Russian citizenship may be deprived. The issue of citizenship of the Russian Federation. In Russia, the new law on citizenship: Video

Russian officials are in the active phase of the "fight against extremism." The imprisonment of persons for accounts in social networks and calls from politicians to deprive citizens of citizenship for "extremism" and other crimes against the Russian state, make one wonder whether a citizen of the Russian Federation can be stripped of citizenship RF in legal order, or are these statements just populism?

De jure

From a legal point of view, deprivation of citizenship is a procedure for terminating the political and legal relationship of a particular individual with the state at the initiative of state bodies or officials. Such a decision is not made at will, but against the will of this individual. In global practice, deprivation is used only in extreme cases, when, in the opinion of the state, other methods of influencing a citizen do not help to harmonize his actions with the country's legislation. Mostly the measure is taken against individuals, however, history knows cases when deprivation of citizenship was applied to a whole group of people. For example, for the refusal of emigrants to return to their homeland by a certain date.

Modern states fall into two categories. The first categorically does not accept such a measure of influence on individuals. The other keeps deprivation like legal way punishment. As a rule, the law of such countries allows the application of a sanction only in extreme cases: hostile actions against the state, service in the armed formations of another country or illegal armed formations).

There is no such legal measure on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, the law only since 1991 prohibited the use of deprivation of citizenship. Prior to that, in the USSR, RSFSR, each law on the status of citizens contained provisions on the possibility of depriving a citizen of the status.

So, the law says that today in the Russian Federation citizenship is not deprived. More specifically, this provision is written in paragraph three of Article 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The constitutional provision states that

"A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it."

Since the Constitution is the law direct action, then for the implementation of this norm no additional regulations are required. The very existence of this provision is sufficient to make it impossible to deprive the citizens of the Russian Federation. However, the existing special law of the Federation, regulating the relations of citizenship, confirms the enshrined constitutional provision in the same edition (4th article).

Confusion in terminology

Some people misinterpret the terminology or speculate on a low legal culture Russian society, declaring the widespread use by the migration authorities of such a measure as depriving Russians of citizenship.

First, termination of citizenship is often confused with deprivation. There are such grounds for terminating the legal relationship between a person and the state:

  1. Exit on their own initiative.
  2. The choice of citizenship of another country when changing the limits of the territory of the state.
  3. Change of status from Russian to another due to the change in the status of the parents of a minor.

The presented grounds, obviously, can arise exclusively at the will of people. This means that the termination of citizenship is not at all a way to deprive the status. Since it does not happen against the will of a person.

Secondly, some perceive the deprivation of citizenship in cases when officials of migration government agencies can legally or illegally take a person's passport. Of course, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a document confirming the relationship between the state and the individual. However, this does not mean at all that in the absence of such, this connection can be lost. This is confirmed by numerous court decisions. For example, if a passport is lost, the person's connection with the state does not stop, it is just that the individual needs to do certain actions and get a new passport.

The harmful practice of arbitrariness of officials serving in government agencies on migration issues is also known. There were widespread accusations of cases when a person applied to an organ for pasting new photo or to obtain a passport, and instead of doing their job, unscrupulous (or not very literate) employees took their passports from them, claiming that people received citizenship of the Russian Federation unreasonably. They motivated this behavior by the fact that the database of the FMS of the Russian Federation that existed at that time did not contain data on citizenship by these persons.

However, this behavior of officials cannot be called anything other than arbitrariness and illegal actions. These have nothing to do with the present deprivation of citizenship of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to be deprived of your citizenship without at least a motivated legal act from a competent state body. And since in Russia such an order does not exist at all, then there cannot be such an organ.

Therefore, the actions of officials who took away passports from citizens of the Russian Federation were appealed to the courts. Courts have heard thousands of similar cases, according to media reports. And, of course, in no case was there any talk of deprivation of citizenship.

What to wait

Unfortunately, the trend towards narrowing and infringing on fundamental human rights in the Russian Federation has gained momentum. Quite recently, a "package" of legislative initiatives was adopted, allegedly of an "anti-terrorist orientation." However, almost every clause in these laws is aimed at reducing the personal freedom of Russian citizens. Including the provisions on deprivation of citizenship appeared in the draft legislative acts.

So, it was proposed to apply such sanctions to individuals with two or more citizenships who entered the civil service, military or law enforcement service in other countries, as well as those whose activities are related to terrorism. In one of latest revisions the draft proposed an absurd formulation, which rather crudely disguised the possibility of depriving citizens of citizenship by "voluntary refusal, expressed by an action." However, despite the desire of a number of those in power, the norm was not adopted.

Should the legislator expect a similar attempt in the future, which is most likely to be successful? It cannot be ruled out, but one can hope that the civilized methods of relations between a person and a state will be preserved, no matter what.

Attention! In connection with latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article could be out of date!

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Today, no one is obliged to live in the country where he was born and raised, and everyone is free to choose a place to live to their liking. Sometimes it has to do with citizenship issues. For this, the procedure for issuing a withdrawal from citizenship is provided, and in the Russian Federation it is subject to a certain algorithm of actions. This is a voluntary procedure. And can a citizen of the Russian Federation be forcibly deprived of citizenship?

Possible reasons for the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation

Today, any respectable citizen of Russia has the right to voluntarily renounce his status and, without any contradictions with the current legislation, withdraw from the citizenship of the Russian Federation and acquire another. What can push a person to take such a decisive step?

It's no secret that in modern Russia the overwhelming majority have a hard time. There are cases when a person from despair or in search of better life changes the citizenship of the country where he was born and raised to the citizenship of a territory more developed both morally and economically. Or corny changes the harsh climate of Russia to a mild and warm one.

Another reason for renouncing citizenship may be related to a heart issue, when moving abroad is due to marriage with a foreign citizen, and the legislation of that country does not imply dual citizenship.

If relatives live in another country, to whom you really want to move (family reunification), or that country is the historical homeland of your ancestors (repatriation), these are all reasons to renounce Russian citizenship and accept something else.

Renunciation of citizenship is usually associated with emigration

It so happens that a person, working abroad, has settled “in a foreign land”: he got used to it and settled down. If he knows the local language, laws and customs well and already considers himself a citizen of this country where he has a business or receives an education, then his natural naturalization will become the basis for renouncing the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

You can freely cross the territory and receive all social benefits for yourself and your family if on the territory of Russia you feel that you are being oppressed, your rights are being violated and your well-being, personal or family, is threatened. In such a situation, one can become a refugee, and this is the basis for renouncing the citizenship of the Russian Federation. You can refuse it from abroad according to a simplified scheme after receiving asylum. True, refugee status will have to be proven, and this is usually difficult process collection of facts supporting this situation.

The basis for renouncing the status of a citizen may be an option - the choice of citizenship when the territory is transferred to another state. During the period of territorial transformation, borders are shifted. Citizens living on both sides may, in accordance with the international agreement of these countries, be presented with a choice.

When Crimea was annexed to Russia, people living on its territory could keep Ukrainian citizenship and renounce Russian citizenship, or vice versa. Both countries do not recognize dual citizenship, so one of them has to be abandoned.

Video: grounds for renouncing citizenship

In what cases it is impossible to renounce citizenship

To date, Russian legislation does not impose any restrictions and exempts everyone from the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, except for those who have an outstanding debt to the treasury, law or court. In other words, if a citizen has not paid off the loan, is a debtor for alimony and / or taxes, and is also serving a sentence for a crime, is under investigation or is an important person in the case, then his request to renounce the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation is canceled until all existing obstacles are resolved. They can also refuse to leave if the requested person has no other citizenship or the prospect of obtaining a similar status in another country.

The absence of any complications for the deprivation of current citizenship must be documented. The applicant is carefully screened for any non-compliance. As a rule, the migration service independently carries out the verification procedure, sending requests to different departments, but in some cases the applicant may be asked to provide Required documents on one's own.

Modern legal grounds for renouncing Russian citizenship

Article 12 of the International Covenant "On Civil and Political Rights" presupposes freedom of movement and choice of residence, therefore, unhindered renunciation of the status of a citizen of the country. This means that the reason for the exit is not important for the state, but the refusal of the state must be supported by legislation, clearly formulated and communicated in an accessible way. This suggests that the rights of a citizen are not an empty space for Russian legislation, and they are all formulated in the federal law "On citizenship of the Russian Federation" of 05/31/2002 N 62-FZ.

The procedure for renouncing citizenship is regulated by the presidential decree "On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Considering Issues of Citizenship of the Russian Federation" as amended in 2016.

Types of procedures used

Renunciation of the status of a citizen of a country can take place in two different forms: according to the standard procedure or according to the simplified one.

It is easy to renounce citizenship - it is not easy to file a renunciation

Standard procedure

A standard procedure exists for citizens residing on Russian territory.

First, a declaration of intent is submitted to renounce the citizenship of the country. For this, an appropriate form is drawn up, which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Then you need to collect all the necessary documents and submit for consideration along with the application. The citizen is usually notified of the decision by mail or by the method specified by him when submitting the application: often this is an email or a phone call.

Simplified order

A simplified procedure is used when a person who wants to renounce citizenship is permanently outside the Russian Federation and, for whatever reason, cannot make a request to renounce citizenship at the Russian Federation Migration Department.

A foreign passport and a statement of intent to renounce citizenship in electronic form are added to the main package of documents according to a simplified scheme. The form is filled out on the website of the Consular Department by the link.

The FTS service itself asks for a certificate of existing tax debts, and the applicant provides proof of payment of the duty in the form of a receipt from Money order, which is issued to the address of the Russian Embassy (Russian embassy). Other types of payment will not be accepted in this case.

Example of a receipt for payment of a duty in a foreign country

When the correctly completed application form and all the necessary papers are collected, the originals of the documents are given back to the applicant, and after the application is considered and approved, a certificate is issued confirming the absence of citizenship.

To renounce citizenship in a simplified manner, they apply to the Russian embassy abroad

Package of documents

You need to understand that renouncing citizenship is not just a desire expressed on paper in the form of an application, but a correctly and timely completed package of requested documents that must be submitted to the necessary departments. This requirement is generally accepted and is fixed in Russian legislation among other legal norms.

In order to get out of the status of a citizen, you must provide a number of documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • a statement of the desire to abandon the status, executed according to the model of registration adopted by the state, according to the sample;
  • a document from an authorized department of another state on the presence of another citizenship or the prospect of obtaining it;
  • a certificate from the tax service, which confirms the payment of all taxes (issued by the regional authority and is valid no longer than 10 days);
  • a check confirming payment of the state duty;
  • standard photo for a document with a format of 3x4 cm in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • certificate from the registry office about the change of name or surname.

In addition, you may need an extract about the termination of registration at the place of residence and a written confirmation of the permission of the other country to live.

Rules for filling out an application

The statement of intent to renounce citizenship has two forms, depending on the scheme according to which the procedure is drawn up: according to a simplified or general procedure.

Filling out the document must be carried out accurately, without spaces, blots and errors, taking into account all the rules and regulations of the Russian language according to the standard business letter... An ordinary fountain pen with ink is used to fill in the form. of blue color... All papers required for registration of renunciation of citizenship must be in good condition, without bruises, damage or stains. Otherwise, the untidiness of the document may become a reason for postponing the consideration of the application. The terms of the already difficult procedure will be significantly delayed, and some of the certification documents will lose their relevance.

We submit papers to the correct window

The entire required package of documents, together with the application, is submitted to the department of the migration service at the place of residence. Namely:

  • to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • to the consulate or to another diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation abroad.

Installed for consideration is an application, the form of which is correctly filled out and submitted with a full package of requested documents, with the date and signature of the applicant. All documents are drawn up personally, the package sent by mail will not be considered.

State fees are paid only after the collection and examination of the documentation by the consular staff. Applicants are warned about liability if they show deliberately false information, all incorrectly filled forms and inconsistent papers are returned to the applicant, in contrast to the fee that remains with the state in case of refusal of the application.

After the application and the entire package of documents have been considered and accepted for a more detailed study, the citizen will be issued a form or certificate of acceptance of documents for renunciation of citizenship with the date indicated.

After the acceptance of the documents, a certificate is issued stating that the application and the package of documents have been accepted for consideration

We receive certificates of "non-citizen"

Renunciation of citizenship is a legal fact that must be recorded and certified. The loss of status is confirmed by a document in the form of a certificate. The certificate is issued after the termination of the procedure for renouncing citizenship.

This happens almost a year after the date of provision complete package documents, if the procedure was of the usual nature of registration and after six months, if the renunciation of citizenship took place in a simplified form. In this case, the applicant submits a passport, including a foreign one, and a birth certificate.

After making a positive decision on renouncing citizenship, a certificate is issued to the applicant

Conditions for withdrawal from citizenship for children

When the renunciation of citizenship is made with a minor child, then a statement from the parents is attached to his documents (certainly both, if any); also in the event that one of the child's representatives is a foreign citizen and cannot personally be at the registration, his signature on the documents must be notarized.

A minor child, one of whose parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, can withdraw from citizenship without parents.

Withdrawing minor children from citizenship is a big responsibility

If both parents have valid citizenship of the Russian Federation, then the child has the right to renounce citizenship with one of them. In this case, the permission of the second parent is compulsorily drawn up and notarized. If one parent of the child is absent, it is necessary to provide a certificate confirming the impossibility of the second permit document.

When the withdrawal from the citizenship of the country is carried out by both parents, their minor children are deprived of citizenship in the same way, subject to the obligatory condition of obtaining citizenship of another country.

Children of a person who has received a renunciation of citizenship have the right to stay with a second parent who has not lost the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In such cases, the mark in the passport about children is transferred to the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if it was not there earlier or it was only in the passport of a native of the country.

Today, not everyone has completed this page of the passport on the presence of children, but if a child leaves the country with his parents, everything must be recorded

Documents upon leaving the citizenship of a minor child (with one or two parents):

  1. Application for renunciation of the child's citizenship, completed in legible handwriting, without the use of various abbreviations, proofreads and slang. All foreign names (city, street, etc.) are entered in Cyrillic.
  2. Original birth certificate and a copy. If the child is over 14 years old, a passport with a copy of the required pages is attached.
  3. A document of foreign citizenship or documentary evidence of the possibility of obtaining another citizenship.
  4. Written consent of the child to be deprived of the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The authenticity of the signature of a minor is notarized.
  5. A letter of permission from a parent who has retained the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation to withdraw from the child's citizenship together with the other parent. The signature is also certified by a notary. If circumstances do not allow obtaining a letter, permission to renounce citizenship is given by the court (deprivation of custody, death, unknown or initial absence).
  6. Documents that prove the identity and citizenship of the parents, originals and their copies (passports and foreign passports).
  7. If the child was adopted / adopted, the original supporting document and its copy are attached.
  8. Certificate of name change (if any).
  9. Three standard photographs.
  10. Receipt of payment of the duty.

Can a citizen of the Russian Federation be deprived of citizenship

In world practice, there are known cases of termination of cooperation between the state and the citizen, initiated by the state forcibly.

In some countries, for example, in the United States, freedom of expatriation is maintained even in the case when a citizen naturalizes in another country, that is, learns the culture, the local language, acquires housing, creates a family, he automatically loses the citizenship of the country where this status was originally had. That is, in the literal sense, forcibly deprived of the status of a citizen. In the Russian Federation, the principle of freedom of expatriation is not supported.

Forcible revocation of citizenship is called “loss” or “loss”. The term “loss” is considered incorrect and is not used. In modern Russian legislation, these concepts are absent as terms and as a legal category.

The country remembers examples of forced deprivation of citizenship and deportation from the country

The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that no one can be deprived of Russian citizenship by force. The gap between legal and social relations with the state, it can still be conditionally compulsory and have the character of automatic cancellation if it turns out that this status was obtained in violation of the requirements and as a result of fraudulent actions.

Renouncing citizenship is an extremely serious decision. And it's not just the ethical side of the issue. Having renounced citizenship, a Russian can no longer count on the help, support and protection of his country. When making a voluntary decision, this must be taken into account. But there is one more question that worries many: can a citizen of the Russian Federation be deprived of citizenship?

What are the legal grounds for terminating the citizenship of the Russian Federation

The supreme law in Russia is the Constitution. None legal provisions cannot contradict it. Another important source is the “Federal Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. It was adopted in 2002, and the last amendments were made in 2016. The renunciation of citizenship is stated in Art. 19 and 20. All other laws, regulations and decrees are subordinate in nature. The main provisions on the termination of citizenship: it is possible only on a voluntary basis by personal application.

Possible reasons for quitting

The reasons for renouncing citizenship can be very different. Someone has tied their fate with a citizen of another state and is now leaving for their spouse. Someone found a dream job in another country and decided to go abroad for permanent residence. There are people who renounce citizenship for political reasons, thus expressing their civic position.

People who have renounced citizenship say that they still consider themselves Russian. They still strive to keep abreast of the events taking place in Russia, feel an emotional connection with their homeland. Actual citizenship has nothing to do with patriotism, and you can love your homeland even if you are a citizen of another country.

Change of citizenship is an important step that can be the beginning of a new life

In what cases it is impossible to renounce citizenship

In some cases, it is impossible to obtain permission to renounce citizenship:

  • if a Russian has unfulfilled obligations to the state, he must first pay them off. For example, a young man who was drafted into the army must first serve, and only after that he can apply to the FMS;
  • a person should not be outside the legal field of the state. Therefore, in order to renounce Russian citizenship, one must either have firm guarantees of obtaining another citizenship, or already be a citizen of another country;
  • if a Russian is accused of a crime or found guilty by a court decision, he cannot renounce his citizenship. This rule does not apply to persons who have already suffered the punishment established by law.

Persons with outstanding financial obligations may also be refused. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a loan or money borrowed from relatives.

Standard and simplified procedure for renouncing Russian citizenship

A person who wants to renounce Russian citizenship must voluntarily and independently apply to the appropriate authority. Which one depends on where the applicant lives. If he is in Russia, then you need to contact the migration service at the place of residence. In this case, the applicant will face a standard procedure. The simplified version assumes a quicker consideration of the case and is intended for those who have good reason to change their citizenship as soon as possible.

Video: exit conditions for residents of Crimea

Standard procedure

To renounce Russian citizenship, you need to submit an application to the migration service at your place of residence.

The statement is addressed directly to the President of Russia. Of course, this does not mean that the head of state considers each such appeal personally. The decision is made by the local migration service.

A Russian who decides to change citizenship must submit the following documents to the FMS:

  1. Statement. You need to hand over two copies of the document, both must be originals. The standard form can be taken from the department of the Federal Migration Service or downloaded from the portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can fill out the document both on a computer and by hand. The application specifies the maximum full information about the applicant: education, academic degrees, religious affiliation, marital status, presence / absence of previous convictions, reasons for renouncing citizenship, etc.
  2. Certificate obtained from the tax service. The document must confirm that the citizen has no tax debts.
  3. A copy of the marriage certificate, if the applicant is a family man.
  4. Passports. We are talking about both a foreign passport and an internal Russian one.
  5. A copy of the birth certificate.
  6. Help from the military registration and enlistment office. This applies to both men and women, if they are liable for military service.
  7. Any confirmation that the applicant has received or will definitely receive another citizenship. This can be an already existing passport of another country or a written guarantee of the diplomatic mission, certifying the subsequent granting of citizenship.

All photocopies must be notarized. Of course, you need to have the originals of the above documents on hand.

Duty in this moment is 3,500 rubles.

Consideration of the application takes quite a long time. You may have to wait whole year... After the authorized body makes a decision, the applicant will be notified in writing. If the application is granted, the former citizen of the Russian Federation will be issued a certificate of renunciation. From that moment on, the applicant ceases to be a Russian. At the same time, he loses the right to be on the territory of Russia on a general basis, just as a citizen of this country. Therefore, in the same department of the Federal Migration Service, everyone who has refused citizenship is also issued a residence permit.

Everything Russian passports upon renouncing citizenship, it is imperative to pass it. We are talking about a standard document, and about the USSR sample form, and about a passport.

Application for renunciation of citizenship on the territory of Russia will be accepted by the Federal Migration Service

Simplified procedure

The simplified procedure is called because it takes less time. At the same time, the list of documents is almost identical. The procedure can be used by:

  • Russians who have already left for permanent residence in another country. In this case, the change of citizenship, in fact, only confirms the existing fact;
  • Russian citizens whose children, parents or spouses are foreign nationals. Russian legislation does not prevent family reunification.

To register a waiver of citizenship, you need to contact the nearest consulate of the Russian Federation. The applicant will need the following list of documents:

  1. International passport. A photocopy of the document will also be required. You need to copy all significant pages: with personal information, a stamp on consular registration, records of children. There must be at least six months before the expiration of the passport.
  2. Birth certificate. It is necessary to present both the document itself and its photocopy.
  3. If a person changed their full name, you need to provide documents certifying this fact. This is usually a marriage certificate, but it all depends on the situation. If the full name has changed for non-standard reasons, you can ask the consular officer about supporting documents.
  4. Deregistration documents in Russia. This can be a mark in a foreign passport, an address sheet of departure, a stamp in an internal passport, a certificate obtained from a Russian consulate.
  5. The document by which Russian citizen lives abroad. Which one is determined by local legislation. It can be either a residence permit or an identity card, or any other document of the established form.
  6. Three standard photos of 3 x 4 cm format.
  7. A document confirming that the applicant is already a citizen of another country. Any guarantee can be presented that the citizenship of another state will soon be granted.
  8. Help from the tax service of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to officially confirm the absence of tax arrears.
  9. Statement. The form is filled out in Russian. This can be done both on a computer and manually. It is necessary to fully and accurately answer all the questions specified in the form. The document must be provided in duplicate

All documents issued for foreign languages, are translated into Russian and certified by a Russian notary or an employee of the Russian consulate performing the relevant functions. The application must be submitted in person, documents sent by mail are not considered.

After the consular officer checks all the documents and accepts them for work, you need to pay the consular fee. Its amount is 61 euros. The term for consideration of documents in a simplified form is two times less than in a standard one - from six months. If the decision is positive, the applicant is issued a certificate confirming the fact of renouncing Russian citizenship. Moreover, all Russian passports must be returned.

Withdrawal from Russian citizenship can be necessary step when obtaining citizenship of another country

Features for minors

Renunciation of Russian citizenship for a child is possible in the event of:

  1. If one of his parents renounces Russian citizenship.
  2. If one of the child's parents is a citizen of another country.

In both cases, the notarized consent of the other parent, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, is required.

It will be necessary to present documents confirming the guarantee that the child will receive the citizenship of another country. In this regard, the procedure is no different from the procedure established for adult Russians.

A child who has already turned fourteen years old must express a desire to renounce citizenship in writing. In this case, you will need to certify his signature with a notary.

There are situations in which such a step is impossible:

  1. If guardianship or guardianship is established over the minor.
  2. If one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the other does not have citizenship.
  3. If the father and mother or a single parent have Russian citizenship and are not going to change it.

These measures are designed to protect the interests of the child, keeping him in the same legislative field as his loved ones.

The laws of the Russian Federation protect the child: his withdrawal from citizenship will be allowed only with his parents and in no case will they make him a stateless person

Can a citizen be deprived of Russian citizenship

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to deprive a citizen of the Russian Federation of citizenship against his will. The country's constitution explicitly prohibits such a punishment. It was practiced during the Soviet era, but was canceled in 1991.

Sometimes situations arise when, when contacting the Federal Migration Service, people lose their passports - they are confiscated by employees of the migration service. This action can be legal or illegal - the decision is made by the court. But in any case, the loss of a passport is not at all the same as the deprivation of citizenship.

The so-called Yarovaya package included a bill allowing the deprivation of Russian citizenship. But the deputies did not find such an initiative approved, the project never became law.

Video: Russians' opinions on deprivation of citizenship

Does the loss of citizenship apply under Russian law?

In some countries, there is a practice of loss of citizenship. If a person lives abroad for a long enough time and has lost touch with his homeland, he is considered to have lost his citizenship by a special decree of the authorities. There is no such risk for Russian citizens. You can live in another country for as long as you like (for a residence permit, permanent residence, or even on the basis of a second citizenship) - a person does not lose Russian citizenship.

Thus, the termination of citizenship in any way other than a voluntary application is not applied in modern Russia.

To remain a citizen of Russia or change citizenship, everyone decides for himself. But you should always remember that this serious step does not lead to irreversible consequences. Citizenship can be restored if necessary, although this will require an effort.

If you rely on the law of the Russian Federation, the deprivation of citizenship of the Russian Federation occurs only with a voluntary expression of will. The procedure takes place in a permissive form, that is, the final decision will always remain with the President of the Russian Federation. But before the petition gets to the guarantor of the constitution, the law will require the applicant to comply with a number of prescriptions. Having fulfilled all the requirements, the migration services will be able to deprive a person of the citizenship of the country.


This process can be divided into several stages, each of which is enshrined in the legislative framework of the state. It is important to understand that the reason why a citizen decided to leave the country does not matter, apart from situations when he escapes responsibility. The law provides for a voluntary decision on the termination of citizenship of the country, as well as on the acquisition of legal status.

There are two main ways to revoke a person's citizenship:

  • The process follows the standard scheme.
  • Deprivation according to a simplified method.

For the process, certain statutory, grounds... If you want to renounce the citizenship of the Russian Federation, and then obtain foreign citizenship, you must have the following grounds:

  1. Your person is not subject to a court sentence, and you are not a witness in a specific criminal case.
  2. All obligations regarding the payment of state taxes, the passage of the army have been fulfilled by you.
  3. You have full right obtain citizenship of another country. Foreign country confirms given fact an extract.

Having compared all the grounds with reality, you can begin the procedure for processing and collecting all the necessary documentation. Before the very beginning, it is better to study the law thoroughly, maybe you fall under a special category of citizens or do not meet the stated requirements.


The law states that such a procedure is suitable for direct citizens of Russia who have already lived on its territory for a sufficient time and have every reason. To begin with, they must submit a completed application to the appropriate government bodies... The application itself must be completed in full. No columns should be omitted. In some cases, the law requires two copies, it all depends on the situation.

Deprivation of citizenship of the Russian Federation is a rather complicated procedure, provided that there is no minimum legal knowledge. Much depends on how correctly the statement is drawn up, in what form the documents are presented, that is, their shabby state can significantly affect the decision authorized bodies, up to failure.

This is a rather lengthy process, even if all the recommendations and installations of government services are unquestioningly followed.

As already mentioned, the law pushes the collection of the necessary documentation established by law into the background:

  • A paper that confirms that the second country is ready to issue you a new citizenship. A situation may arise that a foreign state agrees to offer its citizenship if the Russian refuses the existing one.
  • Receipt confirming payment state fee for the provision of services of authorized bodies. In most cases, the amount is equal to two thousand rubles, but it may vary depending on the conditions under which you are deprived of your legal status.
  • Undoubtedly, it will be necessary to attach an internal passport confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant.
  • The authorized body can immediately demand an extract from the tax authorities, which indicates the fact that there are no debts to the state or other persons. This is one of the most important documents; in its absence, the decision to deprive a citizen of the right will be negative. Not a single person who has citizenship of the Russian Federation has the right to leave the state without fulfilling all the obligations provided for by the legislative power. To obtain this certificate, a citizen will need to visit the tax office at the place of his registration with a request for an extract. Within about ten days, the service can provide necessary paper to the applicant.
  • The presence of a photograph is also important. It must also meet certain requirements:
  1. be good quality, clear and without blur;
  2. its size is 3 by 4 cm;
  3. should be colored, but black and white is not prohibited.
  • If during your stay in the Russian Federation you have changed your last name, first name or patronymic (in case of marriage or on their own), then the state authorities should also be warned about this and a document proving this act should be attached.
  • Copies can also be attached, because the authorities can request duplicates of each document for revocation.

Each requirement of the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation must be fulfilled, all documents are submitted on time, and the applications are filled out according to generally accepted standards. The law assumes that failure to comply with at least one of the points may lead to refusal.


This method can be adopted by legal representatives who have moved to permanent place residence in a foreign country.

The procedure, exactly the same as the established package of documents, varies considerably. Some papers can be added to the above list of documents:

  1. a document proving the complete termination of registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  2. a certificate confirming that you are allowed to reside and carry out your activities in the territory of the country in favor of which you renounce your Russian citizenship.

The method of submission of the established list of documents also changes slightly. According to the standard scheme, a citizen can submit a package of documents to the FMS department at the place of registration. But for a simplified person, you will need to find a consular mission of the Russian Federation or a diplomatic institution that is located within the country.

The law indicates that the procedure for obtaining and depriving of citizenship should be carried out according to strictly established rules and any violation may lead to a complete refusal.

It does not matter in what way the deprivation of citizenship can be carried out, in any case, strict requirements may be presented to applicants regarding the design and condition of papers, petitions, forms and certificates that must be followed.

If all requirements have been met and the migration services have not refused you when accepting your application for consideration, you will receive a notification by mail informing you that your citizenship has expired. He can be sent to you as soon as a decision is made, signed by the President of the Russian Federation. The law determines the period during which a person is deprived of official status - 1 year, if the refusal was made according to a simplified method - 6 months. A certificate will be attached to the decision, which will be required when applying for foreign citizenship of another country.

Right after that, government services The Russian Federation is obliged to withdraw the citizen's internal passport and birth certificate. In case of refusal, you can try to apply again, having consulted with a lawyer before that.

Attention! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may become out of date!

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Citizenship of the Russian Federation is defined by the Constitution as the legal relationship between the state and a person. It endows him with mutual The Russian state rights, duties and responsibilities. Citizens of the Russian Federation can freely reside both on the territory of the country and abroad, without fear of losing their citizenship. However, in last years, more and more often you can hear threats from the Government about depriving the citizens of the Russian Federation of persistent violators of the law. How this can be done and in what cases the deprivation of Russian citizenship is possible - we will consider further.

The basic principles of Russian citizenship are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to her, at the moment it is not provided for the deprivation of citizenship of the Russian Federation forcibly. Also, the Constitution states that it is impossible to forcibly keep a person in him, since this is an infringement of his fundamental right to freedom. That is why the law provides only options for voluntary refusal from it.

Termination of citizenship is possible only at the written request of a citizen of the Russian Federation and nothing else... Although, due to the increased incidence of terrorist attacks, the Government is considering such a possibility of compulsory exclusion for their participants and organizers. In what cases is voluntary deprivation of Russian citizenship possible?

Grounds for termination

Voluntary deprivation of Russian citizenship occurs, in most cases, when moving to another country for permanent residence and obtaining another citizenship. Since many countries do not recognize the fact of dual citizenship, Russians have to abandon Russian citizenship in favor of another state.

Thus, the following grounds for termination of citizenship can be distinguished:

  • Obtaining citizenship of another country.
  • For minors in connection with the choice of citizenship of parents or guardians.

It should be noted that in the absence of proof of obtaining citizenship of another country, the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation is impossible.

Required documents

A citizen of the Russian Federation may be deprived of Russian citizenship upon the provision of the following documents:

  • Filled in on renunciation of citizenship. It indicates the following data: the reasons for this decision, full name, date and place of birth, nationality, gender, religion, detailed information about the education received, indicating the number and date of issuance of the diploma, information about the presence or absence of debts, for men - information about the military ID, passport details and contact details, information about minor children moving with the applicant.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee.
  • A document issued in another country and confirming the applicant's receipt of a different citizenship.
  • Photo.
  • Certificate from the tax office about the absence of debts.

Those who submit documents abroad will additionally need:

  • Application for deregistration at the place of residence in connection with moving to another state for permanent residence.
  • Proof of your legal residence in another country.

Where to contact

To submit an application on the territory of Russia, you need to contact the multifunctional center of state and municipal services or in the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. For persons residing abroad - to the consulate or diplomatic mission.

The procedure for terminating citizenship is quite lengthy and takes about a year in time.... It should be noted that for permanent residents abroad, this happens according to an accelerated scheme and lasts no more than six months.

After checking all the information, in the absence of grounds preventing his deprivation, a corresponding certificate is issued. In this case, a Russian citizen is obliged to hand over all previously issued The Russian Federation documents (internal and foreign passports, birth certificate with a mark of citizenship - for children).

Often, in the process of verification, facts are revealed, on the basis of which this process can be refused. These include:

  • Unpaid promissory notes imposed by the court.
  • Having an outstanding criminal record.
  • Identification of debts to the tax service and the bailiff service.
  • The submitted documents are not valid.
  • The applicant or the minor following with him / her has a restriction on traveling abroad.

After the termination of citizenship and the delivery of Russian documents, the applicant becomes foreign citizen... After that, you can stay in Russia for some time or leave for the country of which he is a citizen.

Thus, at present, the law does not provide for the compulsory deprivation of citizenship of the Russian Federation. This can be done only of your own free will. But it is not excluded that a corresponding resolution will be adopted in the near future. Indeed, in many other countries, this practice has existed for many years and is used in special cases.

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