Read the plot to meet your loved one. Spells to get you on a date Spells to get you on a date

Each of us is waiting for our soulmate in life. There is a big bet on a chance meeting. However, not everyone meets their loved one right away. If there is no positive result, you should not despair; you should contact a specialist. Pros, who are they? Supersensible people who have extensive life experience, know folk wisdom, and are able to build a chain of consistent actions. Such a person will easily make a conspiracy on a date and tell you how to behave in a certain situation. Specialists are ready to work even with very desperate people who do not believe in a positive unfolding of events in their lives.

Each of us is waiting for our soul mate in life.

Magic in your personal life - date conspiracies

In order for a man to meet you on the way, for a guy to call you on a date, passivity in actions is unacceptable, you need to act. Challenge fate, and it will definitely give you interesting encounters and fill you with new emotions and sensations.

The effectiveness of a date plot

You should not be skeptical about this ritual. There is a conspiracy to completeness. An analogy is drawn with this process. Severely overweight people no longer believe that they will get rid of their illness. Until a specialist with spiritualistic abilities comes and solves the problem in just a couple of sessions. So, for the spell to work and the guy to invite you on a date, all you need is a little patience and a photo of the desired person. Sometimes the spell is pronounced in front of a lit candle, sometimes without it.

It will not be possible to pronounce the text of the message on your own the first time, since the language does not have the necessary words in the required sequence. The main thing is to have a desire to meet, think about the fact that your favorite guy will come to you on a date, so that you have a clear image of a man in your head. Think over your future life partner down to the smallest detail: character, habits. Appearance generally comes off as a separate line. Height, hair and eye color, body structure. Experienced assistance in this area is invaluable.

An effective plot to get a guy to ask you out on a date

We speak with a small piece of soap (the size of a coin). With our left hand we scribble the name of the future chosen one, then we lower it into the empty bathroom and say loudly:

“I’m lying in pitch darkness, without rain or wind. There is no thunder here, there are no storms, only silence reigns. Everything planned will take place calmly, without any trouble.”

Then we put a piece of soap in our purse and carry it around until we meet our betrothed.

An effective soap spell to get a guy to ask you on a date

In order for the next conspiracy to be successful, imagine your future boyfriend as clearly as possible.

“Help me, Lord, get ready for the journey. Give consent to future relationships. Tell me what the secret of future acquaintance is. Give everything you need for the meeting. Let me only be confident, but not disappointed. I don't want to waste my time. Make sure your heart doesn't worry. Let us like each other at first sight. God! Don't let me disappear in agony. You can't miss the chance."

A new plot to meet your loved one

This spell is cast at the moment when we look at the blue sky and watch blue clouds float by.

“Blessed Virgin Mary, let the clouds float, as before, float across the white sky, over the endless ocean, over the flowing sands, over the island of Buyan, over the flammable Altyr. Let the clouds spill clear water, my love, over my chosen one, over the endless meadow, in the overseas direction.”

Spell for a meeting

In order for this conspiracy to be successful, it is enough to know the potential groom, so that he does not necessarily know you. For the procedure we will need:

  • red candle;
  • a thing that should attract attention;
  • Holy water;
  • volumetric plate.

For the ritual to have a 100% effect, you need to say a few words about choosing a candle:

Take a red candle, not pink, not burgundy, or any other shade of red. Any other one cannot be used. A red candle can be bought in specialized stores that sell goods from the field of Feng Shui.

As the moon grows, a little holy water is poured into the plate. An item or photograph of your loved one is placed under the bowl. A red candle is lit and picked up. The following words are pronounced so that everything works out (while the speech is being said, a circle is drawn on the water with wax drops).

“My chosen one, whom I deserve, walks on the ground with his feet. May all the roads he walks lead to me. The road is ornate, it goes around the moon, but on our way a circle will close, a long-awaited meeting will take place. Let my word become sticky like wax. Amen!"

Waxing moon conspiracies are always used to bring something to life.

At the end, we drip wax onto the item or photograph of the hidden person. Items are placed in the southwestern part of the home, since that is the love zone. The place where the memorabilia will be kept must be cleaned; we will walk around the perimeter with a lit candle.

Conspiracy on a guy for soap

This ritual is done only with homemade soap, so that the base is bought in a special shop. The product is sure to glow in the church. Contact us, they will help you dedicate. For the conspiracy we need a mug of water and a red candle. We light a red candle, put a piece of homemade soap in the water, and place the candle in front of the cup. After twelve o'clock at night on the waxing moon the following words are read:

“As the soap dissolves in water, all obstacles on the path narrowed for a future meeting disappear. Let the spoken word be burned into heaven by fire. No one will break my spell. Amen!"

At dawn, water is poured out in front of the threshold of the future groom with the words:

“For my man, sent by God, there are no more obstacles to our meeting.”

A conspiracy to meet your loved one in the bathhouse

This ritual was done in ancient times, and is also relevant now, since there are many private baths, which are paid hourly. For the conspiracy you will need a broom made by yourself (can be made from birch or spruce).

In a hot bath, candles are distributed in a circle from right to left and candles are lit. A bowl of hot water is placed in the center. You yourself stand in the middle of the circle to have a good steam bath. During the procedure the following words are spoken:

“My body is clean, my soul is clean for meeting my betrothed (name). Amen!"

Repeat the words nine times, add water from the basin to yourself, and only then leave the circle.

Many people believe that such conspiracies are absolutely harmless, forgetting that they are nothing more than love magic. If their use is associated with malicious intent, then it will not be possible to avoid negative consequences.

Sometimes a lady desperately wants the guy she likes to suddenly call him, even if there is no reason for this, and not just single her out from the crowd. What to do in this case? You will have to use a conspiracy to get the guy to call, as a result he will do it many times, and not just once. As a result of the conspiracy, he will have an irresistible desire to constantly hear the voice of the woman who performed this ritual.

If you want ordinary entertainment, or your soul is tormented by a thirst for revenge, then you should not use the conspiracy. Even such a seemingly harmless conspiracy “to make a loved one call” is magical; it carries out outside interference in someone’s destiny, and the consequences of such an invasion for the intruder will not be at all rosy.

A person using a spell must take into account the difference between natural sympathy and sympathy caused artificially, using magic. The one on whom the ritual was performed will consider the sudden attraction to another person to be natural; in his sensations, reality will look quite natural, and love will seem to him to be his own.

How to perform a ritual of great impact

If you have to resort to magic for the first time, it is better to use the following plot, since it does not make a strong correction in life. Since there will be no changes in a person’s fate, it can rightfully be considered a not too dangerous action from the rituals of love magic.

There are situations when a lady wants a call from a specific person, then this plot is best suited, since it is as safe as possible, but at the same time it is quite powerful.

The ritual can be carried out on your own, and you need to start it with visualization, that is, imagine as vividly as possible the image of your loved one, your own desire, while fully concentrating. During the action you need to say the following words:

“My beloved (further say his name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a girl, stately and beautiful, good to everyone and for everyone, and I love you. Pick up the phone and quickly dial my number. I will respond, and your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

With the help of thought and visualization, you can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy. For it to work, you must believe in it, clearly imagine the actions of the person you like, that he picks up the phone and calls, that this is his own desire, and literally in a matter of minutes he will do it.

Spell for a call from a sweetheart

To carry out this ritual, you need to have a photo of a young man and a blank piece of paper on which you need to write your phone number. A sheet of paper should be placed on the photograph so that the number is at the level of the man’s head, and the spell should be read three times:

“My beloved falcon, my desired, beautiful!
Remember our meetings, quickly open your heart to me.
Come on, remember my number and invite me on a date!”

The man must spend the night in exactly this form with a piece of paper and a photo, after which in the morning the sheet must be burned, go outside and scatter the ashes. When carrying out the ritual, you need to constantly imagine the image of a man, your own desire, as if he is already calling, and be sure to remember that without this the conspiracy will not work, since visualization here is a very important element.

A conspiracy to make the man you like call

If there is no photograph of a man, just do the following if you really want to hear your favorite voice so that he dials the number. Whether day or night, you need to say the following words:

“A city stands on Russian soil, and a house is built in it. My beloved lives in it, (name the man by name) - that’s what he calls himself.
There he (say the man’s name again) is sad alone, knows neither happiness nor fun.
And so he picks up the phone, remembers my number, and dials. He invites me on a date, and he knows no grief with me.”

Based on this ritual, the “victim” of the love spell will not develop any negative attachment, since the only goal here is the guy should call and offer to meet. There will be no consequences harmful to fate for either him or her, since there is no responsibility in this conspiracy.

Personal relationships should be successful - this is the key to a good mood and self-confidence. If you want to get a guy to ask you out on a date, a conspiracy will serve as a good help. This article will tell you about the features of love spells and the most effective love rituals.

Our ancestors knew many ways to change life for the better. Some of these methods belong to the field of white magic. A man is indecisive by nature - in some situations he needs to be pushed to make the right decision. Follow our recommendations, and your loved one will definitely call you.

To perform an effective love spell, concentrate on your own desire. Show perseverance, cast aside skepticism and believe in yourself. Remember: there are no instant results, you need to be patient. We list the conditions that must be met:

  • maximum concentration;
  • getting rid of negative thoughts;
  • image visualization (imagine your boyfriend’s body, hair, facial features);
  • feeling of an invisible connection;
  • igniting the passion within yourself.

The effectiveness of the ritual does not depend on the girl’s level of magical “preparation.” In the foreground is the desire to meet and the ability to imagine the object of passion. In most cases, you will have to stock up on photographs of your loved one, candles or toilet soap. Here is the text of the quick conspiracy:

“Just as a person is unable to live for a long time without clean food and water, so God’s servant (man) will no longer be able to last a single day without God’s humble servant (your name), his sweet other half.”

Love spell for the moon

Love spells work best during the waxing moon. If you want guys to invite you on dates, the spell must be pronounced in the fourth phase. You need to read the love spell text in the morning, focusing on the rising sun. Procedure:

  1. Having chosen a day for the ritual, get up at dawn and concentrate on your desire.
  2. Turn around to face the sun's disk.
  3. Read the text of the prayer (you need to repeat it 12 times).
  4. Clear your mind and say a prayer to remove negativity.
  5. Repeat the described steps for 12 days.

Cleansing prayers are necessary to remove the possible consequences of the ritual. Any prayer you know will do. Be patient and repeat the ritual for all twelve days. And here is the text of the love spell:

“I conjure that (your boyfriend) becomes one with (what’s your name) like pure Fire, Air and Water, united with the Earth, so that the thoughts of (name of the chosen one) are as pure - only about (what’s your name), like the rays of clear the suns govern the unquenchable Light of the universe and its virtues. Let the radiant spirit (your name) circle over the strong spirit (name of the chosen one), like gentle water over strong earth. Let (object’s name) not be able to eat, drink, sleep, walk, or enjoy life without (what’s your name).”

Ritual using soap

Immediately forget about “store-bought” detergents - homemade soap is used for the conspiracy. There is no need to invite a soap maker into your home - such products are sold in specialized shops. Prepare for the ceremony in advance. You will need:

  • soap blessed in the church;
  • red candle;
  • mug with water;
  • Waxing Crescent.

Place a piece of soap in a mug of water, then light a candle. Place the candle directly in front of the cup. Wait until midnight. Say the phrase: “Soap dissolves in water, barriers disappear. My desire is burned in heaven - to meet my betrothed. Amen".

The spell removes obstacles that arise in a man’s path. Wait for dawn, take the soapy charmed water and go to the house where the guy lives. The water needs to be poured in front of your loved one’s doorstep. Say out loud: “The obstacles have been removed, our meeting is destined.”

Photography and diet as magical tools

Fortune tellers and sorcerers consider photography a powerful magical tool, since the object of divination is captured there. Do you dream that a handsome guy will ask you out on a date soon? Take out a photo of your lover, light a candle, get rid of extraneous thoughts. Repeat the words three times:

“God’s servant (name) calls out to (man’s name) to come to the threshold and leave his heart here. Let his thoughts call to me, let his heart speak about me, let his little feet carry him to me. The betrothed will knock, come in, and everything will be as I wish. Amen".

The above ritual can be strengthened through special training. If you are not afraid of difficulties, start cleansing your body. Do the following:

  1. Stop smoking and alcohol.
  2. Stop gossiping, quarreling and judging other people.
  3. Follow a strict diet (plant foods only).
  4. Refrain from sexual intercourse.

After waiting three days, lock yourself in a dark room and light a candle. Imagine meeting your man, visualize his image. Remember the voice, habits, smell of your betrothed. Say the phrase:

“May the Almighty Lord himself help me on the road. May he bless me for meeting the servant of God (your betrothed), may he give me strength. Save me from unnecessary meetings, from envious eyes, from a restless heart and from fear in my thoughts. And then love will happen between the servant of God (your name) and the servant of God (what is the name of the betrothed). I’ll pray to our Lord - everything will grow together nicely. As she said, so it will be. Amen".

Love potion

If all of the above methods do not produce results, you can use “heavy artillery” - brew a love potion. A magic drink will force an intractable man to show up on a date. The product has only one drawback - the liquid must enter the body of the object of inspiration. Organizing “soldering” is not easy.

Start by purchasing a bottle of red wine. Take out a clean glass from the bins and stock up on a drop of menstrual blood in advance. Further procedure:

  1. Clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, think about the object of the spell.
  2. Pour the wine into a glass and add a drop of blood to the liquid.
  3. Read a prayer to your saint.
  4. Pour the potion into a bottle and try to get the guy drunk on occasion.

If a man refuses to drink in your company, don't be upset. It is enough to drop a little liquid on his food or clothes. From this moment the magic will begin to work.

Now you know the most popular ways to attract a handsome gentleman on a date. Some rituals are harmless, others are considered "dark magic." Act carefully, protect yourself with prayers, and everything will be fine.

There is probably not a single girl, girl or woman who, having watched enough TV series like “All Women are Witches” or “Margosha”, would not dream of taking revenge on the person who betrayed her, did not answer or disappointed her feelings. However, there are even more representatives of the fair sex who would like to bewitch the person of the opposite sex they like. And you know, there is such a way, and like all good things, it starts small. This is a conspiracy for a date: to be invited by a guy.

Don't be scared! There's nothing wrong with that. No calling on otherworldly forces is required, just like selling your soul. Plotting the guy of your dreams for a successful date is safe and simple. There are many options, but we will look at the most effective ones, which really helped people like us to find their soulmate and “talk” them into asking them out on a date.

We carry out basic actions

This is love magic, the so-called love spell. You don’t make a person fall in love with you, you just push him to meet, invite him on a date, and, perhaps, even to a first acquaintance, if the plot is made on a first date. Next, everything depends on you. The ritual influences the subconscious of the chosen object, instilling in him love for the initiator of the conspiracy on a date.

The beginning of the ritual is elementary, from the category of “thoughts are real.” You must concentrate and visualize (materialize) your desire. Feel your other half, be one with him at this moment. You must let him know from a distance that you need him, just as he needs you, that you both want to meet or just see each other. And your wish will become reality. You must understand that this person is already your loved one, now for him to want to meet you, you must become the same loved one for him.

The time of day does not matter, nor does the day of the lunar calendar. The conspiracy to make the date take place is simple and not dangerous - neither for you nor for your future boyfriend.

There are other options besides conspiracy:

  • ritual;
  • ritual for the meeting;
  • ritual based on photography;
  • strong ritual.

This is already stronger if suddenly a simple conspiracy turns out to be powerless. These rituals are already carried out, both by visualizing a specific man and by photographing. There are already texts here that need to be pronounced without mistakes and thoughtfully, clearly pronouncing the guy’s name. If you are not confident in your abilities, then try a strong ritual.

In the listed rituals, you already visualize your possible meeting, your behavior and, as it were, invite your loved one to come in. In these cases, think over the clothes of this person, his facial expressions. And another obligatory condition is to have your hands clasped on your chest while pronouncing the text.

Here is one of the common texts:

“I (your name) call you (say the chosen one’s name) to my house. I will open my heart for you to dwell in it forever. I long for your thoughts to be only about me, to come and dream of never knowing other women. Whether you want it or not, you will come, enter through the threshold and stay forever. Let it be so.".

They say that meetings take place in 2-3 days. The man realizes that he longs to meet you. Shall we check?

Method number 2, or what is more effective

Many who have tried this method also consider it effective, especially in cases where a meeting or date is almost impossible. Although all that is required of the object is that he call for a meeting, conversation, date - call it what you want, in other words, any contact of opposite sexes. Its implementation requires slightly different preparation rules. Curtained windows, if the plot is done during the day, and a dim candle flame. If you are impatient and no longer have the strength to wait, then a plot for a quick successful date that will bring the treasured guy to your door is suitable for you, even if this is completely incompatible with his plans.

When delivering a speech, do not think about anything else but the text of the conspiracy, which should be spoken slowly.

Soap and needle. Something new

You take a needle, a piece of soap - and everything so that the person appears on the threshold of your home or just in front of you urgently! On a piece of soap, write the name of the man of your dreams with a needle. Carry out the spell in the bathroom, since you need to put a piece on the bottom of the bathroom without filling it with water. And you need to pronounce a text in which there is nothing criminal, it simply charges you with the fact that “everything will go calmly, it will go smoothly and without trouble.” After that, you take out the soap, put it in your wallet and carry it until the moment of your planned meeting or to be invited by a guy.

Do not be ironic, do not check the effectiveness of the presented conspiracies, they will only work if you really believe in them, hope for the fulfillment of your wish, and be confident in your strengths and the strength of the text of the conspiracy.

How many people, so many opinions

However, not all psychics, magicians, and even the examiners themselves believe that a conspiracy is not only simple, but also serious, since it affects both your energy and the energy of the desired man. And this is not always the outcome; such intervention can be favorable.

Think, perhaps your meeting can happen without any conspiracies. Mutual acquaintances, a chance intersection of views - and the deal is in the bag. As they say, there would be a desire, because sometimes there is simply not enough determination for a simple step that can happen without any magic.

If it doesn’t work out in an amicable way, then a conspiracy is what you need.

There are universal options, when the hope of meeting even a stranger, but already loved one, with the help of a conspiracy, becomes real. They are simple.

If the person is close to you, you know him, then read the conspiracies while looking at the passing clouds. Very symbolic, according to professionals. Just as they run quickly, the man will rush to meet you.

Not one candle is used, but several. The direction of the world where the words of the conspiracy are pronounced, and even the tone also influences - first we order, then we convince, and then we cry out almost with a prayer.

There are options that are completely outdated, but their effectiveness has already been proven for centuries. For example, to achieve your goal, you can weave a broom with your own hands for steaming in a bathhouse or melt a certain number of candles.

Before the conspiracy, you should cleanse yourself: both internally (fast, take a steam bath) and externally (take a bath). It is also advised to visit the temple, as if having received consent to carry out the conspiracy.


Whatever version of the conspiracy you choose, the main thing is to sincerely believe in its positive outcome, and really imagine and hope for a quick meeting so that the guy asks you out on a date. And everything will be, don’t doubt it!

Many girls use magical rituals to attract the attention of the opposite sex, since magic helps to reliably bind a man to themselves.

How to make a man run after you, plot, always wanted you

One of the most effective rituals in this area is the pie spell.

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Any dough is suitable for it, while kneading it you need to whisper the words:

“I conjure (the name of my beloved) to be reunited with (my own name) forever and ever. Amen!"

At midnight you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking a hair from yourself, burn it in the flame of a candle with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), for me, servant of God, (name) will decay.

So that he only grieves for me, does not know a single woman,

He would only want me, alone, think only about me, and only suffer for me.

Just as this hair won’t grow back, so be it

no one will interrupt mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

— Love spell with hair

The pie is best baked in the evening of the full moon. The beloved will need to be treated to it the next day. Make sure no one else eats the baked goods.

So that a man thinks about you and calls a conspiracy

Quite often a girl simply dreams of her lover calling her. This happens especially often in the case of a long separation or a major quarrel with a guy. A powerful conspiracy will help correct the situation, which will not only force the guy to call you, but will also help him feel longing for you.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

To read the plot, you need to imagine the face of your loved one down to the smallest detail and say the following words three times: “beloved (name), pick up the phone and call your beloved (name). You will say a few words, you will hear my dear voice. You will forget about the other sheep, and you will become dear to me!”

A conspiracy so that a man does not cheat, loves

If you suspect your lover of starting to court other women or see that his competitors are trying to push him to cheat, you can use a powerful conspiracy that will help protect your loved one from making the wrong move. They read the spell on a photograph of a loved one or his thing, which is placed in front of a church candle.

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