Residential complex "Orlovsky Park": a tempting offer with an environmental caveat. Residential complex "Orlov Gk peak Orlovsky Park"


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The construction of the Orlovsky Park residential complex is being carried out by the PIK Group (the developer is the closed joint stock company ProfService).

The Orlovsky Park residential complex is being built in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, surrounded by picturesque nature. The Novoorlovsky nature reserve and the Suzdal lakes are within walking distance. A 10-minute drive away are the Prospekt Prosveshcheniya and Ozerki metro stations, the Ring Road, and the WHSD. The complex includes 8 monolithic buildings with a height of 12-25 floors, 2 kindergartens, a secondary school and a multi-level parking lot. The first stage of construction includes 4 houses and a kindergarten.


Within a few minutes' drive there are schools, kindergartens, clinics, Prospekt Prosveshcheniya and Ozerki metro stations, the Ring Road and the WHSD. Supermarkets, the Novoorlovsky Nature Reserve and the Suzdal Lakes are within walking distance.


Convenient transport accessibility.


The buildings of the residential complex form a closed green courtyard without cars, in which people can calmly walk and relax. This kind of development is the most comfortable for people.

Apartment renovation

The apartment is ready to move in and does not require renovation, all that remains is to buy furniture. The developer has already completed all the necessary finishing work.

The second project of the Moscow developer in St. Petersburg is conceptually and visually identical to the first, at Dalnevostochny, 15. But the cost per square meter for the Orlovsky Park residential complex is lower. And this is connected, first of all, with the location of the new building.

about the project

The Orlovsky Park residential complex is being built in the Primorsky district, at the intersection of Suzdal Highway and Orlovo-Denisovsky Avenue. The complex consists of 8 monolithic residential buildings, mostly high-rise, 25 floors, underground and surface parking lots for 1,609 spaces, 2 kindergartens and a school. The first floors will be occupied by commercial premises.

The first phase of construction included 4 houses with 1,306 apartments, 2 parking lots with 600 spaces. Two buildings are currently up for sale, with occupancy scheduled for December 2019. The remaining two - in a year. By the way, they will have storage rooms. The project description also states that one of the kindergartens will be built in the first stage, but nothing is said about this in the project declaration.

The project developer, the PIK company, has developed a set of rules. The so-called “PIK standard”, according to which all their new buildings have been built since 2015. They are aimed at using reliable, well-thought-out technologies and solutions in which real estate does not lose its quality and visual characteristics over the years. Let's write down what this means in practice.

The buildings are erected from a monolithic reinforced concrete frame filled with three-layer curtain panels. Ceramic tiles are used as facing material. According to the manager, the ceramics supplier specially developed a series for them that is distinguished by high performance properties. Baskets for air conditioners are placed on the facade of buildings for each room. They fit well into the overall architectural style and do not spoil the exterior. This was partly done for the convenience of future residents, partly to preserve the uniform appearance of the houses, so that later the facades would not be full of various baskets. The windows are designed to be larger in size, 180 cm high, with a lowered sill level. This measure has both an aesthetic function and a practical one - for a larger area of ​​natural light penetration.

The apartments are rented fully furnished, so the owners will not have to do any additional repairs. Finishing materials are selected in light colors. Russian-made metal doors will be installed at the entrance. The window openings will be occupied by double-glazed windows with a plastic profile. Radiators will be installed with vertical piping and the possibility of temperature control. Separately, it is worth mentioning the number of sockets. Their number exceeds the minimum requirements of building codes, so that regardless of the arrangement of furniture and electronics, shareholders do not have to scatter wires throughout the apartment. One of the disadvantages is the low ceilings - only 2.6 meters.

Public areas look stylish in the renderings. Unlike the housing stock, their design is made in dark colors, and the ceiling height will be 3.3 meters.

They are not without functional features. Firstly, the entrance to the entrances is designed at ground level and does not require steps or ramps, which is extremely convenient for the sedentary population and parents with small children. Secondly, doors and windows will be equipped with stained glass for better visibility. Thirdly, this area will be equipped with a video surveillance system. Fourthly, and this is very rare, there will be 2 exits from each entrance: towards the roadway and towards the yard. This plan is designed to eliminate the intersection of cars and walking areas. A resourceful and clearly correct solution.

The entire complex will not be fenced around the perimeter. At the same time, they tried to make the courtyards safe from cars, placing parking lots on the outskirts and opening roads only on the end sides of the houses. Landscaping includes the installation of small architectural forms, the organization of children's and sports grounds, as well as landscaping with full-sized plants already at the time of settlement.

Prices and layouts

For apartments in the Orlovsky Park residential complex, prices were initially set at very affordable prices for the city, from 66,400 rubles/sq. m. Since November 20, 2017, there has been an increase of approximately 5-7%. But the final cost of real estate still remains acceptable.

Table 1.


Area, sq. m.

Cost, million rubles*


2-room apartments

3-room apartments

4-room apartments

Not put on sale

*price is indicated with 100% payment or mortgage.

As can be seen from Table 1, parking spaces are not yet available for sale. But I can assume, based on the terms of the project, that its cost will be set at around 0.5 million rubles.

The developer approached the development of plans, as they say, wisely. There is an opinion that they are the best of their kind:


There are no fancy zigzags, bay windows or panoramic glazing in this project, but the area between the rooms is correctly distributed. Therefore, on rare occasions we will encounter rooms and kitchens here that can hardly accommodate a family of three. Unfortunately, not all rooms have a balcony. The tightest layout is for the studio:

There is one layout, and there are not many studios on the floor. True, in the second stage of the first stage this ratio may change.

The range of one-room apartments is presented more widely:

In this example, a storage room was designed to free the rooms from cabinets. There are proposals with a small recess for a wardrobe, but with a larger area of ​​​​the remaining rooms:

All two-room apartments have a separate bathroom. And some options have two balconies:

The following type of apartment can be classified as Euro-format:

The classic three rooms look spacious:

Closer to four there is also a good layout with three balconies:

And the largest apartment in the proposed buildings looks like this:

A decent functional option with spacious rooms.

About the developer

So why do we have a price difference. The Orlovsky Park residential complex has an unenviable location. Despite the presence of a large green area, it is now difficult to get to. In addition, not all of it is suitable for walking.

But the biggest disadvantage of this location is the proximity to the city dump. The developer's manager assured me that it was no longer operational. But there is no other landfill in the city, it cannot but work. There are recent reviews on this topic in the complex’s VKontakte group:

But rumors of closure are not unfounded. There is now talk about building a waste incineration plant to replace this landfill. It’s just unclear whether this will be a plus or a minus for the surrounding area.

And what is more harmful to health: the chemical compounds formed as a result of rotting or burning. According to the most optimistic forecasts, toxic substances will spread within a radius of 1 km from the incinerator. According to the pessimistic, within a radius of 24 km. This may affect the increase in cancer diseases within the range.

You can read more about the developer on the company's official website. It also contains information about our new building: It is presented briefly and does not reveal all the advantages of the finishing and interior design of the complex, but it has them! But the layouts are laid out, prices for apartments are indicated, mortgage programs are outlined, documentation is posted, and the decoration of each room is illustrated. Documents are not easy to find; they are not highlighted in a separate section in the menu. To view them, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the main project page. The developer works under 214-FZ and enters into an Equity Participation Agreement.

On the object

The most convenient way to get to the complex is along the Suzdal Highway. There are signs along the road, and the sales office will not escape your sight, since the place is quite deserted.

Construction is taking place a little behind, and the buildings along the highway will be built last.

My visit took place on a weekend, which may be why there was no active traffic on the site. At this stage, the area is being prepared. The crane in one of the photographs refers to the construction of a neighboring facility, namely the Novoorlovsky residential complex from YIT.

This is the closest residential development to the Orlovsky Park residential complex and the closest source of infrastructure for first-stage houses.

On the other side is the Novartis pharmaceutical plant.

And opposite and behind the complex are green areas, including the Novoorlovsky nature reserve.

From here you can quickly get to the Ring Road via Parachute Street or Vyborg Highway, as well as to the WHSD. The bus stop is conveniently located opposite the sales office of the new building.

The nearest metro stations: “Parnas”, “Prospekt Prosveshcheniya” and “Ozerki”, you need to travel 4-5 km. Getting to the city center by land will not be easy. Entry and exit from the Primorsky and Vyborg districts is difficult.

Hypermarkets and gas stations are concentrated on Parachute Street. This is also a new residential location with recently laid roads, but it is being developed more actively. This street is already crowded for motorists.

Comfort and economy class housing is traditionally built in this microdistrict. Its main popularity is associated with affordable prices per square meter and a large number of green areas around.

In the office

The PIK company has located a small and cozy sales office at each of its facilities. But this time I talked with a consultant at the Real Estate Fair. The developer rented one of the central places there, placed models of new buildings and told those interested, and there were many of them, about the merits of his projects. Interesting details were also revealed about the terms of the acquisition. However, they are also listed on the developer’s website. JSC Housing Mortgage Lending Agency provides mortgages at 6.45% per annum. This is an incredibly low rate. Of course, the remaining terms of the loan will be strict. The down payment is indicated at 30%, but at 6.45%, I think this figure will increase to 50% and the balance will need to be paid within 3-5 years. In this case, the rate is recalculated quarterly. Mortgages for this new building are offered by 11 more banks with a minimum rate of 9.5% per annum from Absolut Bank, Sberbank and Gazprombank. The monthly payment amount can be calculated online using a mortgage calculator and submitted a loan application. In addition, you can book your favorite apartment via the Internet.

Installment plans are more prosaic. Firstly, immediately add 10% to the base cost. Secondly, the entire amount must be paid within a year. But the first payment is only 10% and, as the manager said, the company is ready to reconsider the terms on an individual basis.


Over the past three years, several large residential complexes have appeared near the Novoorlovsky nature reserve. Basically, the area on the street is being built up. Parachute and on the Suzdal highway. We will compare complex developments of three reliable developers.

Table 2.

The most obvious competitor of our new building can be considered the buildings of the Novoorlovsky residential complex.

They belong to the comfort class and stand shoulder to shoulder, away from the rest of the complex development of this microdistrict. The cost of the Finnish developer is fundamentally higher, but the complete delivery of the complex is planned for next year. These are monolithic panel houses with a height of 7 and 25 floors. Multi-level parking is provided on site. Apartments are available for rent with or without finishing. In total there will be 7000 of them. The layouts are thoughtful and practical. The highlight is the saunas, but they are not available everywhere. The ceiling height is 2.7 meters. For an additional fee, you can purchase individual storage rooms located in the basement. Social infrastructure includes 2 schools and 5 kindergartens. There will be shops and pharmacies on the ground floor. A sports and leisure center is also planned. Like the PIK company, YIT has provided amenities for the sedentary group of the population. Entrances to the entrances will be made from ground level, doorways will be enlarged, and curbs will be lowered. I did not find any fundamental advantages of this complex compared to the Orlovsky Park residential complex, except perhaps closer deadlines for completion and the presence of buildings that have already been built and put into operation.

The Shuvalovsky residential complex also has a higher degree of readiness.

The complex is designed for 8,627 apartments with fine finishing. Panel houses with a height of 16 to 24 floors. The cost of real estate here is midway between the Orlovsky Park residential complex and the Novoorlovsky residential complex. Parking lots are located separately. For children there are 2 kindergartens and a school with a swimming pool. Geographically, the complex is located in a less green, but more comfortable place. There are large hypermarkets within walking distance, although in the complex itself the first floors are rented out for commercial premises.


The Orlovsky Park residential complex is affordable housing of decent quality. The developer has endowed his projects with additional value by developing his own set of rules, the PIK Standard. According to it, reliable and well-thought-out technologies are used during construction, which are aimed at the convenience of living in the houses being built and the durability of their structures. However, these rules were introduced only in 2015, so it is not yet possible to test their functionality. But the comfort of living can be judged by the description of the project, provided that all promises are realized. It must be admitted that the developer really tried to take into account many factors that improve the quality of our daily life. However, what he will not be able to influence is the environment, which has poor prospects in this direction.

IC "PIK" plans to build Residential complex "Orlovsky Park". An area of ​​7.8 hectares has been allocated for construction. Construction work will be divided into two phases. At the same time, the houses included in the Orlovsky Park residential complex will not be higher than 70 meters. Calculations were made in such a way that 3 meters were calculated per 1 level. As a result, the buildings will have 23 floors. When construction is completed, residents will be able to move into many apartments of various layouts, on which the price directly depends.

Options for apartments and layouts

Today it is known that 1,306 residential areas will be put into operation first. A parking lot for 1,609 cars will be equipped for residents. The complex will include a school and two kindergartens. Information has been received from the developer that there will be no apartments on the first floors and they will become non-residential. Cafes, shops and pharmacies will be organized there.

Ecology nearby

The complex will be built near the green Novo-Orlovsky Park, through which the Kamenka River flows. The proximity to the park and the absence of large industrial enterprises makes the future residential complex attractive from an environmental point of view.


The site allocated for construction is located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, namely on Orlovo-Denisovsky Avenue. From the center of St. Petersburg you can come here along Suzdal Highway. It is worth noting that the infrastructure of the area is still developing, and the nearest shops are 1.5 km away, and you will have to get to schools and kindergartens by bus.

As a result, the developer is faced with the task of creating the entire infrastructure practically from scratch. It is not yet known when construction will be completed, but the first buildings can be seen today.

The aesthetics of the Orlov residential complex, which is located in the Leninsky district, refers us to the era of late classicism. Everything here indicates solidity and a desire for perfection: columns, high ceilings, decorative stucco elements, forging on fences, stylized along with flower beds and lamp posts in an antique style. Thanks to a single conceptual style, all presented houses create a complete architectural composition.

Street names refer us to the names of famous people and historical places. The streets Mikhailovskaya, Starorusskaya, Trigorskaya, Kistinevskaya, Yaropoletskaya, Tsarskoselskaya, Zakharovskaya - they all bear the imprint of antiquity. While walking along the streets, you can enjoy privacy by sitting on one of the benches in the shade of the trees. One of the most memorable features of residential buildings in the Leninsky district, located in the Orlov complex, is the cherry orchard with a walking area.

Advantages of the residential complex

Variety of options.“Orlov” was created for people who want to move from the stuffy capital to a country house to live surrounded by beautiful nature and enjoy clean air. Specialists of the Asterra group of companies thought about each future resident of the complex and developed many projects with various planning solutions. We offer a wide variety of formats: houses from 170 to 350 m2, duplexes from 140 and 170 m2, townhouses from 60 to 150 m2. Thus, our customers receive a wide selection of objects, among which they can find exactly the one that will meet all their requirements.

High level of security. You do not need to worry about the safety of your family and valuables in the house, because the territory of the Orlov residential complex is guarded around the clock and has a checkpoint system.

Availability of all necessary communications. The entire residential complex has central communications that will ensure comfortable living in your home all year round.

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