Dugout ancient human dwelling presentation. Types of primitive dwellings. Game "Fourth wheel"

First people:

  • appeared on the lands of our Motherland about 40 thousand years ago
  • their main occupations were hunting and gathering
  • simple tools made of wood, stone and bone - choppers, scrapers, bone awls
  • the first human habitations were caves
  • people lived primitive herds

About 10 thousand years ago the ice age ended

People reached the Baltic Sea in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east. They crossed the Arctic Circle, and through the Bering Strait they began to populate America.

Sites and burials of Stone Age people:

  • Sungir (near Vladimir)
  • Kapova Cave in the Southern Urals (rock paintings)
  • Lyalovo (near Zelenograd)

Gradually, people's economy became producing.

Man learned to raise livestock, cultivate the land, and grow crops.

Began metal production :

  • products from copper, the softest and most convenient for metal processing;
  • bronze- an alloy of copper with tin or other additives
  • iron

  • Fatyanovo (near Yaroslavl) – Bronze Age burial ground
  • Dyakovo (near Moscow) – an Iron Age village

Larger communities of people emerged:

  • Several related families made up tribal community.
  • Tribe – the unification of tribal communities with a single territory, a single leader, common traditions, beliefs and customs.

The occupations of the tribes varied among themselves:

In the south, in the steppe zone, there is cattle breeding (pastures);

Forest belt - agriculture (dugouts - huts sunk into the ground with stone hearths; log houses - houses built from logs)

Formed craft

Appeared commodity exchange, when tribes with different economic structures began to exchange the products or products they had.

Language family – unification of related languages

The language families whose languages ​​are spoken by the current residents of our country were formed in

III-II millennia BC


Language family


Checking the correctness of the task

Language family



Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian


Udmurt, Karelian, Mordovian, Mari


Tatar, Chuvash, Bashkir


languages ​​of the Caucasus


Buryat, Kalmyk

Paleoasian (ancient Asian)

Chukchi, Eskimo


§1, notes in notebook

Scientists attribute the dwellings of ancient people to the very first method of defense in history, which was used by man to protect himself from external threats. The second way was clothing. Let's look at how the house has changed in the history of mankind in our article.

Paleolithic era

Previously, scientists believed that during the Paleolithic (the first period of the Stone Age) people did not have settled dwellings, hunted, and led a wandering life. Archaeologist I. Bayer discovered and described a Paleolithic dwelling during excavations at the beginning of the 20th century. However, at that time the discovery was not given serious significance. The study of the issue began later by archaeologists P.P. Efimenko and S.N. Zamyatin. These specialists were able to study and describe in detail the first dwellings of ancient people. This became possible thanks to a new technique.

Essence of the method

Previously, excavations were carried out using a caisson method: the territory was divided into squares and each section was explored. All finds were described, photographed, and further dug. This approach made it possible to study each site thoroughly, but did not provide the opportunity to create an overall picture of the study area.

Archaeologists Zamyatin and Efimenko conducted excavations over vast areas. The territory was also divided into squares, but the archaeologist could see major finds in their relative positions. Thus, the opportunity arose to study the dwellings of ancient people.

A new method was used to study dwellings during excavations in Gagarino, as well as in the Kostenkovsko-Borshchevsky district of the Voronezh region. As a result of the research, it was concluded that many Paleolithic inhabitants led a sedentary life, including hunters.

The described method is used today by specialists all over the world.

Structures made from skeletons

The dwellings of ancient people were discovered repeatedly during excavations. They dated back hundreds of thousands and millions of years. Many interesting details were discovered in such buildings.

During the Upper Paleolithic era, there was a revolution in the process of building and ordering housing. Perhaps it is associated with a radical change in the climate of the East European Plain.

23-18 thousand years ago there was a severe cold snap. The northwestern territories of Russia are covered with severe ice. The permafrost area extended to the Black Sea coast. Ancient people were faced with a serious choice - to leave these territories or change their way of life. The population chose the second path, although it was not easy.

The choice was determined by the favorable conditions of the forest-tundra or forest-steppe. Many bushes and grasses grew here, and therefore mammoths and other game were found. Conditions for hunting are quite suitable. But the severe cold, down to minus 50 degrees, required warm clothing and the construction of comfortable housing.

Before the climate change, light huts were built on the ground. In the center of such a building there was a hearth, around which there was a spot with the remains of bones and other traces of the life activity of the ancients. The houses were probably covered with animal skins. This type of construction was common throughout the world during the Upper Paleolithic and in later centuries.

Alexander-Telman type

Such dwellings of ancient people resembled those described earlier. They were also round with a hearth in the middle. The floor went down and there were holes for household items. The structure of the hearths became more complex: they also deepened, and there were pits around them for cooking. Stones and large mammoth bones were placed along the contour of the dwelling to give strength to the entire structure.

Aleksandrovsko-Pushkarevsky type

These structures were elongated, had a length of 20-35 meters, a width of 5-6 meters. The floor in the central part and the hearths went deeper down. There were sections inside. Various items were stored in holes in the floor. Food was baked in pits near the fireplaces.

The roof of these dwellings was a gable structure.

The emergence of new types of dwellings was explained by the adaptation of the ancients to changed climate conditions, as well as the emergence of a new people from the Danube coast.

Kostenkovsko-Avdeevsky type

This variety represents the most complex design of this era. The dwelling looks like an oval-shaped depression 30 meters long and 8 meters wide. The lesions were 1-1.2 meters in diameter. The storage pits were round or pear-shaped.

The ceiling was constructed from large mammoth bones. Skulls and flat mammoth bones were attached to the floor at the entrance. The roof was made from tusks. The section for storing items was also separated by bones.

There were numerous holes on the floor that served as cabinets and drawers.

Anosovsko-Mezinsky type

Such buildings appeared 20 thousand years ago among the inhabitants of the Russian Plain. These are ground-type houses of a rounded shape, 6-9 meters in diameter. Inside, archaeologists discovered many mammoth bones. Dwellings were built from them. The bones were placed in a thoughtful order, with amazing beauty and symmetry. Archaeologists were especially struck by the “herringbones” formed by the mandibular bones.

If we talk about how to draw the dwelling of ancient people, then it will be a rather interesting combination of large and small mammoth bones. This is clearly visible in the photo.

Such structures had pits for storing things. Many designs surprised with their expressiveness, and they even decided to preserve them in museums. The Kyiv Zoological Museum displays a life-size reconstruction of similar houses.

The primitive dwellings of ancient people of this type were located in a certain way: in a circle, inside which people led their daily lives. Such villages dated back to 14 thousand years ago and were located in Eastern Europe. After the disappearance of the mammoth, the “mammoth” buildings also disappeared.

Archaeologists are very struck by one feature of the described buildings. They had a “clean” floor. Scientists still cannot understand why there are no traces of human activity left on the floor. Or were these structures not houses at all?

Some experts suggest that the structures with accumulations of bones were intended for religious activities, and not for living. Other scientists believe that mammoth bones were used by the ancients as musical instruments.

It must be said that the presented dwellings were found only in Eastern Europe. In other areas of the planet, people lived in caves and grotto niches.

Tent houses

In addition to those presented, dwellings in the form of tents were also known. Such a house could be carried with you. This feature was used by nomadic ancient people.

Such dwellings resembled Indian wigwams and Asian tents. The huts were built from animal bones and covered with their skins. The houses were quickly set up and also easily cleaned if necessary.

There was a fire going on inside. The smoke was released through a hole at the top of the structure.

Neolithic houses

During the final era of the Stone Age, people began to build houses from stone. There has been a transition from agriculture to cattle breeding.

Dwellings were characterized by permanence. Houses were no longer moved from place to place. People no longer wandered after animals, but grazed livestock near their houses.

The dwellings of this era were distinguished by a more complex structure; they were divided into rooms with different purposes.


Nowadays, the study of ancient houses begins in high school. This topic is quite interesting for students. In 5th grade history lessons, schoolchildren get acquainted with the dwelling of an ancient man. Teachers tell children about different types of houses presented in different historical eras.

At the end of the lesson, the children are given the task of creating a project “Dwelling of Ancient People” in the form of a presentation.

Now in your city there are a large number
beautiful tall houses in which you can immediately
there are a lot of people living there. Are built every year
new modern
buildings to live in
warm and cozy. But
it wasn't always like that.
Let's go to
time machine in
past and find out where
People lived before!

A long time ago, people lived in caves because they couldn't
make bricks. They didn't have cars to help them
build big houses.
In order to cook food, they lit a fire right on the floor.
caves, and slept on animal skins.

Think about whether it was convenient for people to live in a cave. Which
Did danger await them?
There were no doors and it was cold. I could go into the cave
any predatory animal. Sleeping on the rocks is cold and
Over time people
make tools
labor, which
let them cut
branches from trees.

This is how ancient people began to build huts. They
collected sticks, intertwined them with twigs, and on top
covered with grass or large leaves. Sometimes
people also used the skins of large animals.

But such huts did not save people from bad weather; they could even
blow away by a strong wind. And people began to think about how to build
strong, warm houses. Time passed and man learned
extract clay. They began to build mud huts and huts from it.
Clay is not
moisture, therefore
not a house like this
rain is terrible
and cold.

And such clay houses, they are also called kuren,
can still be found in villages and villages.

People have learned to use it to build houses
trees. The neat trunks made wonderful ones,
warm, cozy huts.

Not only small houses were built from wood, but also
beautiful carved palaces..

Time passed and people learned more and more.
We learned how to make bricks and construction began
city ​​brick houses, in which they have already helped
construction machines.

So that many people can live in one house at once
people came up with the idea of ​​building multi-story buildings.

In modern cities, houses are built from concrete. It's durable
material, it allows you to build very tall houses,
which have many apartments.

Think about it, Vasya lives on the 7th floor, and Masha on the 2nd. Who
lower, who is higher?
Petya's house is higher than Tanya's, but lower than Sasha's. Who lives in
in the highest house, who is in the lowest?
Now the construction of houses is well established
a process that involves people and construction
technology that makes their work easier. Remember what
transport is used during construction.

With the help of construction
cranes erect multi-story buildings
at home, they raise different
building material for
Bulldozers and
excavators dig
pits that
will become the basis of a great

Modern houses are very beautiful and are built with
using glass and plastic.

Remember in which dwellings your loved ones lived
fairy-tale heroes.
Three little pigs' houses
A hut on chicken legs

Wooden mansion

Mouse hole
House –
for the gnome
Hut of the Shamakhan queen

Think about the name of a house made of adobe
(adobe), made of wood, brick, glass, concrete, clay,
stone, straw, ice?
You will find other interesting presentations and educational games on the website Infodoo.ru

Svetlana Shevlyakova
NOD "Journey into the history of human habitation"

NOD "Journey into the history of human habitation"

(senior group)

Shevlyakova Svetlana Leonidovna,

MBDOU No. 85 "Malinovka"

combined type,

Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region.

Target– create conditions for the development of preschoolers’ ideas about the history of the dwellings of various peoples.


Introduce children to the first dwelling of ancient man;

Give an idea of ​​what kind of dwellings people built depending on the climate and living conditions;

Expand children's orientation in space and time;

Strengthen the ability to correlate the type of home and person;

Practice forming adjectives from nouns denoting building materials;

Develop creative imagination;

Develop curiosity;

Develop communication skills and friendliness;

To foster respect for the architectural heritage of our ancestors;

Foster interest in the history of human development;

Integrated educational areas:




"Reading fiction"

Form of activity: subgroup activity of adults and children.





Reading fiction

Form of implementation: travel game

Equipment and materials:

didactic game “Settled home” (pictures depicting a yaranga, a cave, an igloo, a primitive man, an Eskimo, an African, a modern man); cubes; multimedia presentation “Human Dwellings”.

Tell me please, do you like to travel?

Where can you travel?

And today I invite you to travel not only in space, but also in time.

But you will guess what journey we will go on if you guess my riddle.

Adults and children need it,

Everyone in the world needs it,

He will protect us from the cold,

And uninvited guests.

And we always strive for it

We'll be back soon.

It's hard for us to live without him,

I am telling my story about...

Of course you guessed it

This is our favorite... (HOUSE)

That's right, this is a HOME. Every person needs a warm and protected home, and today we will take you on a journey through the history of the homes of different peoples.

Our journey begins, close your eyes (music sounds)

So, open your eyes. Maybe someone has already guessed where we ended up? (slide “primitive world”)

That's right, you and I found ourselves in a time when man had just appeared. (slide “Primitive Man”)

Please tell me, where did primitive man live then?

That's right, primitive people lived in caves.

Our distant ancestor was surrounded by forests, mountains, and deserts. But nature does not build houses, and man did not yet know how to use trees, stones or clay. Primitive man was cold because, unlike animals and birds, he had neither warm fur skin nor plumage. Our distant ancestor was threatened from all sides.

The man began to look for somewhere to hide. I searched and searched and found a CAVE.

A cave is an empty space in a mountain (slide “Image of a cave”).

He brought branches and dry grass there and built himself a bed. He built a fireplace in the cave, and hung the entrance with animal skins. The hearth heated the home, and food could be cooked on the fire. So the cave became for a distant ancestor his first home (slide “Primitive people in a cave”).

Game "Cave good and bad."

Think and say what good happened to a person with the appearance of a cave, and how a cave differs from a modern house.

Fine– protects against dangerous wild animals; protects from bad weather; serves as a place to relax; You can cook food on the fireplace.

Badly– the door had not yet been invented, so the entrance to the cave had to be protected from wild animals; Not every area had caves.

Our journey continues, close your eyes and we will move on.

Look carefully, who can tell where we ended up?

(slide “Snowy Desert”)

Please tell me, could people live in such harsh conditions?

It turns out that even in such harsh and difficult natural conditions, people have adapted to survive (slide “Igloo”)

Have you already guessed what their unusual houses are made of?

That's right, these dwellings are built of snow and ice. And Eskimos live in such houses; the home of the Eskimos is called an “igloo”. They find a flat place, outline a circle, and build walls from heavy ice bricks that they cut out of ice. An entrance is dug into the finished wall and snow is removed. That's it, the igloo is ready. Inside there are bowls of seal oil. This fire is not at all enough to melt the ice; on the contrary, the slightly thawed ice freezes even tighter. And they try to cover the snowy floor and walls with animal skins.

Game "Eskimo House"

Let’s imagine that these cubes are made of ice and build a house like the Eskimos (children build an “igloo” from the cubes)

Well done, who remembers the name of the house made of ice?

Well, our journey continues, close your eyes.

Look, we found ourselves in the Arctic Circle, where there is a very long winter and a very short summer (slide “Tundra”).

Nationalities such as the Nenets and Chukchi live here. From time immemorial, these nomadic peoples raised reindeer and were engaged in fishing and hunting (slide “Peoples of the North”).

Without deer, these peoples would not have had warm fur clothes and fur boots, and without warm clothes it is very bad in this cold region.

And they built houses like this (slide “Yaranga and Chum”)

Look how unusual their houses are. These houses are called chum among the Nenets and yaranga among the Chukchi. They are very similar, only the chum is made in the form of a hut, and the yaranga is made in the form of a large tent. The basis of these houses are wooden poles, which are covered with deer skins. There is a small room fenced off inside, where people eat and sleep. And behind the curtain are the kitchen and pantry. The fire is crackling in the iron stove, and venison is cooking in the cauldron.

Physical education lesson “Building a house”

What does it cost us to build a house?

There is a foundation, can you live? No.

And we look out our window.

A roof for us from bad weather,

Covers everyone all year round.

There's smoke coming from the chimney,

Mom bakes pies:

"Help yourself!"

Well, we rested a little and we can hit the road again. Close your eyes and our journey continues.

Who guessed where we ended up this time? That's right, this is Africa (slide “Africa”)

What do you know about Africa?

That's right, it's really always summer here and very hot. And a variety of African tribes live here (slide “African Tribes”)

In such natural conditions, very warm houses are not needed and people build houses like this for themselves (slide “Houses of African Tribes”)

What fancy houses they create for themselves, some even look like gnome houses.

Look carefully, what natural materials do they use to build their houses?

Indeed, palm leaves, clay, bamboo branches, and reed stems are used.

Game "Fourth wheel"

I will now pronounce a chain of words, and you must listen carefully, find the extra word and explain why it is superfluous here.

Heat, desert, snow, sun.

Elephant, hippopotamus, polar bear, giraffe.

Lion, crocodile, giraffe, cheetah.

Pineapples, bananas, coconuts, apples.

But our journey does not end. We close our eyes again... and find ourselves in the world familiar to us (slide “Modern City”)

Modern people have learned to build beautiful houses that are very comfortable and safe for their living. These can be one-story cozy houses for one family or multi-story skyscrapers where a lot of people can live at once (slide “House and Skyscraper”)

Didactic game “Say it differently”

I will name the building material and throw the ball, and the one who catches will answer what kind of house can be built.

House made of stone -…. stone

bricks -

logs -

Our journey has come to an end. And I want to offer you a very interesting and difficult task: “Settle people in their homes.”

You need to choose the right home in which they live.

Well done, everyone coped with this task.

We were on a journey.

Have you forgotten anything?

Give me your hand,

Tell me what you remember!

What did you like about the trip?

Name the dwelling of primitive man?

What was the name of the Eskimo's home?

What kind of house would you like to live in?

Well done, next time we will get to know other interesting dwellings of different nations.

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Slide captions:

Primitive era

Primitive people are those who lived before the invention of writing, before the emergence of the first states and large cities. ▲ Ancient people. A drawing of our time.

OUR DISTANT ANCESTORS Most scientists argue that man appeared as a result of the evolutionary process, that is, he descended from humanoid animals as a result of his development. ▲ Human fossils

Anthropogenesis - the origin and evolution of man

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 It is believed that the ancestors of the most ancient people first appeared in Africa about 4 million years ago. Scientists call these people “australopithecines,” which means “southern ape.”

Australopithecus Lucy

Lucy's presumed death

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 It is believed that the first man originated from Australopithecus. Scientists call him a “skillful man.” It appeared about 2 - 2.5 million years ago. People didn't know how to talk yet. We lived in a group of 10-12 people. They knew how to make simple tools from stone.

Homo habilis - A skilled person

TOOLS OF LABOR The beginning of the primitive era in human history is associated with the appearance of stone tools. That is why this period is called the Stone Age. According to the characteristics of stone products, the Stone Age is divided into: Paleolithic - Old Stone Age, Mesolithic - Middle Stone Age, Neolithic - New Stone Age. © Zhadaev D.N., 2005 Stone tools of ancient people

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 Even the smartest animals are not able to invent tools. Only people knew how to sharpen stones, sharpen digging sticks, or do other work. The ability to make tools was the main difference between ancient people and animals.

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 Consider the most ancient tools. Determine which ones are a sharpened stone, a digging stick, and a club. Try to determine what purposes these tools served.

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 GATHERING AND HUNTING GATHERING is the collection of prepared types of food: roots, wild fruits, shellfish, etc. In primitive society, gathering coexisted with hunting and fishing. Consider whether modern people use foraging. Give examples.

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 Another type of activity (but not as important as gathering) is hunting, including mammoths and other large animals.

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 Homo habilis was gradually replaced by “Homo erectus”. Like his ancestors, he originally lived in Africa. Homo erectus first appeared about 1.5 million years ago.


© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 MODERN MAN Cro-Magnons also belong to the “Homo sapiens” species, but unlike Neanderthals, they are considered the direct ancestors of modern humans. Their remains were first discovered in the Cro-Magnon cave in France.

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 Cro-Magnons first appeared in Europe approximately 40 thousand years ago. In appearance, Cro-Magnons resembled modern people.

Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon

Homo sapiens sapiens – “Homo sapiens sapiens”

Neolithic revolution - 9 thousand BC The transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one; from gathering and hunting to farming and herding

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 HOE FARMING The emergence of agriculture is explained by accidentally dropped seeds that sprouted near the dwelling of an ancient person.

People began to deliberately sow grain in loosened soil. Thus, agriculture arose from gathering. The first farmers dug up the ground using a stick with a knot - a wooden hoe. Then they threw seeds into the ground. When the harvest was ripe, the ears were cut with a sickle. By grinding grains on flat stones (grain grinders), flour was obtained. ▲ Woman with a hoe. Drawing of our time ▲ Ancient sickle Grain grater

The transition of mankind from an appropriating economy (gathering and hunting) to a producing economy (farming and cattle breeding) meant the establishment of a new type of relationship between man and nature. What changes in people's lives occurred with the advent of agriculture and cattle breeding?

The emergence of crafts – 4-8 BC.

Primitive art Primitive art is the art of the era of primitive society. Having emerged in the late Paleolithic around 33 thousand years BC. e., it reflected the views, conditions and lifestyle of primitive hunters (primitive dwellings, cave images of animals, female figurines). Experts believe that the genres of primitive art arose approximately in the following sequence: stone sculpture; rock art; clay dishes. Neolithic and Chalcolithic farmers and herders developed communal settlements, megaliths, and pile buildings; images began to convey abstract concepts, and the art of ornament developed.

Scientists associate the true flowering of primitive art with the emergence of homo sapiens

An example of primitive art

In both painting and sculpture, primitive man often depicted animals. In some caves, bas-reliefs carved into the rock, as well as free-standing sculptures of animals, were discovered. Small figurines are known that were carved from soft stone, bone, and mammoth tusks. The main character of Paleolithic art is the bison. In addition to them, many images of wild aurochs, mammoths and rhinoceroses were found. Rock drawings and paintings are varied in the manner of execution. The relative proportions of the animals depicted (mountain goat, lion, mammoth and bison) were usually not observed - a huge aurochs could be depicted next to a tiny horse.

Since the images of animals had a magical purpose, the process of their creation was a kind of ritual, therefore such drawings are mostly hidden deep in the bowels of the cave, in underground passages several hundred meters long, and the height of the vault often does not exceed half a meter. In such places, the Cro-Magnon artist had to work lying on his back in the light of bowls with burning animal fat. However, more often the rock paintings are located in accessible places, at a height of 1.5-2 meters. They are found both on cave ceilings and on vertical walls.

Altamira Cave in Spain, where examples of primitive art were first found

Archaeologist Marcelino Sautuola and his daughter Maria, who discovered the Altamira Cave in 1879

Drawings in the Altamira Cave

Architecture. Megaliths Megaliths are structures made of huge stone blocks, characteristic mainly of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic (IV-III millennium BC in Europe).

Menhir Menhir is the simplest megalith in the form of a roughly processed wild stone installed by man, whose vertical dimensions are noticeably larger than the horizontal ones; ancient obelisk.

The tallest (7.6 m) menhir in Great Britain, weighing 40 tons.

Dolmen Dolmens are ancient funeral and religious buildings; They are a slab raised on stone supports, similar to a table.

Cromlech Cromlech is an ancient structure, usually of the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age, consisting of several processed or unprocessed oblong stones placed vertically in the ground, forming one or more concentric circles

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge plan

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 FAMILY COMMUNITIES AND TRIBE All relatives descended from one common ancestor. FAMILY COMMUNITY ELDERS The most experienced and wise representatives of the community (as a rule, old people).

© Zhadayev D.N., 2005 Several clan communities living in one area made up a tribe. The tribe was governed by a council of elders. He sorted out disputes between fellow tribesmen and determined punishments, monitored the implementation of traditions and customs.

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