Zelenogradskiy dk playbill tickets. Concerts. Charity show performance "You are in my heart!"

For those who do not like to stay at home, but regularly attend social events in Zelenograd, there is good news - the poster of the Zelenograd Culture Center, which is one of the city's cultural centers, is now also available in electronic form. All concerts and other events taking place in this house of culture, you can track on our website. All you need to do is go to the page where the poster of the Zelenograd Central Exhibition Hall is posted and see when what events are planned. It's simple, convenient and fast.

ZEL.TODAY is a unique project for the city that allows you to constantly be aware of what the city is living in today and what events will take place in it tomorrow. A good vacation is when you know for sure that you have chosen the best option and are not afraid that something more interesting is happening two blocks away ... but you need to know everything for this. This is exactly the kind of knowledge our site gives you. We cover all events, including theme nights in the central city recreation center. Use the information found on our website and you will always know which place you should visit.

Schedule of all events of the Palace of Culture "Zelenograd" on one site!

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  • the opportunity to always know what and where is happening in Zelenograd at the moment, what will happen tomorrow and in a week.

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Every year on the eve of Victory Day, according to established tradition, Zelenograd craftsmen donate their art to the residents of the city and its guests. The opportunity to show their paintings stimulates the masters to create creative works, and during the opening of the vernissages, the artists plunge into the atmosphere of unity and festive mood.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Foyer of the 2nd floor ()

Free admission

May 2, 16:00

Film "An Ordinary Man"

In the center of the plot are ambitious intrigues: singer Ladygin is ashamed of the profession of his friend Svekolkin, who suddenly arrived and introduces him to his family members as a prominent scientist; Ladyginsky's nephew Alexei has a fiancée, Cyrus, but her mother quarrels her with her fiancé in order to marry the singer himself, destroying his marriage to Vera; Svekolkin convinces his daughter, who is also in love with her nephew, to abandon him ...

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 3, 18:00

Charity show performance "You are in my heart!"

The jubilee show “You are in my heart” of the musical charity project “Michael Jackson in my heart” will be held jointly with permanent partners - the model art agency “Celebritykids” and the international magazine “Altacostura”.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Cinema and concert hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 4, 15:00

Chess tournament dedicated to Victory Day

The tournament will be held according to the FIDE rules according to the round robin system. Time control - 5 minutes per game for each player. Everyone, regardless of gender and age, can take part in the competition: children and adults, professionals and amateurs. All of them will be able to compete in the ability to play chess. An important clarification - there will be no training for those who already know the rules of the game.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Foyer of the 1st floor (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

Free admission

May 5, 12:00

English gaming club for teenagers 10-14 years old

The English Gaming Club is an activity that teenagers come to play and practice using English at the same time. The main goal is to show the children that English is not just another "lesson" that you have to sit in school, write a test and forget about it. That this is a tool that you can use right now - listen to songs, read books, watch movies and ... play games.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Coworking zone of the 2nd floor (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

May 5, 14:00

Concert "We need one Victory!" vocal studio "Belcanto"

The soloists of the Belcanto vocal studio will perform arias from operas by Russian and foreign composers, songs and romances from Soviet films, as well as famous songs of the war years.

The jubilee show “You are in my heart” of the musical charity project “Michael Jackson in my heart” will be held jointly with permanent partners - the model art agency “Celebritykids” and the international magazine “Altacostura”.

Collective exhibition of Moscow artists dedicated to Victory Day

Every year on the eve of Victory Day, according to established tradition, Zelenograd craftsmen donate their art to the residents of the city and its guests. The opportunity to show their paintings stimulates the masters to create creative works, and during the opening of the vernissages, the artists plunge into the atmosphere of unity and festive mood.

Chess tournament dedicated to Victory Day

The tournament will be held according to the FIDE rules according to the round robin system. Time control - 5 minutes per game for each player. Everyone, regardless of gender and age, can take part in the competition: children and adults, professionals and amateurs. All of them will be able to compete in the ability to play chess. An important clarification - there will be no training for those who already know the rules of the game.

Concert "We need one Victory!" vocal studio "Belcanto"

The soloists of the Belcanto vocal studio will perform arias from operas by Russian and foreign composers, songs and romances from Soviet films, as well as famous songs of the war years.

English gaming club for teenagers 10-14 years old

The English Gaming Club is an activity that teenagers come to play and practice using English at the same time. The main goal is to show the children that English is not just another "lesson" that you have to sit in school, write a test and forget about it. That this is a tool that you can use right now - listen to songs, read books, watch movies and ... play games.

Concert "In the Circle of Friends" with a dance program accompanied by a brass band at the "Zelenograd" Cultural Center

The cultural center "Zelenograd" is again waiting for residents and guests of the city for an evening of relaxation with a dance program "In the circle of friends", dedicated to Victory Day.

English communication club

The cultural center "Zelenograd" continues the work of the popular Club of communication in English! At the meetings, you will be able to maintain a key skill - oral communication in English on a variety of topics, removing the language barrier, expanding your vocabulary, learning phrases that are relevant in modern communication and making new acquaintances that will allow you to maintain English speaking further.

Festive concert “We Remember! We honor! We are proud! " literary theater "Romantic"

The leading creative team of the city of Moscow, the literary theater "Romantic" will present a concert program "Remember! We honor! We are proud! ”Dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The production was directed by Larisa Kolchanova, artistic director of the literary theater.

Festive program “Great May! Victory May! "

On Victory Day, creative teams of the Zelenograd Cultural Center will take part in a regional concert program on Central Square.
On May 9, from 12:00 to 12:45, as part of the festive program, the leading creative teams of the city of Moscow will perform on the Central Square, the Sapfir dance theater, the Inspiration dance ensemble and the Union choreographic studio, the Swinging creative workshop, historical ballroom dance studio "Zelenogradsky Ball", children's musical group "Semitsvetik", soloists of the leading creative team of the city of Moscow, the youth studio "Amadeus" Margarita Demidova and Vyacheslav Pashchenko, soloist of the vocal studio "Belcanto" Evgenia Dobrovanova.

IV Choir Festival-Competition "Tribute to Pyotr Tchaikovsky"

In the year of the 179th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the Zelenograd Cultural Center will become the organizer of the IV Choir Festival-Competition "Tribute to Pyotr Tchaikovsky". The choir festival, which has already become traditional for Zelenograd, is held every two years.

Bicycle tour "In the places of military glory of Zelenograd"

Tourists will hear a story about the military events on the Kryukov land in November-December 1941, see the monuments of the Great Patriotic War on the territory of Zelenograd and learn many remarkable facts about the historical sites of the city. The route of the excursion will pass from the Cultural Center to the sign "Command and observation post of the 354th rifle division" in the Kryukovsky forest park near the 1st microdistrict. The tour will be led by the guide of the Zelenograd Museum. The maximum number of participants is 25-30 people.

Mobile planetarium

To everyone who loves looking at the stars and dreams of flying into space, we offer a unique opportunity - to become space tourists without leaving the dome of the mobile planetarium, which will be installed in the atrium of the Cultural Center. The planetarium is an inflatable tent with a spherical projection dome, the entire surface of which is a large, rounded screen onto which the video image is projected, so the viewers have the impression of "total immersion".

Festive evening "Easter wreath" from the cycle "Orthodox Nights"

At 16:00 in the lobby of the Cultural Center, a game program and master classes for children will begin. At 17:00, the guests of the holiday will be invited to the theater hall for a concert prepared by the creative teams of Sunday schools in Zelenograd and Andreevka churches, as well as the Zvonnitsa secondary orthodox school. At the end of the concert, at 18:30, a documentary film "Mission" directed by Alexander Sveshnikov will be screened in the cinema and concert hall. Starring: poet and traveler Ingvar Aurum and priest Alexander Tylkevich (Charsky district of Chita region).

Film "Mission"

A full-length staged and documentary film about the North of the Trans-Baikal Territory, in which the heroes make not only a geographical journey, but also a journey through time, trying to find answers to eternal philosophical questions ...

Report concert of the dance ensemble "Victoria"

Dance Ensemble "Victoria" is a multiple winner of the grand prix and first prizes at international and all-Russian competitions. Artistic director - V.V. Lopatina

Practical seminar “Heart attack and stroke. Early signs and first aid. Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation "

Specialists of the GKB them. M.P. Konchalovsky will hold the next lesson of the spring training session at the Cultural Center. It will be about deadly diseases - stroke and myocardial infarction.

We invite everyone. The topic is very important, because more than a million Russians die every year from vascular accidents. Moreover, heart attack and stroke are rapidly "getting younger".

Concert "We are the World, We are the children!" creative workshop "Swing"

Only yesterday, it seems, was a concert of the creative workshop "Swing", and young artists are already rushing to the audience with a new program "We are the World, We are the children!" The team continues to experiment, expanding the horizons of their creative interests. As a result, at the spring concert, residents and guests of the city will be able to enjoy new dynamic and still extremely light compositions from one of the best vocal groups of the Zelenograd Cultural Center.

Interest club "Soul meeting"

Cycle of monthly meetings "Travelers Club"

The cultural center "Zelenograd" continues to meet for travel lovers from the cycle "Travelers Club". On May 18 we will talk about “Weekend routes - a way to escape from everyday routine”.

Moderators of the meeting: the Kranin family - dad Lesha, mom Dasha and two sons - Pasha, 6 years old and Misha, 4 years old, experienced car travelers who traveled more than 40,000 kilometers on Russian, Belarusian and European roads.

Premiere of the play "Goodbye, Ravine" by the children's theater studio "Contact"

A poignant story is told from the perspective of stray dogs - a pack that has become home to the Ravine. Always hungry, without a roof over their heads. Dogs that only have a ravine. A deserted ravine on the outskirts of a densely populated city. They also have pride. A pride that does not allow to complain about fate and glorifies free will. But each of these dogs has a dream in their souls. The independent dogs' dream of addiction. The dream of useless animals about their need. An unrealizable dream of your Human ...

Day of the Samokat publishing house: book fair, creative meetings, master classes

In the program of the Day:

Book fair with special discounts
Master classes, book presentations, creative meetings

New program "Petrosyan SHOW" at the MIET Palace of Culture

All participants of the popular TV program of the Russia 1 channel will come to Zelenograd! You will see an absolutely NEW PROGRAM that no one else has seen except you!
A lot of jokes and sparkling humor are guaranteed!

The play "Where do the heroes come from ?!" theater "Everywhere theater"

The most family show dedicated to dads and beautiful mothers!
What is the ideal hero? Batman, Zorro, Hercules or the most ancient and famous knight in all corners of the world? And what should this knight be like? Does he need armor? Magical items and abilities? What if the most ordinary person can become it? And every dad is a real hero?

Spoken English club. Preparation for the exam

The topic is "Spoken language". Classes will be held according to the author's methodology of Tatyana Alekseevna Podkovyrkina and are aimed at obtaining the highest result in the exams.

Anniversary concert of the group "LUBE"

Master class "Skill of successful sales"

We must learn to SELL! Only this skill will help you communicate effectively, negotiate and persuade! If you want to learn how to manage the sales process, how to attract only interested customers and stop wasting your time on others, how to make customers prefer to work only with you, then come to the open master class.
Speaker - Vidmant Loskutov, business consultant, business trainer, entrepreneur with 26 years of experience, founder and owner of the Zelenograd Segodnya newspaper, who worked as its general director for 20 years, teacher of courses on the MS Norbekov system “Body Management” , "Managing Emotions" and "Developing Intuition", the author of trainings on the personal effectiveness of the leader and family relationships.

Report concert of the Children's Art School "FUETE"

Interactive family program of the ethno-club "Wild Field"

The program is conducted by the "Wild Field" ethno-club - the keeper of truly traditional Russian culture and customs, a constant participant in military-patriotic festivals. Military Cossack traditions, songs of the North of the Moscow Region and Medieval Russia are the priority directions of the club's activities. In 2019 the collective celebrated its 15th anniversary. The collective is the winner of the Moscow festival "Golden Hands of Masters", the laureate of the festival "Sholokhov Spring", the laureate of the TV festival "Russian Look", the festival "Kulikovo Pole", the laureate of the festival "Zarya-Zarynitsa", a diploma winner of the 2nd degree international festival "Vivat, Victory!". In 2016, the Wild Pole ethno club was awarded the title of “Moscow City Creative Team”.

Alexander Malinin with the program "The Shores of My Life"

For many years, the artist has been a participant in the most popular television and radio programs ("Song of the Year", "Morning Mail", "Old Songs about the Main" and others). Several films have been made about the life and work of the singer. The tour schedule of Malinin's concerts is scheduled for many months in advance. Malinin tours a lot not only in Russia, but also abroad. For many of his compatriots living abroad, the singer's work has become a part of the Motherland and the embodiment of the spirit of the Russian people.

The play "My profession is a signor from society"

A light and unassuming sitcom based on the play of the same name by Italian authors Giulio Scarnacci and Renzo Tarabuzi. The director of the play is Tatiana Silina. What professions do not exist in the world! Why not be the one that the main character of the comedy chose for himself - Leonida Papagatto - a signor from society?

Performance "Murderous and Unique"

"Murderous and Unique" is a sparkling, stunning comedy by Alan Ayckborn staged by Pavel Kurochkin, Honored Artist of Russia, head of the Vedogon Theater.
What should a novice careerist do to start his upward movement? Arrange a party, of course. All the "cream" of society gathered in the house of Sidney and his wife to celebrate Christmas. Every little thing is important here! After all, these people can forever change his life. And he will soon begin to change them ... Ups and downs, hypocrisy and pretense - is there anything real in life? Sincere participation, care, support? Or is it all just a game? The Big Game of Little People.

Concert of Elena Vaenga

There is something special in her nature, something peculiar to her, something proud and mysterious; her voice is magic ... She created her own original image and style. Her success is based, first of all, on her great hard work and difference from everything that was before that on the Russian stage. Her main secret is talent ... An incredible number of epithets, the list of which is endless, and they all describe a unique musician - Elena Vaenga.

The play "Ognivo"

"Vedogon-Theater" will show its recent premiere - the magic fairy tale "Ognivo" - on the stage of the Cultural Center "Zelenograd"
Author: G.Kh. Andersen
Production: Oleg Labozin
Artist: Kirill Danilov
Costume Designer: Janina Kremer
Musical arrangement: Andrey Gavrilov
* The performance is based on the play "The Soldier and the Witch" by E. Speransky

Circus show for the whole family "Rio"

What do you need for a perfect summer? Vacation, sea and sun! And if vacation in the summer is not foreseen, the sun stubbornly hides, but with the sea purely geographically unlucky? Then the Uralskiye Pelmeni Show will help! In the midst of summer, in between the seasons of TV filming, the artists of the show present the audience with a special program "Summer". From the huge list of new funny numbers about everything in the world created by the Ural Dumplings, the most fun, the most popular, the most memorable, the most stellar ones were selected for the concert!

Anniversary concert of the vocal group "Quatro"

The jubilee tour of the Quatro group is a wonderful gift for all music lovers. The vocal group "Quatro" celebrates its anniversary - 15 years of creative activity. What is 15 years of "Quatro" on stage and in life? These are 100 author's musical projects, more than 1000 songs, 1500 concerts and more than 500,000 spectators. Studio albums, including "Soviet hits", "Masterpieces of Russian romance", "Classical", the album of sacred music "We Sing To You", "Victory Songs", the Christmas album "Russian Winter" and others. Work with the best symphony orchestras in the world, performances at the world's largest concert venues with such masters as Placido Domingo, Michael Bolton, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and others.

The play "The Miser"

"Vedogon Theater" will show a comedy based on the play by J.-B. Moliere on the stage of the Zelenograd Cultural Center.
"The Miser" is one of those immortal comedies that have been staged from century to century and the interest in which continues unabated. For 350 years, the play by the French comedian has not left the world stage, forcing the viewer to still laugh at human vices and at himself.

The play "Who will you lead with ..."

"Who will you lead with ..." - these are numerous comical situations, saturated with sparkling humor, transporting the viewer to St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century! Observing the colorful characters, their deeds, problems, way of thinking, it is easy to understand that, despite the past tense and all sorts of changes, the essence of the Russian person has remained the same, and the questions that worried the heroes in the 19th century are still relevant to this day.
Starring: Maria Aronova and Alexey Maklakov.

The play "The hostess of the hotel"

The Vedogon Theater will show a performance based on the comedy by Carlo Goldoni on the stage of the Zelenograd Cultural Center.
The best of men are ready to fall at her feet: marquises, counts, gentlemen. The charming and independent Mirandolina, the hostess of the hotel, deftly manages both hotel and love affairs. But what happens if the same freedom-loving guest, known as the great misogynist, Ripafratt's cavalier, appears on her way? That's when the subtle love game begins in the best traditions of Italian comedy. And it is not yet clear who will emerge victorious from it.

Performance for children "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"

The Vedogon Theater will show a heroic tale based on the Jungle Book by R.D. Kipling - on the stage of the Zelenograd Cultural Center.
The story of the brave mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a heroic tale. After all, the animal will have to fight the insidious snakes that threaten its loved ones. But this will be later, and first, as his father bequeathed to him, Ricky will have to make many friends: to get acquainted with the rats Chuya and Chuchundra, the bird Darzi and the girl Ellie. And when they are in danger, a small but brave mongoose will not hesitate to defend his friends!

The play "My profession is a signor from society"

A light and unassuming sitcom based on the play of the same name by Italian authors Giulio Scarnacci and Renzo Tarabuzi. The director of the play is Tatiana Silina.
What professions do not exist in the world! Why not be the same as the main character of the comedy, Leonida Papagatto, a signor from society, chose for himself?

Location: ()

200 - 300 rubles

May 31, 19:00

Performance "Murderous and Unique"

"Murderous and Unique" is a sparkling, stunning comedy by Alan Ayckborn staged by Pavel Kurochkin, Honored Artist of Russia, head of the Vedogon Theater.

What should a novice careerist do to start his upward movement? Arrange a party, of course. All the "cream" of society gathered in the house of Sidney and his wife to celebrate Christmas. Every little thing is important here! After all, these people can forever change his life. And he will soon begin to change them ... Ups and downs, hypocrisy and pretense - is there anything real in life? Sincere participation, care, support? Or is it all just a game? The Big Game of Little People.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

June 26, 19:00

The play "The Miser"

"Vedogon Theater" will show a comedy based on the play by J.-B. Moliere on the stage of the Zelenograd Cultural Center.

"The Miser" is one of those immortal comedies that have been staged from century to century and the interest in which continues unabated. For 350 years, the play by the French comedian has not left the world stage, forcing the viewer to still laugh at human vices and at himself.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

June 27, 19:00

The play "Who will you lead with ..."

"Who will you lead with ..." - these are numerous comical situations, saturated with sparkling humor, transporting the viewer to St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century! Observing the colorful characters, their deeds, problems, way of thinking, it is easy to understand that, despite the past tense and all sorts of changes, the essence of the Russian person has remained the same, and the questions that worried the heroes in the 19th century are still relevant to this day.

Starring: Maria Aronova and Alexey Maklakov.

Location: CC "Zelenograd", Theater Hall (Zelenograd, Central Square, 1)

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