Blogger nikolay sobolev instagram. Strong feelings of Nikolai Sobolev. Nikolai Sobolev - biography

Sobolev is a hypocrite- an online campaign to discredit video blogger Nikolai Sobolev, who shot a laudatory video about Gorky Park and the mayor of Moscow. In social networks, the phrase “Sobolev is a hypocrite” appeared before, but after another conflict it turned into a meme.


On July 5, 2018, a video dedicated to the match between Russia and Spain at the 2018 World Cup and rapper Purulent was released on Nikolai Sobolev's channel. From the first seconds, Sobolev begins to praise Gorky Park, hinting that its development is the merit of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Hidden advertising has caused a lot of controversy. It turned out that similar videos other top YouTube bloggers did it too. Blogger Stas Vasiliev (Max Power) was one of the first released revealing video, in which he indicated the names of the "sold out to the mayor's office": in addition to Sobolev himself, Dima Maslennikov, Max Brandt, Timur Sidelnikov and Kostya Pavlov were on the list.

All bloggers are under contract with the WildJam agency, writes TJ. Within a week or two, veiled advertisements appeared on their channels, in which Sobyanin's activities were praised in one way or another. The conclusion is obvious: the promotion was ordered on the eve of the mayoral elections, in which Sergei Semenovich will participate.

Critical videos against Sobolev were also recorded by other bloggers, including Prince Petersburg, Ruslan Tushentsov and Morgenstern. The video of the latter was called "The main Kremlin-sucker and hypocrite of YouTube - Sobolev."

In parallel with the criticism of the blogger in social networks, a spontaneous action began to discredit him. Users began to call him a hypocrite, a political prostitute and make offensive memes. The phrase “Sobolev is a hypocrite” became popular, and the main antagonist was the no less meme YouTube character Morgenstern.

The largest contribution to the meme war was made by the public “Oatmeal, sir” - only for the period from July 18 to July 19, about 20 memes about Sobolev were published in the community. Public even portrayed opposition of bloggers on their avatar in VKontakte.


Memes about Nikolai Sobolev make fun of his venality and loyalty to the Moscow authorities, which is often blamed on the blogger. In addition to the phrase “Sobolev is a hypocrite,” pictures are circulating on the network in which the blogger is exposed as a person who is ready for anything for the sake of money. In many respects, the indignation around the political speeches of Sobolev is due to the fact that in 2017 in interview Nikolai said to Yuri Dudyu that he was not going to get involved in politics.

In addition, Morgenstern himself is also found in memes about Sobolev, he is not only presented as the main whistleblower, but also compared with oppositionist Alexei Navalny.


The biography of Nikolai Sobolev is interesting for its diversity and originality.

Nikolai Sobolev - biography

Young and ambitious, 23-year-old Nikolai Sobolev is a master's student at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Currently, a well-known prankster and video blogger in the Russian-speaking space, one of the creators of the popular Rakamakafo project (Pranks show), tells how it all began:

“We met and got to know each other, Guram and I at the birthday party of a mutual friend and became friends. Over time, we realized how similar we are in our outlook on life and sense of humor.

Once we watched videos on YouTube and noticed foreign pranksters, we really liked this idea. We discussed and decided to create a similar project.

I doubted it very much and thought that many people are already doing this. And we were lucky, not all. At the time when we started making videos, there were no worthy examples of pranksters in Russia.

We decided to concentrate and chose the topic of social experiments, because. it is very unusual and fun.

We thought for a long time and planned to shoot the first video, what idea and topic to start with, but as soon as we launched it on YouTube, it went like clockwork.”

Nikolai is a very versatile person, he has always been an active life position and loved public performance, sang, performed in a cabaret, and in school years played in the theatre.

He was engaged in bodybuilding and weighed about 120 kilograms. A maximalist who strives to achieve the maximum in everything, not tolerating intermediate results.

Nikolai never had anything to do with sociology, let alone social experiments. Launching my own video channel was a spontaneous decision.

There was an interest in the topic of practical jokes and experiments, besides, after analyzing the Russian-speaking space, the choice of a niche was determined. Only 3 such channels were found in Russia, and they are not at all popular.

Filming and the beginning of the prank show: is it really so difficult

Sobolev received an offer from a friend to unite in a team, later called "Rakamakafo", and despite the creeping doubts, Nikolai could not refuse.

On March 8, 2014, Nikolai, together with his partner Guram, created their own prank channel on YouTube, which gathered more than 1 million subscribers in a year. And in 2 years, the views of their videos have exceeded 120 million views.

The first video was filmed in winter, in 20-degree frost. It was a video of a more humorous nature, friends approached passers-by with an indecent offer.

The shooting lasted fifteen days, the guys who were not accustomed to this lifestyle were simply shy and overcame their fear of the upcoming situation.

Despite the fact that the video received only 800 views, Nikolai was confident in the future success of his project.

Through the main idea of ​​"Rakamakafo" - Nikolai calls not to be cruel, indifferent and inhuman, showing and revealing the pressing problems of modern society.

People respond well to social projects Sobolev. Although his opinion at the very beginning was different.

Nikolai was sure that he would simply be crushed by a negative reaction.

But after the expiration of time, especially for the first seven months, the guys did not meet any negativity at all.

A year later, Nikolai Sobolev, together with his friend and partner, became the winners of the "TOP 50" of the most famous people Petersburg in 2015.

How much does Nikolai Sobolev earn?

According to WhatStats, the Rakamakafo channel brings in $2,900 - $3,700 a month, and if you divide this amount by 2, it turns out that Nikolay earns $1,450 - $1,850 a month.

In addition to this channel, Nikolai Sobolev is also the host of the Life YouTube channel, which, according to SocialBlade, brings in about $ 2,500 a month.

According to our conservative estimates, it turns out that Nikolay earns from 3900 to 5050 dollars and this is only from an affiliate program.

Charity Mission

It is very difficult sometimes to watch the "divorces" that were invented by Sobolev and his friends. The video "Baby in the Trash" makes the heart beat faster, cry and think about the indifferent trill of youth.

The bottom line is that children's life in our time is not valued and only a few rush to defend it. Nikolai is trying to stir up society, he shows cruel truth, those are the realities.

He receives money from his project, but important point is to convey to people the idea of ​​how everything is running.

You need to be more receptive to other people's problems, especially since everyone is able to help. Sobolev focuses on the fact that a person does not succumb to the syndrome of the crowd, but in any situation remains himself.

A great idea with an evolving staging - new center for orphans. It exists not only in words, but is also confirmed by actions.

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site site. So, a video blogger, one of the creators of the sensational project "Rakamakafo" - Nikolai Sobolev was born on June 18, 1993 in St. Petersburg. Parents saw their child in sports, so from the age of five Kolya was engaged in karate and taekwondo.
Martial arts classes continued until the age of 14, until the teenager was seriously injured.

Sobolev leaves sports activities and for some period takes a great interest computer games.
However, at the age of 16, Nikolai again takes up an active lifestyle and enrolls in gym. He managed to achieve impressive results and even began to seriously think about the career of a coach, but fate decreed otherwise.
A young man at the age of 19 went to work as a vocalist in a cabaret. Sobolev became a regular participant in the show program and has already given professional appearances. This activity brought good money to our hero, and he thought that he had finally found his calling.
However, in the life of Nikolai appeared, with whom he met at the birthday of a common friend. The guys quickly found mutual language and made friends.

Narmania and Sobolev

In 2013, friends are thinking about joint project, the choice fell on creating pranks for YouTube, since at that time there were no worthy representatives of this genre in the Russian segment of video hosting. Sobolev and Guram decide to choose the topic "social experiment" and on March 8 they register the channel "Rakamakafo". Having bought the minimum equipment, the friends started filming. In the first video, the guys tested the reaction of passers-by to the proposal to engage in group intercourse.

Frame from the video "Group Sex" (2014)

A few days later they release a video where they see if people will intervene in a situation where two guys are beating one.

Street Fight (2014)

The works of "Rakamakafo" were not popular and gained little views, but Nikolai and Guram felt that they needed to continue.

Identified (2014)

Fight with a girl (2014)

After a while, the channel gained its audience thanks to scandalous commercials. The presenters admit that the paramount essence of the project is the demonstration of urgent social problems. With their videos, the creators urge not to be indifferent to other people's difficulties.

Man feels bad (2014)

Assault on Veterans (2015)

Gay in a rocking chair (2015)

In October 2015, Sobolev became the face of the YouTube LIFE analytical program (now the channel has been renamed SOBOLEV), where the young man talks about interesting events and video blogging news.
In May 2016, the guy becomes one of the hosts of the Ready Steady Go car show, where the YouTuber, along with Alexander Murataev, shares his impressions of expensive cars.

On June 15, Nikolay challenged "Versus Battle" to a rap competition, but was refused in the form of music video"#kolyakhiter", which went viral on YouTube. Sobolev answered his opponent in his own style, but his video "#DimaNeSSy" received a lot of negative marks.

In the summer, a young man presented his book "YouTube: The Path to Success. How to Get Loads of Likes and Tons of Money", where Nikolai Sobolev shared his experience in creating videos and making money from it.
Guram and Kolya began to practice more and more solo projects, paying less attention to the channel "Rakamakafo", however, on August 10, a video was released where the guys competed who of them would collect the most female phone numbers.

Pickup for speed (2016)

In early February 2017, he records a video for his news channel about the well-known incident with the rape of Diana Shurygina.

After this, the guy is invited to the program "Let them talk", first as a guest, and then as the hero of the program.
Since Diana Shurygina was a very resonant person, participation on Channel One brought Sobolev millions of new subscribers, and his personality also became a little more media than it was before.
Nikolai continues his versatile activities on the network, delighting his subscribers with new, high-quality videos that come out with amazing regularity on his resource.

Preview: YouTube
: ( Official page on Instagram)
: (Official page in VK)
:, freeze frames
: First channel, still pictures
Stills from Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go, YouTube Life and Nikolai Sobolev videos from YouTube video hosting
Personal archive of Nikolai Sobolev

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Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"

Sobolev Nikolai Yurievich was born on June 18, 1993 in northern capital Russia - Saint Petersburg. Kolya was born into a wealthy family. Dad has been an entrepreneur for 15 years. Mom worked for a long time as a pianist at the Mariinsky Theater.

Nikolai Sobolev childhood

From about 5 to 14 years old, Nikolai Sobolev was engaged in karate, but he got tired of karate and the guy took up taekwondo, but at the age of 14 he was injured and could not continue to practice martial arts.

At the age of 12 (at his grandmother's dacha) he began to write a book in the fantasy genre.

By the age of 16 he had grown long hair and became interested in computer games (Ragnarök Online). He poured about 80k rubles into this game. But then Nikolay got his account blocked in the game and online games he stopped.

During his school years he played in the theater.

Nikolai Sobolev after school

At the age of 18, Nikolai Sobolev cut off his long hair.

Entered the Faculty of Economics and Management of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In the first year I became interested in short printing and this hobby lasted for about three years. He participated in all kinds of typing competitions and for all the time he printed about 15k texts. His record was 895 marks / min.

In the second year, Nikolai became interested in bodybuilding. For 2 years of training, Nikolai began to weigh about 100 kg.

In 2014 he performed in a cabaret.

After studying for 5 years, Nikolai received a bachelor's degree and entered the magistracy, but was disappointed and did not stop studying.

Personal life

Nikolai Sobolev is today one of the most popular video bloggers, so Kolya has more than enough fans.

Kolya himself says that he is a serious guy and if he falls in love, then for a long time. The history of his personal life is proof of this. There were not so many girls in Sobolev's life and all relationships were serious (judging by the time criterion).

The first relationship of Nikolai Sobolev began at the age of 16. He began dating a girl named Anna (the relationship lasted 1.5 years).

The second girlfriend of Nikolai Sobolev was Yana Khanikeryan (the relationship lasted 3.5 years).

Yana often appeared in Rakamkafo commercials. Now Yana has a cool instagram yhanikerian and .

How did Nikolai Sobolev meet his girlfriend? With the current girl - Polina Chistyakova, Nikolai met quite by accident on the set of the next video for the Rakamkafo channel. But at the time of the first meeting with Polina, Kolya was in a relationship with Yana.

Only 9 months after meeting (and parting with Yana) Nikolai Sobolev found the very girl who sunk into his soul. Now Nikolai and Polina live together. Polina Chistyakova actively maintains her Instagram _poposha_. Nikolay actively encourages Polina to create her own channel on youtube, but the girl cannot decide on the format.

The couple began dating on June 27, 2015. "Pusya" - so affectionately calls Nikolai Sobolev his Polina.

The same issue where Nikolai Sobolev first met his girlfriend Polina Chistyakova. (time 2.38)

Nikolai Sobolev and YouTube

Nikolai Sobolev became incredibly popular in recent times. Not surprising. The guy managed to promote as many as 3 channels on YouTube. Gain millions of subscribers, touch on a lot of burning topics, plunge into the sea of ​​hate and the sea of ​​fan love.


March 8, 2014 Nikolai Sobolev together with Guram Narmania create a youtube channel with the familiar name "Rakamakafo".

The guys started filming pranks and social videos. The first video is called “Group sex? /Group Sex Prank»

How did Sobolev meet Guram?

“Guram and I met at the birthday party of a mutual friend and became friends. Over time, we realized how similar we are in our outlook on life and sense of humor.”

The popularity of the guys from "rakamakafo" came pretty quickly. A year later, Kolya and Guram became laureates of the "TOP 50" of the most famous people of St. Petersburg in 2015.

The pranksters have been repeatedly accused of staged videos, but they denied everything.

At the end of 2015, the guys begin to embed videos on the rakamakafo channel less and less often and start separate channels on YouTube (Sobolev and Guram Gruzin)

A little more than 100k rubles were spent on the development of the rakamakafo channel

In 2016, the pranksters organized a charity gathering for orphanages. And in a few months they collected about 2 million rubles.

YouTube life. SOBOLEV

October 16, 2015 Nikolai Sobolev, together with the VK community, creates new channel"YouTube Life", where it begins to review the latest news in the blogosphere. In 2016, he changes the name of the channel to "SOBOLEV".

Thus, reorienting the channel to the discussion and criticism of hype topics.

SOBOLEV- this is a purely commercial project, strategically calculated from the very beginning, its every move and every step, as Kolya himself says about the channel.

Nikolai Sobolev on Let them talk with Diana Shurygina
Initially, the channel was gaining popularity smoothly, but at the beginning of 2017, Nikalai succeeded at that time in resonant news about "". After several video reviews and a trip to the “Let them talk” program, the rating of the SOBOLEV channel and the number of subscribers skyrocketed. His channel has become the fastest growing in the world.

Famous prankster, and now the owner own channel Nikolai Sobolev was born on June 19, 1993 under the sign of the zodiac Gemini. Kolya is a sports guy with a height of 183 cm and a weight of about 82-85 kg. He always tries to keep himself in shape, in his teens he practiced karate for a long time and hard.

After graduating from the Polytechnic University, Nikolai began his career as a YouTube blogger in 2014. Together with his friend Guram Narmania, he created the Rakamakafo channel, where the guys posted videos with pranks and social experiments. Today, new videos rarely appear on the channel, although the audience is large and reaches almost 3 million subscribers. The paths of the two friends diverged, Sobolev became the host of the YouTube Life channel and later created his own author's channel.

Now, to reach the mark of three million, Nikolai lacks several thousand subscribers. Its content is quite diverse, most often there are various videos on topical topics, news in the world of YouTube and television, as well as answers to popular questions. In 2016, Nikolai released his book "YouTube: The Path to Success", appeared a couple of times on the program "Let them talk." Sobolev got the nickname #kolyahaiter after an unsuccessful attempt to call his enemy Dmitry Larin to Versus.

AT this moment is in a relationship with Polina Chistyakova.

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