Топик Global Problems of Today. Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "глобальные проблемы человечества" Глобальные проблемы земли на английском

As participants of a global society, we should keep ourselves educated about the current environmental issues that affect us all. Many of these issues are global and have the ability to escalade rapidly. World leaders are well aware of these problems. Problems like peak oil, global hunger, global warming, extinction of species, and many more are making headlines around the world.

In this article, I have selected 5 major global issues that are relevant today and are threatening our global society. Although each of the issues mentioned below are equally serious, some of these issues might be more relevant to you than for other readers. They are not in any particular order, but should be given equal attention.

1. Extinction of wild animals

4. Economic collapse

The American government spends about 3.8 trillion dollars and produces about 2.2 trillion dollars annually. To make up for this deficit, our government borrows the difference in the form of government bonds from investors and banks. Some of these are foreign banks. Currently, the government owes about 14 trillion dollars in bonds and interests. So instead of raising taxes or cutting down government spending, America chooses to add money into circulation, which is causing inflation and bringing down the value of the dollar. In fact, we are currently recovering from the biggest inflation event in history. This inflation is causing global inflation because the corporations who were counting on money from America are not receiving this money.

5. Global warming

Global warming is considered to be one of the most dangerous threats that our culture has ever faced. Global warming is responsible for catastrophic weather events, water shortages, crop failures, changes in cloud formation patterns, ocean current, sea-level rise, and many other climatic changes. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, CFC, and other green house gases are responsible for these negative effects. When these gases get trapped in our atmosphere, they tend to cause the global temperature to rise, melt the ice caps, and deplete the protective ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Humans are arguably playing a major role in the destruction of Mother Nature’s systems and inherent balance. To fight against pollution, we will need to change our way of thinking and extent to how we consume resources. If we do not take any action against pollution, we will continue to alter the chemical composition of this planet and compromise the stability and sustainability of life itself.

So what do you think? Please let us know your thoughts on global issues and sustainability issues. Thanks for being our valuable visitor.

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Test 16

Глобальные проблемы современности

Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)

  1. Limited natural resources
  2. Unequal financial resources
  3. Our obligation before future
  4. Against the east
  5. Nuclear weapons
  6. Climate change
  7. Religious world of today
  8. Women’s rights

A. The earth is ours to use as we please without regard for the future, for our children, for the earth itself. We must reassume our historical responsibility for our children’s future by protecting their heritage. The reckless anarchy of the exploitation of the earth must be replaced by responsible dialogue among the users, and among the governments of the earth. At present, we have a gathering of the Big 7 or 8 on how to manage the world to their own advantage. Such a dialogue, however, brings up questions of justice and fairness in the allocation of the resources of the earth. A new protocol must be worked out whereby the universal declaration of human rights is more than a God’s wish-list that is lost in the fight of big corporations to use the resources of the earth.

B. The oil, the water, the old growth forests are all limited resources. They must be conserved for the most important future uses. Oil is necessary for the operation of all sorts of machinery, yet it is not being conserved but endlessly pumped out of the earth and sold to the highest prices. Drinkable water, too, is increasing rare; indeed, it is sold in stores for the same price of colas. But underground water is needed for crops, and the underwater reserves are running out. Here, national and international management are required.

C. We are faced with the problem of Global Terrorism which has been called the shadow of the process of Globalization. As the world is becoming one place, so it is that the effects of terrorism have global effects. Also it may be understood that the causes of this global terrorism are likewise global in nature, with disaffected individuals and groups caught up in ideologies of global scope and participating in causes that go beyond international and even inter-continental barriers. We see this particularly in the Muslim world, where issues in Palestine, Bosnia, Afghanistan or Iraq can mobilize people on the other side of the world to want to make interventions.

D. Global poverty and hunger are increasing each year instead of decreasing. The agricultural land of the earth is owned by fewer and fewer people. Much of what is left in the hands of small farmers is being bought up by international agribusinesses - by multinational corporations distant from land but close to big money. The big oil, the pharmaceutical companies, the media conglomerates, the insurance companies, including medical insurance have more influence on government policies than the poor or even the general population. Government policies seem more oriented to maintaining the economy than in the economic and physical well-being of their populations.

E. Another major problem that looms on the horizon and one that probably is already upon us and exerting its effects, is the phenomenon of Global Warming. It can be argued endlessly whether Global Warming is man-made or whether it’s a natural phenomenon, however the empirical evidence certainly shows that Global Warming is indeed occurring. This is made manifest in the melting glaciers and polar ice caps, the increase in hurricane activity (with category 4 and 5 hurricanes, the most intense, doubling in frequency over the past 50 years), changing rainfall patterns and of course the actual increases in measured surface temperatures.

F. It seems that the danger posed by an arsenal of 50,000 missiles in Russian and America is less today than 15 or 20 years ago when Jonathan Schell’s The Fate of the Earth saw catastrophe on the horizon and a real possibility of giving the earth back to the insects and grasses. The cold war between Russia and the U.S. has thawed, but the proliferation of weapons goes on, and the growing masses of nuclear waste. Why? Because the military ways of thinking go on, the national security imperative still drives small countries to spend most of their small budget on weapons instead of social programs. We need to outgrow the dangerous and costly structures of thinking that are our legacy from modernity. Instead of endless debates, we need dialogue and negotiations-not just in Ireland, Russia, East Timor, Pakistan, the Balkans, the Middle East-but in the United Nations about the natural resources, power concentrations, poverty, human rights of the populations of the world.

G. The UN system continues to give particular attention to the issue of violence against women. The 1993 General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women contained “a clear and comprehensive definition of violence against women and a clear statement of the rights to be applied to ensure the elimination of violence against women in all its forms”. It represented “a commitment by States in respect of their responsibilities, and a commitment by the international community at large to the elimination of violence against women”.

Peter the Great

Born in Moscow, Russia on June 9, 1672, Peter the Great was a Russian czar in the late 17th

Simple Solutions to Global Problems

What if the answers to global crises - from devastating hurricanes to the malaria epidemic to global warming - were simple and relatively inexpensive?

Journalist Stephen Dubner and economist Steven Levitt, the authors of "SuperFreakonomics," say that throughout history, ’cheap and simple fixes’ often solved the world’s biggest problems.

Take the medical crisis that more than 50 years ago frightened every American child and nearly broke the American health care system. The problem was polio, and the solution was not more hospitals or more efficient iron lungs that would make breathing easier. The answer was a vaccine.

“Polio’s just one of thousands of examples like that, where a simple solution will prevent so much heartache going down the road,” Dubner said.

The "SuperFreakonomics" duo argue that it"s no different in modern times. “We love to think the world is terrible and difficult, and that it’s much worse now than it’s ever been. But the fact of the matter is that’s almost always wrong” Dubner said. “The world is actually better now than it ever was and all the unsolvable problems that appear keep getting solved.”

Intellectual Ventures, a company in Bellevue, Wash., has been in the business of solving global problems since 2000. The self-proclaimed invention company uses inventions from some of the smartest scientists, mathematicians, software engineers and patent experts in the world, including Nathan Myhrvold, the former chief technology officer at Microsoft.

“Our only job is to invent. And so we try to swing for the fences and try to solve really big problems. And sometimes we do!” Myhrvold said.

Although their ideas are sometimes strange and outrageous, Intellectual Ventures currently ranks in the top 50 among companies that file patents worldwide. Myhrvold said the key components are “simple, and cheap and effective. And when you’re lucky and when things are going all right, you can come up with an idea that’s all of them.”

A 7 The solutions of all global problems are not expensive .

A 8 The American medical system was ruined about fifty years ago.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 9 The way out of the polio crisis was vaccine.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 10 The solution to the polio crisis was quickly found.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 11 Simple solutions may also be used nowadays .

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 12 The world has changed for the better as Dubner thinks .

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 13 Intellectual Ventures is a big company which always solves global problems.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 14 Intellectual Ventures’ ideas are very often odd for common people.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)









The 2012 doomsday or "the end of the world" phenomenon, as it has come _________, is a cultural idea that has been spread through the Internet, books and television and suggests that disastrous events ________ in the year 2012.

The types of predictions for the year 2012 ______ but normally include various catastrophic events such as meteor impacts and ecological collapse, and events like sudden changes in human evolution, a spiritual transformation of the Earth, a reversal of _______ magnetic field which could disrupt current __________ and the beginning of a new era in history also _________.

The forecast date of 2012 for these events mainly _______ on the end of the Mayan or Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar. The calendar, which is said to last around 5,125 years, _______ on August 11, 3114 B.C.E. and ends on December 21, 2012.

Today, the idea of any global event occurring in 2012 ________ largely by the scientific community and many Mayanist scholars claim that any predictions based on the Long Count Calendar are misrepresentative of Mayan history.
















The term __________ is widely used in scientific literature, social journalism and politics. It is described as strengthened economic interdependence and ________ between all countries of the world.

The notion of global economy appeared in the 40th of the XIX century. At that time transportation expenses have died with the _______ of railway and steam engine modes of transport. Thus, new possibilities were created for long-distance goods ________ and the enlargement of effective co-operation between nations has gone ahead.

In the 80th (20th century), however, globalization posed considerable complications. The international organizations claimed the _______ of global problems, which are universal in nature.

Globalization is an economic phenomenon but its problems are ___________ to a certain degree. It is obvious that the world economic growth together with scientific and technological progress is impossible without environmental pollution, excessive use of resources, smoky atmosphere.







Раздел 4 (задания по письму)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Kat.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Раздел 2

Задание В3

Задание А7-А14

A7 -2, A8 – 2, A9 – 1, A10 – 3, A11 – 1, A12 – 1, A13 – 2, A14 – 1.

Раздел 3

Задание В4-В12

B4 - to be called, B5 - will happen, B6 – vary, B7 - Earth’s, B8 – technologies, B9 - are also mentioned, B10 – is mainly based, B11 – began, B12 - is largely rejected.

Задания В13-В18

B13 – globalization, B14 – interrelationship, B15 – appearance, B16 – delivery, B17 – existence, B18 – ecological.

Раздел 4

Задание С1

Hello Kat,

It’s nice to get another letter from you. I hope everything is OK. I wonder why you are worried about such global problems as pollution. I guess you are right to think that it is the major problem of today. If we cope at least with this one our world will be much better and cleaner.

As for the laptop you are going to buy I don’t really know which one is better for you as everyone has his own preferences. I find macbook as one of the best makes of all the laptops possible. But it’s up to you to decide which one to choose. Of course, a lot depends on the sum you are going to spend.

Best wishes,


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А7-А14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4-В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В4-В12.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13-В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В13-В18.

Для ответа на задание С1 используйте бланк №2.

При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на бланке №2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объема, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объем – не оцениваются.

… I think that pollution is one of the greatest global problems…

You know I want to have some new lap top. Which is better to take? Is there really any reliable laptop at the market? Is it easy to find such alone?

Приведенное сочинение по английскому на тему экологические проблемы показывает основные проблемы экологии современного мира. Знакомит читателя с научной лексикой. Подходит для учеников 8-9 классов общеобразовательной школы, а также для тех, кто учит язык на уровне “Pre-Intermediate”. Текст будет хорошим пособием для устных и письменных заданий - пересказ, ответ на вопросы, выписывание незнакомых слов.

Topic "Ecological problems"

The word “Ecology” comes from the Greek language and means “the study of the the place we live in”. So, there is no person on Earth who is not affected by ecological problems. For example, air polluted by plants will travel for a long distance with wind, the heavy particles will get into rivers and seas.

Pollution of the sea is the most dangerous. The regions that are most loaded with sea traffic are very dirty. For example, the Baltic sea is the dirtiest zone on the planet. The radioactive leak at Fukushima, Japan has led to the death of many fishes and other aquatic beings.

The cutout of forests, contamination of the seas and intense burning of coal has shifted the balance of the oxygen, ozone and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, making the ozone “shield” of the planet thinner. It results in global climate changes. Debates are still being held whether the “Global warming” is real, but every year there comes another evidence of the warming - the ice mounts melt at the poles, raising the global sea level.

You, of course, may say that you can’t affect the production of plants and factories much. But there is also the ecology of your home and your workplace. You shouldn’t pour dangerous chemicals to the ground - it will “die”, become infertile. Do not throw away batteries - send them to the recycling center. There are often special containers for batteries in major malls. Generally, do not waste resources - like take a shower, not a bath, turn down the water when you brush your teeth. Turn off electric devices that you do not use. Take care of the health of your environment.

Топик "Экологические проблемы"

Слово “Экология” происходит из греческого языка и означает “наука о месте, в котором мы живем”. То есть, на Земле нет ни одного человека, которого бы не затрагивали проблемы экологии. Например, воздух, загрязненный заводами, пройдет большую дистанцию с ветром, а тяжелые частички попадут в реки и моря.

Загрязнение моря - наиболее опасно. Регионы, которые наиболее загружены потоком морских судов, очень грязны. Например, Балтийское море - самая грязная зона на планете. Утечка радиации в Фукусиме, Япония, привела к гибели многих рыб и других обитателей моря.

Вырубка лесов, загрязнение морей и интенсивное сжигание угля сдвинуло баланс кислорода, озона и углекислого газа в атмосфере, сделав озоновый “щит” планеты тоньше. Это приводит к глобальным изменениям климата. Все еще ведутся дебаты, реально ли “Глобальное потепление”, но каждый год находятся новые свидетельства потепления - тают ледяные горы на полюсах, повышается глобальный уровень моря.

Вы, конечно, можете сказать, что не в силах повлиять на производство заводов и фабрик. Но есть также экология вашего дома и вашего места работы. Не выливайте на землю опасные химикаты - она “умрет”, станет неплодородной. Не выбрасывайте батарейки - отправьте их в центр переработки. Часто в больших супермаркетах есть специальные контейнеры для батареек. В общем, не растрачивайте ресурсы, - например, принимайте душ, а не ванну, выключайте воду пока чистите зубы. Выключайте приборы, которыми не пользуетесь. Заботьтесь о здоровье окружающей вас среды.

Global problems are those which affect not only one individual but the whole mankind. They can’t be solved in one day and require organized efforts from the world community. If people leave these problems unsettled, it may lead to serious consequences in the future. It will affect all humanity and environment.

All in all, global problems are the following: environmental pollution, climate change, resource issues, overpopulation, nuclear weapons and some others. Speaking about pollution, I’d like to mention the Chernobyl disaster, which was the result of reckless economic activities. At the moment, many forests and rivers are also endangered due to careless attitude. In the 21st century our world faces one of the most urgent problems – the climate change. The earth is warming up. As a result some species and their habitats suffer. Recent years have shown increasing temperatures in some regions and extreme weather conditions, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

The shortage of resources is another pressing issue. Natural resources are limited and we can’t use them carelessly. The increasing number of factories is the root of this problem. The world’s population will soon reach an intolerable level and this will lead to the shortage of resources as well. To avoid the catastrophe this growth must be stopped. Many environmental and social problems are the result of overpopulation.

Nuclear weapon is one of the most terrifying global problems. The use of such weapon is against any international law. Apart from nuclear there is also chemical weapon and biological. Another threatening problem nowadays is terrorism. It endangers life of every person on the earth.

Перевод топика на русский язык:

Глобальными являются те проблемы, которые влияют не только на одного человека, но на все человечество. Их нельзя решить в течение одного дня, они требует организованных усилий со стороны мирового сообщества. Если люди оставят эти проблемы нерешенными, это может привести к серьезным последствиям в будущем. Это повлияет на все человечество и окружающую среду.

В целом, к глобальным проблемам относятся: загрязнение окружающей среды, изменение климата, проблемы с ресурсами, перенаселенность, ядерное оружие и некоторые другие. Говоря о загрязнении, я хотел бы выделить, Чернобыльскую катастрофу, которая явилась результатом безрассудной экономической деятельности. На данный момент, многие леса и реки также опасности в результате небрежного отношения. В 21-м веке наш мир переживает одну из наиболее актуальных проблем – изменения климата. Земля разогревается.

В результате некоторые особи и их среда обитания страдают. Последние годы показали повышение температуры в некоторых регионах и экстремальные погодные условия, в том числе ураганы, землетрясения и цунами. Нехватка ресурсов одна из актуальных проблем.

Природные ресурсы ограничены, и мы не можем использовать их небрежно. Увеличивающееся количество заводов является корнем этой проблемы. Населения в мире скоро достигнет недопустимого уровня, и это также приведет к нехватке ресурсов. Чтобы избежать катастрофы, данный рост должен быть остановлен. Многие экологические и социальные проблемы являются результатом перенаселения.

Ядерное оружие является одним из самых страшных глобальных проблем. Использование такого оружия любым международным законам. Помимо ядерного оружия, есть ещё и химическое и биологическое. Другой угрожающей проблемой в настоящее время является терроризм. Он ставит под угрозу жизнь каждого человека на земле.

(Пока оценок нет)

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Как бы не повернулась к вам судьба, необходимо помнить, что из любой ситуации есть выход. Исправить в жизни можно все, кроме смерти. Но и это скоро исправят! Назло неудачам, чтоб с вами ни было — не падайте духом! Можно — носом, коленями, пузом, чем угодно! Только не духом. И не забывайте при этом улыбаться, потому что ваши проблемы никого не волнуют. Deal with it!

Essay on About issues

What do you think about when you hear the word “issue”? Firstly, you probably have a thought about routine problems that all people face from time to time. Furthermore, you may consider some global problems which have an effect on everyone’s life and the life of our planet in common. So what are the main issues of modern society?
If I think about global problems, the first thing that comes to my mind is worsening of ecological situation. It’s a complex issue which includes land, water and air pollution, as well as deforestation, extinction of flora and fauna species. One of the most urgent issues is also the process of global warming and climate changing. Nevertheless, all of them are caused by human beings and their activity, and are difficult to be solved.
Moreover, there is a big list of environmental issues which are caused by nature such as droughts, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and others. They are also really dangerous and can lead to some ecological disasters.
Another one, but not less important, is the group of health problems. It includes AIDS and other infection diseases, cancer and so on. As for me the most wide-spread one is obesity. This issue is caused by change of lifestyle, especially lack of physical activity and rapidly growing popularity of fast food. The statistics shows that more and more children in the world suffer from this disease. It is also connected with one more global problem — the Internet that has a great impact on the way we live, making us less active, purposeless and antisocial.
Modern society is also full of social issues like homelessness and poverty, drunkenness, drug abuse and family violence. In spite of the fact that there is a mechanism of social help for poor or homeless people and a lot of services that are ready to help people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. These issues haven’t been solved yet and continue to destroy families and lives.
On my opinion, the biggest part of modern issues can only be solved by changing of human nature, our habits and way of thinking. All mankind has to unite to win this interminable struggle.

Сочинение на тему О проблемах

О чем вы думаете, когда слышите слово «проблема»? В первую очередь к вам, вероятно, приходит мысль о повседневных проблемах, с которыми все люди сталкиваются время от времени. Кроме того, вы можете подумать о глобальных проблемах, которые оказывают влияние на жизнь каждого и жизнь всей нашей планеты в целом. Так какие же основные проблемы современного общества?
Если я думаю о глобальных проблемах, то первое, что приходит в голову — это ухудшение экологической ситуации. Это комплексная проблема, которая включает в себя загрязнение земли, воды и воздуха, также как и вырубку лесов, вымирание видов флоры и фауны. Одной из самых важных проблем также является процесс глобального потепления и изменения климата. Тем не менее, все они вызваны людьми и их деятельностью, и их сложно устранить.
Более того, есть целый ряд проблем окружающей среды, которые вызваны природой: засухи, наводнения, торнадо, землетрясения и другие. Они также опасны и могут привести к экологическим катастрофам.
Еще одной, но не менее важной, является группа проблем, связанных со здоровьем. Она включает в себя СПИД и другие инфекционные заболевания, например, рак. На мой взгляд, одной из самых распространенных является проблема ожирения. Она вызвана изменением образа жизни, особенно недостатком физической активности и быстрым ростом популярности фаст фуда. Статистика показывает, что все больше и больше детей в мире страдают от этой болезни. Она связана с еще одной глобальной проблемой — Интернетом, который сильно влияет на наш образ жизни, делая нас менее активными, бесцельными и антисоциальными.
В современном обществе также полно социальных проблем, таких как бездомность и бедность, алкоголизм, наркомания и насилие в семье. Несмотря на тот факт, что существует механизм социальной помощи бедным и бездомным людям, а также большое количество служб, готовых помочь людям в борьбе с алкогольной и наркотической зависимостью. Эти проблемы так и остались нерешенными и до сих пор продолжают разрушать семьи и жизни.
Я считаю, что большая часть современных проблем может быть решена посредством изменения человеческой природы, наших привычек и образа мышления. Все человечество должно объединиться, чтобы победить в этой извечной борьбе.

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