A new model for managing labor relations and social development in the organization. Labor management styles

The contractual basis of labor relations. Labor contract. The order of acceptance to work. Part-time work. Job description. Social partnership. Principles of social partnership. Bodies of social partnership. Ensuring interaction between the administration and trade unions.

Seminar lesson. Labor Relations Management

Independent work. Explore: ensuring interaction between administration and trade unions.



Currently, in Russia, conflicts often arise in organizations between employees and employers related to labor relations, incorrect payroll, non-payment of compensation for redundancy, laid down in accordance with the current labor legislation, and a number of other similar situations. To resolve labor disputes, there are a number of ways associated with contacting the Federal Labor Inspectorate or the court. And as a rule, the truth triumphs, and workers defend their rights. But all this is possible only if the employment relationship was formalized with the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract) with the payment of official wages, with the corresponding accrual of due taxes. In this case, state bodies will always be on the side of the employee and he will be able to protect his rights. If an employee works in a non-governmental organization without proper formalization of relations, but simply by agreement, then in the event of a conflict situation or redundancy, he is unable to protect his rights.

Therefore, the competent registration of labor relations in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is very important.

Under an employment agreement (contract) in accordance with Art. 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be understood as an agreement between an employee and an employer, according to which the employee undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification or position, subject to internal regulations, and the employer undertakes to pay wages and provide working conditions stipulated by labor legislation.

In accordance with the employment contract, the employee undertakes to perform the work on time and with good quality, and the employer undertakes to pay wages in full.

An employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. One copy of the employment contract is handed over to the employee, the other is kept by the employer.

One of the most important documents developed in an organization is a job description.

A job description is a legal act issued in order to regulate the organizational and legal status of an employee, his duties, rights and responsibilities and providing conditions for his effective work.

Social partnership plays an important role in personnel management and creating effective motivation.

Article 23 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: "Social partnership is a system of relationships between employees (employees 'representatives), employers (employers' representatives), state authorities, local governments, aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and others, directly related relations ".

The main principles of social partnership (Article 24 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) are: equality of the parties, respect and consideration of the interests of the parties, the parties' interest in contractual relations, freedom of choice in matters related to the sphere of labor, the obligation to fulfill collective agreements, agreements, control over their implementation, responsibility of the parties for non-fulfillment through their fault of collective agreements, agreements and others.

Social partnership is carried out in the following forms:

Collective negotiations for the preparation of draft collective agreements and their conclusion;

Mutual consultations on the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them, ensuring guarantees of labor rights;

Participation of employees and their representatives in the management of the organization.

The bodies of social partnership (Article 35 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) are the commissions for the regulation of social and labor relations.

The interaction between the management of the organization, on the one hand, and the spokesman for the interests of workers (trade unions), on the other hand, ensuring partnerships between them are considered as the basis for achieving a higher level of labor relations. Interaction between these parties is developed in the course of collective bargaining and the conclusion of collective agreements.

Social partnership relations are not always conducive to increasing labor productivity, because harmony between social objectives and improvement in some economic indicators is difficult to achieve. But from a social point of view and increasing the motivational effect of workers, the development of social partnership relations is very promising.

In modern Russian conditions, trade union organizations do not exist at all enterprises, but only in organizations belonging to the state sector of the economy and large non-state enterprises (open joint stock companies).

Currently, enterprises often have two types of trade unions: the official one, interacting with the administration in accordance with the rights and obligations granted to it by the current legislation, in particular the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the alternative, constituting direct opposition to the administration and fighting for workers' rights by organizing strikes , pickets and other acts of protest.

The main role of trade unions is the social protection of workers. Basically, trade union organizations in today's economic reality are called upon to smooth out the dissatisfaction caused by employees with working conditions and wages and thereby contribute to a more effective motivational policy pursued by managers and personnel services of enterprises and organizations.

Social and Labor Relations Management

The most important element of social media control. sphere, covering the solution of social and economic. and spiritual and moral problems of productive employment and protection from unemployment, fair wages and income generation for those who work, improving the forms of social. partnership, humanization of labor, professional training and advanced training, stimulation of labor activity directly in organizations, fostering a respectful attitude towards work and colleagues in joint work. The subjects of U. s.-t. O. along with state bodies. authorities and local government are associations of entrepreneurs and other associations of employers, trade unions and other associations of employees, public organizations and movements.

Social development of the organization presupposes the improvement of material, social and spiritual and moral conditions in which the production of material goods takes place, objective connections between individuals are formed and moral and ethical values ​​are formed.

Social development should primarily focus on:

    Improvement of the social structure of personnel and regulation of its number, taking into account the cultural and educational level.

    Improving economic, ergonomic and sanitary and hygienic working conditions and ensuring its safety.

    Stimulation by means of material rewards and moral encouragement of effective work, individual and group responsibility for the results of joint activities.

    Creation and maintenance of a healthy social and mental environment in the team.

    Provision of social insurance for workers and observance of their social guarantees and civil rights, including human rights.

    An increase in the standard of living of workers and their families, including meeting the needs for housing, amenities, food, and industrial goods.

24. Social environment - the main factors.

The main factors of the social environment of the organization- the potential of the organization, its social infrastructure; working conditions and labor protection; social security of employees; socio-psychological climate of the team; material remuneration of labor and family budgets; non-working hours and leisure use.

Social infrastructure includes:- housing stock and utility facilities, including all supply networks (sewage, water, gas, electricity) - Medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions - Educational and cultural facilities - Objects of trade and public catering - public services and recreation centers - Collective dacha and garden partnerships, etc.

Working conditions and labor protection(including factors related to the content of joint work, the technical level of production and the quality of the labor force, as well as factors affecting the psychophysiological well-being of workers, the dynamics of injuries and occupational diseases)

Social security of the employee(provision of a minimum wage, normal working hours, compensation for harm to health, deductions to pension and other contributions). Vacation at least 24 working days.

Socio-psychological climate of the team is the result of the cumulative impact on personnel, labor motivation, communication culture of employees, interpersonal and intergroup relationships. The latter is influenced by the psychological compatibility of employees, their life optimism and moral upbringing. The presence of these indications contributes to the formation of effective work teams.

Material rewards and family budgets.

Material reward- the main form of development of the organization's personnel, contributing to the all-round development of the employee, providing compensation for labor costs, the formation of social status and family budgets.

Salary should be based on a social minimum, which is different for each category of workers.

After hours and leisure use

Social and labor relations- interconnections and relationships that exist between individuals and their groups in conditioned processes. Social and labor relations arise and develop with the aim of regulating the quality of working life.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor relations are relations based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the employee's personal performance for a fee of the labor function (work in a certain specialty, qualification or position, the employee's submission to the rules of the internal labor schedule, while the employer provides the working conditions stipulated by labor legislation, labor contract, etc. .)

At the same time, the concept of social and labor relations is much broader, the concept of labor relations and reflects not only the legal, but also the socio-economic and psychological aspects.

Elements of the system of social and labor relations:

  • subjects of social and labor relations;
  • levels of social and labor relations;
  • subjects of social and labor relations;
Subjects of social and labor relations

The subjects of social and labor relations include: an employee, employer, state.

Salaried worker is an individual who has entered into an employment agreement (contract) with an employer to perform a certain job in accordance with his qualifications and his abilities. The protection of the interests of employees is primarily concerned with trade unions.

Employer Is an individual or legal entity (organization) that employs one or more persons for work. In this case, the employer can be both the owner of the means of production, and his representative (for example, the head of the organization, who is not its owner).

State as a subject of social and labor relations in the conditions of acting in the following main roles: legislator, defender of the rights of citizens and organizations, employer, mediator and arbitrator in labor disputes.

The relationship between the subjects of social and labor relations arise under various conditions: worker-worker; employee-employer; trade union-employer; employer-state; worker-state, etc.

Subjects of social and labor relations determined by the goals that people strive to achieve at various stages of their activities. It is customary to distinguish between three main stages of the human life cycle:

  • from birth to graduation;
  • period of work and / or family activity;
  • period after labor activity.

At the first stage, social and labor relations are associated mainly with vocational training problems... On the second - the main ones are hiring and firing relations, conditions and wages... On the third - the central one is pension problem.

To the greatest extent, the subjects of social and labor relations are due to two blocks of problems: employment; organization and remuneration.

The first of these blocks determines the possibilities of providing people with the means of subsistence, as well as the realization of individual abilities. The second block is associated with working conditions, the nature of relationships in production teams, reimbursement of labor costs, opportunities for human development in the process of labor activity.

Types of social and labor relations

The types of social and labor relations characterize the psychological, ethical and legal forms of relationships in the process.

The following types of social and labor relations are distinguished by organizational forms

Paternalism characterized by a significant proportion of the regulation of social and labor relations by the state or the management of the enterprise. It is carried out under the guise of "paternal care" of the state for the needs of the population or the administration of an enterprise for its employees. The former USSR can serve as an example of state paternalism.

Partnership most typical for Germany. The economy of this country is based on a system of detailed legal documents, according to which employees, entrepreneurs and the state are considered as partners in solving economic and social problems. At the same time, trade unions act from the standpoint not only of protecting the interests of hired personnel, but also of production efficiency at enterprises and in general.

Competition between people or teams can also help to achieve synergies. In particular, experience shows the effectiveness of rationally organized competition between design teams.

Solidarity presupposes shared responsibility and mutual assistance based on the community of interests of a group of people.

Subsidiarity means a person's desire for personal responsibility for achieving their goals and their actions in solving social and labor problems. Subsidiarity can be considered as opposed to paternalism... If a person enters into a professional or other union to achieve his goals, then subsidiarity can be realized in the form of solidarity. At the same time, a person acts in solidarity with full awareness of his goals and his personal responsibility, not being influenced by the crowd.

Discrimination- is based on arbitrariness, illegal restriction of the rights of subjects of social and labor relations. In case of discrimination, the principles of equal opportunities are violated; discrimination can be based on gender, age, race, nationality and other grounds. The manifestation of discrimination is possible when choosing a profession and entering educational institutions, promotion, provision of enterprise services to employees, dismissal.

Conflict is an extreme expression of contradictions in social and labor relations. The most obvious fords of labor conflicts are labor disputes, strikes, mass layoffs (lockouts).

By the nature of the impact on the results of economic activity

By the nature of the impact on the results of economic activity and the quality of life of people, social and labor relations are of two types:

  • constructive, contributing to the successful operation of the enterprise and society;
  • destructive, interfering with the successful operation of the enterprise and society.

Constructive there can be a relationship of either cooperation, mutual assistance, or competition, organized in such a way as to facilitate the achievement of positive results.

Destructive relationships arise when the general orientation of the interests of employees and social groups does not correspond to the goals of the enterprise. The interests of the company's employees may differ in a number of ways: psychophysiological parameters (gender, age, health, temperament, level of abilities, etc.); nationality, marital status; education; attitude to religion; social status; political orientation; income level; profession, etc.

By itself, the difference between employees of the enterprise on these and other grounds does not necessarily lead to destructive relationships. There are many examples of effective cooperation of various people. The main condition for such cooperation is the presence of unifying situations or ideas, before which individual and group differences become insignificant.

Unifying situations- this is war, natural disaster, environmental disaster, the need to preserve (survival) the enterprise in the competitive struggle, fear of unemployment. Unifying ideas can be religious, socio-political, scientific, etc.

The constructive interaction of the company's employees is based on the authority of the managers, the system of lifelong recruitment, high income levels, rational management style, and the psychological atmosphere in the team.

The effectiveness of the personnel management system depends on taking into account the differences in characteristics and interests of employees. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the work of women, people of retirement age, people with disabilities, etc. Religious feelings and national customs must be respected. When developing a work and rest schedule, motivation and remuneration systems, one should take into account the peculiarities of creative work, the marital status of employees, conditions for improving the qualifications of employees.

Among most important social relationships relate relationships between managers and subordinates... In Russia, the economy has functioned for decades on the basis of administrative methods, or rather, simply on the fear of subordinates in front of their superiors. Such relationships were especially frank between leaders at various levels.

The experience of developed countries shows that partnership relations are more effective than relations based on administrative coercion... There can be any significant inequality, but at work, all employees need to feel like partners.

State regulation of social and labor relations

Regulation functions social and labor relations at the state level in the Russian Federation fulfills a set of legislative, executive and judicial authorities... This set forms the system of state regulation of social and labor relations.

The tasks of the system of state regulation of social and labor relations:
  • legislative activity in labor and related spheres;
  • control over the implementation of laws;
  • development and implementation of policies and recommendations in the field of social and labor relations in the country (including issues of remuneration and labor motivation, regulation of employment and migration of the population, living standards, working conditions, situations, etc.)

Legislative regulation of social and labor relations

It should be noted that in conditions of state regulation of labor relations is of a limited nature and is aimed at providing citizens with social guarantees... This is expressed, first of all, in the establishment, with the help of normative legal acts, of the boundaries within which the subjects of social and labor relations should act.

Such regulatory legal acts include labor legislation, pension legislation, regulations on the protection of social and labor rights of certain categories of citizens, etc.

The objectives of labor legislation are:
  • establishment of state guarantees of labor rights and freedoms of citizens;
  • creation of favorable working conditions;
  • protection of the rights and interests of employees and employers.

Lawmaking in the field of regulation of social and labor relations is carried out at the federal and regional levels.

The state also develops and implements a number of short, medium and long term programs with the aim of solving certain issues lying in the socio-economic plane. Such programs are also subdivided into federal designed to solve problems of a nationwide scale, regional related to the specifics of individual territories and sectoral, aimed at solving the problems of individual industries.

In the Russian Federation, the mechanism of state regulation of labor relations involves three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial.

Legislature provides a legal framework for regulating labor relations. At the federal level, the legislative power in Russia is represented by the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers: the Federation Council (upper house) and the State Duma (lower house).

Executive power is designed to carry out enforcement of laws. At the federal level, the executive body is the Government of the Russian Federation, formed by the President of the Russian Federation. The activities of the Government cover all spheres of life in modern Russian society and are regulated by the relevant federal and sectoral ministries. Prior to the 2004 administrative reform, the Ministry of Labor and Social Relations of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Labor) was in charge of regulating social and labor relations.

Judicial branch regulates social and labor relations at the level of administration of justice, which consists in punishing violators, resolving problems and conflicts associated with the application of labor legislation. The judiciary is represented by a system of courts of various levels, as well as by the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice is involved in the formation and implementation of state policy, including in the field of social and labor relations.

Models of state regulation of social and labor relations

There are two main models of state regulation of social and labor relations:

  • Anglo-Saxon;
  • European (Rhine).

Anglo-Saxon model practiced in the USA, UK, Taiwan and some other countries. The main features of this model are that the state considers employers and employees as equal market players and performs the functions of maintaining the elements necessary for the market, such as competition, limiting monopolies, creating a regulatory framework, etc. European model is based on the assumption that workers are dependent on employers and need support and protection from the state in the form of a sufficiently high minimum wage, social and health insurance, and the presence of state bodies that protect the interests of workers.


The author's approach to the formation of an innovative model of social and labor relations, which will contribute to the development of individual competence into organizational competence, is proposed. The main idea of ​​organizational changes is to recognize the need to improve the system of management of social and labor relations.

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Human resources are an important resource for the strategic success of an organization, and for productive work it is necessary to build an effective management system. Management, in turn, can be defined as a special type of activity that can turn an unorganized crowd into an effective, purposeful and productive group, namely, to organize the interaction of people so that they perform certain actions to achieve certain actions.

Research in this area emphasizes the importance of human resources in the management system of an organization, which determines the need to improve existing approaches in the management of social and labor relations.

An important factor in the formation of a systematic approach to personnel management in an organization is social and labor relations, which allows the organization to hold a stable position in the market. This is due to the fact that it is social and labor relations that reflect all the changes occurring in all organizational processes, form the conditions for the effective use of the labor and intellectual potential of workers, since the type of social and labor relations and the level of their development allows to realize opportunities with greater or lesser efficiency. human resources to achieve high financial results.

Social and labor relations are defined as the existing interdependence and interaction of the subjects of these relations in the process of labor activity, which are aimed at regulating and improving the quality of working life. At the same time, social and labor relations are subjective, since they reflect subjectively defined interests, needs, intentions and actions of the participants in these relations, determined by their conscious and mutual dependence. Social and labor relations can solve not only the problems of effective employment and social protection of the organization's personnel, but also increasing the technologization of human resource management, which is due to changes in working conditions and the quality of personnel. ...

It should be noted that social and labor relations are divided into certain types, depending on the method of their regulation. At the same time, the type of social and labor relations is determined by their essence, namely, by the way in which important organizational decisions are made, as well as those concerning changes in the social and labor sphere within the organization. Depending on the prevailing type of social and labor relations in an organization, psychological, ethical and legal forms of relationships in the process of labor activity can be characterized. So, in practice, the basic role in the formation of the organizational type of social and labor relations is played by the established models of people management in organizations that determine the norms of individual, group and intergroup behavior, based on equality (or vice versa, inequality) of the rights and opportunities of all subjects of such relations.

Meanwhile, the social activity of the collective cannot exist spontaneously, by itself. The polysyllabic social processes developing in it should be purposeful, consciously regulated, which implies planning the social development of the team.

When analyzing real models of social and labor relations, it was revealed that the system of factors that form a specific model of social and labor relations, and the choice of appropriate management methods, determines the organizational context of a particular organization. At the same time, the development of labor relations is determined not only by changes in the corresponding organizational structures, but also by the subjective perception of the ongoing institutional changes by individual workers or groups (both formal and informal). Thus, the actual model of social and labor relations in the organization is the result of a combination of specific circumstances and specific factors that influence them. At the same time, it was found that, along with formal social and labor relations, an informal (illegal) system of social and labor relations develops in each organization, the development of which can lead to a significant redistribution of power and responsibility in the organization.

Both systems of social and labor relations (formal and informal) characterize the economic, psychological and legal aspects of the relationship of individual workers and different groups in all organizational processes, due to the institutional specifics of a particular organization. The building of an informal (illegal) system of social and labor relations, which is a set of informal institutional practices of the main subjects of these relations, often occurs in parallel with the formal one, which can have an extremely negative impact on overall organizational development.

In management practice, situations often arise when managers focus their efforts on only one of these aspects of social and labor relations. As a result, unexpectedly for themselves and the enterprise as a whole, they fall into extremes regarding work with personnel.

The first extreme is when they forget about strategic issues and focus on operational management. With this approach, the staff understands what needs to be done, but it is not clear why, in what quantity and with what quality. “You work,” says the head of the enterprise, “and at the end of the month I will tell you who worked well and who did not work well enough.”

The second extreme is recruiting at random. Such an enterprise employs relatives, acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, and good acquaintances of relatives of acquaintances.

The third extreme is to demand fulfillment of plans and special quality of work, without providing professional training opportunities. You work better and faster, and if you can't - that's your problem, get ready to be fired.

The fourth extreme is the constantly changing system of remuneration of workers and the lack of connection between wages and quantitative and qualitative indicators of work.

The fifth extreme is the excessive enthusiasm by the management of the enterprise to control the work of personnel.

When determining the strategy of an enterprise in building social and labor relations, one cannot ignore one area and focus one's managerial efforts on another area of ​​relations.

Social and labor relations reflect the specifics of the production process, which in each organization is characterized by uniqueness, industry affiliation, which forms a certain organizational structure, areas of functioning of social and labor relations, significantly different in type, economic interests of subjects, employee satisfaction with working conditions, and the level of wages. Changes occurring in the working process of the organization as a whole, or in individual business processes, are reflected in the entire system of social and labor relations, primarily on the economic interests of their subjects, forcing the latter to make new decisions regarding the applied models of behavior and organizational interaction.

The formation of an innovative model of social and labor relations is influenced by the very essence of a modern organization, which, on the one hand, actively influences the process of forming a system of social and labor relations, and on the other hand, is under the influence of individual members of the organization (most often key employees involved in strategically important decisions) and various organizational groups that are full subjects of social and labor relations. At the same time, in organizations of a regressive type, the greatest influence on the formation of the informal system of social and labor relations is exerted by informal groups that actively promote their interests.

This is due to the fact that, as an institutional entity, a company is a collection of individuals united on the basis of fulfilling certain institutional requirements that limit the norms, means and methods of their actions in the process of achieving a specific goal. Institutional requirements, acting as objects of institutional interactions within the organization, are considered as a set of restrictions necessary for the implementation of economic activities, the fulfillment of which ensures the subject (individual or group) to achieve the goal in the most optimal way, and also allows him to maintain relative stability and economic stability. The accumulation of changes in institutional requirements leads to the development of contradictions between the requirements that emerged as a result of previous experience and the requirements as a result of changed circumstances.

At the same time, as an institutional product, a company becomes a form of reconciliation of interests based on their refusal to some part of their personal (private) interests, which becomes the basis for the development of institutional contradictions within the organization. Intraorganizational contradictions act as contradictions between formally fixed and actually developing relationships between subjects of social and labor relations at all levels, contributing to the creation of incentives for a favorable or unfavorable selection of a model of economic behavior. Since the consent, or pursuit of the general interest of the subjects, is possible provided that they refuse some part of their personal (private) interests, this becomes the basis for the development of contradictions within the framework of the organization as an institution. The contradiction between private and general interest can manifest itself as a conflict between organizational requirements and the needs of the institutional agent. The isolation of "repressed" private interests will manifest itself as an institutional conflict between different subjects of social and labor relations.

Contradictions, taking the form of conflicts, are resolved by regulating interactions and providing opportunities for achieving goals by all subjects of social and labor relations as participants in the institutional process. But if the conflict is overcome, then this does not mean that a balance has been established between the parties and harmonization of interests is observed, since the existing model of social and labor relations, reflecting in the norms and rules of the preferences of different subjects of these relations (organizational formal and informal groups, individual individuals) , cannot but compel some of them to comply with them. Coercion, by forcing them to comply with institutional requirements, does not remove the contradictions underlying the conflict. The resolution of one contradiction gives rise to other contradictions, and the institutional process of development of the model of social and labor relations is a constant search for agreement, compromises, mutual concessions of the participants in this process (groups and individuals).

Thus, the development of a systematic approach to managing social and labor relations occurs in the process of resolving institutional contradictions, i.e. harmonization of individual, group and corporate interests and requirements. Moreover, in the most prosperous organizations, corporate institutional requirements are gaining priority, even if the system of social and labor relations is built primarily on an innovative type, for which unifying ideas, situations or goals are actively used.

At the same time, a psychological atmosphere is formed that promotes constructive interaction between employees and work groups in the process of solving their work tasks.

Thus, within the framework of each organization, a specific model of social and labor relations is formed, as a combination of formal and informal systems of social and labor relations, combining certain types and forms of them. In this connection, the process of managing the development of social and labor relations, which should take place in the direction of formalizing the illegal system of social and labor relations, acquires great importance. This change should be carried out exclusively in a non-violent way with the help of formal consolidation of spontaneously formed acceptable institutional practices of subjects of social and labor relations. At the same time, opportunistic forms of behavior can be neutralized only within the framework of the organizational process of institutional changes through their gradual transformation into progressive (innovative) models of behavior. An important factor for success can be the introduction of progressive technologies for making important organizational decisions based on the real capabilities of members of the organization to make important decisions and take constructive actions.

The proposed principle of forming a model for managing social and labor relations will contribute to the development of individual competence into organizational competence. The main idea of ​​organizational changes is to recognize the need for long-term, comprehensive change and development of the organization and its members, therefore, the process of managing the development of the organization's human resources is directly related to the development of the social and labor relations management system.


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Managers know how the socio-psychological climate of the organization affects the productivity of employees. Therefore, the management of relationships in the work collective is important. Managing peer relationships well can have a positive impact on overall business results.

Characteristics of the team and connections in it

The success of a business is directly dependent on the quality and efficiency of the use of all labor resources. This means that the better the management of the staff, the higher the income of the organization.

Each work collective has certain internal properties:

  1. a common goal that unites all members of the company;
  2. the design of organizational issues should work on the basis of social institutions;
  3. there should be a highlighted social and political importance of your team;
  4. a very important place is occupied by the level of cooperation between colleagues and the quality of mutual assistance;
  5. the team must be united according to social and psychological characteristics.

Different stages of cohesion among colleagues can be observed:

  • Orientation stage. It has the characteristic feature of uniting different people with a common goal and idea, as well as tasks. At this stage, each of the colleagues is trying to find himself in the team.
  • Mutual adaptation is a stage during which all members of the team have formed common behavioral attitudes in the work circle thanks to the organized work of management or through self-orientation in the team of each employee.
  • Cohesion and consolidation in the team. This is the most mature level of relationship among colleagues. In such work collectives, certain groups are formed according to common goals and interests. Thanks to well-coordinated work, a high level of the team's ability to work as a whole is achieved.

Before the formation of a work collective, leaders must help create social circles in this work society. The main feature of the leader is an impartial attitude towards each subordinate and assistance in adaptation to newcomers in the work collective. Colleagues will treat this leadership with understanding and respect.

Socio-psychological climate in the team

A favorable atmosphere, with trust, respect, awareness of important issues, responsiveness and mutual understanding - when there is such an employment relationship in the organization, the employee has a developed need for conscientious work and high-quality performance of the task.

An unfavorable climate is characterized by a passive attitude of colleagues to each other, a high level of conflicts in the team, and dry communication. Intermittent - the risk of conflicts between employees.

The management of social and labor relations is influenced by many factors, such as the type and methods of leadership. Therefore, an experienced leader must effectively act on subordinates, be able to manage organizational and economic processes taking place in the team.

The main problems in managing relationships in a team:

  • Unqualified employees. An effective team is only a group of people where everyone does their job in the best way, while solving a common problem.
  • Unfavorable microclimate. In a team, people have different preferences, characters, views. They are united not only by a common cause, but also by emotions. One of the signs of a good microclimate in a group is dedication to the cause, a high degree of mutual assistance, as well as the natural state of an efficiently functioning team. Mistrust to each other corrodes the collective.
  • Fuzzy goals. If there is no clear vision of a common goal, then some team members will not be able to contribute to the common cause. Thus, a study of companies from economic giants - the United States and Japan - showed that their success is largely determined by the presence of business motivation, that is, a set of main goals and objectives. These goals are specifically expressed for the working units in the form of occupation views, rules or even calls, and then invariably and skillfully brought to the mind and emotions of all employees.
  • Unsatisfactory results of work. It happens that a good microclimate, a significant awareness of employees does not give the desired results. Bad luck tends to have a demotivating effect on team members. The job of the boss in this case is to help employees morale by offering appropriate incentives to revitalize workers.
  • Ineffectiveness of methods of preparation and decision-making.

Types of management relations

Depending on how well one or another type of management relations is developed in the organization, it is possible to judge the efficiency of production.

The relationship of centralism and independence

Under centralism, higher-level governing bodies determine the activities of lower-level ones, as, for example, in relations between the state and industries, industries and enterprises, enterprises and departments.

Independence assumes that the subjects of activity can determine their own tasks, but such work should be aimed at achieving common goals.

Relations of coordination and subordination

Subordination presupposes subordination to the higher structures of the lower ones, the descent of directives "from above". Coordination gives you more opportunities to defend your interests while performing common activities. The main indicator of coordination is the adaptation of subjects to each other's needs.

Responsibility relationship

They imply the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the subjects in full. Responsibility relations are realized, for example, through the dependence of the results of work on the correctness of the made managerial decisions. They appear as a result of the requirements that the parties (employees and the manager) put forward to each other. Such relations are consolidated through normative documents, instructions, informal rules, systems of rewards and sanctions.

Workforce Relationship Management: Principles

The results of the fruitful work of each organization are greatly influenced by the management of relationships among colleagues.

The relationship between the employer and the labor collective on social issues, on the collective participation of employees in the management of the organization, on labor protection issues and many others is regulated by such regulatory legal acts as the organization's charter, collective agreement, Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts.

The powers that are established by these documents are absolutely independent of the form of ownership of the enterprise and its organizational and legal form.

With successful management of the work collective, a prerequisite is to make a certain choice. There is a traditional approach to the labor relationship management process and the tqm approach. Their differences are as follows.

Traditional Approach

In this approach, the team of employees should be characterized by dedication to the company, support for its values, job satisfaction, and high performance. The company is the customer, and the employees are the performers.

TQM approach

From the point of view of this approach, the company itself acts as a supplier, and employees, on the contrary, are customers. The main goal of the manager in this case will be to find out the needs of employees and provide them with the opportunity to realize these needs.


His labor behavior will depend on what motivation the employee is guided by when performing work at the enterprise.

Everyone's motivation is different and depends on what a person needs, what are his values, priorities, desires, motives. Interests are formed on the basis of specific needs. Motives and values ​​are formed under the influence of various interests, the formation of which is directly influenced by the psychological environment in the team, self-esteem and assessment of the management to the employee, various incentives and rewards in work. Motives and values ​​have an impact on each other. It depends on them what the formation of labor behavior will be.

The amount of effort invested in it depends on what remuneration the employee receives for the work performed. To achieve the maximum result in work, a person needs to get both moral satisfaction from work (self-realization, verbal praise from management, respect in the team) and material (due level of payment, bonus, opportunity to move up the career ladder).

Leadership qualities

Many people, when taking leadership positions, tend to forget the fact how, after their appointment, relationships in the subordinate team will develop. This issue is quite important nowadays, since peace of mind in the team is both the success of the company and its profitability in the future. Also, one should not ignore the moment of mutual understanding in a group of people, because this aspect can affect the acceptance of the new boss by the team, and many other negative factors that will directly affect the work of the company. After all, a person's mood depends on the psychological atmosphere in the team, the attitude of employees and management to each other.

According to his social status, the leader, of course, is higher than the subordinates, but they have an advantage - the number. As practice shows, it is quite difficult to resist and adequately manage such groups. Scientists consider this ratio as the principle of individuality and the principle of collectivity. By all indicators, collectivity always wins over individuality, because with such a systematic approach, various so-called "upstarts" drop out of the team and the emphasis is on averaging human potential, teamwork develops more thoroughly.

The tendency of this format is quite harmful and dangerous for society as a whole, since initially a person's creative development is stopped, they do not allow him to develop as a person and show the results of his work. Many of us know the fact that the brighter and richer the individual in the team, the more developed the team itself. Therefore, the main issue for an experienced young leader is the qualitative ability to skillfully penetrate the team between the opposing personalities "I" and "we" and establish a close, mutually beneficial relationship between them for a long time.

Leadership is a core component of leadership. In order for an organization to grow successfully, it is necessary to have a reliable leader who possesses all the qualities of a leader. The effectiveness of workforce relations management depends on the functions performed by the manager. I. Ansoff listed the main functions to be performed by the head of the organization:

  1. a leader who has respect from colleagues and knows how to exert the necessary influence on subordinates;
  2. the function of an administrator implies the ability to monitor the performance of work, set goals and monitor their achievement, compliance with order and established norms;
  3. as a planner, the leader must monitor changing trends, think about the development of the organization, plans for the future, concentrate forces and resources on the main areas of work, and also have the ability to analyze the position of the organization and make the necessary decisions to eliminate problems with the development of the organization;
  4. in the role of an entrepreneur, the leader must be able to find non-standard and original solutions, take responsibility for the state of the organization and sensibly assess the risk, while trying to avoid it.

Also, the leader will have to reveal himself in the following roles:

  • thinker - search for alternative solutions to problems, tracking the work of units;
  • organizer - control over employees and the work they perform;
  • staff worker - processing and drawing up the necessary documentation;
  • personnel officer - responsible for the selection of personnel;
  • educator - motivation and support of employees;
  • supplier - supply of all the personnel necessary for the work;
  • social activist - conducts meetings and meetings, establishes contacts with other organizations;
  • innovator - responsible for delivering fresh ideas and working methods;
  • controller - monitors the observance of order in the team;
  • diplomat - communication with other organizations and their leaders.

Social functions are revealed in the leader during the performance of various roles. The functions of a leader can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Achievement of the team goal.
  2. Caring for the team and maintaining relationships between employees. This function has a deeper psychological background, the assessment of which will help to increase the authority of the leader in the eyes of his colleagues.

One of the key tasks of organizing the effective work of any enterprise is the choice of a leader. The key to the success of management lies in the personal qualities of a potential applicant, special knowledge and experience. Only a complex of all these components will make it possible to "grow" an effective leader.

Of no small importance is the skill to skillfully use psychological methods and techniques. It is no secret that among the managers of the highest level there are many people with clearly insufficient education. This is compensated for by leadership qualities and the ability to manage a team. But this does not exempt the main contingent of middle and small-level managers from constant improvement of their qualifications by going through a variety of educational programs.

In any case, the effectiveness of management is determined by the results of the enterprise and the economic feasibility of decision-making. The control mechanism does not always lie on the surface. On the contrary, most often, the balance of interests between the employer and the contractor, given the right guidance, is extremely subtle and inconspicuous. A good leader is, first of all, a creative person who is devoted to the business in which he is engaged.

It has long been noticed that, having achieved good results in one place, and then changing it, a successful leader in a new position is likely to be able to organize the process in the right direction. This allows us to confirm the fact that a leader is a profession, not a position. The existing natural inclinations, developed by education and strengthened by experience, allow especially purposeful people to solve the assigned tasks in a leading position.

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