Algorithm and methods for making engravings on cardboard. Creative activity: engraving for children. Review of ready-made kits and a guide to home creativity using this technique

Today I’ll tell you about a fun activity for both children and adults.

First, let's remember our childhood. I mean those who were born in the USSR. What haven't we been doing!!! But we must admit, we did not do this out of a good life. There were no computers, cartoons on TV - 20 minutes. per day, videos from the chosen ones. In such a situation, willy-nilly you go to different sections and circles. So I remembered how I made engravings in one of the circles. I decided to teach my son this too.

But everything is very, very simple. With the help of the Internet, everyone chose a drawing that we would translate into an engraving. I like sharks, so I chose this sketch:

I printed it out and used a carbon copy to transfer the image onto a piece of linoleum. In some places I had to trace it with a pen again. And he began to slowly cut it out.

The cutting process takes time, but teaches patience and endurance:

It is cut out with a special tool, and you can do it yourself using a knitting needle from an unnecessary umbrella. We made this:

However, in our harness there was this rarity:

This is a Soviet set that makes the engraver’s work easier:

So, little by little I cut out the design I had chosen on the linoleum:

The final stage is obtaining a print. We used ink and gouache as paint.
I applied a thin layer of paint to the linoleum with a sponge, applied the paper, pressed it, and it turned out to be an engraving.

The best print. Of course, it would have been better to apply the paint with a roller, but we didn’t have one.

This is the job. Try it yourself and you will succeed :)

At what age can children be introduced to engraving?

Engraving quite accessible even for small children, it is recommended to start acquaintance from 3 years old. At this age, the baby already has some drawing skills, as well as his first artistic ideas. At this age, it is recommended to create engravings only in collaboration with an adult who can reveal to the child all the beauty of this type of art and show how to create images correctly.

In general, the engraving is interesting and more older children, And adults. This is due to the fact that the pattern can vary in size and complexity. If you purchase ready-made kits, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommended age indicated on the packaging.

To create an engraving, you can use 2 methods. The first is preparing the base yourself. To do this, you need to choose a thick sheet of paper, or better yet, cardboard, because it is more convenient to work with. For work you will also need watercolor paints, gouache, wax pencils, a candle, a stick (stichel), brushes and a container for water. The base is painted over watercolor paints. You can only take one color. But the drawings are much more interesting if the base is colored. The stripes can be drawn arbitrarily. After the base has dried, it needs to be rubbed well with a candle. It is important not to apply too thick a layer, but also not to leave gaps. Next you need to paint over the wax layer with black gouache. Sometimes you need to apply several layers of paint; it is better to use gouache that is not too liquid. Only after all the layers have dried can you begin to actually create the engraving. Using a stick with a pointed end or a special pen, you need to start scratching the dark layer so that the colored layer is visible. Wax pencils can be used to color the base. Then applying a wax layer with a candle is not necessary.

Of course, this method of preparing the base is quite labor-intensive. It is suitable for baby with the principle of creating similar images. The child can freely scratch the base. And it doesn't matter if beautiful image It won't work the first time.

If you want to create it yourself a real masterpiece, then you should pay attention to a ready-made engraving set. It includes a base and a gravel. The contours of the future color image are usually already applied to the base on a dark layer. Making an engraving using this set is quite simple - you just need to diligently and carefully scratch the top layer along the indicated lines. You can do this together with your child, scratching one at a time or simultaneously in different places on the base.

The finished works look very interesting and may well become an interior decoration. They can be placed in a frame, large ones can be hung on the wall, and small ones can be placed on a desk.

Cardboard engraving is a relatively young art genre. Simply put, this type of work is called “scratching”, because in order to achieve a drawing, that is, an engraving itself, you need to scratch some surface. And even cardboard is suitable for such purposes. This type of engraving can be mastered not only by people with experience in art, but also by beginning artists.

The engraving itself depends on the following factors:

  • texture of the selected material, in in this case cardboard;
  • relief heights;
  • pressure force during operation; lines can be made of different thicknesses and intensity of coloring.

Colored engraving on cardboard

How is engraving made?

The following materials will be useful for engraving:

  • any type of cardboard (packaging, bound, pressboard);
  • needles or files;
  • lancet;
  • knives.

The technique itself takes place in several stages:

  • Use a soft pencil or lithographic pencil to depict a picture on tracing paper or glossy paper. After this, the drawn side of the tracing paper is applied to a sheet of cardboard. A special plate is driven along it from above with pressure. But further relief is obtained by scratching or engraving with pens, or appliqué.
  • Water-based paint will help add texture to the engraving. You need to fix the result with nitro varnish, while avoiding drips.

Please note that this technique is more professional. It is done manually, but the print of the painting in this case should not exceed 2030 centimeters, otherwise not all the paint will stick to the paper. For this procedure, you need to choose a thick paint; regular paint is often mixed oil paint and white, diluted with drying oil in a ratio of 7:3. Such material should be aged for several days in an open container.

A layer of paint is applied to cardboard with a thickness of 0.1–0.5 millimeters. For printing, water-based inks are often chosen, mixing them with glycerin. The paper is applied on top of the cardboard with a layer of paint and the grinding process begins. The plates that rub paper are often waxed. This is necessary for better gliding.

This procedure can be performed mechanically using an etching press. In this case, a board and several layers of soft paper are additionally applied to the paper, then there will be no disruption of the relief of the print.

Color engraving can only be produced on cardboard. Initially, an impression of a warm shade is made. Then the material is dried, and then prints of other colors are made one by one. This procedure takes quite a lot of time, but in engraving you can achieve different shades, reliefs and textures on one piece of cardboard.

To enhance the print of engravings, artists use adjustments applied on top of the sheet from which the print is made in those places where the artist wants to saturate the drawing. But to enhance the effect of color range maybe a mask that is placed between paper and cardboard.

The engraving tool itself - the file - must be held either straight or at an angle of 35 degrees. There are situations when the smallest slots are compressed during printing, and the effect of the print is not achieved. Also, do not use cross hatching in this technique. The problem with this technique is that during its use, whole pieces of material will be torn out of the cardboard, so the print will be of poor quality and you will not achieve the desired picture.

This method is more suitable for professionals, since a person who encounters such an engraving for the first time may not understand how the method works. In addition, making the correct print or applying paint so that the required relief is obtained will be especially difficult. Any stains or irregularities not in the intended place can blur the effect of the engraving, so before doing such work, you need to practice. Or choose the simple option.

Home engraving option

You can make the engraving yourself. The principle of its production will differ from the artistic method, but with its help you can have an interesting time. Such an engraving on cardboard is called a “scratch”. A background is applied to the cardboard. It can be monochromatic or multi-colored.

Stages of engraving on cardboard

A black wax layer is applied on top. And then using a special knife, different figures or a whole picture are cut out on it. True, relief cannot be achieved in such engravings, but the result can be very beautiful and elegant. Often such drawings are sold even in children's departments, but you can make them yourself.

For this you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • wax pencils;
  • brush;
  • gouache.

The cardboard needs to be completely painted over; it can be a multi-colored or plain background. Apply gouache on top of the sheet, leaving no gaps. It is best to choose black paint, then the engraving will have contrast. After the paint layer has dried, you can use scratching tools to engrave the picture. Draw images to suit your taste. You can change the thickness of the line and the print using the pressure applied.

You can also paint over a finished drawing this way. For it to appear on the engraving, you will need to erase the top layer with a coin. But such variations are quite primitive and suitable for children.

Engraving - pretty interesting view an art that continues to evolve. Much of it depends on the skill of the artist. But this genre is also suitable for those who like to experiment and take risks.

Today in specialized stores you can find a lot of different sets for children's creativity: developing, educational, simply entertaining. Such toy products attract the attention of children, but it is much more interesting to create something similar with their parents, thereby learning all the secrets of the creative process.

And in fact, many children's creative sets are not anything complicated that cannot be reproduced independently at home. For example, engravings familiar to many can be made with your own hands in just half an hour. How? Let's find out.

For creating color engraving you will need:

  • white cardboard (not glossy);
  • wax crayons different colors(you can also use oil pastels);
  • black gouache (you can take another dark color);
  • liquid soap;
  • brush;
  • orange stick (or other thin and sharp object for engraving).

Step 1. Create a colored background

Most of the engravings that are sold in stores are made with a single-color background (golden or silver), and it will be more interesting for children to see the picture in different colors. To do this, paint one side of white matte cardboard in random order with multi-colored wax crayons— the richer and more contrasting the colors, the more impressive they will look when engraved. Note: instead of wax pencils you can use regular or felt-tip pens, but they will need to be additionally sketched on top paraffin candle, and only then proceed to the next stage.

Step 2. Making an intermediate layer of engraving

To make a kind of “protective” invisible layer that will not allow the colored background to be erased during engraving, you will need liquid soap. It must be evenly applied to the background mosaic. Note: you should “rub” the soap into the pastel more carefully, because the color can “smear,” that is, be transferred to an area of ​​paper of a different color.

Step 3. Apply a finishing layer for scratching

After the soap has absorbed into the colored background of the cardboard, you need to paint it tightly with thick black gouache. Even if in some places the paint bleeds away from the wax, it is necessary to repeat painting until the background stops showing through. You can paint over the entire sheet or part of it.

We are waiting for the gouache to dry and our engraving is ready. (although it would be more correct to say grattage, which is just one type of engraving). Now you can pick up a thin, pointed object (for example, an orange stick, a knitting needle, an empty pen refill, etc.) and start scratching a new masterpiece.

Goals and objectives:

A) educational : explore:

The term “Graphics”;
- different kinds graphics,
- technology for performing “Engravings on cardboard”;


The main stages of engraving on cardboard;
- use improvised means to make prints (copy paper, iron)

b) developing:


Graphic and compositional skills;
- imagination and creative imagination;
- emotional and value attitude to life;
- attention, observation.

c) raising:

bring up:

Hard work, accuracy and perseverance;
- a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie;
- respect for work.


For the teacher:

Samples of work with various types of graphics ( Figure 1- 7) ;
- Methodological tables for making engravings on cardboard:
“Prints of materials of different textures” (Appendix 3 ),
“Stages of engraving on cardboard. Scenery". “Stages of engraving on cardboard. Still life". ( Annex 1 , Appendix 2)
- Samples of children's works made using this technique. ( Figure 11-17)
- Various materials (cardboard, fabric, lace, leather, etc.), scissors, glue, carbon paper, iron, sheets of white paper.

For students:

Album, pencil, eraser, pieces various materials(cardboard, fabric, lace, leather, etc.), scissors, glue, copy paper, 2-3 album sheets.

Lesson #1

1. Conversation about types of graphics, engraving on cardboard.
2. Introduction to one of the types of printed graphics “Cardboard Engraving”.
3. Practical work“Sketching a landscape or still life” (optional).

During the classes

1. Conversation: “Types of graphics. Engraving on cardboard.”

Teacher reference material:

Word graphic arts comes from the Greek “grapho” - “I write, I draw.” This is a type of fine art that is associated with images on a plane. Graphics is, first of all, a drawing, a linear, strict art, based on a combination of black and white, with the paper itself being white, and the pencil, charcoal or other coloring material being black.

Graphics are divided into two kinds:

- single drawing on paper - drawings made in watercolor, gouache, pencil, charcoal, sanguine (red and brown sticks). Play once.
- printed graphics - allows you to reproduce a drawing in a large number of copies.

Printed graphics come in different types:

1. Book graphics – design of books and magazines;

2. Applied graphics – design of postcards, stamps, certificates;

3. Engraving- a type of graphics that can be repeated when making prints. Every page of the books we read is also printed, but we only call a drawing an engraving. In French, “engraver” means “to cut.” Wood engraving is called woodcut, on the stone - lithography, on linoleum - linocut, on metal - etching, on cardboard – engraving on cardboard.

4. Monotype,

5. Dry needle.

6. Grattography

Woodcut. How is wood engraving made? The artist applies the intended drawing onto a board of hard wood - boxwood or palm tree. All places that should be white according to the drawing are deepened by the engraver in the board, removing the wood with special cutters - gravers. On the engraving print, black will be those places that were not touched by the artist’s chisel. When the entire design is cut out, printing ink is applied to the board with a roller, then a sheet of paper is applied and pressed to the board with a press. This is how engraving is born. In black and white, an engraving can convey a bright sunny day, a foggy, cloudy day with heavy clouds, and the spring transparency of the sky. There are engravings and color ones, when several layers of different paints are applied to the paper in turn.

Lithography is an engraving on stone (from the Greek “lithos” - “stone”). Engraving is done on a special limestone. Before work, the stone is polished, and the master applies a drawing to it with a thick lithographic pencil or ink. Then the stone is treated with special compounds, and the design on the stone is “fixed,” as it were. When the drawing is ready, paper is placed on the stone and an impression is made under pressure - a print. Unlike wood engraving and linocut, in lithography the surface of the stone is not deepened, but remains flat.

Linocut is an engraving on linoleum, on which the artist cuts like wood.<Picture 1 >

Etching is an engraving on metal. The copper or zinc plate is polished and varnished. The artist then draws on the plate with a sharp steel needle. The needle goes over the varnish very easily; you don’t need to press it with force, as when working with a chisel on wood or linoleum. When the drawing is ready, the plate is etched with nitric acid. The acid eats away the indentations in the scratched areas because the varnish no longer protects them. Paint is rubbed into these recesses, damp paper is placed on the plate, and an impression is made under the press.<Figure 2 >

In woodcut and linoleum engravings, the recessed areas remain white on the print. In etching it’s the other way around: the recessed places on the print are black, everything else is white. This technique was invented in XVII century. And the most remarkable master of etching was the great Dutch artist Rembrandt.

Monotype is a graphic technique of flat printing that is not associated with engraving processes. It comes in colored and monochrome.

Color monotype - the artist paints with oil paints on a smooth glass surface, then moistened paper is placed on top and rolled on a printing press (you can only get one print).<Figure 3 >

Grattography is a technique of scratching a drawing. rub a sheet of paper with a candle, apply gouache mixed with ink on top, apply a drawing with a pencil and scratch the image along the drawing with sharp objects.<Figure 5 >

2. Introduction to one of the types of printed graphics “Cardboard Engraving”.

(Show samples of work done using this technique. <Figure 6, Figure 7>)

Stages of performing work using the “Cardboard Engraving” technique:

(Use educational tables: “Stages of engraving on cardboard. Still life” - Annex 1;“Stages of engraving on cardboard. Scenery " - Appendix 2)

1 . Making several sketches of a landscape (still life). Choosing the best one.
2 . Enlarging the sketch.
3 . Consider what materials will be used in the work. (Pieces of various fabrics, leather, cardboard, crumpled paper, sandpaper). Analyze prints of materials of different textures using a training table with samples - Appendix 3.
4 . Making cardboard. Pasting the selected material onto the sketch.

(Show samples of prepared cardboard<Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10>)

5. Making prints: the resulting cardboard is covered with printing ink and placed on top Blank sheet and rolled through a printing press.

Talk about using improvised means to make prints: Since we have neither a machine nor paint, we can use carbon paper and a warm iron:

Place carbon paper on the finished cardboard with the ink side up;
- then place a blank sheet of paper on top;
- using a warm iron, pressing firmly, iron the entire surface. As a result, the image is printed.

Show samples of prints (children's work) -<Figure 11, Figure 12, Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16, Figure 17>.

Engraving is a play of light and dark spots. With their help, the image turns out to be lively and interesting.

3. Practical work: “Sketching a landscape (still life):

  • Divide a sheet of paper into four parts. Complete 3-4 sketches.
  • Choose the best sketch and enlarge it on a large sheet.
  • Elaboration and drawing of the sketch in tone (determination of black and white spots).
  • When completing the sketch, the guys use their observations in nature, knowledge about the architecture of our city (churches, cathedrals, monuments).

    HOME TASK: bring various pieces of materials, carbon paper, scissors, glue, sketch, 2-3 album sheets

    Lesson #2

    1. Conversation about the stages of making cardboard;
    2. Practical work: “Making cardboard and prints.”
    3. Summing up.

    During the classes

    1. Conversation about the stages of making cardboard.

    At this stage, various kinds of materials that the guys brought are pasted onto the sketch.

    In the last lesson, the children already determined what would be the darkest and the lightest in their drawing.

    To get a dark spot on the image, you need to stick cardboard, fabric or leather on it. To create a white spot, do not glue anything or cut through this place. Then, when printing, the darkest place will be the place where the thickest material is glued (cardboard, leather), and the white place will be where nothing is glued or cut out.

    This stage of work is somewhat reminiscent of appliqué: we cut and glue. For example, to create a tower (Spasskaya) or another image, you need to transfer it from the drawing through copying to the material that will be pasted. This is how cardboard is made.

    Next stage - making prints:

    Method 1 - Place carbon paper on the cardboard with the ink side up, then place a clean sheet and iron it with a hot iron. The result is a mirror image.

    Method 2 - Place a blank sheet of paper on the cardboard, then copy paper with the ink side down, and another sheet or newspaper on top. Iron with a hot iron. The result is a print of the image, like on cardboard.

    2. Practical work:

    “Making cardboard and prints.”

    The guys perform cardboard according to the above rules. Then, together with the teacher, they make several prints. The best print is selected, which is the final result of the work.

    3. Summing up:

    1. Mini-exhibition - viewing of works: identifying errors and shortcomings, identifying the best works.

    2. Evaluation of student work according to the following criteria:

    Sketch composition;
    - manifestation of imagination in the use of material;
    - clarity of the image (ratio of white and dark spots).

    WORK FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO HOME FROM HOME: Complete the work in ways known to the guys.

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