Yu Vasnetsov illustrations. Yuri Vasnetsov. Pictures from our childhood. Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov

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State budgetary preschool educational institution No. 46 of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Drawing from a fairy tale

"Fedorino grief"

Artistic and aesthetic development

for children of middle preschool age

(4-5 years)

Prepared by: teacher

Koval Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Saint Petersburg


Target: teach unconventional drawing techniques.


Educational: 1. Introduce children to unconventional drawing techniques. 2. To develop the ability to recognize and correctly name the elements of the decorative pattern of Dymkovo painting (wavy lines, dots, straight lines, rings).
3. Learn to distinguish and name cold and warm tones.
Educational: 1. Develop the ability to solve riddles and think about the content of your work.
2. Strengthen the ability to correctly name the container from which we drink tea - tea.
Educators: 1. Foster independence and accuracy in work.

Equipment: Silhouettes of tea utensils, gouache, cotton swabs, sponges, lids.
Preliminary work:Examination of tea, kitchen, and tableware. Conversation about dishes.
Making riddles about dishes.
Reading the work “Fedorino's grief” by Chukovsky.
Outdoor games “Helpers”, “We washed the handkerchiefs”.
Examination of samples with decorative painting of Dymkovo toys; the use of elements in art classes, the use of elements of non-traditional drawing in their works.
Considering and fixing warm and cold colors.
D/game “What is green, blue, red, etc.”

Methods and techniques: verbal (riddles, conversation on issues, explanation, encouragement, analysis); visual (surprise moment, looking at); practical (showing how to draw).

Pedagogical technologies:personality-oriented, playful, health-saving.

Event structure:

1. Introductory part – 3 min.

a) a surprise moment

b) riddles

c) conversation on issues

2. Main part – 15 min.

a) looking at dishes

b) showing drawing methods

c) finger play

d) independent drawing

3. Final part – 2 min.

a) review and analysis of work

Progress of the lesson:
“What a miracle chest,
And there is a castle hanging here.
I'll open the lock
I'll look into the chest (I'll look).
There are miracles in the chest,
The dishes are strange, unwashed, broken” (I take them out).
- Dishes:
“Oh, we are poor, poor orphans,
We lived with a slob - Fedorka,
She beat us, beat us and didn’t wash us
We want to find a new owner,
Help us!"
Q: Look, dishes, how our children know how to care for the dishes (I point out the samples). Our dishes are clean and beautiful. Do you want to be like that too?
Examination of dishes and conversation on the following questions:
- What is the name of the dishes? (tea)
- Why is it called that?
- What patterns and elements is it decorated with? (dots, wavy, straight lines, rings)
- What is the name of this painting? (Dymkovskaya).
- When drawing, will we use warm or cold tones? What
Are our dishes decorated in tones? Today we will decorate dishes not with brushes, but with cotton swabs, lids and fingers. Tell me, what can you draw with cotton swabs? (dots, lines). Lids? (rings), fingers (circles). But first, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

These fingers are walking

These people are collecting something

These people love to chat

These are a quiet nap.

And the big brother with the little finger

They like to wash themselves clean.

Q: -Close your eyes and imagine your tea utensils. Introduced? Now let's get to work.
After the work is finished, Fedora comes in and addresses the dishes:
“Oh, you my poor orphans,
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water.”
He is surprised to see the children’s clean, beautiful dishes and says: “Children, you will forgive me, I will always wash and take care of the dishes.
- Guys, maybe we can give Fedora this beautiful dish?
The teacher, together with the children and Fedora, analyzes the work.
At the end of the lesson, Fedora plays the games “Helpers” and “We washed the handkerchiefs” with the children.

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