Forgotten villages: causes of desolation and possible solutions to the problem. The problem of disappearing villages Conclusions about the extinction of life in the Russian village

Here is another work by Alexander Melnikov... Again, I’ll make a reservation that it is far from perfect... But quite interesting. Read it, correct mistakes, offer your own arguments.

In the text by V. Peskov, proposed for analysis, we are talking about the fate of the village, about the need to revive it in our country.

Arguing about this, the author raises a very important problem: why is the Russian village disappearing? The author sees the root of evil in human indifference to their land, in the desire to find an easier life in cities. The writer talks about this

with feelings of regret and pain. He emphasizes that we are forgetting folk songs and destroying places associated with the names of prominent people.

V. Peskov’s text seriously affected me, because I know firsthand about the fate of the village. Every year, visiting my grandfather in a village in the Saratov region, I learned from him how large the population of the village was, what rich and interesting traditions the villagers had. Now

the school closes, young people leave for the city, traditions are forgotten.

And how many famous writers in their works sounded the alarm about the disappearance of villages! V. Rasputin in the story “Farewell to Matera” wrote how with the flooding of Matera, not only the village disappears, but also the memory of it, which only old men and women keep in their souls. The recently deceased writer V. Belov in his novel “Eves” told how, even during the period of collectivization, the village was “de-peasantized.”

I would like to believe that in our country wisdom will still prevail in relation to the fate of the village, that both politicians and ordinary people will understand: in the revival of the village is the future of our country.

Other works on this topic:

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  2. In the autobiographical novel “Brawlers” by M. Alekseev, written in 1981, ‘the action takes place in the late 20s - early 30s in the village of Monastyrskoye. The most difficult time in...
  3. Tsybulko preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language: Option 16 The problem of confronting fate Rock, fate, fate... We often hear these words. Many doomedly say that from...
  4. Russian village... How many writers and poets have touched on this topic in their work. For me, the Russian village is associated primarily with the name of Bunin and his...
  5. Leskov’s story “The Man on the Clock” was written in 1887. This work tells about one incident, which the writer calls “partly a courtly, partly a historical anecdote.” But,...
  6. Tsybulko preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language: Option 18 Preservation of the Russian village What is the role of the Russian village in the culture and life of the people? Thinking about this problem...
  7. The star of the fields burns without fading, For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, With its welcoming ray touching All the cities that have risen in the distance. N. Rubtsov Description of events in novels and...
  8. Whether it took a long time, whether it was built briefly, or whether it was built quickly, but there is only one village in our country. She got lost somewhere on the edge of a large forest. And the way...
  9. Karl Marx’s aphorism about the “idiocy of village life,” presumably, infected Russian writers of the early 20th century with disgust for the old Russian way of life. The contradictory and complex attitude of Russian writers...

Methodological material on the Russian language for text version 18 from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko is intended for students and teachers. The proposed material indicates an approximate range of problems, the author's position, and arguments.

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I have visited abandoned Russian villages more than once. Oh, what a sight this is! You can’t get used to it, you can’t get used to it. At least I couldn't do it. After all, some villages that were so hastily, willingly, and seemingly relieved to be written off are a thousand years old! Or maybe more. And the saddest sight is an abandoned, abandoned Russian hut, a human refuge. I looked out the window of an abandoned hut. The city poachers had not yet visited it, and three old icons dimly gleamed with holy faces in the front corner. The painted floors in the upper room, in the middle room and in the kuti were cleanly washed, the Russian stove was closed with a damper, and the top of the stove was covered with a faded chintz curtain. Cast iron pots and a frying pan are overturned on the stove, in the oven there are grips, a poker, a frying pan, and a pile of dry firewood, already touched by dust on the white birch bark, is stacked directly next to the stove. In this area, firewood is collected in the spring, mostly alder and birch. Over the summer they dry to a crisp, and it’s a joy to bring ringing, clean logs into the house; they happily burn in the stove. The owners lived here! Real ones. Leaving their home due to life circumstances, at the call of children, or due to the urbanization sweeping away everything in their path, they did not lose faith that someone would come to their house not as a poacher and a tramp, but as a resident, and with peasant thoroughness they prepared for he has everything he needs... Light the stove, traveler or new settler, warm the hut - and a living spirit will settle in it, and spend the night, live in this well-kept house. And across the road, already covered with chamomile, grass, dandelion and plantain, the hut is wide open. The gates were torn off their hinges, the doors were dropped, grass grew in the cracks, poles fell, woodpiles were dumped, a goat was overturned by its “horns”, a piece of a saw, a cleaver, a meat grinder, and all sorts of iron, rags, clamps, wheels were lying around - there was nowhere to step. In the hut itself the chaos is unimaginable. After eating, everything was abandoned on the table, cups, spoons, mugs were moldy. Between them there are bird and mouse droppings, withered and rotten potatoes on the floor, a tub of sour cabbage stinks, and there are pots of dead flowers on the windows. Everywhere and everywhere there is a dirty pen, started and abandoned balls of thread, a broken gun, empty cartridges, the underground gives off the rotten spirit of vegetables with a black mouth, the stove is smoked and crooked, torn notebooks and books are lying on the floor, and everywhere there are bottles, bottles, vodkas, big and small, broken and whole - they didn’t move out of here, having prayed at the threshold and bowing to the abandoned fatherly corner, there was neither God nor memory here, they retreated from here, scurried off with drunken, swaggering daring, and the resident of this house probably spat from the threshold into a cluttered hut with contempt: “Enough! She turned it! Now I’ll live in the city like a lady!..” V.P. Astafiev

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Let's write an essay together

Option 18

I.P. Tsybulko. Unified State Exam.

Russian language 2018

1. The problem of the fate of Russian villages. (What is the fate of Russian villages?)

The fate of Russian villages is sad: people leave village huts “because of life circumstances, at the call of children, or because everything is being swept away on the path of urbanization.”

2. The problem of attitude towards one’s home. (How should people treat their home?) Even when leaving their home, a person must show respect for the place where he was born and raised; The real owner, who preserves the memory of his ancestors, has a well-kept house.

Even when leaving home, a person must show respect for the place where he was born and raised; The real owner, who preserves the memory of his ancestors, has a well-kept house.

3. The problem of remembering your past. (Do you need to remember your past?)

A person must honor his past and not forget his roots.

  • In F. A. Abramov’s story “Pelageya,” the baker Pelageya’s daughter Alka leaves her parents’ home and goes to the city for a better life. Alka’s mother spent her entire life working, sparing no effort, doing everything to ensure that her daughter was well-fed, well dressed and did not need anything. Alka doesn’t want to “vegetate” in the village, work in the dirt, she dreams of a beautiful city life. When her mother died, Alka was not at the funeral: she was working as a barmaid on a ship on the Northern Dvina. A week later, she mourned her parents, held a wake for them, sold the cuts for dresses that her mother had saved all her life, boarded up the house and left for the city, afraid of missing out on “a fun and profitable place on the ship. I believe that one of the reasons for the desolation of village houses is that young people strive for an easy life in the city, for entertainment, without receiving proper education in respect for the land and peasant labor.

  • The reason for the disappearance of Russian villages may also be the grandiose plans of the authorities.
  • In V. Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera,” the village of Matera and the island with the same name on which it is located should be flooded. A dam for a hydroelectric power station is being built higher along the Angara; the rising water will cover the villages, so residents are being relocated to the regional center or to the city. Matera is a peasant Atlantis with its usual way of life, which has existed for three hundred years, and now they want to “put it all on electricity”, without thinking about the inhabitants who live here, or about the graves of their ancestors.
  • Of course, for various reasons, people leave their village homes, Russian villages are disappearing, and this is very sad, since along with urbanization comes the alienation of people, their separation from the land, from nature, which often leads to moral devastation.

  • The image of the home is a conceptually important concept in the works of Russian classics. It is the native House that is the main component in the author’s creation of a special image of his Motherland. “A person has four supports in life: a home with family, work, people with whom to celebrate holidays and everyday life, and the land on which your house stands,” wrote V. Rasputin.

  • Remember the description of the house in the story? A.S. Pushkin "Station Warden" before and after Dunya's departure. While Dunya lives with her father, the house is clean and comfortable. “She kept the house going: she kept up with everything, what to clean, what to cook.” And when the daughter left, everything changed in Samson Vyrin’s house, “everything around showed disrepair and neglect.”
  • In the story “Farewell to Matera” by V. G. Rasputin the image of the House is symbolic. He is spiritual, alive, feeling. Daria removes him like a dead man before the funeral. The key words in the story are the words “house”, “hut”. A house built “long ago and soundly” is also a preserved fragment of “the very interior (real) Russia,” as if protecting itself from the pressure of external lies and absurdity.

  • In the story “The Smell of Bread” by Y. Kazakov, the heroine, having left for the city, lost all ties with her home, the village, and therefore the news of her mother’s death does not cause her any worries or desire to visit her homeland... However, having come to sell the house , Dusya feels lost, cries bitterly at her mother’s grave, but nothing can be corrected.

  • Memory and knowledge of the past fill the world, make it interesting, significant, and spiritual. If you do not see the past behind the world around you, it is empty for you. You're bored, you're sad, and you're ultimately lonely. May the houses we walk past, may the cities and villages in which we live, may even the factory where we work, or the ships on which we sail, be alive for us, that is, have a past! Life is not a momentary existence. We will know history - the history of everything that surrounds us on a large and small scale. This is the fourth, very important dimension of the world. But we must not only know the history of everything that surrounds us, but also preserve this history, this immeasurable depth of our surroundings.

D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."

  • The main problem posed by V. Astafiev in this text is the problem of memory, the problem of spiritual heritage, people’s respect for our past, which forms an inextricable part of our common history and culture.
  • Without the past there is no present. A. P. Chekhov in the play "The Cherry Orchard" tells that the arrogant footman Yasha does not remember his mother and dreams of leaving for Paris as soon as possible. He is the living embodiment of unconsciousness. I. S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons" depicts Bazarov, who disdains the “old men” and denies their moral principles. The hero dies from a trifling scratch. And this dramatic ending shows the lifelessness of those who have broken away from the “soil”, from the traditions of their people.

Nature in the poem is in close connection with people. Thus, a solar eclipse seems to warn Prince Igor’s army of impending danger. After the defeat of the Russians, “the grass withered with pity, and the tree bowed to the ground with grief.” At the moment of Igor's escape from captivity, the woodpeckers, with their knocking, show him the way to the river. The Donets River also helps him, “cherishing the prince on the waves, spreading green grass for him on its silver banks, clothing him with warm mists under the canopy of a green tree.” And Igor thanks Donets, his savior, talking poetically with the river.

K.G. Paustovsky - fairy tale “The Disheveled Sparrow”.

The little girl Masha made friends with the sparrow Pashka. And he helped return to her the glass bouquet stolen by the black man, which her father, who was at the front, had once given to her mother.

How does nature affect the human soul? Nature helps us discover ourselves and the world around us

L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. Nature gives a person hope, helps a person realize his true feelings, understand his own soul. Let us remember the meeting of Prince Andrei with the oak tree. If on the way to Otradnoye this old, dying oak tree filled his soul only with bitterness, then on the way back the oak tree with young, green, succulent leaves suddenly helps him realize that life is not over yet, perhaps there is happiness ahead, the fulfillment of his destiny.

Yu. Yakovlev - story “Woke by Nightingales.” Nature awakens in the human soul the best human qualities, creative potential, and helps to open up. The hero of the story is a kind of crazy, difficult child, whom adults did not like and did not take seriously. His nickname is Seluzhenok. But then one night he heard the singing of a nightingale, and he wanted to portray this nightingale. He sculpts it from plasticine, and then enrolls in an art studio. Interest appears in his life, adults change their attitude towards him.

Yu. Nagibin - story “Winter Oak”. Nature helps man make many discoveries. Against the backdrop of nature, we become more aware of our own feelings, and also look at the people around us in a new way. This happened with the heroine of Nagibin’s story, teacher Anna Vasilyevna. Having found herself in the winter forest with Savushkin, she took a fresh look at this boy, discovered qualities in him that she had not noticed before: closeness to nature, spontaneity, nobility.

What feelings does the beauty of Russian nature awaken in our souls? Love for Russian nature - love for the Motherland

S.A. Yesenin - poems “About arable lands, arable lands, arable lands...”, “The feather grass is sleeping, the dear plain...”, “Rus”. The theme of nature in Yesenin’s work inextricably merges with the theme of the small homeland, the Russian village. Thus, the poet’s early poems, filled with Christian images and details of peasant life, recreate a picture of the life of Orthodox Russia. Here the poor Kaliki pass through the villages, here the wanderer Mikola appears on the roads, here the sexton remembers the dead. Each of these scenes is framed by a modest, unpretentious landscape. And until his very last days, Yesenin remains faithful to his ideal, remaining the poet of the “golden log hut.” Admiration for the beauty of Russian nature merges in his poems with love for Russia.

N.M. Rubtsov - poems “I will gallop over the hills of the slumbering Fatherland...”, “My Quiet Homeland”, “Star of the Fields”, “Birches”. In the poem “Visions on the Hill,” N. Rubtsov refers to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding echoes of this past in the present. The times of Batu are long gone, but Rus' of all times has its “Tatars and Mongols.” The image of the Motherland, the feelings of the lyrical hero, the beauty of Russian nature, the inviolability of folk foundations and the strength of spirit of the Russian people is the good beginning that is contrasted in the poem with the image of evil in the past and present. In the poem “My Quiet Homeland,” the poet creates an image of his native village: huts, willows, river, nightingales, old church, graveyard. For Rubtsov, the star of the fields becomes a symbol of all of Russia, a symbol of happiness. It is this image, and perhaps even Russian birches, that the poet associates with the Motherland.

K.G. Paustovsky - story “Ilyinsky Whirlpool”. The author talks about his attachment to one of the small towns in Russia - the Ilyinsky Whirlpool. Such places, according to the author, carry something sacred within them; they fill the soul with spiritual ease and reverence for the beauty of their native land. This is how a feeling of Motherland arises in a person - out of little love

  • Category: Arguments for the Unified State Exam essay
  • M.Yu. Lermontov - poem "Borodino". In the poem “Borodino” M. Yu. Lermontov addresses one of the most dramatic moments in Russian history - the Battle of Borodino. The entire work is imbued with patriotic pathos, the author is proud of the heroic past of his Motherland, admires Russian soldiers, the heroes of the Battle of Borodino, their courage, perseverance, fortitude, and love for Russia:

The enemy learned a lot that day, What a daring Russian battle means, Our hand-to-hand combat!..

The heart cannot live in peace, No wonder the clouds have gathered. The armor is heavy, as before a battle. Now your time has come. - Pray!

The image of the future in A. Blok's poem is symbolic. A kind of harbinger of this future is the very soul of the Russian person, the confrontation between the dark and light principles in it, and as a result - the complex, unpredictable fate of the Motherland, the clouds that have gathered over it. And our history has shown how right the poet was in his foresight.

  • N. Rubtsov - poem “Visions on the Hill”. In the poem “Visions on the Hill,” N. Rubtsov refers to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding echoes of this past in the present. The times of Batu are long gone, but Russia of all times has its own “Tatars and Mongols”: Russia, Russia! Save yourself, save yourself! Look, again they have come into your forests and valleys from all sides, Tatars and Mongols from other times.

However, the poet has something that he can oppose to this universal evil. This is the image of the Motherland, the feelings of the lyrical hero, the beauty of Russian nature, the inviolability of folk customs. toev and the strength of spirit of the Russian people.

  • V. Rasputin - story “Farewell to Matera” (see essay “The Problem of Historical Memory”)
  • V. Soloukhin - “Black boards: Notes of a beginning collector.” In this book, the author writes about how he became a collector, a collector of icons. V. Soloukhin talks about our state’s attitude towards icons, about the ruthless burning of masterpieces by the Soviet authorities. Interesting material about how to restore old icons, about icon-painting subjects. The study of ancient icons, according to the author, is a contact with the soul of the people, with its age-old traditions...
  • V. Soloukhin - collection of essays “Time to collect stones.” In this book, the author reflects on the need to preserve ancient monuments - writers' estates, houses, monasteries. He talks about visiting Aksakov’s estate, Optina Pustyn. All these places are connected with talented Russian writers, with Russian ascetics, elders, with the spiritual development of the people.
  • V. Astafiev - story in stories “The Last Bow”.

In this story, V. Astafiev talks about his small homeland - the village in which he grew up, about his grandmother Katerina Petrovna, who raised him. She was able to bring up the best qualities in the boy - kindness, love and respect for people, emotional sensitivity. We see how the boy grows up, together with him we experience the joy of his small discoveries of the world, people, music, nature. In every chapter of this story, living feelings beat - indignation and delight, grief and joy. “I am writing about the village, about my little homeland, and they - big and small - are inseparable, they are in each other. My heart is forever where I began to breathe, see, remember and work,” writes V. Astafiev. This feeling of the Motherland becomes comprehensive in the book. And the more acute is the writer’s feeling of bitterness from the misfortunes that befell his small homeland: collectivization came, families were ruined, churches and centuries-old foundations of life were destroyed, the writer’s father, grandfather and uncle were arrested by the NKVD. Without preserving its history, the village began to turn into a suburb of old holiday villages. The author writes about all this with sadness. And he urges readers not to become Ivans who do not remember their kinship, but to respect their roots and origins.

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In his text, Russian writer Fyodor Abramov raises the important issue of the role of Russian women in the Great Patriotic War. This problem is still relevant today, because every year we celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day.

In the text, the author says that the “Russian woman” made an invaluable contribution to the victory by opening her second front in 1941, which the Red Army so lacked. It was the Russian woman who bore all the hardships on her shoulders, “carried her heavy cross as a widow-soldier, mother of sons killed in the war.”

The author's point of view is expressed quite clearly. In my opinion, the writer is trying to convey to us the idea that if the Russian woman had not performed so many heroic deeds in the war, then perhaps the victory of the Russian army would not have taken place. One cannot but agree with the author's position. Indeed, the role of women during the war was very great.

There are many works in the literature in which this problem is raised. As an example, I will cite B. Vasiliev’s book “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” which tells about the feat of not just the Russian people, but the feat of women; about how fragile creatures fought the Germans no worse than men, repelling enemy attacks. Unfortunately, all the girls died, but they died like real heroes, fighting for their homeland. Their heroic feat remained forever in the hearts of people.

As a second argument, I will cite lines from a poem by the Russian Soviet poetess Olga Berggolts. She was a poet-hero, whose name and voice during the war were familiar not only to besieged Leningrad, where she spent all the terrible days of its siege, but also to the entire Soviet Union. With her poems, she instilled a ray of hope in people:

Hands squeezing the charred heart,

I make this promise

I, a city dweller, the mother of a Red Army soldier,

died near Strelnya in battle.

We will fight with selfless strength,

we will defeat the rabid animals,

we will win, I swear to you, Russia,

on behalf of Russian mothers!

In conclusion, I would like to say that the war was a very difficult experience for everyone, including women who experienced so much hardship and loss. However, they heroically went through all the hardships and hardships and made an invaluable contribution to the victory.

What is the role of the Russian village in the life of the people? Do you need to preserve the centuries-old memory of your ancestors? This problem is raised in his text by F.A. Abramov.

The author’s position is clear and understandable: modern society is increasingly forgetting about the “spiritual baggage” that our previous generations had laboriously accumulated. Abramov believes that the role of the Russian village is enormous in our lives and that preserving the experience accumulated by centuries of people is our main task.

I completely agree with F.A. Abramov. The disappearance of villages has a major impact on our understanding of life. It is important to instill spiritual values ​​in the new generation and teach something sublime. That is why I believe that it is necessary to preserve the centuries-old memory of our roots. Because only the Russian village can teach us all knowledge, main priorities, values.

In the work of I.A. Bunin's "Village" raises the problem of preserving the memory of the Russian village. Bunin believes that the village people themselves are to blame for their difficult life. He writes about preserving the peaceful life of the village and tranquility in it. Remembering our ancestors and their lives is very important, because the integrity of future generations depends on it.

Thus, summing up my essay, I would like to note once again that the Russian village is of great importance in the life of the people. For all people it is the source, the beginning of a great life. Preserving her memory is our main task today.

The site is for informational and educational purposes only. All materials are taken from open sources, all rights to the texts belong to their authors and publishers, the same applies to illustrative materials. If you are the copyright holder of any of the submitted materials and do not wish them to appear on this site, they will be removed immediately.

Arguments for the essay

2) the problem of indifference, loss of faith in a person

3) the problem of crime and punishment

4) the problem of mercy

5) the problem of fathers and children, misunderstanding of loved ones in a difficult situation

6) the problem of environmental pollution

7) childhood impressions and their influence on a person’s future life

8) the problem of disappearing villages

9) the problem of alcoholism

10) decline in public morality

11) “reading” and a true, living book

12) the problem of the purity of the native language and speech culture. The problem of the connection between language and society

13) the problem of late repentance, the realization that you missed something important in life

14) the problem of education.

16) about the absence of love

17) about attitude towards one’s professional duties, about conscientiousness; about indifference to his profession

1) what is the meaning of life?

2) fathers and sons. Upbringing.

3) impudence. Rudeness. Behavior in society.

4) the problem of poverty, social inequality.

5) the problem of mercy.

6) the problem of honor, duty, feat.

7) the problem of happiness.

8) my favorite work.

10) faith in God. Christian motives.

14) education. His role in human life.

15) officials. Power.

16) intelligence. Spirituality.

17) mother. Motherhood.

20) purity of language.

21) nature. Ecology.

22) the role of art.

23) about our little brothers.

24) homeland. Small homeland.

25) historical memory.

26) theme of beauty.

28) great people. Talent.

29) the problem of material support. Wealth.

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