Yulia Kolesnichenko and Tigran Salibekov Instagram. Ekaterina Kolesnichenko and her pages on social networks. Official Instagram page of Yulia Samoilenko - julia_samojlenko

Yulia Salibekova is one of the few participants in the TV show “House 2” who really managed to find happiness there.

From birth, Julia bore the surname Kolisnichenko. A girl was born in Krasnodar, in April 1988, and not alone, but with her twin sister. An older brother was already raised in the family. But there was no complete happiness: the head of the family soon abandoned his household. Three children were raised by their mother and grandmother. In an interview, Yulia said that her income was very modest, and since childhood the girl was accustomed to saving.

Yulia and Katya Kolisnichenko in childhood

Even their mother, an employee, could not rein in the sisters’ obstinate character. law enforcement. The girls regularly quarreled and fought. But there were no problems with studying at school, the sisters actively showed themselves in all sorts of events and cherished the dream of becoming famous as singers.

Growing up, Katya and Yulia went to a vocal studio, entered a music school, then their artistic nature led them to the Kuban Cossack Choir, in which the girls sang for three years and even performed solos. But even here character intervened - because of the conflict, Kolisnichenko left the team.

The biography of the sisters would have remained ordinary and of no interest to anyone, if not for the famous reality show.

"House 2"

Julia stood out from the general mass of “candidates for happiness” by the fact that she came not alone, but with her sister. Kolisnichenko appeared on the threshold of “House 2” in September 2010 and stayed there for 2 years.

Yulia Salibekova in the show "Dom-2"

The first object of the beauty’s claims was Evgeniy Pynzar. The indifference shown by the young man did not bother the lively girl at all. Julia turned her gaze to Nectarius Lieberman, but with the same success.

Then the brunette tried to take Andrei Kadetov away from Olga Agibalova. At first it seemed that something would work out for the couple, but in this case, as they say, it didn’t work out. The conflict with Olga's mother also added color. In this confrontation, the girl acquired a lot of supporters both among the participants and among the spectators who followed the ups and downs of the show.

By this time, romantic feelings had grown out of friendly relations with Yuri Obod. The young people moved into a separate apartment, but their coexistence did not last long. According to Yuri, some of the blame lies with Catherine, who intervened on any occasion with her advice. To be fair, it should be noted that the guy did not always behave like a gentleman.

Desperate Kolisnichenko intended to leave the project, but the situation changed with the appearance of a handsome Ossetian in January 2011.

Yulia and Tigran Salibekov

The situation on the site was heating up every day, emotions were running high. The man was not known for his fidelity, which caused violent scenes of jealousy from his girlfriend. However, the newly-made couple settled in a city apartment. And in June 2011, Julia announced her pregnancy.

The oriental temperament surged in Tigran. The shocked guy first offered to have an abortion, then demanded a lie detector test, and then completely slammed the door and left the project. Julia, despite her broken feelings, remained on the show, gaining support and sympathy from the participants.

Personal life

To Tigran’s credit, he still came to realize paternity. According to some Internet portals, the last word remained with the boy's parents. They forced Salibekov to return and recognize the child, although at first they also rejected the grandson and his mother. In December 2011, Yulia and Tigran legalized their relationship at the Griboyedovsky registry office.

Wedding of Yulia and Tigran Salibekov

The yellow press did not let up. Statements followed that the guy was paid for the wedding, given money for his own karaoke club, and Yulia was helped with the purchase of an apartment. In other words, a beautiful fairy tale had to end beautifully.

Be that as it may, Yulia and Tigran are already raising three children - sons Rolan, Eldar and their newborn brother. The couple changed their first small but own home when they purchased new apartment in Shchelkovo. According to Salibekova, in order to buy an apartment, the couple worked seven days a week, left their children with nannies, and basically did not take out loans. Now he jokes: his plans are to buy apartments on Arbat.

On the page in "Instagram" Yulia has a lot of promotional photos. Journalists directly asked whether the family made repairs in exchange for services. The woman also frankly answered that it was a mistake to think that they only got by with gifts.

The young people avoided cliches about separation due to renovations: Tigran entrusted the design delights to his wife. Sometimes they quarreled, but Salibekov was calm and easy-going, and the leader of the family was Yulia. By her own admission, the former participant in the reality show, she likes Caucasian traditions, the family has already developed an unspoken set of rules of behavior for each of the parties.

Yulia Salibekova now

After leaving “House 2,” Yulia tirelessly demonstrated that her family was her priority, although she periodically continued to shock the public and remind herself of herself. In 2015, the Kolisnichenko sisters made their conflict with each other public. The stumbling block turned out to be ex-husband Catherine, Nikita. Allegedly, he interfered in the girls’ relationships and set one against the other.

Over time, the young mother established relations with Ekaterina, although from time to time she did not forget to reproach her sister for not helping with her nephews.

Julia didn’t forget about singing career. However, even close people did not appreciate the first experiments. Salibekova approached the issue with all seriousness and turned to professional teacher.

The message caused a wave of angry comments. Correct speeches about building happy life And family values from the lips of Yulia, followers considered romantic photographs and other attributes to be an empty picture. Yulia was accused of corruption and insincerity, of ruining the future of the children.

Comments addressed to Tigran are highlighted in a separate line. Observers are especially outraged by the fact that a Caucasian man allows his own wife such publicity. Salibekov was reproached for not thinking about how such a transfer would affect his parents.

But there were also defenders. Although there are few of them, and not so ardent, they supported the couple, seeing another staged show, and also well paid.

November 22, 2018 Julia and Tigran again. Their third son was born. The boy was born in an ordinary maternity hospital in the capital.


  • 2010 – “Dom-2”
  • 2011 – “Battle of Psychics”
  • 2014 – “Time will tell”

No one believed that love, much less a family, could be built on “House-2,” but ten years of the project’s life proved the opposite. Moreover, even after leaving the reality show, families remain together and love each other. The editors of Woman`s Day present the top 5 married couples who maintained their marriage after leaving the project.

Sergey Adoevtsev and Maria Kruglykhina

On the project:

The couple’s relationship on the project began when Maria came to Dom-2 to look for the missing person common-law husband, which turned out to be Seryozha. Adoevtsev liked to drink, so the girl was worried that he had hit her ex-lover on another binge. When I saw him on the air at Dom-2, I immediately went to the casting. The couple reunited and moved into city apartments. Anything happened between them: Maria’s grievances that he did not give her flowers and gifts, and Seryozha’s reproaches that Masha interfered with advice in the conflicts of other participants. Nevertheless, their romance ended with a wedding on July 7, 2010 on the Black Sea coast. The young family lived on the project for some time Sergei worked part-time as a photographer for a reality show, and Masha created a showroom where she sold beautiful dresses. However, due to completely deteriorated relations with colleagues on the site, the Adoevtsevs had to flee the project.

What now:

Maria and Seryozha continue to live together and set up their business. Since 2013, Sergei Adoevtsev has become the leading photographer of Dom-2, and Masha still sells beautiful dresses. Last summer a joyful event happened in the family On August 12, 2013, their daughter Lisa was born. The girl's weight was 3 kilograms 310 grams, and her height 52 centimeters. The couple travels a lot and participates in social events and often appears on the set of reality shows, albeit behind the scenes.

Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova

On the project:

Ilya Gazhienko returned to the project for the second time to re-build his love with ex-girlfriend Zhenya Feofilaktova. However, she was already in a relationship with another guy and did not want to return. Then Ilya drew attention to his older sister Agibalova Olga. Olya was famous on the project snow queen, with whom no one managed to build a strong relationship. Gazhienko decided to melt the ice in Olga’s heart with the help of her mother Irina Alexandrovna, who also lived on the project. Having won the woman’s sympathy, he attracted Olya’s attention to himself. The couple moved into the VIP room, and after a while Ilya proposed to his beloved on the execution site. Olga and Ilya’s wedding was one of the most beautiful on the project, and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. A year later, the couple had a son, Kirill, after which they left the project.

What now:

Olga and Ilya live peacefully family life. They recently purchased an apartment in Moscow, which is now being renovated in full swing. Ilya works, and Olga sits at home with her little son, coming up with culinary masterpieces and sharing them on her Instagram page.

Tigran Salibekov and Yulia Kolesnichenko

On the project:

The whole country watched the relationship between Yulia Kolesnichenko and Tigran Salibekov with bated breath. The beginning of their romance was marked loud scandals, hysterics and quarrels. Tigran often disappeared in nightclubs, after which both presenters and participants accused him of cheating. Julia in love for a long time She endured it and even moved into a city apartment with Tigran. The situation was also darkened by the fact that Tigran’s relatives did not accept either Yulia or her sister Katya. When Yulia announced her pregnancy, Tigran demanded that paternity be established using a lie detector. After Yulia’s conversation with Tigran’s mother, a scandal broke out in the couple, as a result of which Tigran hit expectant mother and left the project. Pregnant Yulia stayed at Dom-2 with her sister. However, after some time, Tigran returned to the project and proposed to Yulia. The couple got married on February 13, 2011, their wedding was the 13th on the project. Soon the Salibekov family had their first child.

What now:

Julia and Tigran happy parents already two sons Rolan and Eldar. The youngest, Eldar, was born on October 8 this year. After leaving the project, their family life only improved: from quarrels and scandals they came to harmony and mutual understanding. Business is also thriving: the couple opened a karaoke house “U Tigran” in the capital, and often host entertainment events.

Anton Gusev and Evgenia Feofilaktova

On the project:

There are not enough fingers on your hands to count all the suitors of Zhenya Feofilaktova on the Dom-2 project. The girl had affairs with bright participants reality show, but broke up without regrets. Everything changed when Evgenia met Anton Gusev. Three months later, the guy already proposed to her. The reason is simple - Zhenya and Anton were expecting a child. The wedding took place on June 17, 2012 and was in Spanish style: the guests' outfits, flowers and decorations were red. On December 14 of the same year, the newlyweds had a son, Daniel, and in the summer of 2013, the family literally ran away from the project. In her blog, Zhenya explained this by pressure and bad relationships to their family from other participants.

What now:

The Gusev family is a strong competitor to the couple from “House-2” – Sergei and Dasha Pynzary with their Pinzar.ru stores. They founded and are successfully developing the Gusevy chain of stores across the country, where they sell fashionable clothes. Zhenya and Anton constantly travel on business trips to different cities, opening their own branches. Family life is also quiet and peaceful: Daniel is growing up, Zhenya is still blooming and smelling, and Anton is building up muscles in his arms. On their second wedding anniversary, Anton gave his wife a huge bouquet of roses and took his beloved to a luxurious restaurant in the center of Moscow.

Account: salibekova

Occupation: participant of the TV project Dom 2, presenter

More than three hundred thousand people are interested in Yulia Salibekova’s Instagram. The girl left the House 2 project a long time ago and is now actively involved in her career as a presenter and family with ex-participant of the show Tigran. Yulia also has a twin sister, Katya. And recently the girl became a mother for the second time. Her two sons Eldar and Rolan are waiting for her at home. Her sister, with whom Yulia reconciled after the project, is also married to a foreigner. The girls have resolved all conflicts well and are now simply enjoying family life. The new mother willingly shares tips on raising her son and monitors their health.

Yulia Salibekova posts photos on Instagram several times a day. They instantly gain more than two thousand likes. Most often, Julia films her sons and their father Tigran. The couple really looks harmonious and happy. Gatherings with relatives and children in the family circle - frequent photos of Yulia Salibekova from Instagram. Every week they dine in restaurants, take their children around entertainment centers. Sometimes the girl makes videos, also dedicated to the family. Salibekova sincerely admires her husband, as evidenced by regular posts with him on her account.

The vicissitudes of Yulia Salibekova on the House 2 project

  • Novels with Zhenya Pynzar, Sergei Ermakov and other guys.
  • Quarrels and reconciliations with sister Catherine.
  • Difficulties and scandals in relations with Tigran.
  • After the birth of their first child, the couple left the show.

Participant's name: Yulia Salibekova (Kolisnichenko)

Age (birthday): 8.04.1988

City: Krasnodar, Moscow

Family: married, two children

Height and weight: 156 cm

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Yulia Salibekova was born and raised in Krasnodar, her maiden name Kolisnichenko. She has an older brother and a twin sister, with whom they are simply inseparable.

They were raised by their mother and grandmother all their lives; their father abandoned them when the children were still very young.

The sisters always clashed because each of them wanted to be the best.. We tried to be different from each other. When my mother dressed and braided them the same, the sisters were very opposed to this and at school they intertwined and changed their clothes.

The girls studied well, were activists, and also attended all kinds of music clubs. Later they are accepted into Cossack choir, where the twins have proven themselves excellent.

Mom and grandmother were very proud of the successes of their pupils, but not for long. Grief has come to the Kolisnichenko family; their mother is dying due to a serious illness. After the death of their mother, the girls became very united; if before they were in conflict, now they support each other in everything.

Ekaterina and Yulia come to the House 2 project together. They declare that they want Evgeniy Pynzar to pay attention to one of the twins, to which Evgeniy did not reciprocate, since he already really liked the other resident of the clearing. The girls were not particularly upset, and each of them began to look closely at the other guys.

Julia was always more active than Katya; she was the leader in their family tandem. In order to increase the chances of staying in House 2, the twin begins dating Andrei Kadetov, but their romance did not lead to anything serious.

Then Yulia reciprocates Yuri Ovodov’s sympathy, which she will seriously regret in the future.

Yuri began to insult and humiliate his girlfriend, he was stopped many times so that he would not hit her, after which Yulia seriously wanted to leave the project, but having calmed down, she changed her mind.

Disillusioned with men, Yulia and Katya begin to actively lead a project life. Many times Julia was the provocateur of various unpleasant situations.

She was especially annoyed by the woman who came to the project to her daughter, supposedly to help with her grandson, but after the daughter left the project, the mother decided to stay, which irritated many participants.

Julia openly expressed her dislike for the elder Agibalova, in this she was supported by her sister and many other participants.

The conflict between the women lasted for a very long time, until Tigran Salibekov came to the project, and Yulia decided to do everything so that the guy would be with her. Very soon she succeeded, and they moved into a separate apartment with a handsome black-eyed man.

Their romance was very scandalous, as there were many claims against each other about everyday problems . And in general, many suspected that Tigran was simply with Yulia to linger on the project and there was no sincerity in his feelings at all.

One fine day, Yulia tells her boyfriend that she is pregnant, to which Tigran is very upset and even offers to have an abortion for his twin in secret from everyone. But Julia said that she would keep the child and informed all participants and viewers of House 2 about this.

Shocked Tigran collects his things and hastily runs away from responsibility from the city apartments. And Julia remains on the project, where her sister and other participants support her.

A month later, Tigran, realizing his mistake, and his parents seriously influenced his decision, comes with a ring and a marriage proposal.

Despite the fact that the guy really offended her with his first act, Yulia agrees to get married and on December 13, 2011, the couple legitimized their relationship.

And later their son Roland is born. When the father saw his son, he burst into tears of happiness.

At first, the young family wanted to return to the project, but after thinking carefully, they decided to give up public life.

Soon Tigran will open his own karaoke club, in this he is helped by former and present participants of House 2. In the very first days there was no end to visitors, and the Salibekov couple bought themselves an apartment in Moscow. And later they have a second child, Eldar.

Yulia herself also does not sit still; she actively collaborates with a popular online store. The guys admit that they really dream about having a daughter and are already working hard to create her.

Photo by Julia

Yulia Salibekova runs Instagram and very often posts new photos from her personal life and from filming.

Kolisnichenko sisters - bright girls, remembered by viewers of the TV series for its weaving of intrigue. The twins found themselves on the perimeter in 2010: they quarreled with the leadership of their native Kuban choir and decided to conquer the country's capital.

In general, this was a success: they were successful at the casting of “Dom-2”. The sisters talked about extreme bad luck with the opposite sex, and reality TV is the only chance to find a soul mate.

Relationships with young people did not always go well, but the goal was achieved - the girls started families.

Kolisnichenko sisters before and after plastic surgery

Like any girl, the sisters had imperfections in their appearance. It cannot be said that minor shortcomings interfered with life and made girls unattractive, but in the world of show business, even small shortcomings should be gotten rid of.

The sisters understood this commandment perfectly and began to improve themselves already during the project.

We must use the hands of professionals.

Plastic surgery by Yulia Salibekova

The Kolisnichenko sisters look completely different before and after plastic surgery: the operations gave them confidence and attractiveness. Those who have not missed a single episode of “House-2” probably remember small bruises and redness around the girls’ lips. Katya and Yulia Kolisnichenko were among the first to pump up their lips with fillers.

After the project, Yulia (Salibekova by her husband) ventured into more serious procedures - mammoplasty and correction of the arms and hips. She took a responsible approach to preparation and filmed each consultation.

The six-hour operation made Julia the owner of chic forms. The plastic surgeon enlarged Julia's breasts to size 2 and performed liposuction on the inner thighs and arms. Yulia admitted that, despite the extreme pain, the result exceeded all expectations.

Photos of Kolisnichenko after plastic surgery clearly show changes for the better.

Julia’s feeling of dissatisfaction was caused not only by her figure, but also by her face. The skills of plastic surgeons turned out to be very useful: former member after the sensational project, I started thinking about rhinoplasty. After the birth of her first baby, Yulia Salibekova narrowed the tip and straightened the bridge of her nose.

The second birth and breastfeeding brought the ex-resident of the TV set not only happiness, but also dissatisfaction with her shape. Her breasts lost their former shape, and Yulia followed the well-known path to the plastic surgery clinic. As an experienced patient of plastic surgeons, Yulia had no fear before the operation.

“Two operations are already behind me - after my first birth, I enlarged my breasts from size zero to almost size two. Then after some time I resorted to rhinoplasty. Now, when I’m already a mother twice, I decided to enlarge my breasts to size three,” the girl said about the new breast correction. Yulia Salibekova's rehabilitation after plastic surgery went without complications, and the girl finally got rid of her complexes and decided not to go under the knife again.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko before and after plastic surgery

Catherine did not want to lag behind her sister, who every day became less and less like a relative.

She succumbed to fashion trends and enlarged her lips. After breaking up with her husband, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko began new life and the first thing I did was go to a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation.

The ex-participant of “Dom-2” had long dreamed of a narrow waist, toned hips and slender legs, but it was not possible to spend a lot of time in the gym. The doctor came to the rescue and suggested lipofilling, in which fat from problem areas is pumped into the buttocks. “Here you can do everything quickly, trust a trusted person, and there will be a gym to keep fit. We need to use the hands of professionals,” Katya commented on her decision.

The procedure takes place in several stages, and Katya immediately planned the next operation for the sake of her dream of Brazilian buttocks. After plastic surgery, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko says that she plans to visit a specialist often, because there is no limit to perfection.

On her page, the ex-resident of “House-2” regularly shares information about plasma lifting and injection procedures: “I did my lips, injected wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.”

Katya Kapelyush also posted photos before and after chin contouring and correction of the bridge of the nose. Some subscribers actively criticize the girl and accuse her of being too enthusiastic plastic surgery, others support her desire to look 100%. But the girl did not stop at the injection correction and went to the plastic surgeon for a new nose. In February 2017, Katya Kolisnichenko had rhinoplasty, calmly endured the rehabilitation period and for some time was pleased with the change in appearance. According to the ex-participant of “House-2”, after six months the bridge of the nose sagged and became saddle-shaped, asymmetry appeared, which made the girl think about revision rhinoplasty. She turned to another specialist who was able to restore the bridge of Katya’s nose, correct the tip and remove the asymmetry.

On April 2, 2018, Katya Kolisnichenko had lipofilling of her buttocks and talked about plastic surgery on Instagram. The difficult rehabilitation period turned out to be a surprise for the girl: she had a hard time recovering from anesthesia and had difficulty enduring pain and swelling. The girl spoke in detail about physiotherapeutic procedures during rehabilitation, and two months later subscribers were able to evaluate Katya’s results.

Katya Kolisnichenko likes to give her subscribers problems and ask what they think she has changed in her appearance. Recently, a girl talked about removing Bisha's lumps: after the procedure, her face frame sagged, and filler injections were required. Despite this, she does not regret the manipulation done and is proud of the result.

Subscribers do not understand and do not accept Katya’s excessive passion for “improving” and criticize her love for plastic surgery.

The Kolisnichenko sisters became incredibly successful after plastic surgery. And even though Yulia Salibekova and Katya Kolisnichenko were quite attractive before plastic surgery, it was the operations that made them confident beauties. True, fans ask Katya to stop and maintain at least some resemblance to her sister.

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