Some may say that baked apples in the oven with honey and cottage cheese will not be very healthy due to the fact that honey is heated at high temperatures. And if you are one of these people, then my advice to you is to add it at the very end, after you have taken the apples out of the oven and they have cooled down at least a little, or simply replace it with sugar.

Baked apples with cottage cheese are an excellent and even healthy dessert. I decided to add dates to them, and you can replace them with any other dried fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes or raisins. If you want the filling to be more uniform and tender, you can grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or take ready-made curd mass instead.

This dessert can be supplemented with various ingredients, such as chocolate or caramel. To make them even more colorful and appetizing, simply add some sprinkles. You can fill it with a whole apple or cut in half. If you decorate them beautifully, then such a dessert is quite suitable to complement a children's holiday table. I recommend that you try this delicacy too.


  • Apples – 4 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese – 70 g
  • Sugar – 3 tsp + extra
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Dates or other dried fruits – 3 pcs.
  • Kefir or sour cream – 1 tsp
  • Honey – 2 tsp

How to cook baked apples in the oven

To make delicious apples with cottage cheese in the oven, first I prepare the filling, for which I take not very fatty cottage cheese and mash it a little with a fork so that there are no large lumps. If you want to make it as homogeneous as possible, you need to grind the curd through a sieve. Then I add 3 tsp of sugar, cinnamon and chopped dates to it. To make the mass more moist, add a spoonful of kefir or sour cream.

If you don't have dates at home, add raisins or chopped dried apricots instead. Now I stir everything and the filling is ready.

I put a sheet of parchment on the bottom of the pan so that during baking in the oven the baked apples with honey do not stick and they can be carefully transferred. Next, I put the apple halves in it, put the filling in it, and pour a small amount of honey on top. If you don't mind heating the honey, add it after baking.

Next to the large halves I also place small ones, which I don’t stuff with anything, but simply sprinkle with sugar. When everything is prepared, turn the oven on at 180 degrees to warm it up.

Once it is hot, place the pan in it and bake for at least 10 minutes. To tell exactly how long to bake apples in the oven, you need to know their variety. As I said before, sweet varieties bake much faster than sour ones. Maximum oven time 20 minutes. When I see that they are ready, I take them out of the oven and pour the syrup on top, which was made from melted sugar and honey, and drip to the bottom.

Next, I carefully place them on a plate and serve them to the table. If desired, you can top them with a small amount of melted chocolate or chocolate glaze.

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven are delicious and, importantly, easy to prepare. Anyone can easily repeat this recipe or even remake it to their own taste. Children can also be given them, but if the child is allergic to honey, replace it with sugar. I hope you liked this recipe and will repeat it for your loved ones. Bon appetit!

Sometimes it happens that children or adults cannot have sweets for some reason, then we have to look for a replacement. But luckily, you can make a lot of delicious things out of fruit, and this recipe proves it. Prepare for your health!

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