Zina Kupriyanovich official page on VK. The youngest participant in the “Star Factory” is Zina Kupriyanovich. Ksenia Sobchak: “Sometimes work brings me to tears!”

Kupriyanovich Zinaida Aleksandrovna was born on September 17, 2002 in the capital of Belarus, Minsk.

Zina has a large family. Dad - Kupriyanovich Alexander Igorevich (director of the production center “Super Duper”, where Zina works). Mom - Kupriyanovich Nelli Nikolaevna (family psychologist). Little sister and brother (Lyubava, Semyon).

Since childhood, her parents took Zina to various clubs. The girl did gymnastics, dancing, ballet, and also went to music and art school. Now Zina is interested in vocals, dancing, athletics and makeup. Likes to listen different music, but highlights R’n’B and hip-hop.

Arseny Akopyan and the Kupriyanovich family at the New Star Factory

At the age of 6, Zina was enrolled in a children's school. musical ensemble"Zaranak."

At the age of 8, the girl was sent to a music school for the choir department.

From 2012 to 2016 she actively participated in various vocal competitions.

In 2013 she became a laureate of the Children's New wave».

In 2014, Zina Kupriyanovich released her first video for the song “Towards the Wind”. She also took first place in the children's vocal competition"Slavic Marketplace".

Photo with Bilan

2015 and 2016 - Zina tried to win Junior Eurovision.

In 2015, she became a graduate of the Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music.

In 2016, she voiced the main character in the animated film Moana (Disney). I sent an application to participate in the show “Dancing” on TNT. She released a video for the song “Music of the Day.”

In 2017 she became the youngest participant New Factory Stars (MUZ-TV). Took 3rd place in the North 17 group. In January 2017 she presented her first album “Cosmos”.

She starred in the show “Very Karaochen”. She released the video “Mint”, “Everything will work out”, “Golden Brick” (with the participation of Arseny Akopyan). She starred in the TV series "Bailiffs".

Zina Kupriyanovich at the New Star Factory

Real popularity came to Zina at the new Star Factory, because it was thanks to this show that the whole of Russia learned about the girl.

Kupriyanovich immediately made it clear to the viewer and participants that she was the strongest competitor and intended to at least reach the final.

Zina celebrated her 15th birthday at the factory. Family and a friend came to congratulate Zinaida. As a gift for her fifteenth birthday, Zina received a tattoo and unexpected confession in love from his friend Arseny Akopyan.

At the factory, many participants reproached Zina for getting sick star fever, but the girl denied everything, these accusations only angered her. In one of the issues of the NFZ diary, Zina said that to spite the participants she would behave like a star-struck person.

At the factory, the girl became very friendly with Rada Boguslavskaya and Elman Zeynalov.

At the New Star Factory, Zina took third place (as part of the group "North 17"). After which she expressed huge gratitude your parents.

Zinaida Kupriyanovich was born on September 17, 2002 in Minsk. Zina's parents were quite successful people, so they could give their daughter everything she needed. In particular, the girl’s father was already the producer of his own center “Super Duper”. And it was he who began to instill in Zina a love of art from a young age. It was he who played an important role in the formation of Zinaida’s artistic personality.

In this center, Kupriyanovich first heard her peers singing and was amazed to the core. And even then she finally realized that she wanted to connect her life with performing on stage. Among other things, as a child, Zinaida attended various dance and painting sections. And in each of these areas she was consistently successful.

School years

Like all children, Zina attended high school and studied there quite diligently. In her spare time, she took piano lessons and skateboarded. And, despite her busy schedule, she still managed to find time for performances.

Also, in one of the popular programs, Zinaida told viewers that school friends She still has a warm relationship to this day. The fact that the girl became famous throughout the country did not in any way affect their friendship, which undoubtedly deserves respect. Unlike many other people, in early age Having achieved success, the singer does not have the so-called “star” disease.


Zina Kupriyanovich's vocal abilities were noticed by her piano teacher. It was she who suggested that Zinaida’s parents send their daughter to appropriate courses to develop her talent. Mother and father did just that, thereby allowing Zina to do what she loved and perform with the Zaranak ensemble, which the singer soon joined.

Two years later, she was forced to leave the ensemble in order to enter a music choir school. It was there that she managed to achieve the most serious progress and take part in several local competitions for young talents. In some cases, the young singer even won prestigious awards.

First successes

Real success came to Zina in 2013. That's when she was spotted famous composer Igor Krutoy. Famous musician invited her to his own ensemble, as he was amazed by Zina’s talent. As part of this ensemble, the heroine of our article today managed to perform with many honored artists of Russia. This period creative activity became the most fruitful and memorable.

Show New Star Factory

Until 2017, Zina Kupriyanovich regularly participated in various competitions and performed on stage. But all-Russian fame came to her only after participating in the Muz-TV show “New Star Factory.” Zina almost immediately managed to impress her mentors with her vocals, which she improved day by day. So the young talent definitely has a bright career ahead of him.

  1. Since childhood, he has been interested in sports.
  2. At a certain period in my life I dreamed of becoming a ballerina.
  3. The girl was also thinking about an acting career.

What do you think about Zina Kupriyanovich? We are waiting for your comments!

) each occupied their own niche on the musical horizon, becoming popular, sought-after performers.

In the fall of 2017, the “New Star Factory” started on the Muz-TV channel. The television project once again provided young, ambitious artists with the opportunity, with the help of mentors, to sharpen their talent, making it shine with a new, hitherto unprecedented strength. One of the participants in the program was a finalist in the national selection of the song contest “ Junior Eurovision- 2015" and "Junior Eurovision" 2016, Belarusian singer Zina Kupriyanovich.


Zinaida Aleksandrovna Kupriyanovich was born on September 17, 2002 in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. The vocalist's father, Alexander Igorevich, is the director of the Super Duper production center, and her mother, Nelly Nikolaevna, is a family psychologist. The head of the family had a tremendous influence on the formation of his daughter’s artistic personality. Since childhood, the man instilled in the heiress a love of art.

This is how the girl’s future was predetermined when the head of the family first brought his beloved child to his Super Duper production center, where Zina heard her peers singing. Since then, Kupriyanovich has become a voluntary captive of the illusory world of sounds.

As a child, the performer of the song “Cosmos” was an easily captivated person, so it is not surprising that in addition to her passion for music, she was also interested in painting, sports, and dancing. As a child, Zina attended many sections and different time dreamed of careers as a ballerina, artist and actress.

It is known that in school years the future participant of the “New Star Factory” took drawing lessons, learned the basics of playing the piano, and in her free time skateboarded and roller-skated.

It is also worth noting that, despite being busy, the young singer never had problems with her studies. The teachers supported the young talent in every possible way, and if she fell behind the program due to her performances, they stayed with her after class, explaining this or that material.

Zina also developed warm relationships with her classmates. On the air of the Calendar program, the performer told the presenters that in life she tries not to turn up her nose and act friendly. This position allows the artist to win over even those who initially think about her in a negative way. According to Kupriyanovich, her parents did everything possible to ensure that, against the backdrop of success, she did not develop star fever.


Kupriyanovich’s piano teacher was the first to notice the musical qualities and memorable timbre of Kupriyanovich’s voice. It was she who advised the mother to send her daughter to a vocal class, which the parent did with great pleasure. As a result, in 2008, six-year-old Zina was enrolled in the Zaranak ensemble out of competition. National Center musical art named after Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin.

In 2010, the singer left the Zaranak ensemble and entered the choral department at Minsk children's music school No. 8 named after Grigory Romanovich Shirma. In the period from 2011 to 2012, Zinaida participated in music competitions, taking only prizes in them.

In 2013, Zina reached the finals of the “Children's New Wave” competition. After a successful performance, the composer invited the young talent to join the choir performing under his leadership. As part of the ensemble, the artist appeared on stage with, and. In December of the same year, she performed with the group “5sta family”, performing their hit “I’ll be with you” on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex.

In 2014, Zina took first place in children's competition“Slavic Bazaar” with the songs “Smile” and “Novy Zen”. Also, Kupriyanovich’s collection of musical tandems was replenished with a duet with the group “IOWA”. The young vocalist performed the song “Simple Song” with the members of the group. Zina’s debut video “Towards the Wind” was also released this year.

In 2015, the singer became a finalist in the national selection of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Peace”. In 2016, the premieres of 4 original songs by Zina took place: “Space”, “Everything will work out”, “Peace” (remix) and “We are the new generation”. In August, as part of the “Children's New Wave”, Zina performed on the same stage in a duet with (single “Bit Bombit”) and (as part of the “New Wave” choir).

Also this year, representatives of the Disney company, who studied the vocalist’s work from the age of 6, invited Kupriyanovich to voice the main character of the animated film “Moana”. The artist also sang the title track of the film - the song “What awaits me” (second title “My Heart”). It is known that in addition to Zinaida, the leader of the Mumiy Troll group, an actor, artists and others participated in the dubbing.

In 2017, the management of the Muz-TV channel revived popular show“Star Factory” announced the recruitment of new contestants. In the summer, young singers sent their applications to the organizers and participated in qualifying auditions. By the beginning of autumn, large-scale castings were completed, and the jury selected 16 talented artists, among whom was Zina. The vocalist, along with other performers, settled in a specially equipped cottage in the Moscow region, coming under 24-hour surveillance by video cameras.

To become a professional singer, Kupriyanovich will have to hone her stage skills for a couple of months under the supervision of star mentors. During her time on the project, the vocalist has already managed to sing a duet with, and. The audience also noted the song “Winter Garden” performed in tandem with the singer.

Personal life

Despite enough young age, the press is already attributing Zina to a relationship with the winner of the international competition “Hali-Halo” in 2012, aspiring singer Arseny Akopyan.

Rumors that the guys are connected not only by friendship appeared after the young people began posting joint pictures on their social networks. In the “Question and Answer” video blog, the aspiring artists denied this information, saying that apart from friendly sympathy, there is nothing between them.

Zina Kupriyanovich now

In 2017, Zina skillfully combines participation in the “Star Factory” with the release of new singles. In July-September, on her YouTube channel, the singer published videos for the compositions “Everything will work out,” “Golden Brick” and “Mint.” Kupriyanovich – active user social networks. IN "Instagram" the performer of the song “Towards the Wind” regularly posts photographs from her personal archive and backstage footage from performances.

Also on its oxbow in

One of the brightest and most anticipated television projects of this season was the restart of the once sensational “Star Factory”. Now this music reality show is already at the finish line, viewers have decided on their favorites and preferences, and the remaining participants are ready for the final push in the fight for votes. Among those who, unfortunately, had already left their positions was young Zina Kupriyanovich, whose Instagram is now only gaining momentum in popularity. This talented girl passed the casting and was included in the project when she was not yet 15 years old, thereby becoming the youngest “manufacturer” in the entire history of the talent show. In our article today we will tell you in more detail about who she was, what her creative path and what Zina is doing now.

Zina Kupriyanovich, biography

The rising pop star was born in the Belarusian capital in 2002, on September 17, into a fairly famous and wealthy family. The girl’s father is the head of a large production center “Super-Duper”, and her mother is a fairly well-known and sought-after family psychologist. Zina was the eldest of three children in the family; a few years later she had a sister, who was named Lyubava, and a few years later her brother Semyon was born. Little Zinaida with early childhood was very active and talented child, she sang, danced, did gymnastics, and also attended a ballet studio and art school. Her idol has always been the Barbadian beauty and R&B diva Rihanna. The girl also dreamed of singing wonderfully, and also came up with various bright stage images for herself. The parents enrolled the little girl in a music school for piano classes even before she entered first grade.

It was there that the teachers discovered the child’s amazing, perfect hearing. After this, the six-year-old girl, outside of competitions and auditions, was accepted into the famous Belarusian ensemble called “Zaranak”. For about two years she performed in its composition as a soloist, and then she joined the circle choral singing another music school. The first fame came to young Kupriyanovich when she was only 11 years old and she made it to the finals of the prestigious “Children's New Wave” competition. Before this, the little girl had already managed to win many prizes, as well as take first places at various city, national and even international competitions. A year earlier, Zinaida had already reached full professional level. She studied in a youth art studio called “Belarusians” based on the production studio “Golden Voices”. And her successful performance at a prestigious vocal competition attracted the attention of the famous producer Igor Krutoy to the child.

The composer began to invite young Zina to many projects, such as “Christmas Song of the Year”, as well as “Children’s Song of the Year”. In 2013 alone, the rising star managed to sing duets with such megastars national stage like Ani Lorak, Dmitry Fomin, Joseph Kobzon, and even with the French pop diva Lara Fabian.
The next year became even more fruitful for the young singer: she shot her first video clip for a song called “Towards the Wind,” which collected over one and a half million views online, and she also often performed with famous artists and won the children's vocal competition "Slavic Bazaar". By the way, she was very excited about the last one. more than a year. In 2015, the young Belarusian entered the final round of selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song “WORLD”, and in the fall Kupriyanovich released a video clip for the same composition. In addition, the girl sang the song “I’ll be back” in a duet with Denis Klyaver. Further at young talent There were tours with pop singers Nastya Tikhanovich and Alena Lanskaya in the cities of Belarus, and the recording of four more new compositions, two of which had videos filmed. Also, the talented girl managed to reach the finals of the national competitive selection for Junior Eurovision by performing the song “Cosmos”. In 2016, for the first time in the history of her country, the artist voiced the main character in the Walt Disney animated family film Moana. She also performed in music show « Magic world Disney", the premiere of which took place at the Moscow Concert Hall. Towards the end of the year, the singer won the Grand Prix in the “Young Talents of Belarus” competition in the “Pop Vocal” category. In January of this year, Zina Kupriyanovich, whose songs are already enjoying considerable popularity, released her debut album, called “Space”, and also shot several new video clips for songs from this album.

Zina Kupriyanovich, “Star Factory”

Actually, the girl came to the music reality show, called “New Star Factory”, already quite famous and having a considerable army of fans of her talent. However, castings and qualifying rounds the girl competed equally with other contestants and was among the best. She turned out to be the youngest participant in the project. Many viewers wondered: how old is Zina Kupriyanovich? Let us answer that at the time of the selection process and the start of the show, she was 14, but in the third week of participation in the “factory” the young singer celebrated her 15th birthday. During the reporting concerts, the girl was lucky enough to work with such celebrities as Nyusha, the rock group “Gorod-312”, Alexander Rybak, as well as Dzhigan and Valeria. Moreover, Zina brilliantly managed to combine her participation in the popular music project with recording their own new hits.

On her personal page on the VKontakte social network, the girl even promised that for 50 thousand “likes” she would make a video clip for her new song“Knock-knock,” which the artist sang during one of the reporting concerts. We also add that, despite such a young age, the artist already has many admirers and suitors. Among those who have tender feelings for the girl is the finalist of the KhaliHalo vocal competition, Arseny Akopyan. Young performer he even came to the girl’s “star house” for her birthday, touchingly confessed his love to the beauty, and even gave Zina a luxurious ring with an elegant diamond. Also, many viewers were convinced that Zina and another participant in the television project, 24-year-old Elman Zeynalov secret romance, these guys looked very tender and romantic together. But, to the disappointment of the majority, soon the young man on his personal Instagram page refuted all these speculations, noting that he treats the girl with trepidation, but as his little sister. On her 15th birthday, young Zina’s father and mother decided to give the heiress a tattoo, which the girl had dreamed of for a very long time. The drawing on the girl’s body in the form of a small peony flower was made by the most famous tattoo artist in Belarus named Ales Tabolich. Zina Kupriyanovich is a Belarusian singer who became famous at the age of 11 after performing at the Children's New Wave competition. The youngest participant in the show “New Star Factory” - a restart of the once most popular music reality show, which started in September 2017 on the Muz-TV channel.

Childhood and family of Zina Kupriyanovich

Zina was born on September 17, 2002 in Minsk and became the first child in the family. Later she had a sister, Lyubava, and a brother, Semyon.

Parents, Alexander (director of the production center "Super Duper" and mentor at the dad-school) and Nelly Kupriyanovich (family psychologist), invested a lot of effort in creative development babies. Zinaida did gymnastics, ballet, and attended art school.

The little girl’s idol was the singer Rihanna - as a child, Zina dreamed of singing exactly like her, and enjoyed coming up with stage costumes and interesting hairstyles.

The first steps to fame of Zina Kupriyanovich

While still a preschooler, Zina was enrolled in a music school, piano class. Her teacher discovered that the girl had excellent ear for music. So, at the age of 6, Kupriyanovich, out of competition, was enrolled in the famous vocal ensemble"Zaranak." Zina performed in its composition for two years as a soloist, and then directed all her strength to classes in the choir department of music school No. 8.

The general public learned about Zina in 2013, after reaching the finals of the Children's New Wave competition. However, the triumph was preceded by many victories at city, national and international competitions: “Little Fairy”, “Blooming Czech Republic”, “Starry Simeiz”, “Starry Rain”,

In 2012, the girl reached the professional level, studying at the art studio “Belarusy” under the auspices of the production center “Golden Voices”. In 2013, as noted above, she became a laureate (6th place) at the “Children’s New Wave” competition. The successful performance at the famous vocal competition impressed producer Igor Krutoy. He began to invite Kupriyanovich to other projects: “Christmas Song of the Year”, “New Wave”, “Children’s Song of the Year”.

By the end of 2013, Zina managed to sing with such famous artists as 5sta family, Ani Lorak, Lev Leshchenko, Joseph Kobzon, Mitya Fomin and Lara Fabian.

2014 was no less successful for the young artist: the first video for the song “Towards the Wind”, which collected 1.5 million views, frequent performances with famous artists and a victory at the children’s competition “Slavic Bazaar”, for which the girl had been preparing for a whole year.

Zina Kupriyanovich - Towards the wind

The following year, Zina reached the final of the selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the composition “MIR”. In the fall of 2015, Zina released a video for this song, as well as a joint song with Denis Klyaver, “I’ll be back.”

Zina Kupriyanovich - World

In 2016, Kupriyanovich toured with singers Alena Lanskaya and Anastasia Tikhanovich in different cities of Belarus, released 4 new songs and 2 videos and reached the final of the Junior Eurovision competition with the composition “Cosmos”.

In the same year, Zina was entrusted with voice acting main character the animated film “Moana” and a role in the show-musical “The Magical World of Disney”, which took place at the Moscow Concert Hall. At the end of 2016, the girl took the Grand Prix in the category “ Pop vocals» radio competition “Young Talents of Belarus”.

In the winter of 2017, Zina presented her first album, “Cosmos,” and six months later, videos for her songs “Mint” and “Everything will work out” were released.

Personal life of Zina Kupriyanovich

Despite her young age, Zina had many suitors - among them was the winner of the Khali-Halo 2012 competition, Arseny Akopyan. The young singer came to the factory owners’ house for Kupriyanovich’s birthday, confessed his love to the girl and gave her a ring with diamonds.

Many TV viewers were sure that there was more than just friendship between Zina and another participant in the show, Elman Zeynalov. However, on its page in Instagram guy denied all the rumors, saying that he treats Zina like a younger sister.

For her 15th birthday, Zina’s parents gave their daughter a tattoo – the girl had been dreaming about it for a long time. Kupriyanovich got the tattoo (in the form of a peony) by the famous Belarusian tattoo artist Ales Tabolich.

Zina Kupriyanovich now

In September 2017, the show “New Star Factory” started on the MUZ-TV channel, one of the participants of which was Kupriyanovich. Zina turned out to be the youngest factory owner: in the third week of the show she turned 15 years old. Among other minor participants there was only Lolita Voloshina from Rostov-on-Don.
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