Alexander Kharnikov: Invincible and legendary. Download the book Invincible and Legendary (Alexander Mikhailovsky, Alexander Kharnikov) fb2 for free

Alexander Mikhailovsky, Alexander Kharnikov

The socialist revolution has happened. Everything happened quietly and casually. People came to power who did not like to joke at all.

And it all started with the fact that, unknown to how, a squadron of Russian warships from the 21st century was abandoned in the autumn Baltic of 1917. And she ended up off the coast of the island of Ezel, not far from the German squadron, which was preparing to rush to Moonsund. Admiral Larionov did not hesitate for a minute - the Kaiser's ships were sunk by air strike, and the landing corps was almost completely destroyed.

Well, then people from the future established contact with the Bolsheviks: Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and representatives of Russian military intelligence, Generals Potapov and Bonch-Bruevich.

The result of such cooperation was the resignation of the Kerensky government and the peaceful transfer of power to the Bolsheviks. But, as it turned out, gaining power is not so bad. It was much more difficult to hold her. Former comrades the batch suddenly became worst enemies. True, the Bolsheviks and their new allies did not suffer from excessive humanism. Under the fire of machine guns and sabers of the Cossacks who sided with Stalin and the aliens, the people of Trotsky and Sverdlov, who dreamed of starting a “world fire in blood,” died.

In Riga, after the 8th was defeated with the help of aliens from the future german army, peace was concluded with the Kaiser's Germany. But, having ended the imperialist war, the time has come to restore order within the country. In Kyiv, Red Guard troops dispersed the Central Rada. The Czechoslovak Corps has been disarmed and no longer even thinks of raising a rebellion against the power of the Soviets.

British, enemies new Russia, sent a squadron led by the battleship Dreadnought to Murmansk. But it was defeated, and the troops that Lloyd George's government intended to land in the Soviet North were captured.

The Red Guard brigade under the command of Colonel Berezhny captured Odessa. The Bolsheviks came to power in the country in earnest and for a long time...

Part one

Thunderous December

USA, Washington,

White House Oval Office


US President Woodrow Wilson, Vice President Thomas Marshall, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, Secretary of War Newton Baker, US Navy Commander Admiral William Banson

Washington was plunged into mourning, state flags were flown at half-staff and decorated with black ribbons, newspapers came out with funeral headlines, and the mood in the city of politicians and officials was such that they would go to their graves right now. Yesterday at 15:33, the transatlantic liner Mauritania, which was approaching Liverpool, was actually within sight of the Scottish coast.

The German submarine showed incredible audacity and impudence. She attacked the liner, despite the fact that it was guarded by British anti-submarine sloops and the American cruiser Albany. After being hit by two torpedoes and the subsequent explosion of the boilers, the Mauritania lay on the port side and sank. From personnel the two infantry regiments it transported - and this is almost two hundred and four officers and five thousand nine hundred lower ranks, as well as out of the eight hundred crew members of the liner, the crews of the sloops managed to raise no more than two hundred numb half-corpses from the icy December water. British sailors not only failed to sink the daring underwater pirate, but they even failed to detect the presence of an enemy submarine.

“Invincible and Legendary” is a new military science fiction novel. Wrote book two creative person Alexander Mikhailovsky, Alexander Kharnikov. Tandem talented writers resulted in an original story filled with the most incredible adventures. Are you interested in learning more? Then start reading the book.

So, at the center of the story “Invincible and Legendary” is the Russian squadron. By a strange coincidence, she ends up in 1917 from 2012 with the entire crew on board the ships. On the territory of many countries of that time there was chaos and confusion, as “ the mighty of the world this" are concerned about the division of power. But now everything will be different. People from the future will help restore order to everyone, everywhere. Having experience, knowledge, excellent technical base they quickly and clearly solve the most global problems. Defeat the German squadron, help the Bolsheviks peacefully seize power, defeat the British, carry out many of the most difficult and dangerous tasks - the heroes of our time can do all this. They will be able to perform the most risky tasks. Therefore, in the vastness of the book you will find many of the most incredible adventures. Writers Alexander Mikhailovsky and Alexander Kharnikov created a very dynamic plot that holds the reader's attention from beginning to end. It is very exciting to follow the events on the pages of the book; it is always difficult to predict how the story might end.

How will the squadron team convince the local authorities to trust them? What methods will he take for this? How to get people to trust them? You will learn about this from the pages fantasy novel"Invincible and legendary." You will enjoy following the lives of contemporaries in the past. Reading the book will be interesting to all those who cannot imagine their life without exciting adventures. Together with the heroes of “Invincible and Legendary” you will be able to survive many of the most dangerous incidents. So make yourself comfortable and go to another dimension to make your own story.

In the vastness of the book “Invincible and Legendary” “lives” a large number of the most different characters who become participants in a wide variety of incidents. So that the reader can figure out what's what, the writers took the creation of the book very seriously. Having detailed the images of each character, competently combining each storyline into one common whole, Alexander Mikhailovsky and Alexander Kharnikov were able to create a novel worthy of your attention. At the same time, the correct spelling will ensure that you read the book easily. Therefore, reading the work, you can have a great rest.

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Alexander Mikhailovsky, Alexander Kharnikov

Invincible and legendary

The socialist revolution has happened. Everything happened quietly and casually. People came to power who did not like to joke at all.

And it all started with the fact that, unknown to how, a squadron of Russian warships from the 21st century was abandoned in the autumn Baltic of 1917. And she ended up off the coast of the island of Ezel, not far from the German squadron, which was preparing to rush to Moonsund. Admiral Larionov did not hesitate for a minute - the Kaiser's ships were sunk by air strike, and the landing corps was almost completely destroyed.

Well, then people from the future established contact with the Bolsheviks: Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and representatives of Russian military intelligence, Generals Potapov and Bonch-Bruevich.

The result of such cooperation was the resignation of the Kerensky government and the peaceful transfer of power to the Bolsheviks. But, as it turned out, gaining power is not so bad. It was much more difficult to hold her. Former party comrades suddenly became bitter enemies. True, the Bolsheviks and their new allies did not suffer from excessive humanism. Under the fire of machine guns and sabers of the Cossacks who sided with Stalin and the aliens, the people of Trotsky and Sverdlov, who dreamed of starting a “world fire in blood,” died.

In Riga, after the 8th German Army was defeated with the help of aliens from the future, peace was concluded with the Kaiser's Germany. But, having ended the imperialist war, the time has come to restore order within the country. In Kyiv, Red Guard troops dispersed the Central Rada. The Czechoslovak Corps has been disarmed and no longer even thinks of raising a rebellion against the power of the Soviets.

The British, enemies of the new Russia, sent a squadron led by the battleship Dreadnought to Murmansk. But it was defeated, and the troops that Lloyd George's government intended to land in the Soviet North were captured.

The Red Guard brigade under the command of Colonel Berezhny captured Odessa. The Bolsheviks came to power in the country in earnest and for a long time...

Part one

Thunderous December

USA, Washington,

White House Oval Office


US President Woodrow Wilson, Vice President Thomas Marshall, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, Secretary of War Newton Baker, US Navy Commander Admiral William Banson

Washington was plunged into mourning, state flags were flown at half-staff and decorated with black ribbons, newspapers came out with funeral headlines, and the mood in the city of politicians and officials was such that they would go to their graves right now. Yesterday at 15:33, the transatlantic liner Mauritania, which was approaching Liverpool, was actually within sight of the Scottish coast.

The German submarine showed incredible audacity and impudence. She attacked the liner, despite the fact that it was guarded by British anti-submarine sloops and the American cruiser Albany. After being hit by two torpedoes and the subsequent explosion of the boilers, the Mauritania lay on the port side and sank. Of the personnel of the two infantry regiments it transported - and this is almost two hundred and four officers and five thousand nine hundred lower ranks, as well as of the eight hundred crew members of the liner, the crews of the sloops managed to raise no more than two hundred numb half-corpses from the icy December water. British sailors not only failed to sink the daring underwater pirate, but they even failed to detect the presence of an enemy submarine.

There was also a gloomy mood in the White House. The attempt of the Washington establishment, discarding the Monroe Doctrine and without incurring significant expenses, failed in time to share the fatty European pie.

Gentlemen,” President Wilson said mournfully, when all those present sat around the famous round table, - we have gathered here with you on a sad occasion. The Almighty sends us more and more tests. Let us pray for the souls of our departed compatriots.

When the prayer ended and everyone sat down at the table, Woodrow Wilson began the meeting.

“I give the floor to Admiral Benson,” the President said. - We would like to listen to his explanations - how did we lose another infantry brigade during transportation to Europe, and the British lost their last large transatlantic liner? However, it seems to me that this is a purely academic question, since Congress has just decided by both houses to indefinite term vetoed all troop transport across the Atlantic. This is for everyone's attention. We and our allies have shit ourselves full program. Well, now we are listening to you carefully, Admiral...

Admiral Benson sighed heavily.

Gentlemen, we thought we had it all necessary measures to protect our soldiers transported across the ocean from enemy submarines. "Mauritania" during its journey across the Atlantic was accompanied by our cruiser "Albany", because of which the speed on the route had to be reduced from the standard twenty-six to eighteen to twenty knots. The number of lookouts was doubled, and at night the ships sailed without lights. Upon entering the range of German submarines, the liner was taken under guard by British anti-submarine defense sloops, after which the speed of the caravan dropped to sixteen knots.

The attack by a German submarine occurred already in the afternoon on the approach to Liverpool. One of the surviving signalmen from the Mauritania, seaman Ted Berson, testified that the tracks of two torpedoes were seen on the stern heading angles. This direction for an underwater attack is considered low-risk, especially since both torpedoes went past the liner. Therefore, the captain of the Mauritania did not undertake any evasive maneuvers.

The admiral looked around at those present and after a short pause said:

Gentlemen, what I will tell you next may seem incredible, but Ted Berson’s testimony, which, by the way, he gave under oath, is confirmed by signalmen from the British sloops, who also observed the torpedo attack. The torpedoes entered the wake of the Mauritania and changed their course, catching up with the liner. The unfortunate sailor said that they “chased after us like two hungry sharks, wagging in a sinusoid, now entering the wake, now leaving it.

Can torpedoes chase ships? - the Minister of War asked in surprise. He wanted to add something else, but then he waved his hand and said: “Sorry, gentlemen, nerves.” Once they chased, and everyone confirmed it, it means they can. Carry on, Admiral. What else do you have that’s just as... scary?

“A lot of things,” Admiral Benson nodded. “In addition to the fact that these torpedoes chased the Mauritania, it is also surprising that neither the signalmen from the Mauritania, nor the sailors from our cruiser and British sloops could notice any signs of the presence of a submarine in the area. I repeat - none. No raised periscope, no noise of working mechanisms, nothing. Attempts to locate and attack the submarine were unsuccessful, and this war crime went unpunished.

Do you think that the Germans have a new type of submarine? - the president asked alarmedly. “In this case, it could turn into a complete disaster for us.”

Perhaps, sir,” Admiral Banson nodded, “according to our British colleagues, about a month and a half ago, a submarine of an unknown type, in complete secrecy, passed the Kiel Canal from Baltic Sea to Severnoye. The wiring was carried out at night, with a minimum service personnel and increased security measures. At the same time, the wheelhouse and the upper part of the hull were carefully covered with a tarpaulin.

Admiral Benson sighed heavily.

In addition, British intelligence learned that at about the same time, the German submarine U-35, which is based in the Austrian port of Cattaro on the Adriatic Sea, had its commander, the famous submarine ace Lieutenant Commander Lothar, recalled immediately after returning from the voyage. von Arnaud de la Perriere. As it was established, travel documents were issued to him to the naval base on the island of Heligoland.

The third piece of the puzzle, which ended up in the same place and at the same time, was Grand Admiral Tirpitz, who visited the island around the same time when an unknown submarine and a famous German submariner were supposed to arrive there. Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen...

“Perhaps you are right, Benson,” said Vice President Thomas Marshall thoughtfully, “a unique commander for a unique ship, and parting words from a beloved admiral on the pier.” If in the near future it is announced that Lieutenant-Commander von Arnaud de la Perriere has been awarded the Knight's Cross, or whatever the Huns are supposed to give for such acts, then we will know exactly who killed our guys. In the meantime, gentlemen, we need to decide what conclusions we will draw from everything that happened and what we will do next.

Thomas,” President Wilson sighed, “I told you that Congress has already decided everything for us.” No more American troops to Europe, no more sunk ships, no more wasted losses. The transfer of troops and our participation in hostilities in the Old World are suspended until the situation is clarified and effective way fighting new German submarines and their secret torpedoes.

The socialist revolution has happened. Everything happened quietly and casually. People came to power who did not like to joke at all.

And it all started with the fact that, unknown to how, a squadron of Russian warships from the 21st century was abandoned in the autumn Baltic of 1917. And she ended up off the coast of the island of Ezel, not far from the German squadron, which was preparing to rush to Moonsund. Admiral Larionov did not hesitate for a minute - the Kaiser's ships were sunk by air strike, and the landing corps was almost completely destroyed.

Well, then people from the future established contact with the Bolsheviks: Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and representatives of Russian military intelligence, Generals Potapov and Bonch-Bruevich.

The result of such cooperation was the resignation of the Kerensky government and the peaceful transfer of power to the Bolsheviks. But, as it turned out, gaining power is not so bad. It was much more difficult to hold her. Former party comrades suddenly became bitter enemies. True, the Bolsheviks and their new allies did not suffer from excessive humanism. Under the fire of machine guns and sabers of the Cossacks who sided with Stalin and the aliens, the people of Trotsky and Sverdlov, who dreamed of starting a “world fire in blood,” died.

In Riga, after the 8th German Army was defeated with the help of aliens from the future, peace was concluded with the Kaiser's Germany. But, having ended the imperialist war, the time has come to restore order within the country. In Kyiv, Red Guard troops dispersed the Central Rada. The Czechoslovak Corps has been disarmed and no longer even thinks of raising a rebellion against the power of the Soviets.

The British, enemies of the new Russia, sent a squadron led by the battleship Dreadnought to Murmansk. But it was defeated, and the troops that Lloyd George's government intended to land in the Soviet North were captured.

The Red Guard brigade under the command of Colonel Berezhny captured Odessa. The Bolsheviks came to power in the country in earnest and for a long time...

Part one

Thunderous December

USA, Washington,

White House Oval Office


US President Woodrow Wilson, Vice President Thomas Marshall, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, Secretary of War Newton Baker, US Navy Commander Admiral William Banson

Washington was plunged into mourning, state flags were flown at half-staff and decorated with black ribbons, newspapers came out with funeral headlines, and the mood in the city of politicians and officials was such that they would go to their graves right now. Yesterday at 15:33, the transatlantic liner Mauritania, which was approaching Liverpool, was actually within sight of the Scottish coast.

The German submarine showed incredible audacity and impudence. She attacked the liner, despite the fact that it was guarded by British anti-submarine sloops and the American cruiser Albany. After being hit by two torpedoes and the subsequent explosion of the boilers, the Mauritania lay on the port side and sank. Of the personnel of the two infantry regiments it transported - and this is almost two hundred and four officers and five thousand nine hundred lower ranks, as well as of the eight hundred people of the liner's crew, the crews of the sloops managed to raise no more than two hundred numb half-corpses from the icy December water. British sailors not only failed to sink the daring underwater pirate, but they even failed to detect the presence of an enemy submarine.

There was also a gloomy mood in the White House. The attempt of the Washington establishment, discarding the Monroe Doctrine and without incurring significant expenses, failed in time to share the fatty European pie.

“Gentlemen,” President Wilson said mournfully, when all those present were seated around the famous round table, “we have gathered here with you on a sad occasion. The Almighty sends us more and more tests. Let us pray for the souls of our departed compatriots.

When the prayer ended and everyone sat down at the table, Woodrow Wilson began the meeting.

“I give the floor to Admiral Benson,” said the President. - We would like to listen to his explanations - how did we lose another infantry brigade during transportation to Europe, and the British lost their last large transatlantic liner? However, it seems to me that this is a purely academic question, since Congress has just, by decision of both houses, indefinitely vetoed all military transport across the Atlantic. This is for everyone's attention. We and our allies have completely screwed ourselves. Well, now we are listening to you carefully, Admiral...

Admiral Benson sighed heavily.

“Gentlemen, it seemed to us that we had taken all the necessary measures to protect our soldiers transported across the ocean from enemy submarines. "Mauritania" during its journey across the Atlantic was accompanied by our cruiser "Albany", because of which the speed on the route had to be reduced from the standard twenty-six to eighteen to twenty knots. The number of lookouts was doubled, and at night the ships sailed without lights. Upon entering the range of German submarines, the liner was taken under guard by British anti-submarine defense sloops, after which the speed of the caravan dropped to sixteen knots.

The attack by a German submarine occurred already in the afternoon on the approach to Liverpool. One of the surviving signalmen from the Mauritania, seaman Ted Berson, testified that the tracks of two torpedoes were seen on the stern heading angles. This direction for an underwater attack is considered low-risk, especially since both torpedoes went past the liner. Therefore, the captain of the Mauritania did not undertake any evasive maneuvers.

The admiral looked around at those present and after a short pause said:

“Gentlemen, what I will tell you next may seem incredible, but Ted Berson’s testimony, which, by the way, he gave under oath, is confirmed by signalmen from the British sloops, who also observed the torpedo attack. The torpedoes entered the wake of the Mauritania and changed their course, catching up with the liner. The unfortunate sailor said that they “chased after us like two hungry sharks, wagging in a sinusoid, now entering the wake, now leaving it.

– Can torpedoes chase ships? – the Minister of War asked in surprise. He wanted to add something else, but then he waved his hand and said: “Sorry, gentlemen, nerves.” Once they chased, and everyone confirmed it, it means they can. Carry on, Admiral. What else do you have that’s just as... scary?

“A lot of things,” Admiral Benson nodded. “In addition to the fact that these torpedoes chased the Mauritania, it is also surprising that neither the signalmen from the Mauritania, nor the sailors from our cruiser and British sloops could notice any signs of the presence of a submarine in the area. I repeat - none. No raised periscope, no noise of working mechanisms, nothing. Attempts to locate and attack the submarine were unsuccessful, and this war crime went unpunished.

– Do you think that the Germans have a new type of submarine? – the President asked alarmedly. “In this case, it could turn into a complete disaster for us.”

“Perhaps, sir,” Admiral Benson nodded, “according to our British colleagues, about a month and a half ago, a submarine of an unknown type, in complete secrecy, passed through the Kiel Canal from the Baltic Sea to the North Sea.” Its wiring was carried out at night, with a minimum of maintenance personnel and increased security measures. At the same time, the wheelhouse and the upper part of the hull were carefully covered with a tarpaulin.

Alexander Mikhailovsky, Alexander Kharnikov

The socialist revolution has happened. Everything happened quietly and casually. People came to power who did not like to joke at all.

And it all started with the fact that, unknown to how, a squadron of Russian warships from the 21st century was abandoned in the autumn Baltic of 1917. And she ended up off the coast of the island of Ezel, not far from the German squadron, which was preparing to rush to Moonsund. Admiral Larionov did not hesitate for a minute - the Kaiser's ships were sunk by air strike, and the landing corps was almost completely destroyed.

Well, then people from the future established contact with the Bolsheviks: Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and representatives of Russian military intelligence, Generals Potapov and Bonch-Bruevich.

The result of such cooperation was the resignation of the Kerensky government and the peaceful transfer of power to the Bolsheviks. But, as it turned out, gaining power is not so bad. It was much more difficult to hold her. Former party comrades suddenly became bitter enemies. True, the Bolsheviks and their new allies did not suffer from excessive humanism. Under the fire of machine guns and sabers of the Cossacks who sided with Stalin and the aliens, the people of Trotsky and Sverdlov, who dreamed of starting a “world fire in blood,” died.

In Riga, after the 8th German Army was defeated with the help of aliens from the future, peace was concluded with the Kaiser's Germany. But, having ended the imperialist war, the time has come to restore order within the country. In Kyiv, Red Guard troops dispersed the Central Rada. The Czechoslovak Corps has been disarmed and no longer even thinks of raising a rebellion against the power of the Soviets.

The British, enemies of the new Russia, sent a squadron led by the battleship Dreadnought to Murmansk. But it was defeated, and the troops that Lloyd George's government intended to land in the Soviet North were captured.

The Red Guard brigade under the command of Colonel Berezhny captured Odessa. The Bolsheviks came to power in the country in earnest and for a long time...

Part one

Thunderous December

USA, Washington,

White House Oval Office


US President Woodrow Wilson, Vice President Thomas Marshall, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, Secretary of War Newton Baker, US Navy Commander Admiral William Banson

Washington was plunged into mourning, state flags were flown at half-staff and decorated with black ribbons, newspapers came out with funeral headlines, and the mood in the city of politicians and officials was such that they would go to their graves right now. Yesterday at 15:33, the transatlantic liner Mauritania, which was approaching Liverpool, was actually within sight of the Scottish coast.

The German submarine showed incredible audacity and impudence. She attacked the liner, despite the fact that it was guarded by British anti-submarine sloops and the American cruiser Albany. After being hit by two torpedoes and the subsequent explosion of the boilers, the Mauritania lay on the port side and sank. Of the personnel of the two infantry regiments it transported - and this is almost two hundred and four officers and five thousand nine hundred lower ranks, as well as of the eight hundred people of the liner's crew, the crews of the sloops managed to raise no more than two hundred numb half-corpses from the icy December water. British sailors not only failed to sink the daring underwater pirate, but they even failed to detect the presence of an enemy submarine.

There was also a gloomy mood in the White House. The attempt of the Washington establishment, discarding the Monroe Doctrine and without incurring significant expenses, failed in time to share the fatty European pie.

“Gentlemen,” President Wilson said mournfully, when all those present were seated around the famous round table, “we have gathered here with you on a sad occasion. The Almighty sends us more and more tests. Let us pray for the souls of our departed compatriots.

When the prayer ended and everyone sat down at the table, Woodrow Wilson began the meeting.

“I give the floor to Admiral Benson,” said the President. - We would like to listen to his explanations - how did we lose another infantry brigade during transportation to Europe, and the British lost their last large transatlantic liner? However, it seems to me that this is a purely academic question, since Congress has just, by decision of both houses, indefinitely vetoed all military transport across the Atlantic. This is for everyone's attention. We and our allies have completely screwed ourselves. Well, now we are listening to you carefully, Admiral...

Admiral Benson sighed heavily.

“Gentlemen, it seemed to us that we had taken all the necessary measures to protect our soldiers transported across the ocean from enemy submarines. "Mauritania" during its journey across the Atlantic was accompanied by our cruiser "Albany", because of which the speed on the route had to be reduced from the standard twenty-six to eighteen to twenty knots. The number of lookouts was doubled, and at night the ships sailed without lights. Upon entering the range of German submarines, the liner was taken under guard by British anti-submarine defense sloops, after which the speed of the caravan dropped to sixteen knots.

The attack by a German submarine occurred already in the afternoon on the approach to Liverpool. One of the surviving signalmen from the Mauritania, seaman Ted Berson, testified that the tracks of two torpedoes were seen on the stern heading angles. This direction for an underwater attack is considered low-risk, especially since both torpedoes went past the liner. Therefore, the captain of the Mauritania did not undertake any evasive maneuvers.

The admiral looked around at those present and after a short pause said:

“Gentlemen, what I will tell you next may seem incredible, but Ted Berson’s testimony, which, by the way, he gave under oath, is confirmed by signalmen from the British sloops, who also observed the torpedo attack. The torpedoes entered the wake of the Mauritania and changed their course, catching up with the liner. The unfortunate sailor said that they “chased after us like two hungry sharks, wagging in a sinusoid, now entering the wake, now leaving it.

– Can torpedoes chase ships? – the Minister of War asked in surprise. He wanted to add something else, but then he waved his hand and said: “Sorry, gentlemen, nerves.” Once they chased, and everyone confirmed it, it means they can. Carry on, Admiral. What else do you have that’s just as... scary?

“A lot of things,” Admiral Benson nodded. “In addition to the fact that these torpedoes chased the Mauritania, it is also surprising that neither the signalmen from the Mauritania, nor the sailors from our cruiser and British sloops could notice any signs of the presence of a submarine in the area. I repeat - none. No raised periscope, no noise of working mechanisms, nothing. Attempts to locate and attack the submarine were unsuccessful, and this war crime went unpunished.

– Do you think that the Germans have a new type of submarine? – the President asked alarmedly. “In this case, it could turn into a complete disaster for us.”

“Perhaps, sir,” Admiral Benson nodded, “according to our British colleagues, about a month and a half ago, a submarine of an unknown type, in complete secrecy, passed through the Kiel Canal from the Baltic Sea to the North Sea.” Its wiring was carried out at night, with a minimum of maintenance personnel and increased security measures. At the same time, the wheelhouse and the upper part of the hull were carefully covered with a tarpaulin.

Admiral Benson sighed heavily.

– In addition, British intelligence learned that at about the same time, from the German submarine U-35, which is based in the Austrian port of Cattaro on the Adriatic Sea, its commander, the famous submarine ace Lieutenant Commander, was recalled immediately after returning from a cruise Lothar von Arnaud de la Perrière. As it was established, travel documents were issued to him to the naval base on the island of Heligoland.

The third piece of the puzzle, which ended up in the same place and at the same time, was Grand Admiral Tirpitz, who visited the island around the same time when an unknown submarine and a famous German submariner were supposed to arrive there. Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen...

“You may be right, Benson,” said Vice President Thomas Marshall thoughtfully, “a unique commander for a unique ship, and parting words from a beloved admiral on the pier.” If in the near future it is announced that Lieutenant-Commander von Arnaud de la Perriere has been awarded the Knight's Cross, or whatever the Huns are supposed to give for such acts, then we will know exactly who killed our guys. In the meantime, gentlemen, we need to decide what conclusions we will draw from everything that happened and what we will do next.

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