Fat burner fit l carnitine reviews. L-carnitine - the best fat burner for weight loss or a myth? What is L-carnitine

Considering 2 such popular drugs for weight loss as levocarnitine and thermogenic, you probably wondered what is better, a fat burner or l-carnitine. Although, in fact, these are drugs with similar effects, we will consider their effectiveness separately and still try to answer this question in detail.

Fat burner and levocarnitine

What kind of additives are these anyway?

Fat burners are a complex mixture of plant extracts that stimulate the oxidation of subcutaneous fats and their processing into the body's energy depot.

Levocarnitine is a vitamin-like substance that stimulates the sending of fat to muscle mitochondria, where it is also converted into energy.

Both remedies work only if you follow a diet and training program.

Compositions and functions

When comparing which is better, carnitine or a fat burner, let’s look at the features of each supplement.

It is clear that carnitine, by definition, is based on this component. Meanwhile, fat burners may contain, in addition to thermogenics, lipotronics, neurostimulants, carbohydrate/fat blockers, and so on.

Both drugs most often affect:

  • Reduction of fat layers
  • Appetite suppression
  • Stimulation of the nervous system and cardiovascular
  • Replenishing energy reserves
  • Increased performance
  • Cortisol suppression
  • Improvement of cognitive activity of the brain
  • Reducing “bad” cholesterol
  • Improvement of immune features

Almost any fat burner contains a complex of components to accelerate weight loss. Each ingredient is usually highly effective and these drugs often have a much more powerful effect on weight loss than carnitine, although it is often present in thermogenics.

However, when choosing elcarnitine or fat burners, many give their preference to the first product, partly rightfully, believing that since this component is absolutely safe and natural to use, it is better to train with it than with a supplement with a multicomponent composition. In addition, there are no contraindications for use of carnitine, unlike some components of the fat burner.

Regardless, both supplements promote weight loss and combine well enough to be used individually or in combination.

El-Carnitine is the best fat burner that has gained decent popularity in our time. Reviews of the fat burner El-Carnitine confirm its effectiveness and also show how to take the drug so as not to encounter an overdose and side effects. The effectiveness of this product has been proven in practice by many people who have lost weight, who give only good recommendations for it.

Operating principle and effectiveness of L-Carnitine fat burner

Fat burner El-Carnitine is a biologically active food supplement that acts as energy for the body. The active ingredient of the drug, carnitine, transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, where the process of breaking down fat into energy occurs. Carnitine itself is not a fat burner, but only promotes this process.

The drug also has anabolic properties; it stimulates appetite, helping to maximize fat metabolism. Food entering the body quickly goes into the processing process, so there is no time to be stored in the form of fat reserves and extra pounds, the person begins to lose weight.

In addition to all this, the dietary supplement also improves enzymatic activity, normalizes metabolic processes, and is an energy resource for the body. With the use of the drug, the body’s work accelerates, metabolic processes improve, resulting in an optimal metabolic process.

For more accurate and maximum results, it is necessary to combine a fat burner with a regular fat burner, an active sport, and a balanced diet. Without activity and nutrition, the effect of the drug will decrease, preventing the body from quickly breaking down fats, bringing the forms back to normal.

All fat burners, including L-carnitine, have contraindications for use, which you should pay attention to so as not to encounter side effects, worsen your health, or provoke side effects. Among the contraindications the following are noted:

  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of peripheral vessels;
  • Individual intolerance to components.

Very often, when taking this fat burner, allergic reactions appear that disrupt the quality of life and cause various side effects. Among the negative manifestations are noted:

  • Severe headaches;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • The occurrence of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

Side effects are individual for each person, they can be less or more pronounced, it all depends on the body’s reaction to this drug.

How to take fat burner El-Carnitine?

It is impossible to completely store the body with the required amount of carnitine with regular food, so athletes often use such a dietary supplement. Before use, you should carefully study the instructions , which prescribes all the necessary dosages for a particular administration option.

L-carnitine is available in the form of powder, tablets and capsules. The daily norm for athletes is 1.5 - 2 g, depending on individual characteristics. The product is taken strictly 30 minutes before training. Let's consider the reception scheme:

  • Powder – 1 g per day;
  • Capsules and tablets – 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • Syrup – 5 ml 3 times a day.

For the best effect, it must be combined with other fat burners, which in their pure form cannot give rapid results.

When taking L-carnitine, you need to remember that it cannot be combined with other dietary supplements that contain caffeine or guarana, because these are stimulants.

How to take carnitine for weight loss? The drug is taken only on an empty stomach; it is strictly prohibited during meals, because this action minimizes all the properties of the drug. If you choose L-carnitine in powder form, it is diluted with water. The amount of liquid is calculated according to the proportion of 0.75 liters of water per 1.5 grams of substance.

The duration of the dry fat burner course is 1-1.5 months, the dietary supplement in tablets is taken for 2-6 months. It is allowed to take 4-6 courses of L-carnitine per year with breaks of 3-4 weeks.

Is it possible to buy Carnitine in a pharmacy and how much does it cost?

Before choosing this product, it is worth studying a lot of information regarding the active supplement, which will allow you to lose weight in the shortest possible time without having a negative effect on the body. It is very difficult to find a high-quality drug in a pharmacy that would fully cope with its functions. Today there are many counterfeits of El-Carnitine for weight loss, which has a significantly reduced price and attracts buyers. It is best to shop at affordable prices at a sports supplement store, where you can consult with a consultant regarding the dosage and type of supplement.

Doctors' opinion about L-Carnitine

Reviews from doctors regarding taking L-Carnitine vary; some are fully in favor of taking the supplement, while others consider some of the side effects of this drug. The fact is that carnitine is not a fat burner, it only promotes this process and directs fatty acids into the mitochondria. As a result, many people who are losing weight, not knowing this mechanism of action, take the supplement in increased dosages in order to lose 5, 10, 15 kg of excess weight, encountering certain side effects.

Experts today recommend taking the fat burner L-carnitine not only to athletes and people who want to lose extra pounds with it, but also to those who daily face prolonged intellectual work, as well as chronic fatigue. Carnitine reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, therefore it has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Let's look at the reviews of experts on L-carnitine for weight loss using a clear example.

Stepan Sergeevich, doctor:

L-carnitine is an effective supplement that helps improve fat burning processes. It is not a fat burner itself, but actively helps to activate this process. My patients often ask about the properties of this product and about the effectiveness, benefits and necessity of its use. Since the body of active people needs more vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as other components, L-carnitine can be used to improve its functioning. I recommend taking periodic courses not only for people trying to lose weight, but also for those who are physically and mentally active. The main thing is to calculate the correct dosage and take it half an hour before meals. In my practice, I have not encountered patients for whom L-carnitine did not help.

To learn how to take el-carnitine correctly, watch the video:

Reviews of fat burner El-Carnitine

To understand how carnitine works, you need to take this drug yourself or read in detail the reviews of people taking Levocarnitine. They tell you how they lost weight using this product, what changes occurred inside the body. On the forum you can read many reviews from those who have lost weight.

Larisa, 27 years old:

I can call myself an athlete, since I have been regularly visiting the gym for 3 years now, going to fitness classes and losing weight. I took L-carnitine capsules, drank strictly as written in the instructions. I noticed changes in the second week of taking it, metabolic processes seemed to speed up, I could eat even in the evening and not feel any heaviness in my stomach, there was no pain either. There were no side effects, I gave it my all during training. A course of taking L-carnitine will help me get rid of 7 kg, and now I feel that my body has started working in a new way; fat from the food I eat is no longer deposited on my sides.

Olga, 34 years old:

I lost weight without sports, sometimes I did fitness at home, but not often. I took this fat burner , because I read that it promotes weight loss, quickly transports fatty acids, preventing them from being deposited in cellulite and fat. I drank the product in powder form and diluted it with water. I took it mainly in the first half of the day, and felt cheerful all day. After eating, the heaviness was only for the first half hour, then everything seemed to evaporate, and there was no pain. Metabolic processes really improved, as a result of which I began to lose weight every day. Every morning I stepped on the scale and saw the result. At this stage I have lost 6 kg, I am continuing to work on myself.

Vladislav, 31 years old:

I took the fat burner L-carnitine as recommended by my trainer. I’ve been working out for six months now, but I still have excess weight. To speed up the process, we decided to try this remedy, since by and large it is a light drug that only promotes weight loss. This did not affect the quality of my training in any way; I trained as usual 3 times a week. The only thing I noticed was that after hard training I quickly began to recover; this had never happened before. The body is working like new, which is good news. At the same time, I drank another regular fat burner, and in total I lost 6 kg during the course.

Dmitry, 39 years old:

I had 15 extra kilos, my only sport was walking, and I switched to proper nutrition. To improve metabolic processes, I took L-carnitine. There were no contraindications to it, so I didn’t consider the side effects. From the fifth day of taking it, I began to notice that food did not stay in the stomach, was quickly digested, and the stomach emptied. Of course, I wanted to eat more, but I ate small portions and lost weight. I only lost 7 kg during the course, but now I know that my body can be disrupted and metabolic processes can be improved.

You can see even more photos before and after taking L-carnitine below:


Fat burner L-carnitine is an effective and affordable drug that will promote rapid weight loss, as well as optimization of metabolic processes. The main thing is to take it correctly, follow the dosage and time.

Sports fat burners are a type of supplement whose action is aimed at reducing fat content in the body. They are effective when combined with diet and strength training. Sports nutrition with a fat-burning effect allows you to get rid of subcutaneous fat, which increases muscle definition and facilitates the training process.

The SPORTPODPITKA online store offers to buy sports fat burners in Moscow. The catalog presents safe and effective products. Here you can buy sports fat burners produced by world-class companies. This eliminates the risk of damaging the body with poor quality nutrition.

Types of fat burners

Today you can buy a fat burner by choosing from a wide variety of options. They mainly differ in the type of effect on the body.

  1. Thermogenics. Such sports nutrition may include guarana, caffeine, red pepper and other substances. The principle of their action is based on an increase in body temperature, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes. The course of taking thermogenic fat burners is 1 month (2 weeks break).
  2. Lipotropics. The supplement stimulates the breakdown of fats without harming the body. The fat burner may contain selenium, lipolic acid, L-carnitine, etc.
  3. Anorexics. They affect the hunger center of the brain, which leads to a decrease in appetite. Due to this, weight is reduced. You can buy this type of fat burner in its pure form, but you should be careful when taking it.
  4. Blockers. The substances contained in the drug bind to the molecules of fats and carbohydrates, preventing them from being absorbed. They are then excreted from the body naturally in an undigested form.
  5. Diuretics. They are diuretics. The mechanism of weight loss is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body, along with which fat cells are partially removed.
  6. Cortisol blockers. Combine fat burners and sports nutrition. They allow you to preserve muscles while losing weight, i.e. act as anti-catabolic agents, which helps to increase muscle definition.

If you want to buy fat burners, then you should be careful. There are many ineffective and sometimes dangerous drugs on the market. Don't trust products that promise weight loss without exercise. Trust only trusted manufacturers. Not used to experimenting with your own health? Then use the services of the SPORTPOPTKA store. We sell only certified and high-quality nutrition for athletes. You can always consult in detail on any drug you are interested in.

Nowadays, carnitine is becoming increasingly popular. In most cases, it is positioned as effective, which allows you to significantly accelerate the processes of lipolysis (lipolysis is a biochemical reaction of obtaining energy from fat). In the medical literature it is conventionally referred to as vitamin B 11. Let's look at this supplement in more detail.

L-carnitine is an organic compound that is actively produced in the human body. It performs a huge number of functions, but we are interested in the use of carnitine in terms of weight loss. It should be noted that there are different forms of carnitine. Choose only the L-form; any other variation will not have the desired effect for getting rid of excess fat mass.

In its original form, it is a white crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water. The main supply of carnitine is found in muscle fibers and the liver. Synthesis occurs in the kidneys. Subsequent transport of carnitine occurs only under appropriate conditions, but more on that later.

In structure, carnitine is a vitamin-like substance, but it is not strictly classified as a group of vitamins.

The main factor influencing the synthesis of carnitine is the proper amount of groups, iron, enzymes and amino acids: methionine and lysine. A deficiency of any of these elements leads to a noticeable inhibition of carnitine synthesis in the body.

Characteristics of carnitine
The main function of L-carnitine is to transport free fatty acids to mitochondria - cellular organelles that produce energy for our body (from glucose and fats).

In mitochondria, ordinary enzymatic breakdown of fats occurs with the subsequent release of energy. Of course, this process is only possible in the presence of oxygen, i.e. during aerobic (cardio) training. Consequently, carnitine is useless for anaerobic (weight-bearing) training, and there is no question of any fat burning.

Positive effects:

  • Fat burning due to normalization of the transport channel;
  • Increased endurance, both mental and physical;
  • Antioxidant effect;
  • Normalization of myocardial function, prevention of heart disease.

Let's look at each effect in more detail.

Acceleration of fat burning
As mentioned above, carnitine acts as a transporter of fatty acids to the sites of their breakdown (release of energy). If this substance is not enough, then the entire fat burning process will be slowed down. At the same time, adequate presence of such transporters allows the active consumption of fatty acids. However, there is one key condition here - the type of training. If you are not doing aerobic exercise, then carnitine will not do its job, even if you consume large amounts of it.

It turns out that the effect of accelerated lipolysis is possible only with cardio training. Otherwise, carnitine will not have any positive effect on this process. So this supplement should not be considered as a universal fat burner. To be fair, it should be noted that with proper training, carnitine has a fairly pronounced effect.

Imagine the analogy of a freight delivery company. In our case, the cargoes are free fatty acids. The more trucks there are in the state, the more cargo can be transported.

And the trucks in our example are precisely carnitine molecules. Therefore, adequate use of the appropriate supplement allows you to expand the number of transporters, thereby adjusting the body’s fat energy metabolism.

Increased stamina
Indeed, taking carnitine noticeably increases vigor, which in turn subjectively increases endurance, not only physical, but also mental. It’s safe to say that training with carnitine is much easier, and often more productive, even with purely strength loads of the anaerobic glycolytic format.

This fact is explained by the fact that fatty acids are involved not only in muscle energy metabolism, but also in various other metabolic functions. In addition, it is known that carnitine has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The feeling of vigor from taking carnitine makes it easier to endure monotonous training, which is quite important during long, low-intensity cardio sessions.

It is worth noting that fatigue during such a load does not manifest itself due to a lack of energy, but due to fatigue of the central nervous system, joint-ligamentous apparatus and other secondary functions, so it is quite self-confident to talk about increasing endurance with the help of a painting. But at the same time, the positive effect of increasing endurance when consuming carnitine can be seen in almost every person.

Antioxidant effect
Often this is nothing more than a marketing ploy by manufacturers. It is currently known that antioxidants and vitamin E in particular do not help prevent global catabolic processes. Moreover, their consumption in large quantities leads to destabilization of the cells.

Catabolism is nothing more than a regulatory function, the suppression of which disrupts all the body’s plans regarding a particular cell. Carnitine and all antioxidants should not be viewed as a magic bullet. In addition, carnitine is not known to have an antioxidant effect, at least not on any significant scale.

Normalization of myocardial function
Carnitine has a positive effect on heart function. This is largely due to the fact that the myocardium actively uses fatty acids for various metabolic functions. There is also an opinion that carnitine reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, which leads to improved heart function. In reality, of course, there is no such effect, because cholesterol levels depend on the types of fats in the diet and the amount of transport proteins (lipoproteins). Because it is lipoproteins that transport cholesterol, and with their deficiency (which in turn is caused by a deficiency of proteins in the diet), the risk of vascular atherosclerosis increases due to the deposition of “cholesterol plaques” on their walls (we talk about this in a separate article).

Sources of carnitine
As mentioned above, carnitine is synthesized by the body. You can also get this substance from food: meat, dairy products and fish. It is worth noting that heat treatment destroys carnitine, as a result of which there is a widespread deficiency of this substance in many people.
The way out of this situation is to use gentle processing (for example, steaming food) or use special medications.

Features of carnitine
First of all, it should be noted that carnitine is a mild fat burner. Of course, its effect is not as pronounced as what happens when taking thermogenics or stimulants, but at the same time it does not have negative consequences and different conditions of administration. Carnitine can be safely combined with any sports nutrition, be it or any fat burner. And this is a significant advantage of this supplement. If thermogenics and stimulants need to be taken on an interval basis, then carnitine does not require periodization.

How to take carnitine?
1. Conditions. Of course, the main condition is having the right diet and training. Without these factors, carnitine will not have the desired effect.

2. Dosage. As for the dosage, a single dose should vary from 500 to 1000 mg. You should not take more than 2000 mg per day, as this will not have any special effect on lipolysis.

3. When to take carnitine? It is most optimal to drink 1000 mg of carnitine 25-30 minutes before training, especially in the first half of the day. Before any cardio training, a portion of carnitine would be ideal.

4. Forms of release. There are forms of carnitine in the form of powder, capsules and liquid solutions. Naturally, the most effective form is liquid. It is characterized by the shortest absorption time, which is very convenient when there is no extra time to wait for the substance to be absorbed by the body after administration.

But alas, the liquid form of carnitine has a slightly higher cost. Because you will only overpay for the speed of absorption, and in some cases this indicator is key, for example, during cardio training in the morning, immediately after waking up.

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