Jules Verne - biography, information, personal life. Who is Jules Vern Autobiography Sample Writing Jules Vern

Jules Verne is a writer and geographer, a recognized classic of adventure literature, the founder of the science fiction genre. Lived and worked in the 19th century. According to UNESCO statistics, Verne's works rank second in the world in terms of the number of translations. We will consider the life and work of this amazing person.

Jules Verne: biography. Childhood

The writer was born in the small French town of Nantes on February 8, 1828. His father owned a legal office and was very famous among the townspeople. Mother, Scottish by birth, loved art and even taught literature at a local school for some time. It is believed that it was she who instilled in her son a love of books and directed him to the writing path. Although the father saw in him only the successor of his work.

Since childhood, Jules Verne, whose biography is presented here, was between two fires, brought up by such dissimilar people. No wonder he hesitated which path to take. In his school years, he read a lot, his mother picked up books for him. But having matured, he decided to become a lawyer, for which he went to Paris.

As an adult, he will write a short autobiographical essay in which he will talk about his childhood, his father's desire to teach him the basics of the legal profession and his mother's attempts to raise him as a man of art. Unfortunately, the manuscript has not been preserved; only the closest people read it.


So, upon reaching adulthood, Vern goes to Paris to study. At this time, the pressure from the family was so strong that the future writer literally runs away from home. But even in the capital, he does not find the long-awaited peace. The father decides to continue to send his son, so he secretly tries to help him enter the law school. Vern finds out about this, fails his exams on purpose and tries to get into another university. This continues until there is only one faculty of law left in Paris, where the young man has not yet tried to enter.

Vern passed the exams brilliantly and studied for the first six months, when he found out that one of the teachers had known his father for a long time and was his friend. This was followed by a major family quarrel, after which the young man did not communicate with his father for a long time. Nevertheless, in 1849 he became a graduate of the Jules Verne Faculty of Law. Qualification at the end of training - licentiate of law. However, he is in no hurry to return home and decides to stay in Paris. By this time, Verne was already beginning to collaborate with the theater and met such masters as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. He directly informs his father that he will not continue his work.

Theatrical activity

For the next few years, Jules Verne is in dire need. The biography even testifies that the writer spent half a year of his life on the street, since there was nothing to pay for the room. But this did not move him to return to the path chosen by his father and become a lawyer. In these difficult times, Verne's first work was born.

One of his friends at the university, seeing his plight, decides to arrange a meeting with his friend from the main Historical Parisian theater. A potential employer examines the manuscript and realizes that he has an incredibly talented writer in front of him. So in 1850, a production of Verne's play "Broken Straws" first appeared on the stage. It brings the writer the first fame, and well-wishers appear ready to finance his work.

Cooperation with the theater continues until 1854. Verne's biographers call this period the initial one in the writer's career. At this time, the main stylistic features of his texts are formed. Over the years of theater work, the writer has released several comedies, short stories and librettos. Many of his works continued to be staged for many years to come.

Literary success

Jules Verne learned a lot of useful skills from cooperation with the theater. The books of the next period are very different in their subject matter. Now the writer was seized by a thirst for adventure, he wanted to describe what no other author could yet. This is how the first cycle, called "Extraordinary Journeys", is born.

In 1863, the first work in the Five Weeks in a Balloon series was published. Readers highly appreciated it. The reason for the success was that Verne supplemented the romantic line with adventure and fantasy details - for that time it was an unexpected innovation. Realizing his success, Jules Verne continued to write in the same style. Books come out one after another.

"Extraordinary Journeys" brought fame and glory to the writer, first at home, and then in the world. His novels were so multifaceted that everyone could find something interesting for themselves. Literary criticism saw in Jules Verne not just the founder of the fantastic genre, but also a man who believed in scientific and technological progress and the power of reason.


Jules Verne's travels were not only on paper. Most of all, the writer loved sea travel. He even had three yachts that bore the same name - "Saint-Michel". In 1859 Verne traveled to Scotland and England, and in 1861 to Scandinavia. 6 years after that, he went on a transatlantic cruise on the then-famous Great Eastern steamer to the USA, saw Niagara Falls, and visited New York.

In 1878, the writer on his already yacht travels around the Mediterranean Sea. On this trip, he visited Lisbon, Gibraltar, Tangier and Algiers. Later, he also independently sailed again to England and Scotland.

Jules Verne's travels are becoming more and more ambitious. And in 1881 he went on a big voyage to Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The plans also included a visit to St. Petersburg, but this idea was prevented by a storm. The last expedition of the writer took place in 1884. Then he visited Malta, Algeria and Italy, as well as several other Mediterranean countries. These travels formed the basis of many of Verne's novels.

The reason for the cessation of travel was an accident. In March 1886, Verne was attacked and severely wounded by his mentally ill nephew Gaston Verne.

Personal life

In his youth, the writer was in love several times. But all the girls, despite signs of attention from Vern, got married. This upset him so much that he founded a circle called "Dinners of Eleven Bachelors", which included musicians, writers and artists he knew.

Verne's wife was Honorina de Vian, who came from a very wealthy family. The writer met her in the small town of Amiens. Vern came here to celebrate his cousin's wedding. Six months later, the writer asked for the hand of his beloved.

Jules Verne's family lived happily ever after. The couple loved each other and did not need anything. In marriage, a son was born, who was named Michel. At birth, the father of the family was not present, as at that time he was in Scandinavia. Growing up, Verne's son took up cinematography seriously.


The works of Jules Verne were not only bestsellers of their time, they remain in demand and loved by many today. In total, the author wrote more than 30 plays, 20 novels and short stories, and 66 novels, among which there are unfinished and published only in the 20th century. The reason that interest in Verne's work does not subside is the writer's ability not only to create vivid storylines and describe amazing adventures, but also to portray interesting and lively characters. His characters are attractive no less than the events that happen to them.

We list the most famous works of Jules Verne:

  • "Journey to the Center of the Earth".
  • "From the Earth to the Moon".
  • "Lord of the world".
  • "Around the Moon".
  • "Around the world in 80 Days".
  • "Michael Strogoff".
  • "Flag of the Motherland".
  • 15 year old captain.
  • "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", etc.

But in his novels, Verne not only talks about the greatness of science, but also warns that knowledge can also be used for criminal purposes. This attitude towards progress is characteristic of the later works of the writer.

"The Children of Captain Grant"

The novel was published in parts from 1865 to 1867. It became the first part of the famous trilogy, which was continued by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island. The work has a three-part form and is divided depending on who is the main character of the story. The main goal of the travelers is to find Captain Grant. For this they have to visit South America, Australia and New Zealand.

"Captain Grant's Children" is recognized as one of Verne's best novels. This is an excellent example of not only adventure, but also youthful literature, so it will be easy to read it even for a schoolboy.

"Mysterious Island"

This is a robinsonade novel that was published in 1874. It is the final part of the trilogy. The action of the work takes place on a fictional island, where Captain Nemo decided to settle, having sailed there on the Nautilus submarine he created. By chance, five heroes who escaped from captivity in a balloon fall on the same island. They begin to develop desert lands, in which scientific knowledge helps them. However, it soon turns out that the island is not so uninhabited.


Jules Verne (the biography does not confirm that he was seriously engaged in science) predicted many discoveries and inventions in his novels. We list the most interesting of them:

  • A television.
  • Space flights, including interplanetary ones. The writer also predicted a number of moments of space exploration, for example, the use of aluminum in the construction of a projectile car.
  • Scuba gear.
  • Electric chair.
  • Aircraft, including those with an inverted thrust vector, and a helicopter.
  • Construction of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian Railways.

But the writer also had unfulfilled assumptions. For example, the underground strait located under the Suez Canal was never discovered. It also became impossible to fly in a cannon projectile to the moon. Although it was precisely because of this mistake that Tsiolkovsky decided to study space flights.

For his time, Jules Verne was an amazing person who was not afraid to look into the future and dream of scientific discoveries that even scientists could not imagine.

Jules Verne is a world famous French writer. He is considered the founder of the science fiction genre. He is the author of over 60 adventure novels, 30 plays, dozens of novels and short stories.

J. Verne was born in 1828. near the port town of Nantes. His ancestors on his father's side were lawyers, and on his mother's side were shipowners and shipbuilders.

In 1834 parents sent little Jules to a boarding school, and two years later - to a seminary. He studied well. He especially liked the French language and literature. And the boy also dreamed of the sea and travel, so at the age of eleven he ran away and got hired as a cabin boy on the ship "Korali", sailing to the West Indies. However, the father found his son and brought him back home.

After graduating from seminary, Verne continued his education at the Royal Lyceum. In 1846 received a bachelor's degree. He dreams of writing fame, but his father sends him to Paris to study law. There, the young man became interested in theater: he attends all the premieres and even tries his hand at writing plays and librettos. Befriended A. Dumas.

The father, having learned that Jules paid more attention to literary activity than lectures on law, was very angry and refused his son financial support. The young writer had to look for different types of earnings. He was engaged in tutoring, and worked as a secretary in a publishing house. He also did not quit his studies in 1851. obtained a license to practice law. And thanks to the petition of Dumas-father, his play “Broken Straws” was staged on the stage.

In 1852-1854. Vern works in the theater. In 1857 marries. Then he becomes a stockbroker. Takes up writing novels. Regularly visits the library. He compiles his own card file, in which he records important information for himself regarding various sciences (by the end of the writer's life, it numbered over 20 thousand notebooks). Closely follows the development of technology. In order to do everything, he wakes up before dawn.

In 1858 goes on his first sea voyage, and in 861. - in the second. In 1863 he publishes the novel Five Weeks in a Balloon, which brought him real popularity.

In 1865 Verne purchased a sailing boat and rebuilt it into a yacht, which became his "floating office" and the place of writing many interesting works. Later he bought several more yachts on which he traveled.

In the last years of his life, J. Verne went blind. He died in 1905. Buried in Amiens.

Biography 2

Jules Verne is a French writer born February 8, 1828. Jules was the first child in the family, and later he had a brother and three sisters. At the age of six, the future writer was sent to a boarding school. The teacher often talked about her husband, who many years ago went on a sea voyage and was wrecked, but did not die, but swam to some island, where he survives like Robinson Crusoe. This story greatly influenced Vern's work in the future. Later, at the insistence of his father, he moved to the seminary, which was also reflected in his works.

Somehow, young Jules Verne got a job as a cabin boy on a ship, but his father intercepted him and asked him to travel only in his imagination. But Jules still continued to dream of surf the sea.

Verne began to write very voluminous works very early, but his father still hoped that his eldest son would become a lawyer. Therefore, Jules soon went to Paris for training. Soon he returned to his homeland, where he fell in love with a girl. He dedicated many poems to her, but her parents were against such a union. The writer began to drink and almost gave up writing, but later pulled himself together and became a lawyer.

Thanks to his acquaintance with Alexandre Dumas and close friendship with his son, Jules Verne began to publish his works. He was fond of geography, technology and perfectly combined it in literature. In 1865, Verne purchased a yacht and finally began to travel the world, working on his own works.

In 86 Jules was shot by his own nephew. The bullet hit the leg and because of this, the writer began to limp. Unfortunately, I had to forget about travel. And the nephew ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Soon, Jules' mother dies, which further crippled him. Verne then began to write less and entered politics. Brother dies in 1997. Jules and Paul were very close. It seemed that the writer would not survive this loss. Perhaps because of this, he refused to undergo eye surgery and soon became almost blind.

Jules Verne died of diabetes in 1905. Several thousand people came to honor the memory. But no one came from the French government. After his death, Verne left many notebooks with notes and unfinished works.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important thing.

Jules Verne (1828-1905), French science fiction writer.

Born February 8, 1828 in Nantes. The son of a lawyer and a lawyer himself. He began to print in 1849. At first he acted as a playwright, but his plays did not enjoy success. Verne first became famous for his novel Five Weeks in a Balloon, which was published at the end of 1862 (although it is dated 1863).

Verne turned out to be an unusually prolific writer - he created 65 novels of science fiction and adventure-geographical nature. Sometimes he wrote satirical works, ridiculing contemporary French bourgeois society, but they succeeded much less and did not bring fame to the author.

He was truly famous for Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Captain Grant's Children (1867-1868), 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1869-1870), Around the World for 80 days" (1872), "The Mysterious Island" (1875), "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain" (1878). These novels have been translated into many languages ​​and read with interest all over the world.

It is curious that the author of travel books himself did not make a single long journey and wrote based not on experience, but on knowledge and (mostly) on his own imagination. Jules Verne often made rather blunders. For example, in his novels one can find a statement about the existence of museums where octopus skeletons are exhibited; meanwhile, the octopus is an invertebrate animal. However, the entertaining stories of Jules Verne atoned for such flaws in the eyes of readers.

The writer adhered to democratic convictions, corresponded with utopian socialists, and in 1871 supported the Paris Commune.

Promoting science, he warned more than once about the danger of using its achievements for military purposes. It was Verne who became the first creator of the image of a mad scientist dreaming of world domination (“500 million Begums”, 1879; “Lord of the World”, 1904). Later, fiction has resorted to characters of this kind more than once. In addition to fiction, Verne wrote popular books on geography and the history of geographical research.

The writer has always been very popular in Russia - since his first novel was translated into Russian in 1864 (in Russian translation "Air travel through Africa").

A crater on the far side of the moon is named after Jules Verne. He died on March 24, 1905 in Amiens.

Jules Verne is a writer and geographer, a recognized classic of adventure literature, the founder of the science fiction genre. Lived and worked in the 19th century. According to UNESCO statistics, Verne's works rank second in the world in terms of the number of translations. We will consider the life and work of this amazing person.

Jules Verne: biography. Childhood

The writer was born in the small French town of Nantes on February 8, 1828. His father owned a legal office and was very famous among the townspeople. Mother, Scottish by birth, loved art and even taught literature at a local school for some time. It is believed that it was she who instilled in her son a love of books and directed him to the writing path. Although the father saw in him only the successor of his work.

Since childhood, Jules Verne, whose biography is presented here, was between two fires, brought up by such dissimilar people. No wonder he hesitated which path to take. In his school years, he read a lot, his mother picked up books for him. But having matured, he decided to become a lawyer, for which he went to Paris.

As an adult, he will write a short autobiographical essay in which he will talk about his childhood, his father's desire to teach him the basics of the legal profession and his mother's attempts to raise him as a man of art. Unfortunately, the manuscript has not been preserved; only the closest people read it.


So, upon reaching adulthood, Vern goes to Paris to study. At this time, the pressure from the family was so strong that the future writer literally runs away from home. But even in the capital, he does not find the long-awaited peace. The father decides to continue to send his son, so he secretly tries to help him enter the law school. Vern finds out about this, fails his exams on purpose and tries to get into another university. This continues until there is only one faculty of law left in Paris, where the young man has not yet tried to enter.

Vern passed the exams brilliantly and studied for the first six months, when he found out that one of the teachers had known his father for a long time and was his friend. This was followed by a major family quarrel, after which the young man did not communicate with his father for a long time. Nevertheless, in 1849 he became a graduate of the Jules Verne Faculty of Law. Qualification at the end of training - licentiate of law. However, he is in no hurry to return home and decides to stay in Paris. By this time, Verne was already beginning to collaborate with the theater and met such masters as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. He directly informs his father that he will not continue his work.

Theatrical activity

For the next few years, Jules Verne is in dire need. The biography even testifies that the writer spent half a year of his life on the street, since there was nothing to pay for the room. But this did not move him to return to the path chosen by his father and become a lawyer. In these difficult times, Verne's first work was born.

One of his friends at the university, seeing his plight, decides to arrange a meeting with his friend from the main Historical Parisian theater. A potential employer examines the manuscript and realizes that he has an incredibly talented writer in front of him. So in 1850, a production of Verne's play "Broken Straws" first appeared on the stage. It brings the writer the first fame, and well-wishers appear ready to finance his work.

Cooperation with the theater continues until 1854. Verne's biographers call this period the initial one in the writer's career. At this time, the main stylistic features of his texts are formed. Over the years of theater work, the writer has released several comedies, short stories and librettos. Many of his works continued to be staged for many years to come.

Literary success

Jules Verne learned a lot of useful skills from cooperation with the theater. The books of the next period are very different in their subject matter. Now the writer was seized by a thirst for adventure, he wanted to describe what no other author could yet. This is how the first cycle, called "Extraordinary Journeys", is born.

In 1863, the first work in the Five Weeks in a Balloon series was published. Readers highly appreciated it. The reason for the success was that Verne supplemented the romantic line with adventure and fantasy details - for that time it was an unexpected innovation. Realizing his success, Jules Verne continued to write in the same style. Books come out one after another.

"Extraordinary Journeys" brought fame and glory to the writer, first at home, and then in the world. His novels were so multifaceted that everyone could find something interesting for themselves. Literary criticism saw in Jules Verne not just the founder of the fantastic genre, but also a man who believed in scientific and technological progress and the power of reason.


Jules Verne's travels were not only on paper. Most of all, the writer loved sea travel. He even had three yachts that bore the same name - "Saint-Michel". In 1859 Verne traveled to Scotland and England, and in 1861 to Scandinavia. 6 years after that, he went on a transatlantic cruise on the then-famous Great Eastern steamer to the USA, saw Niagara Falls, and visited New York.

In 1878, the writer on his already yacht travels around the Mediterranean Sea. On this trip, he visited Lisbon, Gibraltar, Tangier and Algiers. Later, he also independently sailed again to England and Scotland.

Jules Verne's travels are becoming more and more ambitious. And in 1881 he went on a big voyage to Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The plans also included a visit to St. Petersburg, but this idea was prevented by a storm. The last expedition of the writer took place in 1884. Then he visited Malta, Algeria and Italy, as well as several other Mediterranean countries. These travels formed the basis of many of Verne's novels.

The reason for the cessation of travel was an accident. In March 1886, Verne was attacked and severely wounded by his mentally ill nephew Gaston Verne.

Personal life

In his youth, the writer was in love several times. But all the girls, despite signs of attention from Vern, got married. This upset him so much that he founded a circle called "Dinners of Eleven Bachelors", which included musicians, writers and artists he knew.

Verne's wife was Honorina de Vian, who came from a very wealthy family. The writer met her in the small town of Amiens. Vern came here to celebrate his cousin's wedding. Six months later, the writer asked for the hand of his beloved.

Jules Verne's family lived happily ever after. The couple loved each other and did not need anything. In marriage, a son was born, who was named Michel. At birth, the father of the family was not present, as at that time he was in Scandinavia. Growing up, Verne's son took up cinematography seriously.


The works of Jules Verne were not only bestsellers of their time, they remain in demand and loved by many today. In total, the author wrote more than 30 plays, 20 novels and short stories, and 66 novels, among which there are unfinished and published only in the 20th century. The reason that interest in Verne's work does not subside is the writer's ability not only to create vivid storylines and describe amazing adventures, but also to portray interesting and lively characters. His characters are attractive no less than the events that happen to them.

We list the most famous works of Jules Verne:

  • "Journey to the Center of the Earth".
  • "From the Earth to the Moon".
  • "Lord of the world".
  • "Around the Moon".
  • "Around the world in 80 Days".
  • "Michael Strogoff".
  • "Flag of the Motherland".
  • 15 year old captain.
  • "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", etc.

But in his novels, Verne not only talks about the greatness of science, but also warns that knowledge can also be used for criminal purposes. This attitude towards progress is characteristic of the later works of the writer.

"The Children of Captain Grant"

The novel was published in parts from 1865 to 1867. It became the first part of the famous trilogy, which was continued by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island. The work has a three-part form and is divided depending on who is the main character of the story. The main goal of the travelers is to find Captain Grant. For this they have to visit South America, Australia and New Zealand.

"Captain Grant's Children" is recognized as one of Verne's best novels. This is an excellent example of not only adventure, but also youthful literature, so it will be easy to read it even for a schoolboy.

"Mysterious Island"

This is a robinsonade novel that was published in 1874. It is the final part of the trilogy. The action of the work takes place on a fictional island, where Captain Nemo decided to settle, having sailed there on the Nautilus submarine he created. By chance, five heroes who escaped from captivity in a balloon fall on the same island. They begin to develop desert lands, in which scientific knowledge helps them. However, it soon turns out that the island is not so uninhabited.


Jules Verne (the biography does not confirm that he was seriously engaged in science) predicted many discoveries and inventions in his novels. We list the most interesting of them:

  • A television.
  • Space flights, including interplanetary ones. The writer also predicted a number of moments of space exploration, for example, the use of aluminum in the construction of a projectile car.
  • Scuba gear.
  • Electric chair.
  • Aircraft, including those with an inverted thrust vector, and a helicopter.
  • Construction of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian Railways.

But the writer also had unfulfilled assumptions. For example, the underground strait located under the Suez Canal was never discovered. It also became impossible to fly in a cannon projectile to the moon. Although it was precisely because of this mistake that Tsiolkovsky decided to study space flights.

For his time, Jules Verne was an amazing person who was not afraid to look into the future and dream of scientific discoveries that even scientists could not imagine.

It is said that writers describe in their books the experiences that they dream of going through in real life. Their reality suits them just enough to not go crazy with monotony. But the rebellious spirit haunts them, and there is not enough determination for their own adventures, so they splash out all their unspent energy on paper.

Such was the life of the French writer Jules Gabriel Verne, the author of wonderful adventure books. He himself almost never went anywhere until adulthood, but his characters more than once conquered distant lands and the depths of the sea.

Childhood and everyday life of Jules Verne

An outstanding writer was born in 1828. His homeland is the French town of Nantes. The boy's mother was a housewife, her Scottish roots left their mark on the life of the family. Young Vern's father worked as a lawyer. The family had an average income. Jules was the firstborn, after him the parents had more children.

There were many travelers in the family of Vern's parents. Yes, and the first teacher in the boarding house told the students about the trips and adventures of her husband.

From 1836, Jules Verne studied at a religious seminary. There he masterfully mastered Latin. Although he did not differ in excessive piety.

Adventure surrounded Jules since childhood. His uncle circumnavigated the world. Yes, and the boy himself once tried to sail away on a ship, but his father tracked him down, preventing a romantic escape into the ocean.

In 1842, Verne received his bachelor's degree. At the same time, he continued to write his novel The Priest in 1839. The first book of the science fiction writer described the difficulties of the life of young seminarians.

At 19, Jules tried to imitate Hugo. He also wrote poetry. There are also two personal tragedies of the writer during this period. His beloved cousin Caroline was married to the forty-year-old Émile Desune. The next love of the writer also failed. His beloved Rosa Grossetier was also forcibly married to a local landowner.

A thin thread of marriage against the will runs in Verne's works such as Master Zacharius, The Floating City and other works.

The father of the novice writer wished his son to receive a law degree in the capital. There, Jules quickly got into the best literary salons, taking advantage of family ties and the patronage of friends.

The life stage of his studies as a lawyer fell on the period when the revolution was taking place on the Parisian streets. But the significant Bastille Day passed surprisingly peacefully, and Jules assured his relatives in a letter that the situation in the capital was not as bad as they say.

Verna was not taken into the army because of a stomachache and facial paralysis. This circumstance only pleased the writer, because he did not have a very high opinion of the military.

In 1851, Verne received the right to conduct any legal practice. But he did not use this right.

Jules Verne: creative way

Staying in Paris, Verne met Dumas. "Broken Straws" Jules Verne created with his son Dumas, then a well-known writer. The play was shown to the general public at the Historical Theatre.

The writer's father repeatedly appealed to him in letters to quit his low-income trade and take over his law practice. But Jules was adamant, he was well aware of who he wanted to become, ultimately.

So he got a job as a secretary in a magazine to start promoting his publications there. But after the death of some of his friends, Jules Verne was forced to leave this post. After all, the circumstances of his life have changed a lot.

Writer's personal life

Verne remained a bachelor until 1856. Once, at a friend's wedding, he met a young widow, Honorine de Vian-Morel. Her two children did not bother Vern, and he decided to marry.

The novel Lottery Ticket No. 9672 was born after the writer's second trip to Denmark. While Jules was away, his wife gave birth to a son, Michel.

Later, the writer's son became a director and made a film based on his father's novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", which was written by him in 1916.

After 1865, Jules Verne left his sedentary lifestyle, bought a yacht, and began to make his own small trips on it. His marina was in the resort town of Le Crotoy.

Jules Verne: The Last Years

In 1886, a tragedy happened to a famous writer. He was shot by his nephew Gaston Verne. The young man had a mental disorder, after the incident he was placed in a hospital. Verne himself was shot in the ankle. Since then, he had to forget about sea travel.

From 1888 the writer was engaged in political activities. Then he became a Knight of the Legion of Honor. In the last years of his life, the science fiction writer was sick a lot. He suffered from cataracts and diabetes. He finished old works, avoiding starting new stories and novels. Only once did he make an exception and began writing in Esperanto. But he couldn't finish the job. Jules Verne died in 1905 at his home. Five thousand people attended his funeral.

The creative legacy that the author left behind numbered in the thousands of notebooks with notes and notes. In honor of Jules Verne, the following things and objects were later named:

  • Asteroid;
  • Spaceship;
  • Small crater on the Moon;
  • Restaurant in Paris on the Eiffel Tower itself;
  • Street in Kazakhstan;
  • Museum;
  • Coins;
  • post block;
  • Prize for yachtsmen.

Monuments have been erected around the world that commemorate the work of the science fiction writer in stone and metal. Many contemporaries consider Vern a visionary who saw in his life those technical innovations, the implementation of which became possible only today.

Today, the fame of the writer is still as strong as it was many years ago. Children and adults read his novels with great interest. After all, they, as before, are relevant, fascinating and incredible, and are also classics of world literature, for which there are no state borders and restrictions.

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