Yuri Andreevich Andreev three pillars of health. Yu.A. Andreev - Live Journal! Creativity and scientific activity

Founder and director of the educational and health center “Temple of Health”.

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    Born into a career military family. In 1938, the family moved to Smolensk, where they faced the war. Since 1944 he lived in Leningrad at his father’s place of service.

    Athlete. Since 1949, he worked as a sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of Leningrad State University. To obtain the right to coach, he combined his studies at the university with classes at a coaching school at the same time as an active wrestler. Senior coach of the Leningrad State University sambo team.

    After graduating from the university, he is a postgraduate student. He worked at the Pushkin House until 1983. In 1958-1962 - executive secretary of the editorial board of the magazine “Russian Literature”. He was the Deputy Director of the Institute for Science, and in recent years he worked as a senior researcher in the theoretical research sector.

    In 1958 he defended his PhD thesis on the Soviet historical novel. In 1974 he received the degree of Doctor of Philology (for his previously defended dissertation “Revolution and Literature: Representation of October and the Civil War in Russian Soviet Literature and the Formation of Socialist Realism (20-30s)”), and later ran for Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences . In 1983-1990, he headed the editorial office of the “Poet's Library” series of the publishing house “Soviet Writer”.

    He lived and worked for a long time in the village of Repino (a suburb of Leningrad-Petersburg); in the mid-1990s he built a four-story Temple of Health there.



    • St. Petersburg, st. Novorossiyskaya, 22 building 1. (opposite the park of the Forestry Academy, where Yu. A. Andreev did jogging).

    Creative and literary activities

    Yuri Andreev is the author of more than 500 published works, including 30 monographs. His debut as a writer took place in 1961, when his romantic story “The Republic of Sambo” was published. In 1970 he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR.

    From 1981 to 1989, on behalf of the Leningrad Writers' Organization, Andreev was the curator of "Club-81", which united representatives of the Leningrad "second" ("unofficial") culture, mainly writers. In 1985, with a preface by Yu. A. Andreev, “The Circle of Searches,” a collection of authors from this club was published, which received 35 international reviews.

    The play “The Barmaid from the Disco” based on Andreev’s story of the same name was staged in the 1980s by V. M. Filshtinsky on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater (one-man show by A. B. Freindlich), and later staged in the USA and Bulgaria.

    In September 1986, in Saratov, at the All-Union Festival of Art Songs, representatives of 140 cities were elected Chairman of the All-Union Council of the KSP. In 1991, Andreev’s general book about the bard’s song “Our Author’s” was published.

    Main works

    Literary criticism

    • Russian Soviet historical novel. 20-30s. M.-L., 1962;
    • Revolution and literature: October and the civil war in Russian Soviet literature and the formation of socialist realism (1920-1930s). L., 1969 (3rd ed. M., 1987);
    • Our life, our literature. L., 1974;
    • The realism movement. L., 1978;
    • In search of patterns: about modern literary development. L., 1978;
    • About socialist realism. M., 1978;
    • Chronicle of our era: socialist way of life and Soviet literature. M., 1979;
    • Man, nature, society in modern prose: to help the lecturer. L., 1981;
    • Magic vision: the specifics of literature in modern refractions. L., 1983 (2nd ed. 1990);
    • Our amateur song. M., 1983 (in collaboration with N.V. Vainonen);
    • Aspects: dynamics of social reality and fiction. L., 1985;
    • The main link: ideological issues of literature and literary criticism. M., 1986;
    • The need for a hero: a positive hero in books of recent years. L., 1987;
    • Soviet literature: its history, theory, current state and global significance. Book for 10th grade students. high school. M.: Education, 1988;
    • “Our author’s…”: history, theory and current state of amateur song. M., 1991.
    Fiction, journalism
    • Republic of Sambo [story]. M.-L., 1964;
    • The Crimson Chronicle [novel]. L., 1968 (3rd ed. M., 1988; jointly with G. A. Voronov);
    • Frank conversation, or Conversations about life with a high school student at the limit and even beyond the limits of possible frankness. L., 1980 (4th ed. 1990);
    • Barmaid from a disco // Neva, 1983, No. 3;
    • I wish you happiness, or Three pillars of health // Ural, 1990, No. 1,2,4;
    • New populist // Zvezda, 1990, No. 12;
    • Three pillars of health. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 336 p.(15th edition - 2003)
    • Man and woman: the human path is the stellar path. St. Petersburg, 1993 (6th ed. 2008);
    • Healing a person: the basics of treatment and self-medication. St. Petersburg, 1995 (3rd ed. 2009);
    • The secret of the "Turtle", or the Floors of our health. St. Petersburg, 1996;
    • The universal medicine is food // Be healthy, 1996, No. 4;
    • The day lasts longer than life. St. Petersburg, 1997;
    • Practical medical book: in 2 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1997 (vol. 1: Healing a person. Theoretical foundations of treatment and self-medication. Vol. 2: Workshop. Overcoming “Champions.”);
    • Resonance of Earth and Heaven: theory and practice of meditation. St. Petersburg, 1999 (republished under the title Miracles of Practical Meditation. Resonance of Earth and Heaven. St. Petersburg, 2009);
    • What does a person need? A book about the social component of health. St. Petersburg, 2001
    • How to help a person restore his health, or a specific book by a healer. St. Petersburg, 2004 (republished under the title. A specific book of a healer. M., 2008);
    • The appearance of the fourth whale. St. Petersburg, 2005;
    • Water is God's deputy on Earth. St. Petersburg, 2006 (3rd ed. 2010);
    • How to breathe to live long // Physical culture and sports, 2006, No. 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12;
    • Your magical breath. St. Petersburg, 2007;
    • Health day from morning to evening in the 21st century. St. Petersburg, 2008
    • A biography of a great woman, as told by herself, with the addition of historical events and folk tales. Rostov n/d, 2009;
    • New “Three Pillars of Health”: how to survive in the modern world. Rostov n/d, 2009.
    • Contemporary literary and artistic criticism: current problems. L., 1975;
    • Portraits and problems: articles about contemporary writers. L., 1977 (compiled together with E. S. Kalmanovsky);
    • Vladimir Vysotsky. Human. Poet. Actor. [Poetry. Memoirs.] M., 1989 (compiled together with I.N. Boguslavsky, author of the introductory article);
    • V. S. Vysotsky: research and materials. Voronezh, 1990.
    Selected articles
    • What are they singing? // October, 1965, No. 1. - P. 182-192.
    • A. S. Bushmina. - L.: Science, 1974. - P. 77-125.
    • Paths and crossroads of A. Remizov // Questions of literature, 1977, No. 5. - P. 216-243.
    • The Marxist-Leninist concept of personality and the aesthetic ideal of Soviet literature // Questions of literature, 1979, No. 9. - P. 3-25
    • Living, developing method (towards the methodology of studying socialist realism) // Russian literature, 1982, No. 1. - pp. 124-134.
    • Mass culture and mass culture // Zvezda, 1982, No. 7 - pp. 151-166.
    • What is literature for? // Questions of literature, 1983, No. 9. - P. 28-62
    • On the social context of the work being studied (towards the methodology of literary and artistic analysis) // Methodological issues of the science of literature: collection of scientific works / ed. A. S. Bushmina, A. N. Jesuitova. - L.: Science, 1984. - P. 44-67.
    • Interaction of fiction with audiovisual arts (towards a methodology for studying the problem) // Ibid. - pp. 147-198.
    • The fame of Vladimir Vysotsky // Questions of literature, 1987, No. 4. - P. 43-74.

    We decided to introduce you to a man who has achieved a lot - for himself and for us. Yuri Andreevich Andreev is quite famous in our country and abroad solely thanks to his works, and not someone else’s “promotion”.

    We have been familiar with his creative aspirations for quite some time. And here’s what’s remarkable: after all, his little article “Three Pillars of Health,” published in the magazine “Neva” in 1988 and causing a great long-term effect in the reading world, belonged to the pen of the editor-in-chief of the famous, all-Union revered Big and Small series of the “Poet’s Library”, Doctor of Philology (it is significant that a dissertation on his views as a literary theorist was defended in China around the same time). This note about the principles of a healthy lifestyle belonged to the author of the story “The Barmaid from the Disco”, translated into many languages, based on which G. Tovstonogov staged a play at the Bolshoi Drama Theater with the brilliant A. Freindlich in the title role (the same story was staged in Los Angeles, Varna, Voronezh).

    This note, still memorable to many, belonged to a man who, in September 1986, by representatives of 140 cities from all republics of the Soviet Union, was elected Chairman of the All-Union Council of Art Song Clubs at the first legal congress in Saratov.

    In those same years, the tutelary work entrusted to him by the secretariat of the Leningrad Writers' Organization to lead the "Club-81" - unrecognized geniuses - was in full swing. The collection of works by members of this club “Circle”, which was published under his editorship, generated literally a shower of stars of reviews - no less than 35 in different countries. And in each of them it was noted that its publication was both an unprecedented phenomenon and significant for understanding the literary situation in our state.

    During these same years, V. Boyko’s soul-searing documentary story “And if there is hell on Earth...” was published in his translation from Ukrainian. In order to reliably recreate the atmosphere of that book, Yu. Andreev went to Auschwitz, where the Poles maintained a death camp. In those same years, he carried out assignments for the secretariat of the Union of Writers of the USSR in Korea, Cuba, worked in Siberia, and became a laureate of the Literary Gazette as a constant “ringleader” of heated discussions. During these same years, his journalistic book “Frank Conversation, or Conversations with a High School Student at the Limit and Even Beyond the Limits of Possible Frankness” was translated in almost all the republics. Isn’t it true that his positive actions in a short period of time would be enough for some to write several biographies?

    But such a lifestyle was inherent in him from a young age: while studying at the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad State University, this straight-A student simultaneously worked as a Sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of his own university (and even as a senior coach - already being a graduate student at the Pushkin House of the USSR Academy of Sciences), and graduated from a coaching school at the Institute named after Lesgaft and was an active fighter.

    His romantic story “Republic of Sambo” and an academic study about the Russian Soviet historical novel were published almost simultaneously.

    His doctoral dissertation “Revolution and Literature” is about the coverage of the grandiose events of 1917-1921. by writers standing on opposite sides of the political barricades, required twelve years of preliminary, intense, almost hard labor to determine, first of all, the bibliographic composition of the works to be studied. The collections of the largest domestic libraries were examined, as well as the repositories of Yugoslavia, Finland, Germany and Czechoslovakia, because literature created by emigrant writers settled there, on the outskirts of Russia. The list included more than 2,500 authors; books from about 500 people were selected based on artistic merit. We agree that this is somewhat more than the 5-10 figures that constantly appeared in various types of teaching aids, and the picture of literary life turned out to be much more vivid and dramatic than was commonly believed. What is important to note: the monograph “Revolution and Literature” was published almost two decades before perestroika began with its freedom of information. And what is also important to emphasize: at the same time, intense work was going on on the historical-revolutionary novel “The Crimson Chronicle” (co-authored with G. Voronov). Both of these books have been reprinted several times.

    No matter what period of Yuri Andreev’s life we ​​touch upon, even the very last, the situation is still the same. For example, the American natural therapist Emilia Vilensky in 1998, based on an analysis of his works, called him “the number one healer in Russia,” and the phenomenal Novosibirsk healer Irina Vasilyeva, having visited the miraculous structure he was building in Repin, spoke aphoristically: “Everything they are building concepts, and Yuri Andreev is building the Temple of Health.” And in those same years, books were created: the two-volume “Practical Medical Book”, “Resonance of Earth and Heaven. Theory and practice of meditation”, “Health Diary for the 21st Century”, the current one “What does a person need?”. During these same years, coursework was actively conducted in St. Petersburg, in various cities of Russia and in Stockholm, and important foreign trips were made.
    This intense and productive rhythm of Yu. Andreev’s universal performance is impressive. The list of his published works includes more than 500 titles, including more than 30 books. But no less impressive is the inextricable connection between theory and practice in his life. For example, the result of his expedition through the cities and villages, forests and rivers of the Vologda region on the topic “What do they read?” in the 70s, a memorandum was submitted to the Committee on Press Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and along with it his four-hour report to the board, correcting the somewhat snobbish position of the leadership (in particular, the green light was given to the publication of A. Dumas’s novels).

    The practical result of his doctoral dissertation was also a detailed memorandum, this time to the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee with a motivated explanation of why the works of 34 Russian emigrant and repressed writers should certainly be published. Soon a closed decree appeared on the release of books of 33 of them, and all of them were soon published in various publishing houses. (By the way, Yuri Andreevich himself received from the publishing house “Khudozhestvennaya Literatura” a proposal to prepare the selections of A. Remizov, the wizard of the Russian word, who had not been published here since 1920. He agreed to this proposal, the implementation of which took a year of hard work, since the only place in Russia, where almost all 90 books of A. Remizov were collected, was the manuscript department of the Pushkin House, in the theoretical research sector of which he worked then. Academician D. S. Likhachev, in his speech at the VIII Congress of the Union of Writers of the USSR, especially noted the publication of this work .)

    And the 34th author, Nikolai Gumilyov, before whom the permissive light of the political semaphore was not lit at that time, was published by Yu. Andreev without permission from above, being already the Chief Editor of the “Poet's Library” and having received the support for this daring action of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR, of which he was a member appeared.

    Yes, the connection between theory and practice in his life is a constant value. In January 1965, the first in the history of the author's amateur song, his long article “What are they singing?” was published; in the fall of the same year, subscription concerts of bards began in the large hall of the cultural center of food industry workers, in the youth club “Vostok”, the chairman of the artistic council and the host of whose concerts he was for many years; further - seminar classes in the Borzovka tent camp on the shores of the Azov Sea, development of a platform, personnel training, organizational work together with an ever-increasing circle of associates - and now the grandiose, already officially recognized 1st Congress of amateur song clubs in 1986. In total, almost a quarter of a century of work, where it is impossible to separate theory from practice...

    No, his life was not a parade march to solemn fanfare: yes, the collection “Circle” was published, despite the fierce resistance of the Leningrad authorities, but in retaliation, Yu. Andreev was just as violently deleted by them from the nomination for the title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR” .

    Yes, he published a lot, but 12 of his major works were banned before publication, the monograph “Revolution and Literature” made its way to readers with incredible difficulty, and his doctoral dissertation based on it was shamefully abandoned in Leningrad (but triumphantly defended in Moscow).

    His large book “Our Life, Our Literature” was confiscated and destroyed after publication. The director of the Pushkin House, V. G. Bazanov, somewhat dumbfounded, commented on this situation (Yu. Andreev was then working as deputy director for science, that is, he was his right hand): “That’s how good life has become! Previously they would have written “Destroy the author, funeral at the expense of the relatives,” but now “Destroy the book, losses at the expense of the publishing house.” Progress!..” This sad story, alas, can be continued and continued (what is worth at least the masterfully constructed attempt to expel him from the party by all-powerful haters, impotent from science! People of the older generation can appreciate this “story”!), but it stands up The question is, what allowed and allows Yu. Andreev not to lose his fortitude, but, on the contrary, to constantly increase his efforts? Perhaps what helps him remain an employee is that he also constantly takes care of his health in harmony between theory and practice.

    A 12-year-old boy blind from hunger during the war years, nevertheless, at the age of 15, he already participated in a hero-cities shooting match from the Leningrad team, and there were, perhaps, no sports in which he would not then rank highly places and would not receive championship titles: artistic gymnastics, skiing, sambo, cycling, slalom kayaking (descent from waterfalls), long jump, shot put, middle and long distance running. In his mature years, he started the custom of running as many kilometers on his birthday as he was old.

    But perhaps even this made it possible to stay afloat and not go down like a stone when encountering obstacles, because the energy initially embedded in it required more and more new applications?

    Unfortunately, we cannot introduce readers to his inventions: the amazing Temple of Health, built according to his design; with unprecedented devices called “turtle”, which give the person being healed internal heroic powers; with his “amulets”, which - according to the conclusion of the medical commission - increase the protective functions of the blood, etc., etc., but we want to give you at least a quick idea of ​​what a Russian person can and should be like in his quest to reveal your inner potential - for the benefit of yourself, your neighbors, your country, and humanity.

    The attachment:

    Andreev Yu.A. - about the author

    Yuri Andreevich was born in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1938, the family moved from Dnepropetrovsk to Smolensk, where they faced the war (the father was a career military man). In 1944, the family moved to Leningrad at his father’s place of service.

    He graduated from school with a gold medal and in 1948 entered the philological faculty of Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov, although he was the winner of olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

    Since 1949, sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of Leningrad State University; To obtain the right to coach, he combined his studies at the philological department with classes at the coaching school at the P.Ya. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and at the same time was an active wrestler.

    After graduating from the university in 1953, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), being the senior coach of the university sambo team. In 1958, a candidate's dissertation on the Soviet historical novel was published. In 1961, the romantic story “The Republic of Sambo” was published.

    He worked at the Pushkin House until 1983. He was deputy director of the Institute for Science, and in recent years he worked as a senior researcher in the theoretical research sector. In 1974 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology. Author of more than 500 scientific papers, including 30 monographs.

    Member of the Writers' Union (1965), secretary of the Leningrad writers' organization, member of the Board of the USSR Writers' Union. Member of the Union of Journalists. For 10 years, from 1983, he headed the editorial office of the Poet's Library of the Soviet Writer publishing house.

    In 1991, the book “Three Pillars of Health” was published, which was the first publication in our country dedicated to comprehensive human self-healing (the 15th edition of this book appeared in 2003). In the mid-1990s. in the village of Repino near Leningrad he created a unique 4-story Temple of Health. As a practicing healer, he has received many Russian and international awards.

    Andreev Yu.A. - books for free:

    I remember how, as a child, a fantastic thought occurred to me: what if there was a kind of children’s kingdom in which all the laws would be established by children, all decisions would be made by children and all life would go the way the children wanted it... .

    In the book, a person is considered as a unique system of receiving and transmitting information devices. Their consistent tuning in resonance with the fundamental laws of Earth and Heaven, proposed by the author, leads to healing...,

    The book presents a comprehensive system of human healing. The theoretical foundations of treatment and self-medication techniques, personal experience of healing practice and deep medical knowledge form the foundation of Yuri Andreev’s “Temple of Health”. Return...

    If you have a desire to learn how, thanks to the wisdom of the ancients, you can make your life better (gain the desired health, put your psyche in order, discover the purpose of your life, increase your energy level) and always be positive and cheerful, then...

    How little has been lived, how much has been experienced...

    Don’t you think, reader, that time has incredibly accelerated its pace and is moving truly rapidly?.. For example, I have repeatedly met readers who believe that the book “Three Pillars of Health” has almost always existed; I also met those who, without a shadow of a doubt, told me that they had been practicing according to the system set out in “The Three Pillars of Health” for almost one and a half to two decades. Meanwhile, the first edition of this book was published in March 1991, just eight years ago! Yes, I understand that some people start this publication with a small article that appeared in the magazine “Neva” in 1988 in the second issue, and gave rise to an avalanche-like, unimaginable flow of letters, reviews, phone calls, visits to the author - conditional and unexpected, but only 11 years have passed since its publication.

    Oh, how much has changed over these years in the lives of each of us, and the entire country as a whole: this is not an impression, but a reality - between that recent date and these years; with all the consequences of a tectonic, volcanic explosion, a whole new era opened up, and, perhaps, thanks to the historical cataclysms we witnessed and, alas, were accomplices of, a feeling of enormous temporary distance arose, a long, long distance from that generally very recent date .

    I will say very briefly about the historical changes in our common destiny: each of us found ourselves in a situation where the state has no interest in him or his health. The rescue of drowning people truly became the work of the drowning people themselves, and it should be said that they took up this more than vital issue for the preservation of life and health with a considerable amount of activity. And one of the curious and certainly useful consequences of this state of the social situation was the amazing, almost explosive filling of the book market with literature devoted to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I remember how, in the afterword to the 1st edition of “The Three Pillars of Health,” I called on citizens to join forces in order to encourage book publishers to publish works devoted to this topic. There is a saying: “Let your words be in the ears of God!” The needs of reality itself prompted the book market to respond briskly and in a businesslike manner to the needs of reality. I believe that, unfortunately, nowhere does there exist a complete bibliography of publications on this topic that have appeared in recent years, because central libraries do not receive regional publications, and even those published in large cities, also with the collapse of the all-Union book publishing system, as signal samples don't get it. I think, however, that the number of authors who have entered the arena of public life under the motto “Healthy lifestyle” can now number in the thousands and thousands of people. A remarkable fact: in August 1998, Emilia Vilensky, a doctor and one of the leaders of the center for the study of alternative medicine in Russia, came to me from the United States of America for an interview. According to her, in this center, after a serious analytical selection, they study the works of about two hundred Russian authors who, in the opinion of American official doctors, are worthy of presenting in their work methods useful for strengthening human health. I will not hide that I was very flattered to hear from a representative of official, albeit foreign medicine, that they had no doubts about the primacy of the book “Three Pillars of Health” and other works that came from the pen of Yu. Andreev, not only in terms of the time of their appearance, preceding the collapse of the publication of books on this topic in Russia. (Specialists will be interested in reading the book “Alternative Medicine in Russia” by E. Vilensky, published at the end of 1998 in the state of Florida, unfortunately, in English.)

    Well, demand naturally gave rise to supply, and in the flow of books in which we now find ourselves, new generations of readers (and publishers) have appeared who have no longer heard of the “Three Pillars of Health”, who are sure, for example, that the era of books about a healthy lifestyle began with G. Malakhov; I have already noticed with a smile more than once that a number of provisions and specific methods of healing have been borrowed by some diligent authors and are presented either as their own discovery, or as extracted from ancient Chinese books, or from Tibetan monasteries (it was especially interesting to read about the method of cleaning joints with the help of a bay leaf as an allegedly hidden secret, gleaned by the author from the bowels of a Tibetan monastery). In a word, they treat the contents of “Three Pillars of Health” as folklore or a text of mythological antiquity. Well, thank God! If only this text and all others moving in the direction of comprehensive human health work for the benefit of people.

    And yet, since, despite the many reprints of the said work, both it and its author have, to a certain extent, fallen out of sight of new generations of readers, I must inform them that in the years that have passed since 1991, I have stood still didn't stand. Books such as “Man and Woman. The human path is the star path”, like “Healing a Man”, like “The Secret of the Turtle”, like “Practical Treatment Book” in 2 volumes (in three books), like “The day lasts longer than life. Our capabilities and superpowers in building our own health,” the book is coming out, which I consider a landmark for myself, “Resonance of Earth and Heaven. Theory and practice of meditation." The most important thing: all these books were a generalization of very serious developments, which their author carried out and tested primarily on himself, playing the role of both a laboratory animal, a laboratory assistant, and the head of a laboratory.

    What are the results of the experiments conducted (and ongoing) in a condensed form? I’m talking about this only because the main and only criterion of truth for me is practice, practical results. So, what are they that confirm the truth of the chosen path for the author and those readers (and students of his courses) who are ready to listen to his arguments and facts?

    First: for many years you have to do without the help of doctors. Well, this doesn’t say much, since in our time a sufficient number of normal trade union members have matured enough to “forget about doctors” thanks to a healthy lifestyle.

    Second: the author’s biological age, judging by objective data and physiological measurements, is approximately two times less than his passport age. And in terms of a number of parameters (endurance, performance, reaction speed, etc.) it is at the level of a postgraduate student in general. Such a structure of the body already represents something truly significant, representing not only interest, but also direct evidence of the correctness of the chosen path.

    Third: Lord knows, I have never been particularly concerned with my hair, and I must say that over the last decade it has completely diminished on my head, but now I myself and many of those around me began to note with surprise the appearance of the most real hair on the author of “Three Pillars of Health,” who went bald a long time ago. Obviously, the condition of the hair follicles reflected the significantly increasing overall life potential of a person over the years. I must say that in my field of vision there are not so many people with a similar direction in the course of life processes. This point should probably also include significantly improved homeostasis - the course of metabolic processes in the body, thanks to which my weight, contrary to the common practice of becoming heavier with age, is on the contrary 8-10 kilograms less than graduate weight. And if back then I competed as a light heavyweight wrestler, now I would be on the mat as a middleweight, if not a welterweight.

    Andreev Yuri Andreevich. [Russia, St. Petersburg,] (born 05/08/1930, died 07/17/2009)

    Andreev Yuri Andreevich was born on May 8, 1930 in Dnepropetrovsk. Lived in St. Petersburg. Died on July 17, 2009...

    In 1938, the family moved from Dnepropetrovsk to Smolensk, where they faced the war (the father was a career military man). In 1944, the family moved to Leningrad at his father’s place of service.

    He graduated from school with a gold medal and in 1948 entered the philological faculty of Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov, although he was the winner of olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

    Since 1949, sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of Leningrad State University; To obtain the right to coach, he combined his studies at the philological department with classes at the coaching school at the P.Ya. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and at the same time was an active wrestler.

    After graduating from the university in 1953, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), being the senior coach of the university sambo team. In 1958, a candidate's dissertation on the Soviet historical novel was published. In 1961, the romantic story “The Republic of Sambo” was published. (The title of the book was later adopted by several famous sports schools in the Soviet Union).

    He worked at the Pushkin House until 1983. He was deputy director of the Institute for Science, and in recent years he worked as a senior researcher in the theoretical research sector. In 1974 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology. Author of more than 500 scientific papers, including 30 monographs.

    Member of the Writers' Union (1965), secretary of the Leningrad writers' organization, member of the Board of the USSR Writers' Union. Member of the Union of Journalists. For 10 years, from 1983, he headed the editorial office of the Poet's Library of the publishing house "Soviet Writer".

    In the January 1965 issue of the magazine "October" he published the first large article in the history of the KSP movement, "What are they singing?" From October of the same year to May 1981 - host of subscription concerts of the Leningrad song club "Vostok", starting with the 1st subscription concert.

    From 1965 to 1973 - Chairman of the Vostok Art Council. An active participant in the all-Union process of unification and legalization of the KSP movement.

    In May 1967, he took part in a seminar for authors and activists of amateur songs in Petushki, Moscow region.

    From 1981 to 1989, on behalf of the Leningrad Writers' Organization, he was the curator of the famous "Club-81", which united the so-called dissidents. In 1985, a collection of authors from this club “Circle” was published under the editorship of Yu.A. Andreev, which received 35 international reviews.

    In September 1986 in Saratov, at the 1st legal congress of the KSP (1st All-Union Festival of Art Songs), representatives of 140 cities elected him Chairman of the All-Union Council of the KSP. In 1991, the publishing house "Young Guard" published a book by Yu.A. Andreeva "Our Song".

    In 1991, the book “Three Pillars of Health” was published, which was the first publication in our country dedicated to comprehensive human self-healing (the 15th edition of this book appeared in 2003). In the mid-1990s. in the village of Repino near Leningrad he created a unique 4-story Temple of Health. As a practicing healer, he has received many Russian and international awards.

    Academician of the International Academy of Information, Communications, Management (1998).

    Y. Andreev's active participation in sports life, in the literary movement, in science, in the KSP movement, in invention, in healing is the unshakable basis of his worldview: a person is not reduced to just any single production function; the fullness of human existence is the basis of his full life.

    Of the 8 children of Yu.A. Andreev, the most famous is Sergei Yuryevich Andreev - Doctor of Economic Sciences, writer, athlete, deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, a wonderful performer of hundreds of original songs. In the 1980s, S.Yu. Andreev was the chairman of the Tyumen KSP.

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