Red and white currant jelly. Red (white) currant jelly. Fast and tasty The best white currant preparations

Pick white currant berries from the branches, rinse in running water and drain. Pour the berries into a saucepan (not aluminum!), add 50 ml of water and place over medium heat. Bring the berries to a boil and cook for about 3-4 minutes, stirring. All berries should burst and cook.

Remove the mass of boiled berries from the heat and rub through a fine sieve to remove the seeds and skins. The result is a translucent light mass. That's how it should be.

Add sugar to the berry mixture in portions, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the berry-sugar mixture back into the pan where the berries were previously cooked and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring, for about 5-7 minutes. The mass should become transparent and acquire an amber tint. At this time, prepare beautiful small jars (sterilize) and lids.

Remove the mixture from the heat and, while still hot, pour into jars. This is important because the jelly hardens very quickly! Leave the jelly jars to cool completely without lids at room temperature. To store the jars, close the lids and store in a cool place. Store the opened jar in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Summer comes, it appears at the dacha or at the market currant, black, red, white. Fragrant and sour. This begs the question: what to do with black currants, what to cook with red currants? There are recipes with currants both with fresh currants and with currants processed for long-term storage. As you know, black currant is perhaps the healthiest berry. That’s why blackcurrants are so often prepared for the winter. Of course, you will need prepared blackcurrants in any form. Preparing delicious pastries, muffins, and pies involves using this aromatic, slightly tart berry. There are many ways to prepare: currants with sugar, frozen currants, dried currants. Cooking blackcurrants in a slow cooker is quite quick and convenient, since you can set the time and temperature. One of the easiest ways to prepare currants is black currant with sugar. The main thing here is the amount of sugar, and the blackcurrants may not even be boiled. There are also recipes for currant jam, although it is believed that during heat treatment it loses a certain amount of useful substances. You can also easily learn how to cook currants. The advantage of this recipe is that such black currants can be stored without refrigeration. The recipe for a popular drink, currant tincture, is blackcurrant in alcohol. Blackcurrant recipes will also help you prepare extraordinary sweet sauces for meat, which are popular in many European cuisines. It is believed that black currants give the meat a special taste. Recipes with photos will show you how to prepare such a sauce, as well as jams, marmalade and many other blackcurrant dishes.

It's good if you have a large freezer or freezer, currant Frozen is guaranteed. Only properly frozen currants are stored for a long time, do not lose their beneficial qualities and attractive appearance. Freezing recipes contain several important recommendations: do not wash the currants, freeze the currants on a tray so that the berries do not come into contact with each other. Frozen blackcurrants are suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes with currants. For this you will need recipes with currants. Recipes with black currants, recipes with red currants will help you prepare currant jam, various desserts with currants, cocktails and drinks. These are currants with sour cream, currants with milk. The currant filling is very convenient and tasty. Frozen red currants are also popular. Recipes with fresh red currants usually allow frozen currants to be used. Freezing helps preserve the maximum possible beneficial substances in currants. If you have a red one currant, recipes will help you prepare stuffing, jelly, compotes, and many other dishes. Of course, red currants are also perfect for jam. The redcurrant jam recipe may contain other fruits and berries.

White and red currants are no less useful than black currants, and in some respects they even outperform. Due to the high content of pectin and fiber, these berries cleanse the body of toxic substances, as well as “bad” cholesterol, which helps prevent heart attacks. Berries are rich in vitamins A, E and C, have a powerful antioxidant effect, and prolong youth. The high content of potassium and iron in berries has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, cardiac and hematopoietic activity of the body. White currant has virtually no coloring matter and does not cause allergies.

If I always prepare black currants “raw” - I rub them with sugar, then I make jelly from red and white currants. I tried many ways to cook jelly: adding water, boiling down the juice, until I found this recipe - quick and not very labor-intensive.

I made jelly for this recipe from, as well as from a mixture of red and white currants. In this case, an example of cooking jelly from a mixture of two types of berries.

For 1 kg of berries you will need 1 kg of sugar. I put a little less sugar - I prefer a more sour taste.

Wash off dust and other contaminants and lightly dry on a towel. There is no need to cut off the branches and tails - we will get rid of them later.

Place the berries in a cooking container and add all the sugar according to the recipe and mix.

Stir the contents periodically for 10 minutes: the sugar begins to soak in the juice of the berry.

With each subsequent stirring, the sugar becomes more and more saturated with juice and dissolves.

These periodic stirrings will take 1-2 minutes, no more.

Turn on the stove (I have a gas one) and put the contents on high heat. We note the time - it will take us 8 minutes to cook. To prevent the contents from burning, continuously stir the berry-sugar mixture with a wooden spoon with a long handle.
After 3-4 minutes, signs of boiling appear.

Then the berries begin to actively burst and foam appears. At 6-7 minutes there is a lot of foam! Actively mix the contents.

Important: when choosing a cookware for cooking, you need to take into account the fact that the foam actively rises; the cookware should have high walls so that the jam does not escape.

At the 8th minute the foam begins to settle, turn off the stove.

Dump the berries into a colander, which we conveniently place on another container. We wipe the contents through a colander using a wooden spoon.

I don’t really bother if berry seeds get through the colander here and there.

It is almost impossible to find a garden that does not have at least a few currant bushes. And although the primacy among the species is firmly held by black currants, many gardeners are happy to grow white currants. The difference between white currants is not only in color, but also in taste. That’s why the variety of recipes for making winter preparations from the berries of this currant is in no way inferior. Jam and jelly have an amazing taste and are distinguished by an unusual amber color.

This berry is valuable for its high content of vitamins, sugars and organic acids. Don’t forget about potassium and iron, which are so necessary for blood vessels and the heart. A characteristic feature of white fruits is their high content of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the blood and helps remove heavy metal salts from the body.

White currants are no less healthy than red or black ones

White currant compote

Preparing this compote is very simple. First you need to rinse the berries. You can peel it from the stalks, or you can put whole tassels in jars, shaking them slightly so that the berries are compacted. Prepare the syrup. For 3 kg of currants you need 1 liter of water and 0.5 kg of sugar (the amount of sugar can be changed to taste). Pour sugar into water, bring to complete dissolution and boil for several minutes. Cool the syrup to room temperature and pour into jars of berries. Close the jars and sterilize in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you want to add a little color to the compote, you can add a handful of rose hips, black currants or.

White currant compote has a beautiful amber color

White currant jam

Preparing jam is no more difficult than compote. For 1 kg of berries you will need 1–1.2 kg of sugar. The berries need to be separated from the stalk, washed and dried, spread on paper napkins or towels. Cover the currants with sugar in the proportions of tbsp. sugar per tbsp. berries Place in a cool place for 7–8 hours. Pour two 2 tbsp into the rest of the sugar. clean water and bring to a boil. Add candied berries to the boiling syrup and cook over low heat until the berries become transparent. Roll the jam into sterilized jars.

To ensure that the product is stored well, wash the currants thoroughly and remove the stalks

Eating vitamins is not only healthy, but also tasty. You can please your children in winter with unusual candied white currants.

Candied fruit recipe

  1. Prepare 1 kg of berries. Wash and separate from the stems.
  2. Pour 300 ml of water into 1.2 kg of sugar and put on fire. Boil the syrup for five minutes, then strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers and bring to a boil again. Pour the berries into boiling syrup, boil for five minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 10 hours.
  3. After time, put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook until tender.
  4. Pour the boiling mixture into a colander and leave for several hours to allow the syrup to drain completely and the berries to cool. The resulting syrup can be rolled into jars as jam. It is no longer needed for making candied fruits.
  5. Sprinkle the dish with sugar and place the berries on it in heaps, each heap containing 10–12 berries. Place in the oven and dry at 40 degrees for about three hours.
  6. Take the berries out and roll them into balls, sprinkle them with sugar and put them back in the oven for three hours at 40 degrees.
  7. To prevent candied fruits from drying out before winter, they can be rolled up in sterile jars.

The syrup is ready when the sugar has completely dissolved in it.

White currant wine

While the kids are waiting for delicious candied fruits, their parents may be interested in a recipe for white currant wine.
For 10 liters of wine you will need:

  • 4 liters of currant juice;
  • 2.4 kg sugar;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Carefully sort the berries, remove twigs and spoiled fruits. Rinse, dry and squeeze out the juice. Pour 1.6 kg of sugar into the juice and put it in a cool place for 10 days.

White currant wine is a real dessert: aromatic, with a delicate taste

When the time is up, you need to alcoholize the wine. To do this, add vodka in a ratio of one to ten. Let the wine brew for another 5-7 days.

Add the remaining sugar to the wine, mix thoroughly and pour into bottles, which are then tightly closed and stored in a cool place. After two to three months, the wine can be served.

Fragrant currant jelly

White currant jelly will be no less popular with children and adults in winter. The secret of this recipe is that it is prepared with virtually no sugar. For one liter of juice you need no more than 0.25 tbsp. Sahara.

Wash and mash the fruits. Cook the resulting berry pulp over low heat for five minutes. Place in a colander and rub the pulp with a wooden spoon to strain out the juice. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and boil for a quarter of an hour. The jelly is ready, all that remains is to roll it into a sterilized container and wrap it. Well, you can add a little sugar to the remaining berry squeezes and boil for five minutes. By morning you will have an excellent compote.

White currant marmalade recipe

Everyone loves marmalade, especially when it is prepared at home according to a proven recipe, without chemical additives or impurities.

Currant marmalade retains all the benefits of fresh berries. Your children will be delighted!

Procedure for preparing dessert for the winter:

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into the bottom of the pan, add 1 kg of berries and cook until completely softened.
  2. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve, mix with sugar (2.5 tbsp.) and cook until tender. Check readiness drop by drop: it should not spread over the plate.
  3. Pour the finished marmalade into molds and leave to harden. Roll in sugar and store in sealed jars in a cool place.

Advice. Another way to prepare white currants without sugar is pickled currants. Yes, yes, maybe it will seem strange to some, but currants prepared according to this recipe are perfect for meat and poultry. If you want to surprise your family and friends, be sure to prepare this for the winter.

Pickled currants and sauce for different types of meat

Place 5 peppercorns, 10 cloves and a pinch of cinnamon into sterilized liter jars. Wash the currants and dry them directly on the branches. Place in jars up to the shoulders. For more dense packing, the jars can be shaken slightly. Boil the marinade. For 1 liter of water you need 150 ml of apple cider vinegar and 0.5 kg of sugar. Pour the boiling marinade into the jars, set the jars to sterilize for 5 minutes from the moment the liquid boils in them. Roll up the lids.

Surprise your loved ones with unusual currant sauces for main courses

In addition to pickled currants, the sauce is ideal for meat, which is also worth stocking up on for the winter. The sauce recipe is very simple:

  • For 300 g of currants, take 100 g of dill and garlic;
  • grind it all using a blender or meat grinder;
  • add 50 g of sugar and bring to a boil;
  • The sauce can be eaten immediately after cooling or stored in jars for the winter.

How to freeze or dry currants

Frozen and dried berries remain the undisputed leaders in health benefits. After all, unlike other methods of preparing for the winter, they are not subjected to heat treatment.

Currants are dried just like any other berries. Lay out in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment, so that the berries cannot dry out not only on top, but also on the sides, and leave in the oven at a temperature of 40–60 degrees. There is no need to close the oven door. After two hours, check if the berries do not stick together in your hand, then the currants are ready. Dried berries should be stored in tightly closed jars.

Freeze the berries by placing them in an even layer on a baking sheet.

There are two ways to freeze currants: in the form of puree with sugar and without sugar as whole berries.
For the first method, grind the berries through a meat grinder or chop using a blender, mix with sugar to taste, place in molds and put in the freezer. The resulting frozen tablets can be placed in one container. You can even eat this puree as ice cream.

Attention! Frozen berries should never be re-frozen - the quality of the product will decrease.

The second method involves freezing without sugar - whole berries. To do this, the berries need to be laid out on a board in one layer so that they do not stick together and put in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, they must be poured into a plastic container or bag.

Berries frozen using any of these methods can be used to cook compotes and make cocktails, even when it’s bitter winter outside and there’s a blizzard blowing outside the windows. And is winter really that scary when your pantry and refrigerator shelves are filled with jars of summer with the sweet smell of currants?

White currant jam: video

The berries are prepared as described above. The fruits are passed through a press juicer or currant juice is extracted using a steam juicer. For every full liter of fresh juice, take 800 grams of sugar. After combining the main ingredients together, place the mixture over medium heat. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the liquid should become clear.

A tablespoon of powdered agar-agar is mixed with a teaspoon of sugar. This is necessary so that the agar-agar does not clump. The loose mass is introduced gradually, constantly working with a spoon. As soon as the sweet base boils, the countdown begins. Cook the jelly with agar-agar for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the gelling substance will lose all its properties.

The finished whitecurrant jelly is poured into hot, dry jars and immediately sealed with lids.

If the jelly is not prepared for winter consumption, then the hot composition is poured into molds. These can be shaped silicone containers or muffin tins. To ensure that the finished jelly leaves the edges of the mold well, use refined vegetable oil. Cover the surface with a minimal layer of fat using a cotton pad or clean sponge.

With gelatin

First of all, soak the powder (30 grams) in chilled boiled water (100 milliliters). The water must be boiled, since after adding the solution to the berry mass, subsequent boiling is not permissible.

White currant berries (1 kilogram) are blanched with the addition of 100 milliliters of water for 10 minutes. The delicate skin of most fruits will burst during this time, and this is normal. The main thing is not to forget to constantly stir the berries during blanching so that they do not stick to the bottom of the cooking container. The heating of the burner should be minimal.

The softened berries are ground through a metal sieve. Add 1 kilogram of sugar to the berry puree. To make it disperse faster, constantly work with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Place the homogeneous sweet mass on the stove and cook for at least a quarter of an hour. Then the swollen gelatin is added. At the same time, reduce the fire so that the mass does not begin to boil. To get rid of possible lumps, the jelly is passed through a calcined metal grid (sieve), and then immediately poured into jars. Pour the jelly into the containers as completely as possible so that there is no room for air. Even if some of the dessert leaks out when swirling. As they cool, the contents of the jars, according to the laws of physics, will shrink. The lids will retract, which will prevent air and microorganisms from getting inside.

A video from the channel “Recipes from Lirin Lo” suggests how to prepare jelly based on pectin sugar.

With raspberries

It is best to take wild berries, they are much more fragrant. Since raspberries, like currants, are rich in pectin, making jelly from these two berries does not require additional additives.

The fruits in a 1:1 ratio are placed in a pan and boiled under the lid for 5-10 minutes.

Then the standard procedure: the berries are ground, mixed with sugar (1.2 kilograms) and boiled until the mass is reduced by 1.5-2 times.

With gooseberries

You can take any gooseberry: green, red, black. The color of the finished jelly will depend on the color of the gooseberries. White currants do not give a rich shade, so gooseberries will play a dominant role in this.

Product composition:

  • white currant – 500 grams;
  • gooseberries of any color – 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar (white) – 1 kilogram;
  • input for blanching - 100 milliliters.

Since the skin of gooseberries is much denser, you need to start blanching the berries with the fruits of this species.

The gooseberries are placed in a pan and the specified amount of water is added. Boil the berries for 5 minutes, then add currants and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

The steamed fruits are thrown onto a sieve along with the broth. Grind the mass with a wooden spatula to separate the juice from the cake.

White currant pulp can be used to prepare marshmallows. The technology of its preparation is presented in the example of apple cake.

The required amount of sugar is added to the berry juice, and gradually heating it, dissolves it.

The most important stage is boiling. The jelly is boiled over low heat for 25-30 minutes, constantly stirring and skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon. The finished dish collects lumps of foam not along the edges of the pan, but in the center. Also, when dripping from a spoon, the berry mass does not break into drops, but slowly slides off in a thin stream.

Watch the video from the “Concoction” channel with detailed instructions for cooking currant jelly with oranges

Striped jelly

To prepare this dessert, you take at least two varieties of currants: red and white. You can additionally take black currants, but the cooking technology will become more complicated.

So, first of all, soak the gelatin. Gelling powder (20 grams) is poured into 100 milliliters of cooled boiled water and, getting rid of lumps, mixed thoroughly.

300 grams of fresh white currants are pureed in a blender until smooth. The berry mass is filtered through a very fine sieve lined with gauze. A glass of sugar is added to the resulting berry juice. The jelly is boiled over the fire for 10 minutes.

The swollen gelatin powder is divided into 2 parts, and half is added to the white berry mass. Without removing from the heat, mix the white part thoroughly. After the gelatin has completely dispersed, place the jelly in bowls so that it occupies no more than half the container. To speed up setting, the jelly molds are placed in the refrigerator.

While the white half of the dessert is cooling, prepare the red half. The proportions of berries and sugar are the same. The cooking procedure is similar: the berries are crushed, filtered, sugar is added, boiled and a gelatin thickener is added.

The red part is not poured immediately, but only after the mass has cooled to room temperature. Don't worry, the jelly won't set ahead of time.

The striped jelly in the molds is sent to the main compartment of the refrigerator. To ensure that the dessert is “strong” before serving, it is removed from the refrigerator immediately before consumption.

In addition to jelly, housewives make jams from currants. Our article presents 5 cooking options, but this technology can also be used for processing white berries.

How to store jelly

A dessert dish that is not a winter preparation should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. The preserved jars, after cooling completely, are sent to the cellar or basement. The shelf life of this jelly is 1 year.

An excellent selection of recipes for white currant compote is presented. To make the drink truly cool in the summer heat, add a couple of cubes to the glass.

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