Female images in the work of Oblomov. Female images in Goncharov Oblomov's novel, essay with outline. The idea of ​​​​creating the image of Olga

In the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov described many characters. With the help of the diversity of characters and the actions of many heroes, it is easier for the reader to understand the author’s train of thought and his plan. The female characters in the novel “Oblomov” are revealed in great detail. They introduce you to the life of the past, customs and moral principles, and allow you to better understand whether a woman can influence the fate of her beloved man.

Olga Ilyinskaya. Her simplicity and talents

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov’s beloved Olga Ilyinskaya belonged to a noble noble family. A young twenty-year-old lady lived with her aunt. Rich parents died long ago. The girl inherited a huge estate.

“He has a village, a garden, and a house, completely ready for living.”

He enjoys singing and playing the piano. Likes to read books and occasionally embroiders.

Origin and talent did not make her proud and arrogant. The girl is always open to communicate with people. Guests often come to the Ilyinsky estate.

“She followed the easy path of life and, according to a sound, not outwitted upbringing, did not shy away from the natural manifestation of feelings, will, and thoughts.”

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts told Oblomov that everything about her is simple, down to “barely noticeable movements of the eyes, hands or lips. There is no affectation, coquetry, lies, no tinsel, no intent!” You don’t often see such traits in a lady.

Appearance. Olga's crush

“Olga could not be called a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness of her skin, no bright coloring of her lips and cheeks, her eyes did not burn with inner fire, no corals on her lips, no pearls in her mouth.”

Her intelligence and good manners seemed to complement those features of her appearance that could make her even more attractive.

It is impossible to consider her too wise, rather due to her young age. Too smart and serious gentlemen avoided her. At the first meeting, Ilya Ilyich also treats the girl with caution. He believes that she can play with other people's feelings.

Already at the first meeting with Oblomov, she will begin to show interest in him. Olga doesn’t take her eyes off him all evening. And when the master confesses his love to her, it will plunge her into embarrassment. This fact speaks of the decency, sincerity, and purity of thoughts of the young noblewoman.

Soon she and Oblomov will begin an affair. The girl gives herself over to the feeling headlong. She anxiously awaits the meeting with her beloved, she cares about his health and mood. When a man cannot come to a date, the lady is ready to rush to a meeting in any other place. She is full of aspirations and plans for the future. Faced with the fact that Ilya Ilyich could not live up to her hopes, she breaks off the relationship, continuing to love him.

No matter how positive Olya’s character seemed, she could not change for the sake of sublime feelings. The girl erected certain boundaries. Ilya did not fit into them.

“You would like to know if I would sacrifice my own peace of mind, would I go along the path with you? Never, never!”

Meeting the widow Pshenitsyna. Modesty and efficiency of a woman

The complete opposite of Olga is the widow Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, in whose house Oblomov will settle. She was the wife of a late official and lived with her children Vanya and Masha. The widow's character lacked pride and arrogance. The woman is very hard-working. She raises poultry, sells eggs, and goes to the market herself. He believes that there is nothing shameful in this, because it is necessary to feed the family.

“We have a lot of chickens; We sell eggs and chickens. They take everything from us from the count’s house.”

Pshenitsyna is constantly busy with housework.

“Everything is boiling in her hands! It flies from morning to evening, its activities are carried out vigorously, cheerfully, with an original touch. The hands are white, but with large nodes of veins protruding outward. She hid them under a shawl.”

This suggests that Agafya is ashamed of her simplicity and hard work. And one should be proud of such human qualities. It becomes clear that the young lady is excessively modest.

Agafya's unpretentiousness. Love for Oblomov

He does not adhere to certain rules when it comes to clothing. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to throw at least something on my shoulders.

“The dress seemed old and shabby in comparison to the chic shawl.”

When he sells these things, he will walk around in cotton clothes and with an old scarf around his neck. He will exchange new outfits for money to buy Oblomov some goodies.

She will love him with all her heart, selflessly. She has no desire to change anything about him, as Olga planned. The woman says that she did not experience such feelings until she was thirty. Compares the love that settled in her heart to a sudden fever. Shows excessive protectiveness over Ilya Ilyich. “Wives don’t look at other wives like that - by God! She will see everything, not a single undarned stocking - all by herself.”

After Oblomov’s death, he often goes to the cemetery; he cannot come to terms with the bereavement. For the good of their son, he gives him to be raised by the Stolts.

Image of Ilya Oblomov's mother

In the chapter Oblomov's Dream, the reader meets the mother of little Ilya. She was a noblewoman. I lived by the principle that you need to be happy with what you have. Striving for the best was absent from her character. Like many household members of the estate, Oblomova was lazy, loved to sleep and talk.

She considered herself a good mother. She overprotected her son and fulfilled all his childhood and youthful demands.

“The mother will put Ilyusha’s head on her lap and comb his hair, admiring its softness. And she talks to them about her son’s future, making him the hero of the epic she created.”

She often allowed the child to stay at home at times when he should have been in boarding school. This contributed to the fact that he grew up to be a lazy and weak-willed man.

The image of the maid Anisya

“She was an active, agile woman, about forty-seven years old, with eyes darting in all directions and a caring smile.”

Soon she became the wife of the old servant Zakhar. With her care and watchful feminine gaze, she managed to maintain order in the house. Although her husband often grumbled at her, he helped.

She died of cholera. Very similar to Agafya Pshenitsyna. The author put into their images the whole essence of a simple hard-working woman, ready to do anything for the sake of her loved ones.

I will describe and reveal the main women from Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, what connects these women with each other. The women in this novel have completely different lives, complete opposites, and are united only by their experiences with the hero Oblomov.

Image of Olga Ilyinskaya

The first image of Olga Ilyinskaya is a young, beautiful, intelligent, purposeful girl. Her life is like a stormy river, all the time she is constantly moving forward. Olga lives in harmony with her heart and freedom, while being smart and self-confident. It is Olga who awakens Oblomov and makes him fall in love with her; the hero rushes to her on a date, making grandiose plans for their future together. They have a bright and close spiritual love, but it was not crowned with success. Because of Oblomov's laziness, their relationship ends. He meets another life partner, but remembers him all the time, because they always had something to talk about, she found a kindred spirit in him.

Agafya Pshenitsyna

Let's discuss a different image - Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna - a completely opposite female character. Agafya is a real Russian, mature, kind woman of 30 years old. She is a simple person and a wise woman, the thought of neglecting or betraying someone dear to her will never occur to her, Agafya will not defend her positions, there is a man and he is a leader. For her sake, men do not perform feats, but with this woman a man always feels strong and needed. Passion and love did not break out between Agafya and Oblomov at first sight, but he changed her and breathed soul into her and they lived in harmony.

I also want to note these two beautiful women - they are united by simplicity and naturalness, both heroines are hardworking, each only showing their own discretion.

The role of female characters

So, I can conclude that the main female characters played a very important role in Goncharov’s novel Oblomov. They helped to reveal the hero from different sides and look at life with different eyes, and convey to the reader the feelings of love that each character experienced.

Briefly Female images in Oblomov’s novel

Essay: Female images in Oblomov’s novel

Ivan Goncharov wrote a wonderful work called “Oblomov”. In it, he revealed not only the global problems of the spiritual and social life of society, but also touched upon an equally important topic among people - love.

The main characters of the work are Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna. Both women were in love with the main character of the novel, Ilya Oblomov. But the love and reverent attitude towards the young man in each of the heroines had its own, personal character. It was this difference of feelings that greatly influenced Oblomov’s fate. These two young women are the exact opposite of each other; they have different temperaments, demeanors and inner worlds.

Olga and Agafya are positive, pleasant girls to talk to, attractive and arousing sympathy. The image of Olga Ilyinskaya shows the reader a strong-willed, well-read and purposeful woman. Everything in her appearance and demeanor speaks of her desire to learn and achieve her goals. Olga was not a beauty, but she attracted glances thanks to her graceful gait, slender body, smooth, measured movements, depth of soul and artistry. The girl was raised in a noble family, loved to read, and received a decent education. Olga was serious and practical, she loved to sing. Agafya is the direct opposite of the cheerful and active Olga Ilyinskaya. This young girl, with a curvaceous figure, rounded shape and fair skin, was on the contrary, meek, calm and obedient in nature. Agafya considered it her duty to take care of someone, to be devoted and faithful to her loved one. She grew up in a simple family, was less educated than Olga and considered the thirst for knowledge less important. For Agafya, the main thing is home life and housekeeping.

The main characters of Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” are the image of a native Russian woman of the nineteenth century. Calm and submissive Agafya, she never contradicts the wishes of her husband, always agrees with his opinion and behavior. It’s easy and simple with her, her company is a small world in which you can relax and not think about pressing problems. Agafya, unlike Olga, is happy with her life, does not try to change the world around her, she does not strive to learn something new and unknown. Most readers may think that Pshenitsyna is stupid. But that's not true. If Olga constantly tries to change and stir up Oblomov, then Agafya, on the contrary, in every possible way preserves his measured, routine rhythm of life, which is close to her in spirit.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is the direct opposite of the image of Agafya. Her view of the world is similar to the European one, she strives to change the world and is constantly improving in her knowledge. Olga puts household chores and worries about her husband in the background, because in the first place she has the knowledge of a better life and great happiness in the world she created. But, despite all the desire and confrontation with women's responsibilities, at the end of the novel, Olga begins to do household chores and is completely immersed in family life. She is overcome by melancholy and sadness from the constant life with her boring husband, but she does not leave him.

These two women, although different in their background, character and life goals, actually complement each other perfectly, reflecting the power of feminine nature and beauty.

Option 3

The outstanding novel “Oblomov” by the Russian classic Goncharov I.A. deserves the attention of each of us. In the novel, the author combines many contradictory images. The heroes of his works are completely different people, from different walks of life, with different moral and ethical values. Such contradictions allow the reader to analyze and make the right decisions regarding his life too. Since the situations that the heroes face are still relevant today.

The novel describes interesting and vibrant female characters. The image of a woman in a novel always deserves great attention, and this work is no exception. The work features two main female images, lives that are radically different from each other. However, each of the women wants to find true happiness in love.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya occupies a special place in the novel. This is a young elegant noblewoman. Despite her young age, only 20 years old, the girl is smart and educated, and has the manners of a true lady. Despite the current circumstances, she always behaves with restraint and calm. From a young age, the young lady has been studying music and has a wonderful voice, which makes her even more endearing to the reader. The girl is extremely inquisitive, often spends time reading books, her life does not stand still. The sophistication of the image is betrayed by her seriousness, which is confirmed by the author’s description of her portrait.

On the path of life of a young lady, she meets the main character of the work, Oblomov. Their meeting occurs thanks to a mutual friend Andrei Stolts. He brings Olga Oblomov to the house, from the first minute the main character cannot take his eyes off the young and graceful girl. Her singing fascinates Oblomov, and he almost immediately confesses his love for her. The girl brings him back to life, he forgets about dull everyday life and is ready to change. However, his desire for change disappears at the first difficulties. Despite her love, the girl is not ready to put up with his shortcomings. She wants to see next to her an energetic, cheerful guy who is ready to do great things for her. She sincerely believes that for the sake of love, Oblomov is ready for change, but the necessary changes are not happening.

The main character gets tired of the life the girl lives and begins to doubt her feelings. And he decides to be the first to end this relationship, despite the fact that next to her he is unusually happy, laziness overcomes him. After some time, they meet again and feelings overwhelm them. After a while, the young lady realizes that even for the sake of love, Oblomov is not ready for change and decides to end this relationship.

Despite the fact that the girl is very strong in spirit, the break with Oblomov greatly upsets her. She finds it hard to bear the grief of losing a loved one.

After a failed relationship with Ilyinskaya, the main character becomes close to Agafya Pshenitsyna. Agafya is the complete opposite of Olga. This is a true housewife who surrounds Oblomov with care and attention. She, like the main character, lives a calm and moderate life, raises children, and makes the house cozy. Social life is not important to her, music and literature are not interesting. Agafya, unlike Olga, does not strive to change Ilya Ilyich’s established lifestyle, but on the contrary creates a calm atmosphere around him. Soon Oblomov marries Agafya Pshenitsyna and their son Andryusha is born.

The novel compares two completely different female images, but each evokes the reader’s approval and wins over them. It makes everyone think about what lifestyle they prefer, what life values ​​still play the main role, is it possible to combine the image of two charming ladies?

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10 grades – letters – 2 quarters Lesson No.

Lesson topic : Female images in the novel “Oblomov”. The theme of Love in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Lesson type: lesson study


1. Continue working on the image of Oblomov by comparing the comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Olga in relation to love; trace the development of the theme of love in the novel.

2. Reveal the characters and ideals of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

3. Develop a caring attitude towards such a feeling as love.


1. analyze material about Olga Ilyinskaya according to plan

2. analyze the material about Agafya Pshenitsyna according to plan

3. determine the role of each of the women in Oblomov’s fate

4. draw a conclusion about what role female characters in the novel play in creating the image of the main character

During the classes.

1. Introduction. Teacher's word.

The epigraph to our lesson will be the words of Innocent

Annensky:“Love is not peace; it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love. It is no coincidence that the author conducts his hero through the test of love. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov believed in the almighty power of this feeling.“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me of believing in omnipotent, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action.” .

2. Determining the topic of the lesson

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

(the theme of love in the novel, female images in the novel)

Write down the topic in your notebook.

In the novel "Oblomov" love is the basis. This feeling shows the hero in development. Let's remember under what circumstances Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov met?

(Stolz introduced them. Stolz brought Oblomov to the house for a reception with Olga’s aunt)

The novel “Oblomov” is warmed by two love stories. Today we have to answer the question of whether this is equal love, the love of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.

Slide 2 Goncharov believed in the almighty power of love.

“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me<…>in faith in universal, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action" »

. Slide3 Exactly Love, according to the writer, capable radically change the life of a person, and it is love that reveals his best and worst sides

Slide 4 Why, having a real, deep feeling for Olga, does Ilya Ilyich abandon it and connect his life with Agafya Pshenitsyna?



Checking homework. A story about a heroine according to a previously known plan. Comparative characteristics of Agafya and Olga

A story about Olga Ilyinskaya

Consider the portrait of the heroine,

attitude towards Oblomov,

development of relations with Ilya Ilyich,

area of ​​interest

Anal from material in the image of Olga Ilyinskaya .

SLIDE7 Olga in the strictest senseshe was not a beauty... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statuegrace and harmony . The size of the head strictly corresponded to a somewhat tall stature; the size of the head corresponded to the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn,harmonized with shoulders, shoulders - with waist...

The nose has formed a slightly noticeably convex,graceful line; the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, never-missing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes. Eyebrows were givenspecial beauty eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes, which rarely lay symmetrically: one was a line higher than the other, as a result of which there was a small fold above the eyebrow, in which something seemed to speak, as if a thought rested there.

Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, soslender, noble resting on a thinproud, neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly...

2.1. What are the main character traits of Olga Ilyinskaya?

(Olga’s attractive features are dissatisfaction with herself and life, a desire for active activity, lack of affectation, simplicity, naturalness, thoughtful management of the fight against Oblomov’s habits: a good-natured mockery of laziness. Her favorite activities are singing, reading, talking about what she has read, walking. Olga - active, passionate nature, she did a lot to re-educate Oblomov, save him from laziness and apathy. Olga is a purposeful, strong-willed young woman who strives to benefit people and society ).

2.2. Exercise.Tell and analyze the material based on the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, using questions(a plan for analyzing the image of Olga Ilyinskaya was given to students at home):

1. Meeting Olga and Oblomov. Development of their relationship. (Ch. 5-12, 2 parts)

2. Characteristics of Olga (5 chapters, 2 parts)

3. How did the relationship with Olga affect Oblomov? Has he changed?

4. “Love” in the understanding of Oblomov and Olga.

5. Olga about Oblomov on the eve of her breakup with him. What did she understand?

6. Talking about the origins of the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna, the author says: “Every day he became more and more friendly with the hostess: love did not even enter his mind, that is, about the love that he had recentlymoved..." Why?

7. The purpose of life, according to Olga.

8. Why, six months later, Olga, telling Stolz about her past love for Oblomov, said: “Oh, what happinessrecover..."

9. General characteristics of Olga and Stolz. What brings them together?

10. How did Stolz imagine Olga's future if she married Oblomov? ( Chapter 4)

11. Why does Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, having become Stolz’s wife, beg her husband: “You won’t leave him, you won’t abandon him?” - and asks him to take him with him to Oblomov.

12. What role did Olga play in Oblomov’s fate?
13. The main purpose of Olga’s image in the novel.

What impression did they make on each other?

(Olga became curious. She watched Oblomov all evening. Oblomov was embarrassed)

- Will Olga fall in love with Oblomov?(Yes)

- Do you think she fell in love with the current Oblomov with all his shortcomings or the Oblomov of the future?(Oblomov of the future)

- Find confirmation of this in the text (Part 2, Chapter 6)

Remember what served as a symbol of the love of Olga and Oblomov?(lilac branch)

- Find the episode of Oblomov's first meeting with Olga in the park. Let's read it role-by-role(read by role.

- Oblomov thought that Olga was still angry with his confession, what did he advise her?

(forget everything he said)

Find this moment in the text. Read(read)

- And what does Oblomov understand from this conversation?(Olga loves him)

- What are his next steps?(came the next day with a branch of lilac)

- And what does Olga understand in turn?(Oblomov loves her too)

- Goncharov illustrates this with the following episode: a week later, Ilya Ilyich met Olga in the park at the place where a lilac branch was plucked and thrown. And what did Olga do?(embroidered a lilac branch)

- Why didn't their happiness work out?

(Oblomov wants to love and not lose peace. Olga Ilyinskaya demanded activity from Oblomov.)

2.3. What is the reason for their separation? Oblomov himself gives the answer to this(Part 3. Chapter 11)

- What conclusion can we draw? Was Ilya Ilyich right to leave Olga?(yes. He understood that love is not only the union of a man and women. For him this is a responsibility. And he is responsible not ready. He is noble. It's all OBLOMOVSHCHINA's fault)

- Is Olga happy after marrying Stolz?(Most likely no)

- Is there spiritual warmth in their relationship?(No)

- Let's _______read the moment when Olga agreed to get married

for Stolz. How did she feel about this?(part 4, chapter 4)

- Why do you think Olga married him?(most likely out of despair)

2.4. Results of the analysis of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya.


2.5.What role did Oblomov play in Olga’s fate?

(Oblomov could not make Olga happy, but at the same time he internally enriched Olga. Under the influence of Oblomov, Olga turns from an inexperienced and rather naive girl into a deeply feeling woman whom Stolz fell in love with.)

3. Analysis of material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna


Tell us about Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Consider the portrait of the heroine, her attitude towards Oblomov, the development of relations with Ilya Ilyich, her sphere of interests,

reviews of other characters about heroin.

3.1 . Exercise.Tell and analyze the material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna, using questions(image analysis planAgafya Pshenitsynagiven to students at home):

1. Oblomov’s new apartment on the Vyborg side near Pshenitsyna. (part 3)

2. Agafya Pshenitsyna: appearance, character, lifestyle

SLIDE 10 She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush did not seem to be able to break through the cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, glossy stripes, with sparse blond hair . Grayish-simple eyes, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward.

the dress fit her tightly: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. Because of this, even her closed bust, when she was without a headscarf, could serve as a model for a painter or sculptor strong, healthy breasts, without disturbing her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and shabby.”

3. “Happiness” in Oblomov’s understanding (Chapter 4, 3 parts)

4. Oblomov’s life in Pshenitsyna’s house: “Peace and silence.. Everything is quiet in Pshenitsyna’s house...” (Chapter 9, 4 parts)

5. The reasons for Oblomov’s rapprochement with Pshenitsyna.

6. Pshenitsyna’s attitude towards Oblomov.

7. Is it possible to say that Oblomov’s ideal of life was realized in Pshenitsyna’s house? Why?

8. A.V. Druzhinin, in the article “Oblomov,” a novel by Goncharov,” considered Agafya Pshenitsyna to be the destroyer and evil angel of the protagonist. Do you agree with him?

9. The role of Pshenitsyna’s image in the novel.

- Another loving woman in Oblomov’s life was the widow of a minor official, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

- Summarize what Agafya Matveevna is like, what kind of housewife she is, what spiritual needs she has, does she read?

(She doesn’t sit idle, her house is clean and tidy)

- So what attracted Oblomov to this simple, uncultured woman?(resemblance to mother)

- What detail in Pshenitsyna’s image constantly attracts attention?(elbows)

- Find phrases in the text related to the description of elbows

- What kind of life does Pshenitsyna lead? Doesn't remind you of anything?(Life as a child in Oblomovka)

- Did Pshenitsyna strive to re-educate Oblomov?(no, she just loved him)

- What principle does Goncharov use here?(antithesis)

- What exactly does Goncharov contrast in the images of these two women?(Olga is shown in development, and Agafya Matveevna flows with the flow

life) - Do you think the main character passed the test of love?

(no, he is not able to take responsibility for the destinies of other people. Having married Pshenitsyna, he sinks even lower and goes into hibernation, and then dies physically)

3.2. Results of the analysis of the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna.

(The description of Oblomov’s life in Pshenitsyna’s house in the novel is called “Vyborg Oblomovism”. Oblomov, having married Pshenitsyna, sinks more and more, finally goes into hibernation, and then physically dies. Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day quietly stopped the machine of life. Ilya Ilyich died, apparently, without pain, without suffering, as if a watch had stopped and they had forgotten to wind it)


3.3.What role did Oblomov play in the fate of Agafya Pshenitsyna?

(Oblomov filled Agafya Pshenitsyna’s life with the meaning of caring for him. He gave her moments of quiet happiness. From his union with Agafya Pshenitsyna, Oblomov had his only child, a son, the responsibility for whose upbringing he transferred to Stolz)

4. Generalization based on the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.


5. What are the results of Oblomov’s life?

(Oblomov was able to give the two women who loved him short-lived, but still happiness, to love and be loved. But at the same time, he was unable to take care of them, or himself, or his only son, whom he entrusts to the care of Olga and Stolz.)

6 . SLIDE 12 Compare the statements of critics about Agafya Matveevna and Olgea.. DRUZHININA, N. Dobrolyubova, A. Grigorieva

    Slide 13 «… the incomparable, mocking, lively Olga... sees all the funny features of the hero, without being deceived at all, plays with them, almost enjoys them and is deceived only in his calculations of the solid foundations of Oblomov’s character.” A.V.Druzhinin

Slide 14 “She is ready for this fight, she yearns for it and is constantly afraid so that quiet happiness with Stolz didn't turn into something appropriate to Oblomov’s apathy.” N.A. Dobrolyubov

Slide 15 “... an impartial mind not darkened by theories will choose, as Oblomov chose,

Agafya Matveevna, - not just because elbows are seductive and what she cooks pies well, - but because she is much more woman than Olga." A. Grigoriev

Slide 16 a written answer to a question. Which of the judgments do you agree with? Why?


Analyze the material according to the image of Andrei Stolz, using the plan:

1. The story about Stolz (1-2 chapters, 2 parts)

2. What, according to Stolz, is the “normal purpose of a person”?

3. What did Stolz value above all in a person?

4. “How could such a person be close to Oblomov? – asks the author. How does he respond to this?

5. How did each meeting between Oblomov and Stolz end?

6. Final of the last meeting.

7. The role of Stolz in the fate of Oblomov.

8. After Oblomov’s death, Stolz takes his son into custody. Why?

9. Marriage of Stolz with Olga. Are they happy?

10. What is the “dead end” of Stolz’s entrepreneurial activity?

11. Why does the author call his internal impulses “moral functions of the individual”?

12. What does Stolz see and appreciate in Oblomov?

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27. Female images in the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov

Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them and draw up detailed psychological portraits. The female characters in the novel were no exception. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the technique of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such couples can be called “Oblomov and Stolz” and “Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.” The last two images are complete opposites of each other, they can safely be called lines that will never intersect - they are simply on different planes. The only thing that unites them is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a young, determined girl. Her demands on life are high, but she herself is ready to put in enough effort to get what she wants. Olga's life is like a stormy river - constantly in motion. Olga will not give up on the task, but she will not waste time on implementing her plans if she sees that the idea is doomed to failure. She is too intelligent to waste her precious time on nonsense. It was her brightness and originality that attracted Oblomov’s attention. Oblomov fell in love with her with that pure, ingenuous and sincere love, of which, of Olga’s entire circle, perhaps he alone is capable. She delighted him, fascinated him and at the same time tired him. She loved herself too much to notice him in her dazzling brilliance. The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is interpreted ambiguously by critics. Some people see in her a worthy synthesis of rationality, education and spirituality. Someone, on the contrary, blames her for superficiality and inability to have high feelings. It seems to me that Olga is an ordinary person striving for comfort and coziness, only her concept of well-being is somewhat different from Oblomov’s. In reality, they turned out to be too different people who had the courage to admit it in time. Why bother torturing each other if it was clear that nothing would come of it? In fact, Stolz is more suitable for Olga, he is a sensible person like herself.

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is a completely different image. This is the type of a real Russian woman, mature, conscious, possessing simple worldly wisdom, which can be much more useful than all the treatises on psychology put together. It would never occur to her to neglect the interests of the person living next to her; she would not rush to defend her rights. Perhaps a man will not perform a feat for her sake, but it is next to such a woman that he will feel needed and strong. It would never occur to Agafya Pshenitsyna to try to remake a person. Psychologically, she is much closer to Oblomov, she has that naturalness that helps to guess the secret thoughts of another person. Oblomov finds everything that Olga was deprived of in Agafya.

Olga and Agafya are complete antipodes both in character and lifestyle. But it is no coincidence that Agafya Pshenitsyna appears to replace Olga in Oblomov’s life. Goncharov sincerely believed that life should be described as it is, without embellishment. That is why his works are completely devoid of any didactics; he trusts the reader to make the right judgment about the novel. It seems to me that Goncharov’s heroes, being taken from real life and described without embellishment, are neither “bad” nor “good,” just as an ordinary person cannot be only bad or only good. Olga is young, attractive, smart. Agafya, in turn, is a woman wise in life, her desires are similar to Oblomov’s ideals. She wants simple female happiness and to be able to take care of someone. Oblomov wants to experience that comfort for which he yearned. But Olga has different ideas about happiness, and in this case you can’t judge anyone.

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Bykova N. G. I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” In 1859, the magazine “Otechestvennye zapiski” published I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. In terms of clarity of problems and conclusions, integrity and clarity of style, compositional completeness and harmony, the novel is the pinnacle of creativity.

The novel “Oblomov” by Ivan Goncharov is a significant work of Russian literature, revealing many acute problems of the social and spiritual life of Russian society. A special place in the work is occupied by the theme of love, which the author reveals through female images in the novel “Oblomov” - the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna. Both heroines are connected by strong feelings for Oblomov at a certain stage of his life, however, the expression of love among women had a different character and had a different impact on the fate of Ilya Ilyich.
Like male, female images in “Oblomov” are also contrasted, which is clearly visible both when considering the external portrait of the heroines, and when analyzing their inner world, character traits and temperament.

Portrait characteristics of female images

Both female characters, Olga and Agafya, are depicted positively and evoke sympathy from the reader. Olga appears to us as a serious, inquisitive person, for whom it is important to constantly learn something new, hitherto unknown. The girl thinks a lot, as evidenced even by her portrait - thin compressed lips and a fold above the eyebrow “as if a thought rested there”, a vigilant, cheerful gaze that does not miss anything. There was no exceptional beauty in Olga’s image, but she attracted special elegance and grace, through which the girl’s spiritual depth, harmony and artistry were noticeable. Olga was raised in a noble family, where she received a good upbringing and education. The poetic, sensual nature of the girl, transformed while singing, was offset by Olga’s seriousness and practicality.

Agafya Pshenitsyna appears completely different to the reader. The woman is portrayed by the writer as a native Russian beauty with fair skin and rounded shapes. The main features of Agafya are meekness, calmness, kindness, obedience, the need to take care of someone and give oneself completely. The woman comes from a simple family, has no education, but also does not need knowledge, since the main area of ​​activity, comfortable for her, has always been housekeeping - cooking and home improvement.

Two types of Russian women

The women in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” are the two main types of Russian women that were prevalent in Russian society in the 19th century and still exist today, albeit in a slightly modified form.

Agafya is a representative of the classic type of Russian woman, the keeper of the hearth, always inferior to her husband in activity, always agreeing with her husband’s opinion and adoring him in all his manifestations. She is like part of that very distant and “beautiful” Oblomovka, a kind of paradise for every Russian person - a place where you can not worry about anything, spending time in quiet rest and pleasant dreams and thoughts. Unlike Olga, Agafya is not in an eternal search for knowledge, her own happiness or the purpose of life, she does not try to change the world around her - she accepts everything that is given to her and loves the world in which she lives. Some researchers point to Pshenitsyna's stupidity, but she cannot be called a fool - she does everything as her heart tells her. And if Olga tried to change, break Oblomov, bring him out of half-sleep and mortification, then Agafya, on the contrary, tries in every possible way to preserve the atmosphere of “Oblomovism” around Ilya Ilyich, a state of inertia and a sleepy, measured and well-fed life, close to herself - that is, in her own way, she cares about the continuous happiness of her husband.

Olga is a new type of Russian woman for the Russian mentality. Brought up under the influence of the progressive ideas of Europe, the girl sees a whole world in front of her, not ending with frying pans and mending her husband’s clothes. She never stops learning, constantly asks Stolz and Oblomov to tell her something new, continuously develops and strives forward - to new knowledge, to achieving the highest human happiness. However, the image of Olga is tragic - Russian society was not yet ready for the emergence of strong female figures, such as Ilyinskaya could become. The fate of even the most intelligent and well-read girl was predetermined and ended with a banal household and family, that is, the notorious “Oblomovism” - what Stolz was so afraid of and what Olga wanted to avoid in her relationship with Oblomov. After her marriage to Stolz, Olga changes; she is increasingly overcome by boredom and sadness, the reason for which lies in the internal rejection of the monotonous everyday routine that puts pressure on the girl.

In a symbolic sense, the female characters in the novel represent the seasons. Light, dreamy, active Olga represents spring (relationship with Oblomov) and summer (marriage to Stolz). Quiet, kind, economic Agafya - a fertile, well-fed autumn and a soporific, calm winter. At first glance, Ilyinskaya and Pshenitsyna are contrasted as a woman of the new Russian society and a woman of a patriarchal society. However, both heroines are only different at first glance; in fact, they complement each other, reflecting not only the natural cycle of the formation and decline of female nature, but also revealing the issues raised by the author of the search for female happiness and the characteristics of female destiny.

Two types of love

In “Oblomov” Goncharov reveals the theme of love precisely through female images, as more receptive and sensual. Olga's love, on the one hand, was filled with a bright, all-encompassing feeling, for the sake of which she was ready, even secretly from her aunt, to run away on a date with Oblomov. On the other hand, the girl’s love was selfish - Olga did not think about the desires of Ilya Ilyich himself, trying to reshape both his personality and his life to suit her understanding of the right path. The separation of lovers was associated not only with the understanding that both loved illusory, partially fictitious and idealized images of each other, but also with the realization that love can only be built on accepting a person as he is. Oblomov understood this, and therefore was subconsciously afraid of further relations with Olga, since their family life would turn into a struggle for the primacy of one of the spheres of values, because both of them were not ready to give in to the other and change. Swift, active Olga could only inspire Oblomov with her example, but in order to eradicate “Oblomovism” in his soul, she lacked compliance and that feminine wisdom that comes with age.

Agafya fell in love with Oblomov with a completely different love. The woman not only surrounded Ilya Ilyich with a comfortable atmosphere for him, recreating Oblomovka right in her apartment, but also adored, practically idolized her husband. Pshenitsyna accepted both the advantages and disadvantages of Ilya Ilyich, continuing to take care and create maximum comfort for him even in difficult moments, doing everything so that the man did not have to think about his vain life. Agafya's love is comparable to the blind love of a mother, ready to do anything to ensure that her child always remains at home, without leaving her for the temptations of the real world, indulging his every visit and the slightest desire. However, such care is always detrimental, which is why it led to Oblomov’s illness and then death.


The female images in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” are two combined, typical female images of the 19th century, depicting which the author reveals a number of important social and philosophical issues. The writer reflects on the fate of women in Russian society and the issues of a woman achieving not only family, but also personal happiness, analyzes two diametrically opposed, but leading to collapse, types of love. Goncharov does not give specific answers, but provides the reader with an extensive field for reflection on these eternal questions that interest people in our time.

A detailed description of women and characteristics of their roles in the novel will be especially relevant for 10th graders when writing an essay on the topic “Female images in the novel “Oblomov.”

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