The former soloist of Silver began her solo. Olga Seryabkina leaves the SEREBRO group. Video: exclusive interview with Favorskaya

How do we find out about a lineup change again? On August 28, the group’s producer announced that Polina Favorskaya would soon leave the group.

A post shared by MAXIM FADEEV (@fadeevmaxim) on Aug 28, 2017 at 2:34am PDT

Similar statements were made by the group’s soloists - Olga Seryabkina, Ekaterina Kishchuk and Polina herself:

Screenshot of Polina Favorskaya's Instagram

According to Polina, in early May she began to feel that something was going wrong. She delved into herself for a long time, trying to understand whether it was the deterioration of her relationship with her boyfriend Vitaly, or something else. As a result, the girl realized that she was simply tired and wanted to do something completely different. She decided that she wanted to find herself and her path by traveling, discovering the world and looking for new experiences. Naturally, this would be impossible while remaining in a band that is almost always on tour or in the process of recording new material. A short-term vacation in Bali opened Polina’s eyes.

Polina Favorskaya during her holiday in Bali

I was afraid that he wouldn't understand

According to Polina, the hardest thing was to admit my doubts not to myself, but to Maxim Fadeev, the group’s producer. However, Maxim took Polina’s words favorably, surprised by the unexpected maturity in the desires of his ward. He liked that, being so young, she decided to ask such difficult questions and try to find herself. Fadeev called the premiere of the group’s new track “In Space” a kind of symbolic farewell.

What's next for the group? So far there is no clear answer, neither from the group members, nor from Maxim Fadeev himself. Most likely, after several concerts, when Polina is ready to finally leave the group, a casting will take place or a member will be replaced in some other way. According to Polina, who first gained fame after participating in the TV show “Holidays in Mexico,” it was very difficult for her when she joined the group. Most fans weren't happy new member. However, now the picture has changed. The group's fans are having a hard time with Polina's upcoming departure. Well, many still have a chance to hear the Serebro group in this lineup. As for what will happen to the group next, we’ll see.

The singer has been part of the group since 2014. The reason for her departure was the desire to devote herself to studying meditative practices. Fans have long noticed that Polina talks a lot about life, writes long “philosophical” posts on various life topics. Key point in deciding to terminate creative activity was Polina's trip to Cambodia. There she spent a lot of time studying local life, philosophy, and immersed in meditation.

“This post is not my next philosophical outlet,” wrote Polina. - This is my very important statement. I hope you will feel it to your very heart, because that is what I am addressing now. Our life is a long road, with incredible adventures on a way. She is always unpredictable and, it seems, everything is already clear and understandable, what and where, but every time she presents you with more and more unexpected turns or forks.

And it’s so cool that it’s you who chooses which direction to move next. Silver blood entered me as unexpectedly and incredibly as if I had been told that tomorrow I would fly into space. What did I experience the moment I heard a voice on the phone that said to me: “Polina, we want you to sing in the group SEREBRO”? It's impossible to put into words. I'll just tell you that, at that moment, I was the most happy man in the Universe! And then I realized what really happened to me. I probably found myself in the most “hellish” period of our group. I still can’t imagine how I survived all the bullying from fans... But thanks to this, now there’s very little that can unsettle me and throw me off course.

I have become very strong! Thank you for that! But I couldn’t have survived all this without MY girls: Olya and Dasha, who supported me and taught me, taught me every step! How to behave on stage, how to give interviews and much more. The first performances were like a fog, I didn’t understand anything. But it was this support that helped me not to break, but to grow and become who I am now. Then, standing confidently on stage, the tour began. Tour life- this is generally a separate topic for a whole post)) But, I will say one thing - we went through fire, water and copper pipes, between the three of us there are thousands of memories that are now carefully stored in the form of photos and videos on our phones. Then the time came to part with Dashik. It’s always difficult to let people go, but you have to understand that if life has arranged everything this way, then it has to be so. And Katyukha burst into our lives. Bright, lively, beautiful, and also takes amazing photos! Katya is different, she brought to SEREBRO (for me) a street, such a unique mood! And it was very cool, with her our tours became more exciting and reckless, which sometimes I was not very happy about, because I really like to sleep on tour. It’s very difficult for me to write about Olya, because this person gave me so much... How many nights did we spend talking, lying on the bed in hotel rooms? Can't count. These conversations will forever remain only between us. Our dreams and secrets. I really want everything to come true for Olya. She's incredible.
And now I want to tell you that I began to feel a long time ago, probably back at the end of May, that something was wrong with me. No, don’t think anything like that, I’m not pregnant and I’m not sick! This is probably how Bali influenced me. I began to feel that I needed to change something in my life. At first I thought that the problem was in the relationship, and Nikita and I went through a terrible period. But the main word here is survived! And I again began to delve into myself and look for what this “something wrong” was in my heart. And, having gone to Cambodia and doing meditation there every day, my heart opened to me and I understood everything. I want to know myself. Know your body and mind. Learn to listen to your heart always! Because the heart is the only true guide when you know how to use it! I want to go through various practices! I want to go to India, Tibet, Peru! But this is impossible to do in a group! For 10 days of vacation per year. With these thoughts I spent the remaining days of my vacation, thinking about how to tell Maxim Alexandrovich about this. Will he understand me? Will you feel it? Having gathered my courage upon arrival, I told him everything... I didn’t expect everything to go like this... I was met with such understanding! He told me that it’s very cool when such thoughts come to you at that age. And he said that I should definitely do this. My uncertainty in my own thoughts quickly disappeared, and I realized that I was on the right track. Yes. I'm leaving. No matter how painful it may sound. But please support me. You have no idea how difficult such a decision is. Music is my life. But now I feel that this is what needs to be done. Damn, I’m writing this and tears are dripping onto the screen. That’s it, now I’ll get ready and finish writing! I want to tell you all who supported me from my first days in the SEREBRO group how much I love you and how much I value each of you! Yours kind comments always give me strength and confidence that I am doing everything right. And I promise that I won't disappear anywhere. I will continue to share my thoughts and ideas with you in all information channels! And there are still 2 months of touring with me ahead.”

From the moment when Lena Temnikova left the popular SEREBRO group, quite a lot of time has passed. During this period, the singer managed to get married, become the mother of a charming girl Sashenka, launch a solo project and own business. In a word, the star does not stand still. The team from which she once left is also actively developing. Despite the fact that both the group and Lena herself have been living their own lives for a long time, some details from the past still sometimes emerge. Only two years later Temnikova found the strength to tell the truth about her departure and reveal the details of her collaboration with the production center of Maxim Fadeev.

Let us remember that the famous producer previously stated that his former ward simply set the team up when, unexpectedly for everyone, she decided to leave the group, having found personal happiness. Moreover, everything happened six months before the end of the contract, and therefore Fadeev still had financial claims against the singer. After a while, Lena Temnikova found necessary funds in order to “buy back your freedom.”

Remembering the time when she still sang in composed of SEREBRO, the artist is horrified by the things she had to do. For example, Temnikova cannot forgive the producer for the fact that she, like the other soloists of the group, was gradually “undressed” for filming and performances. In the end, the group gained crazy popularity, but was known as very depraved and liberated. It was not easy for Lena to come to terms with this.

“I felt terrible, I could hardly restrain myself from bursting into tears,” admits the star. - She was a homely girl with complexes - not about sex at all. And Fadeev began to mold us into some kind of sexy “terrorists”, because erotica and scandals sell best. I complained: this is not mine, I’m ashamed. He didn't listen, he said he knew better. On the other hand, a contract is a contract.”

Temnikova cannot forget the PR novels that Temnikova attended at the request of the production center. For example, an alleged love story with Edgard Zapashny was circulated. Reports about Temnikova’s relationship with Fadeev’s brother made no less noise. Lena claims that at first she refused to outright lie to the viewer, but the producer’s threats and attempts to punish her did their job.

“He couldn’t stand disobedience,” says the singer. “I wanted to decide everything for everyone: who to communicate with, how to dress, what time to return home.” I had to constantly report and not let go of the phone around the clock in case it called. I reported what I ate for breakfast, as much as the scales showed, and every time I heard from Max that I was fat and I needed to lose more weight.”

The artist also noted that the producer was categorically against her real novels, explaining this by the fact that this or that love story may adversely affect the reputation of the group. One way or another, Temnikova did not plan to build a serious relationship with one of her suitors - at that time she was completely immersed in work.

Only after meeting her future husband did the artist realize that she had to do everything to free herself from her obligations to the producer. In this matter, the star was helped by her chosen one Dmitry, who not only paid the production center the same penalty that caused a real scandal to break out at the end of 2014, but also supported his beloved.

Analyzing events recent years, ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO, concluded that she greatly offended the team and, probably, that’s why later for a long time is still dealing with the consequences of his departure.

"Why? Don't know. There is one guess though. Many years ago, Maxim invited me to dinner, where he made it clear that he was still young, full of strength and knew how to make me happy. I immediately closed this topic once and for all. Perhaps I offended him with this? - Lena Temnikova reflects in an interview "Caravan of Stories".

Polina Vladimirovna Favorskaya ( real name- Nalivalkina). Born on November 21, 1991 in Volgograd. Russian singer, soloist girl pop group SEREBRO.

Polina Nalivalkina, who became widely known under the creative pseudonym Favorskaya, was born on November 21, 1991 in Volgograd.

When she was 4 years old - in 1995 - the family moved to the Moscow region, to the city of Podolsk.

From the age of seven she began to demonstrate a craving for music and vocals. According to the artist, at first these were home concerts for parents and friends. Then she was sent to a vocal circle, then to a choreographic circle, then she ended up in an ensemble that performed folk songs.

For about 12 years, Polina performed as part of the folk choreographic ensemble "Rainbow", with which she traveled all over Europe.

At the age of 15 she even sang in the opera. At one of her performances, she was noticed by the directors of the Amadeus Theater and offered cooperation.

After school she graduated from the National Research University.

Since 2010, she has been a full-time employee of the Max Fadeev Center.

In 2011, she participated in the Miss HSE beauty contest, entering the final ten.

In 2012 she participated in television shows“Mom, I want to become a star” and “Love at first sight.” But she became especially widely famous as a participant scandalous show"Holidays in Mexico".

In 2014, Polina was invited as a singer in the group SEREBRO- to replace someone who left the team.

On June 6, 2014, at the Muz-TV 2014 “Gravity” award (at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex), the group with Polina performed the composition “You Are Not Enough,” which became a hit.

Together with the group, Polina participated in the recording of the album “The Power of Three,” which was released in 2016.

Polina’s credits include filming in the SEREBRO group’s music videos for the compositions “Kiss”, “Confused”, “Let Me Go”, “Chocolate”, “Broken”.


At the end of August 2017, Max Fadeev announced that. "There will be changes in the SEREBRO group. Namely, Polina is leaving the group... She decided to try herself in different directions. And I’m very happy for her!” Fadeev wrote on social networks.

Polina Favorskaya's height: 164 centimeters.

Personal life of Polina Favorskaya:

She was in a relationship with singer, musician and producer Val Nikolsky. Their romance began in 2012, when the couple participated in the show “Vacations in Mexico.” They broke all records of popularity: they had a noisy scandal on air, made peace, declared their love and even got married as part of a television project - they were led to the altar.

According to Nikolsky, he was going to act as Polina’s producer: “I came up with the concept for her solo project, began to invest in recording songs, buying expensive arrangements. This took quite a lot of my time, effort and money." But immediately after the end of the scandalous show “Vacations in Mexico,” Polina left Val for the group SEREBRO.

According to Nikolsky, he did not even imagine that his wife dreams of working with Maxim Fadeev and is seriously applying for a vacant position in popular group: “Polina secretly went to the casting, having successfully passed it, signed a contract and even changed her last name without telling me about it... Polina kept me completely in the dark, I purely by chance guessed that something was happening after seeing the case with symbols of the group "Silver" on her phone!

Since 2015, she has been in a relationship with businessman from Perm Nikita Volosnikov. He graduated from the Faculty of Business and Management, has his own startup in the field of IT technologies, and is interested in surfing and the philosophy of Buddhism. In May 2016, Nikita gave Polina a luxury car.

Discography of Polina Favorskaya (SEREBRO):

2016 - The Power of Three

Singles by Polina Favorskaya (SEREBRO):

2015 - Kiss/Kiss
2015 Confused
2015 Blood Diamond (feat. Yellow Claw)
2016 Let go
2016 Chocolate/Chocolate
2016 Broken
2016 Heart of Tomboys/OST “Tomboys”

Video clips of Polina Favorskaya (SEREBRO):

2015 - Kiss
2015 - Confused
2016 - Let me go
2016 - Chocolate
2016 - Broken

Producer Maxim Fadeev said that in the group SEREBRO there were personnel changes— Polina Favorskaya leaves the team. The reason for leaving the group was the desire to devote myself to studying meditative practices.

IN The singer's Instagram You can often find posts in which the artist talks about philosophical topics: about the meaning of life, love, partings, happiness... Recently, the beauty went to Cambodia and, upon returning home, decided that she would start getting to know herself. Polina also spoke about her departure in a photo blog, writing a large and emotional post.


“This post is not my next philosophical outburst. This is my very important statement. I hope you will feel it to your very heart, because that is what I am addressing now. Our life is a long road, with incredible adventures along the way. She is always unpredictable, and everything seems to be clear and understandable, what and where, but every time she presents you with more and more unexpected turns or forks.

And it’s so cool that it’s you who chooses which direction to move next. Silver blood entered me as unexpectedly and incredibly as if I had been told that tomorrow I would fly into space. What did I experience the moment I heard a voice on the phone that said to me: “Polina, we want you to sing in the group SEREBRO?” It's impossible to put into words. I’ll just tell you that, at that moment, I was the happiest person in the Universe! And then I realized what really happened to me. I probably found myself in the most “hellish” period of our group. I still can’t imagine how I survived all the bullying from fans... But thanks to this, now there’s very little that can unsettle me and throw me off course.

I have become very strong! Thank you for that! But I couldn’t have survived all this without MY girls: Olya and Dasha, who supported me and taught me, taught me every step! How to behave on stage, how to give interviews and much more. The first performances were like a fog, I didn’t understand anything. But it was this support that helped me not to break, but to grow and become who I am now. Then, standing confidently on stage, the tour began. Touring life is a separate topic for a whole post. But I will say one thing - we went through fire, water and copper pipes, between the three of us there are thousands of memories that are now carefully stored in the form of photos and videos on our phones.<…>

And now I want to tell you that I began to feel a long time ago, probably back at the end of May, that something was wrong with me/ No, don’t think anything like that, I’m not pregnant and I’m not sick! This is probably how Bali influenced me. I began to feel that I needed to change something in my life. At first I thought that the problem was in the relationship, and Nikita and I went through a terrible period. But the main word here is survived! And I again began to delve into myself and look for what this “something wrong” was in my heart. And, having gone to Cambodia and doing meditation there every day, my heart opened to me and I understood everything. I want to know myself. Know your body and mind. Learn to listen to your heart always! Because the heart is the only true guide when you know how to use it! I want to go through various practices! I want to go to India, Tibet, Peru! But this is impossible to do in a group! For 10 days of vacation per year. With these thoughts I spent the remaining days of my vacation, thinking about how to tell Maxim Alexandrovich about this. Will he understand me? Will you feel it? Having gathered my courage upon arrival, I told him everything... I didn’t expect that everything would go like this... I was met with such understanding! He told me that it’s very cool when such thoughts come to you at that age. And he said that I should definitely do this. My uncertainty in my own thoughts quickly disappeared, and I realized that I was on the right track. Yes. I'm leaving. No matter how painful it may sound. But please support me. You have no idea how difficult such a decision is. Music is my life. But now I feel that this is what needs to be done. Damn, I’m writing this and tears are dripping onto the screen. That’s it, now I’ll get ready and finish writing! I want to tell you all who supported me from my first days in the SEREBRO group how much I love you and how much I value each of you! Your kind comments always give me strength and confidence that I am doing everything right. And I promise that I won't disappear anywhere. I will continue to share my thoughts and ideas with you in all information channels! And there are still 2 months of touring with me ahead,” wrote Polina (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. — Note edit.).

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