Natural furore: how Katya Chilly changed along with the Ukrainians. Katya chilly: the mermaid has become more mature Katya chilly why she left show business

Katya Chilly

Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Bogolyubova.

Katya Chilly

Katya Chilly. 10.10.2009.
basic information
Full name

Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko

Date of Birth



Katya Chilly

Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko (Bogolyubova) (July, 12 ( 19780712 ) , Kyiv, Ukraine) is a modern Ukrainian singer, musician and composer, performing under the stage name Katya Chilly. During her thirteen years of professional career, she released four albums that received significant attention from the press and the public. Katya Chilly in Ukraine won all the competitions in which she took part. In the Ukrainian press, it is called "Divo" of Ukrainian alternative music. Authentic sound extraction of different lands is a socio-biological phenomenon that opens a tunnel into temporal space. A person who listens, on a subconscious level, feels the bridge between the past, present and future.

Childhood and youth

Little Katya first got on TV channels in the summer of 1986. Her performance during the concert "Children of Chernobyl" in one of the pioneer camps showed our [ What?] the television. This was the first serious performance where the eight-year-old singer performed the song "33 Cows".

While studying in the third grade of a comprehensive school, Katya attended a folklore circle and sang in the Orelya children's folklore choir. In addition, she also studied at the music school in piano and cello classes. Later (in the seventh grade) the folklore department of the art school. Next came the turn of the National Humanitarian Lyceum at the National University. Taras Shevchenko.

Katya received higher education while studying at the Faculty of Philology of the National University. Taras Shevchenko (specialization - Folklore).



Since the spring of 1996, Katya's work has focused on a pop avant-garde project (combining ancient ritual singing with the most modern arranged music). This caused a real stir in the media and a storm of delight among fans. Katya has become a symbol of new Ukrainian music, a new musical alternative. On May 30, 1996, Ekaterina Kondratenko began performing under the pseudonym Katya Chilly.

Ethnic material in the interpretation of the singer fascinated even those who were far from folklore. Completely different people gathered under the flags of Katya Chilly's fans: representatives of the "X" generation who were waiting for unconventional music, adult fans of Ukrainian folklore and admirers of the "world music" phenomenon.

It took less than a year for a talented girl to gain a confident star status. Numerous interviews, participation in television programs, performances at the largest and most prestigious concert venues in the country, victories at festivals (including the Chervona Ruta festival).

The singer's work aroused keen interest from the Western community. So, for example, in 1997, MTV President Bill Rowdy invited the singer to participate in the programs of this channel. Creativity Katya Chilly noted at various international festivals. Among them is the Fringe festival, which was held in the Scottish city of Edinburgh.

In 1998, Katya Chilly released her debut album "Mermaids in da House", the appearance of which became a landmark event for the development of Ukrainian musical culture. Representatives of the mass media dubbed the manner of the singer's performance "the singing of a beautiful elf."

During her performances, Katya Chilly really reincarnates as a representative of another world: she seems to fall into a whirlwind of vibrations, becomes a medium of the ancient inhabitants of the Slavic land. Katya knows firsthand about the history of the ancient world.

After all, the study that Katya is working on as a postgraduate student at the Kyiv National University reveals the secrets of the worldview of pra-civilizations...

Restoring archaic ethnic material, Katya Chilly gives it a unique modern interpretation. Thus, the musical soul of the people acquires a new incarnation.


Since 2000, Katya has collaborated with composers, arrangers and multi-instrumentalists Leonid Belyaev (Mandry) and Alexander Yurchenko (ex-Yarn, Blemish). The album “Son” recorded later was never released, despite the fact that the program was successfully tested on the sites of England and Russia. Katya at that time received a higher education and continued her postgraduate studies at both Kyiv and Lublin universities.

In March 2001, Katya gave a concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. Katya's performance was broadcast live by the BBC. This company also shot a video (live) of the singer, which was broadcast on the channel for a year.


In the summer of 2005, together with Ukrainian Records, the singer released the maxi-single "Pivni", which included the first single from the new album and remixes of it. Famous Russian and Ukrainian DJs worked on the creation of remixes: Tka4 (Kyiv), Evgeny Arsentiev (Moscow), DJ Lemon (Kyiv), Professor Moriarti (Moscow), LP (Kaliningrad).

As a bonus, the disc features a new version of the track “Ponad gloomy”, which Katya Chilly performed with Sashk Polozhinsky, and a video clip “Pivni”, created in 3D graphics technology. The video was directed by the famous Ukrainian artist Ivan Tsyupka. The appearance of Katya with new material marked a new stage in her work, another step in her musical evolution.

In 2006 year Katya Chilly's next record "I'm young" was released, the album included 13 tracks. Among them are several that have long been known and loved by the domestic listener: a duet with Sashk Polozhinsky "Ponad Khmarami", released on a single in the fall of 2005, the composition "Pivni" and the song "I'm Young", a video for which was released on television in mid-February.

Work on the disc was carried out in the Kyiv studio White Studio. Sound engineer and studio owner Oleg "Bely" Shevchenko worked on the sound, Dmitry Prikordonny acted as a sound producer. Arrangements and programming - Sergey Gera ("Druha Rika").

"I'm Young" is a synthesis of folklore and modern electronic music. Most of the album's compositions are based on folk words ("Krashen Vechir", "Zozulya", "Krynichenko"). The verses of contemporary authors, Kharkiv poetess Nina Suprunenko, laureate of the Young Wine festival Olga Bashkrirova and Fyodor Mlinchenko, also successfully fit into the concept of the work.


In 2007, Katya Chilly performs with a joint project with the famous Ukrainian jazz band Solominbend, which includes Viktor Solomin (domra), Alexei Bogolyubov (piano), Alik Fataev (drums), Konstantin Ionenko (bass guitar). The new program "Krashen Vechir" combines Ukrainian folklore in jazz arrangement. Having played this program at concert venues in Kyiv, Katya Chilly and "Solominbend" become the headliners of one of the largest jazz festivals in Ukraine, which has been held annually since 2003 in Koktebel "Jazz Koktebel 2007".

Since 2008 Katya Chilly's group has included the following musicians: Maxim Sidorenko (piano), Ksenia Zadorskaya (violin), Alik Fantaev (drums), Yuri HOBOT Galinin (double bass), Valentin Bogdanov (drambuka). The new program is completely acoustic, where there is not a drop of electro.

In 2009, Katya Chilly is the headliner of the main Ukrainian festivals: Spivochі terasi, Golden Gate, Chervona Ruta (festival), Antonych-fest, Rozhanitsya. And at the end of 2009, Katya Chilly was the headliner of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Ukraine in 2009!


Today Katya Chilly is working on an acoustic program, where there is not a drop of electro. And he is preparing a new revolutionary material that is unlike anything else.

Group members

Today Katya Chilly's team looks like this:

  • Alexey Bogolyubov- piano
  • Alik Fantaev- drums
  • Valentin Kornienko- double bass
  • Yuri HOBOT Galinin- harmonica
  • Viktor Andriychenko- violin
  • Stefan Zavivalko- Tibetan bowls, dj
  • Ekaterina Kondratenko- voice


Studio albums

  • - I am young

Unreleased albums


  • - Pivni (maxi-single)

Video clips

  • 1999 - "At the ground"
  • 2003 - "Pod over the clouds" Katya Chilly / Sashko Polozhinsky
  • 2005 - Pivni
  • 2006 - "I'm young"
  • 2008 - Krashen Vechir


Little Katya first got on TV channels in the summer of 1986. Her performance during the concert "Children of Chernobyl" in one of the pioneer camps was shown on our television. This was the first serious performance, where the eight-year-old singer sang the song "33 cows." While studying in the third grade of a comprehensive school, Katya attended a folklore circle and sang in the Orelya children's folklore choir. In addition, she also studied at the music school in piano and cello classes. Later (in the seventh grade) the folklore department of the art school. Next came the turn of the National Humanitarian Lyceum at the National University. Tarasa Shevchenko. Katya received her higher education while studying at the Faculty of Philology of the National University. Tarasa Shevchenko (specialization - Folkloristics). Since the spring of 1996, Katya's work has focused on a pop avant-garde project (combining ancient ritual singing with the most modern arranged music). This caused a real stir in the media and a storm of delight among fans. Katya has become a symbol of new Ukrainian music, a new musical alternative. On May 30, 1996, Ekaterina Kondratenko began performing under the pseudonym Katya Chilly. Alexander Shchegolev The singer's interpretation of ethnic material fascinated even those who were far from folklore. Completely different people gathered under the flags of Katya Chilly's fans: representatives of the X generation who were waiting for unconventional music, adult fans of Ukrainian folklore and admirers of the “world music” phenomenon. It took the talented girl less than a year to gain the confident status of a star. Numerous interviews, participation in television programs, performances at the largest and most prestigious concert venues in the country, victories at festivals (including the Chervona Ruta (Festival) festival). The singer's work aroused great interest from the Western community. So, for example, in 1997, MTV President Bill Rowdy invited the singer to participate in the programs of this channel. Creativity Katya Chilly noted at various international festivals. Among them is the “Fringe” festival, which was held in the Scottish city of Edinburgh. In 1998, Katya Chilly released her debut album “Mermaids in da House”, the appearance of which became a landmark event for the development of Ukrainian musical culture. Representatives of the mass media dubbed the singer’s manner of performance “the singing of a beautiful elf.” During her performances, Katya Chilly really transforms into a representative of another world: she seems to fall into a whirlwind of vibrations, becomes a medium of the ancient inhabitants of the Slavic land. Katya knows firsthand about the history of the ancient world. After all, the research that Katya is working on as a postgraduate student at the Kyiv National University reveals the secrets of the worldview of pracivilizations… Restoring archaic ethnic material, Katya Chilly gives it a unique modern interpretation. This is how the musical soul of the people acquires a new incarnation. Since 2000, Katya has collaborated with composers, arrangers and multi-instrumentalists Leonid Belyaev (Mandry) and Alexander Yurchenko (ex-Yarn, Blemish). The album “Son” recorded later was never released, despite the fact that the program was successfully tested on the sites of England and Russia. Katya at that time received a higher education and continued her postgraduate studies at both Kyiv and Lublin universities.

Katya Chili returned to the stage last week. Someone has known her since the distant 90s, someone heard her voice just now. What kind of singer is this and what made her return to the big stage - see the following facts.

The beginning of creativity

Ekaterina Kondratenko, later - Katya Chilly, appeared on stage quite by accident, at the age of 8, when she performed and got on television in 1986 during one concert. As the singer said: "All this was accidentally filmed by television, and I felt like a stage virus got into my blood, which, in principle, cannot be removed."

Later in 1992, Katya received the Grand Prix in a song contest. There the singer found her future composer and mentor Sergei Smetanin.

Concerts and albums of the singer

Katya's success in show business made itself felt. In 1997-1999, the singer released her first album "Mermaids In Da House" and declared itself in Germany, Poland, Sweden, Egypt, the USA and other countries. And already in March 2001, Katya Chilly performed with a concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. The artist's performances were broadcast live on the BBC channel.

In the early 2000s, Katya, together with other band members, created a joint album "Dream", but it was never published.

In 2003, the hit "Ponad Khmarami" was released, recorded together with the leader of the Tartak group Sashko Polozhinsky. In 2005 he presents a new single "Pivni", and already in 2006 he releases another studio album "I am young".

Beginning of "Calm"

In 2008, Katya decides to create a group Katya Chilly with other musicians. Since in 2007-2009 the singer was the headliner of the festivals "Jazz Koktebel", "Golden Gate", "Chervona Ruta", "Rozhanitsa", "Antonych-fest", "Junior Eurovision", there was a slight lull in her work.

Since 2010, the singer has delved into work on solo acoustic material and began to appear in public less and less. However, the singer did not "disappear" and remained well-known. Only in March 2016, in the studio of the M2 channel with Sashko Polozhinsky, the singer performed the old hit "Ponad khmarami".

Return to the big stage

It became a real sensation. According to the singer, she did not plan to stay on the project, as she only came as a guest. But the judges convinced her to choose one of her mentors and continue to sing on the show. Katya unexpectedly changed her choice and chose Tina Karol. The singer was amazed by Katya's choice and touchingly commented on this event: "How Ukraine needs you."

Despite the vast experience in the Ukrainian show business, Katya Chilly appeared on the stage again and perhaps this time she will again win the attention of her faithful listeners.

05.07.2017, 14:05

Where did Katya Chilly go / 1+1

Katya Chilly can be safely called a legend from the 90s, who stood at the origins of alternative music. Fragile, but such a vocal performer, has become a real symbol of new Ukrainian music.

The story of Katya Chilly began in the summer of 1986, when the eight-year-old future singer performed at the Children of Chernobyl concert with the song "33 cows" in one of the pioneer camps. Then her number was shown by Soviet television.

While studying at school, she attended a folklore circle, sang in the Orel children's folklore choir and studied piano and cello at a music school.

Then she graduated with a degree in Folkloristics at the Faculty of Philology of the Taras Shevchenko National University.

It was the love for everything ethnic that pushed Katya to her original style of performance, which was later called "the singing of a beautiful elf." She began to combine ancient ritual singing with the latest arranged music. This Ukrainian music has not yet heard.

A year later, Katya became famous outside the country. AT 1997 MTV President Billy Rhodeyinvited the girl to participate in the programs of this channel.

In 1998, Katya Chilly released her debut album "Mermaids in da Hause", which, in fact, became a landmark event for the development of Ukrainian musical culture.

Watch Katya Chilly - "Rusalki in da house":

In the 2000s, she released the album "Sleep", with which she toured England and Russia.

In March 2001, Katya gave a concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. Her speech was broadcast by the BBC.

In 2003, she presented a duet with Sashk Polozhinsky on the track "Ponad gloomy".

Watch the clip Tartak feat. Katya Chilly - "Over the Gloom":

In the summer of 2005, another maxi-single "Pivni" was released, for which a clip was shot in 3D graphics technology.

Watch the clip Katya Chilly - "Pivni":

Then came a period of calm. The artist delved into work on solo acoustic material and began to appear in public less and less.

After 10 years, 38-year-old Katya again broke into the Ukrainian show business, thanks to her participation in the show of the 1 + 1 TV channel "

Ukrainian singer Katya Chilly, whose real name is Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko, at 38 years old looks much younger than her age due to her fragile physique (the singer's height is 152 cm, weight is 41 kg) and her young voice.

A girl was born in Kyiv on July 12, 1978. From early childhood, Katya began to show musical abilities. Already from the first grades of the ten-year-old, she entered the music school in two departments at once - string instruments and piano. In addition, a talented girl enrolled in a folk singing school, and then became a soloist in the Orel choir.

Versatile talents allowed Katya, already at the age of 8, to loudly declare herself to the whole country. During the broadcast of the television concert "Children of Chernobyl", which was on the central television of the Soviet Union, Katya performed the song "33 cows". The little big-eyed girl was then remembered by many viewers.

After 6 years, the singer received her first award at the Fant-Lotto Nadezhda competition. Then the famous composer Sergei Ivanovich Smetanin noticed her. He invited the girl to cooperate, the fruit of which was Ekaterina's first album "Mermaids In Da House", and she herself changed her name to the creative pseudonym Katya Chilly.

Despite her stage employment, Kondratenko did not forget her studies. As a teenager, she became a student at the Lyceum at the National University, and then went on the path of a philologist-folklorist, enrolling in a prestigious university. She devoted her thesis to the study of ancient pra-civilization. Katya completed her postgraduate studies in two cities at once - Kyiv and Lyublino.


Folklore themes formed the basis of Katya's first album Chilly. The original manner, unusual musical material made an impression on the listeners and made the singer popular. In 1997, Katya, at the invitation of the head of MTV Bill Rowdy, takes part in the filming of programs for this channel.

In addition to the national competition "Chervona Ruta", where the singer becomes a frequent guest, she travels abroad to participate in international projects, one of which was the Edinburgh festival "Fringe". All events testified that a new star appeared on the horizon of the stage, whose creative biography promised to become fruitful and happy.


During one of the tours, an unforeseen event happened. During the performance, the singer was badly injured, stumbling and falling off the stage. The injuries were serious - damage to the spine, concussion. Colleague Sashko Polozhinsky gave her first aid, he also helped during rehabilitation. For this period, the girl disappeared from the media space. The disease did not recede for a long time, her health was deteriorating, Katya was already beginning to despair.

Against the backdrop of experiences, she developed severe depression. It took time and the support of relatives to overcome this condition. But, pulling herself together, Katya Chilly creates the second album "Sleep", with which she even managed to perform in forty cities in the UK. After a concert in London, which was broadcast live by the BBC, the world-famous company offered to shoot Katya a video for one of the hits for a year-long show on the channel.


A new turn in the work of Katya Chilly was her album "I'm Young", which was released in 2006. A year before, the singer's maxi-single "Pivni" was released, which was created with the participation of many famous DJs of that time: Tka4, Evgeny Arsentiev, DJ Lemon, Professor Moriarti and LP. A video was also created for this song, made in a new 3D technique for that time.

The bonus of the disc was the hit "Ponad gloomy", which Katya Chilly sang in a duet with Sashko Polozhinsky. A little later, a new version of this song will appear, but already performed jointly by Katya and the hip-hop group TNMK.

The album, consisting of 13 tracks, among which the songs "Bantik", "Krashen Vechir", "Zozulya" were the most popular, made an impression on listeners and critics. In it, Katya Chilly combined the incompatible - folklore and electronics. Folk songs, as well as poetic lines of modern authors, were used as source material.

After the release of this disc, Katya Chilly rethinks the concept of her work and concentrates only on acoustic music. She completely changes the composition of the team and begins touring with live concerts, without a single hint of artificial sound. Now such instruments as piano, violin, double bass, drumbook, drums appear in her group. The girl goes on stage barefoot, in simple dresses. She is invited as a headliner by many Ukrainian music festivals: Spivochі Terasi, Golden Gate, Chervona Ruta, Antonych-Fest, Rozhanitsya.

Despite the fact that the singer's discography is small (only 5 albums), all Katya Chilly's concerts are sold out.

At the end of 2016, Katya Chilly participated in the program "People. Hard Talk", where she spoke about her plans for the future and about the sources of her inspiration.

Katya Chilly today

On January 22, 2017, the seventh season of the show "Voice of the Country" began on the air of the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1". The composition of the judges this year has changed somewhat compared to previous programs of the Voice of the Country. It included two previous mentors and and two new coaches and. During one of the first auditions, which took place on January 26, Katya Chilly appeared on the stage. She performed the musical composition "Svetlitsa". For her performance, the singer chose an ethnic style: she was wearing a linen scarf, a canvas dress, and a special sign was drawn on her chest.

As a result of the blind choice, all four judges turned to her, who were indescribably delighted with the appearance of a talented singer as a participant in the competition. Many fans of the Voice of Ukraine show are already predicting Katya Chilly a victory in the final of the competition, but time will tell how events will develop.

Now, in addition to being busy in the media project, Katya Chilly continues to give live concerts, the last of which took place on March 2.

Personal life

The singer's personal life is behind the scenes: Katya does not advertise her relationship or marital status. But judging by the change of Kondratenko's maiden name to Bogolyubov, the pianist Alexei Bogolyubov, who works with her in the same team, became the singer's husband.

Three years ago, the first-born son Svyatozar appeared in the family of Ekaterina and Alexei, whom the artist already takes with her to many performances.


  • "Mermaids in da House" - (1998)
  • "Dream" - (2002)
  • "I am young" - (2006)
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